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    • 194 Articles

    Principles are the moral foundations on which the concepts and norms are based, which an individual or a community are inspired by, and try to adhere to, or on which they regulate their behavior.

    Having sound principles is a moral obligation, a style of work that we at DirectDemocracyS have given ourselves from the first minute.

    To be the...

    Principles are the moral foundations on which the concepts and norms are based, which an individual or a community are inspired by, and try to adhere to, or on which they regulate their behavior.

    Having sound principles is a moral obligation, a style of work that we at DirectDemocracyS have given ourselves from the first minute.

    To be the innovative political force that every voter expected and sought, without ever getting caught up in the obsessive and sick search for consensus by any means.

    Create an ideal, and a political program, which takes every little positive part, eliminating every negative part, of the programs of the old politics, and of the old ideologies. Unite them all, in diversity, and make them useful for the entire world population.

    Becoming politically perfect right from the start, by preventing, avoiding and learning from the grave mistakes of the old policy.

    Put the collective interest first, and never the personal one, in all our decisions.

    Being fundamental for the conquest, and subsequent maintenance, of the authentic and only democracy, the direct one.

    Basing each of our decisions on logic, common sense, mutual respect, of all people, on rules, values, and ideals, which through a new mentality, and the clear distinction between good and evil, always choosing the well, let us change, and improve the world, and the life of every person.

    Giving everyone the same opportunities, putting into practice equality, always combined with meritocracy, the development of all individual and group skills, creating growth, both material and moral. Create healthy, fair and useful competition, always rewarding the best, never forgetting to leave no one behind.

    Create an alternative and better politics than anything that has existed in the course of history, without any kind of confrontation, but without ever making agreements, alliances, and any kind of coalitions, with any other political force, or with the representatives of the "old" politics, which together with the voters, which this reflects, have allowed us to live in an unjust world.

    Always start helping, improving the living conditions, material and moral, of the weakest, the defenseless, the most fragile, the poor, the sick, and those who have greater need and urgency, without ever taking anything away from those who are rich, if he has obtained his wealth, in an ethically correct way, with merit, innovation, and winning ideas, respecting people, and our planet.

    Not to be dominated, directed, influenced and coordinated by the old finance and the old economy, but to create credible, innovative and just alternatives, while maintaining a clear autonomy, even from one's own financial and economic projects.

    While respecting and supporting them all in the same way, do not allow any religion, and any of the representatives, of the various beliefs, to influence, advise, or expect anything from our projects, and from all our users. Faith in one or more Divinities is forever bound, and determined, by individual choices, which must have no interaction, with political, financial, and economic choices.

    Do not favor any social class, preventing and resolving any possible social conflict.

    Not just criticizing, but offering credible and functional alternatives and solutions to every type of problem.

    Don't lie, don't promise things, or make plans, unfeasible, for the sole purpose of winning the elections.

    Having, and putting into practice, the ideal of truth, based on science and documented evidence, avoiding unfounded assumptions, expecting that all the answers to all questions are always sought and found.

    To improve the material and moral living conditions of the entire world population, always starting with those who are in difficulty, and then helping everyone.

    Ensuring growth and economic development, in the interest of all, allowing anyone to live in dignity, working, and making themselves useful for society.

    Use an innovative method, which allows our voters, absolute, complete, and continuous control of every choice, proposal, or activity, of our political representatives, before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after the elections .

    Always respect, enforce, and put into practice, by all those who join us, always, each of our rules.

    Modify, improve, every Law, at every level, to make it useful to the entire population, preventing, and making it impossible, for some people, to take advantage, in an illicit and unethical way, of badly written Laws.

    Prevent the wrong actions of the smart ones, also by creating new opportunities for the honest, deserving, and competent people.

    Eliminate forever, from every country on earth, any type of war, terrorism, clashes, and violence, putting into practice mutual respect for all people, respect for minorities, just local autonomies, without ever changing or modifying borders, but eliminating artificial barriers, to allow everyone to live in peace.

    Find, accuse, try, and convict, for crimes against humanity, any person who orders, or carries out orders, to harm other human beings.

    Insert, in the oaths of all soldiers, the phrase: I swear to defend the life, values, and interests of the entire world population, of legality, freedom, democracy, defending my country, without ever attacking, for no reason, no other country.

    Use all the armies, to help, and to collaborate, with the forces of order, to contrast all types of crime, and to ensure, and enforce, compliance with all laws.

    Defending legality, contrasting and eliminating all kinds of crime, and any incorrect action, offering those involved in criminal activities the possibility of obtaining similar gains, but in a completely legal way.

