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    Everyone knows that to access our website, after registering, and creating your personal profile, after clicking on the activation link, which our system sends to each user, after doing the second part of the activation, and after activation of your personal profile by our administrators, you can access our website, simply by entering your...

    Everyone knows that to access our website, after registering, and creating your personal profile, after clicking on the activation link, which our system sends to each user, after doing the second part of the activation, and after activation of your personal profile by our administrators, you can access our website, simply by entering your username and password, in the access form, present at the top and bottom of each of our web pages .

    The main security measure, which we recommend to everyone, but which is not mandatory, is the activation of 2-factor authentication, which in addition to the username and password, requires a unique code, to be entered, in order to access .

    DirectDemocracyS, has decided not to use telephone notifications, and if we use them in the future, it will be only a few verification messages, SMS notifications, we consider them useful for security, only relatively, but very annoying, if too numerous. Also with regard to email notifications, we try to send only necessary, urgent, and important notifications. For those who like to receive many notifications, they can set up and request them by themselves, managing their profile, in the Social area, or according to the case in the Community area (visible only to our official members).

    Our security protocol, right from the start, is very secure, we are among the first on the web, to request passwords, of a length of at least 12 characters (including numbers, lowercase, uppercase, and special characters for those who wish) , we have users with very long passwords, even 24, or even 36, and more characters. Since the beginning of our activities, if a user enters the wrong password too many times, our system blocks the profile, which can only be recovered by the user (only with a link to click, from his email address), via a completely automated, simple, secure and encrypted procedure.

    2-factor authentication.

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    The selection screen has the following content.

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    Code by email.

    Code by email.

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    Authentication methods.

    The first method is Google Authenticator.

    Google Authenticator is an application for smartphones and desktops (it is installed in various browsers), created by Google, which allows you to generate 6-digit security codes, which change automatically every 30 seconds. To access our website, you will therefore need: username, password, and the six-digit security code (token) which varies every 30 seconds.

    You can enable 2-Factor Authentication for Frontend, Backend or Both.

    This method provides extra protection, against hackers, who want to compromise access to the website, since even if they were able to steal, or discover the administrative or login credentials on the website, they would have 30 seconds maximum, to perform the Hack of the site (or according to the case of the personal profile) and, usually, it is not enough time. In this way, two-factor authentication prevents unauthorized access to the website and to the personal profile of each of our users.

    Setting up Google Authenticator as a two-factor authentication system is very simple.

    Step 1 - Install Google Authenticator.

    Download and install Google Authenticator, for your PC, for your favorite browser, or for your tablet, or for your smartphone. Always to be done before step 2.

    Step 2 - Go to the 2-factor authentication settings link.

    Step 3 – Setup.

    A QR code will be displayed, to be scanned with a smartphone that has the Google Authenticator application installed, or with your favorite browser (just select the QR code area with your fingers, or with the left mouse button).

    Step 4 - Activate Two-Factor Authentication.

    In the "Security code" field, enter the 6-digit code, displayed on the screen of your smartphone, or in your Google Authenticator (in the browser extension as appropriate). Then click on Save and Close.

    Now, access to the site is protected by 2-factor authentication. By logging out of the site, 3 fields will now be visible on the login screen: username, password and secret key. Enter the code generated by Google Authenticator in the "Secret Key" field.

    Second method.

    The second method, simpler for some, but equally efficient, is to use a unique code, for each access, which our system sends directly to the email address of each of our users.

    You normally enter your username and password, and if correct, our system sends a 6-digit code to your email address (always check, even in your junk mail folder).

    After correctly entering your username and password on our website, the screen changes automatically and this message appears.

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    Authentication Code: Enter here the six numbers you received via email.

    Of course you can select a different method. Select a different method.

    The message, which you will receive at your e-mail address, is like the following (also check your junk mail, and always check the header, and sender, which must contain

    Your DirectDemocracyS authentication code is -123456 (the current number, in this article, is just an example).

    (Always check this header.)

    DirectDemocracyS mail_admin;

    Current user.

    Multi-factor authentication on DirectDemocracyS. Your authentication code is 123456. (the current number, in this article, is just an example).

    Obviously, the code sent is only valid for one access, for each subsequent access attempt (after leaving the website), the same procedure will be followed.

    You can delete, at any time, one of the methods used, or change the method, directly, after logging in to our website (with the old method selected), and then modify, or delete, from the link:

    if you eliminate the two-factor authentication, the next time you access, you will be able to access the website simply by entering your username and password in the access form.

    If, on the other hand, the authentication method is changed, the next time you log in, you will only be able to log in using the new chosen method.

    More safety tips.

    If you leave the session always connected, you will always be connected to our website, so it will not be necessary to enter your username, password, and any codes, to enter (you will always be connected) from your browser, or from our application, but in this case, we always advise you to use secure passwords for your PC, for your tablet, and for your smartphone, to prevent other people from browsing our website for you. Any action, or activity, carried out from your personal profile on our website, for us, is performed by the registered user. For any problem, even serious, or activity, against our rules, the owner of the profile will be severely punished, and not the person using it.

    Change your password often (both of your email address and of your personal profile, and in general wherever the password is needed, and never use the same one, on different websites), and keep it in a safe place, not accessible to other.

    Never give anyone your access data to your email address, our website, other websites, and your social networks. No one will ever ask you for your login details on our websites, but if someone does, never give out, for any reason, your personal and login details, and any details, about your activities on, and off, from our website. Always report any suspicious activity, or request, only through the contact form of the Special Security Group, at this link:

    Do not save your access data, on browsers or applications, on PCs, tablets, or smartphones, of other people, or in public areas, but only on your technological means, to prevent others from using our website, in your name.

    Traditionally, when you access your site, you need to indicate your username and password to identify yourself in the system and be able to access it. The biggest problem with this approach is that the username and password can be stolen or guessed. For example, if your PC is infested with malware, or if you try to access your site from an insecure network, such as a public Wi-Fi hotspot, it is possible that someone could intercept your username credentials and password. This means, that they can access the website, replacing the attacked user.

    To prevent this scenario, a 2-Factor Authentication system is available, which strengthens the login to your website, with a secondary and disposable secret code. This technique is called 2-factor authentication and is abbreviated to 2FA.

    Enabling 2-Factor Authentication is recommended for all of our users.

    1.   30 January 2023
    2.   Security measures


    Donbas has never been talked about as much as now. Yet many had never heard of this industrial and mining region in eastern Ukraine now disputed between Ukraine and pro-Russian separatists. But those "wild lands", from the time of the Cossacks to the great famine of 1932/33, from the Russian migrations up to the...


    Donbas has never been talked about as much as now. Yet many had never heard of this industrial and mining region in eastern Ukraine now disputed between Ukraine and pro-Russian separatists. But those "wild lands", from the time of the Cossacks to the great famine of 1932/33, from the Russian migrations up to the entire Soviet period, have seen important chapters in the history of Eastern Europe flow.

    The Donbas region takes its name from the Donetsk River, a tributary of the Don which flows into present-day Russian territory. Located at the eastern end of the Ukrainian space, these Ukrainian steppes can be considered part of the dyke pole or "wild lands", i.e. those sparsely populated territories which in the first centuries of the modern era constituted a transition zone between the Rzeczpospolita (the large Polish-Lithuanian state) to the Black Sea and the Tatar-Muslim world; at the time they were mainly inhabited by Cossacks, i.e. by those peasant-soldiers who had settled there to escape serfdom .

