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    Since February 24, 2022, the world is no longer the same. A year of pain, for the whole world.

    What was supposed to be, a rapid (there was talk of a few hours, a couple of days) and a cowardly invasion (a strong country attacking a weaker country), by the Russians, to favor a coup d'état, and change the partially democratic Ukrainian regime,...

    Since February 24, 2022, the world is no longer the same. A year of pain, for the whole world.

    What was supposed to be, a rapid (there was talk of a few hours, a couple of days) and a cowardly invasion (a strong country attacking a weaker country), by the Russians, to favor a coup d'état, and change the partially democratic Ukrainian regime, by putting a pro-Russian government, certainly dictatorial and authoritarian, at the helm of Ukraine, has transformed itself into an even more tragic conflict, in which various countries have entered.

    The resistance of the proud and courageous Ukrainian people has displaced everyone, especially the Russians, but also the United States, and the West, who already believed they had to let the Ukrainian President flee from Kiev.

    Volodymyr Zelensky remained the President of Ukraine, and his government (with some changes) remained firmly and courageously in power. A modern, and tragic, David against Goliath.

    In our recent article on foreign policy, in the final part, we spoke again about the difficult situation in Ukraine. We invite you to read it, at this link:

    We talked about it, to make people understand, the falsehood, and the ability of some political representatives, without any value, not to respect the agreements. We are obviously referring to the main culprit of all this death and destruction. The Russian President, Vladimir Putin, has not respected the Budapest Memorandum, already in 2014, with the invasion of Crimea, with the United States and the West, which have not lifted a finger to help Ukraine. In a completely self-defeating way, the whole world, including the UN, limited themselves to condemning the invasion, without any more courageous measure of condemnation. Even those, who in exchange for Ukraine's renunciation of over 1900 nuclear warheads, given (ironically) to the Russians, to be "decommissioned", had guaranteed, for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, together to Russia, i.e., the United States, the United Kingdom, and Europe. But we don't want to repeat the same things, so we send you the links of some of our articles on the sad story, we advise you to read them carefully:

    and we have talked about it, in other interviews, dedicated articles, and official positions, and we are sure that you will find a lot of interesting information.

    The world of foreign policy works like this, the strongest countries that control the world are mainly 3, in order, the United States, Russia, and China. The only ones, partially democratic, therefore the "best" in terms of freedom and rights, are the United States. The others are dictatorships, oligarchic Russia, oligarchic and "communist", China.

    Therefore, dear friends "fans" of Putin, or subjects of the rising sun, if one has to choose who to be subjugated by, whoever chooses the United States lives better and is freer than Russia and China (if not admit you are false, and liars). It is always advisable to be on the side of freedom and partial democracy, always preferable to the absolute lack of freedom and guaranteed dictatorship. Unfortunately, the world is full of ignorant people, who are unable to distinguish partial good from total evil, above all out of frustration, anti-Americanism and anti-capitalism, only partially motivated. But we have already talked about these issues as well.

    These 3 countries decide who governs, in the various countries, they decide the program of the various submissive governments. Everyone must respect the orders received, favor certain commercial companies, buy and market weapons. They are called spheres of influence. You have to decide which side to take, and who to side with.

    But the 3 leaders of the world, every now and then, try to "steal" one country from another, as in a tragic game of Risk.

    We have already explained to you how the vote and the decisions of the people, of any people, count for nothing. All over the world, there is an oligarchic party system, even in democratic countries. We have also told you that the old politics has almost always been subjugated to financial and economic powers.

    The aspect, which we will address today, one year after the beginning, of the senseless Russian invasion of Ukraine, is how the politics, endowed with power, and strength (financial, economic, and military), or super politics, of United States, Russia, and China, decide the fate of all other countries. The world is all theirs.

    Official treaties, international laws, and "official" diplomacy count for nothing, they are just a facade, and nobody fully respects them. Some of these international laws are also sensible, to try to predict and prevent conflicts. But applying them, with all the propaganda, falsehoods, and futile motives of the 3 superheroes of world politics (United States, Russia, and China), is practically impossible.

    The United States does not hesitate to create false evidence, together with the United Kingdom, France, and other allies, in order to export, unsolicited by anyone, their false, and partial "democracy". They make the "liberated" populations hate the noble word, never put into practice by them, "democracy". All the countries attacked by the West wonder if "democracy" foresees bombings, even of civilians, of hospitals, and many dead, wounded, pain, suffering and fear, and changed regimes, with other weak and submissive ones, distorting and often making the lives of entire populations worse. We too ask ourselves, if the Japanese (who were the first in history to experience 2 atomic bombs in 2 densely populated cities) ask, if North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, Afghanistan, in Libya, in Iraq, and in many other states in the world, where anyone who was not submissive, with good manners, was subdued, or with ruthless sanctions (inhuman and cruel), which reduced to hunger and made entire peoples suffer , or with bombings, and military invasions, with dead, wounded, and immense fear, and pain. So "Western" politics cannot give anyone lessons in morality and humanity. Sanctions, and reducing peoples to hunger and despair, in order to carry out coups d'état, by the population, or by the military, is shameful, as is any violence, any "intelligent" bombing. But do you realize? They call them the "smart" bombs, these cunning, greedy, selfish, and savage, demented liars. Not to mention, mass graves, in some cases invented, atomic arsenals, declared, and never found. No one would ever attack a country that actually has the atomic bomb, as demonstrated by Iran (which having oil and gas is attractive, but dangerous, due to its proximity to Israel, a US ally), and recently by North Korea (who has no wealth, and nobody cares). Anything goes, just to drop bombs, and carry out air raids. After all, oil, natural wealth, the strategic positions of certain countries, are of interest to everyone, as it is to everyone, to control entire countries, and to control trafficking of all kinds, even illegal, unethical, and morally reprehensible. Not to mention the military invasions, which consume weapons, which will then be replaced with more expensive ones. With wars, you earn, with weapons (whoever produces them, and sells them, pays well, large commissions, to everyone), both in destroying entire countries and in rebuilding what has been destroyed.

    Russia does exactly the same thing as the US, with a more ruthless twist. It attacks, bombs, kills, wounds, rapes, starves, even its own allies. Its own sister countries, which were part of the huge, bankrupt, utopian Communist Empire. Its neighbors, such as Finland, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Georgia, and lately Ukraine, and we believe soon Moldova, know well how traitors, cruel, and wicked Russian "comrades" are (we always refer to Russian politics, and never to the glorious, submissive, exploited and betrayed Russian people). They are in the worst way, lying (with propaganda, and historical revisionism), giving a damn, of the various treaties, of any agreement, and betraying the former allies. Therefore, the same discourse also applies to them, with the aggravating circumstance of the oligarchic dictatorship, the killing of many opponents, and prison, even for those who pronounce the word "war". Technically, they are right, there is no declaration of war, their "special military operation", is one of the most shameful, cruel, and senseless, in the entire history of mankind. Having Russians as friends and neighbors is never pleasant, because they are quite unpredictable. All the countries that are around Russia are trying in every way to join NATO or alliances to avoid being attacked by those who have sworn to defend them.

    The United States, at least attacked dictatorships, often ruthless, and often, even with partially understandable, and partially true (although always highly politicized) motivations. We will always protest, and we will always be on the side of those who are attacked and defend themselves, and we will never be on the side of those who attack.

    For now, China prefers to bribe politicians, buying what it needs, at 10% of the value. Slowly, slowly, one country at a time, we are "buying" an entire continent, Africa. In addition to having bought almost a third of the public debt of the United States and other countries from the "free market", in order to be able to work in the world without being disturbed by anyone. We'll see what they do in Taiwan, because it seems to us that they have bad intentions. Let's hope we're wrong.

