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    One of our rules requires and obliges anyone who joins us to work, together with all of us, for about 20 minutes a day, every day, or for at least 2 hours a week.

    We work for ourselves and for others, individually or in groups, carrying out useful activities for our entire immense community.

    We haven't gone crazy, we demand it from everyone,...

    One of our rules requires and obliges anyone who joins us to work, together with all of us, for about 20 minutes a day, every day, or for at least 2 hours a week.

    We work for ourselves and for others, individually or in groups, carrying out useful activities for our entire immense community.

    We haven't gone crazy, we demand it from everyone, even with the risk of losing many users, who don't feel like it, of being "condemned" by us, from the first minute, to "forced labor" or "socially useful work" .

    We often say it, the situation of the world in which we live is everyone's fault, with the only difference that we, and anyone who joins us, admit it, and we give concretely to do, to change and improve the world, all together.

    We consider it, a civic duty, from the first second, in which we decided to create, our innovative political organization.

    Furthermore, we all start working together, completely free of charge, but over time, we plan to reward the best members of our large community with money, goods, and services.

    Soon, we will be able to hire temporary, and subsequently, permanent, the best, in the art of "helping" our, and your DirectDemocracyS.

    Already with the fact of joining us, each user helps to create the best opportunity, and the only possibility, to put into practice the only authentic democracy, the direct one.

    Thanks to all our somewhat strict but fair rules and an infallible method of working, we will achieve the best results with minimum effort on everyone's part.

    We achieve the duty of being active users, and not mere spectators, even indirectly, by making each of our official members, the owner, together with all our other members, of our entire political organization, of our website, and all of our activities.

    Through collective ownership, we also obtain the unity of purpose of each participant in our innovation. Being a large "cooperative", each person who joins us will be determined to make everything work, for the good of all.

    We know that we ask you for a very small but fundamental part of your time, which is one of the most important things in life. Time is precious, so for some, it's a big sacrifice, but we can assure you, it's worth it. We can change, and improve the present, in a short time, with everyone's work. Furthermore, surely, we will be able to guarantee a different, better and fairer future for our children and grandchildren.

    Together we will create a universe of projects of all kinds for us and for future generations.

    We are not like the other political forces, who want, indeed often demand, passive voters, who accept their every decision, without any intervention.

    We, we want to give you all the powers, in your hands, and in your brains. We get help from groups of experts, always chosen on the basis of equality, possibilities, and subsequent meritocracy. Our innovation gives everyone the same opportunities, and then allows the best to obtain roles, based on their intelligence, competence, honesty, and reliability. One can be an expert, in anything, only in a professional manner, on the basis of one's studies, one's work activities, or on the basis of international recognition. For those who, on the other hand, are passionate about certain topics and do not have the necessary preparation to be part of and work in expert groups, we organize courses which, after passing an exam with excellent grades, will allow anyone to be part of our groups of specialists, first as simple observers, and then as effective members, with the right to work and to vote.

    We conclude this short article, telling you to read carefully all our information, and to register on our website, only after being 100% sure that you are compatible with our projects.

    If you are not sure, wait, and maybe, re-read all of our information, and all of our instructions.

    If, on the other hand, you don't believe in what we do, and you don't want to "waste time", don't register, you can support DirectDemocracyS, even from the outside, not by working with us, but possibly by voting for us, supporting our future candidates (if you consider them honest and competent).

    If, on the other hand, you feel totally incompatible with our projects, thank you for reading everything, and good luck, for all your professional and personal activities, which we hope will fill your heart with happiness.

    DirectDemocracyS, your innovative policy, truly in every sense!

    1.   02 December 2022
    2.   Fundamental questions

    Anyone who registers and creates a personal profile on our website, and then joins us, generally does so out of simple curiosity, to see if our political organization is as beautiful from the inside as it is from the outside. Instead, those who decide not to join us make this decision, due to an understandable, but unjustified, lack of trust.


    Anyone who registers and creates a personal profile on our website, and then joins us, generally does so out of simple curiosity, to see if our political organization is as beautiful from the inside as it is from the outside. Instead, those who decide not to join us make this decision, due to an understandable, but unjustified, lack of trust.

    Unfortunately, on the Internet, there are many people, applications, and websites that hide scams, viruses, blackmail, crime, and many illegal activities.

    Often, with tragic outcomes, such as online bullying, prostitution, pedophilia, and other unpleasant and antisocial situations. There are also many people who lose money and property. It happens, due to people, or commercial companies, who use the Internet to get easy money, scamming good people.

    The trust that we ask of anyone who joins us is always reciprocated.

    If young or expert people know how to recognize and verify the reliability and security of a website, many older or inexperienced people, not having the basis to recognize lawful activities from illicit ones, struggle to trust.

    Relying on evaluations, from other users, or from what you hear around, isn't always a guarantee. Often, many evaluations are false, tampered with, and tendentious, both in a negative and in a positive sense.

    We are not afraid of any verification, we are sure that we are in order, both with the Laws and with our conscience. It doesn't scare us either, no reviews, especially if they are negative. Positive reviews please us because they show appreciation for our hard work. We can assure you that it has not been easy to create all this.

    Our free and independent working method does not help us to make ourselves loved and appreciated by the giants of the web who, knowing the enormous potential of all our political projects, and not only that, seek, however possible, to slow down, because at this point, stopping is impossible. The snowball, which rolled from the mountain, has become an unstoppable avalanche.

    The giants of the web, and the search engines, do not help us, also because, in our political projects, we intend to take away from them, every advantage, and every privilege, by making them pay the same taxes as a worker, a pensioner, or a small or medium enterprise. And we will make them pay taxes, all of them, exactly, in the same percentages (of the population, and of local businesses), in each country, where the companies, or users, who create income for these web giants reside. We repeat, for clarity: they have to pay taxes, exactly, in the same countries, where they generate profits. No more tax havens, or reductions, because it is not ethical, towards those in difficulty.

    It also doesn't help us that we expect to eliminate all wars from all countries, creating a future of peace, brotherhood, unity in diversity, and mutual respect for all the peoples of the earth. Arms manufacturers and traders don't like to see themselves ruined and their profits eliminated, for the good of humanity.

    We make ourselves hated, even by all crime, because we intend to eliminate all mafias, and all illegal activities, with intelligence, offering legal opportunities, for everyone to get rich. Legality is scarier than illegality. But we won't just limit ourselves to the big mafias or big illegal businesses, we will also end all petty crime and antisocial behavior, even by those who believe, to behave in compliance with the Laws, and transgress them, even with small things. Without any kind of violence, without dictatorship, but with intelligence, and with real and concrete projects. We will make every wrong mentality change and improve, simply by offering alternatives, to improve ourselves, from all points of view. A real revolution, from a civic, ethical and moral point of view.

    Even our fight, against all kinds of dictatorship, single party, oligarchy, party politics, and against the theft of power, and of true democracy, by the old and current politics, automatically creates us many antipathies. Almost all political parties, and almost all their political representatives, of the old and current politics, take all the power to decide (which should in theory, and also in the very name of democracy, belong to the population), and they keep to themselves, without deserving it. From the hands, and from the minds, of the population, for many years, after the elections (and without any possibility, on the part of the population, to express an opinion, or to oppose, the wrong decisions), all the power ends up in the hands, and in the often-twisted minds of political representatives, certainly not elected, but chosen, often only by political parties, on the basis, at times, of financial and economic interests. They justify this theft of real democracy, using the incredible excuse that the population, with the vote (with the electoral results), gives the political parties, and their political representatives, the power to decide. Even if, in representative democracy (and again, the name clearly explains it), with the vote, one gives the power of representation, and certainly not the power to decide, in place of one's electors. They are two completely different concepts, representation and the assignment of a right. The old political parties and their political representatives, who are often servants of the financial and economic system, do not always keep their promises, not always, they do the interests of the whole population, often betraying the trust of those who go to vote. So, they don't deserve all the power they took by deceit.

