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    • 194 Articles

    Question: DirectDemocracyS, was supposed to be an absolutely free political project, and without any commitment, on the part of those who join you. Instead, analyzing each of your articles, there are many advantages and facilities for your official members, therefore for those who pay you. Furthermore, those who join you are obligated to be...

    Question: DirectDemocracyS, was supposed to be an absolutely free political project, and without any commitment, on the part of those who join you. Instead, analyzing each of your articles, there are many advantages and facilities for your official members, therefore for those who pay you. Furthermore, those who join you are obligated to be present, and to carry out various activities, to help you. You are not consistent with your statements.

    Answer: first, thank you for contacting us, second, there is not a question, but only a final sentence, even before going to trial. But let's answer the same, once and for all, hoping to be clear, concise, and concrete. From the very first article we published, we have always said that we were born to change and improve politics, and therefore, through laws, the world. And from the first article, we said that for the first ones who will join us, there will rightly be many advantages and facilitations. Also from the first article, we said: DirectDemocracyS will be owned by all our official members. Also in the first article, we specified that we must change the world and improve it all together (it's not just us alone). We have always said that to register, therefore to join us, creating a personal profile, everything is, and will always be, absolutely free, and without any commitment, for anyone. And we have always confirmed it, in each of our official articles.

    And that's it, exactly like that, no one asks our visitors for a penny to register, to join us, and become our registered users. And no visitor, who joins us, is obligated to do anything to join us. To register, and to create a personal profile by joining us, he just needs to decide: a username (according to our specific rules), a password of at least 12 characters (made up of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and if want symbols), and a personal e-mail address. Nothing else is needed. They don't seem like exaggerated, expensive, complicated, or difficult to achieve requests.

    During registration, by joining us, by creating a personal profile, you accept our rules, and swear to respect them (it seems right, and normal, to demand the oath, and respect for all our rules). The obligations, and the rules, that everyone must respect, are few things. Within 15 days, if you have not done so during the registration phase (via electronic signature), anyone who joins us must have their identity verified by our Special Security Groups, in order to maintain our international political organization, our website, all our activities absolutely safe, for anyone who joins us, or for anyone who will collaborate with us. It seems logical to us, to verify the identity of anyone, before being able to allow them, to access our home (in the private areas of our website). To vote, in any election, real or virtual, the first mandatory thing to do is that you must prove your identity. The verification process is very simple, fast, and secure. It is done only once, even if, from time to time, our Special Security Groups can check again, the identity of anyone who joins us, for obvious reasons, including: preventing the use of front names, preventing creating multiple profiles, and checking the existence alive, of our users. All this, allowing each of our verified users to be able to carry out any activity with us, remaining completely anonymous and untraceable. We have very strict rules on respecting privacy, and our initial settings are very closed and strict, but each verified user can modify them independently, being able to decide, everything he wants to share, with whom to share it, when, how much, and for how long to share it. Furthermore, if he wishes, anyone can renounce anonymity at any time, making public the personal information (of his personal profile, registration), he wishes. We have tracking rules for users and devices that are among the most modern and least invasive, with the most modern and always up-to-date technologies. Even if we write, due to a legal obligation, that it is possible that certain information, if set incorrectly by the user, could end up with other people or entities, we will never give anyone any information about our verified users, without their permission. For this purpose, we use the international laws on extraterritoriality of our international political organization and of all our related projects.

    The obligation to be present, and work with us, for at least 20 minutes a day, or at least 2 hours a week, seems "bearable" to us, taking into account the fact that the world does not change, and does not improve by itself, and logically, we need the help, collaboration, commitment, and work of everyone, in the ways, and based on the abilities, of each of our verified users. It is not up to us to judge, or control, the wasted time, and the useless activities carried out by our users, in their free time, on social networks and other websites. Asking for some time, to work simply, effortlessly, carrying out interesting activities, meeting new people, with us, in a useful way for everyone, but also for yourself, for your relatives, friends, contacts, and for future generations, it seems to us a legitimate, logical, normal, and common-sense request.

    The fact that we expect our users to carry out their political activities exclusively with us on our website seems normal to us. Just think of how important mutual respect is between DirectDemocracyS and all its users, so we ask you to make politics, only on our website, and not to share, with anyone, in any way, without authorization, our information, and our common work together. For certain activities, after having requested and obtained the authorizations from the special groups, you will be able to share, on your social networks and other websites, our work together, or only the parts that you consider interesting. Freedom must not lead us to make mistakes, therefore, if possible, only things that can be mutually useful are shared, we repeat, requesting and obtaining authorizations for everything that is published. No one has been, and will ever be expelled, or blocked, for what they think, write, say, or show, as long as everything is done in the right ways, times and places, respecting all our rules. Individual and group freedom, if it does not endanger the unity of our political organization, or other of our users, is always guaranteed.

    We also claim to be the only political force you work with, because by getting on 2 horses at the same time, you risk falling between the 2 horses and being trampled on, and we also demand a certain continuity. Or as they say: put your feet in 2 different pairs of shoes. Obviously, you are free to request at any time, the elimination of your personal profile, and therefore abandon us, to go elsewhere, love does not exist, with force, but remember, that to always change, there is no we earn. Our grandmothers used to say: those who leave the old road for the new one knows what they are losing and do not know what they find.

    Our "preferences", for those who have been joining us for the longest time, are very right, to reward, with advantages and facilities, the first visitors, who have trusted us, and registered, among the first. Also, because, the first ones who joined us, have all been working hard together, for a long time, to grow and improve all our activities. Even in the world of work, seniority and the best results are rewarded. So, it's true, those who work well, and have been working with us for longer, have many advantages and facilities, which they must confirm every day, through the concrete results of their work, their behavior, and compliance with all our rules (we monitor every activity carried out, not only to check, but to be able to reward the best). Without this method of rewarding the best, while offering similar starting points, therefore equality, we would not be able to grow continuously. So, we are proud to have chosen this method, and we are sure that the results will prove it. A healthy, loyal, honest, and meritocratic competition, based on individual abilities, but also of the various work groups, makes our method practically perfect. Furthermore, the advantages and facilities are the same for all our registered users, not only for those who, like our official members, pay an annual fee. We repeat: exactly identical, so we don't prefer, or we only favor those who pay. In this regard, it is normal to hope to have more official members, who as such, it is right to obtain some important services, and potential, to obtain which, they pay the annual fee.

