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    • 194 Articles

    DirectDemocracyS, is the first, and only political organization, in the entire history of mankind, in the whole world, to put authentic democracy and total freedom into practice. You will have understood it, reading all our articles, and we don't want to explain it to you again. But that's not the only thing that makes us unique and inimitable.


    DirectDemocracyS, is the first, and only political organization, in the entire history of mankind, in the whole world, to put authentic democracy and total freedom into practice. You will have understood it, reading all our articles, and we don't want to explain it to you again. But that's not the only thing that makes us unique and inimitable.

    DirectDemocracyS, is the first, and only political organization, in all of human history, worldwide, owned by all of its members, and all of its voters. In fact each of our voters, over time, if they do a good job with us, if they behave flawlessly, respecting our rules, our method, and of course if they wish, they can become our official member (becoming the owner of our website , and of all our activities), by paying a small annual fee. The annual fee, together with private donations (free and voluntary), and other activities, allows us to be able to survive, and carry out all our activities, freely, independently, and without problems.

    DirectDemocracyS is the first and only political organization in the whole history of humanity, in the whole world, in which voters manage and coordinate all the activities and all the decisions of their political representatives, before, during , and for the first and only time in the world, even after the elections. We are innovative, alternatives to all the old politics, because always for the first, and only time in the world, we reverse roles. In the old politics, political parties and political representatives choose and propose people (their own political representatives), choose and propose political programmes, choose and propose all the laws that all citizens are obliged to respect. DirectDemocracyS, is the first and only political organization, in the whole history of humanity, in the whole world, where it is the voters who choose, propose, the people (we have internal elections), choose, and propose the political programs ( we all decide, all together), choose and propose all the laws, which our political representatives are obliged to respect and put into practice. We repeat it again: our political representatives do everything their constituents ask of them before, during, and after the elections. Continuously, voters decide, and political representatives execute.

    DirectDemocracyS, is the first, and only political organization, in the entire history of humanity, in the whole world, where everything is based on logic, common sense, mutual respect of all people, equality, and meritocracy . Competence and honesty are fundamental qualities for us, and they must all be present together.

    DirectDemocracyS is the first and only political organization in the whole history of humanity, in the whole world, in which there are no internal struggles, and in which there are no leaders. Each of our users, and each of our work groups, together with all the other users and groups, are a single, immense leader. All for one, one for all, is a motto that we always put into practice.

    DirectDemocracyS, is the first and only political organization, in the whole history of humanity, in the whole world, born to create alternatives, all innovative, to all the old politics, without any confrontation. We were born to build new roads, to travel all together, certainly not to collide, or to fight, against someone, or against something.

    DirectDemocracyS, is the first and only political organization, in the entire history of humanity, in the whole world, which does not create any kind of alliances, electoral coalitions, and political agreements, with other political forces. We, if we win, govern, in the best way, if we lose, we make a healthy, loyal, and honest opposition, proposing and sharing our solutions. We will always vote in favor of everything that we think is useful to the population, and against everything that is not useful for everyone. We will always do it, carrying out every wish of our constituents. We will collaborate, with all political forces, without ever fighting for seats, or for leadership roles. We don't make alliances, coalitions, or agreements, and we always go alone, because we are the first, and the only ones in the world, to have inside us people of every political ideology, coming from every type of old political force. All this, without having "internal opposition", because we always decide everything together.

    DirectDemocracyS, is the first, and only political organization, in all of human history, in the entire world, that relies, on all the few good things, taken from all the old politics, and all the various ideals, to create a new ideal, politically and ethically perfect. Our groups of experts have skilfully mixed many ideas and many ideals, eliminating any negative or bankruptcy part.

    DirectDemocracyS is the first and only political organization in the entire history of humanity, in the whole world, in which decisions are made in an informed way. All our voters, users, groups, and political representatives are informed, in a complete, honest, free, independent way, by groups of experts, specialists, of every topic, to always choose, for the good of all. Our experts, in addition to informing, present all the possible alternatives, and all the consequences, for each decision taken. The truth, based on knowledge, is always present, in a professional way.

    What is the use of this long list, of so many things, in which we are the first, and the only ones in the world?

    It is used to introduce a political topic. Today we will talk about power. We will do it in summary, even if we will make many articles, very detailed. We don't want to give you too many historical details, but we will talk concretely.

    Let's limit ourselves to saying that throughout the history of humanity, wealth, therefore money, material goods, and power, have always been in first place, for all politics, and for all people. Greed, and greed, drives all of us to make all sorts of compromises. Also, with our conscience.

    "Power wears down those who don't have it." This is, without any doubt, the most famous aphorism among those of Giulio Andreotti, an important and controversial Italian politician.

    You will all have understood, from all our previous articles, that the only ones not to have power, in all of human history, are the electors, therefore the people. There are no people with 2 functioning neurons who can say: in my country, there is authentic democracy and total freedom.

    In Ancient Greece, during partial direct democracy, women, slaves, and poor people did not vote.

    In modern Switzerland, there are many limitations, and "formalities" to be implemented, in order to let the people decide, all decided by the political forces (in order not to lose power and control). Even their "direct democracy" is only partial, and a facade. We will make an article entirely dedicated to Switzerland, to make you understand why many Swiss citizens join us in saying that we are the only truly democratic ones.

    Power, for all the old politics, is indispensable. To obtain it, electoral consents are needed, which are the votes, in the elections, given by the people, therefore, by the population. In all of politics before us, elections are the only moment of real democracy, in which, according to some, "democracy" is put into practice. The false and partial one in which people are deluded that they count for something, that they are decisive. Instead by voting, they do nothing but legitimize the "theft of power", which from the minds, hands and hearts of the people ends up in the greedy hands of political parties and political representatives, who for many years decide, and they check everything. We often underline the words “for many years” because, throughout this period, the people, who should in theory hold all power, count for absolutely nothing. Once the winner has been decided, in the elections, the task of deciding no longer belongs to the people, but to the political parties and their political representatives.

    Many experts explain to us (in an attempt to legitimize this scam), that with their vote, the people decide who has to decide, until the next elections, and that if the winners in the elections do not do a good job, after many years, they can vote for others. Legally this is the case, in fact the political parties, and their political representatives, present an electoral program, with many beautiful promises, to get the votes, and therefore obtain power. The problem is that those of the old politics do not always do exactly what they promise, therefore, they often betray their voters, who have no way to "oblige" them to keep their promises, on the basis of which, they are been chosen. Until the following elections, the people must helplessly witness the management of power by people who do not respect the agreements. What is, for us mere mortals, a real crime, such as: the abuse of popular credulity, for old and antiquated politics and normal practice. Furthermore, there is the crime of "political" fraud, the crime of "political" lying, always unpunished.

    Once in power, they often think about their own interests.

    In many countries, there is a certain alternation of various political forces, or coalitions, in government. In fact, voters often change their minds, seeing few useful results. Often they "shuffle the cards" (voting for others), not knowing that it is the whole "deal of cards" that is rigged. In fact, who among us has never changed his mind (and voted for different political forces)? Often, we move from one political party to another, in the same way that political representatives move from one party to another. Changing your mind is certainly not a sin, but in our opinion, it becomes a crime when a political representative, elected in a coalition, or in a political party, changes coalition, or political party, without first resigning. Even then, you can change your mind, but if you do (after being elected), first, you have to resign from your job and allow people to choose another candidate. We say this for the simple reason that we are not sure that the political representative would have been elected (at the previous elections) if he had belonged to another political party or another coalition.

    We at DirectDemocracyS have solved all this long list of unjust things, forever, in an ingenious way, thanks to our rules, and our method.

    Of course, not everyone likes to "get their hands dirty" by working with us. Not everyone likes to do the work of those who in the old politics are paid to do it (even if they don't do it completely). Many ask us: what do we pay them for? We answer, in a concise way, we pay them, to do what they decide, their voters. The people, whom they represent in the institutions. The old politics, on the other hand, pays them, to serve the interests of their coalition, their political party, finance, the economy, and a few people (usually rich and powerful).