    Therefore, they do not love us, on the contrary, they hate us, and they fear us, all those, who are part of the old politics, of the old finance (unjust, and controlled by a few), of the old economy, in which often people without any merit, they are very rich, and deserving people are in some cases very poor. Often, there are people, and commercial companies, who exploit workers, and pollute our planet. But there are also rich people, thanks to speculations, or scams, in which they have earned enormous sums, and riches, in an unethical way.

    They don't like us, not even the NGOs, and the various international agencies (UN, European Union, and other related institutions), which we would like to reform, and make transparent, putting into practice the mutual respect of all people. We also want to find out, and make public, what happens to all the money, that even those who don't have enough for themselves and their family donate voluntarily, with the hope of solving the problems of those who are in difficulty. Structural reforms, real, and transparency.

    He doesn't love us, not even information, which we always want to see free and independent, without favoring anyone. They often give the same news, with various nuances, and with many other presumed news, which make each of us find, hear, see, read, exactly what they hope to find, hear, see, and read. The news must be presented, exactly as it happened, leaving each user the freedom to get an idea, without being influenced by comments and allusions, and above all, without brainwashing, which we often witness. With so many nuances, of the same truth, they often create hatred and social tensions, as well as fueling insults and rudeness.

    Nor do the various secret services love us, because many of them do not want that as soon as our political representatives enter the various institutions of all the countries of the world, they make public all the information and truths that citizens have been missing for many years, perhaps millennia. But it is our duty to let people know the truth, even if it is unpleasant. As citizens, we have the right to know everything, to control and verify every institution. Because they are, our institutions, the property of all of us.

    What we will do is not called anarchy, it is called democracy, and freedom, words that the accomplices of the greatest fraud in the history of man should not pronounce, the false democracy, the representative one, which generates the theft of the power of the people, to give it to politics, to political parties, and to their political representatives. For this reason, we have decided to put into practice the only authentic and real democracy, the direct one. With an innovative method, of internal and external work, which makes the political representatives, servants, of the population, which only with DirectDemocracyS, returns to be the mistress and protagonist.

    We will not be sympathetic to almost any religion, because while respecting all of them, in exactly the same way, and allowing our users to believe and pray for anyone, we, all religions, will forever exclude them from all our political, financial and economic. They must serve only their Deities, and certainly not dictate, or influence, the Laws, and the decisions, ours, and those of our users.

    Try doing a simple and useful mental exercise. Think of how many people, institutions, commercial enterprises, financial companies, criminals, and religious and social institutions, DirectDemocracyS, and all our related projects, will annoy, or for which they will create enormous problems, with simple political activity, with our rules, and our method.

    Well, we, we don't wonder if it will happen. But let's ask ourselves, everyone, when it will happen.

    Soon, it just depends, how fast we grow up, and how we do it.

    With all these people, and institutions, who can't stand us, and who will undoubtedly try to stop us by any means, legal, and even in some cases, illegal, there are still those who are amazed, that our first 282 members, who have worked, alone, for over 14 years, and created all our projects, do not put their faces on it, and do not make public their real names and surnames, but only encrypted codes. Not so much to protect themselves (if they were fearful people, they wouldn't have thought of all this), but to protect their own families, who are not to blame.

    Now, we are very many, and united, therefore, stopping is practically impossible, perhaps they will be able to slow us down a bit, and we thank them for that. The time, for them, to try to cancel certain things, certain evidence, certain documents, is for us, a very useful time, to organize ourselves better, and to be able to have all the potential, to create a different and certainly better way. Deleting certain things is not easy, and sooner or later the truth will be discovered.

    To anyone who has any doubts about whether to join us or not, let us ask a simple question: can we, all together, do worse than what they did, the old politics, the old finance, and the old economy? We can give you the correct answer. We will never be able to do worse things than them, if we respect all our rules, based on logic, and common sense.

    If at the beginning, many users didn't register, because they didn't understand our full potential, and we understand them, now, many don't register, above all, because they unjustly believe our project is very complicated, and we don't understand them. If we explain it, in a simple way that everyone can understand, they should have no doubts.

    We presented little of our immense project. We have exposed, above all the problems, and only part, of the multiple solutions, which we have found, over the years of work, all together. We are finding many solutions, even now, all together. And many other solutions, we will find them, always all together, with anyone who joins us, even in the future.

    The articles, visible only to those directly concerned, in various reserved parts of our website, which contain all our innovative methodology, are much longer, and with much more specific information. Even the rules of our various working groups, in addition to general rules, the same for everyone, have specific rules and methods, always different, based on needs, and on collective decisions, voted by the members, directly in the various groups.

    To know everything, and to be able to copy our project, and many are trying, a single person should spend his whole life reading, getting information, understanding, and trying to recreate all our work. Even thousands of people, in our various groups, would hardly find all the necessary information to copy us, because certain rules and definitive methods are reserved for very few trusted people.

    Also, the initial investment to create all of this is very large. In addition to people, ideas, rules, money and the means were also needed to have a secure, spacious, powerful, fast and functional website. We have managed to have all the necessary resources, thanks to many donations, free and voluntary, by many of our users, but also by many anonymous visitors. But we will talk in a detailed article about how much all this costs us.

    In addition to the project, perhaps our greatest wealth is our users, especially the first brave ones, who have joined us. People, who work together, coordinated, in a unitary way, in complete freedom and autonomy. Unitary, in full autonomy, and with total freedom, does it seem impossible to you? Enter, check, and you will convince yourself, until then, you will have to trust our word, and those who are already with us. You can also choose to trust those, fortunately few, that we are forced to exclude from our projects. They won't speak well of us, obviously, but we have all the proofs, and all the reasons, that have forced us to exclude them, and in some cases, to declare them persona non grata. We don't throw anything away, in order to be able to respond completely and promptly to every accusation. But we will write an article, also on security measures, one with the various sanctions, and also one, with a case study, of our excluded users, and of the various problems that have arisen. Learning from the mistakes of others, in order not to repeat the same mistakes, makes even negative things useful. They were almost always users who, having made a mistake, we managed to send away, even if some of them had good potential.

    We have also decided to always respond, even with regular complaints, to the competent authorities, to any attempt to denigrate us, our work, our projects, our activities, and each of our users. Furthermore, we will fully respond to all false news, which will be shared, by any means, requesting moral, and in some cases material, damages. We will use the same method of requesting damages for anyone who tries to copy our projects. We have created, from the outset, a commercial company, of the cooperative type, in which each of our members, from the moment of registration, and as long as they remain with us, owns an individual share in this political and economic enterprise of ours. In this way, anyone who copies, even partially, our projects and ideas, which are registered trademarks, will be liable for unfair competition, as well as copyright infringement. Always the same method will be used against those who try to take advantage of our projects to derive non-regulatory advantages and for unauthorized purposes. Protecting the interests of our members is fundamental for us, in order to be able to guarantee, only to those who are entitled to it, the advantages that inevitably derive from such a universe of projects. We will also discuss this aspect, in a certain sense, controversial in the future, in detail.

    Although it seems, at first glance, very complicated, slow, difficult to implement, everything is, however, very simple, intuitive, fast, safe, and with a minimum effort, on everyone's part, to obtain the best results, for the good of all.

    Therefore, our advice, for everyone, is to inquire, only on our website. You can do it, together with people you trust, who can give you advice, and help in case of need. Especially minors, and they are many, who are joining us, please: inform yourself, always together with your parents, or legal guardians, and obtain from them, the authorization to join us, which will then be verified, carefully, without exception.

    Elderly people should speak with adults or young people, provided they are experts, to get help in the more "complicated" steps, paying close attention to their own safety, and to avoid sharing their data with those who help them.