    The Donbas, which corresponds to the current territories of the Ukrainian oblasts of Luhansk and Donetsk (plus a part of the Russian province of Rostov on Don), was however not the epicenter of Cossack life, which took place mostly in the areas west and corresponding to the current industrial cities of Zaporizhzhya and Dnipropetrovsk. It remained scarcely inhabited until the mid-nineteenth century and its population was mainly due to the discovery and the beginning of the exploitation of the coal deposits ; for this reason, the Donbas was the Ukrainian region that first experienced a strong flow of immigration from Russia. In fact, before the mid-nineteenth century there was almost no trace of the Russian presence in Ukraine , but the country was mainly populated by Ukrainians, Jews and Poles, as well as numerous other ethnic minorities (Germans, Czechs, Bulgarians, Greeks, Tatars, etc. .).

    The Cossack legacy, immigration, industrialization, urbanization of peasants, social riots and anti-Jewish pogroms of the era before the Revolution, spread the idea - still alive today - of the unstructured and violent nature of society of Donbass . The inclement and unhealthy climate ("hotter than in Palestine in the summer and colder than in St. Petersburg in the winter" a French engineer said in 1908), the insufficient supply of water, the intolerance towards the central, the harshness of the working regime, the inter-ethnic contrasts (with a basic hostility between Ukrainians and Russians), the scarce social opportunities offered to the inhabitants, are other long-lasting aspects that characterize the image of Donbas.

    A region, therefore, which has its own special physiognomy, a sort of Sicily or Corsica, intolerant of central powers: imperial, Soviet, Russian or Ukrainian . At the same time, a region that has managed (much more than Italian Sicily and French Corsica) to play a political role that goes beyond its borders: two secretaries general of the CPSU, Kruščev and Brežnev , are sons of Russian workers immigrants to Donbas or surrounding Ukrainian regions; originating from Donbas and the Dnipropetrovsk region were also many secretaries of the Ukrainian Bolshevik Party and some of the main exponents of the political life of post-Soviet Ukraine: Yanukovyč , the president overwhelmed by the EuroMaïdan revolt (which was also a revolt against the dominance of Russian-speaking Donbass over Ukrainian political life) is from Donetsk , while its Prime Minister Azarov is a Russian immigrant to Donbas; on the other hand, Tymoshenko and former president Kuchma are both Russophone (or bilingual) Ukrainians from Dnipropetrovsk . The fact that the political history of post-Soviet Ukraine has been dominated by people from these southeastern areas, while the most prestigious politician produced from the western regions, the Galician Čornovil (a former Soviet dissident) was assassinated in a car "accident" on the eve of the 1999 presidential elections provides some important keys to understanding the Ukrainian events of recent months.

    Imperial and Soviet Donbas.

    The Ukrainian historian Petro Lavriv quantified the total inhabitants of Donbas at 700,000 in 1897, which increased to 2 million in 1920 and to 7 million in 1959. As a result of Russian immigration, the demographic phenomenon that persists today, namely a slight prevalence of Russian speakers in medium and large cities and Ukrainian speakers in small towns and the countryside . In 1926 Russians constituted 31.4% of the inhabitants of Donbas and two thirds of them lived in cities, of which they constituted about half of the inhabitants and in which the Russian language was prevalent. The Ukrainian Bolshevik Party was dominated by Russians (many from Donbas) and it was thanks to Lenin - who rejected the proposal - that the birth of an autonomous republic of Donbas was avoided. The leaders of the Ukrainian party, led by the German Emmanuel Kviring (who had been in favor of the secession of Donbas) and by his deputy Lebed' (Russian), were however hostile to Ukrainian culture; among civil servants enrolled in the party, only 18% knew Ukrainian.

    From 1923 the policy in favor of the Ukrainian language ( korenizacija ) began : in 1926 30% of the newspapers and 50% of the books were published in Ukrainian, a language whose use had been discouraged and forbidden with two provisions by the tsarist authorities during the 19th century (the circular of the Interior Minister Valuev of 1863 and the imperial decree of Ems of 1873). The number of Ukrainian immigrants in the industrial cities of Donbas and south-eastern Ukraine also increased : in Luhansk, Zaporizhia , Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk Ukrainians by 1933 now accounted for half or more of the inhabitants; in Stalino (current Donetsk ) they represented 31% of the population, and 36% of the mining and metallurgical workforce of Donbas. However, the Russian language continued to be in common use in the factories.

    Korenizacija represented in the cities of Donbas a phenomenon endowed with a triple complexity : the Russian speakers suffered a sort of linguistic shock linked to the Ukrainization of the administration (and a part of the Russians resolved to learn Ukrainian), many peasants and the workers Russified Ukrainians first came into contact with their own culture and became aware of their nationality, while the de facto preponderance of the Russian language and the process of Russification of urbanized Ukrainians continued. A complexity that explains why even today, alongside the patriots of both sides, there is a vast area made up of people who are alien to national and linguistic crystallizations .

    But already in 1926 a trend reversal began which was to have dramatic results . In 1928 Kosior , a Pole from Donbas, who never learned Ukrainian, was appointed first secretary of the Ukrainian Bolshevik Party . Alongside the repression of Ukrainian culture and forced collectivization, the forced withdrawal of grain and seeds by the Kremlin led in 1932-33 to the catastrophic artificial famine (or Holodomor ) in which 3 to 7 million Ukrainians perished , according to various estimates by the historical (in those years censuses in the USSR were suspended and an entire generation of demographers was eliminated in the purges). The Holodomor also decimated the Luhansk region (from 1935 renamed Voroshilovgrad ); less severely affected was the Donetsk region (then Stalino).

    Holodomor and World War II were a double demographic catastrophe for Ukrainians. In just over a decade, the total number of Russians grew from 78 million to 100 million, while Ukrainians fell from 31.2 million to 28 million . All this increased the Russian presence in the whole of south-eastern Ukraine and especially in the Donbas.

    The Russification campaign waged under Brezhnev had important results . The share of Russian-speaking and bilingual Ukrainians increased. In the Donbas, also due to the absence until the second half of the 1960s of a university and therefore of an intellectual layer which was the repository of national culture, the Russification of the Ukrainians was 5 times greater than the national average: in 1979 it reached 35% of the total, to which must be added 45% of bilinguals, with only 20% of pure Ukrainian speakers (data comparable only with those of the city of Kyiv and Crimea)

    Dombas today _

    Nonetheless, there is currently no region of Ukraine where Ukrainians are not the majority of the population, except Crimea . Throughout Donbas Russians are 38-39% of the population and even in the cities their prevalence is minimal: for example in Donetsk Russians are 48.15% of the inhabitants and Ukrainians 46.65%. And in 1991 all the regions voted mostly for the independence of Ukraine, with percentages always higher than the share of the resident Ukrainian population; therefore with the favorable vote of many Russians: 54% in the Crimea, 77% in the Donetsk region , 84% in the Luhansk region, 85% in the Odessa region.

    Ukrainian -speaking counties are more numerous . The national and linguistic question of the whole of south-eastern Ukraine therefore does not have a strictly territorial character , since one cannot strictly speaking of entirely "Russian" or "Russophone" regions, in the sense that Russophone cities and counties are often enclaves within a Ukrainian -speaking territory .


    This greatly weakens not only secessionism (which is already weak in itself given that it involves illegal and violent actions), but also the so-called federalism . From the point of view of linguistic discrimination, the surveys conducted annually by the Institute of Sociology of the Kyiv Academy of Sciences (NAN), show significant data: the percentage of Russian-speaking Ukrainians who complain of episodes of linguistic discrimination has dropped from 8.6 % from 1994 to 3.7% in 2012, while the share of Ukrainian speakers who felt discriminated against increased (from 6.8% to 8.4%); however, these are minimal percentages, which blatantly refute the alleged dangers of linguistic discrimination in Ukraine. A 2007 research on linguistic usage, conducted by the same Institute, attested that in Crimea and Donbas the percentage of speakers who privately use only Ukrainian is 11.8%, a figure which drops to 8.6% if it refers to public use.

