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    The protection of our planet is one of the fundamental activities, and one of the fundamental and characteristic political programs of DirectDemocracyS.

    To be more precise, direct, and specific, we have created groups of experts, divided into various sub-groups, based on various topics. The protection of the territory, climate change, the...

    The protection of our planet is one of the fundamental activities, and one of the fundamental and characteristic political programs of DirectDemocracyS.

    To be more precise, direct, and specific, we have created groups of experts, divided into various sub-groups, based on various topics. The protection of the territory, climate change, the protection of all forms of life, the reduction of pollution, renewable sources, and many other groups, directly connected to the previous ones.

    In many countries, there are "specialized" political parties dedicated to the environment, the "ecological parties", often also called "green". These parties, like all political forces, with the exception of DirectDemocracyS, are often controlled, by finance, by the economy, and by rich people or companies, who take control of them, and decide on all their activities.

    The internal and external struggles of these ecologists, always very active, often create confusion, due to decisions that are not always free, and almost never independent.

    DirectDemocracyS has never had, and will never have, any "debt" to pay, and no favors to do, to anyone, with the exception of its own members, and the good, and defense, of the entire population.

    We have decided to work, first at an international level, then at a continental, national, state and local level, from the largest to the smallest territorial subdivision, with general rules, valid and respected by all, and specific rules, based on the various geographical subdivisions .

    We base each of our rules, each of our activities, and each of our decisions, only on logic, common sense, and the mutual respect of all people. Even on these issues, we are very careful, and very "rigid".

    There are many problems, and we could not address all the topics in a single article, we will limit ourselves to giving you general notions, on how we think, on how we have studied certain topics, and on what we are doing concretely.

    The protection of the planet is essential to protect all people, because for us, in first place, there has been, is, and will always be, the good of all people. By protecting our planet, we also protect all the people and all forms of life that inhabit it.

    The ignorance of many people often creates "environmental terrorists", endowed with a large dose of hypocrisy, and examples are not lacking.

    Many users of social networks suffer from delusions of protagonism, with the need to express themselves on anything. They have to say their opinion, even on things they don't know, or that they haven't studied, with terrible results, in which they not only demonstrate chronic ignorance, but also with harmful effects, the issues they address are true, not knowing them. Let's do some examples.

    We often read that many environmental "fundamentalists" or "extremists" are calling for the closure of all zoos.

    Of course, for an ignorant person, seeing so many animals, enclosed in often confined spaces, is not pleasant. Nor is it, for those who know these delicate topics well. But if all the animals were set free, 99% would die in a few days, either from starvation or killed by other animals. It would not survive, perhaps not even one. Therefore, believing that he is doing good, he would be doing himself harm, based on preconceptions and false information. Of course it doesn't help to invite everyone not to go to zoos, because with lower income, the living conditions of the animals, locked up in these "prisons", would not improve. Furthermore, if all the zoos were closed, all the staff who work there would be left unemployed, creating substantial social damage. Not only that, but not everyone knows that many species of plants or animals, without being conserved and reproduced in captivity, in botanical gardens or zoological gardens, would have been extinct for a very long time. The nightmare of many, to see free animals captured, to be imprisoned, in most cases does not exist. Zoos almost always exchange animals, so they are specimens born in captivity, for many generations. The percentages of "free" animals, born in freedom, and then captured and locked up, are minimal. The same goes for the colorful and fascinating world of the circus. Even in these cases, if to punish animal exploiters, we no longer went to circuses, with animal shows, many people would be left without a source of income, and the animals, accustomed to certain activities since they were small, would not live certainly better in nature.

    For both zoological gardens and circuses, the environmental impact of animals born free must be reduced to zero, while doing everything possible to save all species.

    To do all this, we have some ideas.

    Immediately stop capturing new animals, to imprison them (with the exception of those for scientific reasons, and to be saved from extinction), is the best activity, because as free animals, being imprisoned is an indescribable suffering. Exactly, as for a human being, it is, ending up in prison, innocent.