    With a little activity, and with practice, over time, you will see that it is very simple to work with us, because we have tried to make everything simple, intuitive and immediate.

    Therefore, our advice is to register, if you like our project, and you feel compatible with all our rules. If, on the other hand, you have even a single doubt, read all our information again, and if the doubt remains, contact us directly, and we will gladly answer all the questions that do not find an answer in our articles. We will answer and clarify any doubts that you may have, even after reading everything we publish.

    Don't be angry with us if we don't answer you, or if we only answer you with a link, to the article that explains in detail, the answer to each of your questions. We have given ourselves this rule: we explain as many things as possible, in the various articles, to avoid having to receive too many questions. We prefer to publish all authorized information, visible to all, to prevent any waste of time. Much information is visible only to our verified users, and according to the cases, official members, but they concern internal rules, and specific working methods, for this type of user. This confidential information cannot, in any way, influence your decision to join us, or not to.

    If we do not respond immediately, even to legitimate questions, it is because we respond to visitors, in longer times, than to our registered users. They are small advantages that we offer to our users, and they seem logical and normal to us.

    After all, to decide whether you like or not what we want to do, all together, you just need to read the first article, on the front page, on our official website. The choice is not difficult.

    If you like it, read more, if you are not interested, or you are not 100% sure, you can wait, and join later, and only when you are sure you want to do it.

    Undecided people, or those who are not available to actively work with us, are of no help to us, especially in the initial stages, where everyone has to get busy.

    Many ask us, what types of jobs, and what activities, can be done after registering. A very long, dedicated and detailed article would be needed to reveal all the infinite possibilities that exist. We limit ourselves to the main jobs that anyone who joins us is obliged to do, writing a short list, with some explanations. For anyone, the obligation to be present should not be a burden, or a request that is too difficult to meet. It takes about 20 minutes a day, or at least 2 total hours a week, to change and improve the world. We do so many useless activities, and waste so much important time, that what we ask for is absolutely acceptable by anyone. Obviously, everyone manages their activities and their time with us, as they see fit. You can spend even more time on our website, or in our activities, even outdoors, and do more work, together with us. We limit ourselves to mentioning just a few, which are mandatory for anyone who joins us. The first thing that everyone must do is help and support other users, with support, both as an explanation of certain rules, and with a collaboration, based on our innovative method, called "linked chains", in which each person is connected to other people, based on very detailed rules. Each verified registered user will have to be part of at least one or more groups of specialists (at the beginning we recommend to be part of a maximum of 3 groups at the same time), based on one's education, or, based on your work activity. In groups of experts, one must be specialized, enthusiasts or the simple curious are not admitted, but we will organize courses, to allow anyone who is passionate, to study certain themes, or certain topics, and after the course, and an exam, in case of good results, we will allow him to obtain an online diploma, of specialization, and subsequently, to enter the groups of specialists, of topics, or themes, that most fascinate him. We have all the possibilities for everyone, because it seems right to cultivate one's passions, and perhaps develop new interests.

    Each of our official members must be part of at least one special group, which can be administration, security, legality, and other types of special management groups, of our political organization.

    Each verified registered user must be part of at least one group of political work, based on preferences, and their abilities.

    Automatically, each of our official members is inserted in the geographical groups, based on their residence, in one or more countries, according to the cases, or, in all the geographical groups (based on the various territorial subdivisions), of the country of birth, or, in geographical groups, of all the countries, in which one possesses, the right to vote, and according to the cases, to stand as a candidate. All of our members will be placed in international, continental, national, state, regional, provincial, district, and local geographic working groups. In certain cases, they will also be automatically inserted in the geographical, neighborhood or street block groups. Each of our verified registered users must automatically be part of our numerical groups, based on the personal identity number, randomly assigned by our system to each new user at the time of their registration. In each group, each of our users will find many activities to carry out, some mandatory (such as electing and participating in votes), others voluntary, such as standing for elections, or working, based on one's interests and preferences, in the various work areas, of each group.

    Each activity, on our political website, always takes place, first, voluntarily, free of charge, but over time, subsequently, we can decide to hire, on a permanent basis, or, even with a full-time employment contract, some of our best official members. For retirees, and for students, we have many employment opportunities (on the basis of prizes, in cash, in goods or services), without making you lose your pension, or any scholarships, also on the basis of the laws of the various countries and individual preferences.

    Every individual activity, and every action performed, is carefully monitored, and evaluated, by monitoring and evaluation groups of our users. A ranking will be made, with the most active users, with an evaluation of the individual results, and of the groups, of which everyone belongs, to allow us to promote, and always reward, individual and collective merit. We also analyze very carefully the behavior of each of our users.

    Isn't politics enough for you? Do you also want to earn, or make investments, we have many projects, in every economic and financial sector. Many projects, all innovative, with restricted participation, and on a voluntary basis, and all connected to DirectDemocracyS. Each of our members will be able to propose individual projects, and we will implement them, all together, obviously after having analyzed and evaluated them, together with our experts.

    The obligation to be present, to work with us, and to participate in the votes obviously refers only to political activity.

    If you join us, please don't be ashamed you did.

    Many, especially at the beginning, when we asked them to make our project known to other reliable people, relatives, friends and contacts, did not. Partly out of fear of letting others know about a similar project, hoping to be able to maintain the advantages and facilities reserved for the former that unite us.

    Others don't tell anyone, because by obtaining important roles, they then hope to be able to promote their contacts, creating autonomous groups, to be able to manage and control independently. With this behavior, they show that they have understood nothing of our political project.

    We are all united, and whoever tries to make autonomous groups is not compatible with unity, which is fundamental for us to obtain excellent results. Too bad, many of them had potential, and now they have lost any chance to do a good job with us.

    Others, on the other hand, are almost ashamed, or afraid, of being laughed at for having found and made a profile on our website. We ask you a direct question: what are you ashamed of? What fear do you have? Anyone who judges you, for joining us, in a negative way, certainly doesn't know us. But if he inquires, if he delves into it, he will thank you for having made him aware of a political project with similar potential.

    All the few criticisms, which we have recently received, and which we have received, in the short time, since we started, to make our political organization known to very few people, in a selective way, are all limited to criticizing the logo, or the name, or website, not very spectacular. Superficial, and non-essential criticisms. From people, who judge a book by its cover. In concrete things, such as our political program, or our working method, they find no fault. If by chance they find little things that are unclear, or insignificant details, as soon as we clarify them and explain our reasons, they no longer have any doubts about the enormous value of what we have created.

    They also criticize us, for the direct way we speak, write, and in general, for how we communicate, or for our "innovative" way of characterizing, and criticizing, certain behaviors, and people, whose work we do not share. Do you prefer to be lied to, and teased, with nice words, or do you prefer, instead, to know the truth, with somewhat rough but sincere ways? If you choose the second option, read on. Otherwise, stop here, don't read anything more about us, and don't join us, we could offend your sensitivity.

    They have criticized us for having written some swear words in some of our articles, which according to them do us no honor. If you read carefully again, what we write, we criticize, especially ourselves, and we have never insulted or criticized anyone for having behaved well, but only for having committed serious mistakes.

    Saying things, even unpleasant ones, clearly, and in people's faces, is seen by many as an affront, or as rudeness. We're sorry, but we prefer to remain honest, and make everything clear, so as not to create any doubts in people about our good faith.

    Every sentence, every word, is carefully evaluated, and chosen with great care, never to be trivial.

    You will never be able to say, faced with a rule, or faced with a fait accompli: I didn't know it, or, I didn't expect it.

    If every now and then, we make some small spelling error, due to some translation error, or to some automatic corrector, we apologize, and we will gladly correct any error, if whoever points it out, does it politely, and the content, and its meaning is not distorted by the correction.

