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    Let's look at some data, on global GDP, for the year 2021.

    Population 7.888 billion ‎(2021)

    GDP Per Capita $12,234.80 ‎(2021)

    GDP growth rate 5.9% annual change ‎(2021).

    Let's see the data for 2022, and the forecasts for 2023.

    In October 2022, the latest edition of the World Economic Outlook was published, a scenario released twice a year...

    Let's look at some data, on global GDP, for the year 2021.

    Population 7.888 billion ‎(2021)

    GDP Per Capita $12,234.80 ‎(2021)

    GDP growth rate 5.9% annual change ‎(2021).

    Let's see the data for 2022, and the forecasts for 2023.

    In October 2022, the latest edition of the World Economic Outlook was published, a scenario released twice a year by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which provides an analysis of economic developments, on a global scale in the short term, and in the medium term.

    The key message that emerges from the new Outlook is that the world economy is in the midst of a slowdown, more significant than expected, as well as a climate of general uncertainty.

    The factors weighing on the scenario concern several fronts:

    - that of inflation, which is reaching the highest peaks in recent decades;

    -that of monetary policy: most of the central banks are in fact proceeding, with rate hikes, to favor a normalization of prices;

    - that of the pandemic, and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, which sadly remain on the scene.

    Slowing economic growth.

    Let us first look at the data on gross domestic product on a global scale. After a 6% rebound in 2021, the Fund forecasts a slowdown in the pace of growth of the world economy to 3.2% for the year in 2022, and to 2.7% in 2023: in both cases, the estimates have been revised to downward, compared to the previous scenario of April 2022.

    In particular, for advanced economies, a slowdown is expected from 2.4% in 2022 to 1.1% in 2023, compared with a GDP growth of 3.7%, for emerging and developing economies, both in 2022 than in 2023.

    The IMF highlights how the growth rate forecast for world GDP for 2023 represents the weakest value since 2001, obviously excluding the year of the Covid shock, and the 2009 financial crisis.

    With good probability, one third of the world economy will experience a contraction in the year 2022, or in 2023. Among these countries we find Italy, and Germany, for which a change in GDP is forecast for 2023, respectively equal to -0.2% for Italy and -0.3% for Germany.

    For the Eurozone as a whole, a moderate growth rate of 0.5% in 2023 is expected: therefore, it is a question of a substantial stalemate, in terms of economic growth - a stalemate that the Monetary Fund predicts may also concern the USA and China , the two largest economies in the world.

    In this context of weak growth, the energy crisis weighs heavily on the euro area; on the Asian front, China is instead marked by the real estate crisis, and by frequent lockdowns. China's zero-Covid policy is estimated to be weighing on the country's economy, especially in Q2 2022. Given the size of the Chinese economy, and its key role in global value chains, the situation of the Asian economy, could significantly weigh on foreign trade and economic activity globally.

    The danger of inflation.

    Alongside slowing economic growth is the warning element of inflation. The recent dynamics of price growth have in fact proved to be broader and more persistent than expected, especially in advanced economies, and a primary element of attention for policy-makers, representing a significant threat to real incomes, as well as the overall macroeconomic stability.

    Inflation on a global scale has now reached its highest points since the beginning of the 2000s: the IMF estimates that it could reach 8.8% in 2022, to then give way to a partial slowdown in 2023 (6.5%) and 2024 (4.1%), incorporating the effects of generally restrictive monetary policies, and a reduction, hopefully, in energy prices.

    Who benefits from inflation?

    Inflation benefits debtors, and therefore mainly companies, and states, while it penalizes creditors, and therefore savers, and workers.

    A look at foreign trade.

    Finally, looking at the data on foreign trade flows, the Monetary Fund forecasts, for the year 2022, growth in the volumes of international trade in goods of 2.9%, slowing down compared to +10.8% in 2021. In 2023 the rhythms of growth, could slow down further, and the increase in flows would be limited to 2%.

    The recent ExportPlanning data on quarterly world trade signal, in particular, how global exports have entered negative territory, on a cyclical basis, starting from the third quarter of 2022, after the conspicuous increase in the second quarter, thus signaling a potential trend reversal , after a first half of strong growth.

