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    • 194 Articles

    In our first 9 phases, we had: 390625 registered users (from all countries of the world, and from every people on earth), 78125 verified users (whose identity has been verified, and is guaranteed), 15625 official members (in with the payment of the annual fee), 3125 official representatives, 625 administrators, 125 super administrators.


    In our first 9 phases, we had: 390625 registered users (from all countries of the world, and from every people on earth), 78125 verified users (whose identity has been verified, and is guaranteed), 15625 official members (in with the payment of the annual fee), 3125 official representatives, 625 administrators, 125 super administrators.

    We have published on our website, 164 publicly visible articles, without any obligation to register, for free, without any commitment, with our information, instructions, rules, and motivations.

    We have created all the possibilities to contact us, for any activity.

    We have created, other utilities, to create all the necessary potential, such as discussion areas, extensions for elections, polls, and many other components.

    We have created a Blog, with 1166 posts, in over 56 languages.

    We have created over 2000 groups of all kinds, and over 3000 pages, thousands of events, and many activities.

    We have created some groups and presentation pages, and some of our official profiles, on the main social networks.

    All this by April 4, 2023, a few months ahead of our forecasts.

    Thank you, on behalf of everyone, to all our users, because it's only thanks to each of us that we have become as big as a medium-sized city.

    How the various stages work, based on the number of users.

    The growth of DirectDemocracyS is slow, continuous, safe, and very well organized.

    It started, many years ago with 5 founding members, and then 277 new users (from many countries, representing almost all the peoples of the earth) were added, carefully selecting, according to our needs.

    For 14 years, we have worked hard, without making any publicity, to conceive, choose, discuss, test, and vote, each of our rules, and our unique and inimitable working method.

    Only since June 2021, we have made our political project known to a few people, and we have begun to accept the first new users. After less than a year, we had more than double the expected users, instead of about 30,000, we had almost 80,000. By the end of the year, we would have exceeded 100,000 registered users. In 2022, and the first 4 months of 2023, we were literally, and pleasantly, invaded by thousands of people a day, from every country in the world, and representing every population on earth.

    We carried out each phase, in the manner and within the foreseen times, scrupulously respecting each of our rules and our methodology.

    What happens from April 4, 2023?

    For an indefinite period of time (at least until June 21, 2023, but according to some perhaps until December 21, 2023), we will take care of verifying all the new identities of our users, without accepting new free registrations.

    For a limited period of time, the various stages of invitations will be completed, and very few new users will still be created. Then, the registrations of new users will be closed, in any way.

    For information on this blocking of registrations, visit this link:

    Why, we don't accept new users?

    We have explained it several times, and for many months, DirectDemocracyS, we have been selecting very carefully, every person, who wants to join us. There are political forces, which accept everyone, who are interested in quantity. To obtain consensus, votes, and power, the other political forces would do anything.

    We are interested in continuous but controlled growth, bringing in the right people at the right time. This is the best way to prevent any possible problems.

    Read carefully all our previous articles, you will find many details, and all our motivations, for this strange, unusual and innovative choice.


    No, simple application of our predictions.

    What happens to those who have already registered?

    Anyone who registered, before our blocking of registrations, if they carefully follow our instructions, will be activated, and their identity will be verified, being able to start working with us immediately afterwards.

    Will the advantages end, and the facilitations?

    All the advantages and facilities for new users have always been in terms of time and roles. As is logical, whoever joined among the first, and whoever registers, before anyone else, has the very important advantage of starting to work with us before others. Therefore, whoever registers earlier can pass faster, from an initial type of user, to a higher one, with greater responsibilities, and greater "power", within our inevitable, but just "hierarchy". Whoever "enters" first can obtain roles of greater "prestige", both individually and in each of our groups, in fact, everyone knows our rule, based on equality, and meritocracy, both continuous over time.

    Up until April 4, 2023, registrations were free, fairly quick, and relatively simple.

    From 5 April 2023, each of our new users (without any preferences, exceptions, or favoritism), will have to pay in advance, a guarantee, which can be used to become an official member, purchase paid services, or can be recovered, exactly after a year, from the verification of your identity. During the year, each of our new users will have to work together with all of us to change and improve the world. After a year, if a good job has been done, you will receive 80% of the guarantee money back, or you can become an official member, or buy paid services, without recovering the money, but obtaining the new role, or paid services, free of charge, for the advance value. Practically, almost nothing is lost.

    A guarantee, to be paid, in advance, for what?

    DirectDemocracyS, has only one weak point, the registrations of many users, simultaneously, to try to boycott, or distort, our work. Practically, with many new users, we could try to carry out activities against the common interest of all our users. To prevent all this, we charge a guarantee, upfront, to be able to evaluate over the course of a year whether you join us in good faith or with bad intentions. If a user, after registering, does not respect all our rules, all our instructions, and all our methodology, having an impeccable behavior, and does not work together with all of us, to change and improve the world, he may be blocked , penalized, or expelled. In this case, he will lose any sum advanced. Even if after registering, you will withdraw, or cancel your personal profile, leaving our website, and our political organization, you will lose any money paid, as a guarantee. For this reason, please do not join us, just to see how it works, but to do so, only if you are sure that you want to work together with all of us.

    We are very attentive to every detail, and therefore also to the use of every cent we receive. We have money management groups, which guarantee us solidity, and financial independence. In addition to always putting something aside, for a guarantee fund, which represents about 10% of all the money that comes in, we spend 45% of every money received, to manage, develop, and improve our political organization, and 45%, to pay those who work with us, and to reward the best users.

    Why do we give back only 80% of the 12 euros (but they could increase in the future), which are currently our guarantee?

    For the simple fact that out of 12 euros, there are bank commissions, and the rest of the money, which we keep, will be used to pay some "old" users, to control the behavior of new users, and to verify their identity . Practically, we will be able to welcome many more people, practically in real time. As of April 4, 2023, the waiting times for the activation of new personal profiles had reached approximately 60 days. Obviously, we had foreseen everything, but it doesn't seem right to make people wait almost 2 months to be activated. But in other articles, we have explained, every detail.

    All our users have exactly the same value, and the same "power".

