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    The Europe of the people has never existed, and until there is, in all European countries, a victory in the elections, of DirectDemocracyS, our true innovation, it can never exist.

    Let's make some history.

    Everyone knows the history of the European Union, born as the European Economic Community, with the Treaty of Rome of 25 March 1957,...

    The Europe of the people has never existed, and until there is, in all European countries, a victory in the elections, of DirectDemocracyS, our true innovation, it can never exist.

    Let's make some history.

    Everyone knows the history of the European Union, born as the European Economic Community, with the Treaty of Rome of 25 March 1957, during a long process of integration, with the accession of new member states and the signing of numerous amending treaties, including the Maastricht Treaty of 1992, took on its current structure with the Lisbon Treaty of 2007. The Treaties of Rome of 1957 ratified the establishment of the EEC, together with the European Atomic Energy Community (also known as Euratom). The European Coal and Steel Community ( ECSC ) was, however, previously established with the Treaty of Paris of 1951.

    So everything was born, on business, on finance, and not on the real and just integration and collaboration of peoples. There is nothing political, nothing useful for the people, only financial and economic interests. Traditional finance and economics have always accustomed us to lies, therefore the affirmation according to which the ECSC and the EEC before, and the current EU, have kept the peace, in our continent, after the disaster, caused by the Nazi and fascist regimes of World War II, is one of their usual lies. It is not only thanks to the Europe of finance that there have been no wars, but if we think about it, there has always been some war in Europe. In addition to the inter-ethnic one, in the former Yugoslavia, the current invasion of Russia, in Ukraine, there have always been diplomatic "battles", on various issues (eg migrants), and on issues of national economic interest.

    However, if we consider their interests, the affirmation of the prevention of wars is useful, to make everyone become deeply and convinced pro-Europeans.

    How big is Europe? Or rather, how small it is.

    The natural border of Europe is largely made up of sea: it is bounded to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the west by the Atlantic Ocean and to the south by the Mediterranean and Black Seas. To the east, however, the concept of Europe, it gradually fades into Asia, and is defined only along conventional lines, many of which fall within Russian territory. To the east, Europe has territorial continuity with Asia. The land border between the two continents is conventional, and falls mostly in Russia, and for a shorter stretch in Kazakhstan. The demarcation line starts from the Arctic Ocean, then follows the Ural Mountains, the course of the Ural River, the north-western coast of the Caspian Sea, the depression of the Kuma-Manyč, and finally arrives at the mouth of the Don River, in the Sea of Azov. In Russia, and in Kazakhstan there are dozens of monuments, which signal the Europe-Asia border, along the Ural watershed, the Ural river, and the Kuma-Manych depression; the first were erected in the 1830s.

    In the beginning, there were only a few countries Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Ireland, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Portugal.

    So a small but highly developed western area of the European continent.

    Countries of the European Union.

    1 January 1958: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands (6 members)

    1 January 1973: United Kingdom United Kingdom, Denmark and Ireland (9 members)

    1 January 1981: Greece (10 members)

    January 1, 1986: Portugal and Spain (12 members)

    1 January 1995: Austria, Sweden and Finland (15 members)

    May 1, 2004: Cyprus, Malta, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Czech Rep. Czech Rep. and Slovenia (25 members)

    January 1, 2007: Romania and Bulgaria (27 members)

    1 July 2013: Croatia (28 members)

    February 1, 2020 CET: UK exit United Kingdom (27 members)

    Schengen Agreement countries (free movement at borders)

    Since 1995: Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Portugal and Spain (7 countries)

    Since 1997: Italy (8 countries)

    Since 1998: Austria (9 countries)

    Since 2000: Greece (10 countries)

    Since 2001: Denmark, Sweden, Finland, plus Norway and Iceland (non-EU) (15 countries)

    Since 2007: Czech Rep. Czech Rep., Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Slovenia for land and sea borders (24 countries)

    Since 2008: Switzerland (not part of the European Union) and for airport checks of the 9 countries that joined the Schengen agreements the year before (25 countries)

    The only member of the European Union that has not joined the enhanced Schengen cooperation is Ireland Ireland, while in Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria and Cyprus the treaty has not yet entered into force.

    Countries that have adopted the euro

    1 January 2002: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Greece, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain (12 countries)

    1 January 2007: Slovenia (13 countries)

    1 January 2008: Cyprus and Malta (15 countries)

    1 January 2009: Slovakia (16 countries)

    1 January 2011: Estonia (17 countries)

    1 January 2014: Latvia (18 countries)

    1 January 2015: Lithuania (19 countries)

    The only country. of European Union. which has an opt-out regarding the adoption of the euro is Denmark, while Sweden. it does not have an opt-out clause but enforces it "de facto".

    Candidate countries to join the European Union.

    Albania, North Macedonia, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine.

    Slowly, slowly, other countries were "welcomed", but only those that were "convenient" at a given time.

    Because no one has ever said that the European Union welcomes everyone with open arms.

    If finance , and the economy, do not have immediate interests, or, if they are not prepared, to absorb their economies, acquiring, incorporating, and often destroying the economies of the various member countries, they have managed to make everyone, economically, EU employees.

    We were amazed by the great imagination of the motivations used to accept or to refuse various countries in various periods.

    For those who believed in it, they were all right, after all, the old finance, the old economy, and the old politics, they never lied, for their own interests. Excuse us, we feel like laughing, even writing it.

    The old finance, the old economy, and the old politics base their power on the almost total manipulation and control of people, through the media and the press, almost all lined up in favor of economic interests.

    Someone, as you may have noticed, has withdrawn over time, like the United Kingdom, someone, was thinking about it, even before (Greece), but when you are under financial blackmail, they make you fail, if you just try, to raise your head.

    The incapable economists will accuse us that we are against traditional finance, economics and politics, therefore it is in our interest to write certain things. You are absolutely right, it is in our interest, as it is: to be against the lies, injustices, blackmail, crimes, and inequalities, which have always characterized the old systems. Seeing all the injustices, we have been forced, and we are doing it, to create innovations and new ways forward, certainly not going against the old, but offering the new. Are we the superheroes of politics? No, we do what we consider a duty towards the world's population, especially the exploited and mistreated one.