    All our rules apply to everyone who joins us in exactly the same way, including: identity verification, payment of the annual fee, to be an official member, or 20 minutes of work per day, or 2 minimum hours per week, whether registering is an unemployed homeless person, or the President of the United States, or His Holiness Pope Francis. As for the Russian President Putin, our Special Legality Group, which evaluates, and approves, each of our verified users, due to our "Minute 0" (officially started, from 00.00, on June 20, 2021), would not be allowed, as it would be considered a "criminal against humanity". Likewise, anyone who orders military strikes, from any country, without any preference. Let us briefly explain our “Minute 0”. From the official moment, in which we created our website (then made our projects public to a few selected people), there is a News Analysis Group, which carefully analyzes everything that happens in the world, and anyone who takes an action violence, starting from that date (our Minute 0), towards another human being, which has caused death, or permanent physical damage, to another person, or anyone who orders, or physically carries out, military attacks (the excuse having to follow orders, with us, is not a valid reason, each person must refuse to cause pain, to other people), against other countries, terrorist attacks, or violent actions, but also, those who commit crimes against our planet , or against animals, and nature in general, will be carefully evaluated, and even if registered user verified (accepted by the Special Administration Group, and verified by our Special Security Group), if the Group Special Legality, will not approve, your registration (obviously, motivating your decision), will never, receive, the possibility to join us, being automatically declared, persona non grata. Attention: the 3 special groups must all approve, if only one group denies access, the user does not enter our projects. Furthermore, even after having been approved, any of the 3 special groups can, giving reasons for its decision, to the other 2 special groups, block and eliminate anyone from our projects, even making them persona non grata. Whatever role the respective person has within our organization. And at any time, not just in the first period. This rule will be explained in detail, with all the reasons, in one of our future articles. We can guarantee you that our special groups will always be attentive, and committed to preventing 1% of bad people from being able to join us, or to stay with us, if by chance they are already with us.

    Every political force in the world has its own official members, who have greater "powers" than simple voters. We know of no political forces that do not require an annual tax, even a symbolic one. Ours is currently 12 euros, and has a duration of one year from the moment in which the sum arrives in our current account. Warning: in some cases, we delay the entry into force of the qualification of official member, from the exact moment in which the person pays, to the moment in which he is officially appointed, being able to use the new type of user. This is a huge advantage, because often days can pass between the payment and the arrival of money in our current accounts. Furthermore, for the appointments, and to be admitted to the reserved areas, to those who pay the fee, which gives many advantages and facilities, it can take days, or weeks, in some cases months. Starting the year of validity from the right moment seems right to us, and mandatory. With the possibility of paying for one or more additional members who are in financial difficulty, we help those who do not have the possibility to pay, but who deserve to be our official member. The money we receive is spent to improve and expand our technologies, but also to reward our best collaborators (with money, goods, or services), but also with fixed-term or permanent contracts. An international political organization, which does not have economic resources, and funds, to be able to survive independently (without financial problems), and to be able to work in a decent way, would risk, and this is certainly not our case, to make it depend on, and influence, from finance, or from traditional economics (as often happens to the old politics). We are innovative in this field as well, having already created financial, economic, and all kinds of projects, reserved only for our official members, who help our political organization without asking anything in return. Besides doing politics together, we do business, and we invest together, and there's nothing wrong with that if the various businesses keep separate. In this way, those involved in the political representation of our voters in the institutions, at the end of their political representation activity, will be able to continue working with us, even doing business, having a guaranteed future with us. In this way we will avoid, even by controlling them in every possible way, that they are tempted to be corrupted, or to steal, public or private funds (as the old politic often does). We guarantee you that we carry out all the necessary checks, and there will never be any problems, because we are very careful, strict, but fair. Thanks to all the concrete activities that we do together, and to the various contributions received from our members, we have guaranteed a peaceful future, from an economic point of view. We have sums, including security sums, to allow us to prevent all types of crises, even for the next few years.

    One thing, which may bothersome, is that in various articles, we have said that it seems right to us to reward the first 5 members who have had the idea, and above all the first 282 members, who have worked for over 15 years, still work, and have created, and made concrete, from nothing, all our projects. We have jokingly said that they will, rightly, become “filthy rich”. To those who will tell us that it is not right, let us ask a question: the old politics, the old finance, and the old economy are disgustingly rich, having reduced our planet to the conditions it is in, and stealing democracy from the peoples, to give it to political parties and political representatives, who have not always been honest, sincere, and respectful of their promises, made to their electors. If we give something to those who, on the other hand, have helped to change and improve the world, we don't feel like we are stealing anything from anyone. Because all of us, together with those who were with us from the beginning, those who will join now, and those who will join later, have all the skills and potential to create a different and better world. Therefore, we can reward those who created all this, not only with work, and by investing their own money, but by risking their own lives. First, because we use our own money, and secondly, because it won't be exaggerated sums, and that all our members, through the various special groups, will be able to verify exactly, every sum that enters, or that goes out. Anyone who does not agree can always continue to live in the old party system, oligarchy, and in finance, and in the economy, in which not everyone always has the same opportunities, and in which meritocracy is almost never present. It is not mandatory to join us, and live in total freedom, in authentic democracy, and in fair, ethically correct financial and economic projects that reward initiative, good ideas, winning projects, and whoever deserves it. All while giving everyone the same opportunities.

    Each of our verified registered users can carry out any activity reserved for this type of user. You can work with us, individually, and in working groups, and vote, in our closed online primary elections, in geographical groups, in number groups, and in working groups, for verified registered users. To run, in our closed online primary elections (and later, if you perform well in the real elections), to manage special groups, to own, all political organization, our website, and all our businesses, one must be an official member, in good standing, with the payment of annual dues. A simple verified registered user cannot run as a political representative, for various reasons, especially related to the fact that in order to run, you must have a personal political profile (created individually, by our special groups), with real data, therefore separate, and not connectable, to the registration, and to the initial personal profile. This personal political profile is created, linked to a personalized e-mail address, ending, which will allow anyone who candidates to have all the necessary support from all of us. Obviously, to apply, you must abandon all activities in groups, and management activities of DirectDemocracyS, and give management, all your activities, to a trusted person, together with your activities, in our financial and economic projects, connected. This is to allow our political representatives to carry out their political representation activities in the best possible way. Until the end of one's political representation activity, it will not be possible to return to the respective management, or financial, and economic activities. But once every political task of representation has been completed, he will be able to go back to managing the same activities, together with us.