    They told us that we are presumptuous, that we believe we are perfect, that we think we have all the solutions ready, but if these people read and knew everything we are doing, concretely, they would understand that we have every reason. We are proud of our work, and we consider it well done, and fortunately, or thanks to us, all our new users also confirm it.

    We have been able to create a new ideology, taking every little positive part, and eliminating all the negative parts, of all the ideologies of the past, and of all the old politics. It wasn't easy, putting everything together, but thanks to the hundreds of people who worked on it, and who still work on it, we are politically perfect.

    What you see, which is publicly visible, to all our visitors, is just the tip of the iceberg, of a political project, full of interesting, and very specific, activities. You cannot see, except from within, the enormous work we have done and are doing. And in the future, the work to be done will increase, but if we grow at this rate, it will be easier to do it, because we will divide it into many small parts by groups of users.

    With us, we work in various groups, of various kinds, and each user, in addition to the minimum, mandatory ones, only does the activities he prefers, and those in which he is most useful. Everything takes place in an orderly, organized, and precise manner.

    Of course, we only publish things that are sure, definitive, proposed, decided, discussed, voted on, and approved, both by those who made them and by our special control groups. Each of our articles, each of our rules, each of our proposals is the result of collective work, of various groups of people.

    We don't like publishing things, and then having to apologize, for having published things that are not clear, imprecise, or worse, false, but if we happen to do so, we apologize in advance, and we guarantee you, that we will be the first, to apologize publicly, and to correct any errors or inaccuracies. We repeat it, when, and if it happens. So far, no one has ever complained, and there have been no inaccuracies.

    Many things that we publish annoy many people and many institutions, but we only publish them if we are certain of their authenticity. In any case, doing every possible check.

    No one has ever been able to accuse us of lying, for the simple reason that we carefully verify, several times, in an impartial, diversified, and continuous way, all our sources.

    We try to publish only facts, of which we are certain, not making senseless assumptions, avoiding publishing only the parts that are useful to our cause. It is not in our style to use legal means, but not ethically correct. We don't like getting undeserved acclaim just by taking advantage of the misfortunes and mistakes of others.

    We always publish every criticism that is made of us, not out of victimhood, but because it seems correct to us, always giving every explanation, to make our motivations understood. By explaining things, even the less pleasant or less convenient ones, we avoid misunderstandings, and we exploit the criticisms, even to correctly inform certain details that have not been clarified in our previous articles.

    Sometimes we are repetitive, but in this way, by repeating some important concepts several times, anyone who joins us knows how to behave, and how to work together with all of us.

    We don't like it, because it's unethical to brainwash people or impose ideas.

    We impose the rules, and the method, which are and will always be respected by everyone.

    No one will ever be excluded, for their own ideas, if presented in the ways, times and places intended to exhibit them.

    We write it often, because we are sure of it, our strength is in unity, in diversity.

    Therefore, ideas or proposals are welcome to improve each of our projects, without ever distorting its purpose, utility, style, method, previous rules, and meaning.

    But we don't like those who come to explain to us that "the sky is blue", or those who come to impose their own method or rules on us, changing our rules, proposals, already decided, discussed, and voted by everyone, in everyone's interest.

    And above all, we pity the people who come to us with phrases like: either do as I say, or I'll leave. In addition to offending himself and his own intelligence, he proves to be childish and unreliable. If we can't count on each of our users, we will all make sure that those who behave like this never have an important role in our inevitable hierarchy and can never do important activities. Certainly not out of malice, or for revenge, but we like being able to count on all the people who join us, the feeling of trust being important and always reciprocated.

    When we obsessively write "we", it is not because of the plural misstates, but because we, we are many people, even as we write this article, and each of our projects, is our property, therefore we have, various people, who come together in everything we do.

    In general, we do not consider politicians who were part of the old politics to be reliable, and we do not allow those who ran for certain roles with other political forces, being part of the old "system", to re-apply, together to us, for the same roles. However, they can apply, or propose themselves, or be proposed, for other roles, of political management, but possibly not of political representation.

    Above all, we don't like, and we don't trust very much, people who often change sides, while acknowledging that changing one's mind can, in some cases, be synonymous with intelligence, but it is also often synonymous with indecision, unreliability, opportunism, and personal interests, which, although legitimate, make us have reservations about those who often change parties, or those who betray, or abandon, political forces during the legislature. We don't like it very much, even those who leave a party to found one in their own image and likeness, especially if done immediately after the vote. This behavior demonstrates lack of respect, and esteem, for their constituents. For us, all our constituents are sacred, as they will almost all be our official members, therefore, they will all be part of our immense family. In general, we hate people who "spit on their plate". Obviously, there are exceptions, and motivated changes, and therefore to generalize, is incorrect. Every fact, every decision, and every person, must be analyzed, in the general and specific context, before drawing hasty or wrong conclusions.

    We conclude this long article, with which we have certainly lost many potential users, with a few sentences, which will make us lose even that small, but important percentage of interested people, who perhaps would have registered now.

    When someone joins us, they enjoy all our trust, esteem, and respect. Every new user starts with the same possibilities, to reach important goals, as those who have been with us for a long time, even if they don't initially have the same roles. It takes a lot of time to overcome the various stages, so patience and hard work, always demonstrating that you know how to behave in a way that is compatible with all our rules.

    If a person makes small mistakes, we know how to be understanding, but if they are repeated often, we know how to make decisions, to punish those who don't respect all our rules.

    If a person makes a serious mistake, practically, he has almost no chance of redeeming himself, except, with a lot of work, and exemplary behavior, for a very long time, having to prove that he is reliable. We are sorry to be rigid, and to continuously check each of our users, but many projects, even beautiful ones, fail, due to lack of rules, and lack of courage, in punishing those who transgress them.

    We prefer to prevent any problems, and we know that being intransigent will discourage many potential users from registering and joining us. But for the good of all, we must be very careful and discourage any potentially dangerous activity.

    The advantages and facilities reserved for the first users, who trust and join us, begin the moment we realize the capabilities, honesty, reliability, and sincerity of each person. At that moment, our evaluation groups, our users, groups, which are all free, independent, and composed of our most reliable members, decide, to "promote", and put, each person, in the right place. But trust, and one's role, must be confirmed, every day, through one's work, with one's own results, and those of the group, and through one's individual behavior, and that of one's groups. If a new user has greater skills, he can be promoted, even in more important roles, or in the same role as users who have been present for longer in our project. In fact, it is not uncommon to find even more people in the same role, or as heads or coordinators of working groups. Creating a healthy, honest, fair and useful competition between the various users and between our groups is a beneficial activity which, through competition, will always allow us to obtain important results. We are talking about competition, for good, not a struggle for power, which only creates damage. The important thing is the common result, and not the fame of the individuals.

    They also told us that we speak in an unprofessional and never too technical way. We know that accusing us of many things, and even condemning us, will soon be a "sport" that many will practice. But making a fool of ourselves, to try to belittle our work, is certainly not intelligent behavior. The fact that we don't use quotations too often (we've already talked about it), and the fact that we write in a simple way that is understandable to everyone, we take it as a compliment. Too often politics, but also finance or the economy, speak to us in a way that is difficult to understand. With 2 sentences, they explain only to a few "insiders", exactly what we explain, to anyone (even to poorly educated people), in 10 simplified and somewhat "diluted" sentences. We are proud of everything we write, and also of the way we write it. How many times, the old politics, makes fun of us, because we believe certain of their statements are right, not fully understanding them. We are innovative, even in this, and not to get the votes and support of less educated people. We do it because we consider it our duty to always make ourselves understood by anyone who reads, listens to us, or looks at us. We don't do the right things, to get consensus, and to win elections. We only and exclusively do the things we truly believe in.