    1.   21 January 2023
    2.   Economic Politics

    Why do you call, your users, users? It almost seems that they own an electricity bill.

    Every social network, every website, before us, and probably also those that will be added, in the future, on the Internet, call their users, by their name, i.e., users. It comes from the English word _USERS_ which means precisely users.

    It is certainly not...

    Why do you call, your users, users? It almost seems that they own an electricity bill.

    Every social network, every website, before us, and probably also those that will be added, in the future, on the Internet, call their users, by their name, i.e., users. It comes from the English word _USERS_ which means precisely users.

    It is certainly not an offense, in fact, it is what they do, they use the Internet, to carry out various activities, in our case, and only on our website, our users, do they make politics.

    Not only that, but in the programming language, in the registration forms, and in all the access forms, you write, the name, and the username _USERNAME_, which can be the same as the real name, or a nickname, a name that specifies the origin, or, an invented name.

    A password is also used, chosen by each user, composed, to register on our website, of at least 12 characters (uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and also, for security, symbols), to prevent others, to enter, with the name of our users. We will also talk about 2-factor authentication, which increases the level of security, and which we make available to everyone, and we recommend to anyone, practically from the beginning of our existence.

    We also have a personal number, assigned automatically by our system, in succession, which we need to be able to "rely on", to be able to reward you, for reasons of security, simplicity, and to be able to guarantee anonymity, and the protection of privacy (of personal data). Many will accuse us: for you, we are just numbers, you don't give us the right importance. Others will say that we brand you like cows. And they will invent many theories, and conspiracies, even satanic ones.

    A brief explanation.

    For registration, there are these detailed instructions:

    After registering, and creating your personal profile, you start as a registered user, then according to our rules, you become a verified registered user within 14 days.

    For those who want, therefore, only on a voluntary basis, each registered verified user can request to become our official member, if he will be deemed reliable, and his request will be approved by our other members. Obviously, an annual fee is paid, valid for one year, from the moment of appointment by one of our directors.

    Always for those who want, therefore on a voluntary basis, and for those who have the merits, you may want to become an official representative, or, if you want to participate, in our closed online primary elections, a political representative (abandoning any previous role, in our organization politics, to carry out political representation, in the best possible way).

    Always for those who want, therefore on a voluntary basis, and for those who have the merits, one can want to become our administrator, and subsequently, therefore on a voluntary basis, and for those who have the merits, one can become a super administrator, and finally, on a voluntary basis, and for those who have the merits, it will be possible in the future to access the role of our Guarantors. And other roles may be created, in the future, based on needs, and based on our rules, always based on the various responsibilities and activities to be performed.

    For all the detailed information on the various types of users:

    This "hierarchy", for us, does not mean much (it only serves to work in the right way), in fact, the vote of a verified user is valid exactly, like that of a Guarantor, and they have the same opportunities and potential. Equality and meritocracy travel together, always.

    We don't have leaders, but many people who work, with the help of our computer system, to make politics and various projects together. We are all together, without distinction, a single immense leader.

    In conclusion, our beloved users, we will forever continue to call them, with their name, and with the definition of users. And we are sure that all of them know perfectly well that it is not an offense but a fact. Furthermore, in many articles, we define our users as an integral part of our immense family, and our website is our big house, in which we all live in harmony, respecting every rule. And we never write a sentence, or a single word, at random. If we write something, it's because we believe it, because we practice it, and because it represents the truth.

    1.   18 January 2023
    2.   Method

    Why are you called DirectDemocracyS? Why don't you have a name, translated, in every language? Many do not know how to pronounce it?

    There are questions, which seem to be asked, to look for a flaw, or to try to accuse us of wanting to "monopolize" politics, even through the name. Almost as if we did not give due importance to the culture,...

    Why are you called DirectDemocracyS? Why don't you have a name, translated, in every language? Many do not know how to pronounce it?

    There are questions, which seem to be asked, to look for a flaw, or to try to accuse us of wanting to "monopolize" politics, even through the name. Almost as if we did not give due importance to the culture, language, traditions and religions of each country and each people.

    Indeed, they accuse us of not respecting the linguistic specificity of the word direct democracy. But also, of not wanting to give, the right local, regional, provincial and local autonomy.

    The name DirectDemocracyS, as we have explained in some articles, is not a name born by chance, with the exception of the final S.