    We hope we have been clear, and also be consistent. There are many other articles, which explain many details to you, which we have summarized in this answer. We invite you to continue to criticize us, even in a slightly superficial way, as in this case, because you allow us to clarify things. We like to explain everything from the beginning, so as never to find ourselves wasting time in useless, annoying and childish discussions. We have rules based on logic, common sense, and a method that works perfectly. We hope that whoever joins us will enjoy all our endless innovations.

    1.   18 December 2022
    2.   Questions and answers

    Finance, and the world economy, are based on laws and rules that favor the "smart", steal from the middle class, and exploit the poor.

    Instead, we create the only project, which is based: on the mutual respect of all people, on collaboration, unity, safety, trust, honesty, and competence.

    NewOpo (* NewOportunities *) new opportunities, or,...

    Finance, and the world economy, are based on laws and rules that favor the "smart", steal from the middle class, and exploit the poor.

    Instead, we create the only project, which is based: on the mutual respect of all people, on collaboration, unity, safety, trust, honesty, and competence.

    NewOpo (* NewOportunities *) new opportunities, or, NeWoPo (* NeWorldPolitics *) new world politics, is a galaxy of our immense universe.

    Call us NewOpo, and together with DirectDemocracyS, and all our related projects, we will change and improve the world, all together, one user at a time, without haste, but with determination and conviction.

    This is the economic project, reserved for our registered verified users, who have joined our political project called DirectDemocracyS.

    All the details of our innovative economic project will only be presented to those who have already joined us, on our welcome website, and on our political website.

    We certainly do not do it to hide something, we work transparently, but since to join our economic project, you must already have carried out activities on our official political website, and since our activities, and our facilities are exclusive to those who is already with us, it makes no sense to give too many details to everyone.

    Each economic activity will be organized having as owner, each of our registered verified users, who decide to join us in these economic activities, which will surprise you, in a pleasant way.

    As for our splendid political project, also in this economic project of ours, there will be activities, which will take place in a legal, safe, simple, fast way, and with unlimited earning possibilities.

    Let's not waste time, let's start working together right away, and you will see that the possibilities are endless.

    Thanking you for your trust, please enter our website.

    Anyone wishing to join us must follow all the rules, for the creation and verification of their profile, which you can find on our website dedicated to politics.

    Only after having carried out some activities, and having demonstrated that you are honest, competent, reliable and innovative, will you receive permission to enter our business galaxy as well.

    Welcome to the universe, made up of the galaxy of politics DirectDemocracyS,

    the galaxy of our currency, it's called * Time *, time, because it's your time, and your money!

    the galaxy of the MyWebMyBank bank,

    the galaxy of information, communication, and education MyInfo,

    the galaxy of radio and music MyWebMyRadio,

    from the galaxy of TV and cinema MyWebMyTV,

    from the galaxy of sports and sports management SportsAcademy,

    and from many other galaxies, in all sectors of activity, all innovative, all fair, all free and independent, based on the mutual respect of all people, on true meritocracy, on respect for rules, values, and ideals, all of common sense, and on the honesty, which is the basis for obtaining authorization, of every request to join us.

    Our NewOpo project, which will create wealth, work, and many opportunities for realization, for those who join us.

    The macro areas of investment are as follows: investments in our new currency (* Time *), investments in our innovative bank, investments in our financial company (linked to our currency and our bank), productive investments, investments in services, investments in research and education, investments in multimedia, Internet, radio, TV, investments in information, investments in sports and recreation, other investments, as well as creating an organization to help people in need.

    Every activity, every investment, is allowed, only to those who have already joined our political project, created a personal profile, and became a verified registered user, on our welcome political website, and carrying out some preliminary activities, to obtain permission. to access our projects, business, financial, on our official political website.

    As with our political activities, there are various roles to play, and various categories of participants, in our economic activities.

    Participation in our investments is on a voluntary basis, but can become a temporary or permanent job.

    In the beginning, each activity takes place voluntarily, free of charge, in free time.

    Before every detail, we must explain who owns each of our websites, each project, and each of our activities. Each of our verified registered users owns all our activities. Unlike politics, where everyone is the same owner, we participate in our economic activities only on a voluntary basis, and each revenue, because there will be no losses, will be divided according to the contribution, in money, time or actual work, physical, or intellectual, that everyone puts into each business project.

    The security of each of our investments will be dealt with by groups of specialists and security, composed entirely of our verified registered users, who have joined our economic activities, before holding specific, specialization, and control roles.

    So, the first to check, and ensure that every activity will be carried out in an ethical manner, and respecting our every rule, we are ourselves.

    To know the rules of investments in NewOpo, and in related projects, we invite you to read our economic regulations, available on our website.

    A fundamental rule of all our economic activities is that it will be based on certain capital, entirely self-financed, without ever making debts, with other banks, financial companies, or with private individuals.

    Another fundamental rule is that all taxes will be paid in full within the time required by the law. And any of our profits made, in a particular country, or in a particular geographic area, will pay taxes exactly where the revenue was made. Who is clear to everyone, every article we write, every detail, is to be considered an integral part of our regulation.

    None of our activities will ever be in deficit, and if there are no certainties of the possibility of economic revival, any activity that does not make profits will be closed by fully recovering the investments made.

    To know the history of our activities, we advise you to carefully read our article with the NewOpo timeline.

    The first thing we will do is create the special groups, of specialists in finance, in banks, and banking, economists, auditing, and security. All groups will be composed of our verified registered users who have invested in our bank and in our financial company. The work in special groups takes place free of charge, in free time, and for the best, there are opportunities to be hired on a fixed-term, part-time or full-time basis. Based on need, and based on the will of the Board of Directors. As for any group of specialists, to be part of it, one must have studied, and obtained important evaluations, or one must have worked, with good results, in activities foreseen in the various groups.