    Until April 4, 2023, we had invited some personalities to join us, begging them not to tell anyone that they had joined us. We haven't gone crazy, we too know that if a famous person wrote on social media: "I joined DirectDemocracyS", there would also be millions of people, all together, who would join us. Even if we have many security measures in place, and we can increase our technical potential (power, speed, and space, of our computer systems) practically in an unlimited way, and in a few hours), we would risk taking months, many months, to accommodate all, in the best way, with the right consideration, and attention, for every detail. So, we begged the many "personalities" to join us, without telling practically anyone. If someone believes that there are no famous people in DirectDemocracyS, they are free to do so, let's not waste time with those who don't believe us. You would be surprised at the names of those who are already with us, even for a long time.

    Anonymity, and privacy.

    Being anonymous, as a user, or as an official member (in good standing, with the annual fee), is very useful for various reasons. First, because you can work together with us, in peace, and second, because we evaluate the work and activities of all our users, based on how we respect our rules, and on the behavior of each of us. No matter the names, we welcome everyone and reward the best. At the right time, in the next stages of registration (we have foreseen at least 16 of these stages with regard to the registration of new users), whoever so wishes, will be able to provide further details about themselves, based on their privacy settings, directly in your personal profile. We evaluate each activity, based on the Log files, of our system, composed of the computer system, our Artificial Intelligence, and finally by our activity evaluation groups (composed of hundreds of people from all over the world, representing all peoples of the earth). Don't be scared, for us only our voters count, who are our users, and technology helps us, it doesn't control us. We offer you more details, and all the reasons, in some of our articles, only on our website.

    About famous people, and about the names, which many ask us, of who created all this.

    We respect the privacy and anonymity of each of our users, therefore also of those who were among our first users. We've already told you, the result counts, not who first had the idea. Furthermore, as you may have noticed, DirectDemocracyS is constantly evolving, new people arrive, with new ideas, and if they don't distort the previous ones, each new proposal is discussed, chosen, analyzed, and finally voted on. For this reason, DirectDemocracyS belongs to each of our members (who hold only one share certifying ownership, which cannot be combined and cannot be transferred), and each of our successes is everyone's success, each improvement is in everyone's interest .

    We work only, and exclusively, on our website.

    Politics is a serious matter, and politics on social networks could be fun for those who don't take it seriously. Our presence on social networks is limited to communicating to everyone that we exist, and informing about a few of our activities, often, long after we have published them, on our official website. We are not repeating all our reasons, it would make this article much longer than expected, but we invite you to read our previous articles. To what was previously written: independence, freedom, security, order, and lack of distractions, we also add, as a motivation, the absolute and reciprocal control of all our users. This control, which may seem excessive and overwhelming to many at first sight, is instead necessary to guarantee excellent results. The old politic often has wrong behaviors, for the simple fact that there are no adequate controls to prevent every single problem. Working, and making politics, only and exclusively, on our website, thanks to the Log files, each user can control, and be controlled, through security groups, every activity, carried out, and punish anyone who violates our rules, and reward those who obtain, alone or in a group, the best results. On social networks, all this would be impossible.

    We like to explain everything to you, in the right ways, places, and times.

    Someone may be frightened by knowing that we have over 164 articles as of April 4, 2023, with information, instructions, motivations, and rules. We always say it, certain things, doing them, all our activities, are understood immediately, reading, everything can seem very strange, complicated, and too severe.

    Criticisms, but only if they are intelligent and constructive.

    Often, we have had visitors, and even our users, who criticize us, just to try to find faults, because we have the absolutely justified presumption that we consider ourselves perfect, and that we have found all the solutions. If only people, before criticizing anything, knew that among the many characteristics that make us unique and inimitable, we have one that has never been used by others: none of our activities takes place individually, and each our choice, is collective. Every little thing, even every word, written in our every article, is decided by groups, and in the international stage, every group, is made up of people, representing every population of the earth, and every country. We decide everything together, but we control everything together, we evaluate everything together, we punish everything together, and we reward everyone together. There is not, and there will never be a single public and political activity in which only one person is involved. In this way, we can prevent any possible problems, and avoid any mistakes.

    Logic, common sense, and mutual respect, of all people.

    They are not words written at random, they are our essence, together with equality and meritocracy, which continue over time.

    Working in this way, we can consider ourselves perfect, for the simple reason that by eliminating any internal struggle, and any leadership, we really are. And this annoys many, both because they are envious and because they fear us. In a changed, different, and better world, ignorant and bad people are doomed to failure. Creating a just world is not a utopia, but the duty of every good and intelligent person.

    We accept anyone's proposals and ideas, but only if they serve to improve and expand our political organization, without distorting or modifying the work done previously. The criticisms, but also the "proposals", made from outside, without reading all our articles, will not be taken into consideration, because they are made in a superficial way.

    Our invitation is to read carefully, even several times, each of our public articles, trying to understand every word and every sentence, including our motivations.

    Don't join us, just out of curiosity, but only if you really want to change and improve the world.

    Do not join us if you are not willing to work concretely and continuously over time together with all of us, with the right mentality and open to our innovation.

    Don't join us, trying to be smart, and reasoning, like the old and bankruptcy politic, that existed before us.

    Do not join us without first carefully reading, even several times, all of our public information. We write it often, but never enough.

    Don't trust anyone who tries to copy our ideas, because what we publish, and public activities, are just the tip of the iceberg. Our "secret" and internal activities make us look like a "dangerous cult", and many are frightened, and believe that we can cause damage, and create problems. Those who believe these things, avoid joining us, because they do not know right from wrong, and what is right from what is wrong.

    We often tell you that at some point, every person on earth will and will have to choose between DirectDemocracyS, which is innovation, and perfection, and the old politics (including all the failures, who try to copy our ideas).

    Choose what you prefer, for your own good, and for that of future generations. We will not condemn you, and we will not judge you, for who you are, or for what you choose, so if you can, avoid doing it too.

    This brief balance of ours closes phase 9 and opens phase 10.

    What changes? Our internal work will remain the same.

    Free registrations will no longer exist.

    The advantages and facilities will only be, in terms of time.

    Before registering, you will have to pay a guarantee, in cash, which will prevent us from having people with us who make us waste precious time.

    The identity of each future user will be made before registering, through simple, fair, but strict rules.

    Our presence on social networks will be expanded by creating presentation pages and groups in all the languages of the world.

    Our information on social networks will be practically reduced to a minimum, in the new groups and pages, we will insert very few articles, because even with a summary of what we are doing, with our main characteristics, every intelligent and good person will be able to choose the best of ways.

    What will we do inside? We will only explain it, to those who will join us. Public information will be rarer, just a few lines are enough to choose us. We will focus on internal work, putting the right people in the right place, assigning roles and responsibilities based on our rules.

