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    Many of the ills of the earth, are caused by selfishness, thirst for power, and greed, of a few bad people, they have made people suffer, they are making them suffer, and thanks to all of us, they will never make them suffer again, in the future, all the lots of good people. It seems like a strange reasoning, a bit childish, as many consider,...

    Many of the ills of the earth, are caused by selfishness, thirst for power, and greed, of a few bad people, they have made people suffer, they are making them suffer, and thanks to all of us, they will never make them suffer again, in the future, all the lots of good people. It seems like a strange reasoning, a bit childish, as many consider, our way of doing politics. But we assure you that it is not childish, but only written, in a simple way, to be understood, even by people with less education, or with less general knowledge.

    We are certain that intelligent people will understand that what we explain is never trivial, but is all connected to our immense project, not only political, but financial and economic.

    Anyone who follows us knows that we consider every dictatorship, and every old political ideology, and all old politics, bankruptcy, wrong, and above all harmful to humanity. The same goes for finance, and the economy, on a global, continental, national, state, and local level.

    But don't worry, we are not here to make a moralistic battle, or a "war", on everything that exists. We are all so certain of the goodness of our ideas, of the infallibility of our method, and of the security ensured by our rules, that we can easily create our own innovative and parallel policy, our own innovative and parallel finance, our innovative and parallel economy in every sector, together with many other projects. Many believe we are stupid, or that we spread utopias, but perhaps it is only because even very intelligent people hardly understand everything we are creating. To understand that, they should be able to come in, and see how we're working.

    The old world, made up of wars, cruelty and violence, but also ignorance and exploitation of the weakest, is about to change and improve forever. Without shedding, not even a drop of blood, without frightening, or hurting, any good person. Only with intelligence, mutual respect and love will it be possible to live in an innovative and certainly better world.

    After this necessary premise, let's talk about politics, and how it will be for all of us, the right method, to live a better life for all.

    But first, a second premise, brief, but to explain clearly a fundamental concept.

    In our other articles, we have criticized, even very harshly, the UN and other international institutions, but also the European Union. We do not believe that these institutions must be dismantled, but we are sure that all must be profoundly reformed. No one can deny their impotence, in preventing and resolving the various situations, and their submission to the interests of a few, disfavoring many. As we often say, we have made, and will make, some detailed articles on everything we talk about, both to justify our positions and to explain, to those who "do not want to see", and do not want, try to understand, our point of view. Sometimes we hear: the UN condemns, or the UN intervenes, but we never see the UN prevent. And all the various international organizations do the same, all very important, and all only partially useful, to the entire world population. They never solve all problems definitively, such as hunger and thirst in the world, disease, childhood problems, or the protection of our planet. We often feel like believing those who say that these international organizations are just a huge waste of resources, or that someone gains from the suffering of so many desperate people. Seeing the results, mediocre to say the least, we are certain that with the money spent, much more could be done. Perhaps by verifying where even the few, often very little money ends up that many of us send to these international benefactors. We are sure, that when we do (and rest assured we will), we will discover a lot of impostors, exploiters, who have accumulated wealth, destined for noble purposes. Attention: we are sure that those who do their job well are many more than those who are delinquent, wicked. But for us, even one who suffers or dies because another steals is shameful. And even just looking, and remaining passive, at so many crimes is like being accomplices to such criminal activities.

    As regards, briefly (but we will talk about it at the right time), the European Union, we are sure that the "founding fathers" had not foreseen it this way. Economic and financial union, but without political or military union. It would be laughable if there weren't tears. Giving the European Commission, therefore a few dozen people (who are practically not controlled by anyone), all the financial and economic power that manages and influences the lives of hundreds of millions of people is stupid enough. Above all, if the European Parliament is practically impotent, and does not work on laws that are useful for everyone, without preferences. In our opinion, the first union to do would have been the political one, to really allow the various countries to "count everyone in the same way". Furthermore, with the right of veto, practically a country, even a small one, can prevent the development, and the necessary measures, from all the other countries. Kind of like the UN Security Council. The members are those who won World War II, and in turn, a few other countries. But when it is necessary to prevent, for example a war, a single country is enough, which on the basis of its own interests, opposes the attempts of all the others, in order to render useless.

