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    1.   09 November 2022
    2.   News

    International relations, for DirectDemocracyS, for all our projects, and for all our registered users, must always be based on logic, common sense, and on the mutual respect of all the peoples of the earth.

    Our foreign policy provides for the creation, and the development of activities, of a World Peoples Organization. With a few clear rules,...

    International relations, for DirectDemocracyS, for all our projects, and for all our registered users, must always be based on logic, common sense, and on the mutual respect of all the peoples of the earth.

    Our foreign policy provides for the creation, and the development of activities, of a World Peoples Organization. With a few clear rules, which are part of our regulation, and which all take place within our immense universe of concrete projects.

    Many people, who are jealous of our brilliant idea, will not like the fact that this international organization of peoples carries out its independent work within our political organization. But there is a reason, especially at the beginning, it is essential to ensure the newborn World Peoples Organization, all our attention, protection, and defense from the attacks, which it will surely receive, from the evil people of the earth.

    For us, international politics must be like our style and method of work, so to say things: directly, even with harsh tones, but always, in a loyal, sincere way, and respectful of everyone.

    Relations between two countries, or peoples, must be, like two people, with each one, a balloon to be inflated by blowing into it, without being able to plug it with your hands. If while the balloon is inflated, the two talk to each other, and make clear the differences, the balloon never inflates, and never risks exploding. The same applies to violent actions, which do not “explode”, if we speak to each other directly, always based on mutual esteem and respect.

    We all know, the UN, and we all know, that so many people nominated, representing almost all the countries of the world, with a Security Council (made up of only a few countries). The permanent members of the Council are five of the victorious states of the Second World War, namely:

    China (until 1971 Taiwan Republic of China)


    United Kingdom

    Russia (until 1991 Soviet Union Soviet Union)

    United States.

    To these, from time to time, are added some countries, we give you the examples of recent years.

    2020 and 2021: Niger, Tunisia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Vietnam, Estonia

    2021 and 2022: Kenya, India, Ireland, Mexico, Norway

    2022 and 2023: Albania, Brazil, Gabon, Ghana, United Arab Emirates.

    Already the fact that after so many years, since the end of the Second World War, the powers that have won, are favored, and are "permanent members", is profoundly unfair to other peoples.

    For some years, there have been thoughts of reforming the UN, but like all "great reforms", they are never done, because a more just world does not appeal to some very powerful people and organizations.

    Reforming the UN would be like trying to lift a sunken ship from the bottom of the ocean into the Mariana trench. Impossible, useless, and even dangerous.

    We have already criticized the UN, also because it is made up of a group of helpless and fearful bureaucrats, appointed by the various governments, and managed like puppets.

    We also criticized the "right of veto" which practically prevents the UN from taking any immediate and above all preventive decisions.

    Finally, we criticized the UN, because it has no supranational, or supra-continental, powers. Basically the UN is like "throwing a life jacket" on a drowned and dead person.

    Our, and your World Peoples Organization, is innovative in everything.

    Even in the headquarters, which is not permanent, but which every year, or when necessary, changes headquarters, based on conflicts and disputes, which it must resolve. It can also have several offices at the same time.

    For each people of the earth, there is only one representative, voted and paid, by each people, and who has the task of carrying out, only the orders received from their constituents (all citizens, of each population, who have completed 16 years, or less in some countries).

    The purpose of the World Peoples Organization is to immediately resolve every conflict on earth, and prevent others from arising, which are almost never conflicts between countries, but between populations. But above all, it has the essential task of preventing, with a direct, sincere and loyal dialogue, based on the mutual respect of all people, on logic, and on common sense.

    Donating all supranational powers to the World Peoples Organization is essential, to allow it, to prevent any conflict.

    Eliminate forever, any kind of international military alliance, creating the new World Peoples Organization, which has within it, the Military Alliance of Peoples. With a military alliance of all the peoples of the earth, it will be impossible to create a war, for the simple reason that the rules are accepted, respected, and are valid for everyone.

    Create, with a collaboration, between civilians and military personnel, an Arms Control Commission, in which every nuclear weapon must be declared, verified, and disposed of (converted into energy, keeping, in some places safe, and controlled by all countries, with a few nuclear warheads, to defend the earth, in case of need, for example from impacts with asteroids), checking that all over the world, not even one remains, undeclared. Anyone, military or civilian, who does not inform, of the existence of a nuclear weapon, in a particular place, will be immediately condemned, as a criminal against humanity, and terrorism, together with anyone who is his accomplice, or anyone else, is aware of the existence of such weapons. Maintain a check, all over the earth, for all weapons, not just nuclear ones, to prevent any kind of conflict.

    To convert all armies into law enforcement and all armaments into usefulness for modernizing and securing the infrastructures of the various countries. Reconvert all arms factories, and all arms dealers, in other economic sectors, so as not to create even one unemployed, because of the world arms reform.

    To prevent the World Peoples Organization from having alliances between groups of countries, and spheres of interest, groups of countries, in order to avoid decisions in favor of some power groups. We decide all together, based on the interest of the entire world population, and not just some groups of populations.

    No decision can ever favor a single country, or a small or large group of countries.

    And many other rules, which will be presented in a detailed article.

    Who will tell us: it is a utopia, like all your project. A utopia, it becomes reality, only with the commitment, and the work, of everyone. It will certainly not be easy, but we have an obligation to try, for our sake, and for future generations.

    Furthermore, all our projects are already active, and all our working groups, secret, private, and some, in a public way, have been working for many years, and at the right time, some results will be made public.

    All without haste, one registered user at a time, taking care to keep everything free, democratic, with respect for all our rules. An order, a discipline, which to many superficial people, may seem excessive, but such important projects, without a bit of “healthy and just severity”, don't work, and can't stand up.

    1.   08 November 2022
    2.   International relations

    For what reasons would we be willing to fight and risk dying?

    Of course, all, with few exceptions, of sick people, we would fight, and give our lives, to defend the people we love. Another reason could be, to defend our home, and our properties, which cost us, effort, and hard work. The last, but perhaps the least known, by some cowards, is...

    For what reasons would we be willing to fight and risk dying?

    Of course, all, with few exceptions, of sick people, we would fight, and give our lives, to defend the people we love. Another reason could be, to defend our home, and our properties, which cost us, effort, and hard work. The last, but perhaps the least known, by some cowards, is the struggle for the freedom, ours, of our relatives, friends, acquaintances, and fellow citizens, and for the sovereignty of our own country. Those who have been in the military know that they swear to defend their country, their flag, their sovereignty, and the freedom of their people. Even the struggle for one's freedom, in addition to ethical and civic duty, prevents many from breaking the law, in order not to end up in prison, and therefore being deprived of their freedom.

