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    • 194 Articles

    Politics, for DirectDemocracyS, means: to change and improve the world.

    We do this by putting into practice our rules and our method, which are innovative and alternative to all the old politics.

    After explaining, in detail, why we were born, what we are doing, also explaining the reasons why we make certain choices, now let's talk about...

    Politics, for DirectDemocracyS, means: to change and improve the world.

    We do this by putting into practice our rules and our method, which are innovative and alternative to all the old politics.

    After explaining, in detail, why we were born, what we are doing, also explaining the reasons why we make certain choices, now let's talk about politics.

    But first, as always, let's make a little introduction.

    In history, almost every revolution has brought about changes, and often it has brought about improvements.

    Unfortunately for us, revolutions have had enormous costs, due to the violence, even physical, with which they have taken place, and the improvements have often been short-lived.

    As always, we will return to all of our statements, perhaps in the future, with further details and explanations. We will also try not to be too technical, and to make everyone understand our positions.

    DirectDemocracyS, is it revolutionary?

    For some, we are not enough, because for the backward-minded, understanding our political organization is practically impossible. For those who reason based on what exists, or on what has existed, it is not easy to understand the enormous potential we have. Anyone who does not know the meaning of the word revolution can look it up and understand its meaning. For us, revolution means change. And we, the word change, always connect it to the word improve. Changing and improving the world is not enough, it must be done in a concrete and definitive way, useful for the entire population.

    Unlike all previous revolutions, we create no pain, for all good people, and for anyone who lives their life, respecting other people. We will give a lot of trouble, to the old political system, to the old financial system, and to the old economic system.

    Create, change, improve, without deleting anything.

    Anyone who joins us considers the old politics, the old finance, and the old economy to be completely unjust, because they do not allow everyone to live a dignified, safe, and worry-free life.

    Our regulation, and our method, allow us to change and improve everything, without physical or even verbal confrontations. We simply create alternatives, starting to work within the current political, financial, and economic systems, using our own style of work, respecting every Law, and changing, over time, all the unfair rules. But unlike other "revolutions", we do it peacefully, intelligently, without destroying anything that already exists. We do this by creating for everyone our new, innovative ways, allowing the choice: old, or new. Old-fashioned, or modern.

    Basing all our activities on logic, common sense and mutual respect of all people, it will not be difficult to make us prefer.

    We started the change and improvement of the old system, obviously from politics, to then develop our financial and economic alternatives in every sector of activity.

    A peaceful revolution, without direct confrontation, which would be difficult for us to "fight" and complicated to "win". This way of acting allows us to work legally, implementing our projects simultaneously, with continuous but controlled growth. We disappoint a little those who expect immediate results from us, choosing instead lasting results.

    We have spoken in other articles about the stupid and useless habit of discussing and protesting online, on social networks, against the old systems. It is useless to complain, and we often consider the Internet, education, and information, useful for our purposes, but also "weapons of distraction" of the masses. Let off steam, often "vomiting" hatred, resentment, envy, towards the old systems, without ever doing anything concrete, helps many to feel good. Once upon a time, dissatisfied people let off steam in the squares, even with violent actions. One of our useful tips, for those who don't want to join us, is to play sports. Vent your anger by doing something that is (with few exceptions) good for your health.

    We prefer to act, and work concretely, to obtain results, certainly not to let off steam.

    Being alternative, and innovative, would be useless if we weren't even better.

    Anyone who reads each of our projects cannot find faults, if not superficial.

    Because by working logically, using education, science, and history, to create something, practically perfect, in every area, we will make the choice, for people, truly simple, and final.

    Speaking of politics, many people ask us for our positions on various issues, and we simply say: use logic, common sense, mutual respect, of all people, and you will know how we think.

    To give you an example, let's talk about our special groups. Currently there are 5: 01 administration, 02 security, 03 Law, 04 equality and meritocracy (which always go together with us), 05 logic, common sense, and mutual respect (which is essential to determine our every choice). Our every decision, rule, method, and activity is handled by these special working groups.

    In addition to the special groups, there are other fundamental working groups, which are: 06 specialists (with experts in every sector), 07 geographical (with all the territorial subdivisions, and with the right local autonomy), 08 numerical (one of our specific innovations ), 09 projects, divided into: 090 Politics. 091 Finance. 092 Bank. 093 Currency. 094 Economy. 095 Radios. 096 TV. 097 Information. 098 Leisure. 099 Other projects.

    All these working groups of ours all use the same rules. But each group also works autonomously, independently, freely, while maintaining unity, which is fundamental, in order to function.

    We have already talked about how history is full of divisions, all functional, and false, useful only to favor a certain type of society, in which people are always different, and often creating hatred, intolerance, to lead, in some cases in violence, in struggles for power. The old system is based on division, our system is based on unity, in diversity.

    1.   15 January 2023
    2.   Internal politics

    Hi, welcome, to DirectDemocracyS, your political innovation, truly in every sense!

    Thank you for registering, on our official website.

    Your trust will be reciprocated, and your patience will be rewarded over time.

    If you follow our information, on the various Social Networks, and have read our public information, on our website, we are very...

    Hi, welcome, to DirectDemocracyS, your political innovation, truly in every sense!

    Thank you for registering, on our official website.

    Your trust will be reciprocated, and your patience will be rewarded over time.

    If you follow our information, on the various Social Networks, and have read our public information, on our website, we are very selective, because being our political organization, just born, we don't want to have people, who try to slow us down, or worse stop us, sabotaging our work.

    To prevent all of this, we have already taken all the necessary measures.

    Before registering and creating your personal profile, you will surely have read all our instructions carefully.