    We receive messages, in which, even people who join us, beg us to summarize the concepts, and in part we are doing so. They beg us on their knees to shorten the articles, and we make an effort to do so. You may have noticed that we have some articles on our website that are very short, albeit detailed. Read sentences, such as: you have to summarize, you have to write, in a few lines, all the essential points. Or: people, they don't have time to waste, they don't like to delve into. But also: I read the first 20 lines, and then fell asleep. Here, well done, you have discovered us, we have a serious defect, we do not have "the gift of synthesis". And with the risk of going on too long, this time too, we'll explain our motivations.

    When we all together decided to go into politics in a unified way, in addition to having to find solutions to all the serious problems of the earth, we had to choose a style of work and presentation of our ideas.

    Having found, in short, the solution to all the problems of the earth, we had to find a way to keep everything together and make the huge mechanism of many small concepts work. Because good ideas can come to everyone, but then, making them work and last over time is more difficult.

    We had to study, for months, or in some cases even for whole years, all the possible problems, and find all the useful solutions, to prevent them, not just to solve them.

    We ended up with tens of thousands of pages of possible problems, and hundreds of thousands of pages of solutions, to prevent and resolve any "unforeseen events".

    We have not made our work public for over 14 years, also for these reasons.

    Problems, unexpected events, prevention, and solutions. In DirectDemocracyS, many words only work if inserted in the same sentence, just think of our ultimate goal: to change and improve the world. The verb to change, without the verb to improve, would not have the same usefulness for the entire world population.

    The fact of often giving superfluous details, or, in some cases, not understandable by everyone, does not exist. We say exactly what we have planned to say, in the times and in the foreseen ways, with the risk of boring or putting someone to sleep. Sleeping, and remarrying, never hurt anyone, except in a few cases, in which it is a pathology. So, if our long articles also have a soporific effect, we're happy about it, if it's good for your health. We will often return to all these concepts, even writing a very long article in the future on how we created all of this. It seems right to us to talk about our origins. How right it seems to us, to explain all our motivations.

    Another thing that bothers practically everyone is a sentence that we often write, the old policy, exactly mirrors the voters who go to vote.

    Nobody can contradict us, when we declare, that all of us (in the sense of us who write, and you who read), voters of the old elections, are the main culprits, of every evil on earth. Do you know why? Because we have allowed all of this, without acting, or rather, without reacting.

    We have all been able to complain about everything, and comment on everything, even the most useless, especially on social networks, to then continue to live, without lifting a finger, or a neuron, to act, to change, and improve, all the things that don't work.

    Complaining, commenting, being against the old political, financial, and economic system, being envious of rich and famous people.

    We have all transformed social networks from the place where we tracked down relatives and friends, with whom we communicated, in the toilet, where we vomited, all our poison, and on which to vent, all our repressed anger, and all our frustrations.

    The interesting thing is that the old political, financial, and economic system are not affected in the least by our "social anger".

    All your activities, for whole hours, to create groups, pages, posts, and comments, more or less interesting, more or less shareable, are useless, do not change, and do not improve the world.

    But by now, we are all "social media addicts", as are the young, and not so young, of video games, as they will soon be, all those who prefer to live, in a simple way, in a virtual world, the meta verse, rather than work hard, and work concretely, to change and improve our real world. They will give you, for free, or for very little money, a virtual world, in which you will all be rich, famous, and powerful. You will have men, and women, to have sex with, you will have villas, luxury cars, golf courses, and many things, which in real life, they will never give you.

    They, normal, powerful people, live in reality, making you live, in the world of dreams.

    We don't have a crystal ball, but we look realistically and intelligently to the future. In this regard, the present is already that future we just talked about. Whether it is right or wrong is not for us to decide. But how we consider it wrong to take drugs or drink alcohol, to find the courage to declare ourselves to the people who interest us, and how we consider it wrong to have sex, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, because it does not remember us well, the day after, every feeling, and serious mistakes can be made, we also find it deeply wrong, live in the virtual world, our real life.

    So, let's not be wrong, and we won't lie, by saying, that we, and all of you, are the only ones to blame for the shitty world we live in. The old, and often putrid system, has only the fault of exploiting all our weaknesses in its favor.

    We, having foreseen all this, decided to act.

    Certainly not, in a head-on collision, because we would have no chance of winning, on the contrary, we would have lost from the start. The old political, financial, and economic system had hundreds of years, if not entire millennia, to make itself unbeatable.

    In just a few years, we have found other solutions.

    Therefore, all those "losers", who often believe they can fight for shareable ideas, have already lost both their time and all their battles.

    We, who are truly intelligent, have found a better way, which is the only one that works. Precisely, to create new paths to travel, all together. Not a direct confrontation, but an alternative, credible, useful to all, with rules, values, ideals, principles, all based on logic, common sense, and mutual respect of all people.

    We don't fight against anyone; we will let all people choose whether useful innovation (therefore ours) or false innovation (theirs) is better.

    We are alternatives, and not enemies, of the old system. And the sure thing is that we grow slowly, but continuously. Thanks to strict rules, respected by all, and infallible methods, we can do nothing wrong. Thanks to hard and long work.

    For these reasons, even if there is an urgency to move quickly to avoid further suffering for the world's population, we proceed calmly, carefully, with attention to every little detail.

    While you, continue to post photos of kittens, or new haircuts, or continue to protest, and make revolutions, and change projects, and fight against the "system", online, directly in their home (social networks, are their home), wasting precious time, for useless things, which don't change anything, we, who instead work, only in our home (which is our website), free, and independent, we all work together, to change, and improve, the real world.

    We don't change, and we improve, only our world, but yours too.

    We are not superheroes, we are simple people who find solutions to problems, exactly what a healthy and innovative political force should do.

    So, thank you all, for your useful, but obvious, advice, your criticism, if constructive, will certainly make us improve, but we will never waste precious time again to answer all these details, which are important to you, but that as soon as we explain our motivations to you, they become irrelevant. We thank you for the effort, but we do nothing, purely by accident.

    We were just conceived, by pure chance, like all of you. But as soon as we opened our eyes, we started working, not just for our own good, but for everyone else's.

    For those who would like a simple, easily understandable project, we reply with these long, clear, and detailed articles.

    The world cannot be changed and improved simply and summarized, but with the care and dissemination of every single detail. If you like it, join us, otherwise, keep crying, complaining, indignant, pissed off, creating virtual projects, and dispensing advice, on social networks, where our presence is purely symbolic, and where, we don't almost no activity.

    We don't have, and won't have, time to waste.

    After the last meeting, with all our national representatives, from all countries of the world, it was decided that we will never share our users, with other political forces, and with other groups, on social networks, or on other sites web. In a nutshell, those who do politics with us do it only with us, and on our website, and not with other political forces, in other groups, and on other websites, or social networks.

    We will never, for any reason, make group agreements, but only individual ones, with our potential users. We will instead be able to delegate some of our official representatives to maintain contacts with other potential users, but always, individually, and never, within other political groups.

    The reasons are obvious, we will discuss them in detail in the future.

    Obviously, you can stay, to have fun, or to communicate, on social networks, and other websites, but you will not have to do political activities, without having been previously authorized, and only for certain activities limited in time. It doesn't seem like a senseless request for anyone who wants to work with us.

    We seem rigid, and very closed, in our project, but all of this is an important aspect, to make everything work, and not become unstable, or not very serious, as much of the old politics is.

    Many consider us not very inclusive, and too selective, but at the right time, every good person on earth will be able to join us.

    Not all together, but the right people, at the right time.

    Thus, 99% of the world's population will be able to join us. Because only a small percentage of bad people will never be compatible with our activities.

    We will talk in other articles about our deep motivations, which oblige us to carefully choose our first users. There are many factors involved in many of our choices, including the protection of our planet, and various motivations, which, as always, will surprise you.

    Those presented in our articles are all our choices, carefully evaluated, and considered very useful, even if many don't like them. For us, however, the collective good is always more important than some potential individual user, lost.