    Finally, just a little provocation.

    You will never know who is behind all this, for the simple reason, that who is behind it does not count for us, who is in front counts, that is, each of our registered users, who creates our only leader, composed from all our constituents and supporters. Our creator, our "John Doe", has practically no active role, he doesn't decide anything, because everything is decided, all together, in the various groups, on our website. Before they invented innovative things, and before they did important things, nobody knew certain names of famous people. For example, before creating social networks, or computer systems and programs, or before becoming famous, the names and surnames of many people were known only to their relatives, friends, and contacts. Our "John Doe", is our tradition, the one in the group of our first members, to say: "Of course we live in a world of shit!". But immediately afterwards, one of those present said: "We will have to do something to change and improve the world!". And then another said: "we will have to start with politics, with those who have the power to make laws!". And then another said: "We will have to create an international political organization!". And then another said: “it should give power to the people, and not to political parties and political representatives!”. And then another said, "It should be based on logic, common sense, and mutual respect for all people!" And then another said: "it should put into practice, equality, and meritocracy, continue over time!". And then another said, "It should be, owned, by all its members, with a single individual share, non-cumulative, non-transferable!" And then another said: “it should be based on direct democracy!”. And then another said: "it should make representative democracy, direct democracy, making the voters decide, on every activity of their political representatives, before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after the elections, with a control, and direct and complete management by whoever gives political representatives the power of representation!”. And then another said: "I would call it DirectDemocracyS!". And then another said…

    And then, it will continue like this forever, anyone who joins us brings with them their concrete work, their moral and material support, their ideas, their projects, and their innovations, without ever upsetting the previous ones. Have you finally understood how DirectDemocracyS works? It belongs to everyone, and we all work to make it better and perfect.

    The essential and political choice that each of us must make is always and only one, between counting for something and always being the protagonists, together with all our users, and with DirectDemocracyS, or continuing not to decide anything, and not count for nothing, with the old politic. You can also choose to join those who will promise you to be protagonists, and to count for something, but will never keep any promises, because our ideas, and our method, are unique and inimitable. Always choose the original, and never copies with no value, and with no possibility of realizing what is promised.

    Phase 10 will aim, towards its end, to welcome new users, to reach a total of 1953125 people. But we'll talk about it when the time is right.

    The duration of each phase is variable, so we cannot anticipate too many things. Just know that controlled growth is the only way to carry out all our activities in a perfect way.

    We have, even internally, people who tell us to hasten the various phases, in order to be politically decisive, even in the various countries. They are people who are rightly concerned, and aware of the fact that the old politics are doing a bad job. We understand the reasons, but times must be respected, just like all our rules and our methodology.

    We are sure that every person can love us for many things, but also hate us for others. Those who think they are smart, and make politics, for personal interests, to obtain fame, money, and wealth, for themselves, in DirectDemocracyS, have no possibility of carrying out ethically wrong activities. Healthy ambitions, and internal competitions, but in an honest way, with loyalty, help us to grow and always improve.

    And finally, there are those, who are afraid to visit our website, because they fear it is a scam, a bluff, and that we are too good to be true. In addition to giving you all the proof, that our website is absolutely safe, and continuously updated, the only way to verify if we are authentic, and real, is to join us, and see that we are beautiful on the inside, much more , than we are, seeing ourselves from the outside.

    1.   07 April 2023
    2.   Communications

    The paid services serve to guarantee the autonomy and financial independence of DirectDemocracyS.

    Voluntary donations, from all our supporters, allow us to improve all our activities.

    The paid services allow us, to offer many facilities, and to carry out all the necessary activities.

    The first paid services are dedicated to all our visitors.


    The paid services serve to guarantee the autonomy and financial independence of DirectDemocracyS.

    Voluntary donations, from all our supporters, allow us to improve all our activities.

    The paid services allow us, to offer many facilities, and to carry out all the necessary activities.

    The first paid services are dedicated to all our visitors.

    Your personalized email address. You pay 12 euros for a year, for a space of 500 MB, renewable after one year. For larger spaces, please contact the Email Creation Team.

    Membership and instructions DirectDemocracyS, to immediately get the personalized e-mail address.

    Visit the link:

    fill out the request form to become an official member, with all the requested data, using a valid, personal email address to which you have access and, after making the payment, you will receive all the details, pay the 12 Euros, specifying in the Rectangle Comment (before you pay):

    The personalized e-mail address: name of your choice (without spaces, possibly lowercase letters, and according to the cases numbers). All our personalized email addresses will have the ending: chosen name You can decide to enter the ISO code of your country, of 2 or 3 initial letters, followed by a random code, or by your nickname, provided that the chosen name is not that of another user, or of an external person, other than who requires the name. Names that can deceive, or create confusion, or favor scams are prohibited, such as: administrator, security, representative, and other names reserved for those who have all the rights.

    You will receive all the information, by e-mail (to your old e-mail address), with the personalized e-mail address created for you, and a password, which we advise you to change after the first access.

    Do you think it's complicated? No, it's very simple and fast.

    Limitations. The use of the personalized email address, to send SPAM mail, or unsolicited emails, or for illegal activities, is strictly prohibited. DirectDemocracyS has the right to temporarily block, or permanently cancel, any email address that does not comply with all of our rules, and that is not used with logic, common sense, and mutual respect by all people. There are no refunds, and the person who has not used the personalized email address, in the right way, will never again be able to request other email addresses ending in, or connected to us, or to our projects, of any guy.

    Creating your own personal profile. You pay 12 euros, only once.

    Our Personal Profile Creation Group, after payment, based on the requests of our future users, create a personal profile. The user just has to download the Activation Form, and send a .zip or .rar file, containing the form with the real data, filled in, and a photograph, which portrays the user's face, next to his document personal, and if personal data is written on several pages, several photos will be taken. The documents can be inserted in the archive, and reduced, even several times, of the type .zip or .rar, or other archives.

    The new personal profile will be created based on the name, username, and email address, chosen and communicated by each applicant. The password will be temporary, and we advise each user to change it after the first access. We always advise everyone to activate 2-factor authentication to have a safe and secure personal profile.

    Even 2 possibilities, in one.

    Personalized email, and creation of a personal profile. You pay 12 euros for the personalized email address (renewable after one year at the price of 12 euros), and 12 euros for the creation of a personal profile, you only pay once.