    The group of members will be created, in which various activities will take place, among which great importance will be given to the proposal, discussion, and evaluation of various projects, and activities to be carried out. The most important activity of the members is to elect the Board of Directors, which will be voted according to very strict rules, and which will take care of the various activities. A unique feature is that each of our members will be able to verify all our activities through the special groups of specialists and security.

    In short, the first economic activity consists in creating a MyWebMyBank bank, our * Time * currency, and a financial company, called NewOpo, which provides for an ever-increasing share capital. The share capital of the bank is a fixed quota, which will be established on the basis of criteria, algorithms, and programs established with great precision. Our official and innovative currency will be * Time *, with rules, and economic potential established in a professional way. Anyone who joins our political project will be able to access the economic website, and invest in our activities.

    The membership fee with which you participate will be fixed, and each verified registered user can participate with only one individual action, but also individual on multiple projects. The shares cannot be sold, nor can they be transferred to other funds, and financial companies, but they can be donated, to next of kin, and inherited, again according to our rules, and to international, continental, national, and local laws.

    The bank, and the finance company, will start working, starting investments, on the basis of projects, evaluations, and requests for financing, always from verified registered users, who have invested in our bank, and who participate in management groups.

    We start by creating our * Time * coin, based on specific rules.

    Project proposal groups will be created and organized according to very precise and detailed rules.

    To prevent some legitimate questions, of those who will join us, we give you some brief, questions and answers.

    Why are NewOpo, and all economic projects, reserved only for our verified registered users, on our politic website?

    Because only those who are suited to our political innovation will have the intelligence to understand our economic innovation. Because in this way, we do not waste time in verifying the identity of those who join us, the DirectDemocracyS security group guarantees for each of our business partners. Because for now, we must carefully select each of our users, so as not to allow anyone to try to boycott, or stop, our innovation. Because a small group of people, which grows over time, will be able to ensure the perfect realization of each of our programs. An access open to all, would create chaos, and could compromise the success of some activities.

    Is NewOpo a pyramid system?

    No, it is not a pyramid system, which we consider scams, and unethical economic systems. We do not reward only the first who invest, making them lose money, to those who will join us later, as do all pyramid systems. In our activities, every investment is made fairly, rewarding in a meritocratic way, whoever participates in the success of each activity.

    Are large individual investments required?

    Absolutely no. The initial capital is very low and will be communicated to everyone in good time. Obviously, those who participate in several projects will earn more if, in addition to the fixed fee, they also participate with a project fee, based on clear, detailed, but also very simple rules. A detailed article will be published on how to invest, and each of our users will realize that with little, you can earn a lot.

    What are the first amounts recovered?

    Every income generated by all our activities will be used in the first phase, to recover every sum paid as share capital, however, constituting an investment fund to continue the development of various new economic activities.

    Who guarantees it's not a scam, and that someone won't run away with the money?

    Each of our verified users will have all the necessary guarantees, and no one will have the power to escape with our common investments.

    There will be more useful news soon.

    Thank you.

    1.   18 December 2022
    2.   NewOpo

    The world of information is about to change, and improve, forever.

    We do not want to go too far, with the presentation of the current state, of the way of communicating information.

    Often our long articles literally make those who get tired reading away, not because of problems with sight, but the lack of the ability to concentrate, and to...

    The world of information is about to change, and improve, forever.

    We do not want to go too far, with the presentation of the current state, of the way of communicating information.

    Often our long articles literally make those who get tired reading away, not because of problems with sight, but the lack of the ability to concentrate, and to understand what they read.

    You all know very well the current state of the media, we must not insist too much on presenting you, the many discordant "truths", the alternative "theories", but also the bias of many people. Many who think of themselves as information "professionals" are actually not.

    If you are convinced that you are receiving the real news, from people who do their duty to the full, and that everything you read, hear, and see is reality, we ask you to immediately leave this website of ours. We would never want to counter your apathy.

    The human being has almost always made the economic aspect, selfishness, and his own greed prevail over professional ethics, but often also over his passions. The passion that we all should have for the right information, which presents only reality, and only facts, without distorting reality.

    So, what are we surprised at, if those who aim to inform you, allowing you to get a personal idea, often worry about manipulating you, making you a "brainwashing", for their own interests?

    This aspect also applies to politics, almost always controlled by the economy, which serves the interests of its controllers, and not the good people, who trusted in the elections, and "gave" to politicians and traditional parties, the honor, and the duty to represent them in institutions.

    The fault is also partly ours, of the citizens, who delegate to others the task of representing us, of deciding in our place, of informing us, of creating radio and television content, but also in the financial world, in the economy, which do not make us think too much, and get a personal idea of the various situations.

    We have come to the point of paying others, to think about our place, because we are too busy, to do nothing. We know that not everyone stays at home, complaining, doing nothing, many work and struggle to have a barely acceptable standard of living.

    If you believe that it is better to let others do things, and you do not want to commit yourself, with little of your time, to making all situations change and improve, again we invite you to go and look for information, where you usually find it or in all possible places. Especially where they only write what you like to read, and tell you the things you like to hear, where they talk to you with your intelligent "style", where they show you only what you like.

    Because those who control the world, understood well, that to continue doing what they want, without any problem, it would have been enough for them to "shuffle the cards". So, they intentionally presented you with billions of "alternative" variants, to make you always find the things that interest you. You know, even the Devil mixes truth with lies, to get us into trouble.

    Because there is a great desire to know, and the Internet, which could have been the solution, has become the real problem. It offers you literally everything you are looking for. Anyone who does not want to think for themselves, just follow someone who thinks and "reasons", as he would think and reason.

    As for politics, with the best innovation in the history of humanity, DirectDemocracyS, we at MyInfo, too, to change and improve world information, must put into practice radical choices, which change forever, and improve in an essential way, the contact with reality and current events.

    All our projects start from DirectDemocracyS. Politics entrusted to the people, who make informed decisions about their future, becoming the only legitimate masters of power. Our political representatives, as our representatives (legitimate for once), have an obligation to seek a binding opinion, before making a decision, from the people they have the honor and the burden to represent. This is before, during, and (for the first time in the world) even after being elected.

    In DirectDemocracyS, and all our related projects (radio TV finance economy sport and more), including us at MyInfo, the protagonists are our beloved verified registered users.