    You may have understood that there are some “small differences” between DirectDemocracyS and all the rest of politics, and it can be clearly seen.

    But we'll tell you a secret, before joining us anyone thinks: if I register, create a personal profile, and start working with DirectDemocracyS, what will I gain? Everyone thinks about power, control, wealth, money, material possessions, and their own interests. Seeing that here, everything is different, and certainly better, many will prefer to go "be politicians", elsewhere, where they will be able to have personal, perhaps greater, advantages. With us, you have to work concretely, 20 minutes a day, or, alternatively, at least 2 hours a week, to be decisive, to propose, to control, to manage all our activities, and those of our political representatives. The direct and continuous commitment of all our users is essential in order to be able to carry out a concrete and useful job for everyone.

    As we said, we are the first, and the only ones in the world to do all of this.

    The first, and the only ones, to have been born, and to work, all together, to change and improve the world.

    The old politics, and many groups of fake "innovators", will tell you that they are the best, they will also offer you bonuses (money, wealth, material goods), and as always, many beautiful promises, which punctually will never be kept. After all, they have been doing it for a long time, with the results, which we all know. They too will try to change, to try to look like us, with results, which you will see for yourself (they will be disastrous). Some groups, on social networks, even try to copy us (making you believe they are freer and more just than us), but they are doomed to failure, because each of our rules, and each of our methods, only works, if it is done, all together, exactly, as we do. All these attempts will fail, due to the continuous "search for power", due to internal clashes, external struggles, divisions, personal interests, and some small groups of managers, financial and economic interests.

    This "power", which is managed and shared by us, by everyone, by others, cannot and will never be put into practice. Thanks to all those who are with us, and those who will join over time, always selected, to preserve and protect all our ideas. We were born to be the first, and unique, in all good things, truly in every sense.

    As we always say, the time will come when everyone will be able to get to know us, and choose between the only 2 possibilities: all the old politics, or DirectDemocracyS.

    And we all know exactly which political path all the good people will choose, and finally the population will win, and will have the power foreseen by the word democracy, which the old politics pronounces having no right, and no reason.

    1.   19 February 2023
    2.   Our style

    We have spoken in some articles, in short, about Europe, the European Union, the European Parliament, the European Commission, and in this article, in addition to criticizing, we tell you that within us, we create a new Europe, a real one , true, complete, parallel, and alternative, to the existing one.

    But first, as always, a premise.


    We have spoken in some articles, in short, about Europe, the European Union, the European Parliament, the European Commission, and in this article, in addition to criticizing, we tell you that within us, we create a new Europe, a real one , true, complete, parallel, and alternative, to the existing one.

    But first, as always, a premise.

    For some superficial people, reading what we write about Europe, it comes natural to say: DirectDemocracyS, it's against Europe. We ask you: do you really believe that we are against something, or against someone? Either you can't read, or you don't understand what you read. We are never against anything, or against anyone. However, if we say our opinion, criticizing or pointing out things that are wrong, annoy someone, or could ruin someone else's plans, we will continue to do it anyway, proposing our ideas and our solutions.

    Europe cannot exist if it excludes some countries, and above all, if it is not the Europe of peoples, of all peoples.

    The current Europe (the false one, which declares itself united), has excluded, for a long time, and still excludes, many countries, and entire peoples, for reasons, often specious, which make no sense. But on the hypocrisy of politics, at all levels, we have already done some articles, and we will do some dedicated articles. Also to make you understand, all the lies they tell us, to seem fair, free, democratic, and give a feeling of normality to things that aren't.

    But before starting, the list of "filth", a new premise, in the premise.

    A political force, large or small, at any level, must be credible and must set a good example for everyone. Throughout history, all the old politics has demonstrated all its "value" and all its credibility.

    In order to be able to give "lessons", in every sense, to all the other political forces, DirectDemocracyS must be credible. Today, February 18, 2023, we are a tiny political force, constantly growing, but not very influential, and not yet decisive, in all countries. We grow very fast, thanks to our brilliant ideas. Obviously, we are not in a hurry, we have to grow in a controlled way, so as not to make any mistakes. So we tell you clearly, we could not criticize, if we were not sure that we are different, and better, than those we criticize. Anyone who reads our articles knows very well that we are. Because for now, and also in the future, we will not commit the mistakes and grave injustices that the political parties and political representatives of the old politics did.

    We started from 0, we don't blame ourselves for the behavior of other political forces, and other political representatives, within them. We, we have every right, to consider ourselves guilty, for not having created our innovation sooner, allowing the old politics, to misbehave. So please don't send us messages, where you tell us: where were you when it happened, everything that happened.

    Not existing before, we could not oppose the petty things that were done.

    We can only guarantee you that we will not make the same mistakes, and we will not have bad people inside us, and if by chance they manage to join us, we guarantee you that they will not be able to do anything wrong. We have foreseen everything, and we have all the means, to put equality and meritocracy into practice.

    To avoid making bad impressions, since you don't know us, and you don't have a "crystal ball", don't make predictions about us, you will be disappointed by your inability to evaluate our potential. We will never be the same or similar to the old politics, nor to the "democratic and free" groups that try to copy us, making some people believe they can be equal to, or better than us, and those who do our work, as we do, for a long time. Over time, they will only be able to reach our conclusions, not being able to hope to reach us, or surpass us, in anything, we will always be ahead of them for many years. We don't fear, and we don't hate, those who copy us, we simply pity them, and we are sure of their failure.

    We have never lied, we have never stolen, we have never promised anything, without keeping, every promise. Everything we have written, from the first second of life until today, we have respected it, and we swear that we will, forever. We are not a political force that will pass like a comet across the firmament and then disappear. In our logo, which represents the galaxy of the Milky Way (the galaxy in which we find ourselves), there are many stars, that's it: we will stay, and we will do an excellent job, until the last star of ours goes out. galaxy. Thanks to our rules, and our method, we will never be able to betray all the promises and all the expectations of all our constituents. We have repeated it thousands of times: we base all our activities on logic, common sense and mutual respect for all people. Therefore, we can never be similar, or compatible, but only different, alternative, and better than the old policy.

    Europe's mistakes.

    It seems strange, but the use of the name is completely wrong (ethically, and geographically), they must immediately change their name to: Partial Europe (to be correct, and credible). And we're not saying this as a joke, it's not a provocation, but a real, proper official request.

    Until, every country, and every people of Europe, from the Iberian Peninsula, up to the Ural mountains (but for convenience, we go so far as to include, the whole of the Russian Federation, including Siberia), is included in the Common Europe, must use the name Europe, preceded or followed by the word (depending on the language) “partial”. Otherwise they lie, knowing they are lying. How do you say? Ah, you're used to it, they've been making fun of you for thousands of years, and will continue to do so, until the time comes for DirectDemocracyS. However, they should have the decency not to lie to you about everything.

    If someone believes that we are right about the name, continue reading this article of ours, if instead you believe that we are wrong, we say goodbye here, do not waste your precious time, continue reading. If you continue, you will be forced, as always, to agree with us.

    So if they lie to us about the name, what else are they lying about? On everything, they don't tell you one truth, and never completely, they want to seem fair, democratic, and free, but they have the wrong starting points.

    We all know the United Europe on what it was born: on business, on the economy, we are not going to write the whole story, but just a few lines, to understand what we are talking about.

    The European Union, abbreviated to EU, is a "political" and economic union of a supranational nature, which currently includes 27 member states.

    Born as the European Economic Community, with the Treaty of Rome of 25 March 1957, in the course of a long process of integration, with the accession of new Member States, and the signing of numerous amending treaties, including the Maastricht Treaty of 1992, assumed the current structure, with the Lisbon Treaty of 2007.

    Partial Europe, it was called the European Economic Community, so we all understood, what it is based on. Didn't you get it? It is based on the economy, on finance, on the interests of a few, to control and manage the lives of many. We are talking about a few people (the European Commission), who manage the lives of hundreds of millions of people, without being able to have any form of opposition or control.