    Service Register and activate me. Fill in all the required fields and, in the comments box, specify: the username (without spaces, possibly lower case, and numbers as appropriate) that will precede, in the personalized email address, and immediately after, the chosen username, for your personal profile (they can also be identical).

    You will receive a username, based on the one chosen, and a temporary password, both for the personalized e-mail address and in the latter e-mail address, there will be a message from us, with the temporary access data (to make the first access enter the username NOT THE E-MAIL ADDRESS and the temporary password). We recommend that you change both automatic passwords to protect the personal passwords of your choice.

    The main paid service is reserved for all our verified registered users, and consists in becoming an official member of our political organization. They pay 12 euros per year, from the moment of the official appointment. If, for a variable period of time, you work with us in a mutually beneficial way, you have an impeccable behavior, you respect all our rules, and all our instructions, the Verified User Evaluation Group can offer some registered users verified, carefully selected, to become an official member.

    Guarantee, by registration.

    In certain cases, or in certain periods, guarantees are required from new users. The guarantee provides for a voluntary donation of 12 euros, and with the transition code, and the payment date, allows those who register to create their own personal profile, and receive activation more quickly, compared to the method traditional.

    After a year, or even earlier, from the moment of activation of the new personal profile, if the user wishes, he can use the donation and the guarantee to purchase the right to become an official member. In this case you will not have to pay the annual fee.

    After a year, or even earlier, from the moment of activation of the new personal profile, if the user wishes, he can use the donation and the guarantee to purchase a personalized email address. In this case you will not have to pay the annual fee.

    After at least one year, if you wish, you can pay the annual fee for another user, be it a family member, a friend, or a random user in financial difficulty.

    After at least one year, you can request the return of the amount paid, except for the return fee (bank charges and other expenses). You will receive at least 80% of the guarantee amount back.

    The guarantee, over time, and from 20 June 2023, will become mandatory, for each new personal profile created, for security reasons, and to prevent any attempt, to control DirectDemocracyS, and the choices of our groups, through the registration, of many users simultaneously.

    If a user does not comply with all our rules, all our methodology, all our instructions, and if he does not behave flawlessly, he loses the right to recover the guarantee.

    If a user does not participate in our activities, working with us, in the times, and in the ways specified, he loses the right to recover the guarantee.

    If a user is blocked, the guarantee is extended for the entire period in which he was blocked.

    If a user is expelled, and the profile is deleted, he loses any right to receive the guarantee back.

    These paid services will be integrated, by other useful services, to make, and keep forever, our and your political organization, clean, safe, reliable, just, free, and independent.

    1.   04 April 2023
    2.   Financial soundness

    In certain periods, new registrations are temporarily blocked.

    Success pleases everyone, and in politics, it means being appreciated, and certainly voted for by the voters.

    DirectDemocracyS innovative, and alternative, to all the old politics, our aim is to change, and improve the world.

    From a few friends, with ideas, rules, methodologies,...

    In certain periods, new registrations are temporarily blocked.

    Success pleases everyone, and in politics, it means being appreciated, and certainly voted for by the voters.

    DirectDemocracyS innovative, and alternative, to all the old politics, our aim is to change, and improve the world.

    From a few friends, with ideas, rules, methodologies, and political projects, we have become many friends who do the same things together. Thanks to everyone who has joined us, and will in the future, we are always evolving.

    If in 2022, the number of registered users in a day averaged around 2000, in the last period, we have exceeded 6000 new registered users in a single day. Since the number of administrators, which we can dedicate to new activations, is just over 200, it becomes difficult to continue working at this pace. The activations of new users, with great attention, and with a selection based on our needs, are fundamental, to make our entire enormous mechanism work perfectly.

    Anyone who joins us must be welcomed with professionalism, and since for us, each person is important, and deserves to receive the best information, we must suspend free registrations, in order not to increase the activation time of new users too much. From a few days of waiting, we have reached about 60 days. We cannot change the methodology for checking the identity and qualities of the people who join us. Safety, order, respect for all our rules must be maintained, to prevent and avoid possible problems. We cannot appoint many new administrators, for the simple reason, that trust is earned over time, through your work with us, and the behavior of each of our new users.

    Thanks to your free and voluntary donations, and thanks to the fact that many of our users (over 33% on average request to become an official member), we have enough funds to guarantee a powerful, fast, and with sufficient space, computer system, for everyone, and to have financial independence, which allows us to work free from any bond or obligation. The only obligation we have is towards our users, who will be our future voters, while respecting and also working for the good of those who will not join us, or will never vote for us.

    As we announced, we are forced to limit the registrations of new users, only allowing registrations based on invitations, or reserved registrations, for those who show that they are serious about working with us. Therefore, for those who invest a minimum amount, to obtain the advantages and facilities offered to our future official members.

    We have also inserted a rule, which provides for a guarantee fee, to be paid for each new user, which can be recovered after one year of work with us. This tax will allow us to prevent various people, unscrupulous political, economic and financial forces from trying to control our political organization by registering many people at the same time.

    Guarantee, by registration.

    In certain cases, or in certain periods, guarantees are required from new users. The guarantee provides for a voluntary donation of 12 euros, and with the transition code, and the payment date, allows those who register to create their own personal profile, and receive activation more quickly, compared to the method traditional.

    After a year, or even earlier, from the moment of activation of the new personal profile, if the user wishes, he can use the donation and the guarantee to purchase the right to become an official member. In this case you will not have to pay the annual fee.

    After a year, or even earlier, from the moment of activation of the new personal profile, if the user wishes, he can use the donation and the guarantee to purchase a personalized email address. In this case you will not have to pay the annual fee.

    After at least one year, if you wish, you can pay the annual fee for another user, be it a family member, a friend, or a random user in financial difficulty.

    After at least one year, you can request the return of the amount paid, except for the return fee (bank charges and other expenses). You will receive at least 80% of the guarantee amount back.

    The guarantee, over time, and from 20 June 2023, will become mandatory, for each new personal profile created, for security reasons, and to prevent any attempt, to control DirectDemocracyS, and the choices of our groups, through the registration, of many users simultaneously.

    If a user does not comply with all our rules, all our methodology, all our instructions, and if he does not behave flawlessly, he loses the right to recover the guarantee.

    If a user does not participate in our activities, working with us, in the times, and in the ways specified, he loses the right to recover the guarantee.

    If a user is blocked, the guarantee is extended for the entire period in which he was blocked.