    All these data make us reflect on the often instrumental nature of the alleged attacks on linguistic freedom ; the oversizing of the use of Russian, in the whole of Ukraine, can be measured, for example, by the number of Russian-speaking Ukrainians, who make up 29% of the population, while ethnic Russians in Ukraine are around 17%. All this can be explained by the centuries-old administrative and scholastic domination of Russian , by the existence of bans on the use of Ukrainian which were in force in the Tsarist Empire from 1863 to 1905, by the direct and indirect Russification practiced during the soviet era. Therefore, the intrinsic strength of the Russian language is still consistent, although the schools that teach lessons exclusively in Russian (but not in the Donbas) have decreased a lot in Ukraine.

    Therefore the uniqueness of Ukrainian as a national language, adopted in 1989 by Soviet Ukraine and confirmed by the new independent State, whose Constitution also provides for the "protection of the Russian language", actually represents a sort of "positive discrimination" in favor of the most disadvantaged entity . This is all the more true for Donbas. However, the 2012 Kolesnyčenko-Kyvalov law , wanted by Yanukovyč 's Party of Regions , recognized the status of official regional language to any language spoken by more than 10% of the inhabitants of individual regions. The Central Parliament had voted to repeal this law immediately after Yanukovych 's flight , in February 2014, but it was not promulgated by the provisional head of state, Turchynov . So the law is still in force today.

    Finally, it should be noted that the Russian Federation does not guarantee equal rights to the Ukrainian language in its territory, which is spoken by at least 3 million people according to the 2001 census. In fact, there are no Ukrainian schools in Russia and in a few educational institutions (8 in the whole Russia) optional tuition of Ukrainian is provided. Crimea could also adapt its legislation in this field to the Russian one, although about 25% of the residents are Ukrainians.

    Economically and productively, Donbas (especially the Donetsk oblast ) makes an important contribution (12.1%) to the gross domestic product of Ukraine, higher than that of the western regions, but it is an economy subsidized due to the technologically obsolete nature of its industries and mines : the Donetsk oblast received one third of all central transfers to the regions in 2013, while private companies received subsidies and refunds of one third higher than the taxes paid .

    A poll conducted shortly after the annexation of Crimea by the Pew Research Center indicates that 70% of the inhabitants of eastern Ukraine are against the division of the country (against 18% in favour); even the majority of Russian speakers, 58%, are against secession, while 27% are in favor. Conversely, 61% of citizens of the Russian Federation are now convinced that there are regions of Ukraine that actually belong to Russia .

    Despite all its problems, the Donbas had still managed to maintain balance and internal peace for centuries. Today, however, it has become a battlefield for the responsibility of those who wanted to fan the flames of rivalry and arm the hand of self-proclaimed "separatist" adventurers.

    1.   24 January 2023
    2.   Russian invasion of Ukraine

    All foreign politics are composed of various activities, involving relations, between various countries.

    For us at DirectDemocracyS, in addition to the various countries, foreign politics must involve, above all, the various peoples of the earth. Who have to talk to each other, and listen to each other, discuss and dialogue. Make deals,...

    All foreign politics are composed of various activities, involving relations, between various countries.

    For us at DirectDemocracyS, in addition to the various countries, foreign politics must involve, above all, the various peoples of the earth. Who have to talk to each other, and listen to each other, discuss and dialogue. Make deals, directly.

    The relations only between countries, without the peoples, of the various territories, limits the discussions, and the resolutions of the conflicts.

    Good foreign politics must first of all prevent any possible conflict, and in any case, all foreign politics must prevent any form of violence.

    In all countries, where our political representatives will have the task of governing, violent actions of any kind will not be possible, both for foreign politic and for domestic politic.

    In universities, with a specialization in international politics, and in universities, where there are courses in politics, only traditional politics is taught. We are sure that over time, our innovative, alternative politic will first be studied, and then taught.

    The old politics, which they teach students, begins with the old forms of politics, from Ancient Greece. Throughout history, for better or for worse, the Greek population has had all forms of government, including a brief period of partial direct democracy, in the city state. Partial, in that they could vote and decide only the males, of medium-high social categories, women, and slaves, they could not propose, discuss, vote, therefore they could not engage in politics. Until recently, women, and poor populations, had no right, therefore not even a political one, not even in "democratic" and "free" countries. You know very well, because we write the previous two words, in quotation marks.

    We've talked about it, even too much, so let's assume, that you all know, what a world, based on falsehood, we are all living in. Therefore, we limit ourselves to telling you that even in political schools, the fake or minimal representative democracy is described as the best form of government. And until we were born, it was. The oligarchic dictatorships, and single-party countries, but also the few countries in which there is practically no voting, and those in which there is practically no politics (there are some, for example the country, in which the World Football Championships, in the 2022 edition), are certainly worse, from the point of view of democracy, and freedom, compared to the oligarchic partyocracies, which exist in Western countries.

    The previous sentences prevent universities from teaching true democracy and total freedom, of which only we would have the right to pronounce the name.

    Many people, even university professors, but above all students, when they join us, can finally know and feel the concrete and real power of these 2 fundamental words for which they died and suffered enormously, often unnecessarily, very many people. Women and men, who died, with the hope of giving future generations a different and better world.

    In schools, it is taught that in Western countries, democracy and freedom exist, and that every person has the same chances of self-fulfillment, both professionally and politically. And all good students must endorse these theses, which have nothing real. But that's okay, we invite anyone who joins us to say in schools, exactly what their teachers expect to hear, and to write in theses, exactly what they are being taught. If they wrote, for example, about the great scam, in which the whole world lives, they would surely fail, due to too low grades.

    Although, in addition to democracy and freedom, there are other things that are worth dying for, and they are: love, affection, friendship, and perhaps most importantly, the truth.

    Every sentence, or word we write, unfortunately for these teachers, cannot be denied, but neither can it be discussed. They have already lost from the start, and anyone who does not agree with our political theses is only an accomplice of the current situation and of this scam. Obviously, the current political, economic and financial system feeds many people, some more and better, others less and worse. Therefore, for some, denying the current systems would be a real suicide, if not physical, certainly work, intellectual, political and professional.

    We will talk about some of these political shenanigans, but let's focus on foreign politics, after another brief general clarification.

    A characteristic of the old politics, which everyone knows, is the almost total and very embarrassing subjection of the political parties and their political representatives to the economy and finance. To people, and businesses, rich and powerful, for whom laws are made, which often are not the same for everyone. Don't accuse us of being anti-political, we don't care in the slightest what other people do, but it is our moral obligation to report all injustices. To do a great job, we had to learn from their very serious mistakes, and do exactly the opposite, of what others are doing. It's not hard to be different, and better, than them. Also in the style of communicating, in the rules, and in the working method. Ours are not conspiracy theories, you just need to look into the past, or into the present, study a little, and you'll see that we don't exaggerate, on the contrary, we'll spare you the long list of facts, which confirm, our every sentence, or word.

    Old politics, at all levels, generally has a bad habit, which we all know well: saying one thing and doing another. Making an electoral program, with many promises, to get the consents and votes of poor deluded voters, and then once in power, instead of doing everything for which they were voted, they waste their time, making excuses, and look for the reasons, even fictional ones, for which, in many cases, they have literally cheated and defrauded their constituents. The power, the wealth, the comfortable armchairs, to do what they want, and not what has to be done.

    In foreign politic, there are international bodies, as useful as an icicle, at the North Pole, or worse, like sand in sandals, in the desert. We assume that you know of the complete inefficiency of all the various international bodies, but we will come back with dedicated articles, it's worth it.