    We have presented you, in a nutshell, the 3 protagonists of world politics who count for something.

    We would like to have invented something, we would like to tell you: it was all a lie, nothing of what we wrote is true. Unfortunately for everyone, we never lie, and everything we write is the truth, because we are: independent, free, and completely alternative to the cruelties and falsehoods to which almost all the old politics has accustomed you. Many things, which we have written, are known by many people. Obviously, everyone only tells you the parts that suit them, it's called propaganda, and political interest. Others tell you only part of the truth, because they receive wire transfers, in tax havens. Politicians, journalists and famous personalities who take sides on one side or the other, without telling the whole truth, are often corrupt and have political interests. Many of these subjects would sell their own mother, for a little fame, power, or for a little wealth. Let's hope for them that they aren't so stupid and ignorant that they don't recognize right from wrong. No one, cannot dispute, not even a word of what we write, in each of our articles. Unlike those who write out of interest, we look at everything, at 360°, and we have reliable documented sources, and experts, whom we blindly trust.

    The various motivations, which may justify, for some sick minds, an invasion, such as the Russian one, such as the precarious situation of ethnic minorities in Ukraine (not only the Russian one), or other senseless reasons, are only attempts to motivate the absolute evil. An immense pain, which thanks to the criminal foreign policies of these 3 countries: United States, Russia, and China, feel above all, the civilian populations, and the military who die to defend their country. Unfortunately for them, the families of the dead and the invaders also suffer. But if those who defend their country, their sovereignty, their land, and above all their freedom with their lives, are heroes, those who attack, invade, and die are just one less villain.

    Wars and violence of all kinds are always organized by the powerful, on the life and pain of innocent people.

    History cannot be invented, and international treaties must be respected, always and by everyone.

    We conclude, with a message, and with information, that we have never given you.

    DirectDemocracyS doesn't enjoy criticizing the old, corrupt, and failed politics. We feel no pleasure, and it is not thanks to criticism, that soon, all the intelligent, good people of the earth will join us, and vote for our candidates. We say things, to make you understand what others are doing, and to tell you how we will do it. We guarantee you, and we swear to you, that we will definitely be different, and better, than all the old politics. You will have noticed that we will make very little effort to do better than them. It is literally impossible to do worse than them.

    Read, with an open mind, everything we publish, and if you feel suitable, and compatible, with our proposals, and with our ideas, and you feel ready, to change, and improve the world, join us, and let's do it, all together. Humanity will win, we, united, will make it win.

    1.   24 February 2023
    2.   Russian invasion of Ukraine

    There are 2 types of possibilities to join us: free, in which anyone can join us, based on detailed rules, or, on the basis of personal invitations, individual.


    During the block of free registrations, i.e., when you try to register, and create a personal profile, to join us, and the registration form does not work, or the message...

    There are 2 types of possibilities to join us: free, in which anyone can join us, based on detailed rules, or, on the basis of personal invitations, individual.


    During the block of free registrations, i.e., when you try to register, and create a personal profile, to join us, and the registration form does not work, or the message appears: registrations are suspended, you will be redirected to this article. We advise you to read it carefully.

    Currently, registration, and the creation of a personal profile, is only permitted on the basis of invitations.

    For details on registrations, we advise you to read the following links carefully, even several times, completely and in order, for all general information:

    to choose the best username:

    for registration rules:

    for information on how to be activated:

    For general information on invitation-based registration:

    and finally read carefully, the continuation of this article.

    During the registration phase, based on invitations, there are only 3 ways to join us.

    The first is for everyone, and it's simple, fast, secure, and absolutely free.

    It must be used, only once (don't be insistent, we reply to everyone, in the right time), only through the contact form, which you find at this link (other forms, or direct contacts, will not receive any response).

    You must write your full name and surname (with real data), your email address, as "subject" simply write: invitation request. In the message, write briefly a presentation, with real data, and at least one reason, both for your invitation request, and at least one reason, for DirectDemocracyS, to invite you. We advise you to tick the box: Send a copy to yourself (to have proof, and a copy of the submission, and confirmation, that you have sent the form correctly). Below the writing: Enter the captcha security code (write the characters you see, to prove you're not a robot). Always tick the box: Privacy policy (without which, you will not receive an answer, because we will not be able to manage your personal data, authorized by you). Finally, click on: Send email (quickly check everything first). You will receive our reply, with all the instructions, and with all possible requests, fairly quickly. Do not send several requests, because in that case, you will never be invited. Writing the wrong or false personal data does not help you, because we verify everyone's identities.

    The second method is that of direct invitation, on our part.

    The official invitation is decided by the Invitation Group. Each selected person will receive directly from us, based on our rules, and with all the necessary security measures, a message, with all the instructions, in each phase.

    In all cases, after having received a personal code and instructions, each person has 48 hours to accept the invitation, following each instruction received.

    After 48 hours, the invitation is automatically cancelled, and the invited person will not be able to request to be invited, and will never be invited again, to join DirectDemocracyS.

    Obviously, the invitations refused by the person invited by us directly, or those who will not be invited (based on your request), will be able to join DirectDemocracyS, by registering, and creating a personal profile, with the traditional method, as soon as, and if, it will be allowed again. We advise you to always accept our invitations within the required time frame, because traditional methods of registration often require very long times, in some cases, even many months, while with invitations, in a few hours, or a few days, you will be ours registered and activated users. The invitations are only personal, individual, and cannot be transferred to others. In some cases, some of our deserving users, based on the roles and groups they belong to, may be granted permission to invite other people, always, and only in an official way, through the Invitation Group.

    Identity verification is mandatory, even for all invited people.

    All invited people must prove their identity, there are no exceptions, in any case.

    Payment of the annual fee.

    The membership fee, for those who want, or are selected, to become an official member, for invited people, is paid exactly, like for any other of our verified users. Obviously, for people with financial problems, funds are provided, reserved only to help deserving people, but who cannot afford, due to lack of money, to pay the annual fee. The funds raised are used for the development of our activities, and allow us to be able to work freely and independently without financial problems.

    Attention: the invitation phase is always valid, even during the normal registration phase, and the creation of one's personal profile.

    In certain cases, when the link to access the invitation request form, to request an invitation, is not accessible, it means that we have an excessive number of requests. In that case, you will have to wait for the form to be available again, and accessible online. In those cases, sending is possible only and exclusively if you are selected and invited directly by the Invitation Group.

    The third and last method involves joining (for a fee, currently 12 Euros, per year), through the creation, by our Email Address Creation Group, of a personalized email address, with the ending @directdemocracys .org that allows owners to become an official member, faster and easier. It is also possible to join (for a fee, currently 24 Euros, and subsequently, after a year, 12 Euros per year), through the creation, by our Email Address Creation Group, of an email address personalized, ending and the registration, and creation, of your personal profile, by our Personal Profile Creation Group which allows the holders of the personalized email address, and of the personal profile created by us, to become an official member, faster, and easier. Usually, waiting times do not exist, or are just a few hours. Attention: also, this modality, to join us, can be interrupted, for certain periods, according to our needs. Do not condemn us, if for certain activities, we ask for a small and justified payment. The services received, the advantages, and the facilities reserved for those who decide to take advantage of our paid offers, far exceed the small sums required, but they help us to remain free, independent, and to self-finance ourselves. We never ask for anything, without reciprocating, what we receive, with interest. We will talk about it in dedicated articles. But to find out about all our paid services, you can read the various offers, selecting the one you prefer, at this link:

    There are no group methods of registration and creation of collective personal profiles, and no group invitations. You register, and create a personal profile, in a personal, individual way.

    In all cases, users will be informed, always in detail, of all the various possibilities, and of the necessary times foreseen.