    If a user is expelled, and the profile is deleted, he loses any right to receive the guarantee back.

    Obviously, with so many new users, people who were simply curious or who had no intention of carrying out activities with us also entered.

    The world doesn't change, and it doesn't improve by itself, but we need the direct commitment of anyone who joins us.

    Each of our users must work, individually, or, in some of our groups, both in the management of our activities, and in groups of specialists, according to their knowledge.

    We know how much hurry some are, who can't wait, to prove their worth, and the value of our political organization. But there are times to be respected, to prevent, and avoid, any possible problem. We must select each of our new users with the utmost care, to create the various connections, and the necessary appointments, to put each of our rules into practice.

    To join us, or to request invitations, read the article that explains how to do it.

    We do not know if, and when, we will allow free registrations again. Avoid criticizing our choice, because like all our rules, all our methodology, and all our decisions, they are based on logic, common sense, and mutual respect, of all people.

    We have to welcome many new users, create an international, continental and national structure, management, control, specialist and territorial groups. In this period, it is necessary to work calmly, to obtain the best results, for the good of all. We are sure that all intelligent people will understand our motivations.

    We assure you, great esteem, and infinite respect, and we wish you to join us, at the right time, to work together, in the best possible way, to carry out each of our projects together.

    DirectDemocracyS, your political innovation, alternative, truly in every sense!

    1.   04 April 2023
    2.   Communications

    Our contact forms, in the main contact menu item, on our website, are the only way to get in touch with us, with our work groups, and with all our activities.

    They are also the only way to obtain information, instructions, rules, excesses, appointments, and many other potentialities.

    They are subdivided, based on their use, and are visible,...

    Our contact forms, in the main contact menu item, on our website, are the only way to get in touch with us, with our work groups, and with all our activities.

    They are also the only way to obtain information, instructions, rules, excesses, appointments, and many other potentialities.

    They are subdivided, based on their use, and are visible, based on the type of people who use them.

    There are contact forms, visible to all people, therefore also to our visitors, other forms, however, are visible only after accessing our website, via the access form, using your username, and the own password. It is always advisable to log into our website to receive answers faster, and in a more detailed way.

    Finally, there are contact forms, visible according to the type of user, in this order: registered users, verified users, official members, official representatives, political representatives, administrators, and super administrators. Each role and each type of user has various potentials and different responsibilities.

    In general, each contact form has the same characteristics and similar rules, but different uses and purposes.

    We don't answer questions, or requests, about things we've already explained, and we don't engage in dialogue, with our visitors. If after having read, even several times, all of our information, instructions, rules, carefully studying each of our articles, you still have questions, use the most suitable form to receive the information that interests you. In some cases, we do not answer, in other cases we send you a link to find the necessary information, finally in other cases we answer you in the best possible way.

    There is information reserved for various types of users, or only for certain groups, therefore, you may not receive all the details.

    We do not use the contact forms to convince someone to join us, or to negotiate with personalities, or with ordinary people, their entry into our political organization.

    The purpose of the forms is very specific, so always do research before choosing the most suitable contact form, because from a specific form, you will receive answers faster, and more completely.

    All our contact forms can be used in all languages of the world, and you will receive answers in the language in which you contact us. There are also language modules, where you will have to use the specified language instead, or look for another similar one.

    There are modules reserved for various geographical areas, continents, countries, states, and other territorial subdivisions. In that case, you will need to be physically in those countries, or have citizenship of those countries, or reside in those certain areas, to get answers.

    There are modules reserved for certain groups, which can only be used by those who belong to those groups.

    Our contact forms are not used to know the positions taken by DirectDemocracyS, on various current events, various themes, or on various subjects. For the official positions taken, you will have to follow our press releases, in the manner and within the specified times.

    The press can only use confidential contacts, also on the basis of collaborations, with the various publishers, and with individual journalists.

    When you contact us, write correctly, without abbreviations, and without smiles, or jargon. If you write unclearly, incorrectly, disrespectfully, and not politely, you will not get a response.

    Each contact form is managed by more than 200 people, of all nationalities, and from every country in the world, but in some cases, thousands of our representatives are authorized to respond to each form.

    Some contact forms are managed automatically by our computer system. In these cases, no human being can see the content of your message, and replies are automatic, if your requests are exactly based on the specific rules, and instructions, of this type of contact form.

    Our system, and our official representatives, contact form management groups recognize capital letters, punctuation, and everything you write, please write correctly, and always check, with great care, that you have filled out each what, the right way.

    Each module has its own rules, and detailed instructions, but in general, they all look the same, only a few things change.

    Let's see how these contact forms are used, with some suggestions, in addition to the previous ones, to use them in the best possible way, safely, simply, in order, always obtaining all the necessary answers and information.

    In each contact form, fields with * are mandatory.

    First name. * Write your real name and surname, if you are a visitor, and your username (the one you use to log in, which can be anonymous if you have logged in to our website).

    E-mail. * You write your email address (always make sure you write it correctly). If you have accessed our website via the login form, your email address is entered automatically by our system. In this case, do not modify it, if you have not previously done so also in your personal profile, according to our rules.

    Object. * In a nutshell, write the title of the activity, or of the information, that you send us, or that you need.

    Message. * The information that you send us, or that you wish to receive, is written in detail, respecting all the rules and specific and general instructions. In some cases, you have to write information on each line.

    We advise everyone to always tick, by clicking on it with your finger (if you use a smartphone or a tablet), or with the left mouse button (if you use a PC), the small square, with the inscription: Send a copy to yourself. In this way, you will automatically receive, to your email address, a copy of the request, or of the message you send us. By having a copy of the contact form, you will be able to demonstrate that you have completed it, and you will also have confirmation that you have sent the form correctly.

    Prove that you are not a robot by writing the code you see in the field: Enter the security code captcha. If you do not recognize the writing that appears, click on it directly with your finger (if you use a smartphone or tablet), or with the left mouse button (if you use a PC), and the numbers and letters will change each time and thus, you will be able to distinguish them better.

    In certain cases, it is necessary to send documents, we advise you to convert them, in .pdf files, or other format, and to sign them digitally, if you have a digital signature, in this way they will be considered legalized, by you, and if necessary, or if is required, before, or after, have them legalized by those who are authorized. We advise you to insert them in an archive, in the format you prefer, compressing them, even several times, so that they are of the right size, within the maximum limit allowed, by each contact form, which allows the sending of files.

