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    • 194 Articles

    Having a simple, fast, secure, accurate, and functional website is very important.

    If at the beginning, it was very easy to find information, instructions, and exploit all our potential, over time, the contents have increased, and it has become necessary to make some changes, to make it easier to use our site web, which is our unique, immense...

    Having a simple, fast, secure, accurate, and functional website is very important.

    If at the beginning, it was very easy to find information, instructions, and exploit all our potential, over time, the contents have increased, and it has become necessary to make some changes, to make it easier to use our site web, which is our unique, immense home, where we all carry out all our activities.

    Our URLs (which are the writings that appear in browsers, at the top, in our address bars) are very clear, and our links (which are the links that take you to each page), are all functional, only if it is used in the Main Menu, or the secondary menus, or the various modules.

    Often, in older articles, certain links, which are links that take you to a particular page, give you an error, as certain pages have been moved, inevitably changing the URL.

    We rarely delete something, and if we do, it's only to replace the deleted part, to better clarify some concepts, or to improve our functionality.

    DirectDemocracyS always evolves, renews itself, and changes continuously, also thanks to all our new users, who generously offer us new rules, methodologies, projects, and ideas, to add to the old ones, without ever twist them.

    Every person who joins us can, and must, propose ideas, projects and activities, to be carried out all together.

    In this article, we tell you that we do countless, and continuous checks, to ensure a reduced number of error pages. But even with all our attention, the contents and links are many, and we are not always able to update them all, in real time.

    But let's see what happens, in case of an error: simple, you can go back to the previous page, or go back to the home page, and search the desired page in the Main Menu, or in the secondary menus. Don't give up, and don't be discouraged, the time lost in finding what you are looking for, if you do it in the right way, is very little.

    DirectDemocracyS, has millions of pages, and over time, will become billions of pages, and our URLs, and links, with errors, can be counted on the fingers of two hands.

    We are repositioning, and will continue to do so, a lot of information, modules, components, extensions, always trying to make the use of our website better, more complete, safer, faster and easier.

    Do not ask us to have a definitive version, or a final version, because it is practically impossible to satisfy you. But to help you, we created menu item management groups, URL management groups, and link management groups. These groups, made up of hundreds, then thousands, then millions, of people work to fix mistakes, and improve appearance.

    We apologize, in this article, if you will find, from time to time, some outdated links, which will give you an error message. Usually, because the URL you are looking for has been moved, or has been modified. The error messages aren't dangerous, they aren't numerous, but they are rightly so, a bit annoying, and they waste your time. We're sorry, but we guarantee our commitment to making them increasingly rare.

    Thank you all for your understanding, and for your patience.

    1.   16 April 2023
    2.   Service communications

    For DirectDemocracyS, politics is serious business, and it must be at the service of all people.

    Our political representatives are completely different from those of other political forces.

    They have many characteristics, which make us, and make them, unique, inimitable, and authentically democratic.

    We always say that politics must change...

    For DirectDemocracyS, politics is serious business, and it must be at the service of all people.

    Our political representatives are completely different from those of other political forces.

    They have many characteristics, which make us, and make them, unique, inimitable, and authentically democratic.

    We always say that politics must change and improve the world, it must solve all people's problems. Most of these changes are materialized by the work of our political representatives.

    We have explained that we intend to renew the entire world, continental, national, state and local political class. We do it, with new people, and certainly more competent, honest, and reliable than all the other political forces. We say it with conviction, knowing full well, how we select our candidates, and how our closed online primary elections are conducted. Maximum attention, both in the selection and in the election, of the best political representatives.

    Some people believe that our political representatives are disadvantaged compared to those of other political forces. Even important personalities from the world of politics tell us that DirectDemocracyS "debases" the role of the political representative, and makes him "subject" to his own voters.