    The joke they tell you, that in this way, everyone counts for something, is not only funny, but is against all logic. But you know, in human history, there have always been a few people who decide the fate of all the others. We have to clarify a concept, for us, the good of all is more important than the good of a few. While respecting the legitimate aspirations and needs of every people, there are choices that must be made, taking into account the needs of the majority. And to those who will criticize us, for the previous sentence, we specify immediately that making the best choices for everyone, without preferences, but looking at everyone's legitimate interests, does not disadvantage anyone, but helps everyone. On the other hand, preventing or hindering the good of all, for the sake of a few, is selfish behaviour.

    The "right of veto" creates divisions, often violent ones, and generates chaos. But we, from our first article, have said that throughout human history, few people have divided, for their own private interests, many people, in order to govern them. The Romans, very wisely, said: "divide et impera", divide and command. And to divide us, they have invented many things, and reasons. Past history, and the present, are full of negative examples. But "the powerful" are so clever, that even from the various unions, they manage to command, because the important thing is to create crises and tensions, in order to be able to do business.

    The UN needs to be reformed, like any international organization, Europe too needs to be profoundly reformed. The whole world needs to be reformed. But only in one way: by always putting the interests of the entire world population first, and not the interests of individuals.

    It seems like a senseless and utopian reasoning. Absolutely no. Just work on it all together, in a unified way.

    European citizens, in various countries, when there are difficult or unpopular decisions to be made, are told: Europe is asking us for it! Does everyone use it as an excuse, or does Europe really ask for impossible things? And when the politicians say: we must carry out the reforms, and they add again "Europe is asking us for it". But it is possible that this Europe asks some citizens to sacrifice themselves, while others do not ask it. Therefore, individual countries must reform (often with sacrifices), because "Europe is asking us to do it", but Europe cannot be reformed, because European citizens are asking for it?

    Our idea of a UN is to create an international organization of peoples, with representatives elected by the world population, based in a neutral country, in which every decision is binding on everyone, but which is taken in the interest of all the world population. The same thing, for any international, continental, national, state, or local organization.

    Exactly our method, because we are like this, everyone's interest is more important than the interest of a few. The opposite of what has been done in the history of human beings. The opposite of the old policy, of each country, or continent. DirectDemocracyS does not have a leader, but each of our members is equally valid, even if they carry out different roles, in different groups, respecting the various skills. Everyone can play important roles, and aspire to have great responsibilities, or to maintain them, once obtained, provided that every activity they carry out is in the interest of our entire community, always having as its purpose the good of the entire world population .

    To those who will accuse us, that we too, are few people, who decide for many, let's say we have patience, in a short time, we will all be the people, who decide for the good, of all people. Because our strength lies in unity in diversity. Utopia? No dear friends, reality. With us, the motto: "one for all, all for one", is always put into practice.

    Who will be asked: didn't you have to talk about internal politics? For us, world politics is internal politics, because we are the first, and perhaps the only, international political organization, born to unite all good people, our innovative motto: united, all together, to command everyone, to the good of all.

    There will be criticism, because some consider us: a sect, or dangerous, dictators, totalitarians. If the fact of being: the exclusive property of each of our voters (therefore not controllable, and subject to the power of a few), and the fact that we are all leaders (without any hierarchy, but only with people, who perform specific tasks, based on skills, honesty, and reliability), with the same "power" (each vote is worth exactly the same), without discrimination (we accept anyone, at the right time), in which we all work together, in a unified way, with the respect for diversity, and everyone's ideas, based on one's own merits (meritocracy, and equality of opportunity), and to base all our rules on common sense, and on logic, in everyone's interest, means, to be considered, by some, a dangerous sect, a totalitarian dictatorship, or a utopia, we are sorry, but it certainly won't make us change our working method.