    In other cases, there are different fields, with the necessary rules and instructions, remember that the fields with an asterisk, *, are always mandatory.

    By clicking on it with your finger (if you are using a smartphone or tablet), or with the left mouse button (if you are using a PC), always check off the small square with the writing: Privacy policy * in this way, you can send us the completed form, and we will have the right to respond to you. If you don't do this, you do not authorize us to use the data you send us, and you do not authorize us to reply to you, therefore, what you send will not be valid, and you will not receive any reply.

    Finally, after checking everything, click on: Send email, to send us the contact form.

    You will receive a confirmation that your message has been sent correctly, or our system will highlight the things you have done wrong, and that you can correct, and try to send again.

    We advise you not to rush, and to do everything with the utmost attention, respecting all our rules and instructions.

    We advise you to explain clearly, in detail, what interests you, or what you send, and if you wish, you can also send us the request, digitally signed, or legalized, and digitally signed, in this way you will receive information faster, and your message will get more attention from our managers.

    If you simply need to send us a message, or you need to send us information, or various materials, and a response from us is not required, the confirmation after sending your contact form, that you have sent it, also confirms that we have received it. We don't like answering unnecessarily, our computer system will take care of it, to immediately confirm that you have done everything, in the right way.

    It is practically impossible for a message sent, or received correctly, to get lost.

    If you are waiting for our reply, please wait, patiently, without sending other similar contact forms, or, if it is not necessary, do not send too many forms together, in a short time, even for different activities.

    If we do not respond within 14 days, you can request a response from us again, although we usually respond within 10 days. For more complex questions, longer times may be needed, but in these cases, we try to communicate to you, the times in which we expect to respond to you.

    If we don't answer, even after your second message, in which you ask for our answer, it means that what you ask us is already explained in our articles, so we advise you to do a search, in our articles.

    In other cases, your question may not be answered because you are not authorized to know certain information. In these cases, you can request, as official members, to join working groups in which the activities that interest you are carried out, if you have the skills and abilities.

    We always try to answer everyone, in a reasonable time, in the best way.

    Some things to avoid.

    Never complain, for any reason, about the answers you receive. Based on what you ask, and your type of user, each of our official representatives would answer you the same way. Never, for any reason, use the phrase, "I want an answer from someone else."

    Never send 2 or more identical or slightly modified requests. Replies received will not change, and we may opt-out of receiving messages from you.

    Don't insist, and don't ask for more speed. The times are always established by our system, in order, without any preference.

    Never try to get information and answers in other ways by annoying groups or other users. The only official, and valid, responses are through these specific contact forms.

    Never send us, and for any reason, direct emails, but always and only use our contact forms. They were created, with the purpose of solving every problem, and they are the only method. If in our answer, or in our regulation, or in the instructions, you are requested, or if you are allowed, you can reply to our messages, directly from your email address, but always in response to the message previously received from us, and never directly. Once a communication has been resolved or concluded, do not use to communicate with us again, and do not give our email addresses to others. If you have new needs, use a contact form.

    Our working methodology, as far as communications are concerned, does not allow anyone to reply to direct emails, because the management of correspondence and messages received must be solely and exclusively through the contact forms. These modules are not managed directly by our web message server, but by components, and extensions, managed directly by our computer system, and by our official authorized representatives. We repeat, our server does not respond to direct messages, if they are not initiated, with our contact forms, present only on our official website.

    Do not send us junk emails, SPAM, collaboration requests, business proposals, advertisements, and other useless things.

    Security measures.

    Both after sending the contact form and as regards our possible replies, always check your inbox, and also your SPAM folder (junk mail). Due to the huge number of emails sent from our computer system, many email managers, and many filters, consider our emails to be junk mail. Obviously, they are all safe, but we advise you to always verify the sender. All of our email addresses, and every message, must be sent from official email addresses, ending with Even if our official name, which is DirectDemocracyS, appears in the header of our presumed message, check carefully that it is actually sent from one of our official email addresses, ending

    Only emails sent by us are safe, and the links they contain are absolutely safe. If the message you receive is not exactly sent from an email address, with a termination like:, even if a single letter changes, do not open the messages received, and never click, and for any reason, on the links that other people send you.

    The header of the messages is very simple to verify, and helps you to use the messages, without any risk for you, and for your privacy.

    Safety, always first. Do not hesitate to report any suspicious email to both your email managers and our Special Security Group. You can check, at any time, if we have sent an email by contacting us directly, via this contact form:

    entering all the details.

    We remind you that we will never ask you, and for any reason, by email, to communicate your password, we use the contact forms and access forms, only and exclusively, on our official website, and never by email.

    Messages with sensitive data, and everything you enter in the forms, on our website, are encrypted, with the best and most modern technologies, are fully automated, and are invisible to human beings.

    We will never ask you, and for any reason, by email, for any personal data, real name and surname, address, telephone number, date of birth, or document numbers, photos of documents, or your photos. Certain data are loaded only and exclusively, with our forms, with maximum security.

    We will never, for any reason, ask you for your credit card number, credit card activation number, your bank account information, or credit card or bank numbers. We use, for payments, or for donations, the best, and safest, international payment services, through their official forms, via their websites.

    Always check, when you browse our website, that you are actually on our website, by checking the URL, and the various links, which must all start with: or in some cases, without www, but with another name: always with, obviously followed by the specific URL, based on the page.

    With a little attention, even on your part, we can prevent any possible problem.

    As far as we are concerned, we are always up-to-date, we use the best, most modern and safest technologies to allow you safe, orderly, enjoyable and useful navigation on our website for everyone.

    For our official members, up to date with the payment of the annual fee, we also have other more direct, immediate, fast and professional methods of contact. It seems right to always reward, in every way, those who actively and directly contribute to the development and growth of ours and theirs, a political organization called DirectDemocracyS.

    1.   30 March 2023
    2.   For contacts

    A stupid person can never have good ideas, and an ignorant person can never create anything useful.

    To create and implement DirectDemocracyS, a single person could not suffice, not even the first 5, not even the first 282, who have created a large part of our project, and have implemented almost all of our ideas, our rules, and our work...

    A stupid person can never have good ideas, and an ignorant person can never create anything useful.

    To create and implement DirectDemocracyS, a single person could not suffice, not even the first 5, not even the first 282, who have created a large part of our project, and have implemented almost all of our ideas, our rules, and our work method.