    Obviously, those who say certain things have 3 main reasons. The first, and to look for defects, in our political organization, which the more time passes, the more immense it becomes, and always better, compared to all the other political forces. We feel sorry for those who try, but we are too many people, with brilliant minds, carefully selected, with our methodology: the right people, in the right place, so we are perfect and infallible. Time will prove us right. The second reason is that the old politics, and those who "volve around" us, all have a justified fear of our completely alternative innovation. If DirectDemocracyS gets known, almost all the people, good and intelligent, will immediately join us, and for them it's over. They will have to look for real work for themselves and for those who support them, and they will not have advantages, control, secrets, privileges, money, power, and wealth, "stealing" from the population the power, guaranteed by the very word democracy, which old political forces, transform into party politics, oligarchic. The third reason is because if they join us, they will have great difficulty running for office, and gaining power. And even if they did, they would be fully, and continuously, available to, and controlled by, their constituents.

    These great "antiquated politics specialists", do not know, or rather do not want to know, that our unique and inimitable method, which requires political representatives to do exactly what their constituents order them, before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after the elections, it is the only authentic form of democracy in the history of humanity.

    DirectDemocracyS is the evolution of world politics, which works only for the good of all the people of the world, always starting to help first, people and businesses that are in difficulty. And we do it, by sharing “the power” with whoever is our member.

    Proudly, we are the only ones in the world who can use the word democracy without shame.

    When we write that we are innovative, and alternative to all the rest of the political forces, it is not a question of propaganda, but a simple observation of reality.

    DirectDemocracyS does not ask people to be voted, but to join us, to decide together about our present and our future. We ask everyone to work together with all of us to change and improve the world.

    In a long article, we have explained many details on the role of our political representatives and our rules concerning this important aspect.

    We don't want to repeat everything, but add some new and as always surprising concepts.

    Many "experts", but also simple people, often tell us: how can you be sure that once elected, your political representatives will follow the orders of their electors? And if once they have obtained power, having been elected, they acted like the political representatives of the old political forces? And if they didn't want to follow all the orders, whose power of representation gave them, with the vote? In addition to the fact that all their salaries pass through the DirectDemocracyS current account, which pays them based on the decisions of the geographical groups from which they were elected, and in addition to oaths and documents, there is one thing that makes us, as always, unique and innovative.

    Before each real election, each of our candidates, for a specific role, signs an authenticated letter of resignation, for personal reasons, which is kept by one of our Notaries. Obviously, the date is not written, only the content, and the signature are authenticated, with the purpose of being used, having legal value, if necessary.

    In the event that each of our political representatives does not respect all our rules, and our methodology, according to very detailed rules, his letter of resignation will be made official and public, for personal reasons, which will immediately become official.

    Surely some will accuse us of not trusting our own political representatives, perhaps believing they are "hurting" us. But no, dear friends, because this rule of "preventive resignations" applies exactly to every person who joins us, and to anyone who plays any role in our activities. Literally, and concretely, in all of our activities. Anyone who doesn't respect every rule, every method, and every instruction, is out, and to be sure, each of us resigns, in a "preventive" way.

    To explain ourselves better, we consider that each person must respect their commitments and carry out their work in the best way. If a worker does not carry out his work in the best way, respecting the rules and the commitments made, his responsible manager can fire him.

    For the old representative politics, the elected is a privileged person, because for many years, after the elections, in complicity with his own political party, he takes all the decision-making power of the people, and uses it in the ways he prefers, without that whoever has given him, with his vote, the power of representation, can interfere and direct his choices. Let us not forget that elections should not give power to political parties and their political representatives, otherwise we are talking about oligarchic party politics, or, as we call it, fake democracy, partial democracy, limited democracy, or worse, interrupted democracy, because it stops, immediately after the elections. Here, perhaps now, even those who do not understand the importance of DirectDemocracyS, understand that we are righteous, and with a truly unlimited potential.

    We are the only ones in the world who, thanks to our ingenious rules, make our politics just and efficient.

    We will never agree with those who tell us that it is better and more just to give all voters the power to eliminate any political representative who works in the institutions. We are convinced that every political force must and can only eliminate its own representatives, if they do not do their job in the best way. We will fight to prevent: indiscriminate hunting, to favor, the elimination of the political opponent. Everyone is responsible for their own representatives, and only the voters of each political force must be able to eliminate their own representatives, and not those of the others.