    If I am writing to you, it is to let you know that the registration was perfectly successful, and that you can move on to phase 2. Phase 2 is the second step, and it is very important, because based on how you follow all our instructions, you itself, you will make this phase very fast, simple, and secure, your activation.

    For all the information on the registration and activation of the personal profiles of our users, visit the link: 

    you can use the translation module, next to our logo, to translate, all the English parts, into over 100 languages. You just choose, and click your preferred language, from the drop-down menu, which opens, by clicking on "-English-", in our form, and wait a few seconds. With each page change, you will have all the parts in English, translated into your favorite language, just wait a few seconds.

    For all the information, for the activation, by our administrators, of the personal profiles of our users, visit the link:

    You can also read our blog in one of the many languages into which our main articles have already been translated by choosing the category of your preferred language at this link:

    click on the title of each post to read the entire content. Some articles are a bit long, but without all the details, it is difficult to understand the enormous potential of our innovation politic. Enjoy the reading.

    For any information, for proposals, and even constructive criticism, do not hesitate to contact us.

    We remind you that to get the best official answers, you will have to use the contact forms only and exclusively, according to these simple rules.

    Help us, to make our political project known to as many people as possible, and also your political project, help them also to register, and with the subsequent phases, since you were very good, and you managed to register.

    We officially welcome you to DirectDemocracyS, your innovative politic, truly in every sense!

    With infinite respect, esteem, and friendship, we all send you our best regards.

    Thank you.

    DirectDemocracyS User Activation Group

    For contacts, according to your needs, use only , one of the many direct forms, to contact us, at this link:

    If your personal profile is blocked, or if you are unable to log in, carefully follow these simple instructions.

    1.   14 January 2023
    2.   For Registration

    Nomen omen, the ancient Romans said in Latin, which means, the name is the omen, or, the destiny is in the name.

    The international political organization, called DirectDemocracyS, was born, with the name of DirectDemocracyS, without the final "-S-".

    A final "-S-", which we had to add, when we created and registered our second and definitive...

    Nomen omen, the ancient Romans said in Latin, which means, the name is the omen, or, the destiny is in the name.

    The international political organization, called DirectDemocracyS, was born, with the name of DirectDemocracyS, without the final "-S-".

    A final "-S-", which we had to add, when we created and registered our second and definitive domain for our website. The first website, it was a test, it was slow, it was just, to do some tests, and to have with us, the first registered users, who joined the 282, who created, almost all of this political project.

    DirectDemocracyS, obviously means direct democracy, the final "-S-", we added it because on June 20, 2021, only the domain name was available:, the domain name without the final "-S-" , had already been reserved, by other people, even if not used. To avoid wasting time, we have added the final "-S-", which in English can take on the meaning of "those of direct democracy", detaching the final "-S-" from the name, and making it precede it, by a apostrophe, '.

    After having registered the domain name:, and having modified the first provisional logos, we had to start making our political project known to some people. Based on our rules, we have carefully chosen the first people to join us, based on our needs. Don't condemn us for this, any of you would have done the same, and anyone who doesn't admit it is a hypocrite. Our strength is to have the right people register, at the right time, and to have them work with us, in the best role, in which they can all express their potential, for the good of the users themselves, and of our entire organization.

    The final "-S-", always in English, means: "safe", "simple", "special", "splendid", "social", but not "socialist". We would never take the name of an ideology from the old politics. We are not composed only of “socialists”, even if we have with us, people of every old ideology of the past, whom we respect equally as people. The old ideologies, however, whoever joins us, must forget them, after having taken and kept the few positive things, and having definitively eliminated the many negative parts.

    We have chosen the name DirectDemocracyS, and we have chosen, the form of politics, based on the organization. At various levels, with identical rules, but with the right, and fundamental, local autonomy.

    Our ideology, in fact, had to be based on logic, common sense, and mutual respect of all people. Without discriminating against anyone, except according to the category: good person, or bad person.

    Democracy means power to the people, we have said it several times, the meaning of this word, often abused, and pronounced by those who have no right to it. Anyone can obviously lie and say that there are countries in the world where true democracy exists. But if instead of being superficial, we analyze the meaning well, and compare it to the real situations of all the countries of the world, we clearly see that democracy exists only in words, and certainly not in deeds. Again, many people, even world-level experts, will tell us that in Switzerland, there is a form of direct democracy, and other countries are trying to copy them. Congratulations to Switzerland, and to the various countries, which are trying, but you are very far from the total and authentic democracy that we implement. The proof is the fact that we have many registered users, from Switzerland. The reasons are many, and we will write a dedicated article to make you understand what enormous differences there are between us and these partial and minimal democracies. In the rest of the "Western" world, including the United States, they talk about democracies, but they put into practice party politics, of an oligarchic nature, in which they lie, knowing they are lying. They delude people that they really count for something, and that with their free and sovereign vote, they determine politics and its choices.

    The nicest are those who say: it's called representative democracy, and it's legal, political parties are voted, or their political representatives, and after winning the elections, they are representative, and entitled to decide, and to govern. To these "phenomena of politics", we say immediately, that representative democracy, should be called partial democracy, or limited (in time) democracy, becomes complete, total, and authentic democracy, only and exclusively, with our method, and with our rules. Furthermore, we do not exclude that it is Legal, the old politic obviously made Laws, which could legitimize the "theft of power", from the people, which ends up in the hands, and in the (often empty) brains, of politics. If the Laws were just, the people would have power, always, in a complete, concrete way, and the world would certainly be a better place.

    But let's get back to our name. The second word, which makes up our name, is Direct, the only true democracy, the one in which the people, continuously over time, hold power, and decide directly on everything. We have added groups of specialists, made up of our users, and members, experts in each sector, who offer all the information, on the various choices, and on the consequences of each possible decision. In this way, the population will be able to decide, in an informed manner, on the best possibilities.