    Equipping an economic association, with political bodies, was a new joke. To make a real, political European Union, the founding fathers, in addition to including all the geographical countries of Europe, without any discrimination, should first of all have created the United States of Europe. But be careful, there are countries, a little richer, and very clever, but selfish, that don't want to unite, at any cost, with countries, a little poorer. So, they invented parameters and rules, all based on economic interests, disguised as just, democratic rules based on freedom. These parameters for membership forced the various countries to make some just and acceptable changes, and others that were unacceptable, from certain traditions and cultures. Therefore, in many countries, Partial Europe was already unbearable, for many inhabitants, even before the accession of their own country.

    The current Partial Europe, political, has nothing. But it has nothing, not even economic, if not some interests, of a few strong, against many weak. In a united Europe, similar, if not exactly the same, taxation would be needed. In terms of taxes, it must be, at least similar. The United States of America is a true union of states, in which there is federal taxation and state taxation, with minimal differences between state and state. In Europe, if they had achieved this true financial and economic union, the rich and strong countries, but also the simply "smart" ones, would not have been able to attract, with "legalized deception", large capitals, thanks to a tax system cheaper, in some countries, than in others. We don't want to go into too much technical terms, we'll explain it to you in simple words. To get capital, therefore money, from countries in difficulty, or less smart ones, to smart countries, it is enough to offer companies lower taxation, and every large or small company relocates, or transfers its tax office, in the European Common Market (the choice is of a few tax "havens", within Europe), in the place where it obtains the greatest advantages. In any case, there are no barriers, and everyone is "free" to move where it suits them. Even if, in this way, the "weak" countries become even weaker (lacking a lot of money), and the strong countries become even stronger, and richer.

    At this point, many will wonder, what do they do with all this money and capital? Simple, they lend them to poorer and less smart countries, in various ways, mainly by buying government bonds, but also, with various types of loans, taking advantage of the total incapacity, and easy corruption, of many politicians, but also cowardly, taking advantage of the weakness of less strong and less cunning countries.

    Therefore, different taxes, from country to country, but the immediate abolition of customs, therefore of customs taxes, which was the only way for producing countries, or rich, in raw materials, to earn something, in order to allow , to those who have the capital, to buy anything, advantageously, without earning almost anything, to countries in difficulty. Also on how Europe has allowed, and still allows, some wealthy entrepreneurs, usually from certain countries, to buy, for little money, a large part of the wealth of other countries, simply by taking advantage of the complicity and corruption, of politics, we will do long articles in the future, with lots of evidence, which demonstrate all the facts we are talking about. They do it cleverly, with rules that are difficult to implement, literally bringing many populations to their knees, even by drastically reducing the purchasing power of the lower-middle ranges, but also of the richest.

    Some will tell us, you are right, but thanks to Partial Europe, we can travel from one country to another without a passport, with a simple identity card. Right, but rest assured, that European citizens pay with interest, this advantage, which could be achieved, even with, at the same time, a Fiscal and Economic Justice, which had no preferences.

    The biggest and unforgivable mistake of fake Europe was making some countries, and entire peoples, feel less loved and less respected than others. Countries and peoples of the first category, and others of the second and third category. This method, for the good of all, must stop, immediately. We, however, will finish it soon.

    The fake Europe doesn't even have a defense, therefore military in common, but each country pays for its defense, both internal and external, also through NATO. An entire Europe, united militarily, would rewrite the NATO treaty, and would change the balance of forces between the United States and Europe, militarily united. We all know that some people don't want all of this. Without military unity, Partial Europe is weak, and counts for nothing, at a military, but also financial, and economic level, as it cannot compete with the cunning, intelligence, and power of countries such as the United States, China, and other countries. The police, all different and uncoordinated, the secret services, divided and practically non-existent. You will all have understood that the first not to do the interests of Partial Europe is Partial Europe itself. And all this is convenient for some, and it is not difficult to guess who they are, the ones who earn from it.

    Foreign policy couldn't be more divided on everything. Weak, and without a minimum of credibility, left to the various countries, which do not have a common idea, and not even a minimum of common strategy.

    The false and partial Europe has nothing in common, no Common Justice, no common Laws, but in many cases impositions, always with financial and economic interests, which they, the European bureaucrats, justify with the European Regulations, which they they write, to justify, their every behavior. In fact, they are smart, they have made sure that European decisions are increasingly important, and can override the decisions of individual states. Not unity, but not even sovereignty, of the various countries that compose it.

    The flag of the Partial European Union clearly demonstrates the consideration and respect that Partial Europe has for the other countries, which over time, with much effort, with compromises, parameters, and negotiations, and incredible impositions, joined, the first 12 member countries. In fact, for the new exploited countries, there isn't even the place of an extra star in the flag. The United States has a star, of the same size, and of the same importance, for each state, from the largest to the smallest, from the richest to the poorest. If the founding fathers, and their often unworthy, successors, of Partial Europe, wanted to copy the United States, they could do so, even with respect, for the various countries, to make it equal, or at least similar to the American one. In the flag of the United States, there is room for 50 stars, and perhaps they will become 51 (should a new State enter), in the "civilized" old Europe, 27 stars do not fit, 12 are enough. As for tell others: you are welcome, but here, your interests do not count, we have 12 countries, which count for something, which are in charge, you are different, you are only "ballast", and you are worthless. They are so selfish and greedy that they don't want to spend money to change their flag and symbols (including money) several times (depending on the new countries that join). It would have been enough to include all the countries and peoples of Europe from the outset, respecting them all in the same way and "giving" each country its own star. If you don't have enough, we'll lend you some of the ones featured on our logo. We have a star for each of our users who join us, you don't have one for each country. This is one of the differences between us and the rest of politics.

    The criticisms, all correct, documented, and impeccable, could continue, and perhaps we will, in the future, with other details, which many know.

    Before giving you our solutions, which we will put into practice when all the peoples of Europe give us the majority, in all countries, we want to ask you a question.

    If all European countries, all together, had been admitted into the Full European Union (including Turkey and Russia), or the United States of Europe (call them what you like), with the same economy, finance, taxation, armed forces , police, internal policies (especially on migrants), foreign policies, and with credible and united political bodies, would there have been wars in the former Yugoslavia? And the war between Greeks and Turks in Cyprus? What about the current Russian invasion, in Ukraine? Obviously, there would have been no wars, no deaths, no violence, no destruction, and so much suffering. But then, who would buy, and use the weapons? Who would have gained from the reconstruction of the various destroyed countries? In any case, the dead, if their relatives bury them, don't have to pay, the bureaucrats, and the "men" who earn, money, and power, on the pain of the people.

    At this point, many will tell us: many countries are not suited to being together with other countries. In fact, the policies of certain countries, their traditions, their cultures, are not compatible with the cruelty and falsehood of this Partial Europe, in which if you adapt to the impositions of a few, you live, or rather survive, if you try to lift your head, they'll cut it off. Just look at how they treated Greece, and certain rulers of other countries, not very willing to bow down. It is not difficult to set in motion a media or judicial campaign to carry out soft, almost imperceptible partial "coups d'état" (which affect anyone who does not submit to the Brussels bureaucrats). They tried, even with the United Kingdom, which came out, just in time, unable to take it anymore, of continuous impositions, without getting almost anything in return. However, we are sure that Good Partial Europe will strangle the United Kingdom financially, organizing a campaign, in the press and in the media, to bring "the lost sheep back into the fold". Whether they succeed or not, we will soon see.

    At this point, some will ask themselves: but who is it that organizes this activity, which if it were, as we describe it, would be like a real "criminal association"?

    Just look, a little back in history, at the last 2 "characters" who tried to conquer and unify Europe by force. One was born in Corsica, and the other in Austria, one was crowned French emperor, the other was elected German chancellor, basing his criminal regime on hatred. They both tried, with bad results, not only for them, but for the whole world. Let's be clear, we love and respect our French and German users in exactly the same way as everyone else. But we could give you many examples, in which certain countries were left, until recently, to pay energy bills, and gas, at enormous prices, while France was supplying nuclear energy, at prices favorable to Germany, and Germany , allowed France to buy gas at favorable prices. Helping each other between friendly countries is perfectly right, and everyone does their own interests, we do not judge, but we ask ourselves, if all countries are respected, and are helped in the same way, in this false Europe? If the answer is no, then there is something wrong, because these would not be the rules.