    We have already analyzed, in some articles, the tragic, and violent, invasion of Russia in Ukraine.

    Our position, and of anyone with any common sense, is that any violent action, by anyone, is to be condemned, always.

    In the previous article, we talked about who gains, and who loses, from this military conflict, and we said, that according to us, and according to our experts, various groups of specialists, according to the documents, and the information that we have, there is, and there will be people, who produce, or market weapons, who are getting rich, and who will get rich in the future as well. Bad people, no matter if their wealth increases, with many deaths, injuries, rape, mass graves, refugees, pain, and creating so much fear in people. These despicable acts are the consequence of greed, of selfishness, and of the heart of stone, of some people, very powerful, and unscrupulous. The same goes for those who will have to rebuild a destroyed country, therefore engineers, architects, companies producing building materials, construction companies, and their respective owners. Because with military actions, wars, terrorism, even many people gain, who do not care if to become even richer, many innocent people, are dead, wounded, raped, frightened, and had to escape, from violence, triggering a new breath of hatred, and the search for revenge.

    We explained, how the war was not prevented (and it was possible to do it), by attitudes, which many leaders, from various countries, will one day have to explain to us. It was enough to use diplomacy, to prevent all the evil that we see, and have known, throughout human history. It would have been enough to use logic, common sense, and the mutual respect of all people.

    The usual method, already used in the past, consists in choosing a country, creating tensions, attacks, and acts of terrorism, or guerrilla, and then making the 2 superpowers collide, on a "neutral" field, to consume weapons, usually obsolete , to reciprocate their military arsenal. We have seen it in Syria, and in many countries, it is a story that repeats itself, and no expert will ever be able to contest our statements. Our previous article has led some to believe that we, with what we have written, somehow wanted to try to justify, Russian President Putin, and his advisers, who did not calculate well, the consequences of their tragic actions. , and their bad decisions.

    Let everyone be clear that our position has been, is, and always will be, in favor of those who defend themselves, and never of those who attack. And we say without a doubt, whoever attacks, will be judged by us, as a criminal. Do not ask us, where we were when the United States was attacking other countries, because we did not exist, or we had not yet been made public. It would be like blaming the current German citizens for the outbreak of the Second World War, also caused by the fear of rebelling of the German population, on a bloodthirsty dictator. But we will talk about Nazism in a dedicated article.

    There are no reasons, for military interventions, it is the populations, of the various countries, who have to make themselves respected, and protect their interests, without violence, but with agreements, and negotiations, in which one of the our main values: mutual respect, of all people. For DirectDemocracyS, it is only the local populations, and not the sanctions, and external interventions, to destabilize, and create coups, that must decide who should lead each country. We are certain that only our political project can ensure Peace, Justice, authentic democracy (and not false and partial), and the well-being of the entire world population.

    DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, together with all our users, we love exactly the same way, all the populations of the earth, therefore, both the Ukrainian and the Russian populations. We never generalize, we never blame children for the wrong actions of their fathers, grandparents, great-grandparents, or ancestors. We look at the disasters of history, trying to avoid, from repeating themselves, all the various episodes of violence we are used to. Almost every country in the world, and almost all the various populations, have many things, of which they are ashamed, and things to apologize for, to others. The story is full, and we don't think we need to make a list in this article. But we will do it in the future.

    Let's start with some historical data, as some people inquire, only where they are told, what they like, and who like to comment on the story, but they skip, or hide, and often avoid, the parts, which would make them into ignorant, and in bad faith.

    Budapest Memorandum.

    The Memorandum on Security Guarantees in connection with Ukraine's accession to the Nuclear Weapons Non-Proliferation Treaty, more commonly known as the Budapest Memorandum after the Hungarian capital in which it was signed, is an agreement, signed on December 5, 1994 and recorded on 2 October 2014, between Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom and Ukraine, with which the latter, by adhering to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, formalized the renunciation of nuclear weapons in its possession after the dissolution of the USSR.

    In exchange for the delivery of 1900 nuclear warheads to Russia, which undertook their complete disposal in the next two years, with the guarantee of the United States and the United Kingdom, Ukraine obtained assurances from the other signatories about its own safety, independence. and territorial integrity.

    Despite the Kiev government's denunciation of Moscow's violation of the memorandum since the Russian invasion of Crimea in 2014, there is no convergence on the nature of the consequences of that violation, as neither the United States explicitly promised unlimited support nor guarantees of direct intervention, nor did the United Kingdom consider that there were any grounds for the casus foederis.

    First analysis.

    If Ukraine, prior to the Russian invasion, had had its 1900 nuclear warheads, no country would ever have allowed itself to cross its borders, or bomb it. So, from now on, whatever has happened is not the fault of Ukraine, but of their Russian brothers, and in part, also of our Western countries.

    But if we wanted to go back a little further, in the tormented history between Russians and Ukrainians, we could arrive at the smart for them, but ruthless for other populations, chosen by the Russians, to deport thousands, and in some cases hundreds of thousands of their own citizens, from the most remote areas of their immense country, to mix them, and put them in contact, with the Ukrainians, the Moldavians, the Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, and many others. Deportation choices, started by the Russian Empire, with some hundreds of thousands, and then reaching millions of people (of the Soviet Communist regime), all removed from their lands (in which they lived in poor conditions), and settled close to peoples, that practically, they were calm, hegemons in their territories, and that they considered the Russians, their defenders, and in some cases brothers peoples. Attention, we are talking about mass deportations, and not voluntary, natural migrations of parts of certain populations, between one territory and another.

    The reasons for the deportations are clear to everyone, but some people, which we will talk about shortly, need further explanations. In all these areas, enclaves with a strong Russian presence were needed, deported by force, blackmail, or with promises of a better life, in other countries, in order to create areas of tension, to then have, over time, various reasons , to militarily attack, and conquer, smaller, less strong, easily weakened countries, for years, often decades, of terrorist actions, guerrillas, and violence by those who had been deported there.

    Since, there are so many reduced minds around, we explain it again, to the powerful of the time Tsars and nobility (before), and to the Communist leaders (after the Russian revolution, and the final phase called the October revolution), they needed reasons to deporting people, and to move the poor populations, of almost all their country, it was enough to raise, even very little, their standard of living, which previously was below the threshold of survival, creating for them a slightly better life, in the new territories. Those who have almost nothing, for a few promises, often not kept, would be willing to go far from their lands.

    The Tsars first, and then the criminal Communist leaders, created only problems for the population, or rather, for the populations, which they themselves united, in an artificial way, and with clear aims of conquest, and further domination.