    All of our rules, all of our methodologies, serve to guarantee DirectDemocracyS, and anyone who joins us, all the tranquility, security, and all the necessary potential.

    Do they look complicated?

    They are very simple, safe, and clear, and anyone who has tried them can guarantee you that they are exactly functional, and useful, for everyone.

    However, you decide to join us, we thank you for your trust, which is reciprocated.

    After joining us, and after joining our family, everything will be very simple, and you will see that it is worth it.

    The political forces that accept everyone, without limits, and without the right selections, are only apparently simpler, and are only falsely free. With us, no one is excluded for what they say, think, write, or show (via video). If he does it, in the right ways, times and places, respecting all our rules.

    The old politics is false, illusory democracy and partial freedom.

    DirectDemocracyS, for those who know it, is authentic democracy and total freedom.

    Warning: to avoid wasting time, and to prevent any type of scam, always check that each invitation you receive must have a unique code. To do so, use only and exclusively the contact form of our Special Security Group, at this link:

    You must write your full name and surname (with real data), your email address, as "subject" simply write: verify invitation. In the message, write briefly a presentation, with real data, and a reason, both for your invitation request and for DirectDemocracyS to invite you. Give every detail about the invitation you received, to allow our administrators a quick and complete check. We advise you to tick the box: Send a copy to yourself (to have proof, and a copy of the submission, and confirmation, that you have sent the form correctly). Below the writing: Enter the captcha security code (write the characters you see, to prove you're not a robot). Always tick the box: Privacy policy (without which, you will not receive an answer, because we will not be able to manage your personal data). Finally, click on: Send email (quickly check everything before sending). You will receive our reply, with all the instructions, and with all possible requests, fairly quickly. Do not send several requests of the same type, because in that case, you will never be invited, and you will not receive any response. Writing the wrong or false personal data does not help you, because we verify everyone's identities.

    Also verify the identity of whoever speaks to you, or contacts you, on our behalf, both inside and outside our political organization, and both inside and outside our website, according to these simple safety rules:

    We must be united, to protect anyone from possible scams, and from people who speak on our behalf, having no right. We advise you to always wait for the response of our Special Security Group before continuing to speak with these people.

    To find out the reasons for these choices, as regards the various registration possibilities, read this article carefully, completely, even several times:

    in the initial part, we explain the reasons, and the beneficial consequences, of all these choices.

    For more information, after registration, read carefully the following link:

    contains some useful links, for each new user.


    1.   24 February 2023
    2.   For Registration

    DirectDemocracyS, in the first periods of its existence, can be compared to an elevator.

    If too many people get on it, all together, there is a risk of not being able to get on all those who are inside.

    The huge success, which started between the end of the year 2022 and the beginning of the year 2023, has allowed us to explain to everyone...

    DirectDemocracyS, in the first periods of its existence, can be compared to an elevator.

    If too many people get on it, all together, there is a risk of not being able to get on all those who are inside.

    The huge success, which started between the end of the year 2022 and the beginning of the year 2023, has allowed us to explain to everyone that we had foreseen every possible problem, and that we have all the solutions.

    So, we knew that registrations and the creation of personal profiles would increase, and obviously, we have had all the security and organizational measures ready for many years.

    But first, a quick summary on how they will try to slow us down, those we bother.

    At first, they hoped to stop us by ignoring us, and making it difficult for us to get to know each other.

    They did it, towards us, through a 2-month block, on one of the main social networks. They have reported, our groups, and our presentation pages, and our website, as unsafe, in a false, sneaky way, and proving to be despicable, but also, with the positioning practically, in the last places, on the major search engines, even going so far as to report one of our IP addresses, in order not to allow registrations, on our website, through the main email managers (which we quickly resolved). We have always thanked for these incorrect behaviors, because they allowed us to do 3 things, which are very important to us. The first was being able to test, all of our troubleshooting measures, and all of our security methods. We assure you, that everything worked perfectly. The second was being able to grow in a controlled way, without creating chaos, with users registering in a disorganized way, therefore being able to control and welcome all those who joined us in the best possible way. Giving anyone who joins us a proper welcome, making everyone feel at ease, with the necessary information, and all the instructions, is fundamental for us. The third was to demonstrate to everyone how certain unethical and certainly incorrect behaviors are specific to much of the old policy. We, we don't bother anyone, we don't copy anyone, we weren't born, against something, or against someone. We do our job, without worrying, and without being interested in what others are doing, as long as they don't attack us, don't copy our ideas, and don't commit acts, to stop us, or sabotage us. One thing that disturbs the old politics, the old finance, and the old economy is that we are a valid and better alternative to everything that exists. We were born, to be prefects, and to be the best, in all our activities, and never, and for any reason, to behave like them. We were born, never to make their own mistakes. We annoy because we are different, and certainly better than them, and over time, we will prove it to everyone. We are in no hurry, because we like to do everything, calmly, carefully and with attention to every detail.

    In the future, they will try to slow us down by having lots of people register all at once. If before the fake profiles, which in our country, until their identity is verified, can't do anything decisive, were around 0.2%, in the last period, we are around 30%. An expected but important increase that doesn't scare us, but requires our utmost attention, and slows us down a bit. We explained to you that especially at the beginning, we are a little more vulnerable, not having all the internal structures well organized, formed by groups of our users. But don't worry, if you love us, because there are no problems, or behaviors, that we didn't foresee. Don't delude yourself that you can create problems for us, if instead you hate us, you have no chance of slowing us down, or even stopping us. We know very well how to deal with every possible problem.

    Now, let's make a necessary premise.

    DirectDemocracyS, has not yet been officially presented to the world. We have been made public, with our projects, for a short time (the website, where we work, has existed since June 21, 2021), if you look at the date of this article, you will realize that we have practically just been born, therefore unknown to almost everyone.

    When the time is right, all the people of the world will know us, and you will be surprised by the way we will let everyone know it, which is innovative and incredible, like all our activities.

    We like success, but there are precise times for each phase of our existence.

    Everyone likes to grow, above all, if it is a political organization which bases its existence on the consents and votes of the population, like all old politics. In this aspect, we are no different from all the other political forces, without the consensus, without the affection, and the vote in the elections, of all the intelligent and good people of the earth, our work would not be possible, and it would not have the expected effects, for the good of all the people of the earth.

    We don't even have a doubt, we know well that everyone will be able to choose at the right time.

    Our innovation is an alternative to all the old politics and everything that is out there. People, with DirectDemocracyS, finally have a new political road to travel, all together. You only need to read what we offer to understand our potential. Do not tell us, as always, that we are presumptuous, but try to understand that we have every reason to be proud of our very hard and long work. Read, even several times, with an open mind, all our articles, and then, you will be able to say that you know who we are, and what we offer.

    Blocking of registrations.

    Blocking registrations, and allowing people to join us, only on the basis of invitations, does not mean discriminating. Don't forget, that we rely on logic, common sense, and mutual respect, of all people. Carefully selecting the first ones to join us is a must, to allow us the best results. Anyone in our place would do it. Unfortunately, we will soon be forced to do so. And also, several times, for variable periods of time, even long ones. Many can't wait to find fault with our perfection. Unfortunately for you, you will be disappointed, this time too, as happens every time, when you think you can find fault with our work. If we did that, after being officially introduced, to the whole world, it would actually be a bit discriminatory, to prevent people from joining us freely. But we can assure you that as soon as we are in the public domain, anyone will be able to register and create a personal profile, freely, and without the need for invitations. In the future, thanks to word of mouth, it will be enough for everyone to read our presentation article (the one on the front page, on our website), to decide to join us immediately.

    Why do we carefully select the first ones to join us?

    In addition to everything previously written, even in our other articles (safety dangers, and possible sabotage), there are reasons for opportunity.