    We will never agree with those who tell us that it is better, and more just, to draw lots, or for limited periods, often changing political representatives. We ask these "experts": if they had to remove a tooth, they would prefer to have it done by a dentist, perhaps choosing the best one, based on their own possibilities and needs, or, if they would go to a mechanic, or a veterinarian. A selection, and an informed choice, on the basis of results deriving from the selection of candidates, is essential if the best results are to be obtained.

    Often, we, in DirectDemocracyS, call our political representatives, servants of the people. But that's exactly what they are, and what they have to do, to serve the interests of the people, who, being the sole holder of power, are the sovereign, or the master. It's called democracy.

    In some of our messages, we make the comparison between the puppeteers, who in the old politics, are the political parties, and their political representatives, and the puppets, who are us voters. In current and old politics, political parties and their political representatives decide, therefore they "pull the strings", and we people, citizens, and voters, respect their laws, therefore we "move as we are ordered".

    DirectDemocracyS, reverses the roles, our users, voters, therefore the people, become puppeteers, hold the power, continuous over time, to decide, and our political representatives, are the puppets, who put into practice, every decision, of whom, with your vote, you give them the power of representation.

    This does not diminish, and does not make our political representatives "impotent", it only makes them authentically and continuously democratic.

    It's just a matter of deciding if you want to be fair, equitable, and consistent. Ours is the politics of democracy, freedom, and coherence, an alternative to all the rest of the political forces.

    To those who accuse us, or to those who "predict" us, that we will not find candidates under these conditions, we can guarantee you that we will never have problems of lack of candidates, perhaps we will have some less than others, but ours, certainly they will be better, and they will win every election.

    DirectDemocracyS, by empowering people, its constituents, who are its users on our website, with the help of think tanks, always composed of our constituents, and always users on our website, is intended, and "condemned ” to victory, in every election, in every country in the world.

    When we win all the elections, DirectDemocracyS won't win, DirectDemocracyS won't have all the power. All power will remain forever in the hands, hearts and brains of those who, by joining us, manage, control and decide everything.

    We are the first, and the only ones in the world, who not only win, but by winning, obtaining more consensus and more votes, they make their supporters win.

    We have created a perfect mechanism to prevent anyone from abusing their power. We have rules, which oblige everyone to work for the good of all, without internal struggles, without favors, without exceptions, and without unscrupulous people who try to be smart.

    Times change, we need innovation, we need a credible alternative that works.

    DirectDemocracyS, is the political force of the present, and of the future. We are certain that without copying us, no political force can be better and more just than us. And if they copy us, always remember that the original is always better than those who, having no ideas of their own, copy others.

    Obviously, we have all the security measures, the method, and all the rules, which will always make us ethically perfect. Because once all our promises have been put into practice, our authentic democracy must be protected, and guarded, to prevent the old and bankruptcy politics from stealing again, the power, which must always, and only, belong to the entire population .

    We have often been accused of repeating certain concepts and giving continuous explanations, but the things to be explained, the motivations, and the innovations are multiple, and often connected. We are sorry, if to make you understand who we are, why we are the best, and why we are "condemned" to winning, we repeat certain phrases from time to time.

    In practice, we are the only ones, in the entire history of politics, to be just, and to share power, totally, and continuously over time, with those who join us.

    1.   16 April 2023
    2.   Our style

    DirectDemocracyS is innovative in every sense! Also in the way of managing one's offices.

    Let's make a brief introduction.

    Since the beginning of our creation, the first 5 "creators" had as headquarters, the houses and apartments of these 5 people, often in turn, set up improvised meeting rooms.

    If a table and a few chairs are enough for 5...

    DirectDemocracyS is innovative in every sense! Also in the way of managing one's offices.

    Let's make a brief introduction.

    Since the beginning of our creation, the first 5 "creators" had as headquarters, the houses and apartments of these 5 people, often in turn, set up improvised meeting rooms.

    If a table and a few chairs are enough for 5 people, when various people from all over the world have been added, the famous 282 "creators", coming from different areas of work and study, it has become necessary to use the Internet to collaborate , and connect people.

    DirectDemocracyS does not have a single office, but prefers to have various offices, in various countries, also based on the type of activity.