    Always for the usual ones, who think they know everything (pretending to be informed, and pretending to be honest), we explain everything better. Also for those who have, or clear economic interests (paid by the various political, financial and economic powers), political motivations (to conquer some sick mind they would sell their mothers), frustrations (those who have not obtained anything from life especially because of their own incapacity must find a culprit), hatred of the West (better to hate those who if they are hated do not react than to hate the powerful), need to put stupid ideas in the head of people in difficulty (saying only part of the facts, what is useful for their own purposes, leaving out the uncomfortable parts), to create social hatred (angering frustrated people is simple, just make them give up the worst lies, and blame others), and often united by total ignorance (often those who believes an intellectual is politicized to the extreme, and does not recognize reality, and does not look at history with an open mind), we, we explain it again, deportations, almost always create chaos, unrest, revolt and, violence, terrorist attacks, occupations, wounded, death, and pain, not only in the populations so despised by so many, but also in the families of the deported Russians, who went from hunger and suffering in their own territories to violence, and to death, in the new geographical areas in which they were forced to live. With the usual spiral of hatred, and revenge, which feeds all violent actions, making despicable people rich, making innocent people suffer.

    We write all this, even a couple of times, to demonstrate, and make it clear, even to the losers, that they write, speak, or make videos, in which they are on the side of evil, in some cases, for fear of evil itself, in other cases, combined with a real, and proper, brainwashing, by people who pretend to be intelligent, but create hopes (of social revenge), in people unable to "think with their heads", even if they pride themselves on doing it. The weak think only with the heads of others, believing they are reasoning with their own.

    With the end of the Tsars, deportations increased, with the arrival of one of the most false, despicable, and unjust ideologies, which created more suffering, violence, pain, wounded, and above all deaths, in human history, communism, composed of extreme statism. The Russian citizens had first the Tsars, who exploited, together with their nobility, all the wealth, which belonged to the people, then the Communists, who were the hope (for many illiterates), and the possibility of social justice (never put into practice, the party leaders were revered, rich, powerful, certainly not as much as the people), but they gave the riches of Russia, to party members, and a few favorites, almost always doing more damage, and injustices, than those that made the monarchy. As if that were not enough, communism made an agricultural country a falsely industrialized country (with often antiquated machinery), destroying agriculture, which was exploited, first by communism, by a few educated nobles, but often, also by many families. specialized, for centuries of history, to give it in hand, with communism, to people without study, without any quality other than that of belonging to the single party.

    With the end, by implosion, of the failed communist regime, a dictatorship and oligarchy arrived for the Russians, which put all the wealth of Russia in the hands of a few oligarchs, carefully selected by Putin. Few people (the oligarchs), who without any merit, and without any competence, manage all the wealth, which should belong to and be exploited by a whole people.

    So, summing up, the riches of the Russian population have passed, from many noble people, and with culture, and study (also because only the rich, at that time, could study), to a few Communist leaders, without studies, ideologized, and manipulable, who had as subordinates, people with even fewer studies (with ideological brainwashing, in party schools, which is not education, and culture, but only propaganda), and manipulated, and controlled by the leaders, of the only party (because communism does not allow opposition). The leaders of the Communist Party could not allow intelligent, or politically able, or even educated, or non-ideologized people to have important roles, in order not to risk, that they would obtain positive results, and therefore, in order not to be overtaken, in the hierarchies. party. As soon as it happened, with President Gorbachev, the communist regime in Russia, and throughout the Soviet Union, ended forever.

    How to do it, do not feel compassion, and sincere solidarity, even for the Russian people, who in every part of recent history, have always passed from one regime, exploiting, unjust, to another regime, and always worse than the previous one. Their wealth never belonged to them, but to many nobles, some party leaders, and finally, to very few Putin's oligarchs, placed there as a figurehead, without having any competence, no merit, and no right, to exploit a your pleasure, the riches of the Russian people.

    So, Putin has arrived (after the short story of the "transitional" President Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin, which we will perhaps discuss in another article).

    The current Russian President embodies the frustrated Communist (for the one so loved, also frustrated by many in the West), but also the ideologized one, without a critical spirit, and with culture, and education, truly mediocre, who given his ignorance, the his inability, his bogus nationalism, and its bogus anti-Nazism (which was the only way to awaken the old communists), threatens to destroy more than half the world.

    With the breakup of the Soviet Union, many countries became independent states, but they found themselves, with parts of their "ancient" territories, full of Russians (previously deported), who finding the help, not disinterested, of their country of origin (the new Russian Federal Republic), they have always created violence, disorder, and demanded independence. Subsequently, asking to be integrated, against all international law, in Russia.

    First with the referendums, not recognized by anyone, often with fraud, and violence of all kinds, then with the military annexation of Russia and Crimea (a peninsula also claimed, not directly, by Turkey), then with the subsequent referendums, and violence in Donbass, that is, in the Donetsk, Luhans'k and Kharkiv regions.

    Here, mediocre, ignorant, frustrated people, incapable of logical reasoning, start the part of their history, always from Crimea, and from 2014 onwards. Thanks above all, to the repetitive brainwashing, and the hatred, instigated by the usual profiteers, of popular credulity, for them, it all started with mutual attacks, from 2014. In which, according to them, certainly not on the basis of documents, the Ukrainians, "would have exterminated the Russians". What is not true, the dead are equal, according to all documents, unanimously recognized. This shows that ideologized people, who for most of their lives, have believed in a political ideal, such as communism (which is estimated to have caused about 95 million deaths, in its sad history), "beautiful on the outside, and rotten inside ”, they hardly recognize that they were wrong. Then, those who cheer politically, like cheering sports, even if history condemns, the politics that you love so much, hardly, will admit that they have been, for most of their life, on the wrong side of history. But we will talk about Communism, Nazism, Fascism, in articles dedicated to these real catastrophes for humanity.

    The violence, from 2014 onwards, was reciprocal, and caused victims, almost equal in number, in the Russian, Ukrainian, Tatar, and other minorities. Therefore, there are no winners, or losers, or better or worse populations. All of them have been analyzed, and perhaps we will make an article dedicated to these violence in the future. We summarize, that the Russians often attacked first, and the Ukrainians defended their sovereignty, and territorial integrity. Unfortunately, as already mentioned, with a lot of mutual violence, for many years, without almost anyone, in other countries, asking for explanations, or seeking peaceful solutions.

    A solution could have been the guarantee of a just and real local autonomy, as foreseen by our rules, for international politics, guaranteeing the territorial integrity and sovereignty of each country, while respecting all populations, and the rights of minorities.

    But let's take an example, which gives an idea of what happened.