    It is not appropriate, and not even right, to make the various users wait too long to be activated and to be able to start working with us. We want registrations, and activations, very fast, without accumulating too much work, to be disposed of, in a hasty way.

    It is not appropriate, and not even right, to make the various registered users wait too long to be able to verify their identity, and to be able to work concretely with us. The identity verification phases of anyone who joins us are fundamental, and must be done in the right time and manner.

    It is not appropriate, nor right, to make the various verified registered users wait too long to be able to pay the annual fee (a contribution, for the development of our activities, of 12 Euros per year, valid for 12 months, from the in which you are accepted, and appointed official member), and to be able to work effectively, together with us, as owners (receiving a single share, individual, non-cumulative, and non-transferable), of our political organization, of our website, and of all our activities.

    These fundamental phases, of each of our users, which are: registration, activation, identity verification, and appointment as an official member, are done over time (often serving long periods), in a shared way, and with all security measures.

    Let's see the types of users, in brief.

    There are visitors to our website who are like people you meet on the street.

    Our registered users, whom you can call: acquaintances (newly known people).

    Our verified users, who you can call, good friends, whom we trust, because we know who they are, and over time we get to know them better. They themselves learn, over time, and by working together, to get to know us and our activities.

    Finally, there are our official members, whom you may call relatives (family members), or in-laws, who make a decisive and concrete contribution to our activities together. The famous 12 Euros a year, receiving services, benefits, and facilities, for a higher value. We have already talked about it, and we will talk about it in detail, in an article reserved for our users.

    Our ties of friendship and kinship require long periods of time and mutual knowledge.

    This methodology, which at first glance may seem slow and complicated to some, serves to make us infallible and unassailable.

    There are no political projects in the whole world, with our rules and our working method.

    We told you, and we repeat, to create our basic rules, our values, ideals, principles, and all our "particularities", which make us the first and only ones in the world to do these things, in this way, it took a few months of planning. By early 2008, we had already created, and recorded, 98% of our core ideas.

    From 2008 to 21 June 2021, therefore for many years, 282 people always worked, in their spare time, a couple of hours a day, to make everything work flawlessly. Being perfect, and infallible, doesn't just mean being beautiful, but above all useful, and making everything work perfectly.

    If we didn't do everything, exactly the way we designed it, we would be vulnerable, and we would risk, having wonderful ideas, poorly implemented. And we cannot afford to "play" with the present and the future of so many good people who have joined us and will soon. Altogether, united, we work to change and improve the world.

    To those who believe us presumptuous, we say that we have every reason to be proud of our work, because unlike superficial people, who condemn us without knowing, we know very well, all the hard work, sweat, and effort, that we have done, to conceive, and to create from scratch, all of this.

    To those who believe in it, not open to ideas, or changes, at first glance without knowing us, we simply say that DirectDemocracyS only works like this, and that we are open to all ideas, to all projects, to any constructive discussion, to expand and improve our political organization, without changing or distorting what we have built so far.

    Let us dwell briefly on the annual fee, valid from the moment of appointment as official member of our verified registered users. It is a fundamental step, from being simple but good friends, to becoming members of the same family. Those who have joined us are surprised by the fact that we do not ask for money, and we even advise our verified users, not to be in a hurry, to become our official member, and then to pay. We never refuse, voluntary donations, always, and only through our donation forms, always, and only on our official website. As we have written several times, DirectDemocracyS is, and always will be, independent, and free. The old politics, on the other hand, often depends on finance, the economy, and rich and powerful people or businesses. We like to be able to do our job, for the exclusive good of the entire population, always starting to help people and businesses that are in difficulty first. In order to be independent, and therefore free, we must be self-sufficient, from a financial point of view, and we all know that we will never incur debts, and we will not accept exaggerated voluntary donations, which could make us "subjects", or debtors, to those who helps us.

    Nowadays, everyone is afraid of scams, and few are willing to trust them. Let alone, trust us, that we "appeared out of nowhere", and that we are known by very few, and selected people. We don't ask you for trust, or money (only voluntary donations, and if you wish, the annual fee, to become an official member), but we ask you to inform yourself by reading all our articles on our website. You will understand that we are reliable, and that we keep our promises over time. But knowing us first, it will be easier for you to join us, and to work together.

    In many periods, we will be forced to block registrations, for a variable but often long time. These blocks will allow us to welcome everyone, in a reasonable time, and in the best possible way. We don't apologize, to anyone, for these temporary blocks, because it's for ours, and for your good. Anyone, in our place, knowing our rules, would do exactly like us.

    All traditional political forces welcome everyone, and indeed, would pay, just to have people, who bring them fame, votes, and power. We give power directly and completely to our electors. We don't need it for ourselves, or to favor a few people, or a few businesses, or a few social categories. We get the power, the success, and the consents, together with all those who join us, and it seems right to us, to share it with everyone. This is our strength, and our originality. No one will ever do like us, because everyone likes to rule, and to decide, by doing it collectively, without leadership, is unthinkable for the old politics.

    This method of ours allows us to work, to welcome our users, according to our needs. Therefore, in the periods in which we are joined, only on the basis of invitations, individual, and carefully granted, we accept the criticisms of those who will be "forced", to wait for the right moment. We ask you to be patient, and above all, we ask you, never to lie, and never to be ashamed of who you are, your tastes, your preferences, and above all your ideas, and your projects. When the time is right, you can surely join us, and put all your dreams into practice and make them come true.

    During registration block periods, we will only work with those who have already registered. We will increase the number of administrators, in order to welcome more people, all together. We will do whatever it takes to put all the right people in the right place to ensure the best results. Those who are already with us know how to work, and those who are not with us can imagine it from the information we publish.

    Anyone wishing to receive personalized invitations must give us valid, concrete, and real reasons to be invited. If we were in your place, we would never start collaborating with DirectDemocracyS, basing your access, or invitation, on lies. We have all the means, and the rules, to check every single user. And as soon as we discover, even a small lie, we know how to do justice, severely punishing those who lie to us. We always say it, here the "smart" ones have no chance of behaving in the wrong way. We offer everyone, many possibilities, to obtain many advantages, and facilitations, in a meritocratic way. Don't be frightened, the invitations are not reserved only for university professors, and not even only for specialists, you just need to write your real personal data, attaching, if requested, details and documents. In a few lines, write one or more reasons why you want to join us, and also explain to us why you will be useful to DirectDemocracyS. This method of selecting people seems unfair and discriminatory, but we assure you that it is not, because it is the only one that allows us to have reliable people. It allows us to have with us only motivated people who really want to get busy. Smart people will surely understand all our motivations, and they will agree with us.

    There are 2 types of possibilities to join us, free, in which anyone can join us, based on detailed rules, or, on the basis of personal, individual invitations.

    During the registration phase, based on invitations, there are only 3 ways to join us.

    The first is for everyone, and it's simple, fast, secure, and absolutely free.

    It must be used, only once (don't be insistent, we reply to everyone, in the right time), only through the contact form, which you find at this link (other forms, or direct contacts, will not receive any response).

    You must write your full name and surname (with real data), your email address, as "subject" simply write: invitation request. In the message, write briefly a presentation, with real data, and at least one reason, both for your invitation request, and at least one reason, for DirectDemocracyS, to invite you. We advise you to tick the box: Send a copy to yourself (to have proof, and a copy of the submission, and confirmation, that you have sent the form correctly). Below the writing: Enter the captcha security code (write the characters you see, to prove you're not a robot). Always tick the box: Privacy policy (without which, you will not receive an answer, because we will not be able to manage your personal data, authorized by you). Finally, click on: Send email (quickly check everything first). You will receive our reply, with all the instructions, and with all possible requests, fairly quickly. Do not send several requests, because in that case, you will never be invited. Writing the wrong or false personal data does not help you, because we verify everyone's identities.