    Furthermore, the living conditions of all animals must be improved immediately, both in zoological gardens and in circuses, and for those who do not adapt, drastic measures will have to be taken. Protect human beings first, with their freedom to see, and study, animals, in their natural environment, and then protect all nature by all means, dear animal rights activists, this is how it is put into practice, a " healthy environmentalism”. Every life form in the world protects its own kind first, starting with its own families, and then the others. There are extremist environmentalists who love animals more than people. Believing they are on the right side, they demonstrate a lack of empathy towards other human beings, often having suffered psychological damage, or having been disappointed, betrayed, or offended by other human beings. Generalizing, and considering all human beings, ugly, bad, ignorant, is always wrong.

    As far as hunting is concerned, this must be regulated, and poaching must be considered, and equated to, a terrorist crime. True environmental terrorism, which must be fought with intelligence, and detailed and complete laws, with very severe penalties for transgressors.

    Killing all life to survive is natural. If you don't believe it, watch any documentary, with animals, but also plants, that kill other animals, or other plants, to survive.

    As far as hunting is concerned, but also fishing, used only for entertainment and not for purely food purposes, we consider it cruel and ethically wrong. To reduce the number of certain harmful animals to man's activities and needs, it would be enough to control births and move excess specimens to protected natural areas. We are not in favor of those who kill for fun, but we are making "robot hunting" jokes in various parts of the world, which involve the use of weapons, with triple fun. Destroy the robots, in various types of environments, completely clean up the robot pieces, and reassemble them, for more challenges. Unlike animals, which often die definitively if hit, or are injured and suffer, robots can be "reanimated" and reused. Even fishing, just for fun, and without food purposes, is not "humane". No human being would like to have parts of their body torn off, to entertain some people.

    We know that hunters and fishermen, who do it for pure fun and certainly not for work (which are very important to us, like all those who work), are intelligent, and will understand our position, which does not limit freedom, but it is based on the respect that we all must have towards every form of life. In the wild, you don't hunt or fish, almost never for fun, you just do it, to survive. If, on the other hand, what is killed is consumed, and it is done in compliance with all the laws, while not being ethically in agreement, we cannot limit the freedom of people to feed on what they prefer.

    In this regard, we want to explain to everyone that for us, the planet belongs to everyone, therefore all together, we must protect it. But DirectDemocracyS, is for the freedom of all people, including that, to eat what you prefer. Tastes, of all kinds, are not right, or wrong, not better, or worse.

    We have already talked about nutrition in various articles, and we will do dedicated articles.

    Starting from the assumption, that no one can deny, that the human being is an omnivorous animal. While not wanting to get too specific, for a healthy life, we need nutrients, which also include animal proteins. Farms, while polluting and contributing negatively, even if partially, to global warming, guarantee animal proteins for meat eaters, for healthy growth for children, and for a healthy life for adults. With the certainty of being "hated" by "ecological fundamentalists" and by those who do not consume meat or animal products, we tell you that according to many studies, human beings have always been hunters, even before becoming farmer, and ate mainly food of animal origin. Indeed, the human being was first a breeder, and according to some prestigious studies, he would have become a farmer, just to feed the animals he already owned. Furthermore, agriculture too, unfortunately pollutes, consumes fundamental resources, such as water, energy, land. And we ask ourselves, if an animal suffers, and it is logical, for the conditions in which it lives, and with the sacrifice of its life, even at a young age, a plant also suffers, in exactly the same way. But "strangely" (because there are clear scientific reasons) we empathize with animals, we don't do the same with other forms of life. In these short sentences, we mention the religious and ethnic traditions of nutrition. For the Jews, one should not eat, among the various prohibitions, for example, pork, crustaceans and mollusks. For Muslims, pork should not be eaten. And many other religions tell us what to eat, and when to do it. There are even periods, or specific days, in which to eat certain foods.

