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    • 194 Articles

    First a premise.

    When we write something, in the Main Menu item, Law, in all sub-menu items, in every category, and in all sub-categories, are our rules, our official positions, our instructions, and a commitment, which we all take, definitively, and that we will respect, in every part.

    When we give you instructions, and we tell you how...

    First a premise.

    When we write something, in the Main Menu item, Law, in all sub-menu items, in every category, and in all sub-categories, are our rules, our official positions, our instructions, and a commitment, which we all take, definitively, and that we will respect, in every part.

    When we give you instructions, and we tell you how certain things must be done, being our rules, you must respect them, all of them, without any kind of negotiation. All have been foreseen, proposed, studied, discussed, decided, and voted on, in many years of hard work. Our first rule is that all the rules are always respected, and by everyone, without exception.

    When we advise you something, you can decide, on your own, taking all the responsibility, not to follow our advice, but if we recommend something, it is only for your own good, so try to follow all our advice if possible.

    When we give you the opportunity to decide, and therefore to choose certain things independently, remember to always use logic, common sense, and mutual respect for all people.

    Always read, with great attention, even several times, everything we publish, and you will never go wrong.

    Profile types.

    In our political organization DirectDemocracyS, and in all related projects, there are mainly 3 types of profiles. The personal profile (with which all our users register and join us), the institutional profile (request it, and obtain it, our official members), the political profile (request it, and obtain it, all members officials, before running for candidacy, as political representatives).

    Institutional profile.

    They can request it, and have our administrators create it, free of charge, all of our verified registered users, after they have been nominated, official members, and who are in good standing, with the annual fee, paid, or who, alternatively possess a personalized e-mail address with the ending, not connectable, or similar, to your real name and surname. In the event that the private e-mail address, or, as the case may be, the personalized e-mail address with the ending, are similar, or connectable, to one's real data, an institutional profile will be created, with a personalized e-mail address with ending, new, and not connectable, or similar, to the real name and surname. With the creation of the institutional profile, one's personal profile will be suspended, and every activity, carried out by the verified user, who has become an official member, in the Social area, including roles and work, in geographical, numerical, special groups, and of specialists, will be transferred to the Community area, which is reserved for official members. The personal profile will be blocked for the entire period in which the institutional profile will be active. The obligations to carry out a job, of 20 minutes a day, or alternatively 120 minutes a week, will be transferred to the new institutional profile. In the event that the official member is excluded, and the appointment is revoked, in certain cases, the verified registered user may request to the Special Legality Group to be able to resume their activities, and roles, as a verified registered user. The fundamental rule is to always be able to use, and only, one profile at a time, and never 2, at the same time.

    The political profile.

    They can request it, and have our administrators create it, free of charge, all our official members, in good standing with the annual fee, paid, until after the real elections, in which they intend to participate, to represent DirectDemocracyS, in the institutions. Those who wish to carry out political representation activities must do so, simply by sending a message, as an official member, in which they request a political profile, and stand as candidates in the closed online primary elections, according to our rules. From that moment, their institutional profile will be suspended, and all management activities of our political organization will also be suspended, in the special groups (Administration, Security, Legality, and others), all work activity in the specialist groups, and every financial, economic activity, of the projects connected to DirectDemocracyS, in practice, will have to entrust all its activities to people it trusts, for the entire duration of its political activity, at the end of which, it will resume every role, and every suspended activity , exactly the same way. The political profile requires a username, which must correspond to the real name and surname. In collaboration with our help groups, he must publish his educational qualifications, work activities, awards received, and honors in his own political profile. As well as a detailed CV. He must also make an asset declaration, and publish it on his profile, and collaborate with the Special Security Group, allowing complete control, both on personal data, and on educational qualifications, honors, and asset declaration. In addition to all the help you need, you will receive a personalized email address, ending, like real firstname lastname your political profile will be connected to your personalized e-mail address, with the ending, and can be reused, every time you wish to run as a political representative, together with us. The political profile must never be connected, or connectable, by others, to one's personal profile, and to one's institutional profile. In the event that you do not obtain authorization from the candidate selection panel or do not obtain a winning position in the closed online primary elections, your political profile will automatically be suspended and you will be able to continue doing your job with your personal profile. and the institutional profile. The fundamental rule is to always be able to use, and only, one profile at a time, and never 2, at the same time.

    The personal profile.

    Everyone who registers, and joins us, becoming our users, has an individual, fully customizable personal profile. You can decide to be anonymous, or write your real data. We advise everyone, at this stage, to remain completely anonymous, and not to share their personal data with anyone.

    Registration, and creation of your personal profile.

    There are various ways to register, create a personal profile and join DirectDemocracyS.

    For whichever method you choose, you will need to choose a username, following the rules presented at this link:

    you will need to have a personal password ready, which contains at least 12 characters (which contains numbers, uppercase, lowercase letters, and if you want symbols), we advise you to use less than 36 characters for the password, as we have provided security measures , to prevent all possible login attempts.