    We could write for hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, about all the atrocities and disgusting behaviors of these bureaucrats, but we prefer to tell you what we will do as soon as possible.

    With all the love, and respect, for the French and German people, the European Union has managed to fulfill, and craftily realize, the dream of Napoleon and Hitler, to create a European Commission, which practically since alone, manages an entire continent. The Parliament, the Council of the EU, and the Commission have decision-making powers, of a regulatory nature, and act in a coordinated manner. As a rule, it is up to the Commission to propose new rules, while it is up to the Parliament and the Council to adopt them. The tasks are divided, one appointed by the Governments proposes the Laws, and the Parliament elected by the peoples must adopt them. It doesn't say, and it's almost impossible, that certain rules can be rejected. The European Commission is one of the main institutions of the European Union, its executive body, and promoter of the legislative process. It is made up of delegates (one for each Member State of the European Union, called Commissioner), each of whom is required the maximum decision-making independence, by the national government that has indicated him (it seems to us a comic phrase). It has its headquarters in the Berlaymont Palace in Brussels.

    Represents and protects the interests of the European Union as a whole (with clear preferences for certain countries) and having the monopoly of power, legislative initiative (seems dangerous to us), proposes the adoption of EU legislative acts, whose ultimate approval lies with the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union; it is also responsible for the implementation of political decisions by the legislative bodies, manages EU programs and the expenditure of its structural funds. Do you understand how much power, all in the hands of a chosen few? Did you notice: it manages EU programs and its structural funds spending. So economically, all countries have to do their bidding, from the point of view of programs, and economic activities.

    To understand the effects of the various decisions, you just need to do like us, a group of analysis, for each decision, to understand, who has gained, and who has lost, you will be surprised, and maybe pissed, to see the results. When the time is right, we'll let everyone know about them.

    Our solutions.

    For the world.

    Create the world organization of peoples, and not the UN, which counts for nothing. Our organization will be legitimate, because voted and managed by the people, and not chosen and influenced by the Governments. Each people will choose, through the vote, only one representative. And there will be no veto right.

    For peace.

    Create a military alliance, of all the peoples of the earth, encompassing all the divisive alliances, for the imposition of peace, voted, and managed by all the peoples of the earth. Each people will choose, through the vote, only one representative. And there will be no veto right.

    For Europe.

    To create a complete Europe, in which all the peoples of Europe are represented, and not just those, chosen on the basis of the economy. Each people will choose, through the vote, only one representative. And there will be no veto right.

    In all our 3 peoples' organizations, all the countries will be included, which will talk to each other, and will find solutions, together, based on mutual respect, of all people, because, if we leave everything, in the hands of the many criminals, powerful, who lead, control, and manage the world now, we will never have a different, better world.

    Before receiving the judicial actions, anyone intending to sue us, read some newspapers, from December 2022, in which, prominent members of the European institutions, and NGOs connected to them, were surprised, with whole bags of money at home, received , from very rich countries, to favor interests outside Europe. Many are under investigation for corruption, some even in prison for similar offences.

    Many analysts and specialists tell us that it is only the tip of the iceberg, and if the culprits do not take steps to cover up the various tests and terminate the investigations, there could be big surprises and unforeseen developments.

    We are not interested in specifying, that they are almost all, characters from the left, we are sure that all the old politics, has within it, people under investigation, and above all convicted, definitively, for even very serious crimes.

    We would be jackals, taking advantage of the evils of politics, to show everyone how different and better we are. Instead we take this opportunity to tell you a few things.

    Because in our opinion, taking advantage of the roles of political representative, to earn, by stealing, cheating, and betraying, not only one's own constituents, but national institutions, and in this case continental ones, is execrable behavior.

    Of us, our members, and our political representatives, no one can say: they lied, they stole, they cheated, they were accused, wanted, investigated, or convicted.

    And we tell you a secret, they will never tell it, because we ourselves will control, right down to our underwear, each of our users, each of his family members, collaborators, friends, or contacts, who carry out official activities, on our behalf, or on our behalf. voters.

    And we solemnly swear, and we always keep our oaths, and promises, that we ourselves will report everything suspicious to the competent authorities, to carry out all the checks. Even with the risk of losing votes, consents, elections, or of being self-harming.

    Because , if you keep your spine straight, and are always sincere, voters understand good intentions. And then we are certain that in the future, there will be infiltrators who will have anti-social behaviors, to discredit us, but we will do everything to anticipate their moves.

    Many will accuse us, that we are bad guys, extremists, dictators, and that we use our special security groups, for all the necessary checks, to prevent people from… sorry, we do not apologize, if we will be oppressive, and obsessed with checks, if these, will recover money, unjustly earned, or will highlight possible illegal activities.

    If a person is honest, sincere, and carries out all his duties, and every job, with us, in an ethical way, respecting all our rules, he has nothing to fear.

    Politics, for us, is a serious matter, as is respect for the law.

    On everyone's part, whoever makes a mistake must pay, down to the last cent, with the relative interest. There are no excuses, or exceptions, whoever makes a mistake pays. If the Justice says that they will have to pay, with prison, we will never ask for sentence reductions for them.

    Let's face it, few things are worse than theft and favouritism. Deceiving people's trust, not keeping promises, cheating, discrediting, accusing the adversary, the old politics, almost all of it, has got us used to everything.

    We will do everything to be different and better.

    The different and better world will have no preference for a country or a population, it will not only look at the gains of a few countries, or often a few people, but will help everyone, always starting with the weakest, and with people , businesses, or entire populations most in difficulty.

    Our Europe.

    When, in many countries, you want to pass Laws or regulations that are difficult for the citizens to bear, you always say: Europe is asking us for it, we often say: Europe imposes it on us.