    Before continuing, we confess that we do not feel any pleasure in describing reality, that the further we go on, it only confirms what we have said: we live in a truly ugly and unfair world.

    But let's move on to concrete things, international politics is based on agreements, often imposed on everyone, by the victorious countries of the Second World War. We have already done some historical analyses, but this time we limit ourselves to stating that any international agreement counts for practically nothing.

    A recent example above all: the Budapest Memorandum. Under these agreements, Ukraine gave up (stupidly) over 1900 nuclear warheads left after the breakup of the former Soviet Union. In return, Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Europe would guarantee the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. And guess what, to which country the 1900 nuclear warheads were sent to be decommissioned? Did you guess? Exactly Russia, the one that took Crimea by force (without any cowardly, cowardly, unworthy western country doing anything, except a formal protest, at the futility party, which we call the UN, in which among the other Russia, which has taken the right of veto, from the former Soviet Union). If there weren't dead, injured, people with destroyed homes, suffering from thirst, hunger, cold, and fear, refugees, and violent actions, we could laugh at how useless foreign politic is, at all these clowns. If they had all intervened to defend the Crimea, this dangerous road would not have gone ahead.

    This example is only the most recent. But let's think, for example, of many countries, where there are civil wars. Guess who they are organized by? This time, the serial haters got it wrong. It is not only the United States, but all the slightly stronger countries (China, Russia, France, the United Kingdom, and others) who enjoy, and profit enormously, from the various "revolutions of all kinds", from "exports of democracy not requested by anyone”, almost all made, usually , in politically weaker countries, possibly rich in raw materials, or with riches (such as tourism), or business opportunities, to be able to exploit.

    If we start with examples, we go on for months to write, and we know that no one can deny, our claims, so trust us.

    Here, if a student, who is enrolled in the faculty of international politics, said the previous sentences, and in conclusion said: international politics only serves to legitimize the worst crimes in the world. He would be immediately expelled, because for those poor deluded people who believe they have understood everything about international relations, admitting that there is nothing political in all of this, but only business, interests, often petty, would be a serious professional defeat. .

    Many people told us, when based on logic, common sense, knowing how to distinguish right from wrong, loyalty, and the implementation of precise commitments, we said, that the invasion of Russia, in Ukraine, was completely wrong, some told us, that even the Russians have their reasons. They complained, and felt offended, because we considered them "differently intelligent". We were also kind to these characters, who deserve all the old politics. If a friend, a relative declares that he takes care of your home and protects your family, and then sets fire to your house, killing, raping and making your whole family suffer, and someone says: yes, but he has his reasons, how would you feel? There is no reason, or motivation, to attack a sovereign country, if not the thirst for power, arrogance, economic and financial interests. And anyone who denies it, or seeks excuses, and motivations, demonstrates that "differently intelligent", for them, is just a compliment.

    Perhaps even more stupid are those who, living protected by the United States and by NATO, in Western countries, "cheer" for Putin and his oligarchic dictatorship (in which, a few nominees of Putin, have taken , without any merit, and without having any right, all the riches of the Russian people). If 99% are fake Russian profiles, which flood the Internet with a visceral hatred for the United States and for Western countries, it amazes us that 1% can believe that a total dictatorship is better than one minimal partial democracy. We ask those people to go to Russia, and write anti-Putin messages, if they dare. The hatred of Russian politicians loyal to Putin for the West is motivated. Because without the promises (often not kept), and the aid from the rest of the world, Russia would have conquered Ukraine in less than a week. He would certainly have staged a military coup in Ukraine. The military are the ones who swear, and then always go to the side of the strongest, in case they realize that there is no chance of winning. We write this with all due respect, for all dead servicemen, from all sides, but that's exactly how it is. They, too, are often driven by their own interests.

    But let's take another example, otherwise it seems that we want to write another article on the cowardly Russian invasion of Ukraine. In Vietnam, the United States would have easily won if North Vietnam had not received aid from the communist countries. In Korea, exactly the same way. In Afghanistan, the Soviet Union would have won easily. The Soviet intervention, in support of the faction of the PDPA, headed by Karmal against the faction of Amin, was resolved with the withdrawal of the Soviet troops from Afghanistan, a victory for the Afghan mujaheddin, supported directly and indirectly by the United States, and other western countries. In Syria, the situation was a little more complicated, but as always, the 2 super powers challenged each other on a "neutral" war ground.

    If these examples are not enough for you, we can go on writing for days. But the substance does not change. Their disgusting, and ruthless, method does not change.

    A country is chosen, tensions are created, usually inter-ethnic or religious, and then "all hell breaks loose".

    Not to mention, the "exports of fake democracy", with bombs, deaths, terror, that our "democratic, but in some cases republican, United States" do periodically, in order to be able to renew the military arsenals. Many accuse us of anti-Americanism. We are always on the side of the populations, and never of the violent. If we are against all violence, and the United States unleashes violence, we are proudly against the military politics, and the politics in general, of the aggressor country. Many tell us: but the United States had 11 September. They had to take revenge. Only the organizers of terrorism and the perpetrators must be sought, not destroy entire countries, causing more innocent victims, the innocent victims , of the Twin Towers. Or, they tell us that in Iraq, Syria, Libya, there were dictators who needed to be changed. And we could talk for days about the many dictators put in power in various countries, by the United States, in various parts of the world. Even in these cases, the lists, and the various explanations would last, a very long time.

    China works differently, with money, buys and sells what it wants, with very few deaths, usually called "surgical" methods. They eliminate a few candidates, in various countries, and always win those who want China as a privileged partner, especially in African countries.

    All of the old foreign politic is just like all of the old politics in general. Sneaky, false, and is based entirely solely and exclusively on finance, the economy, power, interests, and the suffering of innocent people. In this case, we have not added the words "almost all", or "a part". They are exactly all guilty, or accomplices, of crimes against humanity.

    Now the "great" professors of politics will tell us, well done, you have discovered hot water. Everyone knows these things. And there are no solutions.

    We knew that almost all these professors were not phenomena, but accomplices of the old systems.

    The solutions are very simple. Basing every choice, every law, every agreement, on logic, common sense, and mutual respect, of all people. Change all the rules, reform all international bodies, and above all, eliminate all state secrets. Because what we know, and it's demonstrable, is just the tip of the iceberg. If it is true that the population and the state have the right to know the whole truth, always. About anything, obviously without putting other people in danger, but always telling the whole truth about everything. We would avoid fanciful theories if we knew all the truths, which are too often kept hidden.

    In this regard, we challenge anyone to say that a single sentence, or statement, written by us, in any of our articles, is false or invented. Unlike old politics, if we say something, we're sure we're not lying. It is not a matter of deductions, or even of interpretations, of the facts. We have all the evidence, and if you want, we can provide even new ones.

    Then reform everything, according to our rules, with our method, give the population, all the power, all over the world. Let voters decide, informed in a complete, honest, and competent way, by groups of experts, on the various possibilities, and on the consequences, of each decision.

    Many communists hate us, because we often criticize this ideology, which is despicable, bankrupt, and cruel, just like Nazism, fascism, political and military dictatorships, single parties, and any false democracy. For us they are all the same, with a small preference for the false and partial democracy, which is a little better than the others. But dear communists, ideologically bankrupt, is there a more communist project than ours? We, we give all the power, in the hands of the people, really. And dear nostalgic Nazis and fascists, is there a project in which there is greater national dignity, and local autonomy, than DirectDemocracyS? For us, every country must be the master, but not only that, every people, must be the master, indeed, every person is the owner of the land, the air, and the water, in whose vicinity they live. And dear federalists, is there an international project that divides the territory, from all over the world, down to the street block, or the neighborhood? We give each geographical group, on a territorial basis, the power to decide, manage, control, and work in its own territory.