    Finally, you will need a personal e-mail address (with a secure password), to which you have access, to receive an activation link, which our system sends to you upon registration, and our information.

    By default, DirectDemocracyS will not send many emails to its users, because we don't like to disturb you all the time, we prefer to use internal notifications, which you can consult, after logging in, on our website. The fact of not receiving all notifications is a default setting, but each user who wishes can select by himself, from which users, pages, groups, events, and activities, to receive notifications, via e-mail.

    For those who wish, it is possible to request a personalized e-mail address, such as: username @ With an email address ending in, you will also have the opportunity to become our official member, after a period of activity, as a registered user, and subsequently a period of activity, as a verified registered user. The cost is 12 Euros per year, and you will be able to choose a username, according to the username rules. All the information, in order to create a personalized e-mail address, can be found at the link: 

    You must select the type of registration based on your age. If you are not yet 21, visit this link: 

    If you are already 21, visit this link:

    It is also possible to have our administrators create a personal profile for you, either by using your personal e-mail address, to which you will receive temporary access data, with the obligation to change the temporary password, with the one chosen by you . The forms to pay are always the same, you just have to specify, that you want to use your e-mail address. The cost is 12 Euros per year, and you can choose a username, based on the username rules. For those who have not yet turned 21, each tax, annual fee, or service costs exactly half, compared to those who have already turned 21.

    You can also decide to have our administrators create for you both a personalized e-mail address, ending, and a personal profile, linked to the e-mail address ending The cost is 24 Euros, and renewal after one year is 12 Euros, which is the price for having the personalized email service. For those who have not yet turned 21, each tax, annual fee, or service costs exactly half, compared to those who have already turned 21.

    The advantages of the personalized e-mail address, ending, and of the personal profile, created by our administrators, are many.

    The first, simplicity, practically you will not have to do anything, you will have, based on what you choose, everything ready.

    The second, the speed, after the payment, the creation times of the personalized e-mail address, of the personal profile, are practically immediate, and in any case each service enters into force when it is activated, and not from the moment of payment, so you don't miss a single day of the services you are entitled to.

    The third is an economic advantage, in fact whether you pay 12 Euros for the first time, or 24 Euros (and 12 Euros for renewal after a year), you will receive the already paid official member fee as a gift. So the mere possession of the personalized e-mail address saves you 12 Euros each year of official member fee. Obviously, the status of official member is not immediate, and has specific rules. For those who have not yet turned 21, each tax, annual fee, or service costs exactly half, compared to those who have already turned 21.

    The fourth advantage is convenience, with a personalized email address, you can use all our services, and notifications, without clogging up your personal email address. Of course, you can use your personalized email address, ending, for other activities as well, but we recommend that you use it only to participate in our activities.

    The fifth advantage is the trust you will receive from us. In fact, by paying the minimum sums (12 Euros or 24 Euros), you will not only help our political organization, which as an official member will also become yours, but you will demonstrate that you deserve advantages and facilitations, having contributed in a concrete way to our expenses. For those who have not yet turned 21, each tax, annual fee, or service costs exactly half, compared to those who have already turned 21.

    The sixth advantage is that often the free registration is suspended due to the huge number of users who register at the same time through individual registration. In these periods, the paid registration usually works, and only in very rare cases, you can register on the basis of an invitation from our administrators.

    The seventh advantage is the immediate activation of one's personal profile, which often, with normal registration, lasts weeks, and sometimes months.

    But let's see the free variant.

    The first, the most used, simple, and equally safe, is to register by yourself, following the instructions of this link:

    and then, immediately after, to activate the personal profile,

    reading, and always following all instructions.

    The invitation.

    In certain periods, only registration through an individual invitation by one of our administrators is permitted.

    The rules regarding invitations can be found at this link:

    and must be followed, all instructions.

    Even invitations have the option, free or paid, but they have the advantage of always being active, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    Registration blocks are necessary to avoid a real invasion, which is difficult to manage, and which would risk not welcoming our users in the right and orderly way.

    Let it be clear to everyone, we don't do it for money, or to let only "famous" or "important" people enter, but only for the reasons that we have always explained in various articles.

    We like growth, but selectively and gradually.

    Our project is only partially public, to allow us to do a quiet job, in safety, and with the right people, always in the right place. From June 20, 2021 to December 31, 2021, we have grown from a few hundred to tens of thousands, exceeding forecasts by 75%. By December 31, 2022, a 200% growth, compared to the previous year. Everything gives us enormous pleasure, but it puts us in difficulty at certain times. Please be patient, and understand all of our motivations.

    When the time is right, when we make our political organization known to the whole world, registrations will always be possible, both free and paid.

    User types.

    The user types are: registered user, verified user, official member, official representative, administrator, and super administrator. Over time, if necessary, other types of users will be created.

    Everyone always starts from the status of registered user. And for everyone, the transition from one type of user to a higher one requires time, a lot of work, impeccable behavior, and compliance with all our rules.

    With both the free and paid variants, both with registration allowed to all and by invitation, there are certain mandatory obligations for everyone.