    You own a house, with several rooms, and you are the Ukrainian family, you are told, to join a larger house, to make one huge (Soviet Union), together with all your neighbors, including those who are called Russia, who are a large family, and who have a house that is much larger than yours. Accept, create a very large house (USSR), and over time, your neighbors say they want to use some of your rooms, in which you, you have some of your family who live there, there are your furniture, and many of yours. treasures. They tell you, that they will join, in the same rooms, to help you exploit them together, with your family. Accept, because you are two families united, in which many of your relatives have created families, with your neighbors. At a certain point, it is decided not to be united anymore, and each family must provide for its needs, independently. You, the Ukrainian family, who have defense weapons, which can guarantee safety, decide to give up, to keep weapons at home, with the guarantee of always being protected, by your neighbors, the Russia family. Give them, to the Russians, all your most powerful weapons, with the guarantee of being defended, with the guarantees, even of your neighbors, the United Kingdom, Europe, and the United States. After a while, to see that the Russia family has taken, by force and a lot of violence, many rooms in the house of the Chechnya family, putting their own relative at the head of the family. Then, the Russia family took over a quarter of the house from neighboring Georgia by force, and collaborated with the Belarus family, claiming rooms, even in your Ukrainian home. At this point, you begin to be afraid, and you understand, that you have made a big mistake, in giving the most powerful weapons, precisely to your most dangerous neighbors, who among other things, have in some of your rooms, already some of their relatives. . These Russian relatives, instigated by their Russian family, destroy the various rooms, dirty the walls, and do not whitewash, do not maintain cleanliness, and order, they also endanger the safety of your Ukrainian relatives, who live in them. rooms together with them. They also put, as the head of your entire family, a relative of theirs, and they get angry, when your family, makes him "fall", to put a head of the family, of your family. At this point, the Russians who live in your rooms (first the Crimea room), violently decide to become, first more autonomous, and then independent, and to join the great Russian family, which does not hesitate, to occupy, by force, your room, even if almost all the neighbors, say that it is not right, and legal, to take away the rooms, from the houses of others. At this point, you decide to join, with the families of Europe, the United Kingdom, and the United States, to get help, because the Russian family has not kept their promise (to defend you, and guarantee your territorial integrity, and your sovereignty). , and did not hesitate to take away one of your rooms by attacking you. As soon as the Russia family, it learned, attacked you, using as a reason, the fact, that they do not want free, partially democratic families (NATO, Europe) as allies of their neighbors. So, it bombards you, rapes your relatives, kills you, and hurts you, forcing so many of your relatives to flee your home, trying to escape death, and violence. Russia takes away another 2, or 3 rooms, with unprecedented violence against your relatives. The neighbors Europe, the United Kingdom, and the United States, which had guaranteed you, together with the Russian family, your safety, were weak, in the face of the occupation, of your first room (Crimea), this time they help you, to defend the sovereignty, and integrity of your fragile home. At the risk, then, of blowing up the whole neighborhood, and the entire neighborhood. With the nuclear threat, by some relatives, of the Russia family.

    Here, if you were, the Ukrainian family, with the house half destroyed, with many of your relatives dead, raped, wounded, frightened, and ran away from home, in order not to risk dying, what would you think, of heartless people, who go in the square, not to cry out for peace, but to protest against those who help you, to defend you.

    Dear friends, peace is not obtained simply by saying the word endlessly, until it loses all meaning. If it were enough to simply say, a word, or a sentence to realize it, and it were enough to say several times, sentences, and words, to transform them into reality, we would all be healthy, rich, happy, loved, and just. On the other hand, life is much more complicated, and often unfair, and one must always fight, and work, to obtain the best things, in mutual respect.

    If we look for a word, to solve all the problems, to change, and improve the world, the only one that comes to mind is DirectDemocracyS, because we base all our activities on logic, common sense, and mutual respect, of all people. We rely on study, facts, truth, science, research, expertise, of all our experts, of our groups of true specialists. We are not interested in electoral capital, we are not interested in convincing anyone, we are not interested in the consent of a part of the voters, who are easily conquered and manipulated. We are interested in telling the truth, which is not our truth, because only for the stupid, the truth is on one side or the other. The truth is one, on any subject, and history (drawing the right teachings), must be studied at 360 °, not only in the parts that suit us. So, even if we speak in ways, not always appreciated by everyone, no sane person will ever deny our article, for the simple fact, that we are not afraid, to write the truth, risking to make someone angry, who expects us to write other things. Being direct, saying things to your face, with sincerity, and loyalty, towards the truth, at first, will cause us to lose, many voters, and a lot of support. But we are not masochists, we know very well, that in order to change and improve the world, the consent of 99% of the people of the earth, the good ones, will be needed, having to fight, honestly, and loyally, but with courage, and in a decisive way. , 1% of the evil, and powerful population of the earth. It would be easier for us to be with the powerful, to obtain for us some "crumb" of their power, and their wealth, but we are interested in the whole "piece of bread", to share it with the whole population. worldwide, also on the basis of meritocracy. Sorry for the outburst, but it is part of our way of expressing ourselves, and we are sure, that in a very short time, everyone will join us, as a matter of trust, and thanks to our work. Over time, our method, our "tactics", will reward our efforts, certainly not giving us wealth, which, however, if there is, we will share it, based on individual and group merits, with anyone who joins us.

    The explanation of our positions is hopefully clear enough on the cruel tragedy of the Russian invasion in Ukraine, which affects many people, who really suffer, and cannot stand in the streets to demonstrate for peace, so as not to risk, to die under bombs, on the side of Ukraine, and for fear of being killed, imprisoned, or beaten, on the side of Russia, if they rebel against Putin.

    For us partially free and partially democratic Westerners, it is easy to complain about the price of electricity, the price of gas, and fuels, which they all do together, raise the price of all food and basic necessities. Making everyone impoverish, especially those who are in difficulty. Many say: if the Ukrainians surrendered, after a few days, everything would be over (partially it could be true). But whoever says or writes these things, in addition to being selfish, the people who think in this way, are deeply unjust, and disproved by history. If all the countries of the world, together, had rebelled, and had fought immediately (helping the invaded country), in a united and courageous way, against Hitler, and his Germany, which in September 1939, invaded Poland, would have it could have prevented World War II. But the politicians of other countries were selfish, and unfair, they said: it's only Poland, it's not a problem. Then, many other countries followed, and no one could stop the spiral of violence anymore (if not the intervention of the United States, which also allowed the Soviet Union to resist and counterattack). Even now, for many idiots: it's just Ukraine, it's not our problem. But if we hadn't helped them, Moldova would have followed (with Transnistria, another Russian enclave), then many other countries, in rapid succession. To those who are afraid, like all of us, of atomic war, but we remind everyone that according to this logic, of fear, Russia, the United States, and the various atomic powers, would have the opportunity to do what they want in the world , with any country, using the atomic threat? The world of cowards is worse than the poor world. The poor, can always get busy, and work to become richer. The coward will always remain infamous no matter what he does in life.

