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  •   Webportal commented on this post about 10 months ago
    We remind everyone that all political activities will take place on our official website, and that all activities in the social area will move from this website to this one: https...
    We remind everyone that all political activities will take place on our official website, and that all activities in the social area will move from this website to this one: https :// but who remain active, and will continue to work here, until then, all groups, pages, events, videos, audios, and user profiles. At the end of the transfer, all points from each user on this website will also be transferred, assigned, and recalculated.
    Good job everyone.
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    • I remind you that immediately after the transfer, all activity on this website will be completely cancelled.
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  • Welcome to DirectDemocracyS.
    This is our social area, partially visible, also to our visitors.
    Dear new users (login users, partially verified users, and registered users), it is strictly forbidden to write public posts in this area, make friend...
    Welcome to DirectDemocracyS.
    This is our social area, partially visible, also to our visitors.
    Dear new users (login users, partially verified users, and registered users), it is strictly forbidden to write public posts in this area, make friend requests, or contact users, or like posts, or activities, of others people, it is forbidden to like or request access to groups and pages to which you have not been officially invited.
    We use this wall, for important communications, so only authorized people can write.
    Before doing anything, always ask our authorization group at this link:
    always ask, if you can, or cannot do anything.
    Over time, you will see that you will have many activities that you can do, but only in the right time, place, and way.
    If you always respect all our rules precisely, you can't go wrong!
    Good work, and have fun everyone.
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  •   Oceania reacted to this post about 1 year ago
    Congratulations to all our users, 2 days in advance, we can say that all old users, and those registered up to yesterday, have the blue tick, which certifies that they are verified registered users, and that each of our users is sure that the...
    Congratulations to all our users, 2 days in advance, we can say that all old users, and those registered up to yesterday, have the blue tick, which certifies that they are verified registered users, and that each of our users is sure that the identity of those with the blue check has been verified and certified. We invite new users to request the blue check as soon as they have obtained the status of verified user, possibly on the same day they receive the nomination. It's free, and very simple. Thank you all, you are all very good, and tidy.
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  •   Oceania reacted to this post about 1 year ago
    We encourage all of our users to disable public chat as soon as they enter our website, to avoid being contacted, or disturbed, by our visitors. To deactivate the chat, and be invisible, just click on the gear symbol, near the word Chat, in the...
    We encourage all of our users to disable public chat as soon as they enter our website, to avoid being contacted, or disturbed, by our visitors. To deactivate the chat, and be invisible, just click on the gear symbol, near the word Chat, in the Chat Module, and click on Turn off the chat. This way, you will be invisible, and you will not be disturbed. To reactivate the Chat, just click on the off and on symbol, in the Chat Module, or just click on the Chat Module bar, and you will be available again. You can also choose not to be disturbed by clicking on Do Not Disturb, again by clicking on the gear symbol, near the word Chat, in the Chat Module. In this way, you will be invisible, but you can contact anyone who is visible, to chat, if necessary. By clicking again on Do Not Disturb, you will be visible again, and available to everyone.
    We advise you to use our chat, only for urgent cases, and of real need, and to respect our communication rules. Thank you.
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  •   Saudi Arabia reacted to this post about 1 year ago
    We remind all our official members, not to use the Social area (which is public and visible to all) of our website, for any reason. You must only use the Community area, which is safe, secure, confidential, and is visible only to our official...
    We remind all our official members, not to use the Social area (which is public and visible to all) of our website, for any reason. You must only use the Community area, which is safe, secure, confidential, and is visible only to our official members. Thank you all for your cooperation!
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  •   Saudi Arabia reacted to this post about 1 year ago
    Great news, DirectDemocracyS, to help the many visitors, and users, in response to your requests, we have moved to a new phase.
    To make everything easier, faster, safer and more immediate, our Public Administration Groups have been published and...
    Great news, DirectDemocracyS, to help the many visitors, and users, in response to your requests, we have moved to a new phase.
    To make everything easier, faster, safer and more immediate, our Public Administration Groups have been published and will soon be active.
    Obviously, the same groups are also private, (with many details) which can be accessed at the request of each user, or by invitation (only invited users will be able to access them), some visible, others invisible, to those who are not part of it.
    Each of our users, but also our visitors, will be able to receive various information and useful instructions.
    To get help, always use only the help groups for your type of user.
    Only our verified, authorized users can join this group.
    You can read, the various ports, the various announcements, the various discussions, but you must always check, if you are authorized to enter, and to do various activities.
    Always read carefully all the instructions, and you can't go wrong.
    There will be various information, and instructions, that you must read, and always respect.
    Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
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  •   Esign reacted to this post about 1 year ago
    I remind you that all the administrators, appointed in recent days, must enter, possibly not all together, but in alphabetical order, to collect some documents, and to make the appointments of their collaborators. You must also enter the national...
    I remind you that all the administrators, appointed in recent days, must enter, possibly not all together, but in alphabetical order, to collect some documents, and to make the appointments of their collaborators. You must also enter the national working groups of your country and upload the avatar and cover of the respective groups, both private and public. All the work takes place in the Community area, if you have time, also upload your profile photo, and the cover, of your account, in the Social area, visible to all. Thanks for your collaboration.
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Recent Activities
  • Webportal posted a new article
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  • Webportal posted a new article
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  • Webportal posted a new article
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  •   Europe reacted to this post about 1 year ago
    Webportal uploaded a photo in the album Ramadan blessed
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    • To all our users / collaborators / supporters and friends of the Muslim faith, we wish a happy and peaceful Ramadan. May God bless you, protect youTo all our users / collaborators / supporters and friends of the Muslim faith, we wish a happy and peaceful Ramadan. May God bless you, protect you and guide you always, for good!
      لجميع مستخدمينا / المتعاونين / الداعمين وأصدقاء العقيدة الإسلامية، نتمنى رمضان سعيد وسلمي. بارك الله فيك، وحفظك، ووفقك دائمًا، إلى الخير!
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