    Each registered user has 15 days to become a verified registered user, in certain cases, when you send an activation form, a photograph of your ID, and a recent photograph showing: your face, together with the ID held in the hand, close to the face (without filters or overlays), signed with an electronic signature, no further checks are required. For those who do not have a recognized electronic signature, there is the possibility of a video call, with one of our administrators, in which the previously printed activation form will be signed, and one's identity document will be placed next to the face , bringing them closer to the camera, at the exact moment, when our administrator requests it. In this way, live, in less than 5 minutes, you become a verified registered user.

    Registered user.

    Each registered user is assigned to reserved groups, in which they begin to learn about our working methods, and to understand the functioning of the enormous gear that makes our political innovation stand and move forward.

    Each registered user will be automatically connected, over time, to at least 5 other registered users, and as support and help, to at least 5 verified users.

    Verified user.

    Each verified registered user will choose, from at least one, to a maximum recommended, of 3 groups of specialists, for which he possesses the necessary qualifications, acquired through study, work activities, or through an intensive course, with relative final exam, with our teachers.

    Each verified registered user will choose a special working group for the management of our political organization in the available roles. Again, based on your qualifications.

    Each registered user will be automatically connected, over time, to at least 5 other verified users, and as support and help, to at least 5 official members.

    Official member.

    Each official member will obtain the qualification over time, and will have to pay an annual fee of 12 Euros, valid for one year, from the moment of payment.

    The fee includes: an institutional profile, with a personalized e-mail address ending in, which will allow him to access the reserved area, called Community, accessible only to institutional profiles.

    In the event that, in the future, you decide to stand as a candidate in the closed online primary elections, blocking your institution profile, and abandoning for the duration of the public political representation activity, any management, work, or specialist group of our political organization, will receive: a political profile, with real name and surname, with a personalized e-mail address, with real name and surname, ending, which will allow him to access the restricted area, our political representatives , called Community, accessible only to political profiles.

    Each official member will choose, from at least one, to a maximum recommended, of 3 groups of specialists, for which he possesses the necessary qualifications, acquired through study, work activities, or through an intensive course, with relative final exam, with our professors. He will work in specialist groups, in the area called Community, accessible only to our official members.

    Each official member will choose a special working group for the management of our political organization in the available roles. Again, based on your qualifications. He will work in management groups, in the area called Community, accessible only to our official members.

    Each official member will be automatically connected, over time, to at least 5 other official members, and as a support, and help, to at least 5 official representatives.

    Official representatives, political representatives, administrators, and super administrators have specific rules, in some aspects similar, but published and communicated, individually, only at the time of appointment.

    Finally, we remind you that there are no exceptions, every rule applies to everyone, and there are no gifts. The advantages, and facilitations, are only for the fastest times, for roles of greater importance, responsibility, and prestige, both individually and in the various work groups.

    But as we always say, every role, every qualification obtained, over time, must be constantly maintained, and deserved, through one's individual and group work, one's individual and group behavior, through compliance with all our rules, individually, and in groups, and finally through the concrete results obtained, individually, and in groups.

    Does it all seem complicated? We guarantee you, it's simpler than it might seem by reading.

    One piece of advice that we take the liberty of giving to everyone is not to try to be smart. We have been working on it for years to create a political organization in which there is equality of opportunity for everyone, always combined with meritocracy and reliability. You all enjoy all our respect, all our esteem, and all our trust. But we always test and check each of our users, and each of their activities, each of their behaviors, inside and outside our projects.

    If you lose, even partially, our trust, which is collective, you will hardly be able to recover it.

    You can get all the things you want, by respecting all our rules, and all our instructions, even in fast, safe, and simple ways. But if you think you're smart, you've already lost from the start.

    We have all the means to make everything work perfectly, and to punish every infraction justly and severely. At first we are understanding, and try to understand any small mistakes, but if they are repeated often, we are not understanding, but punishing.

    Always ask your contacts within our organization, you will receive all the information and all the instructions, in order not to make mistakes. Do everything with calm, attention, patience, understanding, and maximum availability.

    You will have a beautiful future, together with all of us, full of satisfactions, both professional and personal.

    Good job, all for one, one for all.

    DirectDemocracyS, your innovative politic, truly in every sense!

    1.   23 December 2022
    2.   For Registration

    First of all, we remind you that DirectDemocracyS, and all our projects, names, logos, brands, symbols, ideas, projects, rules, methods, working methods, each of our components, and each our business, are registered trademarks, and any use, even partial, or slightly modified, without our authorization, is strictly prohibited.

    By carrying out...

    First of all, we remind you that DirectDemocracyS, and all our projects, names, logos, brands, symbols, ideas, projects, rules, methods, working methods, each of our components, and each our business, are registered trademarks, and any use, even partial, or slightly modified, without our authorization, is strictly prohibited.

    By carrying out any of the actions in the previous sentence, in addition to violating the Copyright Laws, you will be guilty of, or complicit in, illegal business activities, and unfair competition. Indeed DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, are owned by each of our official members, in equal measure. To realize this right of ownership, each of our official members automatically receives a single individual, non-saleable, non-transferable share of a commercial company, cooperative type, which manages, all the rights of use, of all our assets .