    Anyone who has registered, and has a personal profile verified, through the registration and control rules, established by our regulations, will have his personal space, also on our official website which is:

    To access the great house of information, just log in, with your username, and the password you use to access our official website, of the international political organization that is will forever be:

    All our verified registered users can write the news, in the various groups and pages, in the Community area, and when our other users in the same area have verified and confirmed the news, it will be made public.

    With us anyone becomes a journalist, reporter, but also a controller of the news published.

    Many will tell us that we will not always be the first to give the news, waiting for the various checks.

    We answer you simply, explaining how things really are.

    Not only will we always be the first, but we will also always be the best, and the only ones who publish only the facts, and the news. With a small peculiarity, after having given the real, verified and safe news, in a different free space, each of our journalists, reporters, but also every single verified registered user, will be able to comment, give personal opinions, interpret, formulate theories, even the stranger.

    Our groups of specialists, free, independent, verified, competent, honest, and chosen on a merit-based basis, will be able to give their own explanations of the various news. In fact, the only ones with the right to comment on the real news will be the experts, who have studied in every detail.

    In this way, those who want to give vent to their strange theories will be able to do so in a free space, without any censorship except common sense, and the mutual respect of all people. There will be a special space, for all theories, well delimited by the established facts. Because often even the strangest theories will be verified by our experts, and if there are real facts, they will be made public, giving the right visibility and reward, to those who have formulated the right theories.

    On the other hand, those who want to study the various news in a professional way, and listen only to the opinion of experts, will be able to do so without having to read, hear or see incompetent people, who say things based on their lack of culture and knowledge.

    The official part will always be carefully checked by security specialists, but also by our own verified registered users, because all of us are the best controllers of ourselves.

    This "maniacal" control of the truth, perfect security rules, and a regulation, values and ideals, all of common sense, will allow us to soon, all together, become leaders of the world free information.

    Again, we ask all our registered users, who are always increasing, to waste 5 minutes a day, to document some facts, and share them with the whole world, both with informative articles, as well as with audio and video recordings. We ask you only a favor, to share them in preview with us, and then to publish them in other parts. In this way, we could have the way to reward, with money, prizes, goods and services, or with real jobs there, first voluntarily and free of charge, then part-time, and then full-time, anyone over to do a service to the whole world, he will help himself, his family, his friends and his country, to be informed, in the best possible way.

    Who asks us, will you be infallible? We reply immediately, that we will never be infallible, like all men, there may be cases, in which by mistake or due to lack of just and adequate controls, we too will say false or wrong news. With a promise, or rather an oath: as soon as we realize, or you will point out our mistake, we will not delete the error (we will make it less visible), but we will write above the false article, a correction with a larger font in evidence (with all corrections), with the real news clearly visible, and even higher a brief motivation and the measures taken against those who "misinform". Obviously with the apologies of those who have published, of those who have not checked, and with ours from all of us. Because we will also be united in this, both to receive the merits and the criticisms. A great scoop of one of us, or a beautiful article, or reportage of one of us, belongs to all of us, a mistake, even if certainly involuntary by one of us, is a mistake for all of us.

    Before concluding this short presentation, we remind you that soon there will be an official regulation, which will also contain all the various themes of our first article.

    One last interesting novelty, which makes us unique: journalists and all those who work in the world of traditional global information, will be able to join us, completely anonymously, and work in their free time or even permanently, finally giving only the news true and not biased, in the official space, but they will also be able to comment in the comment spaces, or in the theories spaces.

    With only one obligation, to give the real news first to us, and publish them in preview, in order to be rewarded, and then they will be able to do their "job", in their workplace. In this way, you will clear your conscience, knowing that you have made the right choice. Even if subsequently, you will continue to do your "job" according to how unfortunately you are obliged by society, and how information is currently experienced in the world.

    With time, as in politics, anyone who has more than 2 neurons in the brain will join us, and when all the inhabitants of the earth are there, to make politics, and to inform in the best world right, and true, we will finally be able to say having permanently changed and improved the world.

    We know we are too innovative to keep writing, we invite you to join us, and immediately start informing people in an honest, competent, and above all true way.

    Thanks for your attention, with all the esteem and with all the respect, we send you the best regards.

    A hug to everyone from all of us!

    MyInfo, your information, truly in every sense!

    PS This website, is owned by all our registered users, divided as follows, 50% is from all our official members (who post little news from time to time), and 50% is from all those who they will be our official representatives (who are the best and most active to give the news). We are fair, equitable, but above all meritocratic, who does more earn more. But we will talk about it soon, with other interesting and as always innovative details.

    1.   18 December 2022
    2.   MyInfo

    Some of our official members (those who keep the session always connected, to avoid entering our website every time), have complained that as soon as they arrive on our website, an annoying rectangle appears, inviting them: to access our website, or, further down in the rectangle, to have the activation link sent again, and next door, always in...

    Some of our official members (those who keep the session always connected, to avoid entering our website every time), have complained that as soon as they arrive on our website, an annoying rectangle appears, inviting them: to access our website, or, further down in the rectangle, to have the activation link sent again, and next door, always in the rectangle, to register, and create a personal profile, and join us.

    We understand your annoyance, a rectangle that can scare you, but we assure you, it's good, it doesn't bite.

    Now, we offer you the difficult instructions, to make the rectangle of evil disappear forever, that is, until your future visit.

    With the left mouse button, or if you have a tablet or smartphone, with your finger, position yourself outside the rectangle, and click. As if by magic it will disappear, and will not disturb you, during your navigation, unless you try, unsuccessfully, to access our areas reserved for our users. In that case, our system will invite you to register, and a screen will reappear, to access the site (if you are already registered), or, if you are not registered, to give you the possibility of registering, to be able to see, what you are looking for.

    We have explained it several times, but perhaps not enough, there are areas visible to all, therefore also accessible to the public, which contain a minimal part, we call it: the "tip of the iceberg" of our information, potential, and instructions, and there are reserved areas, even divided according to the type of user, which contain many things that do not concern visitors, at least, and the figure is approximately 1000 times greater than those present in the areas visible to all.

    Before accusing us that we hide things, that we are a secret sect, or worse, let's tell you: we like to work in safety, with all the tranquility, order, and necessary respect for anyone who joins us.