    But it is enough to read up a bit to understand that Europe, which should treat all peoples and all countries with the same respect, is in many cases dominated by the financial and economic powers which, by controlling almost all politics, it is basically controlled by 2 degrees countries. France and Germany dictate the rules for everyone, based on their own interests. Which is legitimate, for the interests of the 2 countries, but it is not fair towards the others. Europe must not suffer blackmail, and controls, from the economic and financial spheres, but must decide without preferences, respecting all peoples, and all countries, equally.

    There are countries, which have seen their economies devastated, destroyed, only to be plundered by commercial companies, with the help of politicians. They have been doing it for many years, and the poor citizens suffer in silence, because they are often political representatives, in their respective countries, as accomplices of these disgusting characters.

    We are certain of what we write, and if someone is curious to know certain information, he can inform himself, or he can request certain documents, from the various institutions.

    We do not make precise accusations, for the simple fact, that Justice must take its course, and it is not up to us, at this moment, to investigate. But we will do it at the right time, not for revenge, but for a matter of Justice.

    In every country, all over the world, as soon as we take power, from our political representatives, by winning elections, the people will know, from their political representatives, exactly every truth that has been kept hidden.

    Ours is not a threat, but an oath.

    We are sure that many people, even respected ones, when the various activities and various secrets are discovered, will have to give many explanations.

    Too many people suffer from thirst, hunger, or disease, too many are poor, cold, and often die, while characters of dubious morality, often criminals, decide about their present and their future. Populations suffer, and politicians are rich bosses who, with their own parties, often live in luxury.

    Many make political projects, even interesting ones, and then ally themselves with the political, economic, and financial "powers", for interest, and for money.

    We are the only alliance, we make it with our constituents, and with all our users.

    We guarantee you that we are incorruptible, for the simple fact that by respecting our rules and our method, no one will be able to be smart.

    The human being has a natural thirst for power, wants wealth at all costs, changing and improving this mentality will perhaps be our most difficult challenge. But we are sure we can do it, by changing and improving the way we work, putting into practice our innovative method and our strict but fair rules.

    In our other articles, we talk about the United States, and many other countries, even in detail.

    We report what doesn't seem right to us, and we give our solutions.

    People will choose whether we are the best or not, but you can bet we can never do worse than the old politics, the old finance, and the old economy. We will certainly be more just, free, democratic, putting into practice: equality of opportunity, and meritocracy. 

    1.   15 December 2022
    2.   International politics

    Our strict rules, our unique style, our immense innovation, and our winning mentality are often misunderstood.

    Although we have been clear from the beginning about what we are doing, why we are doing it, and how we are doing it, many people, even many of those, who have joined us, find it very difficult to know and understand , all that we...

    Our strict rules, our unique style, our immense innovation, and our winning mentality are often misunderstood.

    Although we have been clear from the beginning about what we are doing, why we are doing it, and how we are doing it, many people, even many of those, who have joined us, find it very difficult to know and understand , all that we explain.

    We have already explained, several times, why we are so detailed, and we owe you one more explanation. Often we are forced to give you a few details, so as not to have to write articles that are really too long. In addition to a good bookmark, to read the longer ones, you need a lot of patience, an open mind, and a lot of good will, to know and understand many fundamental aspects of our innovative political project. Very often, we invite you to read, even many times, all of our articles, knowing that understanding our enormous potential is not simple, or even immediate, to understand.

    You only see, the tip of the iceberg, why hundreds of working groups, made up of hundreds, or often thousands of people, for almost a year, have been carrying out what 5 people at the beginning, and 282 people, for over 15 years, they created, with a lot of work, immense. And every person who joins us, or who will, in the future, will make their own contribution, with their own ideas, and with their own projects, to achieve everything together.

    For some months, we have even created a working group, made up of almost 200 people, to summarize, the various concepts, and select, the definitive things to publish, which actively collaborates, with the analysis group, of the work of the groups ( present since the beginning of our activities), currently made up of thousands of people. 2 groups, and thousands of members, just to analyze, and summarize, the work, of hundreds of working groups, all made up of hundreds, and often thousands of people.

    At first glance, anyone who analyzes our website may believe that we are very detailed, but basically our concepts are presented in a synthetic way, as if to hide something. We do not hide absolutely anything, but we guarantee each of our users the possibility of working anonymously, respecting all the privacy settings chosen by anyone who joins us.

    We have already talked about the various theories, even strange about us, that are circulating, to which our group of analyzes of falsehoods will promptly respond. Don't be surprised, for the existence of such a group, we have one, also to respond, to conspiracy theories, because we know, what awaits us. They will invent strange theories. We will always try to respond promptly, with facts, and with the truth, to the falsehoods that they will say about us. Preventing, and responding to, any attempt to discredit us is the job of our prediction-and-response groups. You will have understood, in a few sentences, how we work, and how we like to anticipate and solve all possible sabotage activities.

    To those who accuse us, that we are constantly concerned about safety, and to prevent all possible sabotage, we simply say, that it is normal, having foreseen everything. It is certainly not victimhood, but realism.

    We often like to say that we are practically perfect, because we have a working group, to look for any defects, and other groups to correct them, but also other working groups, to maintain our values, ideals, and principles. And even groups, to connect and inform the various groups. In a nutshell, we have created a mechanism that works, thanks to the huge number of people who, in working groups, make us unassailable. This method is the only one that can make such a large project fit together and work perfectly. Each person, and each group, is doing exactly and only their job. They are free and independent, but they make up one huge mechanism. Obviously, there are users, who participate in multiple groups, we initially recommend a maximum of 3 groups, to then increase, or reduce, their contribution, and the numbers of work groups, based on free time, and to your own will.

    These other phrases are to demonstrate what each of us knows, that is , that we are all free, and that the obligations are very few, and bearable. One of our obligations is to promise to do only the work that can be done, and to do it in the best possible way, respecting all our rules, with the aim of being useful to our projects, and to the entire population.

    Making you understand, our mechanism, is essential, not so much to justify our every behavior, but to introduce the theme of this article. The mentality.

    One of the most recurring phrases on social networks, on websites, and even among people who chat on the street is: trust me, I think with my head! Anyone who says this sentence is a liar. Anyone who believes it is delusional. While anyone who has, at least 2 functioning neurons, to hear it, can only laugh.