    They tell us: do you want to dominate the world? No, we want good people to come together to really count for something. Do you want to delete the old policy? No, we create our own innovative policy, nobody touches the old one. Do you want to eliminate the old finance ? No, we create our innovative finance, nobody touches the old one . Do you want to eliminate the old economy? No, we create our innovative economy, nobody touches the old one. The old "traditions" will be able to destroy themselves, because they are wrong and unjust. To those who criticize us, we often reply: we can never do worse than what others have done and are doing.

    History certainly cannot be changed, and for now, it is not possible to go back in time, to change and improve our present. But we can all work together to change and improve our present and our future. We consider it a civic duty, and while it is not easy, we have an obligation to try.


    1.   24 November 2022
    2.   Internal politics

    Truth is a fundamental value, because it allows us to know what is true and distinguish it from what is false.

    The search for the truth, and its diffusion, if it doesn't endanger other people, is mandatory for everyone, in a project like ours.

    Tell the truth or lie? Often, since we were children, we ask ourselves whether it is better to tell...

    Truth is a fundamental value, because it allows us to know what is true and distinguish it from what is false.

    The search for the truth, and its diffusion, if it doesn't endanger other people, is mandatory for everyone, in a project like ours.

    Tell the truth or lie? Often, since we were children, we ask ourselves whether it is better to tell the truth and suffer the consequences, or to lie and get away with it. Between these two situations, there would be a third, saying only the part that doesn't create problems, and saying the "risky" part only to trusted people, in the right way and at the right time.

    While we risk seeming unsympathetic, we choose to always tell the truth. We repeat it often: we always act with logic, common sense, and with mutual respect, of all people, using intelligence, rules respected by all, shared values, ideals and principles.

    Therefore, we care about absolute respect for the privacy of each person who joins us, guaranteeing anonymity and the possibility of working in safety to anyone who joins us.

    Does politics always tell the truth? If we were to ask this question, many people, almost all of them, would say superficially: political parties, and the representatives of these political parties, always lie. We, on the other hand, are convinced that the old politics don't always lie. It does so only when the truth is compromising, or when it can lead to a loss of support. The spasmodic search for electoral victory leads the old policy to lie, or to promise, and then not keep. But also, to say the least, things in one's favor, "forgetting" about those that would not be useful for obtaining electoral consensus.

    What about DirectDemocracyS? As we often say: we are truly innovative, and we have decided that everything we say is the truth, even if it is unpleasant and annoying for someone, or, if it can cause us to lose consensus, and consequently votes. By choosing this conduct, we are not self-defeating, but we believe in the fundamental value of truth at all costs. Furthermore, we are also intelligent, because we are sure that over time, this sincerity of ours will be rewarded, also in terms of consensus, and consequently in victory, in the elections. But on the elections, and the power, obtained with votes, of good people, we will make a detailed article.

    It often happens that political parties and their representatives say one thing and then do another, finding various reasons, often bizarre, to justify their "political twists and turns". Perhaps the main reason is the fear of losing votes, and therefore of losing consensus, keeping the promises made, so they prefer to choose the less ethical but simpler path. We are innovative, even in this, we prefer to keep promises, and always do the right thing, even with the risk of losing the elections, or losing some users. We can certainly change our ideas, or change our electoral programs, but only under 2 conditions: based on the decisions, and interests, of our constituents, who are ours, our masters, as well as being our only owners. The second condition, always linked to the first, is the unforeseen evolution of events, in which unfortunately, always with the binding decision of our electors, and on the advice of our specialists, we can decide to change our priorities, or to modify the electoral program to adapt it to the new situations created. On doing the right thing, we will also do a detailed article.

    The truth, which often hurts or annoys someone, is the only path we can take, all together, because it gives us the security, never to make fun of, and never betray, the trust of all people, who join us.

    Politics has really changed, and each of our official members knows well that if they lie, they will immediately be blocked and "degraded", because lying is never the best solution, and sooner or later the truth will be discovered always.