    We could have called ourselves, in the first phase, hybrid democracy, because in order to be part of world politics, almost entirely made up of representative "democracies", we too have our political representatives, chosen with our closed internal online primaries. But to keep us authentic democracy, our users control and directly manage all their political representatives, both before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after the elections. An absolute and total control that implements direct democracy, internally, and after the victory in the real elections, also externally.

    Obviously, we do not mix the politics of our organization with the task of political representation in the institutions. Our political representatives receive from our political organization only all the help and support, but the only ones who decide and directly control our political representatives are our voters, who are our users and official members. on our website. In this way, those involved in representing our voters will never have to worry about any internal power struggles, which, by the way, do not exist in Italy. In fact, there are no leaders for us, all our users, and official members, are a single, gigantic, and powerful leader. DirectDemocracyS puts the motto into practice: one for all, all for one.

    We were born from the idea and projects of 5 people. It took us almost 14 years, with the joint work of 282 people, from various countries of the world, and above all experts in various sectors, and on all subjects, to create 99% of our rules, and our method, unique and inimitable. Our evolution, and "peaceful and intelligent revolution", continues, with the work, and with the contribution, of everyone who joins us.

    We are innovative, and completely, incompatible, with all the old politics, therefore, we do not, and we will never make, any agreement, any coalition, and any collaboration, with other political forces, and with any existing political group. If we win the elections, together with our electors and political representatives, we will govern and make just laws, in the interest of the entire population, always starting to help people and businesses that are in difficulty, and then helping everyone. If we lose, we will make a healthy, honest, and loyal opposition, voting in favor of everything that will be deemed useful by our electors, and against any decision or law that our electors will not deem useful, for the good of all.

    Beautiful utopia? No, simple application of each of our rules.

    Our goal, over time, is to implement authentic and complete democracy, the direct one, in which each person has the same value, the same possibilities, and the same power as another. In which, directly from home, from one's PC, or from anywhere in the world, via one's tablet or smartphone, each person can actively participate in politics, deciding, always in an informed manner, on each Law, without the need, of representative politics, which is just a useless expense, and which, without us, and without our method, has not even a little democracy. By eliminating 99%, of all representative politics, implementing real direct democracy in its place, power will be in the hands, in the brain, and in the heart, of the whole population, and not of the political parties, and their representatives. politicians. A lot of money would be saved, to be used by everyone, for the good of the entire population, we repeat, always starting first to help people and businesses in difficulty. We have written it in our regulations. Along with the rule, to help the entire population, and not just the interests, of our voters.

    Who is wondering: from that moment, will DirectDemocracyS end? It will not end, but will limit itself to ensuring, that no one "steals again", the power from the people, and to ensure control, independence, freedom, competence, and honesty, of the groups of specialists, who will inform the people, on the various possibilities, and the consequences, of each choice. Defending democracy, and people's freedom, is our last, fundamental task.

    Through very strict rules, respected by anyone who joins us, without any compromise, or agreement, with other political forces, we will be, for everyone, a different political path, to be followed all together. From the moment we make our project public to the whole world, in the right ways and times, every citizen will be able to choose between the old politics and us, who are innovative.

    Obviously, we predicted a huge success, but don't worry, the rules, ideals, values, principles, and our method will not change, they will simply be expanded, and specific rules added, without ever distorting the previous ones. Unlike traditional political forces, in which internal and external struggles to obtain power, privileges, consensus, and money, take away any form of dignity, and make politics one of the least respected activities by people, we, we will make politics a simple, daily activity in which everyone will be the real protagonist.

    Our goal: to change and improve the world, all together.

    But the world doesn't change, and it doesn't improve by itself. We need a real and concrete commitment on the part of everyone.

    The only obligation, for anyone who joins us, is to work, 20 minutes a day, or, alternatively, for at least 2 hours a week, together with all of us, to transform our every idea and every project into reality. Obviously, everyone is free to propose and implement each of their projects.

    DirectDemocracyS, a name that encompasses all of our essence. For friends we are DDS, if DirectDemocracyS, is too long to write, and pronounce.

    1.   10 January 2023
    2.   Appearance

    There are the old political forces, which act as "powerful masters" with their electors, who are considered "humble servants". We, poor voters, are at the mercy of the privileged political representatives, who control the old politics.

    If you think about it, that's right. They, all the old politics, dictate the rules, writing the Laws, that...

    There are the old political forces, which act as "powerful masters" with their electors, who are considered "humble servants". We, poor voters, are at the mercy of the privileged political representatives, who control the old politics.

    If you think about it, that's right. They, all the old politics, dictate the rules, writing the Laws, that we, the citizens, the population, are obliged to respect, in order not to suffer harsh consequences, such as fines, arrest, or in some cases, there is even, death penalty.

    We, who are innovative and alternative to the old politics, behave as relatives of our users, and even as close relatives with our official members.

    But not only that, we at DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, behave like good friends, even with all the voters who don't vote for us. We act like friends, even with those who will never be with us. Do you want a demonstration? We have written, in our regulation, that we all respect, as many religious respects the Sacred Texts, that every rule, every Law, must always be made, using logic, common sense, and mutual respect of all people. Not convinced by our statement? You are right, we are not convincing, it is a somewhat vague sentence, but let's see together how it continues. Our rules, and our Laws, must always be made, all of them, in the interest and for the good of the entire population, always starting first to help people and businesses in difficulty. Maybe now, everything is clearer?

    In a few sentences, we clearly demonstrate our approach, and let you clearly understand how we behave. As friends, even with those who don't agree with us, and support other political forces… Wait a minute, what don't you like, or what doesn't convince you, about our political organization? What are we wrong about?