    Our "physical" office is currently in Düsseldorf, Germany, because our web servers, where our data is stored, are located in this location. We have 5 security offices, which physically store all our data in real time, and they are: in the United States of America, in Mali, and in 3 other "physical" offices, in as many countries.

    Our “technological” headquarters, where we develop our systems, and our Artificial Intelligence, are located in Bangladesh.

    Our "fiscal" headquarters, administrative management, billing, communications, contacts, mail, and information office, is in Oradea, Romania.

    We will also set up as many locations as needed, of all kinds, in various countries.

    Our continental, national, state, regional, county, district, county, and local (down to neighborhood, and street block) headquarters are in the homes, and apartments, of our official representatives, in various geographic areas.

    Having headquarters, where you physically work, costs money, creates energy waste, and with travel, creates pollution. Since politics, and many activities nowadays, can be carried out online, we prefer to use technology, based on our interests.

    Congresses, meetings, and all activities, we carry them out only and exclusively on our official website.

    In the event that it is necessary, or in the event that our working groups, on our website, wish to carry out "outdoor" or external activities, these will be requested, analysed, and possibly approved by the our external activity group, as needed.

    Nobody forbids us to go out and work together.

    Our working groups carry out all their activities directly on our website.

    It is absolutely forbidden, and useless, to go to our offices, for activities, which we carry out online, because only the scheduled activities take place in our official offices.

    For example, there have been people who believed that by introducing themselves in person, one of our collaborators could activate the personal profile, or verify the identity of our users.

    With all our good will, we work in geographical phases: international (which is the main and determining phase above all others), continental, national, state, regional, provincial, district, county, and local (up to the district, and street block).

    The international phase works in groups, made up of people from all the countries of the world, and representing all the peoples of the earth.

    In our offices, there are no administrators, with the ability, and the necessary authority, to activate new users, or even to be able to directly verify the identity of our users. These, like almost all of our activities, take place online, in the ways and times in which they have been managed. You cannot "skip the line", you do not get advantages, facilitations, or favoritism, by going in person to our offices.

    So, save your time, and your money, and patiently wait your turn.

    Our "office with the public" is only online, by our choice, we do not carry out "secret" meetings, or negotiations, with anyone. For us, everything takes place, only and exclusively, in a transparent way, on our website. Even our congresses, meetings, and our meetings are held according to special rules, which we specify, in many of our informative articles.

    Warning: to contact us, use only the contact method specified in this article:

    because there are people authorized to answer you, in the best way.

    Do not come to ask for explanations, or information, in our offices, in person, because you would be rejected, and you will simply receive the link to the article, which contains the information necessary to contact us.

    We save paper, just use our contact forms on our website.

    If you don't know how to use new technologies, get someone to help you. Do not send envelopes, postcards, letters, do not send money (we receive donations, only online, and we never collect money physically), nor parcels, or gifts, as soon as they are received they would be thrown away, and we do not even open the envelopes, but we throw them in separate collection.

    These methods of ours are not only for safety, but because we truly believe that there is an obligation for everyone to defend the environment.

    With this article, we respond to the many, perhaps too many, who have been criticizing us for a long time by saying: you are the only political organization that has no headquarters.

    Often, your criticisms are true, real, make sense, and are understandable.

    For this reason, we like to explain, and always answer.

    We do not hide anything from anyone, and all our activities are based on logic, common sense, science, and mutual respect of all people. We write it often, but not enough.

    In everything we do, there is a logic, a detailed explanation, and we never make trivial choices.

    DirectDemocracyS, in each activity, works in stages, whether they are geographical, political, user, group or individual.

    We started directly, from the geographical, territorial and international phase. Also in this case, many criticized us, saying: you are crazy, start from all over the world together, instead of starting from a small country, to then make yourself known to the world. But no, this choice of ours, to start with the international phase, has been calculated, proposed, discussed, evaluated, and finally voted on, like everything we do.

    We had to have the bases, the rules, the method, the instructions, the ideals, the values, the principles, all equal, and obligatory for everyone, leaving certain specific decisions to the continental and national phases (without distorting the international ones), and leaving to our local organizations certain choices, even more specific (without distorting the international, continental and national ones).