    Others selfish, who say that sending weapons to Ukraine, to defend themselves, costs in money, many billions of dollars, and who argue that they are not willing to finance war actions with their taxes. We answer clearly, that they are not only selfish, but also stupid. If we look at tax evasion, in the whole world, we are talking about at least 10,000 billion dollars a year, which together with world organized crime, we are talking about at least another 1,000 billion dollars a year, but perhaps much more, and many other spechi of public money, money for arms, for defense of the Ukrainian population, are a minimal expense. But to these selfish, greedy, and cowardly, we ask only one question: if your country, were to find itself in the place of the tormented Ukraine, would you let them kill, your families, rape your children, your wives, your sisters, your mothers, who wounded many of your relatives, friends, and acquaintances, destroyed your country, making many people flee from their homes, so as not to die, would you just watch? Would you like to live in a country, without food, water, electricity, heating, without sanitation, without transport to escape, without medicine, and without medical care, where bombs rain down from the sky every day? Try to put the brave Ukrainians in the situation they are in, just for one day, and you will understand. Here, now calculate, that they have been living in these conditions for many months, and there are still not many glimmers of true peace. Would you like to lose your homes, your factories, your jobs, and all your wealth to the bombs? Would you like to live for hours, or days, locked up in overcrowded bunkers, without food, water, toilets, with the constant fear of never leaving these places whole or alive again? Would you like others to occupy your home and command you, without even giving you the right to protest, taking away all freedom and all sovereignty? Would you like to see your beautiful country reduced to a pile of rubble? Would you like to be betrayed, by your neighbors, and by those who had guaranteed to protect you, and to guarantee, your territorial integrity, your sovereignty, and your freedom? Would you like other countries to turn away and let you be invaded, killed, wounded, raped, and frightened? And how would you feel if some people told you: give up, they are stronger, and we don't help you, we have our huge problems. Our huge problems, even have simple solutions, and are small problems, when compared, to their huge problems.

    Here, if you do not see, or do not understand, the differences between good and evil, between what is right or wrong, before continuing, reading this article, go back to the first lines of this article, re-read them, and be ashamed. .

    Many accuse us that although military activities are underway in Ukraine, there being no formal declaration of war, we call it a cruel invasion by a bully, dictator, criminal, and even liar Putin, against a country. sovereign, which Russia should have defended, on the basis of clear international treaties. In exchange for the renunciation, its nuclear arsenal, through treaties signed, as a guarantee, also by the United States and the United Kingdom.

    Let the lesson be: never give up on your nuclear arsenal? Or, ever trust the Russians? Or never trust the intervention of the West? According to our experts, the previous claims are not correct.

    We, very clearly, say: all nuclear weapons, of all countries, should all be converted into energy for the development of our planet. But for that, we have to win elections, in all countries where nuclear weapons exist, and in many other countries. To prevent those who own them from being able to blackmail the world, threatening their use. The United States are not saints, as they have used them, only them in history, to carry out nuclear attacks (on the defenseless population), and on the actual need to destroy 2 Japanese cities, we have strong doubts (and we are against similar actions, real war crimes, whoever commits them). They say they wanted to stop the war, and avoid more deaths. However, creating a catastrophe, and a black page, of their history, and of all humanity. Their explanation does not convince us, it is, pardon the comparison, it is like having a hangover, drinking the next day, other alcohol. But we will talk about these atrocities, and others, committed by all, in our next articles.

    For now, we remind you that every normal person, endowed with humanity, should support Ukraine, in the reconquest of their territories, and Russia, to get rid forever of tyrants, dictators, in this case Putin, and his oligarchs, and possible successors. Peace is not obtained by turning to the other side, but by making sacrifices to help those who defend themselves, whoever they are. Allowing, through international solidarity, whoever is attacked, to defend their land, from the aggressor, whoever it is.

    Putin is politically finished, and sooner or later the proud Russian people will make his voice heard again. But not by giving away their wealth to the West, but by exploiting them, for the good of all its citizens. For that we urge everyone, to make DirectDemocracyS known, which thanks to its rules, on freedom, democracy, and property, with all the fundamental and just local autonomies, allows those who live and work in a specific territory to be masters , and owner, in a shared way, of all wealth.

    This is done only, following all the international rules, which for all the fans of the referendums: on autonomy, and on independence, were done to prevent, clashes, and violence. In fact, every referendum must first of all be authorized and recognized by the State, or country, in which the territory is located, which requires autonomy, or independence. The international rules were designed to allow the former colonies to be able to request independence, in a peaceful way. But they are not recognized, if they do not take place, with the agreement of the country, in which the geographical area is located, which requires independence, or autonomy. Furthermore, to move from one country to another, of a certain geographical area, an agreement is needed, from both countries (and all the interested parties), and not simply a referendum, and acceptance, of the country is enough. to which you want to reunite. Simplifying, if our family decided to hold a referendum, to break away from the country in which we find ourselves, we would always need the authorization, and the recognition, by our country, of the referendum itself.

    Our solutions are: an immediate ceasefire, an immediate withdrawal of the Russian military, from all the Ukrainian territory (Crimea included), and the immediate intervention of the UN peacekeepers, which assists, as always, powerless, disasters, which it did not contribute to prevent, in any way (thanks also to the unjust right of veto, of the winning countries of the last world war, to be canceled immediately, the 2nd war is long over, just advantages for the winners).

    On the part of Ukraine, guarantee in all geographical areas, with a Russian majority, a just autonomy, and a protection of the rights and duties of minorities throughout the country. The Russian majority should do the same with minorities in territories where Russians are a majority. All in respect of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the entire Ukraine (including Crimea).

    Immediate removal of all sanctions against Russia and return of blocked Russian assets and current accounts, withholding war damages.

    Payment by Russia, with the help of all the countries of the world (with taxation of 100% of the profits from the production, and sale of arms), of war damages, to rebuild the whole of Ukraine.

    And other specific measures to be applied in every conflict zone, or war, on the entire planet.

    This solution of ours, at various points, will not bring the dead back to life, it will not heal the wounded, and it will not cure psychological damage, and trauma, but it will avoid a continuation, or an extension, of the conflict.

    Everything can be done in a few hours (with the exception of reconstruction, and reconciliation, it will take years), political will and pressure from the entire world population is enough.