    Crustaceans and mollusks, if not eaten fresh, or if not stored in the right way, can cause serious illnesses and even death. The same goes for the pig, which is a very sensitive animal, and if it is not raised in the best possible way, it can transmit very serious diseases, and even death. Like all excesses, meat or animal products can also cause serious illness and even death. Many foods of vegetable origin, such as plants, and therefore also mushrooms, cereals, or vegetables, or condiments, in excessive doses, or, if they are not stored or consumed in the right way, can cause serious illnesses, and even death. Then, there is the pollution, or pesticides, and other potentially dangerous methods of cultivation. Basically, we should eat nothing, and then get sick, and die. But since, in order to survive, we have to feed ourselves, we advise you to follow the opinions of nutritionists, but only those, who recommend that you eat everything, in the right doses, obviously paying attention, if you have intolerances or allergies. Be wary of those who give you lessons, in which the human being is considered herbivorous, or excessively carnivorous, but also of those who give you all the solutions. If the sacred texts written for the Jews were rewritten today, surely crustaceans and mollusks would not be prohibited. If the Prophet Mohammed were among us today, he would not consider the pig as an impure animal. It cannot be, being a creation of God, even the pig, is a sacred animal, as are all forms of life. Seeing the attention paid to animal health and controls, as well as conservation methods, he would surely rewrite the Koran, allowing everyone to consume pork. We do not write it ironically, nor to offend anyone, but with the utmost respect, for those who certainly acted for the good of their respective populations, in various historical periods. With regard to religions, in certain parts of our articles, we condemn the use, which is done in one's favor of Sacred Texts, also to justify violence, discrimination, and to prevent people from living freely. We are not against Gods, and we respect them all in exactly the same way. We are against the use that some bad people make of it, who, looking at history, but also at current events, cannot give any man, and not even us at DirectDemocracyS, any kind of lesson. Whether they believe, disbelieve, or, what our users believe, or pray to, is not critical to us.

    The important thing is to keep all religion and belief out of all our political activities forever. If you like, we are creating a new religion, which always and only places the human being at the center, and keeps the spiritual part, which is important for many people, outside. For now, no religion has criticized us, or no religion has ever asked its faithful, believers, not to join us. They would have no logical reasons for doing so, because we are all informed, and certain behaviors, and certain impositions, nowadays, are a boomerang against themselves. We respect all the Gods, and love exactly the same way, without any preference, all the people of the world. Without generalizations, without distinctions, and without superficiality.

    With regard to hunting and fishing for pure entertainment, we leave the task of deciding and regulating these activities to the local and territorial authorities.

    To those who kill for fun, we say what we say, to anyone who does despicable deeds. Let's try to reverse the roles, how would you feel being hunted down, or skewered? How would you feel if your family or loved ones were being hunted down?

    For other activities, however, we have detailed projects of thousands of pages, hundreds of concrete proposals, and many informative articles. We will present them at the right time.

    Protecting the planet, and all forms of life, is paramount.

    Reducing pollution, with working, innovative methods, also has the beneficial effect of slowing down global warming.

    Securing the territory will help save many lives.

    These topics, specified in the previous sentences, will be covered in dedicated articles, but in general, we can summarize some concepts.

    Pollution can be reduced, with different behaviors, with innovation, and better choices (not negatively influenced by finance and the economy), by all countries, which must impose restrictive rules on companies that pollute more, trying to protect jobs too, but above all, safeguarding the health of all people.

    Global warming, largely due to the various geological eras, is however accelerated by harmful emissions caused by man. If geological changes are unfortunately, but also fortunately, inevitable (it means that we have a "alive" planet), however, we can give the various forms of life time to get used to the change in temperatures. In fact, if we accelerate the period of these changes, there will be outcomes that are difficult to predict, but certainly harmful. Our solutions are to invest in concrete activities, both to reduce emissions and to seek scientific solutions, to slow down, and if necessary, control (as far as possible) these changes.

    Even the protection and safety of the territory can be useful in tackling climate change. Surely, it will save many lives, if it is done, all over the world, putting first, not finance and the economy, but safety and the protection of people. Our solutions are based on prevention, which certainly costs much less than reconstruction. Build well, so you don't have to rebuild later. For us, every life lost, every person hurt, is a defeat of the old politics. So, even in these activities, innovation, intelligence, science, logic, common sense, and the mutual respect of all people are fundamental.

    For each of our proposals, in addition to our work, our commitment, we need a change and an improvement in the mentality of all people.