    We'll talk in the future, even about all the truths we don't know (because they keep themselves hidden), or about the lies they tell us, even if it might be annoying for someone.

    DirectDemocracyS cannot promise the absolute truth (we could make some mistakes), but we can swear to seek it, and always spread it, without ever being afraid, to annoy someone, but also, without ever risking, to make someone suffer, or worse, endanger, the life of any person.

    Our project is practically perfect, and our method is an excellent mechanism, but people are not always as perfect. For this reason, we have strict rules, prevention methods, and many measures to punish anyone who does not respect our important work, to change and improve the world. But on our security measures, we will make many detailed articles, to make everyone understand how our entire political organization works, and all the projects connected to it.

    We are sure that over time, with our example, we will be able to "force" other political forces as well to respect themselves and their voters, always telling the truth. Because, either they will change, or only those who do not know the fundamental value of the truth will be voted on.

    1.   17 November 2022
    2.   Values

    We have analyzed various aspects, and many details, about our political organization, we often say that DirectDemocracyS is: innovative, truly democratic, absolutely free, owned by those who join us, based on direct democracy, common sense, logic, equality, and on meritocracy.

    At first glance, many consider us "too good to be true",...

    We have analyzed various aspects, and many details, about our political organization, we often say that DirectDemocracyS is: innovative, truly democratic, absolutely free, owned by those who join us, based on direct democracy, common sense, logic, equality, and on meritocracy.

    At first glance, many consider us "too good to be true", therefore a "perfect utopia", while others accuse us of "becoming like the others" as soon as we take power, and a few, but very revolted, accuse us of wanting to be the only political force in the world, and very few even say, that we are dangerous for the world.

    We've already answered many of the above sentences, on various occasions, so we'll address them quickly.

    Our political project was created to change and improve the world, in the exclusive interest of the entire world population.

    So, to those who say that we are dangerous, we ask: dangerous for whom? Perhaps for the current political system, in which, in no country in the world, there is no true democracy? For an oligarchic party system which, after the elections, in every country in the world, steals the power to decide from the people, with the great scam of the fake "representative" democracy, which in fact is: substitutive democracy (which replaces the entity people, with the entity political parties, and their representatives)? Are we also dangerous for the entire financial system, based on cheating, bankruptcy, social differences unworthy of human beings, grave injustices, oligarchy, and debts for everyone? Are we also dangerous, for the world economy, in which the poor are exploited, to make the rich rich, in which a few, powerful people control the world, exploiting the work of the poorest, and literally destroying our planet? If we are dangerous in that sense, and for the old politics, the old finance, and the old economy, we at DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, are proud of being dangerous (but we are not, because we are alternative, creating a our system). Perhaps we annoy the 1% of bad people, certainly not the good people, who believe they can change and improve the world by working all together.

    We care, be useful, and help, 99% of good people, who believe that life can be: different, fair, and better.

    Let's make a parenthesis, we cannot represent a danger, for what already exists, because we build a new, alternative, innovative, and undoubtedly better system. We give everyone, one more chance, to choose between the current one, and our new path, to go all together. Unlike the current "system", which belongs to a few, we belong to everyone, so over time, from what we have foreseen, almost all the "characters", from the old politics, finance, and economics, will enter our "new world ”, Gradually, and without creating any problems, modifying and adapting to our projects.

    Let it be clear to everyone, by respecting all our rules, and with our innovative method, no one will ever be able to "play smart" again. But we will talk about this aspect, considered by some "disturbing", of the respect and application of legality in another article. However, we anticipate that we are not interested in "creating a world", in which the smart ones are not successful only for their own cleverness, if they are not: deserving, honest, ethically and legally correct, respectful of people, and of the our planet.

    We are not interested in being, or becoming, the only political force in the world, but we are certain that we are the best, and the most useful, for all people. And even knowing, that over time, we are destined to obtain "a lot of power", perhaps even "all the power", politics will continue to exist, as for us, people come together, who make unity, in diversity , a strength, and certainly not a weakness. No one has ever been excluded, and will never be sent away, for what he thinks, or what he says. But it has to do it, in the right ways, in the right times, and in the right places, respecting all our rules.