    To superficial people, we only answer with one sentence: the world, the political system, the financial system, the economic system, and all the bad people, throughout history, have always tried to divide, all people, in order to control them, with disastrous existences, which we all know.

    Our name, our logo, our project, our political organization, any related projects, our website, our rules, our methods, and everything we do, were all born, and will live on forever, for unite all good people.

    By choosing the name DirectDemocracyS, we have all our essence inside, and the final S gives us security, simplicity, but also social protection, and a touch of sympathy.

    Obviously, if we had chosen various names, in various languages, those who wanted to, even the various dialects, would have come to complain. We would never have made everyone happy. With our choices, we would never respect everyone.

    Instead, forever, our name will be DirectDemocracyS, or if you don't know it, or want to pronounce it in English, call us DDS. Not only because the name has been decided, discussed, and voted on by all of us, but also because anyone who complains about the name might want to do so, as well as to criticize us superficially, also to create divisions, to try to slow us down , or worse to stop us.

    We do not believe that the world population is made up entirely of nationalists, or of people so superficial and stupid that they would not vote for our candidates or for our political organization because it has a name that is too "English" or "Anglo-Saxon". Let's be serious, we look at the contents, we look at the people, and at the proposals, not just the name or the logo. The only importance they have is to be able to recognize us from other political forces.

    Furthermore, the choice of English is for various reasons, all very specific: the first is that it is a very widespread language, known by practically everyone, the second, because the language of the Internet, on which we are all who accuses us of being too Anglo-Saxon), is the English.

    For us, the logo, which has its own meaning, and the name, are exactly like all our rules, and our method, unique, innovative, alternative, and all together they are part of our essence.

    We repeat, they have been proposed, decided, discussed, and voted on, and every change, here, is made without distorting, or changing, what preceded the new proposal.

    If you don't like them, we're sorry, but these will remain.

    As you already know, the geographical or territorial name, from largest to smallest (always specifying the largest), or the name of the language, or the flag (all territorial flags, from largest to smallest), or the name of the population (of all populations). In some cases various things, all together. Everything, united, in diversity.

    We will talk again about these issues, the motivations, and the right local autonomy, the specificities. We remind you that the general, international rules apply to everyone, in compliance with the right freedoms. We will also talk about those who do not understand that rigidity and respect by all of our rules does not mean lack of freedom, anyone who has joined us, smiles, reading messages, of people who accuse us , not to allow anyone to think, or to express themselves. We are the only ones to put authentic democracy into practice, and total freedom, respecting, and we repeat, all our rules.

    Calmly re-read all our articles, even several times, with the right mental openness, and you will understand that we do not tell lies.

    Then, if we lose some superficial person, who won't vote for us, because of our "ugly" name, or because of our "ugly" logo, we are sorry, but we are sure that intelligence always prevails over stupidity . And 99% of the people on earth are intelligent people who will certainly be able to choose, analyzing and evaluating who we propose and what we promise to do in depth.

    1.   18 January 2023
    2.   Appearance

    Your rules are in certain cases strange and unusual, for example, I don't understand how your method of communicating works? How do you use our messages?

    DirectDemocracyS is undoubtedly the only political organization that listens to its visitors, allowing them to contact us.

    We have published a long article, which explains to everyone how...

    Your rules are in certain cases strange and unusual, for example, I don't understand how your method of communicating works? How do you use our messages?

    DirectDemocracyS is undoubtedly the only political organization that listens to its visitors, allowing them to contact us.

    We have published a long article, which explains to everyone how they can send us their messages.

    We have activated our Support Group, our Contact Group, from the day we made our existence public to a few people. To this first group, were added the Management Group, and the Message Selection Group, and of course, the Message Response Group. Not only that, but based on the type of message, in addition to the Communication Group (which sends the right things to the right place), the Message Sorting Group (which sends the messages), also all the Groups involved are activated, in the questions, and in the answers, the Groups of Specialists, of all kinds, the Political Groups, these too, divided, in turn, into various sub-groups. Each group carries out specific activities, and is made up, in our international phase, of at least one representative, of each country in the world, but not only that, also a representative, of each population in the world (there are peoples divided among several countries, or who have no country). Each Group is usually made up of at least 250 people. Except for public groups where usually, a single member, or a few members, post certain information, instructions, rules, or activities.