    Furthermore, our first users were invited, and intentionally chosen, from every country in the world, even the first hundreds, in order to continue to evolve, based on which every decision, and our position, was calculated, proposed , discussed, evaluated, and finally voted on, like everything we do, by people who represent, first and foremost, every people on earth, and every country in the world. This choice allows us to be the expression of the will, of a complete representation, of the peoples.

    For those who haven't figured it out yet, for us only and exclusively people count, in a spirit of equality and meritocracy.

    Our offices have been chosen in this way, and we want to explain it to you, to make you understand our logic.

    But first a very brief premise: people, even if they don't know all the information, complain about everything. If we had chosen, for example, a main and only headquarters in the United States, all the people in the world who for one reason or another cannot stand the United States would have said: you see, they are too (DirectDemocracyS ed ) slaves, of the capitalists, who rule the world. Exactly like when they accused us of not saying the exact name of whoever created all this, they created theories, conspiracies, meaningless, which really amused us, even though they were pure inventions. The imagination of many people has created, in some cases, progress, but in 99% of cases, they have been failures, and very bad figures.

    We could never please everyone by choosing glittering, grand venues around the world.

    If we had done it in one place, they would have accused us, of not having done it in another, as we said, everyone likes to complain.

    But let's see, to explain another secret to you.

    As we have said, DirectDemocracyS, when compared to the life of a human being, is April 13, 2023, exactly, in the moment immediately following the cigarette that is smoked, after having sex.

    Ours is just one example, smoking is bad for you, and we advise you not to start smoking, and if you do, to stop immediately.

    We are immediately after the "conception", with the certainty that the sperm will fertilize the egg. Or, for conspiracy lovers, we are at the moment when life was created, in the test tube. For religious people, for astrologers, and for astrophysicists, we are at the "creation of our universe".

    Both in terms of dimensions and times, we are exactly at conception or at creation.

    But let's see, how we chose.

    Each office, each entity we have created, such as the commercial company that manages all our activities, and "gives away" individual shares, to our members, and each of our official representatives, have at least 5 more in "reserve".

    DirectDemocracyS, will change and improve the world, together with all those who will be part of it. For these reasons, many hate us, and many more will join in trying to slow us down. No one will ever be able to stop us, because in a presumptuous but realistic way, we are the evolution of politics, and evolution cannot be stopped. We know how to change and evolve, to always be up-to-date and modern.

    5, is a sufficient number, to be sure, that they won't be able to slow us down, or even "eliminate" us.

    The physical headquarters in Düsseldorf, Germany. We do not write the address, for security reasons, but like any self-respecting server farm, it is protected by armed security personnel. If, unfortunately for us, they destroy our headquarters in Düsseldorf, we have 5 other web farms in various countries around the world, with each one having an exact copy of all our IT capabilities, and of our entire website. So if one server goes down, we have 5 more ready to take over.

    The same thing also applies to the registered office of our trading company, which manages all our activities, in Oradea, Romania. We have exactly 5 more, in various countries of the world, with a copy of each document, both physical and computerized. Then, 5 other commercial companies, exactly identical, able, in case of need, or force majeure, to take over from the main one. It is enough for us, on our website, to decide not to use one Registered Office anymore, but to use another, or to no longer use a commercial company, but to use another. All in a very simple, fast, safe and immediate way.

    We use exactly the same method for our official members, and for our official representatives, with the difference, that the "reserve" roles have this algorithm: 1, 5, 25 etc. etc.

    Always 5, for each member. Also in the continental, national, and local phases, always 1, 5, 25, 125, etc. etc.

    With these safety measures, we prevent any attempt to slow us down, making any attempt to stop impossible.

    We are sure that our first users, and our first members, will be happy that we use innovative methods, and highly advanced security measures. The very few criticisms and the many compliments we receive demonstrate this. Since we have published many details, people are informed, and the many questions have decreased, and the proposals have increased, to help make DirectDemocracyS, always bigger, and always better.

    We briefly explain how we have made the current decisions.