    DirectDemocracyS is the first, the only one that does all its activities to change and improve the world.

    We are proud of our work, along with all those who join us.

    We often say it, and we confirm it every day, we are inimitable. There is no person, or group of people, who will ever be able to copy our political organization.

    We have often talked about security measures, of all kinds, to protect our ideas, and our users.

    We have given you a great deal of information on how we intend to always remain the only innovators of politics, at all levels. Always remaining alternatives, to everything that has ever been, and that is around.

    From the international level to our territorial activities, our political strength is owned by each of our official members.

    We have no leadership, we are all together, one huge leader.

    DirectDemocracyS, and all of its members, are all united, and indivisible, forever.

    Today we will talk in detail about security measures, and about people, and groups, who try, and will try to copy our ideas, our rules, and our methods.

    Let's say right away, that no one would copy a bad thing. So, in a sense, the fact that many try to copy us, to varying degrees, and in various ways, is a confirmation of our uniqueness, and of the value of what we are doing.

    But it is also true that to conceive and put our activities into practice, it took a great deal of work and a lot of time on the part of many people who, individually or in groups, have struggled to achieve all our projects.

    Stealing other people's ideas, and even trying to profit from them, is always wrong.

    But let's make a necessary premise. Democracy belongs to everyone, and the same thing also applies to the authentic form of democracy, the direct one. It's certainly not us, the owners, the groups, or the people who have the exclusive right to these words. The thing instead that we possess, and that is, and will always be, of anyone who joins us, as an official member (from the moment of appointment, until he remains with us, with this role), is our political project, our ideas, our rules, our methodology, our style, our "selective" and perfect political ideology, our logos, our names, and everything we have thought, chosen, discussed, decided, and voted for, from start of all our activities. All this very long and hard work of many people will be defended and protected by us with all possible means.

    All the things we do, for the first time in the world, or all our activities, have been conceived, proposed, discussed, selected, tested, voted on, decided on, registered in the name of our joint-stock company, and made public, to let everyone understand that we are the first, and only in the world, to work in this way.

    From the first moment in which we began to think about certain things concerning our "creation", we had to find a way to protect its property. The best and fairest way was to put everything in the name of all our official members, up to date with the payment of the annual fee. In this way, anyone who contributes to our existence (with their work, and with the annual fee), is sure to legally hold, for the entire duration of their activity with us, the Legal, and authorized, right to use of our ideas, including through real ownership, of all our activities, of our unique website, and of our entire political organization. We didn't, just to make sure we were the only ones with the right to use our ideas, and not even just to make money. We did it to prevent anyone from distorting our work, making "similar" projects, even partially stealing our creativity. Obviously, the right of use ends if a person gives up ownership, or if this is definitively excluded from our political organization, but also simply by losing the status of official member. If a person breaks our rules, doesn't respect our working method, doesn't work with us, doesn't behave impeccably, or doesn't pay the annual fee, he loses forever any right to use our ideas. The same thing also applies to those who will try to divide the unity of DirectDemocracyS, which is our strength. Anyone who steals our idea, even partially, does not steal it from just one of us, but from all of us, and will have to compensate each of our members, in equal parts, decided by all our members.

    Anyone who tries to steal our project will not only be ethically wrong, but will be liable for copyright infringement, and through our individual shares, will also be liable for unfair competition.

    We know very well how much all normal people hate thieves of ideas, preferring everyone the original to the counterfeit copy.

    We also know that voters, and the population, will never vote, and will never join, people or groups whose primary business is to steal other people's ideas. Not having their own ideas, they steal those of others, therefore, they could in the future do the same with the identities of those who join them, or with the money that some unwary could send them.

    This project of ours is our property, based on the individual, non-cumulative, and non-transferable shares that each of our official members possesses, from the moment of appointment, until he holds this type of user.

    But let's see who copies us, it's because they copy us, and we expect them to try to do it, even in the future.

    The first who copy us are small groups of "politicians" who have never had great successes in life. Having failed to be decisive, with the old politic, perhaps having been sent away, or excluded from the "hierarchies" of command, they hope to have better luck by copying the ideas of others. They will, because they are failures, and they want a chance, to get noticed. They are dangerous, for various reasons. First, because politics shouldn't be engaged in, as revenge, for the "wrongs" suffered, or to take revenge. The first 5 who had the first ideas, and made the first rules, and our methodology, had never done politics, and the same thing also applies to the 277 who were added to create a political organization, politically, and ethically perfect. Therefore, we were born to change and improve the world, not for personal ambitions.

    The seconds that will copy us will be some political forces, of the old politics, always helped, controlled, and managed by the economy and finance. They will do it because they will be envious of our growth, and with the certainty that we will win every election, with very high percentages. Many people are annoyed by our presumption of being perfect, and the certainty that we have of winning every election, starting with our first participation, and forever. Our predictions are based on the enormous potential we have, and on the fact that all people are tired of being fooled by old politics. Furthermore, in many countries, very many people no longer vote, because they do not feel represented by any political force, and by any political representative, of the old politics. DirectDemocracyS, is an alternative, and an innovation, credible, and that fulfills every promise. We rely on facts, and not on hopes. Those who deny all of this do so because they believe that people are stupid and can be manipulated. If the population, the voters, are offered a new and better way to go all together, in which roles are reversed, at 360°, this population will be able to choose intelligently. A new politics, in which it is not the old politics that decides, and the population that puts into practice the often-wrong choices of those who steal, with false democracy, the power of the people. In DirectDemocracyS, the people decide, and politics puts into practice the decisions of those who have given political representatives the honor, power and responsibility to represent them in institutions. There are many reasons that make us optimistic, and above all realistic.

    Now let's see the method by which they will try to convince many people.

    They will tell you that they are better than us, in many respects, but read carefully all our proposals, and then, if you don't like them, read theirs carefully.

    They will lie to you, in all possible ways, and will make you many promises, which will never be kept.

    They will tell you that you register quickly with them, and start working right away. It will certainly be true, but speed does not always guarantee better performance, just think of sex. We too, in the year 2021, had allowed quick and simplified registrations for a short time. They have signed up, dealers in erectile pills, scammers who invite you to disclose personal data, or people in need of financial help, who tell you they love you. Since politics is a serious matter for us, we only accept people who are willing to work with us to change and improve the world, and we verify the identity of each person who joins us. We prevent anyone from carrying out activities to defraud or annoy our users. So, if you like being teased, or if you like being contacted by people whose purpose is to scam you, feel free to join those who register, simple, and fast.