    In the hope, of having made it clear, once and for all, to everyone, our position, and all the information at 360 °, we assure you that this article, like all our information, or rules, is based on logic, on common sense, on mutual respect, of all people. Every sentence, every single word, has been proposed, decided, selected, discussed, and voted on by various groups of experts, of international politics, political strategy, military specialists, economists, experts in finance, history, culture, psychology, and many other groups, which with their work, present you an article, which does not support anyone, and is not afraid, to say the true things, even directly. Of course, it is not our intention to change anyone's mind, but you cannot dispute that the facts took place exactly, as we say.

    On certain things, there are no other versions, or other interpretations, for the simple fact that anyone who is on the side of Putin, who imprisons, and often does not hesitate, to have their opponents killed, who locks people in prison, for having uttered the word war, but their own Ministry of Defense, in these days, has admitted that it is a war, and not just a special military operation. We continue, to call it, a cowardly invasion, which should be condemned, by the whole international community, and by all people, endowed with logic, common sense, and mutual respect. Many like it, the strong man in charge, they love to be submitted, and you will be in charge, and then they see, in those who fight against the values of the West, which despite many defects, allow many freedoms, and a partial democracy, which are , and they will always be better than: no freedom, and a ruthless dictatorship. Recognizing the good even if partial, from the total evil, is one of the qualities that we require of anyone who joins us.

    Copyright © DirectDemocracyS, projects.

    1.   06 November 2022
    2.   Russian invasion of Ukraine


    From the ancient Greek politikḗ ("pertaining to the pόlis", the city-state), with implied téchnē ("art" or "technique"); by extension: "art pertaining to the city-state", sometimes paraphrased in "technique of governance (of society)". From the same root (πόλις, pόlis, "city-state") also derive the noun polīītēs (πολίτης, "citizen")...


    From the ancient Greek politikḗ ("pertaining to the pόlis", the city-state), with implied téchnē ("art" or "technique"); by extension: "art pertaining to the city-state", sometimes paraphrased in "technique of governance (of society)". From the same root (πόλις, pόlis, "city-state") also derive the noun polīītēs (πολίτης, "citizen") and the adjective polītikós (πολιτικός, "political").


    According to the ancient Chinese definition, politics is the art of governing, while in Greece, among the various definitions that of Pericles stands out, for which politics is the art of living together. Socrates, identified four forms of government with the relative degenerations.

    The definition we like.

    "Man is by nature a political animal" (Aristotle, Politics, Book III, 1278b).

    For us, politics.

    For us politics: it means carrying out activities, for the good of the whole population, always starting to help people, companies, geographic areas, and countries most in difficulty.

    The various political eras.

    Political antiquity, and contemporary politics, are all part of the old politics, which we have often historically analyzed and criticized on the basis of facts alone.

    The innovative politic.

    DirectDemocracyS, is the only innovative politic, based on the only authentic democracy, the direct one, which allows citizens, free, who, helped by groups of specialists, experts, in every sector, and informed by information groups, all independent, in a unified manner, free, competent, honest, reliable, sincere, available, and free.

    Ideological basis.

    DirectDemocracyS, takes all the small positive parts, and strengths, of all ideologies, and political forms, including all political parties, of the past. It denies, eliminates, and never shares, all the negative parts, which all political forces had, and still have. Our ideology is to always be and remain innovative, and politically perfect.


    Basing all our activities, and all our rules, on logic, common sense, and mutual respect, of all people.

    Putting into practice, the only true democracy, and not the party power, and the oligarchy, also present in all the countries that declare themselves free and democratic.

    To allow our official members, a total and continuous control, together with our verified registered users, of all the activities, decisions, and votes, of our political representatives, selected, and voted, first, by our territorial groups, at all geographical levels, through internal primary elections, based on equality, meritocracy, competence, honesty, reliability, and the level of education.

    Our voters have absolute power, and also, for the first time in the world, they are the owners, of our entire political organization, of all our activities, of all our connected projects, and based on the geographical area of residence, stable, of each territorial political organization, and of each of our related projects.

    Eliminate internal struggles for power in various ways, such as, for example, sharply divide: political representation, carried out by our political representatives, and the management of our political organization, entrusted to our official representatives.

    Unity in diversity is a fundamental strength, because anyone who joins us must do so, with an open mind, and with the willingness to bring with them, every positive value, and every good idea, of political force, he claimed, before joining us. But with the obligation, to put first, and work, for our perfect politics, renouncing, and renouncing forever, the failed, antiquated, and wrong parts of the old politics.

    Unity, in diversity, always based on science, information, education, research, and well-being, and the standard of living, of all people, always starting to help people, companies and territories in difficulties, in order to guarantee a continuous, sustainable development also to the medium and later high groups.

    Unity, in diversity, achieved, respecting, favoring, and helping in the same way, all traditions, cultures, habits, languages, and religions, never allowing any of these to influence, or oppose, our work, and our projects.

    Other strengths, which will be presented in the dedicated articles.

    Compatibility with other political forces.

    None. We consider ourselves, absolutely incompatible, with other political forces, and we will never be part of any coalition, we will never make alliances with others, and we will never participate, for any reason, in agreements, activities, and political collaborations, outside of us. .

    Date of birth.

    Created, starting from January 1, 2008. Not yet made public, to the entire population, worldwide.

    Creators of the political organization.

    For security and privacy reasons, the names of the first 5 men and women who had the idea of creating the perfect politic will never be made public. Not even the names of the first 277 men and women, who joined the first 5, and who until the middle of 2021, worked, secretly, to create the rules, and the methodology, used, will never be communicated. to put our politic into practice, which is practically perfect.

    A little bit of recent history.

    From the middle of the year 2021, some of the best experts in all kinds of activities and topics have been contacted and will still be contacted. By creating and realizing the special groups, the groups of specialists, and all the necessary potential, to realize, in a simple, fast, and safe way, each of our objectives.

    In the first phase, DirectDemocracyS, will be made public, only to a limited number of people, called "genius minds", to allow us to create an official website, where we can carry out all our activities.

    In the second phase, it will be communicated, to some experts, called the Angels of Direct Democracy, or more simply: Angels of DirectDemocracyS. They will have the task of making our entire political project public to the general public.

    In the third phase, first with selections, then with limited access, and finally with free access, all the good people of the earth will be able to access, with order, and constant but controlled growth.

    After being made public.

    Each person will be able to choose freely, but in an informed way, whether to join, or not to join DirectDemocracyS. Each person can join the innovation, or stick to the old politic.

    Copyright, rights to use our rules, and any of our methods.

    Our every idea, rule, method, website, component, module, technology, every activity, and every project of ours, is the exclusive property of whoever has joined, and who will join us, in the future.

    We distrust anyone from trying to copy our ideas, because they would be guilty of copyright infringement, and unfair competition, as all our innovations, and all our projects, are registered trademarks, in the name of a commercial company, also this, of a cooperative nature, owned by every person who joins us.