    The only criticisms, superficial, are generally, for our name, which for some is too long, for others, it is too English, for others too complicated. For the symbol, which for some is too difficult to draw, for others too dark, and for others too colorful. For the website, which for some is too old-fashioned, for others it is too complicated, for others it is not easy to find all the information, and there is no way to contact us. For some, the method of registering and verifying users is very complicated and lengthy, but also the various "power" roles, it is not clear how they work. Finally, for some, the project is complicated, it is not clear how it can stand up and function.

    You will have noticed that no criticism concerns the contents, our ideologies, our ideas, the historicity of what we say, and our methodology. In reality, some small criticisms concern our style and methods of expression. We are often considered very presumptuous, and you accuse us of often speaking, as if we didn't care, about the electoral consensus, and therefore the votes, of our potential voters.

    We have already responded to many of your criticisms, with more or less long articles, but there is one criticism, which we really don't understand, and which has saddened us recently. Some of our visitors accuse us that we don't do politics, that we do nothing but explain to you how everything works, but we don't let you understand exactly how we will do it. Above all, we do not let you know which side we are on, on many issues, which are rightly fundamental to you.

    We, poor deluded people, who thought we were doing politics, in every sentence we write, and who thought we were boring you, with too many details.

    It was important, at the beginning, to make you understand exactly why we were born, what we want to do, and why we are sure that everything can work out. Who is already our verified registered user, works together with others, on the implementation methodologies, of every single sentence, and of every single concept, written, in each of our articles.

    We have already explained to you that we have many working groups, and what you see, the things we publish, are just the "tip of the iceberg". The work inside, in the reserved areas, is thousands of times greater, and increases every day, because hundreds of new work groups are formed every day, which carry out various activities. If we made everything public, we would have an overcrowded website, and it wouldn't be useful, for those who already condemn us, who always repeat the same 2 or 3 basic concepts.

    You literally give us tens of thousands of messages a day, 99% of which are about your doubts that our beautiful "utopia" can work because of bad people. Now, as good friends, we give you some advice.

    First of all, go and vote, always, to express your opinion, and participate, committing yourself personally, in politics, and in the decisions to be made. Your present, your future, and the future of those who will come after you depend on it. We don't care, if you do it, with us, or with others, maybe, we hope, that you don't make politics against us, because we don't make politics against anything, and against anyone.

    We are innovative, and alternative, to all the old politics. DirectDemocracyS, offers you a new way. Until our official presentation to the world, you have only one method to verify, if what we propose, can work, and that is to join us. Only in this way will you understand how we all work together to create a crossroads in the complicated road of world politics.

    Let's not be presumptuous, let's be realistic. We are the only method, and we repeat it, innovative, and alternative, that stands. There will be, after us, other ideas, certainly not similar, but which may confuse some. As there will be, many attempts to copy us, but our project stands, and works correctly, only by copying it, exactly the same, and already having, within it, the people we have. Furthermore, in addition to the legal disputes, on unfair competition, on copyrights, which will bring anyone who tries to copy our ideas to their knees, there will be the ruthless judgment, of the voters, and of anyone who will have to choose, between DirectDemocracyS, which is the original, and a copy, false and bankruptcy. And guess what they will choose? Always, with all these considerations, there will always be an attempt of the old politics to be more similar to us. They will try them all, they will give you money, bonuses, they will make you believe in the world of fairy tales, making, as always in history, promises and very beautiful political programs that will be able to seduce you. They will never be able to accept the defeat decreed, not by us, but by history.

    Dear friends, the choice is only one, with them, or with us.

    In addition to today's first piece of advice (to play politics, and to always go and vote, expressing your opinion), which preceded this one, we give you a second piece of advice, don't trust anyone who lies to you, who tells you something, and makes another one, of those who bribe you, with bonuses, gifts, and prizes. Never trust anyone who has already betrayed you, even once. Even if this means always changing political party, ideology, or political representative of reference. You don't have to live politics, like a religious faith, or with a sports fan. Not even as sympathy. Change often, if they don't do exactly what they promise.

    DirectDemocracyS, having just been conceived, has the advantage of never having lied to you, and above all, it has never betrayed you. If your wife or husband cheats on you, just once, you can forgive them, because you love them, and you are convinced that they will never do it again. But politics is not love, in our opinion, it is coexistence, over time. If your husband, or your wife, or your partner cheats on you several times, our advice is to love someone else, it's difficult, painful, especially at the beginning, but you will suffer less in the future. Do the same with politics, change often, until you find someone who truly deserves your support and commitment.

    We would like to promise you, that we will never lie to you, and it is so, we all together, in a public way, will never lie to you, but individually, there may be some of our users, perhaps even members, hardly representatives, who will lie to you, or, they will not deserve your trust.

    But thanks to our control methods, and to the fact that we ourselves always and completely control all our activities, if one of us lies to you, or tries to steal, or tries not to keep every promise, we will be ourselves, to denounce it, and to let everyone know, even with the risk of losing support, and of losing some, or many, votes. Even with the concrete risk of losing the elections.

    We can swear to you that we will ensure that ethically wrong behaviors cannot have any negative consequences for your lives. For the simple reason, that these "smart politicians" will be discovered, and blocked-in time. Not by the Judiciary, by other political forces, or by journalists. We ourselves are the best controllers, and solvers, of our possible errors, together, of course, with anyone who joins us.

    The last advice of this article is to read all our information with an open mind. Do not be superficial and definitive in your evaluations, but in-depth, read, even several times, all our public information, and always decide, with your brain, and with your heart.

    We are sure that it will take a long time, but in the end, after so many disappointments, anyone will join us, because there are only 2 choices, the old politic, and our innovation, an alternative.