    I think with my head, it's the most beautiful, comical, false, and surreal, joke, and affirmation, in the history of man.

    All the inhabitants of the earth are influenced, in each of their decisions, by external factors, and by internal factors. Recent studies, confirmed by our experts, tell us, demonstrating it clearly, that less than 2% of what we decide comes from our reasoning. We could make a book of hundreds of pages of examples that confirm our statement. Just think of all the philosophical and psychological aspects that determine one's character and way of thinking, all influenced by various factors, often one a consequence of another, also based on random decisions. Open-minded insiders will understand what we are talking about in a "shameful" (as short and superficial) summary of fundamental concepts.

    Simply put, everything we do, everything we say, is dictated by the various situations we find ourselves in. If something goes well for us, we make choices and affirmations of a certain type, if instead something goes wrong, in an understandable way, we try to find the culprits, which are usually not ourselves.

    So let's blame politics, forgetting that politics is the exact mirror of society and of the voters who vote. And those, who do not express themselves, abstain, because they do not identify themselves, in any political force, and in any political representative, are twice losers, the first, because they leave to others the right to decide for their own place, the second, because they don't know how to choose, the "lesser evil".

    We also like to blame those who are rich and famous, almost with a morbid hope that things will go wrong for them, and they will lose both fame and wealth, which they have, and we don't have. We do it, with social hatred, spewing on social networks, our frustrations, our insults, our threats. Sometimes with tragic outcomes, or with convictions, by justice.

    We like to blame the political, financial and economic system, which despite having many faults, survives only thanks to each of us, individually and in groups, divided and often divisive. So we organize ourselves, all together, in projects on social networks, destined to fail, to fight and defeat the old system in a head-on collision, lost from the start. We, at DirectDemocracyS, and all our related projects, are truly brilliant, because we knew we could not change and improve the political, financial, and economic system by being part of it, or by colliding directly with it. They have centuries, often millennia of history, in which they have made themselves unbeatable. Our winning idea is to create everything, from the ground up, to then offer everyone credible, just, real, and ethically correct alternatives to what exists. In this way, each person will choose the best of the various possibilities.

    And we couldn't do it, with their own rules, with their means, and with their style. We had to innovate, and recreate everything. And we have done it well, and we will continue to do so.

    Above all, we had to have our mentality, new, just, based on logic, common sense, truth, and for the first time in the world, allowing each person to be able to decide and count for something in politics , finance, and in the economy. Being masters, and decisive, in all our choices, is a prerogative of anyone who joins us.

    Finally, we like to conveniently blame all of the world's ills on the majority of the population, whom we deem stupid, ignorant, misinformed, and guilty, of all the ills of the earth, including, our own personal failures. Our representatives, on social networks, to those who insult someone, with phrases such as: you are a sheep, follow the herd, or, let yourself be manipulated, they brainwash you, ask: but where do you get information, what do you know all the truths? Do you know what they answer? Nothing, because they know that they, too, are exactly manipulated, and undergo the same brainwashing, as the people just accused. All of us, we inform ourselves only, where they tell us, all the things we like to hear, only in places, which confirm, our frustrations, but also in places where, conspiracies, and theories, without real basis, confirm the our crazy theories. As one of our creators says: we drink only in the sources from which our ignorance and our possibility of verbal revenge flow.

    There are political forces that survive, only thanks to these psychological factors, and that gather consensus, and votes, only thanks to this serious pathology, the idea of having understood everything, of knowing everything, and of having all the information right, compared to the falsehoods, and the lies that follow, the less informed. But whoever considers, other uninformed people, ask themselves, where do the certainties of the things they know come from?

    Information, the press and modern communication do not help us, being often biased and rooting for one or another political force, and rarely for the truth. However, I contribute to the worldwide brainwashing of having so many people divided, and never a unitary project.

    Many political forces exploit the media and controlled information to carry out a real brainwashing, making fragile minds, especially those in difficulty, believe that they are offering them the "absolute truth", throwing wood on the fire , of one's hatred, for others, especially against, the luckier ones.

    We, will never exploit, credulity, ignorance, fragility, and stupidity, popular. We will never use these tricks to gain consensus. We will not tell lies, making promises or gifts to get votes. But we have already talked about these aspects, political style, and various ethical aspects, and will talk about them in the future, in detail, because it is important to understand, how we behave, that we are innovative, compared to the old politics, which almost always manipulates, deceives, betrays, lies, and does not respect the "agreements" with its constituents.

    Since we have search engines, we think we have all the truths, because we just need to do a little research, and we find a lot of information, which confirms, all those we select, our mental discomfort, and feeds our hatred. We have said it several times, on the net you can find everything, from the truth, to lies, passing through half-truths, and half-lies. Usually the results that satisfy us are only those that confirm what we think, and we tend to consider all the lies we read to be absolute truth. With so much information, we no longer know how to distinguish the true from the false, and with the hate they teach us, we no longer even know how to distinguish good from evil, what is right from what is wrong.

    All this essential speech, to make everyone understand, that in the world, no one thinks, with their own head, but that each of us chooses which truth is closest to our own way of being, and of thinking. Ascertained, that we all think, with the mind of others, and that we are all manipulated, and influenced, in our every decision, we must choose, with great attention, by whom we prefer, to be manipulated.

    You must note that we do not tell you: choose us, because we will not manipulate you, and we will make you think, finally with your own heads. It would be false, and to lie to one's potential voters, one's potential members, would be shameful for us, and it would rightly make us compare ourselves to the old, bankruptcy policy.

    For DirectDemocracyS, and for all related projects, there is only one truth, there must be no lies, and falsehoods.

    Even if involuntarily, by reading our articles and respecting our rules, you will all be manipulated and influenced by our method and our innovations.

    But there are 2 types of manipulations, those with the sole purpose of determining your choices, thus a voluntary manipulation, and our unintentional manipulation. The first, therefore theirs, the old one, is aimed at offering the political, financial, and economic forces, power, wealth, and control. The second, ours, innovation, the new one, was born, and will live forever, to give all people, united, in diversity, power, wealth, and control.