    The second method is that of direct invitation, on our part.

    The official invitation is decided by the Invitation Group. Each selected person will receive directly from us, based on our rules, and with all the necessary security measures, a message, with all the instructions, in each phase.

    In all cases, after having received a personal code and instructions, each person has 48 hours to accept the invitation, following each instruction received.

    After 48 hours, the invitation is automatically cancelled, and the invited person will not be able to request to be invited, and will never be invited again, to join DirectDemocracyS.

    Obviously, the invitations refused by the person invited by us directly, or those who will not be invited (based on your request), will be able to join DirectDemocracyS, by registering, and creating a personal profile, with the traditional method, as soon as, and if, it will be allowed again. We advise you to always accept our invitations within the required time frame, because traditional methods of registration often require very long times, in some cases, even many months, while with invitations, in a few hours, or a few days, you will be ours registered and activated users. The invitations are only personal, individual, and cannot be transferred to others. In some cases, some of our deserving users, based on the roles and groups they belong to, may be granted permission to invite other people, always, and only in an official way, through the Invitation Group.

    Identity verification is mandatory, even for all invited people.

    All invited people must prove their identity, there are no exceptions, in any case.

    Payment of the annual fee.

    The membership fee, for those who want, or are selected, to become an official member, for invited people, is paid exactly, like for any other of our verified users. Obviously, for people with financial problems, funds are provided, reserved only to help deserving people, but who cannot afford, due to lack of money, to pay the annual fee. The funds raised are used for the development of our activities, and allow us to be able to work freely and independently without financial problems.

    Attention: the invitation phase is always valid, even during the normal registration phase, and the creation of one's personal profile.

    In certain cases, when the link to access the invitation request form, to request an invitation, is not accessible, it means that we have an excessive number of requests. In that case, you will have to wait for the form to be available again, and accessible online. In those cases, sending is possible only and exclusively if you are selected and invited directly by the Invitation Group.

    The third and last method involves joining (for a fee, currently 12 Euros, per year), through the creation, by our Email Address Creation Group, of a personalized email address, with the ending @directdemocracys .org that allows owners to become an official member, faster and easier. It is also possible to join (for a fee, currently 24 Euros, and subsequently, after a year, 12 Euros per year), through the creation, by our Email Address Creation Group, of an email address personalized, ending and the registration, and creation, of your personal profile, by our Personal Profile Creation Group which allows the holders of the personalized email address, and of the personal profile created by us, to become an official member, faster, and easier. Usually, waiting times do not exist, or are just a few hours. Attention: also, this modality, to join us, can be interrupted, for certain periods, according to our needs. Do not condemn us, if for certain activities, we ask for a small and justified payment. The services received, the advantages, and the facilities reserved for those who decide to take advantage of our paid offers, far exceed the small sums required, but they help us to remain free, independent, and to self-finance ourselves. We never ask for anything, without reciprocating, what we receive, with interest. We will talk about it in dedicated articles. But to find out about all our paid services, you can read the various offers, selecting the one you prefer, at this link:

    There are no group methods of registration and creation of collective personal profiles, and no group invitations. You register, and create a personal profile, in a personal, individual way.

    In all cases, users will be informed, always in detail, of all the various possibilities, and of the necessary times foreseen.

    All of our rules, all of our methodologies, serve to guarantee DirectDemocracyS, and anyone who joins us, all the tranquility, security, and all the necessary potential.

    Do they look complicated?

    They are very simple, safe, and clear, and anyone who has tried them can guarantee you that they are exactly functional, and useful, for everyone.

    However, you decide to join us, we thank you for your trust, which is reciprocated.

    After joining us, and after joining our family, everything will be very simple, and you will see that it is worth it.

    The political forces that accept everyone, without limits, and without the right selections, are only apparently simpler, and are only falsely free. With us, no one is excluded for what they say, think, write, or show (via video). If he does it, in the right ways, times and places, respecting all our rules.

    The old politics is false, illusory democracy and partial freedom.

    DirectDemocracyS, for those who know it, is authentic democracy and total freedom.

    Warning: to avoid wasting time, and to prevent any type of scam, always check that each invitation you receive must have a unique code. To do so, use only and exclusively the contact form of our Special Security Group, at this link:

    You must write your full name and surname (with real data), your email address, as "subject" simply write: verify invitation. In the message, write briefly a presentation, with real data, and a reason, both for your invitation request and for DirectDemocracyS to invite you. Give every detail about the invitation you received, to allow our administrators a quick and complete check. We advise you to tick the box: Send a copy to yourself (to have proof, and a copy of the submission, and confirmation, that you have sent the form correctly). Below the writing: Enter the captcha security code (write the characters you see, to prove you're not a robot). Always tick the box: Privacy policy (without which, you will not receive an answer, because we will not be able to manage your personal data). Finally, click on: Send email (quickly check everything before sending). You will receive our reply, with all the instructions, and with all possible requests, fairly quickly. Do not send several requests of the same type, because in that case, you will never be invited, and you will not receive any response. Writing the wrong or false personal data does not help you, because we verify everyone's identities.

    Also verify the identity of whoever speaks to you, or contacts you, on our behalf, both inside and outside our political organization, and both inside and outside our website, according to these simple safety rules:

    We must be united, to protect anyone from possible scams, and from people who speak on our behalf, having no right. We advise you to always wait for the response of our Special Security Group before continuing to speak with these people.

    1.   24 February 2023
    2.   For Registration

    The old foreign politic, like all politics, with the exception of DirectDemocracyS, is based above all on the search for power, obtained through popular consensus, and in many cases with the (free, and not always free) votes of the population. Whether it is a power, for a political party (which are groups of political representatives), or for a...

    The old foreign politic, like all politics, with the exception of DirectDemocracyS, is based above all on the search for power, obtained through popular consensus, and in many cases with the (free, and not always free) votes of the population. Whether it is a power, for a political party (which are groups of political representatives), or for a political figure (who usually represents a political party or interest groups), for them, it is important to command and decide.

    With the unsound excuse of having received the citizens' votes, for many years, they decide in place of the people, transforming the democracy of the vote into an oligarchic party system, often a slave to finance, economic interests, and people rich and powerful. DirectDemocracyS, you know it well, will win all the elections, just to give the power to decide, on an ongoing basis, to the population. For this reason, in the whole world, we are the only ones who put authentic democracy into practice. Since there is no right or unjust, correct or wrong politic, we limit ourselves to saying that there is a falsely democratic one, which is represented by the United States, the European Union, Switzerland (which is slightly better than the first 2 ), then there are countries, with dictatorial, oligarchic, religious, and single-party policies, for example Russia, Iran, China. Over time, other countries are added to these large blocks.

    Each country chooses, freely, or in an imposed way, by force, to join spheres of influence of various "strong" countries, over other "weak" countries.

    To make it more understandable to those who are not experts in international relations, we describe them as animals of aquatic environments, divided into large families, mammals, fish, crustaceans, etc. etc.

    The United States is like a killer whale, Russia is like a great white shark, and China is like a pod of barracuda. The three main countries, politically in the world, behave, in exactly the same way, as the animals with which we have represented them. The examples couldn't be more appropriate. All carnivores, all violent, all busy dividing up the world. Our planet belongs not to any of the 3 most powerful countries, but to the world's population, unjustly divided into different peoples, who are often fooled by politics. Dolphins, because smarter, are us, DirectDemocracyS, and anyone who joins us. We do not root for anyone, we will never be in favor of violence, anyone who does it, and for any reason. We will never be on the side of lies, manipulation, and the interests of a few.