    Defend, concretely helping, women, young people, the elderly, the most fragile, sexual minorities, preventing and preventing any kind of discrimination.

    To consider love, in all its legal forms, as the most powerful force in the universe, eliminating all kinds of violence, physical, verbal, or moral.

    Always be united in diversity.

    To expect from anyone who joins us, an active presence, continuous work, and a concrete commitment, to help us change and improve our world all together.

    Create, operate, and always keep active, a perfect mechanism, which allows us to put all our rules into practice, realizing as soon as possible, and in the best possible way, each of our ideals, each of our values, each of our principles , every sentence, every single point, written in this article, and in all our articles, past, and future.

    Those presented in this short but detailed article are a part of our principles, which we know may seem, at first glance, unfeasible, but we all have the duty to try, and the task of succeeding together.

    Join us to change and improve our world together.

    You just need to use a little of your free time to help others, and consequently yourself, and the next generations.

    Making utopias a concrete reality seems impossible: but simple things, everyone can do them, difficult and complicated things, only the best can do.

    1.   08 December 2022
    2.   Principles

    Official Rules.

    Registration and creation of personal profile.


    DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, allow everyone to have a username, not connected, to their real personal data.

    We guarantee anyone who joins us, the ability to remain anonymous, for as long as they wish.

    We give everyone the opportunity to choose if and...

    Official Rules.

    Registration and creation of personal profile.


    DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, allow everyone to have a username, not connected, to their real personal data.

    We guarantee anyone who joins us, the ability to remain anonymous, for as long as they wish.

    We give everyone the opportunity to choose if and which real personal data to share, if and when to share them, and, of course, with whom to share them. During registration, one must decide whether to be visible, or invisible, with real data, or anonymous, if, and which real data to share, if, and with whom they are shared.

    You can make any changes, at any time, to privacy, visibility, and anonymity, individually, after logging in, in our website.

    Real name.

    The real name of each of our users will be made public, only on the basis of very detailed internal rules.

    The real name and surname will be mandatory, for the creation of the new personal profile, as a political candidate, in the internal online primaries, and in the real elections, based on the specific regulation.

    Only our official members can be proposed, or self-proposed, as candidates, in the selection process, for our internal, closed primary elections. Only, and exclusively, in case of positive results, in the closed online primary elections, can one become a candidate, in the real elections, as political representatives, of DirectDemocracyS.

    The real name and surname of the candidate for political representative will be associated with the individual personal profile, only by special security groups.

    No one can communicate, request, investigate, or search, to link a username to a real name.

    Only special security groups can link the username to the real name, based on specific rules, with all the security measures, to guarantee the anonymity of anyone who joins us.


    The username, chosen on the basis of the specific rules, for registration, is used on the official DirectDemocracyS website, and in all related projects, to access our official websites, together with the password. In the first phase, the password can be identical, but for security reasons, we suggest everyone to change it, not using the same password, from one project to another.

    In some of our related projects, it is possible to use your e-mail address as a username.

    Banned usernames, in all languages.

    The following rules are valid for all languages.

    The username must not contain vulgar words, profanity, or offenses, not even the respective abbreviations. Not to offend other users, or our visitors.

    The user’s name must not contain company names, registered trademarks, and advertisements of anything, not even their respective abbreviations. Not to advertise to anyone.

    It must not contain the names of other political forces, nor their respective abbreviations.

    It must not contain, without all permissions, according to specific rules, names of DirectDemocracyS, and related projects.

    The username must not contain the full names of continents, countries, states, regions, provinces, districts, cities, or neighborhoods. Usernames, which contain names of geographical areas, are only the official ones, authorized by the special administration groups, and by the special security groups. Anyone who owns a username containing the name of a geographical area must request a change, immediately, according to the specific rules.

    The username must not contain names such as: administrator, security, specialist, expert, or names of people, or real things, or even work activities, which may mislead our other users, or our visitors.

    The perfect username.

    A personal code, created by each user, with an initial part, containing the first 2, or if you wish at most 3 letters, of the ISO code, of your country, information at this link going down the page: https:/ / or of your geographical area, with a combination of your choice, of at least 6, and at most 9 characters (preferably a combination of lowercase letters, and numbers, without special characters), represents the perfect username, which we recommend to everyone.

    In this way, you can maintain anonymity, and be sure of being included in the precise geographical groups of residence.

    Anyone who has a username, with the first name inside, or the surname, or both, real, if they wish, can keep it.