    You will have noticed, the huge difference, and the ultimate purpose, between what is now, and what will soon be, with us.

    You can choose to have a mentality, completely wrong, determined to make others rich and feel good, the usual ones, who have controlled you, and control you now. Or, you can choose the new, innovative, alternative path, in which every choice, every control, every decision, and therefore every wealth, and all the power, belongs to you.

    We conclude this article with an anecdote.

    A few days ago, we were joined by a university professor, from a famous and important university, who has written many books, an expert, on a world level of politics, whom we officially invited to join us. We invited him, offering him many advantages, and facilitations, on a meritocratic basis, with our methodology, to have the best join us, above all, in the early stages, to always be better. As soon as he joined some of our political working groups, in addition to complimenting us on the excellent organization, and showering us with compliments, he also saw some of our future texts, articles, current events, but also instructions and information, over U.S.

    After having read, analyzed and studied them, he asked us: will they be published in the future?

    One of our collaborators replied: soon, they will be published.

    And he replied: it is a very serious mistake, the articles all contain true statements, but if we make them public, they will make us lose a lot of consensus, we must be very careful, to attract as many people as possible. Hiding certain information can make us win the various elections sooner and more easily.

    Here, dear friends, is the proof that we are innovative and have our own original mentality.

    We answer them publicly.

    Dear professor, we will win the elections, all over the world, with enormous percentages, only and exclusively, because we are not interested in losing consensus, in order to publish the truth. By maintaining this conduct, telling the truth, even unpleasant, all people will be able to trust us, and the trust, of their constituents, who are almost all of us, our official members, therefore all are part of our immense family , will allow us, to always be credible, appreciated, and voted for, on an ongoing basis.

    If a university professor, an expert in politics, with a glorious past, while reading all our information, has not understood our mentality, and has not been able to fully understand our methodology, it means that we are truly original and innovative . Therefore, we shouldn't be surprised if less experienced people will struggle enormously to understand our immense potential. You ask yourself: does this mean that we are destined not to be understood? Are we doomed to defeat? Our answer, based on precise calculations, is that by dint of reading our articles, sooner or later everyone will understand us, and that we are doomed to win, but that victory will never be easy, and it will take a long time, and hard work, by everyone.

    So, in summary, you, who have read this whole article, have you already understood and decided who you want to be manipulated by? Do you want to be protagonist, owner, and master, with us, or do you want to be powerless, succubus, and servant, with the old politics? Perhaps, thanks to these explanations, even the least optimistic of us have understood that thanks to our work, all united, there is not even a tiny possibility of failing.

    We advise you to read the article, which will explain how we influence people's way of thinking, with what methods, and above all with what purposes. Because you can bet, no one thinks with their own head, but just choose the best head, from which to be positively influenced, and everything will be fine.

    1.   15 December 2022
    2.   Our Philosophies

    On Saturday 10 December 2022, and Sunday 11 December 2022, our Special Security Group officially but confidentially contacted some of the most influential political experts worldwide.

    The list of the "chosen ones" is based on the evaluations of important websites which, on the basis of their algorithms, have published a sort of classification...

    On Saturday 10 December 2022, and Sunday 11 December 2022, our Special Security Group officially but confidentially contacted some of the most influential political experts worldwide.

    The list of the "chosen ones" is based on the evaluations of important websites which, on the basis of their algorithms, have published a sort of classification which we have used to "try to attract them" to our political organization, offering them, rightly, many advantages, and facilities.

    While leaving them the time to decide if and when to respond, our security groups specified that the offer was valid for 48 hours.

    Some occasions only come once in a lifetime, and we are not the kind of people who like to waste time. If we say something, we keep it, if we give a deadline, we don't extend it.

    Some of these experts responded immediately, and positively, others, the majority, did not, others will do so in the future, positively, or negatively.

    When we speak of experts, we speak of professors, of very important universities, with many published books, who enjoy, and can boast, an enviable Curriculum Vitae. We are certainly not referring, in this case, to political representatives and members of other political forces.

    Our invitation was clear, detailed, individual, unique, unrepeatable, and with easily understandable reasons. Having the best with us, to continue to be the best.

    Many of these professors, policy specialists, will have secretaries or collaborators who may not have taken into consideration our message, sent by e-mail, perhaps they may have deleted it without even reading it.

    You know very well that we are presumptuous, that we believe in it, having all the reasons, the best, in everything we do, from politics, to the economy, to finance, and all the various activities that we are carrying out.

    But we are writing this article to talk about a very serious phenomenon that exists in every sector. The superficiality, and the little attention to every detail, by both the "great experts" and their valid, but not very attentive, collaborators.

    The example of the Italian experiment.

    In the spring of 2021, our Italian collaborators, who numbered a few dozen, not thousands like now, tried to draw up, and send to the main Italian media, a press release from DirectDemocracyS, which at the time it had an s ending, and neither, a website ending in .org. In this brief press release, we explained some of our prerogatives, some important concepts, and some possible questions, and some of our answers. This message, sent to the press, and to the media, at the Italian national level, by e-mail, has not received, not even a reply.

    Now we ask ourselves: how many directors, big shots, people, with the power to decide whether to publish something, or not, but also simply decide whether or not to respond to our message, have actually received, and read, our press release press.

    We knew that they would certainly not have published a single line of our press release number 1, but our "test" was used to understand how these "communication channels" and information work.

    It would have been normal for a collaborator to read, and perhaps summarize in a few lines, our press release, and warn their "bosses", that they had received it, from a then small group of "madmen", who they wanted to change and improve the world, starting with a political project, strange, perhaps utopian, but certainly one with enormous potential.

    Just as it would have been normal for an editorial manager to bring this message of ours to his managing director simply to "do his job well".

    Perhaps nobody is interested in the birth of DirectDemocracyS, or it could be of interest to someone, and in that case, by not publishing anything, some people have been deprived of the right to be informed.