    Whoever wins, obviously, has all our respect, and whoever loses, has all our solidarity. But if there were even one thing that we write that was not, tragically true, we would be liars.

    Luckily for them, we are not big enough, and annoying, but the moment will come, in which we will clarify things a bit, and the whole truth will be made known and understood by everyone, and there will be many people, who they will have to apologize, maybe there will be trials, and maybe some convictions. Wait, there are plenty of corruption scandals already, where MEPs allegedly sold themselves to foreign countries, and had bags full of cash. A good example, for those who trust, want to join, and submit. However, they claim maximum seriousness, and do not tolerate corruption, in the new countries (and it is absolutely right), when they themselves, according to the investigations, accusations, and arrests of many of them, are corrupt. Not to mention the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, who keeps all the sums for the purchase of vaccines against COVID 19 secret. Partial Europe, which declares itself transparent, hides many things, which affect all of us. Another fine example of transparency, obscured. We are almost sure that many other scandals, and unclear things, will appear, and will only be the tip of the iceberg. Someone, perhaps many, will have to apologize, not to us, but to the families and friends of the dead, the wounded, the raped, the suffering, because of the wars, which could have been avoided, creating the true Europe Unit.

    Our solutions.

    Finally create the true Europe, complete and united. The Europe of countries, and of peoples, of all countries, and of all peoples. A Europe in which every citizen is equal to the other, both in terms of rights and duties, in terms of value and respect, for individuals and for their own countries and peoples.

    In which every country has its own star, its own respected dignity, in which there are just laws, equal for all. In which taxation is almost equal, in which the economy and finance also take into account the needs of countries in difficulty.

    A Europe, with a real military, defensive union, which can serve the interests of all peoples, without ever submitting, but without ever wanting to submit other countries.

    A Europe, with a united, honest and competent policy, which serves the citizens' interest, and not just that of the economy and finance.

    A Europe, with a Justice, submissive to the peoples, and not to the financial, economic and political powers.

    A Europe of solidarity, which knows how to help its entire population, and all populations, in the same way, without preferences, always starting with the people and businesses most in difficulty.

    A Europe with an internal policy based on solidarity, with a credible and fair policy on migrants based on solidarity and mutual respect for all.

    A united European foreign policy in which whoever speaks on behalf of Europe in the world is appreciated, respected and feared, like whoever speaks on behalf of the United States, China and other countries.

    An economic policy, based on respect and solidarity, in which there are the same taxes, and there are no internal "tax havens". Also fight to eliminate external tax havens, so that everyone pays taxes, exactly the same, and in the countries where the gain is made.

    And many other innovative, right ideas that allow development from all points of view.

    Did you think you could walk away saying that we are against Europe? If you have read and understood everything, you will have to think again. Think of those, who have only read the first part. What misconceptions, you will have made.

    Unlike those who fear Europe and the revenge of the financial and economic powers, we are not afraid of anyone, nobody controls us, with the exception of all our members. We, we'll put into practice, every word, and every promise. We will create the one Europe, which can be united, just, and loved by all.

    If you ask yourself, will you do it, even with Putin, and with Russia too? We are confident that Putin himself, and the Russian people, will not refuse to join our Common Europe. If they will be treated in the same way as all other heads of state, countries, and peoples. And we guarantee you that we do not discriminate against anyone, because we base all our activities on logic, common sense, and mutual respect for all people.

    Finally, this short article, and also to make you understand how we think, we come to some accusations, which people who are not very intelligent, make today's Europe, which are unjust.

    The fact of demanding certain behaviors, logical, common sense, and mutual respect, such as respect for ethnic, linguistic, cultural, sexual, religious minorities, is a sign of civilization.

    As is respect for the characteristics of certain foods, which however are never allowed to disfavor the specificity of the territory. Strict rules are fine, to protect everyone's health, but without destroying the traditions of the various countries.

    On food based on insects, such as the famous and controversial locust flour, in our opinion, there is a specious, stupid controversy based on ignorance. If there are clear labels on the various foods, it is also thanks to the strict European rules. No one forces anyone to consume food against their will. In this specific case, we at DirectDemocracyS believe that the freedom to decide must be individual. For us, there are no good or bad foods, and if we really have to, the advice we give to everyone is to get informed, and try to taste even strange foods, based on your preferences. If we ask you to be open-minded about our innovation policy, you should also be open-minded about food. At least to try, to get an idea. It is, of course, advice, such as having a diversified diet, without excluding essential substances. We repeat it is advice, like that of Europe, which does not force anyone to eat or taste things they do not like.

    On synthetic meat, or the one created in the laboratory, without sacrificing animals, but with the same nutrients, our advice is to taste, and if you like, to prefer them, to those in which many animals are sacrificed. But this does not mean that we no longer eat "traditional" meat, because we consider animal proteins to be important for good psychophysical health. As with insects, we advise, and do not force anyone, to be open-minded, and to eat things they don't like.

    Our advice, however, is not to make controversies based on nothing. Authorizing the use of certain foods does not mean forcing someone to eat them. Not to mention the butterflies in the flour, and the beautiful caterpillars, from which these beautiful butterflies are born, which have always been present in flour, cereals, pasta, and in many products, which we have eaten without worrying about it. As an experiment, try to zoom in on these harmless caterpillars. You'll see that they don't look very reassuring, and they've never hurt anyone.

    As in all types of tastes, musical, sexual, artistic, even food tastes are not discussed. Everyone is free, and must be, to eat only what they believe, and only what they prefer. For us, there are no better tastes than others, just as there are no better people than others. People are divided only into 2 categories, good, or bad. The former can join us and work with us to change and improve the world. The latter, the bad ones, can join us only if they change and improve, otherwise they will have no chance of working with us.

    Partial Europe, in some cases, has also been right on financial rigour. To expect everyone to have their accounts in order is an obligation towards those who respect certain parameters. The mistakes are the excesses, the differentiations, and above all the preferences.

    Strange, true, we also spoke well of it, in a few things, in the end. Who knows how many have read everything, and reached the end of our article. Whoever did it will have understood another small part of our politics.

    We apply the same method we used for Europe all over the world.

    Finding all the problems, and finding all the best solutions, is the job of politics. Making only polemics, and saying that everything is going wrong, without giving the right alternatives, is just a waste of time, and despite our many and often very long articles, we don't like wasting time. If we explain something, in detail, we always have all the best intentions, and we never do anything, without a reason, that is useful for everyone.

    1.   18 February 2023
    2.   Europe

    When a person hears about us for the first time, or reads one of our articles, or visits our website for the first time, he does not believe what he hears, and does not believe his eyes.

    Every person, in DirectDemocracyS, finally finds an innovative, alternative, and incompatible political organization with everything around. Better, the same,...

    When a person hears about us for the first time, or reads one of our articles, or visits our website for the first time, he does not believe what he hears, and does not believe his eyes.

    Every person, in DirectDemocracyS, finally finds an innovative, alternative, and incompatible political organization with everything around. Better, the same, or worse? Certainly different, and unique, even if various groups, especially on social networks, try to copy us, with bad results, and without any possibility of having a future. No one seeks, or wants a copy, because it will never look like the original.

    At first glance, anyone may think: great ideas, but it's utopia. Whoever thinks a little, instead says: excellent ideas, but many people are bad, greedy, selfish, and seek power, and money from political activity, therefore, DirectDemocracyS cannot work.

    No one, for now wrote: bad ideas. Nobody wrote - the project is bad. Even if many superficially think: it can't work, they won't let you do it. The most superficial of all, instead try to compare us to the old politics.

    By reading each of our articles, even several times, any doubts should disappear. But to do so, it takes a lot of good will, and also a lot of time. To understand DirectDemocracyS, before you start reading, you should completely forget all the old politics. Only with an open mind can we begin to get to know our political organization in depth.