    1.   06 January 2023
    2.   Political recommendations

    The role of political representatives is fundamental in our political organization.

    We have received many questions, and in this article we will briefly answer them all.

    We have already seen how our political representatives are chosen, and we summarize it, for clarity.

    On the basis of the real elections, and the various roles available, in...

    The role of political representatives is fundamental in our political organization.

    We have received many questions, and in this article we will briefly answer them all.

    We have already seen how our political representatives are chosen, and we summarize it, for clarity.

    On the basis of the real elections, and the various roles available, in the institutions, internal, closed primary elections are organised, even much earlier, on our website.

    All our official members, in good standing, with the payment of the annual fee, can apply for any role of political representation.

    In the old politics, it is the political parties, or their leaders, or very few people, or only very small groups of people, often financiers, or rich, often famous, or powerful people, who decide who can run as candidates, and for what political role.

    Let's take the example of the President of the United States of America, generally, only the primaries, of the two main political parties, determine the name of their candidates, and usually, we try to nominate only the names of people who can win . The obsessive search for consensus and voters' votes is one of the main causes of the failure of all old politics. It often causes, unfortunately, also a removal of the population from political life. This is because many good people do not feel represented or even protected, and above all they are almost never listened to or respected.

    Like all false "democracy", also in this case, it is falsely explained to young Americans that anyone can become a President of the United States. Technically it's true. So the American dream, is it real? Absolutely no. And we answer you with a question: have you ever heard of a President of the United States who was elected by choosing a complete stranger? And another question: do you believe that throughout the history of the Presidents of the United States of America, the best candidates have always been chosen?

    We answer you, from George Washington, April 30, 1789, up to the current President, only famous, powerful, rich people were elected, and who had the support, finance, economy, army, and other important institutions. And they all were, before becoming President. Of course, we don't contest anyone's good intentions, skills, and honesty, but we do state, sure we're right, that the best weren't chosen.

    A simple person, even if very intelligent, with an excellent education, honest, and with great abilities, would never be able to run as a candidate, and therefore be able to be elected. For the simple reason, that a lot of money is needed, even for the primaries, in the early stages. We need "connections", and often people, institutions, commercial companies, financial institutions, even charities, journalists, and important media, who support the various candidates. Obviously, in this way, many very good candidates are lost, who do not resist, and are unable to move forward. They will be happy, all those who hate the United States, who will be able to say: you see, even in a "democratic" country, the best is not chosen? Here, it is exactly the same discourse, in all countries, whether they are "partially democratic", such as the "Western" ones, which we call oligarchic partyocracies, while in dictatorships, in oligarchic countries, or where there is a single party, but even in many political "forces", which believe themselves to be free and democratic, there is often only one candidate.

    Not to make fun of them, because they can do it very well even on their own, but we often see candidates chosen in assemblies, as there are acclamations, or only one candidate, who necessarily has to be voted on. So in some cases, whoever has many friends, with powerful voices, wins and is a candidate, or, in some cases, the "chosen one" wins and is a candidate.

    You will have understood that the best never win. Never win, those who would be useful to the population. The rich, the famous, the chosen ones win.

    Again, we are alternative, innovative, and completely different, from all the old politics.

    First, let's clarify a basic concept, what are the 12 euros of the annual fee for?

    In addition to allowing us to survive, to grow, and to make our whole mechanism work, the money obtained from our official members will allow us to allow and help anyone who is competent and honest, allowing them to apply for the most important, with every chance of winning.

    DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, thanks to the quotas of our members, will never have any economic or financial problems. The same goes for anyone who is part of our projects, because the only way to eliminate the illegal and unjust financing of finance and the economy in relation to politics is to allow our organization to have sufficient funds, both for itself and for all our political representatives. In fact, through important financial and economic activities, which have already been active for a long time in many sectors, our political representatives, at the end of their political representation activity, will have the opportunity to work in important sectors of our related projects.

    We had to completely eliminate the temptation to get corrupted (typical of one part of the old politics), because we are all innovative. None of our political representatives will ever be corrupted, blackmailed, or influenced by external factors, for the simple reason, that we offer our members, according to their abilities, important roles, in the management of our political organization, and also in projects financial, and economic, in all sectors. In this way, before and after their political activity, they will have an honest and well paid job.

    But that's not enough, we have controls, complete and always active, in which our members (who are our constituents), through Special Security Groups (of which anyone can be a member), verify every activity, every entry, and each expense, of their own political representatives. With these very innovative controls, we can guarantee that we will never have political representatives corrupted or influenced by external factors.

    As you know, we have eliminated religions, and religious rules, from all our activities. Likewise, let's eliminate finance, and economics, from our politics. It will seem strange, and impossible, not to favor our business, since, in addition to doing politics together, our members, on a voluntary basis, also do business together. Instead, we can guarantee you that we keep each of our projects separate, and we will never make a law that favors only our business, which does not need any favoritism, being innovative, and with very clear rules. As we certainly are, politically perfect, we are perfect, also from a financial and economic point of view. But to understand each of our projects, and to know other details, you must be part of it. Our basic political concept is: not to be the same, or even similar, to the old politics.

    With us, everything is based on logic, common sense, science, and the mutual respect of all people.

    Now, we reveal a secret, that those outside our universe, do not understand.

    Do you know how we make this work, and be convinced, that we can't fail?

    Because many ask us, how do you make sure you can't fail?

    In addition to the right people, the right place, rigid rules, and innovative and alternative methods that everyone respects, we have an unwritten rule that everyone accepts from the first second they decide to join us.