    If we had to make a ranking, we at DirectDemocracyS, are the only truly democratic, therefore just, and totally free, and above all independent, the United States, and Western countries, are not perfect, but they are partially democratic, therefore partially free, but dependent from finance, and from the economy. Russia has always been managed by authoritarian policies, profoundly unjust, starting with the Tsars (exploitative and violent), passing through communism (exploiting, violent, and incompetent), to arrive at the oligarchic dictatorship of Putin and his figureheads (exploiting, violent , incompetent, and liars). China is a political "fundamentalist", which pretends to be democratic (communism has only one party, therefore it has nothing democratic), it also pretends to be communist (capitalism, according to many of their leaders, who love money, it is fundamental), he also pretends to be a capitalist, in fact only a few oligarchs, party members, are very rich and powerful.

    They will falsely tell you that there are, in addition to the 3 world political powers, also Partial Europe (European Union), and some developing countries. We talked about Europe in a long previous article. We will talk now about what Europe counts, outside Europe, not having a common foreign politic, a common defense. That's it, we have explained to you in detail, what Europe counts, outside Europe. If we haven't written anything, it's because it doesn't count for anything, it doesn't have a common strategy, in anything, it's just so many countries, each for itself, or at most in pairs, the interests of a few. The emerging countries count for nothing, and suffer passively the decisions and impositions of the 3 main countries. Even Europe suffers from American politic, which of the 3 is the slightly better one (compared to the others), and the freer one (but we could also write about freedom, imposed, with the manipulation of the masses, for many days) . With manipulation, the old politics has created zombie citizens, in the sense of the dead inside, who walk, and has transformed us into puppets, whose strings are in the hands of all the old politics. Luckily for you, there's us, who will reverse the roles. You just have to join us, and work together to change and improve the world.

    The old foreign politic, we have said, which is similar to the old politic in general.

    The spheres of interest, of the 3 main actors, on the foreign politic scene, manage to gain power, and a lot of money, and wealth, without any ethical and moral basis, and above all without any merit. They earn, without deserving it, by exploiting other countries, small fish, marine mammals, crustaceans. We have already said it, but we repeat it for clarity: they choose a country, usually rich, or strategically important, they create motives, often with deception, and then unleash hell. All the 3 big countries invent lies and false evidence to legitimize their violence, their thirst for power, and from this point of view, they are exactly the same. With the only difference, for now, until the next and very probable invasion of Taiwan by China, we haven't seen, for now, a war with bombs, they prefer to starve entire peoples, corrupt greedy governments and incapable, and buy almost an entire continent, Africa, for very little money.

    In all these situations, the losers are the population, which is the only innocent, who dies, is injured, loses loved ones, suffers, is afraid, and feels deprived of all dignity.

    And all this for what? To make a few unscrupulous entrepreneurs happy, to enrich certain commercial companies, which in various ways finance, direct and control politics.

    Foreign politic is based on the struggle to command, to decide, and the 3 main actors (United States, Russia, and China) are guilty, in exactly the same way, both historically and ethically.

    International treaties, international laws, are fine words, and promises, never respected.

    When you hear about peace talks, you have to get it into your head that they don't exist. You have to imagine, a division of power, certainly not a dialogue, between civilized people. They are all sold, bought, and resold.

    The sad thing is that we don't exaggerate, it really is, and tragically so.

    We won't waste time making history with you, you know very well that the 3 countries we have described have done, together with a few other countries, the worst meanness of all mankind.

    Until there is DirectDemocracyS, in these 3 countries, their political classes, will continue to do things like this.

    Because the whole world lets them do it, and no one has the courage to oppose it. Until we were born, no one had a project, capable of doing justice, and telling the truth.

    Is there really some deluded person who believes that the various governments of all other countries can really decide something? Do you really believe that with your vote, those chosen by you are free to do everything they promise you? Do you really think you count for anything? You are just deluded, that for them, you count for nothing. You are useful, only on election day, to "legitimize" the theft, and the transfer of power, from the people, to political parties, and their political representatives.

    Did you know that many political parties, many political representatives, many journalists, many famous people, to decide something, or simply to declare something (even false), receive wire transfers to tax havens? Only the most imbeciles are caught, with their "hands in the jam jar", with bags full of money, due to corruption, but it is only the tip of the iceberg. As soon as we win elections, everywhere, we will let you know what is hidden "under the water". We will reveal every secret to you, and if you already hate and cannot stand the old politics, and you do not feel worthily represented by them, after our revelations, you will demand that all the guilty be punished in an exemplary way.

    So, to give you an example, let's talk about Ukraine.

    We explained, who is right, who is wrong. For us, there is no gray, in foreign politic, and in politics, for us, there is only white, or black. Obviously, there are other colors, but to understand who is right, 2 are enough. There is good, and evil, there is no partial good, or partial evil. Starting with the Budapest Memorandum, in which Ukraine stupidly gave up more than 1900 nuclear warheads. Russia has not respected the pacts. The West has done the same, has not respected the pacts. If Ukraine had held all its nuclear warheads, no country in the world would have attacked it. No country in the world would have ever threatened it, because, even if it hurts us to admit it, if you have the atomic bomb, nobody attacks you.

    Do not believe, ignorant people, study, and be logical. No enlargement of NATO towards Russia would endanger world stability, nor the security of Russia. Who has 2 functioning neurons, and is in good faith, cannot believe that NATO, that a defensive organization, even if it borders directly with Russia, could attack, who owns almost 7000 nuclear warheads. They are all excuses that people who do not understand anything about international politics, and politics in general, use to motivate wrong choices. The same goes for the United States, for China itself, but also for the small but "fierce" North Korea. Anyone who has atomic weapons is unassailable, because even a single nuclear bomb (and the current ones are in many cases hundreds of times more powerful than those of Hiroshima and Nagasaki) detonated in inhabited areas would cause immense damage, in many countries, almost worldwide damage. But rest assured, no one is crazy enough to use them. They are an excellent deterrent, and guarantee peace to those who own them. Small minds will tell us: because Russia must accept NATO missiles on its borders, and the United States did not want them in Cuba.

    The Cuban Missile Crisis made us understand many things about how important propaganda is. We will limit ourselves to a few essential details to make you understand how the politic works. Specifically, the foreign one, but it applies to all the old politic, with the exception of DirectDemocracyS, which is innovative, tells the truth, and does not use certain "tricks". Shortly before the crisis in Cuba, the United States installed missiles in NATO ally Turkey near the borders of the former Soviet Union. A propaganda response was needed, including from the leaders of the Kremlin. And then finally, it all worked out. Nobody, play with nuclear missiles.

    As for, the continuous Russian threats, which make the whole world stand in suspense, are "routine" threats, which have no effect on those who know how politics works, nor on weapons experts, specifically nuclear. In every country that possesses this type of weapon, there is a protocol to follow, with immediate and preventive exchanges of information between the various countries. Only those who have not studied, who are misinformed, and who do not know reality, believe that to launch a missile with an atomic charge, just push a button, and Armageddon is unleashed, or the point of no return. To avoid the end of humanity, it's not just one person who decides. But in general, it is only one person who can decide to initiate the protocol. Therefore, after the order of the President, or of the Premier, according to the countries, there are further steps, and technical times, before the actual launch. The famous "briefcases" for the control of the atomic arsenal are not only in the hands of Biden, Putin, and the various heads of state and government, but in each country, there are at least 2 or 3 other people who following a strict protocol, with relative communications, to other countries, they inform of the situation, also to avoid unpleasant incidents.

    Whoever orders the nuclear strike first, whoever they are, is automatically politically finished. Most likely, he will be ousted immediately, replaced by a short-lived, and necessary, military dictatorship, pending, to name a successor, until the next elections. Nuclear weapons are only a deterrent to prevent others from attacking a country or territory. Even if there are some, partially nuclear, which in theory could be used in battle, the famous "dirty" weapons. Like many very powerful weapons, strictly prohibited by international rules (the list is very long), whoever used them would be a war criminal, and severely punished.