    The Message Management Group, and the Message Selection Group, work together, with their own specific rules, that we are not writing, to make articles that are too long, and basically it doesn't matter, to those who are not part of it. However, let us specify the coordinated and important work they carry out together.

    They already receive the messages, divided according to the various topics, there are contact forms, for each topic, which offer every possibility to anyone who wants to contact us. They divide the messages into various groups: death threats, injury threats, violent threats, generic threats, vulgar insults, generic insults, superficial criticisms, constructive criticisms, specific criticisms (also divided into various topics), reports, according to them once divided, according to the various topics, and into various groups, errors, also divided into various groups, proposals, divided into various topics, and into various groups, and finally the compliments.

    We never write the details of who sends us a message, but only the content, and our response.

    Based on the decisions, of the groups involved, which can be various, even dozens, always made up of people, from all over the world, a reply is sent directly to the person who contacts us, and in some cases, we write an article, involving other groups, together with the initial ones.

    This, for the international phase, but the same method, is used, for the continental, national, state, regional, provincial, district, local, neighborhood, and street block phase.

    It seems like a very laborious, slow, and above all complicated method, but it is very simple, and very fast, because, since all the groups are made up of at least 250 people, the work is divided into small groups of at least 5 or 6 people. Obviously, there is discussion and voting, all final answers, and even articles, are written in various groups, after being discussed, and voted on, before being published.

    Unfortunately, we don't answer all of them, or, often, we answer with a link, to one of our articles, which contains the answer to the question asked. We don't like wasting time answering things we've already answered by publishing various articles. For this reason, we invite our visitors to read each of our articles, above all, those on which they have some questions, and to contact us, only and exclusively, with specific questions, which have not been foreseen, or explained, in our articles.

    Using this method, our website, in a very short time, will contain all the answers to every possible question, making consultation easier and faster. Many websites and all social networks do it to prevent time wasted answering the same questions over and over again.

    We guarantee, that every message we receive, is read, and evaluated, based on the content.

    The fact that our registered users always have an answer to any question, based on our regulation, does not mean preferring our users to our visitors, but it is an obvious necessity.

    To make our mechanism work, our users receive all the instructions and information they need in a priority and practically immediate manner.

    All the messages help us to be clearer, to explain all the concepts, with more or less long and more or less specific articles.

    Knowing, however, that we base each of our rules, each of our activities, and each of our decisions, on logic, common sense, and mutual respect, of all people, we are often accused of being presumptuous, and unnerving, but we can guarantee you , that our "creators" (who invented and created all of this), first the first 5, and then 282 people, from various countries and various sectors of activity, worked for over 14 years to make so that to every question, there is a detailed answer, and to every observation, or criticism, there is an impeccable motivation, based, and we repeat, on logic, common sense, and mutual respect, of all people .

    Anyone who contacts us should know that in some cases they will be able to receive a private and direct answer, or in some cases, a public one, through the publication of an article, we repeat, without specifying the name. In other cases, both ways.

    1.   18 January 2023
    2.   Method

    DirectDemocracyS was born to change and improve the world. Our international political organization is the only one to materialize, and put into practice, authentic and complete democracy.

    We do this by putting power, really in the hands, brains, and hearts of the voters, who are our registered users, on our website.

    Currently, we do not live...

    DirectDemocracyS was born to change and improve the world. Our international political organization is the only one to materialize, and put into practice, authentic and complete democracy.

    We do this by putting power, really in the hands, brains, and hearts of the voters, who are our registered users, on our website.

    Currently, we do not live in any country (not even Western ones), in authentic and complete democracy, but we all live in an oligarchic party system.

    With the old politics, the voters count for almost nothing, because after the elections, the political parties and their political representatives decide everything for many years, and the population must respect every rule decided by the old politics. Often, they don't serve the interests of the entire population, but they are greatly influenced by finance and the economy. Many parties and their political representatives do not respect their promises and occasionally steal public money or favor the interests of powerful people.

    DirectDemocracyS, which is alternative, and innovative, reverses the roles, the population, the voters, decide everything, and our political representatives, carry out, every order received, from whoever gave them, the power of representation.