    In short, we can make ourselves loved, or we can make ourselves hated, by everyone, but we are not, and we will never be: liars, hypocrites, false, and we will never be.

    Refound society, on values, ideals, principles, based on logic, common sense, mutual respect for all people, and honest, loyal collaboration, putting into practice the search for the common good, and of interest, of entire world population, up to each district, or street block.

    The old politics will never be capable of it, because it has no interest in changing and improving the world.

    We, all together, can do it.

    1.   24 January 2023
    2.   International relations

    The "style" of our political organization is completely different from that of other political forces.

    We have often seen, in our articles, the huge differences between DirectDemocracyS, which is innovative, and alternative, and all the old politics, or whatever is out there.

    Talking about “style” may seem strange to some. How strange many of...

    The "style" of our political organization is completely different from that of other political forces.

    We have often seen, in our articles, the huge differences between DirectDemocracyS, which is innovative, and alternative, and all the old politics, or whatever is out there.

    Talking about “style” may seem strange to some. How strange many of our behaviors and ways of communicating may seem. In fact, some people consider us: too presumptuous, sometimes rude, sometimes "aggressive".

    Don't be surprised by these assessments, which are dictated by various factors, including the envy of some, who wish they had thought of our great innovation. After all, some of our basic concepts are relatively simple, even if a very complicated method is needed to make them work. But also, the big mistake, which almost all those who begin to know us make, is not to have an open mind, and not to recognize the innovation, and the uniqueness, of our political organization. When they start reading our articles, they think of us, as they would think, of a traditional political force. They don't even recognize the enormous potential of our political project. They struggle to understand what they read, even if we almost always try to explain everything in the best and easy to understand way.

    Let us give you a simple example.

    We were joined by policy experts from around the world in late 2022. Seeing a preview, in the political groups, the articles that we would publish, they said to us: are you crazy? You don't talk like that. You must not post certain questions, which may cause you to lose consent, or may cause some people not to join us. And above all: you don't have to answer every question, "uncomfortable", making those who try to criticize you look bad.

    do you see it? If political experts, at an international level, raise problems, for our "style", it means that many "non-expert" people will find it very difficult to understand us.

    But no, paradoxically, we are more easily understood by those who are not experts in politics, even if by almost everyone we are considered "quite strange".

    The old politics tends to speak with great attention, possibly avoiding things that could make it lose support, therefore votes, wealth, and consequently, power.

    If we refused to answer some legitimate questions that could "put us in trouble", we would be equal to the old policy. And we are not, and will never be, not even in the slightest, similar, or comparable, to the rest of politics.

    Since 282 people have worked for over 14 years to create DirectDemocracyS, with these precise, detailed rules, these working methods, and this style, don't worry, we have all the answers, to all possible questions. We have also, all the solutions, not only to solve every possible problem, but also to prevent, all problems.

    But not only that, after June 21, 2021, our 282 members have increased, incredibly, and each new user brings with him his ideas, his projects, his proposals, and his constructive criticisms. Each person, working with us, also analyzes the various scenarios, often finding other possible problems, and the relative solutions, always to prevent, and obviously resolve, any possible unforeseen situation, working in Forecasting Groups, and other Analysis Groups and Solutions, all connected. Predicting the unexpected seems impossible, however, thanks to anyone who joins us, we manage to do it.

    This method of ours is "unnerving" for some, because we always have all the answers to every possible question. We have had some of these answers ready for many years, others for a short time, and others we find, in the very short time that passes between the moment in which we are asked a question and the time to give an answer.

    For some, it has become a sport to look for defects in our "creature". For many, it has become another sport, that of giving us advice and teaching us how to do politics, or to teach us more “productive” methods of communication and work. If we were 2 or 3 people, even experts, and we had started working together now, so many questions could actually put us in difficulty. But being so many, and working together for a long time, the only "offense" they find for us is that we are presumptuous.

    But have you read, all that we are doing? Because ours is no longer the project, based on the hard work and ideas of 282 "loser" members. We are growing, incredible, in fact, many do not believe it. Just do a test: register, and see how long it takes for your profile to be activated by our administrators. Because our system, puts everyone in line, in a well-configured order. With the exceptions of the experts, selected and invited, according to our regulation. From immediate activations, we have gone from January 2022 to a few hours, a day, a week, two weeks, and more than a month of waiting. This is due to the many people who register, in a short time, not for our slowness in promoting new administrators, to activate and verify new users, but to the real invasion, which if on the one hand gives us enormous pleasure, also puts us in a pleasant difficulty. We will solve everything soon, blocking, for a long time, all free registrations, and continuing the registration, only on the basis of invitations, according to our needs.

    Even on the previous sentence, many people accuse us of discriminating against users. We receive offensive phrases such as: you, who boast that you don't discriminate against anyone, don't allow anyone to register, how and when they want. Obviously, we are sorry if some users will have to wait their turn calmly and patiently, but we have written it several times, in dozens of articles. For DirectDemocracyS, it is essential to bring in the right people, at the right time, to have the right roles, and to welcome each user with the care and importance they deserve.

    The only discrimination here is choosing to let only good people in, and preventing bad ones from registering. But also, of course, putting the right people in the right place. In a short time, we will be able to welcome more people, and registrations will be free and fast again, as they once were.

    Let it be clear, we do not consider bad people, all users, indeed, all these requests, are for us all, the demonstration that our political organization is on the right track. Users are vital to us to make our huge mechanism work. But let's be clear and sincere: only hypocritical people can condemn us for this selective and time-limited method of registration. Those who "condemn" us, in our place, would make exactly the same choices.

    Leaving everything free, and letting anyone do what they like, accepting everyone, and immediately, and following our strict but fair rules, only in part, not respecting the agreements, would be wonderful, and very simple. And it would make us exactly like the old politics, which we rightly criticize.

    Many will try to make similar projects, partially or completely copying our innovative project. By doing it, perhaps free, without rules, or, with "flexible" rules. In addition to the complaints, for unfair competition, and for copyright infringements, the "guilty" will find themselves, an unmanageable project, not having all our rules, and all our method, but above all, not having our first fundamental users, carefully selected, and placed exactly, in the right roles, to prevent, any possible problem.

    We have published, all on the net, in a public way for many years, and registered everything, always for many years, in the name of a commercial company, of which each of our official members, up to date with the payment of the annual fee, receives a single action, non-cumulative, and non-transferable. We are a joint stock company, of which each of our members is the owner, also to defend ourselves from any attempts to steal or distort our assets.

    And guess what, in case some people copy us, who will the voters choose? The original, with a project that has rules, and a method, respected by all, that works, or they will choose the fake, which will first of all have to defend itself in court, where we will ask for incalculable moral and material damages, name of each of our members. And more than half of our users are already our members, and own, their individual, non-cumulative, and non-transferable share of our joint-stock company. We will never be listed on the stock exchange, because we are, like a cooperative.

    Some "old foxes" of the old politics will accuse us: are you crazy? Politics is a serious matter, and you don't do it with a joint stock company. And we, as always, answer: it is the only method to give our members, and our constituents, physical and intellectual ownership of all our activities. In fact, for the first time in the world, anyone who joins a political force, a website, becomes its owner. It is also the only method, to be able to claim, from those who copy us, compensation for unfair competition, and receive compensation for damages, both moral and material, as well as obviously, for violation of the Laws, on copyright, and on intellectual protection. Furthermore, with the joint stock company, and with the right of ownership, of each of our members, we will avoid internal struggles, and divisions, because for everyone, being the owner, what counts is only to make DirectDemocracyS work, in the best way. Finally, the joint-stock company gives us a "power" of greater conviction, and infinite possibilities, to be able to punish, and demand compensation, from any of our political representatives, or users, who will not respect all our rules.