    1.   29 November 2022
    2.   Fundamental questions

    The human being, is a social animal. The basis of the company is made up of many families. For almost all of us, the family is important, and must be defended and supported.

    If it is true that we choose friends, and family members, are assigned to us by "destiny", it is also true that there is a very powerful bond that binds us almost...

    The human being, is a social animal. The basis of the company is made up of many families. For almost all of us, the family is important, and must be defended and supported.

    If it is true that we choose friends, and family members, are assigned to us by "destiny", it is also true that there is a very powerful bond that binds us almost inextricably to our relatives.

    After so many requests and messages from curious people who asked us what our position was on the family, we finally responded.

    We consider the family important, but even more important for us is love, which many poets, philosophers and writers have struggled to describe, understand or explain for millennia. The force of love is the most powerful of all.

    The love of a mother and a father, or two mothers, or two fathers, for their children, but also, of grandparents, for their grandchildren, are incredible. The same can be said of the love that binds brothers and relatives together. The few exceptions, of unaffectionate people, incapable, therefore of loving, or certain cases, of unstable people, who comment contemptible crimes, do not affect in the least, the great majority of people, who would do anything, for their children, brothers, and family members.

    You may have noticed our phrase: love, of a mother and a father, or two mothers, or two fathers. Many will be annoyed by our normal way of defining relationships, which for others are not.

    If we were cynical people, and thought only of consensus, we would have to take sides in favor of the "traditional family", and leave "different" families to their fate, and without any protection, protection, or recognition.

    But we always like to be on everyone's side, especially the weakest and most defenseless. Not for consensus, but because we truly believe in it.

    We are always on the side of those who are in difficulty, both in terms of living conditions (we have written clearly, in our regulation, that we always help everyone, always starting to help more, and first, those in difficulty), and on an emotional level. Just as we are in favor of any type of minority, but never against the majority (we are never against anyone), for the simple reason that we are sure that by basing all our rules on mutual respect for all people, we do not never wrong.

    In any case, as always, we rely on logic, and common sense.

    Perhaps our strength is knowing how to distinguish good from evil, placing the good of all people at the center of all our positions.

    Speaking of religions, traditions, customs, or cultures, we do not accept morality lessons, or teachings, from anyone who does not respect all human rights, all the fundamental freedoms of the individual, and of the various social groups.

    As regards God, or the Deities, as superior beings, we are sure that their love for us is infinite, and therefore, we are certain that no God, or Deity, however powerful, can ever set itself against the greatest force in the universe, that is love.

    Religions, which we all respect in the same way, without any preference, must stay out of all our projects, and whoever joins us can believe in what they want, pray for whoever they want. But if a religion is not right, and almost all of them have many things to think about, and many things to be forgiven, it certainly cannot teach us how to do politics, or how to make our projects together. It cannot even try, to influence our activities, or those who join us.

    Religions, traditions, habits, and cultures, have all been invented (without any exception), and created by men (not by the majority of good people), certainly not to please the various Gods, or for the good of all. But out of pure selfishness, greed, and to try to divide people, to better control them.

    The people who invented everything, cannot be believed, for the simple reason, that no God, or Goddess, is good, or bad, based on people's behavior, Gods are all made up of love, if there is God and Divinity, they "invented" love. If we read all the Sacred Texts, however, we find many descriptions that have nothing in common with the love and mutual respect of all people. Instead, we find many individual or group interests to make people believe things that no God or Divinity would force us to do. We have talked about religions, and we will talk about them in the future. But it is important to understand that we demand respect for men, for all men, offering in exchange, everyone's freedom to believe what they want.

    Customs, traditions, cultures, policies, whether they are against love, against freedom, against democracy, in all their forms, and in every possible way (with the exception of those who exploit, the weak, and the helpless), will be tolerated by us, but never accepted, in our activities.

    None of us can force someone to change mentality, even if this mentality is profoundly wrong, or bigoted, and antiquated.

    If a law does not take anything away from heterosexual couples, this law must give every right and duty, even to homosexual couples. And anyone who doesn't accept the same law for all cannot join us, and if they do, they won't stay long in our immense family.

    So, whoever talks about the family, as a value, must recognize it as such, regardless of the gender of its members.

    So, from now on, when we refer to family, we refer to "all variants of family," which we love, and respect, in exactly the same way.

    Being part of a community, like ours, which is a real family, means respecting every rule, without any exceptions, without any compromises, even with the risk of getting fewer users and less consensus, because we are sure that the time will prove us right.

    Society evolves, for some it regresses, and in some aspects, it is unfortunately like this, but certainly not, as far as love and the family are concerned.

    Those who see, in the freedom to love whoever you want, a danger for your children and grandchildren, who could take "wrong examples", we, and all the specialists in the world, reassure you: if your children or grandchildren want being: gay, lesbian, bisexual, fluid, male, female, and all the various forms of love for others, and for oneself, will be, whether you accept, or not accept, their normal, forms of love.

    A piece of advice, which we would like to give you: love, respect and help people, as they are, and not as you would like them to be. We don't become "different" because we see things on TV, on the street, or on the Internet, or because the laws allow it, but because we are like this, and that's it!

    One must not be stupid, and say: but once upon a time there weren't all these forms of love, because they were exactly the same number, as a percentage, only that they lived worse, and in a hidden way, with internal and external sufferings, incomprehensible, for those who do not experience them directly.

    Think of your children, or grandchildren, who will hate you, because you have done nothing, to protect, support, and defend every form of love, and every type of family.

    The general moral decay of society, and implicitly of the family, is not due to love, but to the lack of love, and above all, by the lack of respect.

    Returning to the discussion of the family, it should be greatly expanded, starting from respect for women, passing through respect for minors and people in difficulty. Supporting people in need means supporting the family.

    Heterosexual or homosexual, starting a family today should be much easier than a few years ago, when everyone sacrificed to help and support the formation of new families.

    Today, instead of being simpler, because life should be better, such as health, education, working conditions, and society, creating a new family has become more complicated, due to faults to be divided exactly in half, between politics and people, who have almost all become less willing to sacrifice themselves, to work, and to make sacrifices, to create what is the fulfillment of love, to create a family with whom to share this immense love.

    Our solutions, as always, are innovative, and almost all depend on the creation of family policies, certainly not with some "bonus", which does not solve things. But with concrete help, to encourage and support, on an ongoing basis, every family nucleus. So forever, and not just at the beginning.

    A few years ago, a lot was done with little, today with a lot, little is done. Perhaps, changing mentality, and giving people, especially young people, goals to achieve, goals to achieve, could stimulate them to create new and solid families. Because many goals to be achieved, and goals to be achieved, can be achieved, much better, with the support of a large family. Instead, unfortunately, many young people see in the creation of a family a "burden" that slows down their progress towards their individual goals.

    But let us also ask ourselves what are the objectives and prospects for families now and in the immediate future? Maybe something is missing? We have some ideas and concrete solutions, but we will talk about them in other articles, in detail.

    1.   26 November 2022
    2.   Our Philosophies

    The State, or the public sector, have always been seen as enemies, or as strict controllers, of compliance with the Law.

    Who among us, paying taxes, does not feel cheated? Who among us, faced with a simple fine for prohibited parking, does not feel far away from a state that does not understand us, that we need to park close to our...

    The State, or the public sector, have always been seen as enemies, or as strict controllers, of compliance with the Law.

    Who among us, paying taxes, does not feel cheated? Who among us, faced with a simple fine for prohibited parking, does not feel far away from a state that does not understand us, that we need to park close to our destination? Or when the state, and the law, tell us what is right and what is wrong? Or, again, when they tell us what to do with our lives? There would be many questions, which we will have to answer, all together. There should be no doubts about the taxes to be paid, they must be made fair, and must always be paid, by everyone. On the parking lots, walking a little more certainly doesn't hurt your health. The State, and the Law, which tell us what is right or wrong, deserve many of our articles, and we cannot clarify, in a few words. We must respect the Law (so as not to live in a dangerous anarchy), and if a Law is not right, or in the interest of the whole population, the State has the obligation to change, or modify, every Law, every regulation, in according to the needs of the entire population. If a Law tells us what we must do with our lives, some people see it as a lack of freedom, for others, however, right or wrong, the Law must be respected by everyone.