    Why in the specific case of the Russian invasion of Ukraine is DirectDemocracyS clearly on the side of Kiev?

    We love the Russian people in exactly the same way, and the Ukrainian people in exactly the same way as we love every other people on earth.

    We, at DirectDemocracyS, love Russia and Ukraine exactly the same as we love every other country in the world.

    As we have said, Russia is wrong, and its behavior is wrong, in Ukraine. From the Budapest Memorandum, in which Ukraine, in exchange for over 1900 missiles with nuclear warheads, given to Russia (to be in theory decommissioned), in exchange received a guarantee of its sovereignty and its territorial integrity. In addition to Russia, the same guarantees have been given to Ukraine by the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe.

    Russia has not fulfilled its promises, easily conquering the Crimea and unleashing a conflict in the Donbass with violence and reciprocal attacks.

    The United States, the United Kingdom, and Europe limited themselves to formal protests against Russia, not recognizing the annexation of Crimea. But no concrete help to Ukraine. The West, in politics, is no better than Putin, they are all made of the "same disgusting stuff". All liars, traitors, and profiteers.

    As with all dictators, usually liars, with Putin, from the outset, compliance with the Budapest Memorandum had to be demanded, by any means. Don't think about nuclear power, if he wanted to use it, Putin would unleash a coup d'etat by his own military, and it would decree his political end, and certainly, his physical end as well. It cannot be thought that a president, even a mad one, can order a nuclear missile attack. We are convinced that Putin (perhaps on the basis of erroneous calculations on the part of his collaborators) did not expect a courageous response from Ukraine, this time aided and armed by the West. The West, which is not giving Ukraine a gift, is only doing what it did not do during the invasion of Crimea. Try to keep what he promised with the Budapest Memorandum. We are sure that Ukraine, in case of victory, will be forced to make many compromises and many favors for those who have helped it.

    So, as with Hitler, in 1939, in Poland, also in 2014 with the invasion of Crimea, few protests from some countries, but no one who reacted, out of fear, not to anger the dictator. By the way, Hitler himself had sworn in an international treaty not to invade the Soviet Union, and we know he did.

    The tragic Russian propaganda that the Ukrainian Nazis used force against pro-Russians is not true. They defended themselves from the provocations caused by the Russians. And the dead, and the wounded, there were, unfortunately, on both sides.

    Like the tragic lie, told by Putin, who until the day before, of the cowardly invasion, had guaranteed that they were only exercises (on the borders of a country, which they had sworn to defend), and that the secret services of the United States had made a mistake , predicting the imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    The biggest lie, which many believe, is that Ukraine, in the European Union, and in NATO, would have represented a danger to Russia. If a country is sovereign, it is free to decide, at any time, which economic, political, or military alliance it will join. Without any imposition, from other countries. Otherwise, it is not a sovereign country, but only partially sovereign. A bit like Western countries, which declare themselves democratic, but are all, without exception, only partially democratic, only during elections. Again we ask you: is a country with almost 7,000 nuclear warheads afraid that someone will invade it? For a country with so many weapons, no other country, even on its border, poses any threat. Don't believe the lies, and the propaganda. DirectDemocracyS believes that each country must be free and sovereign, and that the right freedoms and dutiful local autonomies must be achieved, without any modification of the borders, to avoid, and to prevent, potentially dangerous situations. In Crimea, the majority of the population is Russian. It would have been enough to guarantee a just autonomy, and respect for the freedom of the Russians, within the Ukrainian territory, to avoid all this. In Donbass, the majority of the population is of Ukrainian origin, but the right autonomy and respect for all minorities should have been guaranteed.

    Changing borders unleashes uncontrollable events, for that, we are for the right autonomies, without changing borders, and above all, never changing them, with violence, therefore never with force.

    Russia's politic has always been to bully all of its neighbors. They know something about Chechnya, Georgia, Finland itself. So, they shouldn't be surprised if all their neighbors ask NATO for protection. Russian politicians are almost always unreliable, and if they promise something, they don't keep it. Pretty much, like the other 2 countries, who control the world. The United States, with its allies, has overthrown regimes, often dictatorial, and always with weapons, with sanctions, and suffocating and destroying the lives of entire populations. Export of their "false and partial democracy", but with real weapons and missiles. Lies, and cruelty, almost on the same level as those of the Putin regime. In many countries, the West has tolerated, and still tolerates, equally dictatorial regimes, but for financial and economic interests, regimes of dictators and murderers are still standing.

    You will have understood, dear friends, that the peace treaties, the international laws, the UN, the agreements, and the Memorandums, the promises of the old politic, are worth nothing, and are made in such a way as to allow anyone, of the 3 countries that dominate the world, to decide where to unleash their own violence.

    We conclude with an important message. What is it worth dying for, rather than losing it?

    We answer you, to defend one's family, to defend one's freedom, and to defend the truth. Hence, the fake pacifists, who say: helping Ukrainians to defend themselves is money wasted, and it continues to fuel the war. So they propose, let the Ukrainian people lose their freedom, their sovereignty, their freedom, let it be destroyed by the Russian military. Being on the side of the strongest is easier than being on the side of the truth. To these pacifists, who cannot distinguish partial good from total evil, we remind you that in history the brave are remembered with honour, while the cowards are hated. If you don't help those who are invaded to free their territory, you are accomplices of the bully on duty. And there is also the risk of an enlargement of the conflict, primarily in Moldavia, where Transnistria is a veritable powder keg. Surely, whoever is on the side of the invader does not do it because he believes in it (he would be just a person, without any value, and without any dignity), but for political or economic advantages.

    DirectDemocracyS will never be on the side of the strongest, who attacks, but always in any case, on the side of those who defend their freedom and sovereignty.

    To the various defenders of the dictatorship, only out of frustration, or out of hatred towards Western society, or out of historical hatred (looking only at the negative things, and never at the freedoms and the positive sides) against the United States, we ask if they would have the courage, to take sides against the dictators they defend, living in their respective countries, or if they would have the courage, to live in the countries where the dictators live, whom they themselves esteem so much.

    Social networks have rightly allowed anyone to become a specialist in everything.

    Unfortunately many people use them to let everyone know their ignorance, making a bad impression.

    We have told you the truth. Which is not our truth, the truth is only one, and certain behaviors have no excuses. Ignorance has no excuse. War has no excuses. Violence has no excuse. World foreign politic has no excuses. All the old politics, has no excuses. And if we, even just once, are like them, we will have no excuses. But don't worry, we will never be like them, our rules, and our method, won't allow us to make mistakes, and we don't change the rules because they are perfect just the way they are. We will never betray anyone who trusts us. How did the Russian, English, American, European, Western politicians, with the Ukrainian population, and with all the populations, who have suffered, because of the old, lying, unjust, corrupt, and bankruptcy politic.

    Like all of our articles, this one is written by various groups of experts. Everything we write is extensively documented, and every piece of information is real. We don't root for anyone, we have no favourites, and we are completely free and independent. We write in a clear, simple, and understandable way to all.

    Our groups of experts are made up of at least one person, from each country of the world, and at least one other person, from each people of the world (because there are peoples who do not have a country, such as the Kurds for example), therefore we are talking about at least 300 people for each group of specialists. Our groups of experts, only hundreds, for every topic, and for every activity we do. Only people who work actively, in every sector of activity, or university professors, but also highly prepared, innovative, and highly intelligent students can access our groups. We are also lucky and honored to have with us retirees who have worked in all sectors and are specialized in many specific subjects. In DirectDemocracyS, each person speaks, writes, publishes only things that he knows perfectly, either because he works there, or has worked there directly, or because he teaches them, or has studied them, studies them, or has learned them (with our courses) with excellent results. The careful and very detailed selection of our experts allows us to be credible. We also allow those who want to know and study certain topics to participate in courses organized by our experts, and after an exam passed with excellent results, anyone can request to join the groups for which they studied.