    The current political, financial , and economic systems will gradually join us over time. We are sure of it, because we have all seen it for a long time, that "the old system" is imploding and falling apart. Thanks to all our users, carefully selected and placed, to prevent and prevent any problems, even the bad people, who will inevitably join us last, will not be able to cause damage. Always thanks to those who preceded them, we will always be one step ahead of them.

    Many people have created, create, and will create even in the future, anti-political, anti-finance, anti-economy systems, but their mistake is to want to do: a head-on clash with the very powerful and proven “current power”. We intelligently create the alternative, basing it on our values, ideals, principles, rules, and methods, all logical, credible, of common sense. Over time, both the current "strong power" and many citizens, unable to steal, cheat, overwhelm, or exploit the weakest, will unite, on the outside, to oppose us, even in ways that are not very loyal, but always remember, that good and respectful people are 99% of the inhabitants of the earth, and will always know how to defend themselves, first of all, by putting into practice all our rules.

    After this premise, many will ask, and then what will happen? If we all take power together, what will we do? How will we manage, all together, the enormous responsibility of having to create a different and better world?

    We will make a dedicated article on the differences in power management between "us and them", and on our strengths.

    For now, we tell everyone, to rest assured, you must be afraid, of the current system, which controls you, and not our system, which controls you. This is the huge difference, which we have often talked about, and will talk about again, but which everyone, before joining us, evaluates, but does not understand. Do not have any doubts, power "will not go to our head", we will not become dictators, and we will not establish a "severe regime", for the simple reason that we are, and will always be owned, and therefore totally at the service, of anyone who will join us.

    Serving the population should also be the aim of the old politics. Only we, unlike them, will put it into practice.

    1.   13 November 2022
    2.   Fundamental questions
    Personal number.
    The personal number is automatically assigned, during registration, to each registered user, is progressive, and is unique, for each user. The personal number cannot be changed, or modified, and connects a specific username to the secret password (never to be told to anyone) chosen during registration, to the activation link...
    Personal number.
    The personal number is automatically assigned, during registration, to each registered user, is progressive, and is unique, for each user. The personal number cannot be changed, or modified, and connects a specific username to the secret password (never to be told to anyone) chosen during registration, to the activation link sent by our system (and subsequently activated, by clicking on it, or by entering it in a browser, and clicking on send).
    To find out your personal number, just access our website (by entering your username and password), from any browser, and click on the Main Menu, and then click on Social, and then on your profile photo, on the right, and on Account, and then on, my Profile. The number that precedes, in the URL, your username (in the final part), is your personal number.
    For those who use our Official Application, or log in from other applications, the only way to find out your personal number is to log in to our website and then go to this link:

    fill in the contact form carefully: with your username, your personal e-mail address (usually already written automatically), as the subject: tell me my personal number, and as a message: Thank you. If you want to receive a copy of your request, check the box: Send a copy to yourself, enter the security code (these are the 4 letters that you see), and they must be entered exactly under the writing: Enter the captcha security code, also check the box: Privacy Policy *, and then click on: Send an email.

    You will receive, via an e-mail message, in a short time, your personal number (you can write it in a diary, or where you keep your access data), on DirectDemocracyS, and on all our related projects.

    1.   12 November 2022
    2.   For Users

    On Wednesday 09 November 2022, at 20.00 (GMT), the first international meeting of the official representatives of all the countries of the world was organized for communications, and to organize the activities at the international level, of DirectDemocracyS, and of all related projects. Each country presented a maximum of 6 representatives, one...

    On Wednesday 09 November 2022, at 20.00 (GMT), the first international meeting of the official representatives of all the countries of the world was organized for communications, and to organize the activities at the international level, of DirectDemocracyS, and of all related projects. Each country presented a maximum of 6 representatives, one of which had to know the English language.