    So, do they often tell us, that we are too "beautiful" to be true?

    This article of ours may seem a bit chaotic, but it is perhaps the first in which we put ourselves in your place, dear visitors.

    Many people don't like the way we communicate, in which we explain every detail, even in a repetitive way, but we do it this way, because many concepts, and many topics, are connected, and if you don't have a 360-degree vision, you don't can understand the meaning of our rules.

    Others don't like our continuous answering to every question that someone might ask about us, our rules, and our method. If we didn't explain, in detail, all our motivations, you would hardly understand the reason for many of our choices.

    Others tell us that we never say our positions on the various issues, according to them, for fear of losing consensus. In fact, for these people, it is not enough to say: every one of our choices is based on logic, common sense, mutual respect for all people, and starting today, we add a new sentence to all of this: we are based on the truth, on the evidence, about science, about education, and about the clear distinction, between good and evil. The previous sentence contains our essence, which to many may seem vague, unclear, and written by people who believe they have all the solutions. We don't have all the solutions, but we find them easily, if necessary, simply by asking our expert groups.

    For almost every topic or political question, the old politics has accustomed you to political forces that take sides, for or against, and we are not very different in this, we always choose the good. For us too, there are things that are right or wrong, like people are good or bad. Except that the old politics is based on being, always, against each other. If a political force says one thing, even sensible and right, the other political forces, in order to be different, prefer to make the wrong choice, say the wrong thing, in order not to resemble those, who for them, are, in at best "adversaries", and are often considered, and treated, as real "enemies". We are completely alternative, and we don't work against anyone. Therefore, please do not take only one part of each of our positions based on your interests. Too often, from a very long article, only certain sentences are taken, based on one's own interests, to make people believe things that are completely wrong and false.

    Let us give you an example, a bit trivial, but which will explain the situation well.

    If we affirmed: DirectDemocracyS, it is against smoking. There will be many people who will say: very good, think about people's health. But there will be others who will say: you are stupid, but you know how much money the States make with taxes on cigarettes. And still others: do you know how many people work in the tobacco industries and in activities connected to smoking? Thus, our stance against smoking will please some, and others will not. Want to know, what is our position on smoking?

    First a brief introduction.

    Banning something is never the solution, we have talked about it in other articles, even on negative publicity.

    Bad publicity.

    If we say: banging your head against a wall, it hurts. Many, out of curiosity, will hit their head to see how much it hurts, others will try, in various ways, and there will always be someone who will say: it doesn't always hurt, it just depends on how hard you hit it. Others will say they feel better after doing it. The same goes for anything. For example, if we said that a fruit juice is not good, that it sucks, many would buy it, to taste it, to see, and taste, if it really is bad, and by tasting it, they would realize that it is not bad, and many, may like. Negative advertising can often sell better than positive advertising.

    Our location.

    Regarding smoking, it is clear that it is harmful, but rather than forbidding it, our basic idea is to make people understand the damage it causes, without frightening them, but trying to change and improve their habits and mentality of people. For some, it could be considered a "brainwashing", for a good purpose. With the previous sentence, some will accuse us of doing a real brainwashing of all people. Changing and improving one's mentality is not an easy thing, but it certainly makes all those who manage to do it better people.

    The same argument made for tobacco products is true for alcohol, for drugs, and for anything else, and for every topic. Our decisions, and our positions, on everything, are all based on logic, common sense, and mutual respect, of all people, and are all decided, by very many groups of experts, all numbering several hundred, or thousands, soon millions of people, who propose, select, decide, discuss, evaluate, and finally vote, what will be the official position of DirectDemocracyS on each topic. This method will allow us not to make mistakes, and to always be on the right side, choosing well, always thinking of the collective interest, always starting to help people and businesses that are most in difficulty. It will also avoid, to each of our users, unnecessary waste of time, to look for alternative solutions, despite having anyone, the possibility of contesting, the decisions, of the groups of experts, with the obligation, however, to present valid arguments, and real evidence and safe, for your own complaints. Otherwise, the decision of the expert groups will remain valid and shareable for all.

    For every position we take, we are sure we risk losing some voters, but the good of the people, and their state of health, matters more than a few or many voters lost.

    We all know that the population, if they read 2 or more studies by completely different experts, always choose the one closest to their way of thinking, which confirms their theories. A simple again example, cannabis, for some studies it hurts, and kills brain cells, for others it is "a medicine", and for others, a harmless pastime. In some countries, and in some cultures, it is prohibited, in others it is tolerated, in others it is recommended. In general, we leave a choice to the various populations of each geographical area, even though we have clear positions, and always valid, and for everyone, on the basic rules and on the methodology.

    Our position, on cannabis, as on alcohol, is clear: each person is responsible for his own state of health and mental state, and always chooses based on his own intelligence. Provided that this behavior cannot cause physical, moral, or material damage to other people. If a person, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, drives a car, and causes an accident, in which innocent people die or are injured, we consider it an execrable behavior, to be prevented, and to be severely punished. Would banning alcohol, and cannabis, solve the problem? Absolutely not, but teaching people what are the best choices to be healthy, and to avoid unnecessary risks, for themselves and for innocent people, would give better, immediate results, and which will surely last over time.

    Teaching people that you can have fun in a less dangerous way, for yourself and for others, is certainly better than drastically prohibiting certain behaviors. Also, to avoid that many people, not very intelligent, perpetually against any type of system, and against the rules, make wrong choices, just to be stupidly "fashionable". For DirectDemocracyS, being clear-headed, and in the fullest of one's mental faculties, is essential in order to be able to live in a healthy community, which knows how to prevent potentially very serious accidents and problems. Always for DirectDemocracyS, maturity, and being "adult", is not demonstrated by smoking, drinking, and taking drugs. For DirectDemocracyS, one enjoys the same, and certainly better, having a lucid and clear memory of parties, and moments of fun, in a group, which, being under the influence of drugs and alcohol, make us forget, every happy moment, or sad, and every fun. For DirectDemocracyS, if a person likes another person, one should have the courage to say it clearly, directly, and not looking for the "courage" to declare himself, in drugs and alcohol. Finally, for DirectDemocracyS, sex is more pleasant, if you are awake, lucid, and know well what you are doing. But to be the way we like it, you need a strong character, great ambition, a lot of self-control, and the ability, and the courage, to be able to distinguish between good and evil, always choosing the good. Furthermore, culture, civic education, and mutual respect are needed. Therefore, we must not prohibit, but offer valid reasons to act differently and better. It takes longer, but you will certainly get better results, and that will last over time. But we will talk about these topics, in other dedicated articles, very detailed. We are talking about individual and group behaviours, which are also very important and delicate, which cannot be dealt with in a synthetic and superficial way.

    You will all have understood that we are not like the other political forces, who would do anything for one more vote, and to receive consensus. You just need to look around, to find all the confirmations, with every word we write.

    We have already said, and we repeat, DirectDemocracyS, is politically perfect, also thanks to the old policy. We have carefully studied all their mistakes, all their wrong behaviors, all their ideals, almost all failures, and in almost all of our activities, we try to do the opposite of what they do, or what they would do.

    We like to be honest, decide all things together with those who join us, offering anyone the opportunity to be a protagonist. How important is sincerity? Say things straight, and don't make fun of anyone. We don't need coddled, brainwashed, and lied to voters to get them to join us. We won't give you gifts, but every good thing, and every improvement in your life (and surely, there will be many), you will have to sweat it out, working hard, together with all of us, to change and improve the world.

    But let's see, briefly, some small differences between DirectDemocracyS and the other political forces.

    The old politics steals all your power and chooses for you. We give you all the power, and we choose everything, together with you.

    The old policy decides on the basis of financial and economic interests, by which it is controlled and influenced. We serve the interests of all the world's population, and of every population, in any territory, because we are owned, managed, controlled, and influenced, only by all of our constituents. Each local community decides for its own geographical area, and multiple areas together decide for larger territories, such as street blocks, neighborhoods, cities, districts, counties, provinces, regions, states, countries, continents, and the entire planet. They are our geographic, free, and democratic groups.