    Respond firmly, intelligently, and by all legal means.

    For anyone who intends to denigrate, offend, threaten us, or write false statements about us, we remind you that we will not hesitate to report any incorrect behaviour, towards us, and our users.

    Methods to contact us.

    Our visitors, and our registered users, can contact us, only and exclusively, through an official contact form, based on their needs, present on our official website, in the Main Menu, under the menu item, Contacts. Select the various categories, and the exact modules, according to your needs. We will always and only reply via email to the address you entered in the contact form.

    For general information, regarding our political project, and our political organization, only use the contact form, of this link:

    is a generic contact, and is good for receiving general information.

    Our registered users must use the same method, but our responses are much faster and more detailed. Of course, you must contact us after logging into our website using your username and password.

    We remind you that we will not answer questions whose answers have already been given, through our articles, published, in the Main Menu item, Law, on our official website.

    In some cases, but not necessarily, we will just provide you with a link, with the article, where you can find the answer to your question. Therefore, we ask you to search for all the answers to all your questions by yourself, and to contact us, only for important matters, for emergencies, or for things not foreseen in our articles.

    Obviously, our speed of response, and the details provided, depend on the type of user who contacts us. The answers to our visitors will be generic, and also in long topics.

    We also have specific contacts, by type of user, whose answers are often in real time. Registered users, however, will have some direct contacts, with which they can interact, to receive help, advice, information, and useful instructions.

    We don't do politics, through messages, so don't expect to get constant answers and too many explanations from our experts, nor to establish a dialogue with us, because we don't work this way. If you want to engage in politics, together with all of us, you can do it only by registering and requesting inclusion in our political working groups, based on your interests, but also on your studies, your job specializations, and any awards. always respecting all our rules.

    To register, the only official and secure link is:

    The big news, recently available, is the possibility of obtaining a personalized e-mail address, through a payment of the member's fee. The link with the explanation is:

    and you can even receive, in addition to the email address, a registration, and creation of a personal profile, with relative immediate activation, connected to the personalized email address, or to your personal email address, the link to become a registered user , with the e-mail address, with all the explanations is:

    For questions about our policy, you can use the contact form at this link:  

    to receive detailed information, and quickly, obviously you must contact us, after having logged in to our website, using your username and password.

    For information on our political strategy, use the contact form at this link: 

    For policy proposals, use the contact form at this link:

    One thing we consider fundamental is the fact that we don't insist on convincing someone to join us. Therefore, no one asks you to join us, too many times, or several times, possibly, if we consider you worthy people, or useful for us, we invite you only once, to inform yourself, and then if you like our project, to join to us. By offering you, at the beginning, some advantages and facilitations. Please avoid asking for details continuously, making us waste precious time, as if we had to convince you to register. We are not selling you pots or mattresses. If you like what we do, join us, otherwise, you can do it later, or never. You live very well without us, and we have lived, and will live very well without you.

    If you don't join us, you can always be our supporter, with private, voluntary donations at this link:

    If, on the other hand, you consider yourself important personalities, experts in various sectors, and believe that you are compatible with our projects, and with our rules, and you are sure that you are useful or indispensable to us, you can request, on the basis of our rules, advantages, and facilities. You will have to do this by following all the various phases, which begin by contacting the security group, proposing you, as an expert user, with all the tests and documentation that will be required of you, based on the answers and instructions that you will receive from us .

    To request an invitation from us, you must only use the contact form, of this link:

    Everyone has to do the identity verification, and the annual fee, everyone pays us, without exception. The advantages, and facilities, refer only to the speed of registration, and to get you roles in the foreground in the working groups, with tasks and responsibilities, suited to your qualifications.

    Obviously, some of our official members will be able to obtain prizes in cash, goods, and services, if they do a good job with us, as well as climbing up to the podium roles in our hierarchies. Others may be hired, on a fixed-term basis, or on a permanent basis, if they carry out important and prestigious work activities with us.

    You can also contact us, to criticize us, in a constructive way, write everything you don't like, or that doesn't convince you, about our political organization. For financial or economic projects, and for all our innovative projects, only people who are part of them, voluntarily, have the right to contact us, because they are activities reserved for our official members, who have nothing in common with politics. Our official website, reserved for politics, is in any case the "gateway", the first galaxy, to become part of our immense universe of all innovative projects.

    To write, what you don't like, about our political project, and our political organization, and to criticize us, only use the contact form, of this link:

    You can also use, if you want to compliment us, the testimonial forms, which we are about to make public, but in an innovative way, there will be positive testimonials, which obviously give us immense pleasure, but above all there will be negative testimonials, in which our users, or our visitors can tell us their bad experiences, and their negative opinions. We grow more, and better, thanks to criticism. Because often, by explaining our motivations, we recover users that we could have lost. Every user we block, every member expelled, or made persona non grata, is first of all our defeat, as well as being for the person, who suffers our just punishments.