    Many editors or editors will tell us: we don't publish anything from small, tiny organizations like yours. Or they will tell us: your news is not of interest to everyone, but only to a few "crazy", like you. In both cases, they are absolutely right, everyone has their own interests, after all, we could somehow annoy some important, powerful people and organizations and simply publish something that could highlight our ideas , could prove to be harmful to the career, in some cases dangerous.

    Let's leave out the ethical aspect of the duty to inform, but does it seem right to you, not to publish a single word? Does it seem right to you not to reply, not even with a short message, to our press release? Perhaps, because, they would have had to invent some excuse, or "straight-crazing" motivation, not to publish anything.

    We, at DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, are not only presumptuous, we are also proud, and proud of our work.

    We are small, indeed, then we were tiny, but it is not difficult, nowadays, to grow, making ourselves known around, even without the collaboration, of any newspaper, radio, TV, or means of communication, and traditional "information" . When we're ready to grow and make all our activities known to everyone, and we decide that the little snowball will become an avalanche, we certainly won't let ourselves be known with a simple press release. We too have all the means, which we will reveal at the right time, to obtain every necessary "popularity".

    We have innovated in politics, we are innovating in finance, and in economics. We will also innovate in communication, multimedia and information.

    And if we wanted to respond, with the same methods, and be vindictive, almost mean, we too could ignore the many "information and communication experts" who didn't bother us, not even a line, to answer us.

    We can guarantee you that we will never respond to stupidity, with more stupidity, to violence, with more violence, to disinformation, with more disinformation, to superficiality, with more superficiality.

    We respond to stupidity with intelligence, to violence we respond with peace and respect, to superficiality we respond with attention to every detail.

    Therefore, to the Italian press, contacted via press release number 1, we say that you will certainly never again receive a press release from us, or information, exclusively, or in preview. You will have to work very hard to be accepted and included in our universe of projects, in fact, we no longer deal with you, through our traditional communication groups, but you will notice it, when you publish, the things concerning us, last.

    We will use the same method, at the right time, also with the press, and with international, continental, national, state and local information. One communiqué, and then we'll never bother you again. Obviously, having had the example of the Italian experiment, we expect greater collaboration.

    Furthermore, we explain to everyone that we communicate with innovative methods, and with technology, we do not destroy entire forests, to send envelopes and letters, we use a few MB, and little energy, among other things almost all renewable. We send an e-mail only once (the second time, if you want something from us, you pay for it), we don't insist on making ourselves respected and loved by anyone.

    In exactly the same way, we also proceed with the offers, with the opportunities, and with the advantages, and the facilitations. We offer them to you, only once, in the ways and times established by us.

    The "brilliant minds", the great political experts, who have received, read, and accepted our proposal, will be received with the honors and respect they deserve. But those who ignored us, when we were "little ones", will not get a second chance, and not even a second e-mail, from us.

    It is right that the first ones who join us, like the first ones who collaborate with us from the beginning, should be rewarded, and that their initial work should be rewarded. Trusting us, and working with us, must give everyone a profit. We say it from the beginning, our every activity, our every work together, must be mutually beneficial. Because, only with the right rewards, people are motivated to make everything work perfectly. Those who want to get on the bandwagon, and there are many around, "characters", who think they are smart, will risk not having comfortable seats, but they will have to cling.

    This reasoning of ours obviously does not deprive those who register in the future of the possibility of obtaining advantages and facilitations. After all, hardly anyone knows us. And the fact that we don't know each other is certainly not a fault, therefore, there is no "punishment" for anyone who joins us, even afterward. And for those who have already obtained advantages, and facilitations, with important roles and responsibilities, having been with us for a long time, you know very well that every role, every "power", must be confirmed, every day, with one's work , with your own behavior, and with respect for all our rules.

    To those who have ignored us, because they think they are superior, we say clearly that for each of your specializations, we already have experts with us from the beginning, who are not famous but are equally valid. In addition, compared to you, they have a huge advantage. They are not, in any way, connected, implicated, and often succumbed, like many of you, to the old politics, the old economy, the old finance. They joined us, with an open mind, with a real, clean, authentic desire to change and improve the world.

    Many are students, young people, from all over the world, who feel and see that the current situation is unfair, and they want to create together a new road to go. Remember, that even if you are important people, influential, and with results, to be proud of, often the students surpass the teacher. A professor who doesn't want each of his students to be better than himself is a failed professor for us.

    We conclude by saying, that we understand the mistrust, and even the risk, of joining us, and supporting our innovations.

    Many are afraid of being laughed at, in some cases fired, and in others even of being subjected to violence, if they support us or join us. The 1%, of bad people, who rule the rotten world we live in right now, fear us, and will oppose us. For these reasons, we allow, and guarantee, to everyone, anonymity, and the fact, that we will never share, any personal data of any of our users.

    Then, if over time, you would like to do so, to know who you really are around you, you just need to let us know, or you just need to change your privacy settings freely and independently.

    The appeal, to all brilliant minds, from all over the world, from every sector of activity, to join us, is always valid, but the advantages, and the facilitations, are personal, individual, and you must accept them, following all our instructions, in the ways and times in which we present them to you. And remember, we only send you one email.

    Then, if you want to collaborate, and join us, you can do it , even in the future, only in the traditional way, with the same safeguards, the same protection, but without advantages. Many might like to get back into the game, starting from 0.

    We value you, and respect you, whatever your decision.

    We will continue to contact, in the future, the leading experts in each sector, always with a single e-mail, offering the same advantages and facilities.

    But also the various experts, of each topic, if by chance or mistake, we have not already contacted them, they can contact us, to request a quick and facilitated registration, and the right advantages, which they can obtain, based on their own you deserve.

    We renew to anyone who reads this article our question: do you want to change and improve the world?

    If the answer is yes, then join us, and let as many people as possible know about our innovation. Our great universe, made up of infinite galaxies, of concrete projects.

    1.   14 December 2022
    2.   Our history

    Do you want to change, and improve the world?

    If your answer is yes, and you want to do it concretely, I advise you to read this message carefully, without prejudice, without being superficial, and with an open mind.