    Secondly, we allow anyone to work anonymously, and with strict and secure privacy settings (which each user can set as he wishes, at any time), obviously, after verifying his identity, with our Special Security Groups.

    To those who tell us that by hiding things, many users do not find sufficient reasons to join us, on the contrary they run away, never to return, we say that a worldwide expert, but also anyone with at least 2 neurons functioning, by reading only our first page, he understands whether he wants, or doesn't want to join us.

    We are sure that we publish a lot of information, and that this will increase, as soon as the internal working groups that create it decide, autonomously, after having voted and approved it, to have it published. In the future, there will be many public information, and always 1000 times greater, the ones we work on, but they are divided into various items, and submenu items, based on the type of information, and education, that will they interest.

    If you want more information, you can always wait for the crucial information that interests you to be published and register after you have received enough information for you to determine whether to register or not, if for if you find something you don't like.

    Waiting too long, however, for the various steps to pass from an initial type of user to those who have greater "powers" (in our inevitable hierarchy), importance, and responsibilities, and who work in "more important" groups, or in management or control roles, which one does, over time, with one's work, with one's behavior, and with respect for all our rules, moves forward over time.

    And we, when we entrust a position of responsibility to anyone, do not remove it, as long as it does its job together with us, in the right way. With equal merit, the “oldest”, referring to the time, from which he is with us, is always favored. So, by waiting, you won't get the benefits, and facilities, that early adopters get.

    But be careful, even if you register immediately, just to see what it is like, or to get some more information, it is counterproductive, because you risk not doing a good job with us, or worse, doing nothing, and being excluded forever. The additional information, and the "command" roles, through very careful appointments, are gradual, with the simple registration, one sees a little more, let's say 100 times more, but certainly not 1000 times more. Or even worse, you can risk, by registering early, wanting to be smart, or not respect, each of our rules, and after doing so, being expelled, you become persona non grata.

    So, there are pros, and cons, and as always, we leave the choice up to you. We are a free and democratic project, but we do not tolerate anarchy. We are truly innovative, in everything we do, and as you read everything, you understand the enormous potential of all our projects, which have already all started, simultaneously, for a long time.

    With the hope of having clarified, how to eliminate the annoying rectangle, and having offered you useful information, we invite you to continue following us, to inform you in a complete way, reading, even several times, to understand well, everything we have published, and subsequently, if you want, and you are sure of it, to join us, and let as many people as possible know about our and your project.

    Obviously, you will not like everything, but by registering, you will help us to correct what you don't like, to always be better. But we remind you that it is difficult to please everyone, it is enough for us to like all the good people, the really good ones, which are 99% of the inhabitants of the earth. 

    1.   17 December 2022
    2.   For website

    A fundamental need, for a political organization like DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, is to guarantee everyone, security measures, and protection of personal data.

    Working largely on the Internet, we have equipped ourselves with the best and most recent technologies.

    We have also hired, with permanent contracts, and adequate...

    A fundamental need, for a political organization like DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, is to guarantee everyone, security measures, and protection of personal data.

    Working largely on the Internet, we have equipped ourselves with the best and most recent technologies.

    We have also hired, with permanent contracts, and adequate salaries, a specialized staff, made up of true technology "wizards".

    We have created a Special Security Group, with the task of coordinating all the protection activities of our projects, from external attacks, but also from internal sabotage.

    Today we will teach you, how you might try, to stop DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects.

    We haven't gone crazy, we're just explaining it to you, to make you understand, that every possible attempt of yours, we have foreseen it, and we have all the means to respond, and to make it impossible for anyone to slow us down, let alone stop.

    First a brief introduction.

    In 99% of people, there is the belief, and also the fear, that the Internet is not a safe place, many do not trust, for example, online voting, believing that it can be manipulated, in a small percentage of those interviewed, there is the fear, unfounded that technology can rebel against the human being, and control the world. Theories, conspiracies, legends, which in some cases technically have some well-founded basis, but rest assured that if you take the right precautions, the Internet is a safe place. To demonstrate the previous sentence, we ask you: do you know how much data there is on the net? Banks, financial companies, but also registry offices, with personal data, and in some countries online voting is a good and safe alternative to voting by post or at the polls.

    With regard to votes, we ask those who don't trust them: if you go in person, to the polling station, and put your vote in the ballot box, what guarantees do you have that your vote will be counted? If instead of the Internet, you vote by mail, what are the chances that your vote doesn't end up in the ballot box, to be counted? Of the 3 variants, in person, by mail, or with computer systems, we guarantee that the safest is the Internet.

    Almost all those who do not trust the Internet are people who do not understand anything about technology, who barely know how to turn the PC on and off, who also make mistakes in entering the password, to unlock the phone, or who even worse, do not use a complex password to lock their smartphone.

    As in all things we don't understand, we make theories invented by our ignorant minds instead of studying and understanding the real situation. Even about DirectDemocracyS, they say things, nonsense, that would make you laugh, if not make you cry, for the stupidity of those who say them. We have already talked about it, and we will talk about it again, about how superficial and totally ignorant people see us.

    Having ascertained that all our data is online, and that everyone could, in theory, know everything, with the right means and the right computer knowledge, we will explain a secret to you.

    If you take the due precautions, and all the security measures, nobody discovers anything about your secrets, unless you give them the news.

    Our Special Security Groups have many working groups, and are made up above all of experts, but each of our official members can join our groups, to verify, in the ways provided for by our rules, that everything takes place on a regular basis.

    Technology helps us.

    Having the best and most up-to-date technological means, and the best and most up-to-date operating systems, DirectDemocracyS guarantees everyone the protection and peace of mind of being able to work anonymously, while the identity of each of our users is verified.

    Obviously, we do not publicly give you all the protection measures adopted, but only certain examples, not even complete ones, to make it clear, even to newbies, that the data and information are safe.

    Lots of coordinated servers.

    Everyone knows that a website has all the data on a server, and that a server is practically like a very powerful home PC that resides on a web farm. If you want to increase power, space and speed, you add a "PC" until you get the desired results, on the contrary if the power is too much, you can eliminate some servers to save energy.

    Anyone who does a quick and easy online search will find that DirectDemocracyS is based in Düsseldorf, Germany. So, our physical "headquarters" is where our servers are located.