    To write what you like about our political project and our political organization, and therefore to compliment us, just use the contact form at this link:

    Possibly, do not waste precious time, to compliment us, through the message forms, we are obviously pleased, but they make us waste a lot of time, and it would be impossible, and badly right to make articles, in which we publish the beautiful things, who write to us many of our users, or visitors. If you really want to help us, join us, and work together with us. Or if you really care, please use the testimonial forms.

    We are not crazy, your compliments repay us, with interest, for our enormous and very heavy work. But we prefer to focus on the few things you don't like.

    If, on the other hand, you have proposals or projects to improve us, or ideas to do with us, please register, creating a personal profile, and join us. For the simple reason, that you will be able to present your proposals, directly, in our working groups, based on your proposals, receiving answers in less time, and certainly more detailed, than from simple visitors.

    To write, your proposals, our political project, and our political organization, only use the contact form, of this link (preferably after registering, creating a personal profile, and after verifying your identity):

    You can use the contact forms, also to report any errors, inaccuracies, incorrect translations, and anything that does not take place in the right way, according to our rules.

    At this link you will find some links to the contact forms, to report any errors we may have made:

    you can choose between historical errors, or our historical inaccuracies, at this link:

    or our wrong information, at this link:

    Always choose, among the various modules, the one that is suitable for your report:

    the forms for reporting that concern us are: Reporting false news that concerns us, at this link:

    Reports from other websites, which concern us, at this link:

    report from social networks, at this link:

    reports from the press and multimedia, at this link:

    remember to provide as many details as possible, and to send us the "incriminating" links, in order to be able to verify your report.

    Our registered users have only visible links to them, for contact forms, to report users or groups, who do not respect our rules. They are internal reports, and the forms and links are visible only to our users, after they have logged in, to our website.

    You can also report anything that concerns us, even outside our projects, such as the unauthorized use of our rules, methodologies, brands, logos, names, but also lies, conspiracy theories, offenses, threats , and the falsehoods, which you find about us. You will receive a substantial percentage (up to 50%) of the material damages we will obtain, thanks to your report.

    You can also ask us for further explanations, or proof, on everything we publish, if you believe it is not right, or not sufficiently documented.

    To contact our experts directly, use the contact form at this link:

    To receive all the instructions you need, use the contact form at this link:

    To receive all the instructions you need, to verify your identity, use the contact form, at this link:

    To receive all the instructions you need to activate your personal profile, use the contact form at this link:

    To receive all the instructions you need to unlock your personal profile, use the contact form at this link:

    To find out your personal number, use the contact form, at this link (visible only after login):

    To propose changes to our rules, use the contact form, at this link (visible only after logging in):

    All contact forms can be used in all languages, but for those wishing to contact our experts directly, in their own language, use the contact form at this link (various languages will be added):

    Finally, you can denounce any of our users, or workgroups, who do not carry out any activity in compliance with our general rules. But be careful, many groups have specific, very detailed rules, therefore, we invite you to carefully study the internal regulations of each group, to always verify that your report is credible and real. Anyone who is with us, and often reports false things, or incorrectly, making us waste time, could be blocked, or in case of recidivism, expelled, and made persona non grata. Instead, whoever is on the outside cannot report things that happen inside, as he cannot know them. We advise you to carefully read our specific rules, on the various reports, and sanctions.

    Always use our contact forms in the right way, and ask the assistance groups, and your more expert contacts, for all the necessary advice and instructions. Always go to the special groups, who are competent, with your needs, you will always receive all the help you need, 24/7. All year round.

    Caution. Certain modules may undergo minimal changes, or be available only in certain periods, or in the future, will be available only to our registered users, in fact, in a short time, for our visitors, it will be possible to use only the contact form, information general, and very few other specific contact forms. The link with all our contacts, divided into various categories and sub-categories, is and will always be this:


    Starting with the type of user, of official member, there is a single telephone number, at which it is possible to contact each working group and our administrators, according to one's needs. Also via SMS, or with WhatsApp. If you are not part of this type of user, do not use this dedicated service.

    International phone.

    Our official representatives can directly contact our administrators of the various countries, with the obligation to always contact our administrator in the country in which you reside, for at least 6 months a year, or for the longer period of the year (if it is less than 6 months). In special cases, in the event that there are language problems, it is possible to contact one of our administrators, from a country whose language is known, with the prayer, not to contact, only our representatives who speak English, and never do it randomly, only use phone numbers, in countries, where you have the right to vote. It also works via SMS, or with WhatsApp. If you are not part of this type of user, do not use this dedicated service.

    We don't give out our international phone number, except to our admins, and super admins.

    DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, thanks to recent appointments, is represented on social networks, and on other websites, by some of our users, specially created, by some official pages, and official presentation groups. We are present on various platforms, but usually, we have a more active presence, and more updated news, on Facebook, than Meta.

    Our presence on social networks, and other websites, is governed by internal rules, and by the regulations of the various sites on which we find ourselves. As guests, we will respect every rule of the managers of the platforms we are on.