    The only way to change the world is through politics, through laws made in the interest of the entire population.

    The only way...

    Do you want to change, and improve the world?

    If your answer is yes, and you want to do it concretely, I advise you to read this message carefully, without prejudice, without being superficial, and with an open mind.

    The only way to change the world is through politics, through laws made in the interest of the entire population.

    The only way to improve the world is together with DirectDemocracyS, our political innovation, an alternative to the one that existed before us.

    You can continue to change political parties, or often change your political figures of reference, you can also change your political ideology, but you will never change, and you will never see the old way of doing politics improve. The only method, to have a fair policy, in which the word equality is always connected to the word meritocracy, in which honesty is always united, to competence, in which there are: freedom and authentic democracy. All of us, even in Western countries, live in a false democracy, the representative one, in which you, with your vote, make the political parties and their political representatives decide all the Laws, which are all the rules, which yourself, you will have to follow. You vote for the parties, and they decide for you. You give them the power to decide, and for many years, you no longer matter.

    We, on the other hand, change and reverse the roles, also making representative democracy a true democracy, through the implementation of an innovative, alternative method that allows our voters, through very detailed rules, to control, decide, direct , and influence, every activity, and every decision, of their political representatives, before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after the elections.

    Our political organization puts people in a position to decide, and our political representatives will execute and put into practice every request of our voters. Whoever represents us, in the institutions, will be a servant of the only master, which is the people. One of our characteristics is to foster the interest of the entire population, always starting with the people and businesses that are in the greatest difficulty. To then help everyone, without ever taking anything away, from those who are rich and powerful, in an ethical, legal way, without stealing, cheating, without lying, without exploiting their workers, and without destroying or polluting our planet. Class struggles, hatred, battles, divisions, we leave them to the old politics, we always prefer to be united, and supportive, in diversity.

    A total control of our members, to force the policy to do exactly the interest of the entire population, through our direct democracy. After all, with this control of the electors on the elected, we do nothing but give meaning and an authentic meaning to the word democracy, which provides that power is in the hands, and in the minds, of the population.

    Many, they will ask, what if the population doesn't choose well? You are right, not all citizens are experts on all kinds of topics. But we have a simple, safe, and foolproof solution. For many years, we have contacted, we contact now, and we will contact again in the future, many brilliant minds, and not compromised, with the old political, economic, and financial systems. These brilliant minds, together with our other members, we have placed them, in groups of specialists, free, independent, verified, sincere, honest, competent, and reliable. Therefore, the population, in the various geographical groups, but also our individual political representatives, will have experts, who will always inform them, in a complete way, on the various issues, always presenting all the possible alternatives, and the foreseen consequences, for each one of the various possibilities. Obviously, all of our members, in the various geographical groups, will always decide. Furthermore, we ask you a question: are you truly convinced that traditional political parties and their political representatives are truly prepared, cultured, and have the solutions to all problems? Is the old politics competent, free, independent of the economic and financial systems? Does the old policy keep all its promises? Does the old policy actually put all its programs into practice? Does old politics serve everyone's interests, or only a part, often rich and powerful?

    Each of our official members is placed, on the basis of his preparation, his education, and on the basis of the work he carries out, in groups of experts, but also in special groups: administration and management of all our activities, in special security groups, and control, and in each working group. In this way, each of our members, in the groups in which they will work, will be able to check, report, or correct any small inaccuracies. Everyone, who controls everything, with so many brilliant minds, and with little work (useful for everyone), by everyone, we cannot fail.

    And as if that weren't enough, all of our members are the sole owners, with a single, individual, non-cumulative, non-transferable share, of our political organization, our website, each of our components, and all of our activities. . Again, for the first time in the world, the voters who join us will be the owners, the "shareholders", of everything we create. In this way, we will avoid the influences of finance, and of the economy, in our politics, as unfortunately sometimes happens in traditional politics. Furthermore, since everything belongs to everyone, everyone will have an interest in making their own political organization work.

    However, we have decided to innovate every sector, not only politics, but also: the economy, finance, information, education, the press, and every type of activity, finally making free, independent , fair, with the same possibilities for everyone, rewarding the most deserving. Anyone who has a winning, innovative idea, which will be considered useful, will be able to implement it, together with all of us.

    We are not, and will never be, against politics, against the economy, against finance, or against the system. For the simple reason, that we are, and will always be, alternative, incompatible, and completely innovative, with everything that has existed up to now.

    With our birth, there is finally a new road, to go all together, with the same rights, and with the same duties, without discrimination of any kind.

    We will never make politics against someone, or against something, but always in favor of everyone, creating for everyone the best chance to express their individual and group potential.

    You certainly have a political ideology that you love and for which you have support, almost like a sports fan.

    What if we tell you, that we have, among our membership, some of the best policy makers, globally, from so many countries? These experts have taken every little positive and useful part from every ideology and old political force that has existed throughout the history of man, eliminating every negative part, every error, and often every horror. These experts of ours, our official members, have created our practically perfect political ideology. You will be surprised when you begin to discover what we have been creating, in great secrecy, for over 14 years, before making it known to very few, selected people.

    Each of our projects, each of our activities is based on logic, common sense, values, ideals, principles, methods and rules, all of which can be shared, supported and respected by anyone who joins us. Each of our users puts into practice our solution to all the ills of the world, which is: mutual respect, of all people.

    Perhaps, you will struggle to understand the enormous potential of what we have created, and what we are creating, and we hope to continue to create, and manage, together with you. For that, we advise you to carefully read, even several times, any public information, visible free of charge, without any obligation, on our official website.

    Our website is written in English, but you just need to change the language, in our form, next to our logo, choosing your preferred language, in the drop-down menu that opens, clicking on English, and in a few seconds each part in English, and each of our pages will be available, translated into over 120 languages. We also have a blog, public pages and groups in many languages, where, by clicking on the category of your language, and then on the title of each article (post), you can read the content. We have published a lot of information, but what you see on our website is just the tip of the iceberg. The real, immense work takes place in reserved areas, with all the safety measures, and tranquility, to be able to work well. We prefer to make public only the things discussed, voted on, and decided, in the restricted areas, by those directly involved.