    There are political innovations, which if implemented by everyone, can prevent a great many problems.

    Prevention allows, in many cases, to save lives, in every activity of our lives.

    For DirectDemocracyS, public land, common spaces, belong to all citizens who live in a given territory. There are civic choices, which form part of basic education, which are often not taught by parents who are too busy, or in some cases incapable, to the new generations.

    A simple example. But also a demonstration of civility, or in some cases of incivility.

    Many people buy pets, even if they don't have adequate spaces, or even the ideal conditions, for their animal friends to live. Dogs, cats, and pretty much every kind of animal. Often you buy them, and then you don't have the time to take care of them, and love them, in the right way. Many believe they love pets, but they make them live in miserable conditions and are not taken care of, often abandoning them. Other people believe they can replace a real child with an animal. In addition to being an ethically wrong behavior, a child is much more important than any animal, it is also wrong towards the animal, which becomes a "replacement" for a real child. Of course, caring for, raising, and loving an animal takes less time, and usually less money, than raising a real child. But in nature, the purpose of each species is to carry on its own species, and hardly, they "replace" it with other species. Only we human beings, in many cases, if we are disappointed by some human beings, wish for "extinction", while all other animal and plant species struggle for survival. There are people, psychologically fragile, who on social networks truly wish for extinction. Instead of changing and improving our mentality and behavior, it is much easier for some to wish for extinction.

    Anyone who buys or finds animals to care for must do so if you have the time to care for them, the money to care for them, and make them live in optimal conditions. But you must also have the civic spirit to clean up if they dirty the outside of your properties. Everyone's freedom to have a pet certainly cannot limit the freedom of the entire population to live in clean, fragrant and sanitized public spaces. If you don't pick up your pets' droppings, you "owners" are the real animals. You have to clean and sanitize public spaces, which are not, a huge public toilet. We will wage battles to force those who own animals to clean, but also to keep your animals tied up outside your property. You would be surprised to know how many children, but also adults, die every year from accidents caused by pets not controlled by their human owners. A small, sweet dog running in the park can run away and cause a car accident, with dozens of deaths. But the same little dog running in the park can cause a child, or an adult, to fall on a bicycle, causing their death. Keep them tied up, and close to you, to prevent any kind of problem. Suitable and preventive laws are needed, and above all put into practice, with the right severity.

    We have dealt with some issues, in a somewhat superficial way, but at the right time, we will provide all the details, both on the various problems and on all our solutions, to change and improve the world.

    We know that many of you will feel in some cases, including, in some of our criticisms, wrong behavior. We are not in the least interested in having offended the sensitivity and fragility of certain people who behave in the wrong way. Change, and improve your behaviors, and your mentality, and you will surely be better people.

    DirectDemocracyS puts into practice the logic, common sense, and mutual respect of all people.

    While many of you try to find faults, inaccuracies or errors in what we write, you will not find them, for the simple reason that each of our articles is written by dozens, and sometimes hundreds, of groups of experts, also made up of thousands of people, all specialists, in all sectors. There is not a word of each of our articles written, chosen and decided by a single person. Ours is a collective work, and each stance, of each of our articles, is the stance of all of us. For various reasons, among which, the main one, is that we trust each other.

    1.   14 May 2023
    2.   Environmental politics

    Phase 10, regarding the registration of new users, officially started on May 4, 2023.

    We have implemented some new methods, and some changes, which will make it easier, and faster, to register and create a personal profile.

    While anticipating everything, we were pleasantly surprised by the huge number of free registrations, of phase 9, with...

    Phase 10, regarding the registration of new users, officially started on May 4, 2023.

    We have implemented some new methods, and some changes, which will make it easier, and faster, to register and create a personal profile.

    While anticipating everything, we were pleasantly surprised by the huge number of free registrations, of phase 9, with results, 3 times higher than expected.

    We thank you for your trust, and we thank our early adopters, for their hard work.

    Leaving everything free could expose us to certain risks, which we must prevent for the good of all.

    First of all, safety. One method, by which they will certainly try unsuccessfully to stop us, is a huge number of users, who visit our website, and register at the same time.