    Many experts, and even our detractors, will tell us: there is no political organization, commercial company, much less a politician, which is also a joint stock company. In fact, it didn't exist before us, it does exist now. We are innovative, and alternative, and we often say it, and this characteristic of ours is also the confirmation.

    We were 5 friends who were in politics together, after a party, now we are hundreds of thousands of friends who are in politics together, soon we will be millions of friends who will be in politics together, and then later, we will be billions of friends, who will do politics together. And thanks to various financial, economic, all kinds of projects, we were 5 friends, doing business together, after a party, now we are hundreds of thousands of friends, doing business together, soon we will be millions of friends, doing business together, and then, after that, we will be billions of friends, doing business together. We do everything together, obviously, starting with politics, and then, on a voluntary basis, other activities as well, all with the same innovative and alternative rules. We are a universe of projects, all of which start from politics. Some deals have already started, others will start soon.

    Unlike the old politics, which often makes Laws for the interests of a few, we will make Laws for all, without favoring, only our business, and we challenge anyone to say, demonstrating it, with the necessary evidence, the opposite. We will prove it with facts, that we are different, and better, than all the old politics.

    Therefore, our style is truly innovative, and alternative, to traditional and old-fashioned politics, finance, and economics.

    You will have noticed that we do not give any member the possibility of having more than one individual action, therefore those few who accuse us of wanting to have political, economic and financial power will have to change their minds. By the way, we will have all the powers, of all kinds, that those who join us will want to have, together with us. All divided equally.

    And guess what, we'll do it, without touching anything, without causing any nuisance, without any confrontation, with the existing politics, finance, and economy.

    We only create innovative ways, certainly better, and fairer, completely alternative to everything that already exists. We will simply have a healthy, fair, and above all legal, competition.

    Obviously, we will annoy, they will try to slow us down and stop us by any means, but good, right, ethically impeccable ideas cannot be slowed down and stopped.

    Each person will be able to freely choose whether to join us, and make politics with us.

    Each person will be able to freely choose whether to join us, and do business with us.

    We present, as a world premiere, our activity, which not everyone knows about: DirectDemocracyS Foundation, which for the first time in the world, invests in concrete aid, research, health, education, culture, sport, and free time. To concretely improve the lives of all people in difficulty. With only one, small difference, compared to existing NGOs and foundations. Anyone who helps us financially has total control over how their money is invested and spent. Therefore, anyone can control and manage all of our activities on the basis of concrete and documented projects. Guess what, whose foundation will our foundation be, who will run it, and who will control it? Anyone who decides to make a donation, and finance it. We're really set on this rule of giving control, all control, to whoever joins us. Let's not judge what exists, such as foundations, or NGOs, some of them do an excellent job, others, on the other hand, we are not sure, that they are very honest. But it's not up to us, but to the Judiciary, to investigate, and every now and then, they do, and they discover, even things, not very legal.

    To conclude, this short article, on our right, correct, unique, innovative, alternative, and registered style, let's talk about money.

    In a couple of our articles, we have mentioned that over time, the first 5 members, and then the next 277 members, will be rewarded, and will receive, a fair reward. Our sentence, in effect, has not escaped some of our "critics". They find the phrase “they will, over time, become filthy rich” inappropriate at the very least. Some accuse us: don't be ashamed, with the current crisis, you will make the person who conceived all this become “filthy rich”. And they add: you did it only for the money, for the wealth, and for the power, you are exactly like the others. And others begin with insults and threats, which we do not publish here, they are too vulgar, even for us.

    Not only do we confirm what is written, but we add that many of our members will also become disgustingly rich, who will do their job, together with us, obtaining concrete results. So, a lot of people, our members, will become "filthy rich" over time.

    And now, we explain exactly how.

    In many of our articles, we have said that the first users to join us will have advantages and facilities, and it is obvious that whoever enters first, or among the first, will be able to make the various steps, from a type of user, to the other, in a simpler, more direct and faster way, obtaining roles of greater responsibility, being able to choose which activities to do.

    In other articles, we have explained that equality and meritocracy are put into practice here.

    And in other articles we have explained that we will reward our best users with money, goods and services, or who will obtain the best results.

    Early adopters also have the advantage that by working together for longer with us, they will have a lot of work done, to be evaluated, and judged, by our Evaluation Groups, of the Work of Our Users.

    The first 5 users, who had the idea, with the next 277 users, who were added in a short time, have been working, about a couple of hours a day, all together, for many, many years, and they work excellently, even at this moment. They have invested, a lot of time, and a lot of hard work, into creating all of our projects. Although it is not a pyramid system, DirectDemocracyS has a moral and material obligation to reward, in a concrete way, whoever had the idea, and whoever worked, and works hard, to make our whole mechanism work.

    Furthermore, the first 282 have invested much of their time and donated important sums, based on their economic possibilities, to start our business. Therefore, an acknowledgment, not requested by them, but decided by subsequent users, is mandatory. We know that many of the 282 come from lower middle classes, therefore, an important prize, in money, goods, and services, would make them suddenly become "filthy rich", compared to their previous condition.

    To make you understand better, we give you the example of our technicians and our IT specialists, who are based in Bangladesh. The minimum salary in that country is around 30 dollars a month, and some of our very good technicians get around 1,000 dollars, and the best ones, up to 4,500-5,000 dollars a month. Compared to their fellow citizens, who make minimum wages, our wonderful technicians are disgustingly rich, and we can guarantee you, that everyone deserves every single dollar.

    If among the 282, and among the subsequent members, there are people who will be hired, in their spare time, or with fixed-term and subsequently indefinite-term employment contracts, or who will receive just rewards, in money, goods, and services, starting from working conditions, minimal as in Bangladesh, or in other countries, we are sure, that compared to the starting economic conditions, they will become "filthy rich". Rest assured, that no one would have created a project, with our rules, if they had thought only of becoming rich and powerful. They did it, to change and improve the world, and we will surely succeed, all together. Rewarding them seems logical to us, and a due, normal, common sense and mutual respect action of all people, therefore perfectly in line with all our rules. We are certain that if some of them are in the medium-high income bracket, they will be able to freely decide to help other people with the money, prizes and services received.

    Social envy, or jealousy, for those who are rewarded, or for those who get rich, with merit, is not part of our style and our working method.

    Just as hypocrisy or the fact of hiding such news, which seems normal to all of us, is not part of our style. By saying things first, and clearly, explaining all the reasons, it will also prevent us from receiving criticism in the future, on things, which we have explained, and justified, in such detail.

    Every dollar that enters, or that goes out, is never the decision of a single, or even of a single group, but of dozens of groups, with hundreds, and in some cases thousands of users each, who verify, check, propose, they discuss, decide, and vote, every entry, and every exit.

    So, if by chance, you don't want to join us, because you don't want to reward merit, we'll get over it, you can always get into the old politics, where in many cases, the situation is different, and certainly, almost everywhere, it is worse than ours.

    As always, the choice is yours.

    1.   22 January 2023
    2.   Our style

    When will you tell us, who had the idea, to create DirectDemocracyS? When will you tell us exactly, and in the smallest detail, how the events took place? And, if you don't do it, at least tell us who finances you?

    For security reasons, for the right that we give to everyone, to remain, if they wish, completely anonymous, for privacy reasons,...

    When will you tell us, who had the idea, to create DirectDemocracyS? When will you tell us exactly, and in the smallest detail, how the events took place? And, if you don't do it, at least tell us who finances you?

    For security reasons, for the right that we give to everyone, to remain, if they wish, completely anonymous, for privacy reasons, for an explicit request, and for a decision, of our first 5 creators, and subsequent members, until at 282, we will never give their names to anyone.