    With us, no one can be smart. No one can use our rules, and our activities, to obtain undeserved advantages that are not ethically flawless. To those who ask us, how do you eliminate, or block, the smart ones? Very simple, we offer many advantages and facilities for everyone, based on competence and honesty. We do it, always putting our two basic words into practice. Equality and meritocracy. Two words, which are rarely found together, in the same sentence, and in the same political forces, of all the old politics.

    Let's talk about applications.

    Obviously, all our members start with the same chances, but the selection process, and the various stages, will always keep the best candidates going. The same is true for economic and financial activities. Same method, same results. In every galaxy, of our immense universe.

    There are specific rules for nominations, some we have already explained, others will soon be published. The basic concept is: you can nominate yourself, or you can be a candidate, from other people, of course, you can always decide whether to accept or refuse.

    There are geographical candidates, but also numerical ones (another innovation of ours), and our closed online primaries take place continuously, according to detailed, free, and democratic rules.

    The only ones who have the right to influence and determine the choices of our political representatives are the people who elect them, and who give them the power to represent them, in the various public institutions.

    Democracy does not transfer or give power (which belongs only to the people) to political parties, or even to political representatives. Democracy, the real one, must necessarily have a duration, continuous over time. Not only during the elections, or with a few referendums. The voters must always decide, otherwise, we are not talking about democracy, but about party politics and oligarchy. We talked about it, but it is always worth remembering. Representative democracy is a fraud, and a theft, if it is not made exactly as we do. However, we have explained to you in other articles that we advise you to read carefully, because it is not possible to force the old politic to do like us. We have also explained to you why it is not possible to give the entire population (but only individually, to the voters of each political force), the "right" to decide whether a political representative does his job well or badly. Everyone must manage, influence, control, and possibly punish, their own political representatives, elected with their own votes. Otherwise, if we allow the entire population to "remove the trust" of all political representatives (of any other political force), we would witness a "witch hunt", in which bad people could use various means, even illegal , not ethically correct, and their own influence, to "eliminate" correct, competent, and good political representatives. Let us give you an example, which is so popular, the "influencers" with millions, or tens of millions of followers. If some of them decide to eliminate a political representative, out of dislike, out of envy, or because he doesn't make the laws, which these "characters" like, they could do it, simply because they have many "followers". For these reasons, each voter, and each group of voters, of each political force, can control, influence, and change only the people to whom they have given their vote. This is how it works for us, total and complete control by our electors over our political representatives, based on very strict and detailed rules.

    For example, with us only the groups (of users, geographical, or numerical) in which the political representative, has won, or has obtained the right, to be a candidate, in real elections, can control, influence, reward, punish, and change, their political representatives. Total control, first during, and for the first time in the world, even after the elections.

    If someone asks: what if an "influencer", and his followers, all registered on our website, and in this way controlled the decisions of all our political representatives? And if political, financial, economic forces could control, in the same way, with infiltrators, the decisions, in geographical and numerical groups? We answer you, with a question. But really, do you think, that we have not foreseen this eventuality?

    To understand how everything works, we should write an entire, very long article explaining our working method. It is enough for you to know that we have various groups, and subdivisions, both geographical and numerical (our innovation), and of type of user, which make it impossible for anyone to influence our political representatives in a negative way. Furthermore, almost all elections here are held with open voting. For various reasons, but the main one is that if one decides something, he shouldn't be ashamed of it. Responsibility for the old politics rests with the various political parties, and with the political representatives, of these political forces. But we, in a way judged by many of our experts, as harmful to our consensus, and which could take away many votes from us, know, and we always declare, that the fault for all the problems in the world lies with those who allow all this to happen . All of us, and you who read, are solely to blame, for the situation, which has existed till now. By creating DirectDemocracyS, we change and improve the world. So, with the open vote, each of our users takes the right, individual responsibility for each of our decisions. But not only that, in many of our elections and votes, one must justify one's choice in detail. Furthermore, there is a check by our special groups, which prevent any attempt to sabotage our work. Finally, there is a Special Group of Logic, Common Sense, and Respect, made up of members, from all the countries of the world, which can decide, independently, freely, and democratically, that a decision is not logical, common sense , and is not based, on mutual respect, of all people. With all the reasons, and with all the details, this group can request further reasons for each decision.

    In some countries, DirectDemocracyS is not foreseen, nor even compliant, with the Constitution, and with some Laws.

    Some users tell us that our rules are not provided for by the Constitution, and by the laws of the various countries. We need to clarify, because not everyone has read each of our articles, and each of our rules.

    What we do within DirectDemocracyS, and in all related projects, concerns only, and exclusively, all our registered users, and our official members, who are the only owners, of each of our activities, and of our entire organization politics. Internally, we put into practice total freedom and authentic democracy.

    We do not believe that in countries that declare themselves democratic, and above all free, in words but not in deeds, there is a law that prevents people who unite freely from deciding, in full autonomy, how to organize themselves.

    In oligarchic partyocracies, in Western countries, the United States, the European Union and other "free" countries, but also in oligarchic dictatorships, and in single-party countries, DirectDemocracyS has the same rules, based on logic, and common sense. No one can stop us from organizing ourselves and working as we want.

    We are the people, obviously a small part, growing very fast. We are the only masters, of our present, and of our future. We do not accept, and will never accept, any outside interference.

    The fact that it is the exclusive property of our official members, and that it operates as a cooperative political and "commercial" society, which grants each member only one individual, non-transferable share, does not affect, in any way, our political action.

    In many countries, the Parliamentarians, or the various roles in the institutions, from the most "large and important", to the most "small and less important", but also the Constitutions, and the Laws, leave the political representatives free and independent, to do what they want, without “no interference”. Many Constitutions, and Laws, are old, antiquated, and should all be profoundly reformed, exactly as all religions should be modernized, but in this case, it is all the respective faithful, together with all the leaders of religions, who must do it together , therefore, politically, it does not concern us.