    Through our geographic, international, continental, national, state, regional, provincial, district, and local (even at the neighborhood, and street block level) groups, our official members, manage, control, and decide, everything they do , propose, discuss, and vote for their own political representatives, before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after the elections. Maintaining the current borders (to avoid tensions, violence, and conflicts), we guarantee, to all minorities, of any kind, but also to women, and to all people and companies in difficulty, all the help (we wrote it in our regulation, that we help those in difficulty first), and all the rights of the majority. We are united, in diversity.

    DirectDemocracyS, gives its constituents, complete control, but also informed, honest, independent, and above all competent, because all our users (who are our constituents), receive all the information, all the possibilities, and also all the consequences, foreseen, for each decision taken, by our groups of specialists, made up entirely of all our users, experts, who have studied, or work, in every sector of activity, and who know every topic perfectly. With informed voters, we will make our political representatives make only the best choices, for the good of all.

    For the first time in the world, whoever joins a political project, and our website, becomes its owner. In fact, each of our official members receives a single individual, non-transferable share, which makes them the master, together with all the other official members, of all our activities.

    For the first time in the world, in DirectDemocracyS, everything belongs to everyone, and there are no leaders, all our users, in a unitary way, are a single leader. Only we eliminate forever any struggle for power, because everything is power is shared. We always put the saying into practice: one for all, all for one. You can work anonymously, or in a visible way the candidates in our closed online primary elections, obviously they will be with names, and real data, and visible (in their own territorial groups), but each of our users must verify, in a secure way, simple, fast, and almost immediate, one's identity, before being able to vote, or to be voted, or to have important roles, and greater responsibility, in our political organization.

    Each of our users carries out their work with us, managing everything, based on roles, and on an internal hierarchy, based on equality, always combined with meritocracy. Everything is absolutely simple, safe, and free, only our official members pay a small annual fee, valid for one year, from the moment of appointment.

    The world doesn't change, and it doesn't improve by itself. It takes a little work, and a little collaboration, on everyone's part, to make our huge mechanism work.

    Our website is our home, and the only place where we work (in a free, independent, and uncensored way), all together, each with precise tasks, and activities to be carried out, individually or in groups. Our presence on social networks and other websites is minimal, and is limited to a brief presentation, and to communicate, some information, without doing any type of work.

    Our political ideology is always and only based on logic, common sense, and mutual respect for all people. We have taken, and united, every little positive part of all the old politics, eliminating every negative part, creating our own practically perfect ideology in which the people, the elector, informed, hold all power. Only with us, each person is the protagonist, and decides individually and collectively, with always guaranteed all the right, local autonomy.

    Our website, by anyone who wishes, can always be visited, in its public part (which is only the tip of the iceberg), in a safe, free, fast, intuitive way, and without any commitment. You don't need to be registered to read our information, and the access form, which appears as soon as you arrive on our website, can be deleted by clicking outside the square. Our users, on the other hand, can access their profile, created according to our rules, after activation by one of our administrators.

    Registration, and the creation of a personal profile, is simple, free, fast, secure, and guarantees anonymity, and the best privacy settings.

    Our website is in English, but with our translation module, next to our logo, you can view it in over 120 languages, just click on English, and choose your language, from the drop down menu. Within seconds, every page, and every part in English, is automatically translated.

    We also have a Blog, with the main articles, in the main languages of the world, just choose the category of your language, and click on the title of each article, to read all the content.

    We advise you to read, with an open mind, all our information, and then, if you like our political project, you can join us, and help us make our innovation known to as many people as possible. We remind you that since we are alternatives, and having within us people from every country in the world, of every political ideology, we will never make any kind of agreement, collaboration, coalition, or negotiation with other political forces. If we win the elections, we will govern, always respecting every decision of our electors, putting them into practice. If we lose, we will form a loyal opposition, voting in favor of any decision that will be considered fair and useful by our voters, and against if it is not considered useful.

    Even if we work in groups, we enter individually, and we must always maintain the unity of our entire political organization.

    We said, in a nutshell, what we are, and what we are doing.

    DirectDemocracyS, your innovative, alternative politic, truly in every sense!

    1.   17 January 2023
    2.   Our Philosophies
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