    We remind you, that the various personal profiles, pages, and groups, present only the news, based on our internal rules, and do not deal, representing DirectDemocracyS, and related projects, with doing politics, business, providing support, offering information, and instructions, or other business on our behalf.

    The only official profile, which can provide details on all our activities, is present at this link:

    but can only offer general information, without too many details, and without answering questions, the answers of which are already published on our official website. The same profile, like all our connected profiles, does not accept friend requests, except in special cases, therefore we invite you to contact him, without adding him, to your contacts, with a message, via the Facebook Messenger application, owned by Meta . Of course, we read all messages received, but we don't necessarily respond. If our representatives politely offer you some more information, they do it to help you, but always check our website for any updated rules and instructions.

    Always our official profile, he is authorized to contact people, on our behalf, to offer advantages and facilities, based on our rules.

    You can also delegate other of our official representatives, who can offer the same services, in the event that the number of contacts received, or to be made, is greater than your response and management capabilities.

    How contact works from our side.

    Each of our contacts, friends or acquaintances on the various social networks can be contacted by one of our official representatives to receive an official invitation to inquire about us, and if they wish, after being informed, they can join us, according to our regulation.

    In certain cases, we could decide to offer advantages and facilities to some personalities. Persons will be chosen, in various periods, on the basis of a judgment, and an assessment of compatibility (established by our official representatives, and under their direct responsibility). The evaluation will be based on one's posts on social networks, one's own behaviour, and the comments made or received.

    The first question.

    The first question of our direct contacts is: do you want to change and improve the world?

    If the question is answered with yes, or with I want to, our representatives will make you an official proposal, an invitation to join us, detailed, with all the security measures, and all the mutual benefits. If the answer is: no, or I don't want it, or I don't care, or any offense whatsoever, we will never contact you again. If you need more time to inform yourself, and then you want to respond, you risk not receiving any more benefits, or facilitation. If you don't respond, in normal times, we will never contact you again. After all, the question is not that difficult.

    Caution. In the event that the answer, to our initial contact, by those who receive our message is affirmative, the previous contact methods remain valid, and the obligation to read all our public information, before continuing the various phases, of our invitations. Our official representatives have no obligations, so they present the invitation to you, in the manner and on time, according to our rules. If you do not receive them, even if you are important personalities, do not be offended, but contact our Special Security Groups directly, via the contact form on our website. At this link:

    If you don't want to use the invitation method, you can use it during the periods in which "traditional" registrations are active, even if the times for the various activations, and for identity verification, are longer. Since we are at the beginning, there are advantages, and facilitations, even using the "normal" registration method, therefore without an invitation. There will unfortunately be times when all registrations will be by invitation only. In any case, please be patient, and understand that it is not easy, our job, to make our mechanism work.

    For contacts, for our invitations, use only this form, at this link:

    To send us forms, documents, to verify your identity, only use the contact form, at this link:

    In the hope that we have clarified all the various ways to contact us, please respect our rules and our instructions, using all the potential and all the information we put at your disposal in the right way.

    Compared to other political projects, we are open to constructive dialogue, and we don't make ourselves untraceable.

    We try to answer everyone politely, precisely, in detail, and as quickly as possible, according to our possibilities.

    Caution. To avoid scams, waste of time, and to check if those who contact you on our behalf are authorized to do so, please send us the details to recognize the people who contact you (also with security codes, which we will send you ), and to use our contact form, of our Special Security Group, which you find at this link:

    always wait for their reply via e-mail before continuing discussions with people who contact you on our behalf. This way, you will be sure that everything is in order. Thank you.

    1.   21 December 2022
    2.   Instructions

    Request. You often affirm that for you each person has the same value, that you are all equal, that there are no leaders, and you often repeat the motto: one for all, and all for one. Then, I read that you have various types of hierarchies, of various types of users, and I wonder, if it is true, that each person counts for you in the same way?


    Request. You often affirm that for you each person has the same value, that you are all equal, that there are no leaders, and you often repeat the motto: one for all, and all for one. Then, I read that you have various types of hierarchies, of various types of users, and I wonder, if it is true, that each person counts for you in the same way?

    Reply. First of all, thank you for this good question, which allows us to explain some fundamental concepts. But first, a brief but fundamental premise.

    We always say it, and we repeat it even now, each of our projects is based on logic, common sense, mutual respect for all people. Among our principles, there is equality of rights and duties, but also the simultaneous recognition of the merits of each person.

    Now, the answer with a comparison, with family, and friendships.

    Our creators have thought to create various types of users, mainly inspired by their families, and the various levels of friendship.

    Being, initially, just 5 friends, who did politics (with each other, and with no experience), and business together.

    Over time, but quite briefly, other relatives, friends and acquaintances of theirs joined, creating an enthusiastic and very united working group of 282 people, who for over 15 years, practically in secret, created the 99% of DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects. Conceiving, planning, experimenting, calculating, foreseeing, and then again, proposing, discussing, and voting, all of these innovative and alternative projects, with the declared aim of changing and improving the world. Everything, every detail, has been carefully calculated.