    Agenda: official communications, responses to official communications, official proposals, responses to some official proposals, proposals from participants, selection of the most urgent proposals, 15-minute break, general discussion, various and any.

    There were over 200 countries and territories, with 6 representatives, for each country, therefore almost an average of 1200 participants.

    At the end of the meeting, some official positions of DirectDemocracyS and all related projects were decided on some fundamental issues.

    We present some of the decisions that have been made. For all our official representatives, links with complete videos of the entire meeting are available in the various groups on our official website. We are working on the translation, in 54 languages, of the entire meeting, both with subtitles, by Friday 11 November, and with the translation by voice, ready by Thursday 17 November. We thank the translation groups, and the dubbing groups, for the good work, done in a short time.

    As with all our rules, or voting, 3 votes were held, if necessary, in which the majority of those entitled to vote won, and from the 4th vote, the majority of voters was enough.

    DirectDemocracyS, is against the death penalty, for any kind of crime, but for prison sentences, even very harsh ones, for those who do not respect the law. 95% voted against the death penalty, and 5% in favor, no one undecided, no one abstained.

    We have decided to maintain the current type of users, based on hierarchies, on a merit-based basis, which starts from: simple visitors, guests, registered users, verified users, official members (in compliance with the annual fee, always valid 1 year from the date of payment), official representatives, administrators, super administrators. In favor 98%, against 1%, undecided 0.9%, abstained 0.1%. In this regard, we remind you that some users had proposed very complicated rules and types of users, which were all rejected. However, we have decided, in case of need, to add other types of users to the existing types.

    We have decided to keep the maximum age of the candidates for the selection of our users, to a maximum of 60 years, not to be completed, before the selection of the candidates. But to give selection groups the possibility of welcoming people over 60 years of age (without age limit), only if proposed, by the geographical and numerical groups to which they belong, with a majority vote, of those entitled (and as always by a majority of voters, from the 4th vote), and only if after this vote, the representatives of the special groups, will allow access to the selections, of these deserving people, with work done on the website, for the political organization, considered of fundamental importance, and with a respectful behavior of all our rules. 72% in favor, 12% against, 5% undecided, 1% abstentions. We have decided to create a regulation, to allow the right exceptions (provided for by our regulation), for those over 60 years old, but who demonstrate, working on our website, that they deserve to participate, in the selection of our candidates, of the our online primary elections.

    For the management of all our activities, and therefore of our political organization, and of all our groups, at all levels, you must be 18 years old, and the maximum age has no limit, as required by our rules. 89% in favor, 10% against, 0.7% undecided, 0.3% abstentions.

    We have decided to allow, to cast their vote, (and not participation, as candidates, which remains at 18), in the online primaries, for all our groups, even to young people aged 16, with the authorization of parents. 92% in favor, 6% against, 1% undecided, 1% abstentions.

    We have decided to make equal, for each of our territorial organizations, in addition to all our ideals, values, and principles, also all our rules, and the first parts of all our Statutes. We entrust territorial organizations with the ability to customize the last part of our Statutes, to make it compliant with the laws of each country, state, or geographical area. 91% in favor, 2% against, 6% undecided, 1% abstentions.

    We have decided to eliminate the word political party to define ourselves, remaining only the name of political organization, at every level, with the exception of countries, or states, in which it is mandatory to call oneself a political party, in order to participate in real elections. 97% in favor, none against, 3% undecided, no abstentions.

    We have decided to reduce, and make more rare, our information, and our updates, on social networks, and on other websites. It is necessary, in order to work and make our website perfect, to anticipate, if possible, the phase of making our political project known to all the population of the earth, while remaining possible, to start in different areas , at different times, based on the decisions we will make in the future, in the working groups. 95% in favor, 4% against, 1% undecided.

    All other news, detailed, only and exclusively, on our website, in the groups of official representatives, in the various geographical and numerical groups.

    DirectDemocracyS, together with all our users, will respect the decisions, of our official representatives, creating detailed rules, through the management groups, of our official regulation.

    1.   10 November 2022
    2.   Official meetings
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