    We recommend everyone to always follow, and with great attention, all the advice for using the Internet, in the safest way, made through the press releases, articles, and posts, on the public page, of our Special Security Group.

    The same rules apply to each username, of the institutionalized profile, and to each username, to each request, of personalized e-mail.

    In certain cases, after the appointment, by our super administrators, certain administrators, may receive, usernames, as needed, to clarify any important roles, such as administrators, of our political organization, at the national level, they can receive the name of the country, where our organization is located. For example, the administrator, of our organization in the United States, will receive the username, of the institutional profile, United States.

    In other cases, again for administrators, the username of the institutional profile will receive, again from our super administrators, the username of the special group they coordinate, such as Security, Legality and others. The same goes for the various coordinators, groups of experts, specialists, and every working group.

    In some cases, various users, or various groups of users, or specifically named persons, manage the institutional profiles together, as needed.

    These norms, and rules, are an integral part of all our regulations, and in the case of contrary or different norms, the latest version must always be respected, which will become the definitive version, after the publication of the Definitive Official Regulations.


    1.   04 December 2022
    2.   For Registration

    Based on the rules, of DirectDemocracyS, the Regulation Group was formed.

    Amendment proposals.

    Your own modifications can be proposed to any public or private part published on our website, including, and above all, our Official Regulations, articles, and various rules.

    The period in which all modification requests can be proposed is from 03...

    Based on the rules, of DirectDemocracyS, the Regulation Group was formed.

    Amendment proposals.

    Your own modifications can be proposed to any public or private part published on our website, including, and above all, our Official Regulations, articles, and various rules.

    The period in which all modification requests can be proposed is from 03 December to 31 December 2022.

    Authorized users.

    All our verified registered users are allowed to submit modification proposals, according to our rules.

    How to present your ideas.

    To propose your own changes, you can send a message, with the current text, and the proposed change, via a contact form, made available, to all our users. The contact form is visible, and can be used, only to those who are entitled to it, and only after logging in, on our website.

    To propose the deletion of a certain article or a part of the text, the current text and the one resulting after the modification must be sent.

    To propose the addition of a new article or a new text, you must send the current text, and the one resulting after the addition of the new article or new text.

    Please be very detailed, always writing a premise, explaining: the reason for the message you send, and the possible benefits of this proposal of yours.

    This possibility of proposing one's own ideas does not oblige anyone to act on the basis of the proposals received.

    The Group of the Regulations may request further explanations from those proposing the amendments, in order to understand, and possibly accept, and implement the proposals received.

    The best ideas will be used, and the best users will be mentioned and rewarded.

    1.   03 December 2022
    2.   Internal communications

    Regulation group.

    The Official Rules of DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, have been created, by various groups, and have been published, in various editions. The first, preliminary edition contains the basic rules, suitable for making all our projects work, until the publication of the Definitive Official Rules.

    Every rule, every...

    Regulation group.

    The Official Rules of DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, have been created, by various groups, and have been published, in various editions. The first, preliminary edition contains the basic rules, suitable for making all our projects work, until the publication of the Definitive Official Rules.

    Every rule, every instruction, every communication, every announcement, and every article published in the Law menu item is an integral part of our rules.

    In all cases, until the publication of the Definitive Official Regulations, all the rules are valid, using the following method: the last article published, therefore the most recent, is valid, in the event that the previous one is not same.

    Anyone who has followed us since the beginning will have noticed a natural evolution of our rules, which have always had: the same purposes, the same values, the same principles, the same ideals, all based on logic and common sense. Those who have been with us from the first moment will have noticed a few more details, which without ever distorting the previous rules, help everyone to better understand the previous publications.

    Above all, it is a question of minimal changes, of internal rules, or of additions, because one of our basic rules prevents the new rules from changing the meaning of the previous rules. Even the last sentence, which will seem unfair, prevents us from distorting and modifying the logical sense and the moral aspects of everything we do.


    Always improve, and explain every little detail, to make all the gears of our immense mechanism work perfectly.


    The Rulebook Group aims to produce the Final Official Rulebook.

    The Group of the Regulations, during its work, and at the end of the definitive votes, of the Regulations, will remain active, as a Special Group for the Evaluation of Regularity, with the task of evaluating absolutely every user, group, page, activity, voting, if is it regulatory, or is it not.


    The Regulation Group is made up of an official representative, of DirectDemocracyS, and one, representing each of our connected projects, each of our continental organizations, each national group, appointed by their respective administrators.