    Friends, to be independent, free, and avoid censorship, cancellations, blocks, or waste of time, we carry out all our activities, only and exclusively, on our official website, limiting ourselves to a minimal presence, only informative, on social networks network, and other websites.

    We conclude, with a small part, which many do not like. The world doesn't change, and it doesn't improve by itself, and we expect, from each of our users, one of the most important things that we all have. A small part of your free time. Our statisticians have calculated that in order to have useful results, everyone needs about 20 minutes a day, and on average about 2 hours a week. This is the only thing we expect from all our users.

    The jobs that you can do with us in the political project are varied, such as voting for the various decisions to be made, managing our groups, helping other users, and making your knowledge available to others.

    Because each of us, therefore you too, knows how to do something good, you have your skills, your passions, and your "specialties".

    After all, we all spend a lot of time complaining, in vain, and saying that things are going wrong, that the 20 minutes a day to make them change and improve, concretely, for the good of all, doesn't seem like a too much sacrifice.

    If you like what we offer, after being informed, join us, and spread this message as much as possible, put our logos (you can find them on the various social networks), in your cover images on social networks, talk about us , with your relatives, friends, and contacts.

    The fault, for a world like the one we live in, lies with all of us, so all together, we must change it and improve it. We have a moral obligation to do it, for us, and for future generations. We are not satisfied with criticizing and pointing out problems, but with solving all the problems that we have not been able to avoid. We renew you, our question. Do you want to change, and improve the world? Join us, and let others know us.

    With esteem, respect, and with the hope that we have been clear, we send you our best wishes and best regards.

    DirectDemocracyS, your innovative, alternative policy, truly, in every sense!

    1.   12 December 2022
    2.   Fundamental questions

    Nationwide appointments, for international groups.

    Special Groups. Only one representative, for each country, with the minimum qualification of administrator.

    01 Special Administration Group.

    02 Special Security Group.

    03 Laws and Legality Special Group.

    04 Equality and Meritocracy Special Group.

    05 Special Group Logic Common Sense Mutual...

    Nationwide appointments, for international groups.

    Special Groups. Only one representative, for each country, with the minimum qualification of administrator.

    01 Special Administration Group.

    02 Special Security Group.

    03 Laws and Legality Special Group.

    04 Equality and Meritocracy Special Group.

    05 Special Group Logic Common Sense Mutual Respect.


    06 Specialists.

    07 Geographical.

    08 Numerical.

    09 Projects.

    In subsequent branches (3-number groups), each country must have only one representative, with the minimum qualification of official representative. In the subsequent branches (groups of 4 numbers), each country must have only one representative, with the minimum qualification of official member. In subsequent branches (groups of 5 or more numbers), each country must have only one representative, with the minimum qualification of registered user.

    In the Community area, in secret groups, each country must insert only one official representative, in the following groups.

    Official Representatives.

    Each country must nominate its own official representatives, for national groups.

    Official Members.

    Each country must nominate its own official members, for national groups.

    With the exception of the welcome numerical groups, and a few free groups (dedicated to our registered users), in the social area, all work groups will allow participation, exclusively to verified registered users.

    Obligations of the various users.

    After being registered, all our users must remain and work in the welcome numerical groups, and in the welcome free workgroups, only until their identity is verified.

    As soon as they obtain the qualification of verified registered user, they will be placed in working groups, based on their qualifications, having first of all to finish, finalizing it, each activity begun, appoint a successor (chosen on the basis of meritocracy, and equality of opportunity, among the new members of the groups), and save your work (it is advisable to save a copy, even on your PC, phone, or tablet, with the exception of reserved or secret activities), and then immediately abandon the previous groups, to continue your work in subsequent groups. Usually, within 48 hours of joining new groups, with a higher qualification, one should, with few exceptions, leave the previous groups.

    The same goes for each subsequent passage, to a higher type of user, one must always finish, finalizing it, each activity begun, nominate a successor (chosen on the basis of meritocracy and equality of opportunity, among the new members of the groups), and save your work ( it is advisable to save a copy, even on your PC, phone, or tablet, with the exception of reserved or secret activities), and then, you should immediately abandon the previous groups, to continue your work in subsequent groups.

    Usually, within 48 hours of joining new groups, with a higher qualification, one should, with few exceptions, leave the previous groups.

    In certain cases, or if desired, the administrator of each group can be requested to continue their activities, in the old groups, both to educate successors, and to maintain some contacts in the groups, and some activities.

    Our advice is to try to keep the smaller groups, with the smallest number of users, to make the work easier, because in numerically smaller groups, you can collaborate better.

    Therefore, we advise everyone to scale the reserved areas, and groups, of the higher types of users, both because going up, the importance grows, and the relative responsibilities, both individual and collective, and for the hierarchical value, of each superior type.

    Practically, going up and scaling the various types of users and group, one enters increasingly important areas, one obtains more detailed information and instructions, and one obtains advantages and facilitations.

    Furthermore, we would like to remind everyone that the compulsory work to be carried out is always relative to the type of user that one possesses, and that one's work in the lower groups, and contacts with users in the previous areas, albeit deserving and appreciated, they are not counted, if not partially, with the obligation to be present, and effective, individual and collective work.

    Friendships and contacts.

    As far as friendships and contacts are concerned, our regulation provides for at least 5 contacts of lower typologies and 5 contacts of higher typologies for each person.

    Obviously, with each type of user, he must maintain contact and collaboration in the respective areas, which for now will only be: the social area, for registered users, and verified registered users, and the Community area, for official members, and official representatives.

    Administrators, and super administrators, will have a restricted area in the future, but until then they will work in special secret groups.

    Other restricted areas and new types of users may be created in the future, based on need.

    Passing from one type of user, and from one area to another, new friends and superior contacts will be obtained.

    Each user can decide to maintain or cease certain activities in the lower areas.

    We recommend that you enter the lower areas from time to time to check if there are contacts or requests from old groups.

    1.   10 December 2022
    2.   For official members
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