    They rightly consider themselves as brothers, therefore close relatives.

    After having conceived everything, each of them went back to their business, to their work, allowing some people chosen with great care to carry on their work. So from the user number, 283 onwards, what we call were added: close relatives, people who trust each other, and who have been working together for some years.

    Over time, other people have joined, to whom tasks have been entrusted, based on their skills and degree of reliability. Consider yourself, second-degree relatives, therefore people, to whom a more or less direct blood bond binds us. They are our super administrators, the more direct ones, and our administrators, the less direct ones.

    Other people have been appointed as official representatives, whom we consider, as if they were our best friends, people we trust, from all points of view.

    Our friends, who we've known for a long time, are our official members.

    Then there are registered users, who are people we know, whose identity we are sure of, and who we must evaluate, whether to accept them as our friends, or to keep them at the level of simple acquaintances.

    Our registered users, up until the time of verification of their identity, are like people who know each other on the street, or on means of transport, but towards whom the degree of trust is rightly minimal.

    The people who follow us on social networks, or our visitors, are complete strangers, who however inquire about us, wanting to get to know us.

    Then there are those who, despite reading everything we do, don't trust us, often superficially, or who don't understand the enormous potential of our projects.

    Finally, there is the rest of the world, which at the right moment will get to know us, and will be able to choose us, who are the only innovation, which is right, and which works, or the old system, both political, economic and financial.

    Based on this method of trust, earned over time, which is the only one that allows us to be infallible, every person can go from being a simple stranger to becoming our brother. The previous sentence confirms one of our principles: that of equality. Only, with your work, together with all of us, with your behavior, and with respect for all our rules, in more or less short times, you can scale the various types of user, and our inevitable hierarchies. The previous sentence confirms our principle of meritocracy.

    The rights, duties, and individual value, but also of the group, are identical (equality) for everyone, as are the rules, and the same possibilities, over time, to climb the steps of the "podium of power". But in a clear way, in the light of the sun, concretely evaluating the facts, and every activity carried out by each of our users, from the largest to the smallest, without favoritism, therefore on a meritocratic basis.

    Before concluding this article, we want to give some data, which are not definitive but useful for understanding how our work is going.

    From June 2021 to the end of 2022, the people we have excluded, from our projects, forever, and made personae non grata, are around ten, therefore around 0.001%, and the people currently blocked, due to inactivity, are around a hundred , therefore less than 0.01%. It's not us who are indulgent, but luckily, thanks to our working method, and to the various stages of registration, only the most patient, reliable, and above all compatible people with our innovation manage to join us.

    We conclude, with the example of one of the 10 expelled people, who was convinced that some of our users, or official representatives, were plotting and organizing themselves to exclude him from our political organization.

    Dear friends, if you join us, you must put it into your head that with our control and evaluation method, carried out by human beings, and by our computer system, therefore in a mutual collaboration and verification between man and machine, in which every activity is carefully monitored, no one can plot, and there are no, struggles for power, let alone plots, to exclude or exasperate someone, causing them to leave. It seems at first glance complicated, certainly strange, unusual, and certainly innovative, but it is our strength that makes us right, perfect, and practically infallible. Part of our secret is to evaluate people individually, and as a group, directly, and never what others possibly say about them.

    Finally, the person asked us, perhaps hastily, to delete his profile. If you pronounce this sentence, with whom actually, is authorized to delete profiles, the deletion action is automatic and irreversible. This for 2 reasons, one practical, in the sense of making things fast and immediate, the other, is based on logic: things are not said, rashly, or just to try if it really works. To test the functioning of our system, we have many working groups, made up of hundreds of users, who even with called users: test followed by a number, carry out various tests, to ascertain if everything is according to our rules.

    There are working groups, in which you can report people who, internally or externally, carry out activities against our rules, to boycott us, or our users, there are also groups, which evaluate the various complaints , and reports, severely punishing those who do not make them on a regular basis.

    You must change your mentality, before joining us, and understand that we have no preference, we do not allow anyone to be smart, and that everyone has the same possibilities, because they are all valued, respected, loved, and treated with the same rules, and in the same way.

    As far as hierarchies and the system of power that some unjustly believe exists, we ask you a question: do you trust a brother in the same way as a friend? Or a simpler, and perhaps clearer example: do you trust more a friend, who you've known for years, or someone you've just met? Here, this is the logic that we too follow. Even a person who has just met can become like a brother, over time, based on their behavior.

    1.   20 December 2022
    2.   Questions and answers

    Request. I like your innovation, but I don't understand why, don't you want to force all political parties to do like you? You would do much sooner, to change and improve the world.

    Reply. DirectDemocracyS, believes in the essential value of democracy, always combined with freedom. We cannot force anyone to do anything, but only impose all our...

    Request. I like your innovation, but I don't understand why, don't you want to force all political parties to do like you? You would do much sooner, to change and improve the world.