    Many tell us that in their countries, after the elections, each political representative does what he wants, and no one has the "right" to impose anything on any politician. They are free, and independent. So we could not, according to these people, require our political representatives to carry out every order received from their constituents. The old politics has decided to leave political representatives free, because many Laws and Constitutions were promulgated after the Second World War, or after periods of dictatorship. Leaving all political representatives completely free and independent would also be an interesting idea, but it doesn't work, it's not ethically correct, it's not logical, it's not common sense, and it's not right. Democracy means power to the people, and not power to political parties and political representatives. Anyone who joins DirectDemocracyS does so too, in order to hold all the power. Each of our voters, on our website, has all the means, and all the power, to decide, propose, discuss, vote, and manage all the activities of their political representatives. Our voters must have complete and continuous control over the people who have the honor, and the burden, of representing them, in the institutions, at all levels. With our vote, we don't give power, but we give responsibility, and the task of representing us, doing exactly, only our interests. Any country, try to oppose these rules of ours, is opposed to democracy, and to freedom. So no Law, or no Constitution, can prevent, or limit, the power of the electors, who are the people.

    Furthermore, the many cases of political parties and political representatives of the old politics which have been corrupted and influenced by powerful people, by finance, by the economy, by foreign countries and by evil people, show that freedom , and the independence of political representatives, are false, biased, and do not solve the real problems of all people. On the contrary, they often create serious cases of corruption, or cases in which political representatives, elected with the votes of a party, change parties without first resigning. Many dictatorships, wars, invasions, terrorist attacks, violence, were born, also due to weak political representatives, who out of fear, and to be able to remain in the institutions, and maintain their roles, or out of thirst for power, or out of necessity of money, and privileges, they let themselves be directed by anyone, except the only people who have the right and the duty to control, influence and direct their every choice, who are their own electors.

    Let's make a parenthesis.

    We were born, also to do justice, to give power back to the people, and to make representative democracy, first of all, a true democracy. The relationship between the representative and the represented, therefore between who was elected and who voted to elect, between the political representative and the voter, has always been ambiguous. We clarify, and our example, with the babysitter (political representative), and the parents (voters) who entrust their child (the institutions of the state, and of the various countries), is very simple. You are paid, with our money, to do things for us. You must always and only do what we tell you to do, and if you don't do it, we'll cut your salary, or we'll change babysitters.

    Furthermore, in countries where political representatives do what they want, political parties do not order their candidates what to vote for, what to propose, and how to behave? From us, the political organization DirectDemocracyS, provides, only the help, support, and through, our users, control, and permitted activities. It is not DirectDemocracyS that decides, but each voter, in the various groups, from which each political representative was nominated. Therefore, not a few party leaders, but all our voters, impose their decisions by all means.

    We would not have been born if all the political forces had always acted in the interest and for the good of the entire population. In our Regulations, it is clearly written that one must always choose, for the good of all, not only of our constituents, or of certain social categories, respecting all promises, and all electoral programmes. The old politics, and the political representatives, often said and promised one thing, above all, before the elections, and then they did another, knowing that no one could do anything about it.

    So, even in fake democratic countries, not only is the popular vote often betrayed, but there are extremes of fraud, in fact, by not keeping all the promises, popular credulity was abused.

    We, with our method, do nothing wrong, and even if some laws provide for the freedom (almost never put into practice) of political representatives, our "elected" will respect each of our rules, and each order received, from their constituents, on our website.

    Let us not forget the thorough, continuous checks that our members, through our Special Security Groups, carry out on their political representatives. We are the first to control ourselves, and we repeat it, continuously and completely, to prevent, resolve, and avoid all wrong behaviors. We don't care about the serious image damage, we don't care about the consensus, and the loss of votes. Any of our political representatives will be monitored, we repeat it again, continuously and completely, therefore, if there are any cases of corruption, or errors of any kind, we will be the first to report them.

    We will always be for the Legality, with the exception of the Laws for the false independence of the political representatives. Let it be clear to everyone, power belongs only to the voters. And all our political representatives, as soon as they register, and even before being able to run, in the primary elections closed online, and even before the real elections, swear, and sign binding documents, with related penalties, in which they undertake, to always , and only, what they order, their own, only masters, who are the voters, and therefore the people. Some do not like our rule, which uses the words "servants, as representatives of the people" and "masters, as electors, and people". But the political representative must not live better, have greater privileges and wealth than the population he himself represents. It's not fair, it's not ethical, it's not logical, it's not correct, and it's not common sense.

    In addition to the oath, to respect all our rules, and every order received, and the contract, with all the penalties, each of our candidates will receive all its proceeds, from the political representation activity, in a current account, in the name of DirectDemocracyS. Every month, if you have done your job regularly, you will receive 25% of the sums received from us, in your name, and at the end of each year, if you have done your job properly, you will receive a further 25%, of all monies received by us, in your name, during the year. At the end of his work, as a political representative, if he has carried out his work on a regular basis, he will receive an additional 25% of all the sums received by us, in his name, in the period in which he carried out his task of political representative. 25% of all sums received will remain with DirectDemocracyS, for its support work, and for all the services offered, to each political representative, among which we recall, accounting, internal security service, activity control, support of our groups of specialists, official representation services, press, multimedia, work organization, collaborators, and activities for the dissemination and control of the decisions of their constituents. So, let it be clear, we at DirectDemocracyS do not steal, and we do not take a cent, without deserving it, and without offering all our services in return, which are fundamental.

    In short, our political representatives swear the following sentences, which are stipulated, by our contracts.