    All of our visible work is therefore located in Europe.

    What not everyone knows is that in the event of a cyber-attack, the old computer systems continued to function allowing access to data. Our server, on the other hand, "shuffles" the cards, encrypting the data in an ingenious way, making our "unwanted visitors" believe that they have found all our secrets, but guess what: they will know exactly what we want them to know, exactly nothing.

    While you are reading, all our computer activities are saved, always encrypted on a backup server, which allows us to have an exact copy of all our data, on our servers, in Romania, which in turn, if attacked, behave exactly like our servers in Germany, and have a copy of all the work, in a web farm in the United States, and then in another web farm in Africa, and finally in another country that we will not disclose. Technically, 3 would have been enough, but we are sure that investing in safety is not money thrown away.

    In addition to giving our "kind" visitors false, encrypted, and above all mixed data, we have foreseen attacks, to make us lose our real data, for which we use the 4 additional servers, which in real time, save, encrypting them, all our data, which can then be put back online, practically, without our users, or visitors, being aware of it. Attention, you could lose the last word, or at most the last written sentence, at the exact moment of the server change. So, we invite you, to always save, in a safe place, your important activities, which you do on our website.

    Each server practically increases management costs, but we produce clean energy, in various countries of the world, so we use 99% renewable sources. We could have written 100% renewable, but we have diesel backup generators in the event of a power failure. So, for years, we do not consume, and we do not pollute anything, with the exception of electronic components, which unfortunately, to be produced, pollute, and are often used, to extract the raw materials of these components, child labor, and indecent working conditions.

    One of our users, at a meeting, asked us how we can be sure that in our votes, the data is not altered. Technically, our groups almost always vote, openly. So, everyone knows what they vote for, because it seems right to us not to be ashamed of their ideas, also because no one will ever be excluded from our projects, for what they think, write, say, or show on video, obviously if they do in the ways, in the places, and within the times established by our rules. If someone starts writing his ideas in places where it is not allowed, after some warning, but also without warning, we block him, and if he repeats his crimes, we eliminate him from our projects, and make him persona non grata.

    The easiest way to verify that our votes are correct is to apply to join our Special Security Groups, which are open to anyone who wants to join, based on detailed rules. By accessing our groups, it will be possible to verify for yourself that every vote is automated, therefore without any possible human intervention. And we can guarantee you that our computer system doesn't care who wins the closed online primary elections, or if they buy a new brand of coffee in the secretariat. The only human intervention is at the moment of the vote, in which each person expresses his opinion, our system limits itself to counting the results in real time. In the case of open voting, each user can personally verify if his vote is still the same and has not been changed. So, it seems clear to us, that there is no possibility of error, or changes.

    Movies and TV series don't help you understand.

    If one watches a film, or a TV series, about espionage, or with scenes of cyber-attacks, one must understand that it is fiction. First of all, government institutions do not use the normal Internet network, but if they did, it would not be immediate (as seen in the movies), and simple, to enter restricted areas. First, because they don't use, at least we hope so, passwords like "password", or "1234", or the name of President Joe Biden's dog. Secondly, because every computer system is like a credit card in an ATM, after a number of failed attempts, it blocks access, from a specific position, and triggers very specific and very effective security measures. Anyone who has done at least an hour of a computer course, considers spy films as comedies, and at the phrase "I'm inside", or "I'm... entered", they smile, and believe they are watching a pornographic film.

    You are our masters, control us.

    All our official members, in good standing with the payment of the annual dues, are our owners, therefore they can request, on a voluntary basis, to be part of the Special Security Groups. At this point, many will think we're crazy. It often happens, reading the details of our working methods. In fact, if anyone can join the Security Groups, a person with bad intentions just registers on the website, pays 12 Euros, then becomes an official member, and applies to join the Special Security Groups. In this way anyone can access sensitive data. We are sorry to disappoint you, but it is not possible for anyone to sabotage us. For different reasons. First, because the steps to become an official member are not immediate, it can take weeks, or months, to have your personal profile activated, to be a registered user. It may take another few weeks to become a verified registered user. At this point, it is not enough to pay 12 Euros to become an official member, one must be accepted, based on the work done, and on the basis of one's behavior. It takes months, in some cases years, to become an official member. Let's assume that year’s pass, the malicious person will be able to request, and no one will be able to prevent him, from joining our Special Security Groups. First, we know exactly all the real data of each of our users, and therefore the official members have all been verified. Furthermore, our computer system keeps track of every activity carried out by each of our users, from a simple like, on a post, to an attempt to enter where it is not allowed. He would not have time to think of accessing it, which would be blocked, deleted, and rendered persona non grata. But not only that, it would be reported to the competent Authorities, not only as sabotage, but since we are also a company of shareholders, therefore a commercial company (each of our users receives only one share, which cannot be transferred), in addition to moral damages, he will have to pay, to each of our shareholders, material damage. The same method, used by us, against those who would like to use our ideas, our rules, and our methods, which are all registered trademarks, not in the name of an NGO, but of a commercial company, limited by shares. So, whoever steals ideas, be careful, that in addition to moral damages and copyright infringement, even taking only small, tiny parts of our projects, will have to pay each of our shareholder material damages, even for the very serious crime of unfair competition. We have thought of all of them, to prevent people's behaviors, which are not correct. In conclusion, by entering the Special Security Groups, you can check all our activities, and their regular performance, but obviously, for privacy reasons, and to be able to maintain the anonymity of our users, they will see all the encrypted activities, without being able to intervene, but only, to be able to report any, almost impossible, irregularities.

    Stop us, or boycott us, as important users, administrators.