    They will tell you that they do not verify the identities of their users. In this way, your privacy will be protected? Absolutely not. DirectDemocracyS does not allow anyone to work with us, if his identity has not been verified by our administrators. In this way, anyone who performs prohibited activities, or anyone who does not behave normally, can first be blocked, and subsequently excluded. If you try to register again and create a new personal profile after being blocked or excluded, our computer system will not allow it. DirectDemocracyS, allows anyone to remain completely anonymous, and does not reveal to anyone, ever, and for any reason, the personal data of our users. In order to vote in the elections, the first thing you need to do, is allow your identity to be verified, and DirectDemocracyS does exactly the same thing, to keep our website, our political organization, and all our activities, clean, tidy, and safe. Knowing the identity, and working only and exclusively on our website, our system will verify and evaluate every single activity carried out by each of our users, punishing every infraction, and rewarding every useful activity. An information system, without any preferences, and without any favoritism, with a minimal human component, limited to control, that everything takes place in a manner that respects all our rules. The identity of each user will allow us to evaluate the responsibility of each person who joins us for each behavior.

    They will tell you that they are free. The only credible, truly free political project is DirectDemocracyS, because all our users can control and manage everything. Because no one will be blocked, or expelled, for what they think. Every person is free to express themselves in the right ways, times and places. Every theory, even the most bizarre, every idea, every project, of anyone who joins us, is carefully evaluated, and respected by all. Their apparent freedom will certainly be able to conquer some people, but true freedom exists only with us.

    They will tell you from them everything is free. They will tell you that with us, to have more "power", more important roles, and greater responsibilities, you have to pay an annual fee, and be an official member. They are absolutely right, those who are official members, with us, only those who are in good standing, with the payment of the annual fee, can be candidates, in our closed online primary elections. But in all political forces, it is exactly the same thing. Those who make politics with us, to run as candidates, must be our member. If, on the other hand, he wants to do politics alone, without our help, without collaborating with us, and without having our important services, he can do so by leaving our political organization and running as an independent candidate. Anyone who enters DirectDemocracyS, and then exits, for unjustified reasons, cannot return as an official member, but only, in certain cases, as a registered user. With the exception of candidacy, as a political representative, which is only allowed to our official members, there are not many differences between a verified user and an official member. Voting in elections, closed online primaries, is exactly the same. The official member has advantages and facilities for the simple reason that he contributes, with his annual fee, to the free and independent functioning of our entire political organization.

    They will tell you that they are revolutionaries. Some visitors consider us not very revolutionary, for the simple reason that we do not create any kind of social hatred. We are for the unity of people, with respect for diversity, and we are not in favor of divisions. We don't make politics against something, or against someone. This reason, together with the fact that we prefer to use the intelligence, logic, common sense, and mutual respect of all people, instead of demonstrations, violence, and destruction. DirectDemocracyS, however, obtains excellent results, thanks to the rules, the method, and the unique and unmistakable style. We change and profoundly improve the world through innovative and alternative politics. We are more incisive, efficient, and faster, in obtaining a change, and an improvement in the mentality of all people, and in society's changes. Revolutions, struggles with deaths, injuries and destruction, divisions and social hatred, we willingly leave out of all our activities.

    They will tell you that they are righteous, and correct. Already starting their activities, stealing other people's ideas, is not synonymous with justice and fairness. They won't even be able to understand all our rules, and our methodology, therefore, they will never be able to put them into practice. They will never have our unique and inimitable style, and they will not have our official members and users.

    They will promise you anything, advantages, and facilitations, which will reveal themselves over time as real scams, pity for your lost time, and for the money you will inevitably lose by joining them.

    They will pay you to join them. Seeing our successes, and our electoral victories, they will come to bribe you, they will even pay you large sums, in order not to lose power. Our advice, in these cases, is to take the money and come to us. Of course, we joke, don't take anything, and don't believe their lies. Pay close attention, because you should know that if the old politic gives you 10, it means that it has taken you away, or will take you away, at least 20. They always do it, with bonuses, electoral "tips", or electoral promises, almost never maintained. Unfortunately, there are people who believe everything.

    They will use any means, to discredit us, and to make you believe their theories. We advise you to be very careful. Study our project carefully, reading even a couple of times, with an open mind, each of our articles, and each of our information. If you find something that is better, fairer, and more complete, choose the one you prefer.

    Have already tried to buy, DirectDemocracyS. With even important offers, which show us that we are the best. We've always said it, we're not for sale, and we're all incorruptible. Who guarantees it? Each of our users, because the first to control us, are ourselves. You cannot buy, or control, a political organization like ours. Only our members can decide, but one of our rules provides that our individual shares are non-transferable and not cumulative. So, we will forever be the exclusive property of all our official members.

    We have already been offered alliances and collaborations with various political forces and with various political figures. Obviously, we refused, and you know it very well, that we are not interested in collaborating, making political alliances, electoral agreements, coalitions, or governing or opposing, together with other political forces. For the reason that we have within us, people from all political forces, therefore we have within us, all kinds of ideologies. Those who join us, renounce their ideologies, bringing their own right ideas with them, eliminating any negative part. It sounds difficult and complicated, but it's super simple. So, we don't need agreements, and collaborations, with anyone.

    We don't want as candidates, people who have been part of the old politics, and we don't even want in the management of our political organization, those who have managed political forces, of the old politics. It would be really squalid, to want to be innovative and alternative, and to nominate political figures of the old politics, or to have DirectDemocracyS managed by those who have managed political forces, often corrupt, and controlled by economic and financial powers. Obviously, we don't consider them all criminals, there have been political representatives, and political forces, who in certain periods have also done a good job. To generalize is always wrong. But presenting yourself as innovative, with the same people, would be wrong.

    Total renewal, and rejuvenation, of our political class. While appreciating the experience, and the always useful work, of older people, DirectDemocracyS will not nominate people over 60 years old. With very few exceptions, decided, and voted on, on the basis of serious and real reasons, by the Group of Exceptions, the Group of Equality and Meritocracy, and the Group of Logic, Common Sense and Mutual Respect, composed of representatives, from all the countries of the world, and of all the peoples of the earth.

    We publicly distrust anyone to steal our ideas, or to copy, even partially, our project. We will defend our rights, by all possible means.

    1.   27 March 2023
    2.   Security measures
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