    Furthermore, every detail of ours is revealed more and more over time to the people who rise, in our hierarchies, and in our roles, of greater "power" and greater responsibility.

    Therefore, in addition to the civil complaint, and in some criminal countries, any attempt to copy, even partially, our ideas, which work only if complete, and unitary, is destined to fail miserably, and in addition to the monetary damage (we ask always moral and material damage, to those who copy us), there is a risk of making a bad impression, of those who have no ideas of their own, and use the ideas of others. The original is always better than any copy.

    Our offices.

    The physical location of our main web farm is in Germany. Our registered office, and one of the backup servers, is in the United States of America. Our support office, and contacts, is in Romania. Our backup and backup web farms are in 10 distinct countries, which will be disclosed, along with addresses, only in authorized groups, to authorized persons. The technological, and software development headquarters are in Bangladesh. The headquarters of our foundation is in Mali. The tax office is in Tokelau.

    Our territorial offices will be revealed only to authorized persons, in the various territorial groups.

    Principle of extraterritoriality.

    On the basis of the principle of extraterritoriality, of the Internet, and according to our privacy rules, we will never give to anyone, for any reason, the real personal data of our users. The main reason is that we, having an office in each country of the world, and in all territories, can consider the residence, and the presence, of each of our countries, or our work group, in any country in the world, even those in which there are no judicial agreements or the possibility of extradition.

    Our rules.

    Every sentence, or word, written in the main menu item Law (with related sub-categories), in the Utilities, Blog, and Discussions area, and in every part of our official websites, all our videos, audios, and publications, from our official representatives, on social networks, and other websites, and said, or in writing, by the persons officially authorized, to represent us, both inside and outside, of our website, for us, is part of our regulation official, and it is a commitment to everyone, but also protected by the laws on copyright, and on unfair competition.

    Our main rule is that all the rules must be respected, always, and by everyone.

    Our rules cannot be eliminated, overturned, modified, but they can be integrated, to improve them, and make them more effective and current.

    The rule, of "add, without deleting, and without modifying, but to integrate, and improve", is valid forever, to prevent anyone from making our activities less effective, direct, or to try to sabotage us, slow us down, or worse, stop us.

    Our official rules, and every rule, will always be accepted, respected, put into practice, concretized, and shared, by anyone who joins us.

    1.   03 November 2022
    2.   All our rules

    Rules regarding our special guests, and special invitations.


    One of the first rules, on which our enormous success will be based, is to get the right people in, at the right time. While remaining open, and let anyone register, with considerable advantages, and facilities, for the first who join us. Not all people, with a normal IQ,...

    Rules regarding our special guests, and special invitations.


    One of the first rules, on which our enormous success will be based, is to get the right people in, at the right time. While remaining open, and let anyone register, with considerable advantages, and facilities, for the first who join us. Not all people, with a normal IQ, can understand the enormous power of what we are doing. Already in the first seconds, after our initial idea, to create, and put into practice all this, our strength was putting the right people, in the right place, by contacting competent, honest, intelligent people with potential, and possibly without no chance of being blackmailed, or compromised, with politics, economics, and finance.

    A little of our history.

    Most of these "genius minds" were retired, and they came from every possible sector of activity. All contacted by our collaborators, and never communicated with those who conceived all this, and not even with each other, if not completely anonymously. A message was sent to everyone: do you want to help us, change, and improve the world? To such a message, and with methods of contact, quite disturbing, many of them, did not respond immediately, thinking of a joke, and many of us, would not respond immediately, exactly the same way. But on our second message, which contained a summary, of a few pages, of our projects, starting with politics, almost all the people contacted immediately joined us.

    Many of them had as their first task the obligation to report other people, very intelligent, to be contacted in the same way, with the guarantee, that they would never know, who had suggested them, and of course we, we would never have said. to those who suggested them, who had actually accepted our invitation.

    From the first minute, of our activities, we had to act as a "secret service", to protect the various identities, because over time, not only the elderly, retired, therefore given their advanced age, who were difficult to blackmail, joined to us. Indeed, many young, honest, competent, innovative, and modern, enthusiastically joined us.

    With our security systems, with total protection of anonymity, of the identity of each of our users, and of personal data, anyone who registers has the certainty of being able to work in an orderly, quiet, and safe manner. We have specialists, in special security groups, whose task is to "shuffle the cards", making it impossible to trace our activities and our sensitive data.

    We are certainly not a secret sect, but to protect ourselves, and those who join us, we had to prevent, and solve all kinds of problems.

    Many of our specialists are still in business and come from every country in the world and from every sector. If it were discovered that they collaborate with our political organization, and with our related projects (financial and economic), they would be immediately fired, and in some cases, they would risk their lives, and their loved ones, as relatives, friends and acquaintances. To whom it seems an exaggeration, you think what you want, but the safety of our users, for us, is like respecting our values, ideals, and rules, all based on logic and common sense.

    With anonymity, and with the privacy guaranteed to all, we have allowed, and also created, a very interesting rule, which together with almost all our innovations, makes us unique in the world. Having created a group dedicated, to meritocracy, and another group dedicated to giving each person the roles, and to create a hierarchy, based on the activities they carry out, and their behavior, we are sure that by analyzing only the results, and the behavior, without knowing the real identity of the person, the "rankings" of the best, and the ascent, or descent, of our hierarchies, with relative increase or decrease of "power", and with roles and responsibilities, more or less important, not based on the name, or the fame of each of our users. We could only rely on actual work, on the results achieved, and on behavior, to choose our "leaders" in each sector. Obviously, every role obtained, must be confirmed every day, and the advantages and facilities of joining us, before others, can be short-lived, if some new user comes, who carries out many activities, with better results, and always with impeccable behavior.

    Special guests.

    The rules are very simple.

    You can receive the invitation directly, you can be proposed directly by those who are already with us, and finally you can invite yourself.

    People can only be invited by our creators, and in certain specific cases, on the proposal of our super administrators. The invitation is created by our super administrator groups and sent by our special security groups to the various people, through different ways, according to the needs, and the various opportunities. Usually, only 2 contacts are used, the first is generally a few lines, with few details, and with all the security measures. The second contact, is very detailed, and contains all the various phases, often different from person to person, to be able to join us, and collaborate with other specialists, without ever mentioning names or hierarchies.

    Anyone who joins us, after a certain period, if he carries out a good activity, and has an impeccable behavior, can "recommend" an expert, equally good, because he believes, under his full responsibility, that he can be useful, to all our projects, based on skills.

    The fact of creating full responsibility for those who invite themselves, applies to all our users, even if they are not part of the specialist groups.