    In exactly the same way, we defend: the right to anonymity, all personal data, privacy, secrecy, security, protection, of all the activities carried out with us, and every right, of each of our users, whether individually, and collectively (therefore as a group). Anyone trying to find out who they are, our first 282 users, current users, and of course, the next ones as well, will be disappointed, because we have hidden both their names and their data well. Here, there are individual and collective activities and jobs that take place on the basis of joint decisions, and no one cares who another user or another group is, and what they do, but we help each other, and we collaborate, according to all our rules.

    For those who don't know every one of our rules, and for those who haven't read, and don't know, everything we do, and above all for those who are used to the old politics, and don't follow us, and study, with an open mind, it is extremely difficult almost impossible to understand.

    Many people consider us a secret sect, even dangerous, and make various theories, and create conspiracies, on facts, which in reality do not exist. And the more time passes, the more people get to know us, the more we grow, and the more ideas that some, often in bad faith, form about us. But the fact of thinking something, any simple assumption, does not mean that it corresponds to reality. In our opinion, it's a waste of time, perhaps of people who try to discredit us, or who will invite people not to join us, saying: they don't even tell you who is behind it. We always advise everyone to read each of our articles carefully, even a couple of times, to get a concrete idea, and not rely on the imagination of some. Anyone who joins us must never say: there must necessarily be something rotten, and neither is it too good to be true, there must be something unclear, something hidden.

    If we had a leader, a big boss, who in a pyramid system of power manages our entire political organization, it would make sense to know who is in charge. And then, in DirectDemocracyS, the first 282 have activities that are completely independent and separate from our website, both for security reasons and for the fact that they are completely detached from their "creature". Thinking of a system of connected chains, of each user with the first 5 contacts of an identical type of user, and with 5 contacts of users of an "elder" type, and therefore with all the others, it allows us to be united, in diversity, indivisible, and to concretely help each other. This innovative method prevents any internal, but also external, struggle for power. In many articles, especially in the initial and public ones, we complain about the old policy. We are so presumptuous that we consider ourselves the innovative and alternative policy to the old one. And we will always remain so, so we think only and exclusively about our work, without being interested in what others do, or how they do it. We collaborate with everyone loyally, and we are sure that we will receive many unpleasant things in return.

    If there were a single owner, or a few companies, and people, who owned, and financed, all of our political activity, it would make sense, before joining us, to demand to know "who's behind it." But you know who owns, who funds, and who controls DirectDemocracyS, our website, and all of our businesses. For the first time in the world, voters, members of a political force, own, manage, finance, and control everything.

    If there was only one person, or a few people, who created all of our immense "universe of projects and activities", it would be interesting, to know their identity, for evil people to "kill whoever invented all this, and their families”, and for good and intelligent people, to reward them, and to congratulate them. But with us, everything is different, even those who join, at this moment, and also those who will join in the future, with their physical and intellectual work, with their ideas, with their advice, with constructive criticism, we it helps to add concepts, rules, without ever removing anything, from the work of those who preceded them (with us the history, the rules, and the method don't change, you can add things, to improve, and expand the old ones). In this way, our political project, taking shape, expanding, continues to innovate and improve, with the contribution of anyone who joins us. And we will do so forever.

    We had to prevent misuse of the enormous potential we have. Prevent, all authoritarian tendencies, and any attempt at splits. Because only united can we change and improve the world together. Based on the concept that is clear to everyone: anyone who has their own interests, anyone in certain roles, could try to take advantage of them, anyone can lie, anyone can steal, anyone can try to slow us down, or worse, anyone can try to stop us. The human being, if in certain roles of power, can always try to be clever. Everyone likes power, everyone likes wealth, and many human beings would be capable of doing anything, in order to be, or become, powerful and rich, and after having achieved their goals, they would do anything to keep them. To avoid all the evil in the world, enclosed in the few previous sentences, we have used a unique and ingenious method. Our solution is to give everything, to everyone, in total respect of all our rules. Both Legally and physically, each of our official members owns everything, controls everything, manages everything, and above all has every possibility. In this way, by putting everyone in the right conditions of management and control, no one can escape our members. No one can be smart, also because our rules do not have various interpretations, they are so specific and detailed that there are no loopholes and no possibility of using them for one's own illegal purposes. Furthermore, the controllers, which are all our users, never individually monitor, usually our every activity is monitored by a few hundreds, in some cases thousands, and in the future millions of people. The same goes for financial activities, for the money that enters and exits, only on the basis of controls, which thanks to current technologies, are simple, fast, and secure.

    Many tell us we are obsessed with rules, and with control. Anyone who has read anything in human history knows that we have always been divided by financial and economic interests. We unite on rules, methods, ideas and concepts, always based on logic and common sense, focusing on the mutual respect of all people. So, looking at the mistakes of all our ancestors, we must prevent them from happening again. And it can only be done if everyone respects all our rules, and with adequate controls.

    So, the answer to all the questions in this article is simple and clear. And it's always the same: all of our users, all of our constituents, all of our members.

    Many do not believe the "story" of the 5, then of the 282, who for 14 years, in great secrecy, working together, a couple of hours a day, created our rules, our mechanism, and our political ideology. Many believe, even very strange things, that they have no logic. We told you about messages, which we received, in which they told us: you are UFOs, you come from the future, you are the Antichrist, you are the new Messiah, you are a new religion, you are an Artificial Intelligence, you are a group of rich people, and powerful. Soon after, they start with names, with lists of people who could be among our creators, or people, who could be hiding behind us, of all types, from many countries, and from very many sectors, from politics, to entrepreneurship, finance, but also famous people, and lately also "influencers". The list is very long, and hardly any names, or all names, are right. Perhaps more likely, no names are in the top 5, and none are even in the top 282.

    But even with these premises, anyone who wanted to join us can do so, just create a personal profile, and respect every rule.

    According to some, surely, among the first 282, there is a John Smith. We cannot deny it, nor can we confirm it.

    As much as it annoys someone, you'll never find out, and after all, what matters? Are you really interested in knowing who created all this, or is the final result the only thing that matters?

    For smart people, the result counts.

    It will remain forever, one of our characteristics, not to reveal the names.

    But to help you understand, there are no names of very famous people, there are no very powerful people, and there are no very rich people, among the first 282 members who joined, creating DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects. We tell you, but lovers of gossip (which is very useful, to distract attention from serious issues, making them think about the lives of others, and not their own), or those who, seeing too many science fiction films, they no longer know how to distinguish reality from fiction, or those of the Metaverse, who create a universe, fake, but very beautiful, for each of us. On some issues, we will do some articles, to let you know our thoughts on some issues.

    We have never lied to you, we have explained to you on various occasions, how the facts unfolded, always giving details, which we have wisely managed, always shuffling "the cards", without lying, but in an order, and with details, which they could make one understand part of the truth, but also make one thing believe, making people with great imagination create conspiracies and theories.

    The initial 5 people are from different countries, and they started thinking together, by pure chance, at a party. Each of them, he added, in a short time, some people, based on the specializations, and the needs of the group, from many countries. People of all political origins, of every religion, and of every sector of activity. University professors, not very famous (they would have been too involved, with the old system, political, economic, financial, or cultural), but also young students, very inventive.

    Almost all of the work was done by 282 people over 14 years for about a couple of hours a day, almost every day.

    From user number 283 onwards, we have made our project public, to many people, we repeat it, in a selected and gradual way. None of the 282, from what we know, will be a candidate to carry out political activity, in fact, they have preferred to be present on our website, with only one personal profile (which they manage a little by one), without carrying out activities, of political representation.