    We have created a site management group, with other branches, such as the physical site management group, the legal site management group, the technology site management group, and 2 other groups that you know at the right time. All of these groups, with other, ever more specific, and ever more detailed offshoots, are made up of people representing all the peoples of the earth and every country in the world.

    As for our physical headquarters, where our web farm is located, at the beginning of our business, this was in the United States, then, without eliminating the previous one, we opened a new, more modern one in Romania, and, without eliminating the previous one, finally, we opened the office in Germany, with the most modern technologies, and all the necessary potential. The other 3 physical locations, are in various countries, and are mainly for backups.

    The registered office was a more elaborate choice. In the selection group for the registered office, the proposals of our official members from all over the world were analysed, 156 were chosen, and all were made official, therefore, in case of need, immediately operational. First 31 were selected, then 6, and finally 1 main, official, and active office.

    The office in Oradea, Romania was made available to a commercial company, owned by one of our first registered users, who later became an official member, and now an official representative, of DirectDemocracyS. The new commercial company, born in place of the old one, will be active shortly, and we will give you all the details. Obviously, the trading company was also chosen by the trading company's selection group, with a lengthy selection process.

    Obviously for each of our offices, and for each of our activities, you will receive all the details, at the right time.

    We send you a very useful link, which explains how to use our contact forms, in the right way, to be able to contact us, or to collaborate with us, in the right way.

    We advise you to read each of our articles, with an open mind, even several times, trying to understand all our information, all our rules, and above all our motivations.

    And finally an announcement, which will surprise you, about official headquarters.

    DirectDemocracyS has its official headquarters wherever one of our official representatives is.

    We have written, and will continue to write, many articles on the role of each type of user, from a simple visitor to our website to those who created all of this.

    As you know, from our first article, our official representatives are appointed, among all our official members (in good standing with the payment of the annual fee, and with the relative individual, non-transferable, and cumulative share), on the basis of equality , and meritocracy, continues over time, for the management of all our activities, including our political organization.

    They are official representatives, and perform specific actions, and like all our verified users, of all types, officially represent DirectDemocracyS, in the various activities, of their work with us.

    Today, April 13, 2023, there are exactly 3125 people, which increases proportionally, with the increase of our registered users. So don't accuse us of lying, if in the next few days, you enter our website, and you find twice as many, the user evaluation group, and the nominations group, work every day, and often the official nominations are many, in short while.

    Over time, you will better understand the mechanism, simple but at first sight complicated, which manages all our activities.

    1.   13 April 2023
    2.   For contacts

    Some of our users, in 2022 and 2023 (exactly on April 8), decided to create a simple page on the famous Wikipedia.

    In 2022, we had created a user from them, with the name DirectDemocracyS. They made us change our user name, and we did, it's their home, and they decide.

    On April 8, 2023, we took the liberty of writing a draft page, with a...

    Some of our users, in 2022 and 2023 (exactly on April 8), decided to create a simple page on the famous Wikipedia.

    In 2022, we had created a user from them, with the name DirectDemocracyS. They made us change our user name, and we did, it's their home, and they decide.

    On April 8, 2023, we took the liberty of writing a draft page, with a short presentation (very few lines, with the basic rules), of DirectDemocracyS, to let those who visit their website know about our existence.

    Their answer was: that we advertise ourselves.

    Their response: “Welcome to Wikipedia. Please do not add promotional material to your articles, as you did on the DirectDemocracyS page. Wikipedia is not an advertising medium. If you want to know how you can contribute to our encyclopedia, take a look at the welcome page. Also, if you have a commercial interest in your modifications, you have some additional obligations. Thank you! Pafsanias (speech) April 8, 2023 7:16 pm (EEST).”

    And they deleted, our draft page.

    Our response: “Thank you, but I'm very disappointed. There is no advertising. It is a new political organization. If we take it this way, they are all advertisements, for all the other political forces on Wikipedia. The others are fine, and we are not, right? I thought that here (on Wikipedia ed ) there were no political preferences and that there was pluralism. I officially ask for more opinions, and I expect them to be published. PoliticalStrategy (debate) April 9, 2023 08:58 (EEST).”

    Certain behaviors are truly incredible, and without a minimum of logic on their part.