    The old politics promises anything, decides the programs, and almost never keeps them, their political representatives do what they like, often betray, lie, steal, change parties, and decide, based on hidden interests. DirectDemocracyS, all political programs, makes them together with its constituents, based on everyone's proposals, which are discussed, decided, and voted on, and then put into practice, by all our political representatives, of which we all have control together complete, so we don't cheat, we don't steal, we don't lie, and of course, we decide, based on the interests of the entire population. We put the common good, therefore everyone's, first, and before our own good, or that of a privileged few.

    The old politics has a leadership, which often wastes precious time, to fight, with more or less lawful means, with other political forces, or with internal struggles, for power, and for control, between various ambitious leaders. DirectDemocracyS does not have a single leader, each user is exactly the same as another user, and all together, we are a single leader who manages and controls all our activities. We always put the motto into practice: one for all, all for one.

    We could go on explaining the differences, but we would write too long an article, suffice it to say that unlike the old politics, for us, everything we say, write, or show are commitments made towards our voters, and we carry out, everything we promise.

    We have written clear, detailed rules that everyone respects. With us, there are no, and will never exist, the "smart", who can exploit our rules, and our method, for their own interests. Our method works, and cannot fail, because we have foreseen everything, and because we have been working hard on it, many users, for a long time.

    Finally, we give you some reasons not to join us. Yes, you read that right, we are giving you some valid reasons to never join us. We are not crazy, but we like to let you know which people we do not want with us. It's the clearest way to do it, by giving you reasons not to join us.

    The main reason is that despite there being equality of opportunity, and the same, identical, possibilities for everyone, meritocracy is always put into practice here. Only those who truly deserve it can have the possibility of obtaining important roles, with important responsibilities, internally and externally. There is no real hierarchy, but each activity of each of our users is evaluated by our system and by our specialized groups, and only the best will be able, for example, to stand as our political representatives in the elections, and represent us, in case of victory, in the institutions. Each of our users works, alone or in groups, to make all our huge mechanism work in a coordinated way. So, in a nutshell, people who are incapable or dull will hardly join us, especially at the beginning, because they will not be able to understand our political organization and our enormous potential.

    The second motivation is that we all have to work together, 20 minutes a day, or at least 2 hours a week, because the world doesn't change, and it doesn't improve by itself, but there is a need for continuous commitment, by everyone, in various ways. Not everyone likes to commit themselves and others. We had about ten people who told us: I don't join you, because political representatives are paid to decide, and I don't want to do their job, especially for free. Technically, they are right, but our question is: does the old policy always decide well, is it honest, sincere, respects its promises, and respects every commitment made with its constituents? If the answer is yes, those who don't join us are doing very well to stick with the old politics. If, on the other hand, the answer is no, we are right to want to change and improve all politics with our innovation and alternative. Therefore, the fact of obliging political representatives to make the best choice for everyone is a moral obligation for anyone. We do useless things every day, for many hours, lost, without obtaining any useful and concrete result. DirectDemocracyS gives back the power to all its voters to be masters of their present and future.

    The third reason is because with us, the clever, or the ambitious, those who seek power, and money, only for themselves, have no chance of being able to realize their meanness. Since there is no leadership, all those who are selfish, greedy, and seek power (not deserving it), have no reason to join us. If by chance they manage to join us, they certainly won't be able to stay with us, and they certainly won't be able to slow us down, or stop us.

    The fourth reason is that everyone can come to us to carry out their own projects, but no one can join us to teach us how to work. We have worked, we work, and we will always work, to expand our projects, without ever changing, not even a word, or even a rule, from the beginning, and those that have been added over time. We don't want to change anything, because each of our choices has been proposed, selected, discussed, and voted on by our members. There are no leaders, who decide, every decision is collective, based on individuals and groups, all coordinated, and who trust and respect each other. We had a hundred people who joined us to make us change, or the name, or the logo, or some rules, which they didn't agree with. We love all people, even those who think they know everything, but to join us, they must first of all know how to adapt and be compatible with our rules, our method, and our characteristics.

    The fifth reason is of a technical nature. We have thousands (soon to be tens of thousands) of expert groups (only a very few of these groups are public), of all types, on every topic, all composed (except public ones), by hundreds, thousands (and soon from millions), of users each, who have worked, are working, and will work, to decide everything, based on the various topics, in a coordinated way. Traditional social networks allow anyone to carry out activities of all kinds, speaking and commenting on topics they do not know, in DirectDemocracyS, to access specialist groups, one must be a professor, or work directly, or have studied, or in some cases study, with excellent results, and with innovation, every topic, every subject, and every activity. This method allows us to have users, and political representatives, always informed, in a free, complete, independent, honest, competent, and disinterested way, on any topic, and on the various choices, with all the consequences, envisaged, for any choice. This method of ours is not liked by those who think they know everything, without having the right and necessary skills. Thanks to this feature, here, each person deals, only and exclusively, with things he knows perfectly, and accepts, sharing them, the decisions of the various groups, even though he can contest them, based on detailed rules. Many like to have their say on every topic and do not accept the competent and honest opinion of others. It is a bit the defect of those who believe that they have all the answers, on everything, thanks to search engines. The thing we don't like is that the right results, which are found on the internet, are not easily distinguishable from the wrong ones, for those who are not experts, therefore, many tend to assume that only the information is good and right, who confirm their thoughts, and their theories, often based on simple intuitions, assumptions, without real, guaranteed, and reliable evidence.