    If only one of them wanted to create a personal profile, and work with us, anonymously, but also by writing their real data, no one would stop them. Every new user, just has to respect all our rules.

    However, if only one of them wanted to stand as a candidate, according to our rules, he could do so, but, again according to our rules, political candidates should do so, like all our official members (being in good standing, with the annual fee), by applying, or being proposed as candidates, by others (logically accepting the candidacy). They should immediately abandon, if they have one, any role, and any management activity, or representation, of any of our projects. Obviously, they should ask for, and obtain, the blocking of their profile (personal, or, depending on the case, institutional), each person can use only one profile, and never 2 at the same time. After the application, they would receive a political profile (exactly in the ways, times, and with the rules of anyone else), always with real personal data, and educational qualifications, work activities, prizes, awards, and an e-mail address customized (with real data). Finally, they should participate in the selection of candidates, like any other of our political representatives. Obviously, as for each of our members (if they wish), their political profile will never be connected to the personal profile, or to the institutional profile, which in turn cannot be connected. We do not repeat all the rules, to know all the details, just read our articles.

    We have written this long introduction to tell you, once again, that with us, each official member is the owner of our entire political organization, of our website, and of every activity we carry out together. Since there is no leader, or leadership, all together, we are one huge leader.

    The same goes for financing too.

    After the first discussions, the financial problem arose, in every group, there is always someone who says "excellent ideas, but everything costs a lot of money". Our entire political organization, website, and everything we did had to be funded, somehow.

    We have chosen the less simple, but more correct path. Live, and work, only with self-financing.

    We were to be, and always remain, free, independent, and economically neutral.

    So, the 282 decided to collect donations (without any claim to return), first among themselves (everyone put the sums they could), and then to accept free, voluntary donations from anyone who visited our website. In this regard, the only way to donate something to help us, is through the donation form, present on our website. Everything is very simple, safe, encrypted, and your money comes directly to us. Without any intermediary, with the exception, of course, of the company that manages our current account.

    We have also decided, as far as possible, to eliminate advertisements, and if in the future, we allow small advertisements, we will do it without any intermediary, we already have some forms ready, on our website. We repeat, without distorting or making navigation difficult or annoying. It will be some modules, in various sections of our website, at the international, continental, national, state, regional, provincial, district, and local level. On the basis of clear rules, and with a careful selection of advertisers, carried out as always by various coordinated groups. Not everyone can advertise with us. We do not accept, for example, those who have created their company, in unclear ways, we do not accept those who exploit their employees, nor those who pollute our planet excessively. Obviously, we do not accept companies, or people, convicted of serious crimes, or for tax evasion, or economic and financial crimes. You will have understood that very few will be able to advertise themselves with us.

    There are also the sums collected from the earnings of our political representatives.

    Each of our political representatives will receive every sum, attributable to his political activity, in one of our current accounts. As we have already explained, each of our political representatives, if he respects our rules, will receive 25% of the sum (between salary and bonus) of the entire month every month, at the end of each year, if he respects our rules, another 25% % of the sum (between salary and bonus) of the entire year, and at the end of his political activity, if he complies with all our rules, he will receive the last 25% of the entire period of political activity (between salary and bonus). 25% of each sum received by each of our political representatives will remain with DirectDemocracyS, for the various services that we guarantee them (consulting, experts, accounting, security, and other services). The phrase "if he respects our every rule", is not written at home, because it will be the own voters, of the various geographical groups, in which he was elected, in the closed online primary elections, on our website, to vote, every bank transfer. And even our control groups will have to do the same thing before sending money to our political representatives. We already know that there will never be problems, and that all our political representatives will respect all our rules.

    So, by voting for our candidates, who will undoubtedly be the best candidates, and making them win the real elections, you will also indirectly help our political organization, which in any case, if you are our official member, will also be the yours. The right of ownership, of a single, non-transferable individual share, is our prerogative.

    The fact of not spending money, for venues (the home of each of our users, for us is the most beautiful venue that exists), for face-to-face congresses (all meetings, with few exceptions, are held online), or for posters elections, or advertising (we have to earn votes based on programs and our seriousness), makes us spend relatively little. We have already done, or will do, detailed articles on this important topic.

    The fact that our web servers (where our website and backup sites are housed) are almost all kept running, by completely renewable energies, with the exception of the emergency generators which unfortunately are diesel (but lack of electricity). We are practically zero impact on the environment, with the exception of technological components, web servers and various equipment, which unfortunately, due to their construction, have polluted. But by using the best and latest technologies, always up-to-date, we have greatly reduced energy consumption (almost all renewable, we repeat, because we care about it). We have already done, or will do, detailed articles on this important topic.

    And the concrete fact that we know how to spend little, achieving a lot, allows us to have, for a few years in advance, all the sums necessary to work well. In fact, one of our prerogatives is that we will never make debts, of any kind, with any financial institution, company, or natural person. This speech applies to all of our activities, we will never spend money that we do not have.

    Many internet companies, due to the Covid-19 pandemic (at the end of 2019), and the senseless Russian invasion of Ukraine, first had a development, having to hire a lot of staff, and then a financial crisis, having to lay off a lot of workers. We prefer to hire the smallest number of workers, to never have to be forced to fire. But, should it happen, we are among the few who will guarantee concrete help to find a new job, perhaps in related projects.

    With regard to the financial and economic activities that many of our members carry out together, we can guarantee you that each of our bill proposals will be made in the interest of all, and not just our interests, or those of our constituents (who are almost all of our users). For many, the promises of a political organization are not enough, therefore, we invite everyone to check. Even if, anyone who reads our articles knows that we are the first to verify us, and self-report ourselves, that we are different, alternative, and innovative, in everything.

    We will always demonstrate to you with deeds that we put beautiful words into practice, always respecting every promise, and everything we say, write, or show, is only the truth.

    We have given sufficient valid reasons for our choices, and for once allow us to ask you something. If there really was a conspiracy on our part to do bad things, do you really think we would have these rules? Do you really believe that we would give each of our members ownership and control of everything we do?

    As already mentioned, you are so used to being fooled by a part of the old politics, the old finance, the old economy, that when you find something different, and certainly better, you simply expect to find the same things as before, the same rules as before, the same methods as before, and all the worst habits. They have so disappointed you that you are not recognized and believe in nothing. And we understand you, we too, at the beginning we had the same fears, and the fear of being disappointed, or of disappointing those who trust us.

    Only time will show you that we are in good faith and that we really work to change and improve the world. And if you're not entirely sure, our sincere advice is: don't join us, wait to see if we're telling the truth, or if we're lying, and if you already have, just get your profile deleted, and don't join. never again to us (because whoever leaves becomes persona non grata, one does not go back to eat, on the plate in which one spits). Even in style, we are unique, innovative, and alternative.

    We know that to change and improve the world, we must first change and improve the mentality of all people, not through "brainwashing", as often suffered by one part of the media and one part of information, but with awareness, with truth, with ownership, with control, and with the hard work that we will all have to do together. The world population has not only been divided, creating tensions and violence, but it has been drugged, drunk, instigated to hatred, envy, to compensate for the primary need for power and wealth, which make you lose sight of really important things, such as mutual respect for all people, true love, friendship, peace, brotherhood, dialogue, understanding, and forgiveness.

    Only the really important things, of the previous sentence, will be able to allow, to change, and improve the world, together with all the good people of the earth.

    PS there are very many people, who don't even try to understand, with an open mind, what we explain, some don't join us, because they are sure, that they won't be able to get smart with us, and honestly very few of those who don't they join us, they motivate it with the fact that they don't know who invented it all, who is behind it, and who finances it all. If you don't understand, read this whole article again a couple of times. 

    1.   21 January 2023
    2.   Fundamental questions
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