    More people can be nominated, always with the minimum qualification of official representative, who can participate, in a coordinated manner, at the level of each group, but only one at a time.

    As far as voting is concerned, whoever is present at the time of the vote can vote, or a representative authorized to vote can be delegated.

    Work methodology.

    For each article, and if necessary, for each sentence, but also, for each single word, everyone chooses together, by voting.

    It starts from the existing rules, which must be integrated, with all the information published, up to the moment in which the work is started.


    The first vote, up to the third vote, included, as for all our votes, is approved, only if 50%, +1 vote, of the total number of people, entitled to vote, is in favor.

    From the fourth vote, 50%, +1 vote, of the total number of people participating in the vote is sufficient.

    At the end of the work, after the vote of the last article, there will be the final vote, for all the complete Definitive Official Regulations.

    After the resolution, of any complaints, and after all the verifications, it will be published, and visible, in the established order: Super Administrators, Administrators, Official Representatives, Official Members, Verified Users, Registered Users, guests, and finally, made public, also to the press, on our official website.

    Will be present, to help the group, without the right to vote, and to participate in the proposals, decisions, and discussions, the official representatives of all the special groups, coordination groups, information groups, contact groups, and other necessary groups.

    More information, in the public, private, and secret page, which present the various activities of the Regulation Group.

    Duration of the Regulation Group: unlimited.

    The proposed amendments will be sent from 03 to 31 December 2022, based on the Specific Regulation.

    The discussion of the amendments will begin from 01 January 2022, and the final vote, for the ratification of the Definitive Official Regulation, which will become the Official Regulation, is expected on 30 June 2023.

    1.   03 December 2022
    2.   Internal communications

    Registration, and creation of personal profiles.

    We receive many messages, and we need to clarify some very important concepts.

    The first words of this article are an appeal addressed to all of you, esteemed visitors, and they are: always be patient, calm, reason, inform yourself, contact us, and insist.

    This advice applies to everything you...

    Registration, and creation of personal profiles.

    We receive many messages, and we need to clarify some very important concepts.

    The first words of this article are an appeal addressed to all of you, esteemed visitors, and they are: always be patient, calm, reason, inform yourself, contact us, and insist.

    This advice applies to everything you do in your life, especially if after having fully informed yourself, you wish to join us.

    To register, and join us, you will need to create a personal profile on our website.

    From 1 December 2022, only, and exclusively, on our official website, you will receive all our information, instructions, and you can contact us, only, and exclusively, through the official contact forms, according to your needs (please always use the appropriate form, based on your questions), present in the Main Menu.

    We only answer questions, the answers to which are not present in our articles. This method, rude at first sight, is not due to lack of availability or collaboration, but for the simple reason that we have a lot of very important work to do, and we prefer to anticipate every question, with our articles, which often contain answers to the questions of our visitors. We have received, and still receive, many compliments, and many questions, even proposals, and criticisms, often constructive. Some offense, which we don't believe we deserve, and some threats, which don't scare us in the slightest, but show that we are annoying, and that we are on the right track.

    Before asking us any question, carefully read all our articles, based on the type of topic that interests you, or for which you have some doubts. You will find all the answers by yourself, and you will discover our project, in many interesting aspects.

    You can find all our articles, divided into various categories, in an orderly manner, in the Main Menu, under the menu item: Law.

    Our representatives, on social networks, can communicate with you, but they will never be able to answer you, advise you, and help you, like our official representatives, and administrators, directly from our official website.

    We remind you that we use social networks, and other websites, only to present, from time to time, some of our news, or some announcements.

    From the beginning, we have not carried out, and will never carry out, any type of political, financial, or economic activity, on social networks, and on other sites, with the exception of each of our official websites.

    The reasons are simple, we like them: freedom, independence, autonomy, security, order, and speed.


    Although, at first glance, it seems very complicated, selective, exclusive, and difficult, the registration process, with all its stages, can be very simple, fast, and suitable for everyone.

    Even the time, which passes from being a simple visitor to being a verified registered user, varies, from 5 minutes (if you have an electronic signature, everything is practically immediate), up to about 45 days (if we verify your identity, via a video call) the time varies, based on the number of requests, and the number of administrators available.

    We specify immediately, that while allowing people, practically always, to join us, our political organization, DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects, have not yet been made public to all.

    We still have some work to do, to make our political organization known to the whole world, and to give the possibility to all the good people of the earth, to join DirectDemocracyS. We want to be ready, to welcome everyone, in the best possible way.