    The sixth reason is somewhat connected to the fifth. The search for truth often leads some to consider their theories as absolute truths. Let us briefly clarify this fundamental concept, with some information, and some examples. Each of our articles, which is published on our website, in the main menu item: Law, which contains information, rules, instructions, is historically proven and scientifically flawless, therefore, no one can dispute what we write, without making a bad figure. Thinking of one thing, or having, even a legitimate suspicion, for us, is not equivalent to absolute truth. We consider only the news, which we can verify, to be authentic, and we do not rely on "partially reliable" sources, not adequate, because we know well that not all people always tell the truth, including multimedia, and the information, even "official", in general. Even the ways of presenting the news, to make people reach the desired conclusions, by those who give the news, are not part of our method. We trust our groups of experts, who also have the fundamental purpose of confirming what "they say around". Many people, who base their lives on what is said around, often on assumptions, we don't need, as we don't want with us, people who tell us proud: I think, with my head. First, because you don't think with your head, but with a part of your brain. Second, because those who think they know all the truths certainly don't need us, and our project. Without a doubt, he can obtain leadership roles in traditional political forces. Third, because we, unlike those who do not have the technical and specialized means to distinguish the true from the false, always prefer to question everything, everything, verifying it, and if we write, say, or show something, it must be, only the truth. Search engines mix truths with falsehoods, good with evil, right with wrong. Our groups, made up of experts, help us choose, competently, without making mistakes. We will make various articles dedicated to the Internet, which does not contain only the right things, and the truth, and how people, who think they are intelligent, are unable to distinguish the true from the false. We will also talk about the mania for protagonism, of many users, of social networks, who feel the irresistible need to say their own opinion, on everything, on every topic, often, making a bad impression, demonstrating their ignorance to everyone. In some cases, they demonstrate malice, envy, frustration, hatred, for anyone who is rich, famous, or, for those who are involved in politics. Maybe not everyone knows that politics is the exact mirror of the population that votes, and those who don't vote, however, by not expressing themselves, deserve all the politics there is, because they leave the task of choosing to others. In many cases, there is a large dose of anti-Americanism, where everything is blamed on the United States. In some cases, the United States has made bullying, wrong choices, and mistakes (and we do not hesitate to point them out, and always condemn them), but they are not to be hated, on the contrary, we should carefully study the whole of history (and not only the parts, which suit us), and then eventually, follow long courses in logic. Often, the United States is hated for old utopian ideals, such as communism and statism, which luckily for all, no longer exist, in any country in the world, but where they have existed, they have left bad memories, and shameful results often tragic. For example, the countries of Eastern Europe, although in some cases rich, are more than 50 years behind, in all, compared to the Western countries, which were under the protection of NATO and the United States. Or Russia, which from exploitative tsarism had an exploitative and incompetent communism, and then passed to an oligarchic, exploitative, incompetent and cruel dictatorship. China itself has renounced, in many cases, corrupt statism, and moved on to an equally corrupt, but more just, semi-capitalism (always, with the usual, anti-democratic, single party). The United States, at least, allows everyone to speak up, protest, and hate, even frustrated people, who always have to blame someone for their inability to create a decent life. If something goes wrong, instead of finding solutions and putting them into practice, what is simpler and more comfortable is to blame someone, or something, for your failures. But the worst imbeciles are those who consider themselves superior and blame other citizens (who are considered uninformed and manipulated) for the current situation. If you ask these people, who "have no faults", who they would have voted for, they say, that is private information. They are also ashamed of the failed and incapable political forces that they themselves support. Like those who say, with every piece of news: are you talking about this fact? And they add: but there are other important facts to talk about. To these people, we explain clearly that the information, even the false one, from various news, and certainly deals with, various topics, even those, which interest users who protest (just search, and you will find everything), because they are not interested to a certain topic. Already the fact of commenting on news that is of no interest is stupid, exactly as it is to say: I don't want to watch this TV programme, or: I won't watch it. So, someone should care that a complete stranger is not interested in some news, or does not watch, a certain program on TV. Perfect strangers, who give judgments on everything, and they believe they are always right, and always prefer the best things. Their judgment does not interest anyone, and the tastes of anyone, for anything, are not discussed. If we don't like something, it's enough for us to comment, only the things we like, without judging the tastes and interests of other people. There are no better tastes in anything, and no worse ones. And on TV, dear friends, fortunately you have many programs to choose from (you just need to learn how to use the remote control), or you can read a good book, without considering those who watch a specific program "inferior". Many boast that they don't watch TV, and that they don't follow the "official media" (although, we have to admit, not all official information is false). These people boast of their ignorance, TV is full of interesting programs, including culture, science, and other useful programs. This need for protagonism, which our specialists consider a real disease, and certainly a modern phobia. There are important studies, some supported, and carried out, even by us, which demonstrate that the need to say one's opinion on everything is like an addiction, in many cases, it is the desire to have an opinion, to make it public (although knowing, in one's unconscious that nobody cares) and is dictated by the need to have someone who can know how they think, and maybe find someone who responds, even to senseless comments. Others boast of not believing the official sources of information, and if you ask them: where do you get your absolute truths, often they don't answer, or they give you links, to websites, or to credible groups, such as a $3 bill. What a sad life they must have, no longer believing in anything except a few "friends" who tell them “Their truth", the one that they themselves want to hear. Unfortunately, these "informed" are almost completely unrecoverable, they live in their "sad alternative world". Others love animals more (which certainly deserve love and protection), than humans, because they themselves are of the "human race" of generalizations. To these people, humanity is all evil, all guilty, if these people are frustrated, and certainly in a pitiful state. If something fails you, if your life sucks, instead of wasting time, showing off your ignorance, find the strength, and the courage, and the way, to change and improve your lives. Certainly, it is more difficult and tiring, but at least it solves your problems. One must never generalize, and write sentences, from mentally ill people like: we deserve extinction. Indeed, whoever writes these sentences, or who has certain behaviors, makes the statement, despicable, and from heartless people, about extinction partly true and correct. Then, there are people, who put laughing smileys on shocking news, which immediately make them angry, other people, perhaps equally stupid, who write the inevitable comments, such as: but whoever puts a laughing smiley face, what problems do they have. Every person is interested in commenting on the stupidity, and lack of empathy, of other people. There are also the nice ones, who have to make everyone laugh, as they often do, during their sexual performances. You see, at least our jokes make a smile, even on the sad truth. And we are certainly not referring to our sexual performance, which, with a few exceptions, which we all know, is excellent. There are also, people paid to write certain things, who are sold, for economic interest, or others, politically aligned, to do a "brainwashing" to "minds in difficulty". There are political forces that have a despicable need to create social hatred and riots in order to obtain consensus and votes, and then do worse than the others once they have obtained power. All these bad habits, and waste of time, show you what kind of world we live in, and we'll let you in on a secret. Some of us, seeing what kind of people there are around, feel slightly discouraged, and many of us, every now and then say: but it's worth it, working hard, and wasting your precious time, to change and improve the world, even to this type of people? Then, we find our "motivators", who tell us, that there are many good people, who deserve, a different and better life, and that obviously, there will be many people, who reading this article, will start to behave well, avoiding behaviors wrong. Even if not, many will reach this point of reading this article, many will give up and stop reading, after the first few lines, without going down to here. Too bad for them. Before moving on to the seventh reason, we want to make a dutiful clarification. When we write about theories, or ideas, without evidence, or undocumented, we do not condemn those who think differently, for any topic, on the contrary, we have dedicated groups, in which every theory, even the most bizarre, is proposed by anyone, who has the opportunity to explain his theories to anyone interested. We analyze them, with our experts, because there may be good ideas, and truths to discover. But in an official way, we say safe and proven things, but for those who consider us: closed, and without mental openness, we tell you clearly, that we do not throw anything away, and every idea, theory, even every probable conspiracy, is analysed. If the proofs are found, of every affirmation, we will be happy about it, and we will work for that too. Maximum open-mindedness, such as we require, of anyone to join us.

    The seventh reason not to join us is because, for some, we are presumptuous, and we always have all the answers ready, we are unnerving, because we think we know everything. This is due to the fact that we have competent people and groups of experts with us, who do an excellent job, whom we all trust 100%. So, we have every reason to be presumptuous, and we actually have all the answers ready. And then, if we're proud of our work and our results, we don't think we're so annoying. The truth, in some cases, is annoying, because anyone would like to have had our ideas, and then, they would have wanted to create all this. It is always said: “the fox, which does not reach the grapes, says it is unripe”. Ours is a collective work, and even the excellent results, which make us proud, must be shared, and the credit goes to all of us. As we have written, thousands of times, we have no leader (but we are all leaders), in the same way, our ideas belong to all those who are with us and will join in the future, adding their own ideas, and their own projects. Our first ideas, integrating with those of anyone who joins us, will always be bigger, as long as we don't try to distort, or change the meaning, and the ideas we've had from the beginning. This method of ours could be the eighth reason not to join us. But we confess to you that we will use it forever, never to lose, and for any reason, our identity, and our characteristics, which make us unique, innovative, and alternative to all the rest of politics. How many times do we repeat certain words, always in pairs, or in groups, to explain well, each of our choices, and the logical motivation. Because we, we do nothing, without a valid reason. We can assure you.

    There are many other reasons not to join us. We have written a lot, to make everyone understand how we are, and to be able to choose, in an informed manner, whether to join us, or whether it is better not to. In some cases, many will prefer to wait, to see if we will have all the success, we are sure we deserve.

    Friends, of course, the reasons for joining us are more numerous, and more important, than those for not.

    To understand everything, on DirectDemocracyS, to discover all our motivations, you have to read, very carefully, even a couple of times, each of our articles, from the beginning to the end (it takes a lot of time, patience, open-mindedness, but you will avoid surprises). These articles make us "very unpleasant", and make us consider presumptuous, by those who believe, to be able to join us, to change our political organization according to their own conveniences and tastes. Nothing is changed, things are added, without distorting anything, because unlike many who join us, all of us have enormous, infinite respect for all the work done by those who have been in DirectDemocracyS for the longest time our. Therefore, if you cannot accept these rules, and this method, you are perfectly free not to join us, as we are completely free, to select, with great care, anyone who wants to join us. If the love isn't mutual, it can't work, so better not start, the relationship.

    Each of you, reading our articles, will find many reasons to "hate us", but you will surely find many more to love us. So, choose, based on what you think is best for you, for your present, and for future generations. Just one piece of advice, from the bottom of my heart, get busy directly, with us, or with others, so as not to leave all the power it does not deserve to the old politics.