    We, who make politics, and we hope to do it well, in the interest of all, without any preference, are sure that not all laws are just and respectful of the interests of the entire population.

    What can we do if, for example, a law is in favor of only the majority of the population? In these cases, the State would have the obligation to mediate between the interest of the majority and that of the minority.

    Let's take a trivial example, soft drugs. In some countries, they are prohibited (in some countries with very severe penalties), in others they are authorized only for "medical" use, in other countries, however, they are legalized. In the specific case of drugs (distinguishing between light and heavy), we will make a long article, but briefly, we will explain to you what, in our opinion, must be done in order to have a just law. For many people, there is no distinction between soft and hard drugs. For others, from soft drugs, it is possible physiologically, or automatically, to switch to hard drugs. For those who "love" soft drugs, they don't hurt anyone. We believe that it is a cultural discourse of traditions, education, and habits. In some countries, drugs are part of the "culture" and of the habits of a people. In others, you go to prison, or even risk the death penalty, for dealing in large quantities. Therefore, in these specific cases, an equal law cannot be made throughout the world, in order not to hurt the traditions of any country.

    But we will talk about it, in detail, in the dedicated article.

    DirectDemocracyS sees the State, as a parent, and the population, as children, loved, respected, and helped.

    In our opinion, the Laws must all be reviewed and reformed, always trying to improve them, in the interest of the entire population, or at least, of the greatest possible percentage of people. Because, not always, a Law is seen by everyone in the same way, therefore the decisions taken will hardly be able to satisfy everyone.

    Let's make it clear right away that we are against anarchy, because it generates chaos and can be very dangerous.

    Being in favor of absolute respect, of Legality, and against anyone who breaks the Laws, we cannot accept, who believes, that having just Laws is against individual or collective freedom. All our rules are made taking into account the fact that the freedom of each of us must be infinite, but that our freedom ends where the freedom of another person, or another group of people, begins.

    A world without rules would be much worse than the one we live in with many wrong rules.

    For us, it is important to educate people, to respect every law, even the most banal. In many countries, there are civic education courses in schools, which certainly help, but do not completely solve the problems.

    But we like to start from the basics, and therefore we like to teach everyone the difference between good and evil. To distinguish right from wrong, we rely on logic, common sense, science, study, and research.

    We see, on many occasions, people break the law, and often out of fear, or lack of time, we do not report the mistakes we notice to those who engage in antisocial behavior and to the police.

    For many, breaking the law is a fashion, a pastime, which makes them more "interesting" people.

    Others break the law, to make videos, to upload to social networks. Often, risking their own lives, or worse, those of others.

    And immediately, the blame is placed on the young (making it a question of age), even if they, the young, are the least guilty of all. They are only to blame for suffering in silence, helplessly witnessing the moral decay of the whole of society.

    Moralists blame the parents, who have not given the right education to their children, or they blame the schools, which are not capable of adequately educating young people.

    The interesting thing, partially, they're all right, we're all to blame, for the situation we're in. Does unloading our frustrations, on social networks, and complaining, and commenting on everything, even in a vulgar way, change and improve the situation? Absolutely not, but it makes us feel better, let off steam, and find enemies to blame for the objectively difficult situation we're in.

    Smart people don't complain, just wasting time, but do the hardest thing: they act, all together, to change and improve the world.

    We have found the method to make anger useful to all of society, through all our innovative projects, starting from the political one.

    If every person on earth spent 10% of the time he passes, complaining (on social networks), acting, and working concretely, to change and improve things, even the most insignificant (many little things, combined with other little things become big things), you would see a lot of incredible results.

    We have calculated that we could solve almost all the world's problems in a very short time, with a little good will, with a civic commitment, and with the strength of unity, with the ideas, and the work, of all the good people. Wasting a little of your time to get concrete results is the best way to make yourself useful, for yourself and for others.

    But basically, the current political, financial and economic system likes to see people complaining on social networks, perhaps they created them for this. As long as people complain, in the virtual world, without taking concrete action, in the real world, things won't change, and they will never get better.

    We at DirectDemocracyS, and all our related projects, use their own "weapon" against them, without any violence, without a head-on collision, but by creating an alternative, a new road, to travel together, intelligently.

    For this reason, anyone who wants to enter our immense universe of concrete projects must start with politics. Because by starting to do politics, all together, young and old, men and women, we will be able to make just laws, in the interest of all, by changing and improving our mentality, and our way of acting, in order to then change, and improve the world we live in.

    Changing mentality does not mean giving up one's ideas, but it means knowing how to distinguish good from bad, what is useful from what is not. Ours is not a "battle" against social networks, we, as you will have understood, by reading our articles, are not against anything, and against anyone, but we make politics only in favor of everyone, trying to make different and better everyone's life.

    In the next articles, we will explain our concrete projects, analyzing various possibilities, and various proposals.

    1.   26 November 2022
    2.   Values

    For us, the values of freedom and democracy, real and complete, are fundamental.

    We will never allow ourselves to judge anyone's choices, nor the ideas, or theories, that each person has, based on their own intelligence, education, and upbringing.

    Choosing to join us, or not to, is a personal choice. We don't like to influence anyone, or even...

    For us, the values of freedom and democracy, real and complete, are fundamental.

    We will never allow ourselves to judge anyone's choices, nor the ideas, or theories, that each person has, based on their own intelligence, education, and upbringing.

    Choosing to join us, or not to, is a personal choice. We don't like to influence anyone, or even insist too much, on inviting someone to join us.

    Obviously, we would like to immediately have all the people of the earth united in all our projects, but we know that it will take time, and that everything must be done without any hurry, with the utmost attention to every detail.

    We cannot afford to make mistakes, even if we have foreseen that there will be "physiological" setbacks.

    In this article, we will tell you about our official members, but first, as often happens, let's make a brief introduction, to understand how things work.

    Everyone knows, DirectDemocracyS, has various types of users.


    Passive voters.

    Anyone who votes, for our candidates, without being registered, and without having a personal profile, on our website, is one of our voters, which we call "passive", i.e., not directly involved in the management of our political organization and in the choices to be made by their political representatives. By voting for our candidates, you freely express your preference, leaving it to others to decide. We thank in advance anyone who decides to trust us, and our candidates, even if we prefer to have an equal relationship with our constituents, and decide on anything, all together.

    Active voters.

    Anyone who votes for our candidates, being registered and having a personal profile on our website, is one of our voters, whom we call "active", i.e., directly involved in the management of our political organization, and in the choices, to be made, to their political representatives. By voting for our candidates, you freely express your preference, also assuming the responsibility of deciding, proposing, discussing, and voting by choosing what you believe is best for everyone. We thank in advance anyone who decides to trust us, and our candidates. Active voters, and owners, together with all those, who join us, of all our businesses. They are people, with whom we prefer to have an equal relationship, and decide on anything, all together.

    Interested people.

    Anyone who follows us, on our pages, and in public groups, on social networks, and other websites, can be defined as interested in our activities.


    Anyone who joins us, on our pages, and in groups, public or private, on social networks, and other websites, can be defined as a supporter of our activities. Even if we do not carry out any type of political activity, or of any kind, on social networks, and on other websites, anyone who joins us can have some information on the activities we carry out only, and exclusively, on our official websites. The reasons for our choice to do everything in our immense, welcoming, safe, discreet, protected "home", which is our official website, we have explained them several times, so everyone knows them. Anyone with a little intuition understands that it is fundamental for us to be free, independent, and without any censorship.