    All other political forces, large or small, of all kinds are fine. The other political forces are present with photos, logos, details, external links, and all the necessary information, and all the details.

    The only political organization, which is not accepted, is DirectDemocracyS.

    Let's hope they tell us soon, what their motivations are, if any exist.

    Maybe it's a matter of simple dislike towards us.

    We repeat, it is their home, and they decide.

    1.   09 April 2023
    2.   Wikipedia

    DirectDemocracyS considers the Internet a means of transport, of our ideas, and a workplace, in which to develop all our activities.

    Ever since we conceived our first ideas, when the Internet was not so well known, we decided that we would use the "global network" to spread our innovations and to put our methodology into practice.

    For us, the...

    DirectDemocracyS considers the Internet a means of transport, of our ideas, and a workplace, in which to develop all our activities.

    Ever since we conceived our first ideas, when the Internet was not so well known, we decided that we would use the "global network" to spread our innovations and to put our methodology into practice.

    For us, the internet must be free, independent, without preferences, and accessible to anyone.

    DirectDemocracyS, from the first moment, was looked at with curiosity by the "giants of the web", and then, after some of our first informative articles, one of them contained our "blasphemy".

    We allowed ourselves to write that according to our opinion, and according to our programs, in every place on earth, where we will have the honor and duty to govern, every activity carried out on the internet that generates profits, will pay the same taxes , which pays a worker, a pensioner, or a small or medium-sized enterprise.

    Our "blasphemy" also specified that these taxes would be paid exactly, and in full, in the country where the profits were generated, or according to the cases where the people involved in the economic activities were located.

    99.999999999% (the 9 key didn't get stuck, but it's the exact percentage), of all the people on earth, consider what we are going to do right and normal.

    We wrote we will do, and not "we want to do", because unlike the old politics, we keep every promise, and every one of our programs.

    Taking away all privileges, from those who have no right to them, is not wrong, and we will do it exactly in every sector of activity.

    Ours is not a "revenge" caused by a feeling of envy and frustration, which unfortunately too many people, and too many entrepreneurs have, for the rich and famous.

    DirectDemocracyS is not vengeful either, but unlike the old politics, it has no preferences, and the only interests we intend to defend are those of the entire world population, without any preferences or favoritism.

    So, from the feeling of curiosity for our innovation, an alternative to everything that exists, we have become the enemies of the privileged "giants of the web".

    We are not used to "weeping", for every rich, powerful, and famous person, for every political force, for every political representative, or for every commercial company, who hates us, and wants to destroy us.

    We have foreseen everything, and every method they have of trying to slow us down, or stop us, will be thwarted, and instead of harming us, they will strengthen us.

    Instead of wasting their precious time, boycotting us, and fighting us, they could just, make the right choice, and respect all people, all peoples, and all countries of the world. In the short term, they will lose some money, but they will be ethically correct, and in the end, they will make money over time.

    Anyone who tries to harm us will do it to the good, intelligent people of the earth, which is the 99% (again the percentages are right).

    Again, the harm you do to us will backfire, exactly like a boomerang. Ours is not a threat, but a simple forecast, based on concrete data.

    Whoever behaves correctly with us will only have advantages, and whoever goes against us will receive an intelligent, ethically impeccable, but equally annoying, and in some cases painful answer.

    With the time, work, and money wasted on "fighting," you could just partner, in mutually beneficial ways, with us.

    DirectDemocracyS is the only credible political force, with just rules, with an infallible method, which gives all the power to voters informed by groups of experts, and not to the political parties and political representatives of the old politics.

    In other articles, we have explained to you, and we will explain to you, how the various "entities", the various rich, powerful, and famous people, every political force, every political representative, every commercial company, of the old economy, and old finance. We don't like to advertise, on websites, social networks, and other businesses, but a short article will not refuse anyone. It seems right to us, let us know our opinion on their behavior.

    We will continue to keep you informed, because their behaviors will soon go from being simply annoying, to being threatening, and violent. But don't worry about us, we had foreseen even these execrable things, and there will be no losses, on the right side of the "barricade".

    1.   09 April 2023
    2.   Internet
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