    1.   23 February 2023
    2.   International relations

    A very interesting question from one of our official members regarding our political strategy.

    Request. DirectDemocracyS is without a doubt, the only innovation, alternative, and better than all the old politics. I joined you a few months ago and am part of the Political Strategy Group. My question is: wouldn't it have been better to start our...

    A very interesting question from one of our official members regarding our political strategy.

    Request. DirectDemocracyS is without a doubt, the only innovation, alternative, and better than all the old politics. I joined you a few months ago and am part of the Political Strategy Group. My question is: wouldn't it have been better to start our activities, in individual countries, where direct democracy would be easier to achieve, and we could put our rules into practice, directly and in a simpler way, and our method? I am referring, perhaps, to a small town. It would be enough to make ourselves known, perhaps by participating in, and certainly winning, the elections in a single country, to create the "snowball and avalanche" effect. Thank you.

    Answer. To answer such a simple but well-articulated question, dozens of articles would be needed, explaining all the reasons well. We will try to summarize them in a few lines, and then maybe we will make very detailed articles.

    DirectDemocracyS is an international, innovative, and alternative political organization to all the old politics, born to change and improve the world. It is not a slogan, nor is it our motto. It is the only motivation, for which we were born.

    We are not anti-politics, we were not born against something, against someone, but to offer: innovation, an alternative, to create new paths, to be traveled all together.

    Basing every activity, every rule, and our method, on logic, common sense, and mutual respect, of all people, is fundamental, to be perfect and infallible.

    After these premises, which we repeat often, to remind everyone who we are and how we work, we come to the answers.

    On the basis of the premises, anyone can understand our motivations of political strategy.

    DirectDemocracyS, has various phases, studied in over 14 years of hard work, by many experts, and to the initial ideas, which are the basis, ideas, contents, and projects of all kinds are added every day.

    If we had started, in a very small country, little effort was enough for us, and good publicity, by word of mouth, and we would have won the elections. From that small country, in a few minutes, not hours, or days, there would have been a real invasion of our website. It wouldn't have been a technical problem, in a few hours, we would have simply added more web servers, and our system would have been up and running again (and besides, we have other methods, to deal with invasions, that all our members know about).

    The problems would have been political and internal organization.

    To welcome, in the best way, billions of people, all together, without therefore growing gradually, you need a perfect internal organization, and you need the foundations of development, functioning, and well established.

    In short, the invasion of new users would not slow down our website with blocks, if not for a few hours, at various times, necessary to add new servers (gradually increasing space, power, and speed). Technically it grows, and everything resolves quickly.

    But we would miss all the required capabilities, such as Control Groups, and administrators, who would supervise, and help, all the various new users.

    Also, from the point of view of safety and peace of mind, we would be unable to use our slow but infallible working methods in the best possible way.

    Despite having all the basics, practically ready, we would find ourselves in great difficulty. We should perhaps improvise; we should give important and decisive roles to incompetent and above all unreliable people.

    Serious mistakes would be made, which we cannot afford. The world doesn't change, and improves, with improvisation, and with chaos.

    We are sure that by reading these few lines, many will accuse us of fearing "success" and of being afraid of "becoming famous".

    People's consent is safe and guaranteed, because we are the only credible and functioning alternative to all the old politics. And when the time is right, we are "doomed to electoral victory", all over the world.

    Obviously, it won't be an immediate success, and we know very well that there will be countries where we win the elections sooner, and others where it will take longer.

    We also respond to those who ask us: why, are you sure, that you can win everywhere? Our answer is always the same. Read all of our articles carefully several times. You will understand all our motivations. Every word, every sentence is put into practice by us, without compromise, without favoritism, and without preferences.

    We are first and foremost an international political organization, with clear laws, which we all respect. And our rules are the same for everyone, at every stage, and in every geographical area.

    In this way, each of our decisions is taken in the interest, and for the good, of the entire world population, in its entirety, without any preference. And it is a rule that we have imposed on ourselves: there are no more important countries, and other less important ones, and above all, there are no preferred populations.

    Every people, every group of people, and every single individual, are in the first place for us, respected, helped, and above all loved, in the same way.

    Our innovative mentality is not to favor anyone, not to prefer anyone, putting into practice equality, the same possibilities, for everyone, and then basing everything on meritocracy. Many tell us that it is enough to give everyone the same starting possibilities, and then choose the best ones. It is not so; equality is not only valid at the "starting line". With us, for the first time in the world, equality is continuous, always and immediately united with meritocracy.

    We are sure of winning everywhere, even for a logical reason, not only for our perfection.

    Unlike all the old politics, and every existing "innovative political" group, we do not take power, for ourselves, or for a few people, and for a few groups of power. We will win, and we will have immense success, because we take power, and give it exactly, to the population. Many mistake our security, based on logic, for conceit.

    DirectDemocracyS will take power, all over the world, winning all the elections, with results never seen before, thanks to all our rules, and our working method, which are perfect, and infallible. If we win, whoever votes for us wins, and finally, the whole world wins. Also, because, not many people know, that every decision we make is made in everyone's interest, not just for the interest of those who vote for us. To better understand this mechanism, and its functioning, one must be an official member of DirectDemocracyS, because certain things, we keep them to ourselves, are not a secret, but if one has to decide, if it is the right time to join us, it is enough for him to read, the first article, on our front page, on our website.

    The fundamental difference between us and all of the old politics is in the use of power, and in who holds it. In the old politics, the political parties hold it, and their political representatives, in DirectDemocracyS, for the first time in the world, hold it, and use it, continuously over time, by our voters, and therefore, by the whole population.

    We conclude this brief response with a fundamental theme, which not everyone has yet understood, and which only our official members know.

    Sooner or later, every good person on earth will join DirectDemocracyS, it's normal, almost physiological. Because the alternative is just the old politics. The secret, which everyone must understand, is that to do so, one must change and improve one's mentality, one's values, one's ideals, one's principles, and one's behavior. And it is very difficult to improve, in order to be admitted, and to be able to work with us.

    For the first time in the world, it is not the voters who choose whether one political force is better or worse than another. It is the political force itself, which must accept the elector, internally, if it deems him ready.

    If those who are already with us evaluate, on the basis of precise rules, that a person is ready to join us, the person will be accepted. Otherwise, you will have to demonstrate that you deserve, over time, with your own behavior, that you deserve to be admitted. It seems, at first glance, presumptuous behavior, and certainly different, from the rest of politics, but it is logic.

    The fundamental question is not whether all the population of the world will join us, but the question is: when, each individual will be ready to be accepted.

    The question is not easy to explain, but we will talk about it in the next articles.

    For now, it's enough to know that the world doesn't change, and it improves, if you don't put all the right people, in the right place, above all, at the right time, in which they are ready, to be able to work with us, in the best way.

    Back to our member's question. We are sure that our inevitable success will not materialize in all the countries of the world at the same time, and it is almost certain that it will start earlier, in one or more countries, perhaps smaller ones. But our predictions, based on facts, show us that good, intelligent people will be able to choose DirectDemocracyS first. The superficial ones, and with the wrong mentality, will join us later. And finally, having no alternatives, and with a changed and improved mentality, even bad, selfish, greedy and power-hungry people will join us. And they will, in exactly that order, because that's the only one allowed.

    We are sure of it. Time will prove us right.

    1.   23 February 2023
    2.   Political strategy questions
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