    They swear, to always ask, for a binding opinion, in the groups, from which they have been candidates, on our website, from their constituents, before making any political activity, proposing a law, or before proposing, discussing, or voting, any measure.

    They swear to maintain, and guarantee, the unity of DirectDemocracyS, and of our political action, for the entire duration, of their political representation activity, and in the event that they decide, freely, to switch to another political force, must first resign from any political office obtained with the votes of our voters, renouncing all remaining sums of their work of political representation in favor of DirectDemocracyS.

    They swear to allow their constituents, through our Special Security Groups, any necessary control over their finances, and over all their activities.

    They swear to accept, and implement, every decision of their constituents, including votes of no confidence, and requests to resign, according to our rules.

    They swear, to have a single checking account, for economic and financial income, for political activities carried out, controlled, and managed by DirectDemocracyS. And to receive, the established percentages, on your personal current account, in the ways, and within the times established, by our regulation.

    They swear, like all of our users, to respect, and put into practice, all our rules and instructions.

    At this point, many will wonder what the role of political representatives is.

    When one of our official members decides to carry out the activity of political representation, he decides to carry out a very important and fundamental task for the lives of the citizens he will have to represent.

    As we have said, on our website, anyone can engage in politics, in various ways, but only those, who decide, to carry out political representative activities, participate, after our closed online primary elections, in the real elections. In case of election, they will be our political representatives, in the various institutions, both local, provincial, regional, state, national, continental, or worldwide.

    We have a very detailed Regulation on the various phases, from the preliminary ones, to the candidacies, and subsequently, the evaluations of the various candidates, for the closed online primary elections.

    Far politica, with the role of political representative, guarantees help and support for each of our users.

    We have already seen, in one of our articles, the reason why it is worthwhile for each of our users to carry out the precious task of deciding, through his vote, on our website, what all our representatives must do politicians. Doing their job means getting the best results and avoiding the crap that some political parties and some political representatives of the old politics often do.

    Some of our rules, which not everyone likes.

    The obligation to have at least 3 candidates for each available role in real elections. There are no people nominated, or elected, in various roles, by acclamation. Political appointments are made only, on the basis of the elections, with the respective candidacies (self candidacies, or people proposed by others), candidate selections, publication of the results, candidate selections (in order to always be able to choose the best, in a informed), and related online primary elections closed.

    The obligation of representation, of both sexes. With guaranteed protection for all fluid people. Without discrimination, based on gender, or sexual preferences. Our rule, of the 3 candidates, obliges that at least one of the 3 candidates, be of a different sex, from the other 2. For example, one male and two females, or one female and two males, for each role. If possible, we must try to guarantee the presence of exactly half of the candidates based on gender. So, 2 out of 4, 3 out of 6, 4 out of 8, and so on. For fluid people, they can change their gender, at any time, from the gender declared when registering, but they cannot change it, based on opportunities, to run for election. If at the opening of the official candidacies, you were of one gender, you cannot change gender, until the next candidacies are opened, or you can change gender, only if you do not apply, immediately, after the change. The various cases will be evaluated with great attention and discretion.

    Every political representative, candidate in our internal primary elections, must be under 60 years old. Rejuvenating the world political class is an obligation, to allow young people to carry out political activities, with the physical strength, and the necessary lucidity. This rule, proposed, discussed and voted on by all our official representatives, has established that there may be some exceptions, always justified. For example, if in a given closed online primary election, there are only 2 candidates, or to ensure representation of the 2 genders , candidates over 60 years of age may be accepted, on a limited basis, and evaluated on a case-by-case basis. age. The Special Equality and Meritocracy Group can accept, or directly propose, candidates over the age of 60, if they are personalities deemed competent and honest.

    Our ultimate goal.

    We believe that political representation is important, but we believe in direct democracy.

    Therefore, we hope to be able to gradually but continuously reduce the number of political representatives, to allow citizens to decide everything online, without additional costs for the state.

    With the money saved by eliminating 99% of political representation, moving to direct democracy, investments could be made to create jobs and opportunities for young people, but also improve the lives of families, women and the elderly.

    In this regard, initiatives are often taken in many countries to reduce, for example, the number of parliamentarians. Those in favor rightly say that it is not the number of political representatives that counts, but their ability and honesty. On the other hand, those who do not want this reduction say, lying, and knowing they are lying, that by reducing the number of MPs, democracy is reduced. Which is absolutely false, if you follow our method, in which the people, the people, the voters, decide everything. Furthermore, often, in the various Parliaments and in the institutions, there are some incompetent, often useless people, some without culture, competence, and even some dishonest people. So, without them, politics would only be more credible, and therefore better.

    We are certain that by eliminating 99% of political representation, there would be less politics, because people would continue to make politics, to propose, decide, discuss, and vote, only they would do it in a different, more direct way, and definitely better.

    Our interest would be to have as many political representatives as possible, to receive greater sums, with our percentage of 25%, on each sum earned, by our political representatives. But we are innovative, and different in this too, we don't think only of our interests, but of the good of the entire population, always starting to help people, and businesses, most in difficulty, and we have written this in each of our articles , and in our regulation.

    If one day we arrived at true direct democracy, our task would be to guarantee, internally, the functioning of every political activity, to allow equality and meritocracy.

    But also, with the current systems, we are the only ones in the world who make their own voters owners, and therefore, interested in making everything work properly.

    We have, within us, people of all possible political ideologies. From the old ideologies of the past, we have selectively eliminated every negative part, keeping and uniting the few positive parts in an original and proportionate way. We have created the perfect political ideology, in a political organization, with very clear rules, respected by all, and the only method of political work, which works perfectly.

    We are not vain, but we are proud of our work, as we are all convinced that time will prove us right.

    1.   05 January 2023
    2.   Our Philosophies
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