    We offer you the only alternative, credible and functional. The world population, at the right time, will all be informed of our existence, in a complete, and we anticipate, certainly innovative way. Each person will be able to choose between us, and them. And we are all confident that they will be able to choose the best political organization, namely ours, DirectDemocracyS. 

    1.   04 February 2023
    2.   Our style

    Albert Pike said: "What we do for ourselves dies with us, what we do for others and for the world remains and is immortal."

    Our second aphorism.

    Irish statesman and writer Edmund Burke once wrote: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing."

    1.   02 February 2023
    2.   Our Philosophies

    Let's get one thing straight right away.

    DirectDemocracyS loves, respects, protects, helps, and accepts good people, of any nationality, of any color, of any religion, of any culture, of any tradition, of any sexual preference, and of any political opinion . We are convinced that everyone should be treated equally and have the same rights, but...

    Let's get one thing straight right away.

    DirectDemocracyS loves, respects, protects, helps, and accepts good people, of any nationality, of any color, of any religion, of any culture, of any tradition, of any sexual preference, and of any political opinion . We are convinced that everyone should be treated equally and have the same rights, but also the same duties.

    The cowardly Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    We sincerely find it painful that political figures (even famous and important), of all types, from various countries of the world, "support" for one or the other people, for one or the other main part in this conflict. Everyone wants to mediate, find solutions, in situations, and in business, that don't concern them. Everyone wants to express their opinion, always on the basis of financial and economic interests, the logic of power, political influences.

    Poor profiteers.

    You can't wait to take most of the riches that belong to the Ukrainian people, and soon after the imminent and final fall of Putin, even those that belong to the Russians. You can't wait to take advantage of these 2 peoples, who have both suffered and suffer, due to cruelty, greed, thirst for power, and interests, of beings, who have nothing human.

    Who can decide?

    Only 2 people, elected together, in a transparent, and safe way, by the Ukrainian and Russian peoples, who on our website, and in a safe, neutral place, will be able to negotiate, not on behalf of their countries, but of their respective peoples , first the immediate truce, and then a peace, preventing any possible conflict, and any possible act of revenge or violence, now, and in the future.

    Why on our website?

    Because we are the only ones in the world, who can pronounce the words: democracy, freedom and neutrality. We have never rooted, for anyone, but only for the truth, for logic, common sense, and mutual respect, of all populations.

    Because in our immense house (our website), the interest of the world population is always above the interests of a few profiteers. With the right local autonomy, each of us works to change and improve the world, putting into practice: equality and meritocracy.

    Why only 2 people, elected by their respective peoples?

    Because the old politics and the old diplomacy, too dependent on finance and economic interests, have failed throughout human history. They are incapable of preventing conflicts, because it is not convenient for them to do so. Only the respective peoples, free from geo-political interests, which, among other things, could trigger a world conflict, and potentially cause the end of mankind, must talk to each other and decide.

    With the nuclear threat, the countries that possess this type of weapon have already "stressed" and caused psychological damage, and great fear, to the entire population of the earth.

    Our solution is simple.

    An election in Ukraine, and in Russia, in which 2 people are chosen, one in each country, who will decide together, how to get out of the bad situation, without Putin, without Zelenskyj, without Biden, Xi Jinping, and without the fake and false European Union.

    The choice must be made, in a transparent way, without an electoral campaign. They must be 2 people of culture, without any subjection, towards the politics, economy, and finance of their own country, or towards foreign countries.

    Our proposals, which the two Ukrainian and Russian representatives will be able to take into account if they wish.

    Put every word of the Budapest Memorandum into practice.

    Make the Russian-majority Crimea a free, independent State, but within federal Ukraine, with privileged relations, and protection from both Ukraine and Russia.

    Oblige the policy of Russia, and of Ukraine, to respect the rights of all populations, which make up their respective territories.

    And finally, our proposal, most important, and difficult to implement.

    Put an end forever to the spiral of hatred, revenge and violence.

    Why will these 2 people be legitimized to decide in the name of their fellow citizens, their governments, and for their military?

    Because they will be legitimized, and appointed, by those who must hold all the power: the population, the voters, who nominate these 2 people, chosen by them, among themselves, to find a solution to the faults that are not theirs.

    Because both Putin (main culprit, together with his figureheads, oligarchs, and worthless politicians), and Zelenskyj (who is not a good politician, but is more suited to multimedia), and above all the "vultures" Biden, Xi Jinping, the United Kingdom, and the false European Union, have failed in every attempt at peace, and we have talked about it in many of our articles. They are all incompetent, and do not deserve the respect of the rest of the world, and, in our opinion, not even of their respective countries.

    What will become of the two who will carry out the negotiations?

    As soon as they have done their job, they will go back to their respective jobs, they will not take the place of the incompetent, who lead their countries. They do not coup d'état, they will not make any politics, they will share together with DirectDemocracyS, the prize of the Nobel Peace Prize, with 33.33% for one the 2 future politicians, and 33.33% for DirectDemocracyS.

    If they carry out their tasks, in the best way, and if they want, they will be invited to join DirectDemocracyS, and if they are voted by their respective national groups, they will become our candidates, in the next elections, in their respective countries.

    So, will DirectDemocracyS, in the future, take advantage of the enormous electoral capital, earned by the 2 Russian and Ukrainian "elected", to become famous in the world, and to win the next elections, in Russia and Ukraine?

    We simply answer this question, with a question, and invite those who ask it to read, with great attention, even a couple of times, each of our articles, published on our website. With such a project, with such rules, and with our method, do you really believe that we will need this important political fact, which must save the world, to become famous, and to win elections all over the world? We don't need to use old political tricks to become famous and win elections. We are innovative, alternative, and incompatible with all the old politics.

    What legitimizes DirectDemocracyS, to decide this important activity?

    We are the only free, independent political organization that puts authentic democracy into practice, and that already has thousands of Russians and Ukrainians in it, along with other users from all over the world. Ever since Russia massed its troops on the border with Ukraine, we've been working, trying to find a solution, one that works for everyone. It is difficult, and understandable, for Ukrainians to resent all Russians. But for us, the fault lies not with the Russians, but with reckless Russian politics, current and past. In DirectDemocracyS almost 99.99% of our Russian users are against the invasion. In Russia, in words, many, perhaps too many, support Putin, but in fact, almost everyone is eager to remove Putin from the political scene. Great attention to his faithful collaborators, who in words seem worse than their boss. Our groups of specialists in politics and military activities are convinced that in order to eliminate Putin, they advised him to start this tragic war, which we know can never be won by anyone.

    Therefore, we have an obligation to find a solution, which allows everyone to get out of it in some way.

    Some specialists believe that if Putin accepts our proposal, it will be his physical and political end.

    If Putin were to accept our proposal, he would demonstrate, for once, that he at least wants the good of his people. Also, even if no one knows us, we are people of our word, until the next elections, in Russia and Ukraine, none of ours, will do any business, which tries to change the current political forces. On the contrary, we guarantee that anyone trying to change the current balance of the current policy of the 2 countries will be blamed by us for terrorism and crimes against humanity, and will automatically become our adversary and enemy of their own people, for the simple fact that we act only in the name of the people, and we are not accomplices, nor allies, of any traditional political force.

    And if your idea, commendable, worsen the situation?

    We always answer with two questions. Can there be a worse situation than this? What would be the alternatives? Furthermore, our project, to find a shared solution to this very serious crisis, is very detailed, here we have only summarized the basic concepts. There are many points to be accepted by all, with a public commitment, and we will make them public at the right time.

    Together we have found the solutions that could end any war in the world.

    We hope that for once, we will all be united to make our proposal known, and to force them to put it into practice. Forcing peace is not a lack of freedom, not even a dictatorship, or the imposition of our ideas, but it is beneficial for everyone.

    DirectDemocracyS, your political innovation, alternative, truly in every sense!

    1.   01 February 2023
    2.   Russian invasion of Ukraine
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