    The hierarchies, and the "pyramidal" management of responsibilities, with a collaboration, in "chains connected to several rings", even if at first sight it seems very complicated, and "like a film about Freemasonry", is the only way to guarantee, unity, always perfect results, collaboration, equality, meritocracy, and to be able to find, and “eliminate”, almost immediately, unwelcome elements, or possible saboteurs. Our "chains connected to several rings" guarantee, that even if there was a weak link, and even if it risked breaking, or broke directly, our structure would not be affected, it would always remain solid, and after replacing the weak link, with a stronger one, everything returns to normal. Obviously, the internal regulations of our innovative method of managing our organization, and all related projects, will always guarantee us excellent results, and will never allow, at any time, to anyone, to slow us down, sabotage us, weaken us, and stop us. .

    The last way, to join us, on a "fast track", allows anyone who considers himself a specialist, or expert in something, to invite himself. However, he will have to provide us with all the proofs of what he claims. With us, “having a passion for fishing” is not enough to be good fishermen. Therefore, only those who have obtained the best academic results, and with certain evidence on their specialized education, can make a request, to receive our invitation, to the evaluation group of requests for invitation. But also those who, with their work, have obtained important results, and great awards, can equally request our invitation. As you know, our political organization, and all our related projects, grows, even quickly, and continues, therefore, there is a good chance of receiving an invitation from us, for all kinds of specialists, from every sector of activities.

    The steps to receive the invitation.

    Step 1. Contact, the special security group, through the contact form, present on our website, with a written message, even with some attachment certifying the real qualification, and competence, and a photograph of your identity document , but above all with its own presentation as an official massage, of request, to obtain the invitation, to join us, with your personal data, your qualifications, and a brief motivation, why, you want to get our invitation. You must specify how many things you specialize in, and what would be the mutual benefits, to motivate an invitation from us. It will also send the activation request form, downloaded from our website, and completed in its entirety. All documentation must be converted into .pdf files, and if the applicant has a digital signature, he will sign each document with his own electronic signature, always checking that the signature is valid. The entire documentation must be archived, and compressed, in a single file of the type: .zip or .rar, and attached to the message, in which it asks us for an invitation.

    Phase 2. The security group will verify the information, and if the contact is real, and sincere, eliminating any reference to the real name, and personal data, of the applicant, will ask for an opinion from the selection group of specialists. Who will have to specify, in a short time, that entry, upon immediate invitation, into our political organization, and our related projects, would be opportune, and mutually beneficial. Or, it may decide that it is appropriate to postpone the invitation, to a certain period. Finally, you can decline the invitation to join us.

    Phase 3. The security group sends a response, based on what has been decided and communicated by the selection group of specialists, and may request other evidence, and documents, of what the user has written, based on requests, and evaluations, by the selection group of specialists. If no further proof is needed, however, it will send a message, with the exact rules, of the invitation procedure from us, which we specify in step 4.

    Step 4. Invitation procedure by us, at the request of the user.

    "We are pleased to invite you, to join us, and we communicate that we have created a personal profile, with the username, and the temporary password, which we recommend that you change, with one of your choice, containing at least 12 characters, with lowercase and uppercase letters (possibly not consecutive), and numbers (possibly not consecutive), and some symbols or punctuation. Simply enter your username and temporary password to access our website and receive further information and other instructions. Thanks for joining us. Welcome to DirectDemocracyS, your political innovation, truly in every sense! ”.

    It will always be specified that the applicant had signed, with his / her electronic signature, all the documentation sent to us, it will automatically be considered a verified registered user, otherwise, he will be considered a registered user, he will have to follow the procedure for verifying his / her identity. , through the request for identity verification, within 15 days from the activation of your profile, on our part.

    In some cases, the invitation may instead be to register, as a normal user, and reply to the first e-mail message, received from our system, immediately after clicking the activation link. In the reply message, by the user, to our first message, it must contain a unique code, sent by our security group, in the reply message, to the request to obtain the invitation.

    If the unique code corresponds to the email address, our administrators will immediately activate (without requesting further data), the personal profile, which according to the cases, will be considered a registered user (who will have to follow the procedure for verifying the identity of the our users, but with precedence over others), or will receive the immediate qualification of verified registered user, and the relative “blue sticker” which guarantees, both the identity and the reliability, of our users.

    In some special cases, if the documentation has been signed, with your electronic signature, and the user has paid the annual fee (valid for one year from the moment of payment), the invited person will automatically receive the status of official member, which is much more important in our hierarchy than a verified registered user.

    At first glance, it may seem complicated as a procedure, but it is very simple, fast, safe, and guarantees a "fast track", to the best specialists, for the good of all.

    If you do not receive the invitation, or you are not accepted, through this procedure, you can always register, with the "normal" procedure, a little longer, in terms of duration, but which guarantees the same protections, and the same possibility, of this modality by invitation.

    In certain cases, in certain periods, for various reasons, the registration of users may be suspended, but the procedure, by invitation, may still be active.

    Only in cases of force majeure, we could suspend, both the “normal” procedure and the one based on self-invitations, always remaining valid, the procedure in which we directly invite the specialists to join us.

    We do not discriminate against anyone, except on the basis of skills, merits, sincerity, reliability, needs, and opportunity, whether a person joins us, sooner or later. We don't like to be misunderstood, nor do we like to make subjective rankings, but necessary for the good of all. We are sure that 99% of the earth's population will join us as soon as they know our projects, because they want to change, and improve the world, because they are good people. But it is the 1%, very bad, and powerful, that we have to keep out of all our activities. Preventing their entry, and if by chance they manage to log in, delete them immediately, and make them persona non grata. So, there is room for everyone, in our huge family, and in our huge home. But, as we always say, not all at once. Both for technical reasons and for reasons of order, and to be able to guarantee everyone the best assistance, and the right consideration, which is expected of us.

    The first words, with which we welcome everyone, after the welcome message, and the first instructions, are: patience, collaboration, logic, common sense, sincerity, reliability, opportunity, competence, equality (in the sense of giving everyone the same opportunities) , competence, respect for all rules, and mutual respect, of all people. We also repeat these messages of ours to anyone who reads them.

    We are sorry, if many world-renowned experts, or very famous specialists, or great experts from all sectors, were not invited, either because we were not sure we could count on them, or because in some cases we consider them too compromised, with the current political, financial, economic system, and there were not the right guarantees for us. Nobody prevents you from joining us, requesting a personalized invitation, if you are “judged” reliable, and useful to us. We do not want to offend anyone, and we assure you, the utmost consideration, and we offer anyone, at any time, roles based on merit.

    PS For various reasons, we have not explained all the details, and the methods of the people, whom we directly invite, who will receive, in person, all the information, and the personalized instructions.

    1.   03 November 2022
    2.   For Registration
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