    In certain periods, our system, seeing many registrations all together, decides to block them, making it possible to register, only on the basis of invitations, by only some types of users, usually administrators. Many get angry, but it's part of our security measures. Some will think, to invite whoever I want, and to favor my relatives, friends, or contacts, I could become an administrator, and do what I want. To those who think of "cheating" us, by becoming administrators, not to repeat ourselves, read the previous details, on the official members, who would enter the Special Security Groups. Here, if to become an official member, it takes a lot of time, many days, weeks, even months, to be appointed directors, it takes many months, even many years. Therefore, in addition to the time spent, the work performed, the behavior, we do not give our administrators only a few limited "powers" in certain sectors, areas or groups, often only in certain geographical areas. Without forgetting that we know anyone's identity, and our system stores every action, from likes to behavior, so any attempt to favor someone, or to have undeserved advantages, is impossible. We also have a world exclusive, an algorithm, which allows our system, to evaluate, cause, and effect. For each action carried out, the consequence of each of them is analyzed automatically, but also manually, humanly. Each nomination, each promotion of a user is analyzed, and it is calculated how it was made, by whom, with what consequences. By analyzing the past, immediate and future predictions are created. In this way, any attempt to obtain, or to obtain undeserved advantages, is foreseen and stopped in advance. Therefore, a malicious administrator has no chance to slow us down, or to boycott our work. Our advice, for everyone, is: instead of trying to cheat us, instead of trying to be smart, why don't you try to gain wealth, fame, power, in a lawful and above all ethically correct way? It takes a little time, and even a little effort, but at least you're sure you never risk losing everything. We have created a system, through a dualism of man and machine, to make any illegality impossible. What's the point of trying, with time and effort, to do things against the regulation, you would get many more advantages, and facilitations, by respecting our rules. We are severe in punishing, and whoever is expelled has practically no chance of returning.

    Slow down, or stop, with so many users.

    A legend, or a theory, which concerns us, and which is already circulating, and in the future will be a method to discredit us is: to win the closed online primary elections, in DirectDemocracyS it is enough to have many users, who vote for a specific candidate. You are right, 100%. With us, whoever gets the most votes are elected. So, an influencer, with millions of fans, could ask his followers, to join DirectDemocracyS end masse, and at the right time, to vote end masse for him. So, in theory, could a famous person, an actor, a soldier, but also a rich and powerful person, by receiving many votes, become President of the United States of America? Exactly, but just read the list of Presidents, and you will find, only and exclusively, famous people, but not after becoming the President, they were even before. We'll talk about the falsehood of the American dream, and the wrong idea that anyone can be the President, or about equal opportunities for everyone, but also about meritocracy, and even about the ages of certain Presidents, in another article.

    DirectDemocracyS, unlike the old policy, or other similar attempts, all unsuccessful, does not allow an incapable person to obtain important roles, of any kind, because we always combine meritocracy with equality. But let's go back to the famous person, with many followers, who registers together with his followers, and runs in our closed online primary elections.

    With millions of fans, practically, could even an incompetent, even famous character become our leader? Surely not. First, because there are no leaders, or bosses, but it is collective management, in which one is truly worth one. Here, at this point, could millions of fans of the famous character make him a candidate as our political representative? Absolutely no. Unless it's a person, who deserves to get the role he's applying for. Let's try to be brief. For a person to apply, it is enough for him to be our official member, in compliance with the annual fee, to make a request, in the geographical group in which to vote, with subsequent creation, by our Special Groups (Security, Administration, Legality, Experts and Politicians) of a personal political profile, with real name and surname, real personal data, a CV with all his school and work results (verified by our Special Groups). He can then apply for himself, or receive a request from one or more users, accepted by himself, to apply. In geographical groups, a maximum number of candidates is decided (usually there are no limits), but the minimum number of candidates, for each role, is at least 3 people. After having established the number of candidates, the candidate selection process begins, with the authorizations from the Special Groups (Security, Administration, Legality, Experts and Politicians) who usually do not pose impediments, and continues with certified drug tests, physical, psychological examination, by our authorized experts (the results of the psychophysical tests will remain confidential). A compulsory test of general knowledge. A specific test, on the role to be filled, in case of victory. The results, and the ranking, of the general knowledge test, and of the test on the role to be filled, will be made public, as soon as they are available, in the geographical group in which you vote. The last step is crucial, because it consists of an individual assessment of each applicant by the candidate selection team, which is part of the group of political experts. The evaluations of the candidate selection group will also be made public, in the group in which the vote is taken. After the publication of the admitted candidates, and the relative disputes, the date, or the period, in which the vote will be held is published. For each election, the various types of users will have the right to vote, in identical geographical groups. In the first round, in each group, the candidate who obtains 50% + 1 vote of the electors entitled to vote wins. If no candidate does not obtain 50% + 1 vote in the first round, only the 2 candidates with the highest number of votes qualify for the ballot. In the ballots, for the first 3 votes, to win, you must obtain at least 50% + 1 vote of the voters entitled to vote. On the fourth ballot, it will be enough to have 50% + 1 vote of the voters who vote. The same procedure is used in identical geographical groups, based on the type of user: verified user, official member, official representative, administrator, super administrator. To be elected, a candidate must achieve victory in at least 3 out of 5 geographical groups, identical in terms of geographical area, by type of user. In this way, after the resolution of all possible disputes, only the best candidates will be able to win the elections and become our official representatives in the real elections. With this method of ours, if the famous person wins, it means that he is truly the best candidate. We hope it is clear to everyone, there are no things we have not taken into account. We have worked on it for many years, many people, to find the right solutions to every possible problem.

    Now, every person who has read this article of ours can be sure that our innovation is also safe, reliable, and does not allow anyone to obtain advantages, if they do not deserve them. If they tell you: don't join them, it's all controlled, and you'll lose your data, tell them to watch less pornographic films, and to start studying, getting informed correctly. Thinking of one thing, making a conspiracy, can be a good mental exercise, but a theory does not always correspond to reality. At least, not in our case. Because with us, everything written has already been a reality for a long time.

    These are just some of our general security measures. We will publish the specific ones, for each aspect, in detail, in the groups, and in our reserved areas, to then make them public, if deemed necessary.

    We remind you that our Special Security Groups offer guides, information, and instructions on how to keep all your activities safe, both with us and on the Internet in general. Always follow all our advice, it helps you to prevent all kinds of problems. Obviously, we cannot answer for your mistakes, or for your wrong settings, but if you are our users, you can always ask, an opinion, and advice, when you need it, from our specialists, and also our system, which will they can tell, if you are safe.

    Putting everyone's safety first is vital, to make our entire huge mechanism work perfectly, of which anyone who joins us is a part. Your reports are essential to help us keep everything clean and safe, for everyone's good. 

    1.   16 December 2022
    2.   Security measures
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