    We have to specify this, because many people might think that in this preliminary stage, we are too selective, and that we choose, too carefully, whoever requests to join us.

    You are right, we have to be very careful, because whoever registers, enters our home (which is our website), and comes into contact with our immense family (which is made up of all our members).

    In order to respect all our rules, and make the enormous mechanism of DirectDemocracyS and all related projects work perfectly, we must choose all our users with care and maximum attention. By placing every right person, in the right role, in our inevitable hierarchies.

    We thank, from the bottom of our hearts, all those who have signed up, and all those who will continue to do so.

    We also thank those who intend to register, and unfortunately will find, in certain periods, a message, which will warn them that registrations are blocked, suspended, or closed.

    In other periods, the activations of new profiles by our administrators, with very few exceptions, may last longer than 45 days, due to the large number of people who join us.

    Your recordings, numerous and continuous, give us enormous pleasure.

    It means you love our political project. Let it be clear, we are enthusiastic about it, and your compliments make us proud of our work.

    Invitations, personalized.

    In certain periods, you may be able to enter, only on the basis of personalized invitations, made by our official and authorized members. From our admins.

    In other periods, we can completely block each new registration for a few days or weeks.

    All these interruptions are necessary, to allow us to be able to welcome, each person, who joins us, with respect, the right attention, and consideration, from many of our collaborators, who will do everything necessary, to make them feel, always protagonists, and of course, offering all the necessary information.

    We must always bring into the various working groups, and in the various roles, on a basis of equality of opportunity, but always meritocratic, all the people already registered, and with verified identities, before being able to welcome many new users.

    We have foreseen various phases, which cannot be skipped, because respect for all the rules, safety and order must always come first.

    We are sorry if some of you feel neglected, or worse, teased, for taking the long time to join us.

    We assure you; it is not our intention to disrespect anyone. On the contrary, it is precisely to give due importance to everyone that we must work in this way.

    Many will surely lose patience and give up joining us, we are sorry, and we consider a defeat, every person who wants to join us, with the best intentions, and then gives up, for too long, necessary, the various stages of registration.

    Our appeal is to be patient, both to register (just come back and try again, perhaps after a few days, or a couple of weeks), and for activation by our administrators.

    After entering, you will have a new universe of projects, all of them useful and interesting. You will also be able to present yourself, your projects, of all kinds, and carry them out together with our other members.

    If you always respect all our rules, and all our instructions, no one will block you, and no one will exclude you.

    You will enjoy all our consideration, all our respect, all our esteem, and all our trust.

    If, on the other hand, you betray our trust, believe yourself to be clever, or behave unethically and against our rules, you will be warned, blocked, excluded, and made persona non grata, as the case may be.

    The same goes for those who register, and remain a spectator, after a couple of warning messages, we will block them, and subsequently, we will exclude them by making them persona non grata.

    Anyone who registers, and then cancels their profile, or does not request to become a verified user, within 15 days from the moment in which their personal profile is activated by one of our administrators, wastes some (very little) time us, but he loses a lot of it, uselessly himself, because he will be excluded forever, and made persona non grata.

    But we will talk about it in detail, in our article on safety, and on the various disciplinary sanctions.

    Follow all the instructions carefully, in the manner and within the times required. Respect all our rules, and always have an exemplary behavior, and you will be able, in the shortest time, to also have very important roles and great satisfactions. Obviously, every role must be deserved, and maintained, continuously, with one's work, and with one's behavior.

    We always say, sooner or later, anyone who is a good person will be able to join us. And he can stay with us, as long as he continues to be a good person.

    We conclude with a brief answer to the question you often ask us: why don't you allow registration, through your own profile, from the main social networks?

    Our computer system, to allow anyone to register, requires only: a personal, individual email address and personal choice, a username (based on specific rules), and a password consisting of at least 12 characters (preferably composed of numbers, upper- and lower-case letters, and various characters).

    Obviously, we have to verify the identity of each of our registered users in an automatic, safe, simple and fast way, for those who have an electronic signature, and in a slightly more complex way, through a video call, for those who do not have, the electronic signature.

    Practically nothing is needed, but obviously, to pass from a verified registered user to an official member, you must be up to date with the payment of the annual fee.

    But we have already talked about the financial aspect, which is fundamental both for us and for the future of DirectDemocracyS, and we will talk about it in detail in the future.

    Thanks for your understanding. We guarantee you that all of us are doing a very difficult and very tiring job to keep everything functional, safe, and tidy. 

    1.   02 December 2022
    2.   Fundamental questions
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