    Whoever is reading this article on our website is one of our visitors. It can inform itself, receiving, almost in real time, the information that our working groups decide to share, in the ways, in the parts, and in the times, decided by each group.


    They are physical or legal persons, commercial, multimedia, information, or financial, and economic companies, who, after some negotiations and reciprocity, are present, as our guests, on our websites.

    Some of our guests support us with donations (free, voluntary and without any commitment or obligation on our part), or through advertising contracts, or, as partners in financial and economic activities, of our official members. Other guests, on the other hand, support us with the publication, by all possible means, of our public information, to make our activities known to as many people as possible.

    Invite yourself.

    They are personalities, experts, from various sectors, invited to follow us, to help us, with advice, suggestions, or as consultants. They can be registered, on our websites, with a greater speed, and with advantages, and facilities, due to our need, to have them with us, as a priority. In this regard, it seems right to explain to everyone that some people, we choose them, others, can freely propose themselves. We hope it is clear to everyone that encouraging the entry, into our political organization, and the work of consulting, of great personalities, does not mean discriminating, but serving the general interests of all, and rewarding recognized merits.

    Types of users. If necessary, other types of users will be created over time.

    Registered users. They are all those who register, and create a personal profile, on our official website. After activation, by one of our administrators, and after the first access, they have 2 weeks to request to become a verified registered user. If the request is approved, they can begin the process of having their identity verified by our special security groups and our administrators.

    Verified users. They are all our users, whose identity is verified and guaranteed. They are the ones who begin to carry out more important activities, and with greater responsibilities. In this regard, it is normal to verify the identity of anyone before carrying out certain tasks.

    Official members. They are all our verified users, who decide to pay the annual fee, as an official member, of our political organization. The fee is valid for one year, from the moment you pay, and from the moment the payment arrives in our bank accounts, or online.

    Official representatives. It is the official members, appointed, who carry out important activities, with roles of responsibility, in the management of all our activities. They deal with representation, DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, at various levels. They also manage, together with other administrators, our political organization, and all related projects.

    Political representatives. It is the official members, elected by our voters, who carry out political representation activities. First, they must be proposed, or self-proposed, in geographic or numerical groups, or both, by the official members of the various groups, at candidate selections, in our internal online primary elections. After the selections of the candidates, the online primary elections will take place. And the candidates with the most votes will be able to participate, as our political representatives, in the subsequent selections, for increasingly important roles. The winners of the online primary elections will officially become our candidates for the real elections.

    Administrators. They are official representatives, appointed in roles of coordination and management of the main activities.

    Super admins. They are administrators, appointed in roles of coordination and management of the main activities.

    For us, every registered user is important, and has the same value, as a person. Our "hierarchies" were created with the aim of rewarding: the first who "trust us" (trust that must always be reciprocated by offering more important roles), the first who join us (to give advantages and facilitations, to be confirmed over time, to our first users), but also to create roles, which allow us to put all the right people in the right places. Who will tell us: but didn't you say, that for you, users are all the same, and that everyone should have the same opportunities? We respond with few words, equality, but with meritocracy. Every role, even as Super Administrator, must be confirmed every day, through one's work, one's behavior, through the results obtained, through compliance with all our rules, and through demonstrated reliability. Therefore, the advantages, and the facilitations, are provisional, to then make room for the best. But we guarantee you that equality of opportunity to rise in the "ranking and hierarchy of command" exists for everyone, always, but must be accompanied by individual merits over time. It seems complicated, but it is the only way to always be better, to create fair, honest and fair competition.

    After this premise, let's talk about our official members.

    First, let's analyze together the reasons, which have forced us, to "make count more", to have more important roles, and greater responsibility, the official members, of the simple, verified users.

    The economic motivation.

    We don't like to be hypocritical, so let's be clear: keeping a mechanism like ours up and running perfectly costs a lot, in economic terms. The website, payroll, and miscellaneous expenses are quite expensive. Even though we do not have any economic problems thanks to our planning, we must prevent such problems from arising. You just have to look around to see that many companies, even gigantic ones, are losing a lot of money, and their shares are expiring in an incredible way, and by some, not expected. Let's not analyze the reasons here, maybe we will in the future.

    The motivation of the awards.

    Anyone who is already with us knows well how much we like to recognize the merits of those who work with us for individual results. DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, you have to see them, as a set of people, who make politics, but also business, or who have fun, and work together. Each of us makes his own contribution, based on his own possibilities, with his own experience, with his own time, with his own activities, to the functioning and achievement of important results. Always rewarding, substantially, but also symbolically, the greatest number of people, makes the right recognition, for anyone who joins us. And we are delighted to be able to reward anyone who achieves important results.

    The motivation of the competition.

    Running a competition, therefore creating a real competition, between those who carry out the best activities, for the good of all, is a way to grow and always improve.

    Therefore, asking for a small economic sacrifice, to allow us to be free and independent, does not seem wrong to us. Almost all the political forces in the world ask for contributions from their members. But unlike them, we have at least 5 groups of our users for every penny raised, and for every penny spent, who verify and approve each entry and exit. Furthermore, we are always available to explain to anyone what happens to the money raised.

    We know very well that the economic situation of the entire world population is precarious, and we often helplessly witness the impoverishment of many people. We also know that the middle class is disappearing, to make room for very rich people (few), and poor people (very many).

    We also know that 12 Euros per year, valid from the moment you pay, for anyone living in developed countries, is not an impossible amount to pay. You give up one coffee a month.

    But for those who earn 38 euros a month (as unfortunately happens in some countries), it represents almost a third of their salary in the month in which they pay the fee. Therefore, we decided to allow those who have more to help those who have less, being able to pay 24 Euros, 12 Euros for themselves, and 12 Euros to help a friend, an acquaintance, or a random person in difficulty, to become our official member, free of charge. But, for those who wish, they can pay more shares, which will be used, again to help people in financial difficulty become official members.

    Our accounting and control groups are available to anyone, for further explanations, and for all instructions.

    To conclude our article, in which, as always, we speak clearly and explain our choices, let's take a step back, to the first few minutes, in which 5 people decided to change and improve the world, together with anyone, had joined them.

    One of the first aspects that were discussed was the economic problem. Beautiful ideas, important projects, values, principles, ideals, all logical and common sense, without financial solidity, have no future. So, it was important to have a guarantee that it would not put us in the terrible situation of having to close due to lack of funds. Self-financing, without ever having to depend on "sponsors", and without ever making compromises, with anyone, was a choice, obligatory with such a project. After just a few days, some entrepreneurs, even important ones, decided to finance us. To our negative answer, they said: are you crazy? We shower you with money, you and your future generations, and we also leave you free and independent. The answer of one of the first creators was simple, but very clear: what if one day we were forced to make right political choices, but which damaged your activities, out of a spirit of gratitude towards you, we would not be able to do them. And he added: you see, we prefer to make the right choices, always, regardless of who helps us, or doesn't help us, otherwise we'll be like the old politics. And we will never be like the old politics.

    Self-financing, with the quotas of our members (which we reciprocate with some important services, such as a personal, institutional profile, and a personalized e-mail address, with relative storage space), with advertising (possibly not too invasive), with free and voluntary donations, and above all with the obligatory contribution of 25% of each gain, from our political representatives (also in this case offering many services, and aid in return), was the best choice we could make.

    These funds will allow us not to have financial problems, to have a guaranteed future, to always remain free and independent, to never make any kind of compromise, to develop political projects intelligently and without wasting a penny, but also to give due recognition to as many people as possible. Yes, because we tell you right away, whoever came up with all of this will be rewarded for the work done, the risks they have taken, and the first essential investments, not because they demand it, but because all those who have joined later, will they think right. And we always like to make the right choice.

    1.   25 November 2022
    2.   Financial soundness
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