    Reply. DirectDemocracyS, believes in the essential value of democracy, always combined with freedom. We cannot force anyone to do anything, but only impose all our rules on those who join us. We are sure, that already now, many are trying to copy us, and many others would like to have had our innovative ideas. However, from the outset, we had to prevent evil people, and there are many, not only from stealing our idea, or being able to "buy" it to control it, but above all we had to prevent anyone from using our projects in a harmful way. We have worked for many years, and no one will ever understand with how much difficulty, to give it to anyone who joins us, and certainly not to allow greedy, selfish, and incapable people to be able to control, and do harm, with our innovation. The only way was to create strict rules, a method that stood up, and a very complex mechanism that was infallible.

    Not only will we not allow anyone to use even partially our ideas, having created a commercial company together with all our official members, to register and protect all our ideas, but we will not allow anyone to be smart, trying to slow down, or to stop.

    We have created political innovation, an alternative and completely incompatible with the old politics. With inside, users from every country in the world, from every ideology, from every political force of the past, just to have all the "souls" of politics, perfectly represented.

    We could not be like the old, failed politic, and we will never become like them. If they wanted to become like us, they would not be able to be just, fair, free, and democratic like us, for the simple reason, that their continuous internal struggles, but also external ones, the continuous divisions, based on interests, of the various voters, their continuous obsessive search for consensus, and therefore for votes, their social battles, based on divisions, and often on social hatred, favoring only a part of the people, would make their attempts useless.

    It is not enough to copy a project as beautiful as ours, but it must be understood, and we can guarantee you, that the leading experts in world politics do not understand how all this was born, how it works, and above all how it can go on.

    They also struggle to understand why we have this method of communication, direct, often harsh, arrogant, and not caring if what we write can make us gain or lose, possible users, and therefore votes, and power.

    When "normal" people will have to choose between the old politics and our innovation, everyone will demonstrate, with their vote, that we are the only possible alternative, because the only one that works.

    So, it's not a question of: if it will happen, but only how, and when it will happen. We have foreseen everything, so let's get on with our work.

    1.   19 December 2022
    2.   Questions and answers

    Request. Congratulations on your political organization. Having read, with great interest, almost all of your articles, I wonder: if your users, and your specialist groups, will do all the work, instead of the political representatives, including the proposals, the political discussions, the decisions, and the votes, to make their...

    Request. Congratulations on your political organization. Having read, with great interest, almost all of your articles, I wonder: if your users, and your specialist groups, will do all the work, instead of the political representatives, including the proposals, the political discussions, the decisions, and the votes, to make their representatives do what the voters want, what's the point of paying political representatives, to do a job that their voters do?

    Reply. DirectDemocracyS, was born to give the population all the power, as the name of democracy itself foresees. No one can deny that even in democratic countries, authentic democracy has never existed, but only a party system, often oligarchic, which decides everything, in the name of the population, for entire years. So, voters count for nothing. They have the power, only on election day, in which instead of choosing who should represent them, and doing their own interests, they practically give away to the political parties, what they should keep for themselves. Throughout history, very often, political parties and their political representatives have made very serious mistakes, and we are sure that if the population had decided freely, there would not have been the worst tragedies, which we all know, many of which are still ongoing.

    Having seen the massive injustices, and all the harm endured by the powerless population, we decided to bring justice. Give back to whom it belongs the power to decide, both before, during, and for the first time in the world even after the elections, and inform our voters in a correct, independent, competent and honest way, to always make them decide for the good of all, basing each of our rules on logic, common sense, mutual respect for all people, having values, ideals and principles, just and free, was fundamental to obtain the best results. So, to answer our visitor's question, having seen how the world goes, making political parties and their political representatives decide, we are forced to do our job, all together, to be decisive in the choices made by our representatives politicians. By doing the right thing, always, the world will change and improve.

    Reducing political representation by 99%, saving money, and letting people decide everything from home, would be ideal, after all, technology offers us the possibility to decide all together, without the need for intermediaries. But to get there, it takes time, a lot of work, and a change of mentality on everyone's part.

    In the first phase, it was essential for us to get political representatives to do their job well, helping them and directing their choices towards the common good.

    Subsequently, we will let the population choose what is best for everyone.

    We have taken on the responsibility of innovating all world politics, which does not mean doing less politics, and even when everyone decides from home, there will be discussions, proposals, and unfortunately those who will try, in a useless way, to the smart ones.

    After returning power to the population, our task will be only to prevent political parties, or bad people, from carrying out execrable actions. There has to be a guarantor, made up of the people, owned by the people, to keep the people from getting ripped off, and cheated, again, by the old politics, and the old systems, financial, and economic.

    We invite you to read, very carefully, our articles, in which we explain, the various ways of selecting our candidates, and also those concerning the job of political representative, within our political organization.

    Let us allow ourselves an observation: our present, and our future, as citizens of the earth, are so important that it doesn't matter if the population does the job of political representatives, it only matters that the population decides, for the good of all , and that the representatives in the institutions diligently carry out the orders of whoever has appointed them to represent them in the institutions. Immediate and future results count.

    1.   19 December 2022
    2.   Questions and answers
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