    As for the technical blocks, in which our main website could be off-line, and could make our work difficult, those who are already with us know that they will only be some temporary blocks (usually less than an hour) , also due, at times, to the continuous improvement of our web servers. Whoever is with us knows that in DirectDemocracyS, “we take our work home”.

    This concept, almost never realized by others, on the Internet, consists in continuing to work on one's computers, tablets, smartphones, and then entering the data, and continuing one's work normally, as soon as our website is back online.

    The method that we have used, from the first minute, was to create each activity, first in our computers, tablets, smartphones, and then, after careful analysis, and all the checks, we could publish the contents on our website principal. In this way, you also avoid any errors, or unverified articles.

    It can also happen to the "giants of the Internet", to suffer blocks, or slowdowns, due to various factors, therefore, from time to time, it can happen to us too. For safety, each of our users keeps a copy of his precious work with us, in his computer, tablet, smartphone, regardless of our various incremental and continuous backup servers, which guarantee us not to lose almost anything .

    In the beginning, we had many such blockages, and by “working temporarily, from home”, we solved every problem.

    We called it: The Price of Success. Many people were, are, and will always be curious to get to know us, and from what we have noticed, almost everyone, after getting to know us, joins us. 99.99% after registering, stay with us, and create every activity, and realize every project, together with us.

    Obviously, all the work must then be uploaded to our servers, via our official website.

    This concept, of carrying out all the activities, in a single website, guarantees us unity, security, independence, and above all freedom.

    Be wary of those who work, exploiting the platforms of others, because, although initially it is the least expensive choice, and also the simplest, it is also the least secure, least tidy, and certainly least reliable.

    Working in someone else's house can make you compromise, and you could also lose all your work if, for example, your work bothers someone. A few reports, even in bad faith, by some users are enough, and your work disappears, sometimes forever. Working on social networks would have allowed us to spend less money, but would have exposed us to unpleasant consequences. Our website is ours and your home if you join us. It is safe, spacious, powerful, welcoming, and has all the potential to do an excellent job all together. Our presence, and our activities, on social networks are limited to a few articles, to inform those who are not with us of what we have achieved. We do not offer assistance, or answers, to questions, on other websites. If you want to contact us, you can do it, only and exclusively, through our contact forms, present on our official website, and only by carefully following all our instructions. In this regard, we have always responded, with great availability to everyone, in a complete manner, according to our rules. While the number of people who visit our website has increased incredibly over time, in the last period the number of questions from our visitors through our contact forms has dropped considerably. This result is due to our information, and thanks to our long and detailed articles, which explain many things, and answer, in a preventive way, almost all your possible questions. Contacts from our users have increased by 700%, but we had foreseen this, and this is mainly due to our working methodology, which is based on continuous messages, between the various users, and work groups. Response times are practically in real time (or a few hours of waiting), 24 hours a day, every day, thanks to the contact management group.

    The average length of time that each visitor spends on our website is approximately 35 minutes, in which at least 3 pages are viewed on average. This shows that, not only do you visit our website, but you stop by, on the various articles, based on the topics that interest you the most. We advise you to read everything, even several times, with an open mind. We don't publish many statistics, we prefer to focus on the essentials. For those who are curious to find out more, there are statistical groups in our Social and Community areas.

    From day one we preferred to start with our own web server, on which to put our official website, and then add many other web servers, thanks to your precious donations. And many other web servers, we will add them, even in the future, one at a time, up to allowing every good person on earth to work with us. We will change and improve the world, one user at a time, and one web server at a time.

    To allow us to grow, in a continuous, but controlled, and proportionate way, we simply need to add, one new web server at a time (which is practically a computer), based on needs, to the already existing ones, and immediately the power, the space, and the potential of our website, increase. We remain in the 20% of the fastest websites, and in the first places for security, and order.

    As you may have read, in our old articles, we had tried to allow free registrations, even through one's own profiles, on other social networks, despite knowing that many people, on these websites, do not have their own identities verified, but also , knowing, that there are certain commercial companies, or powerful people, or entire powerful countries, who create fake profiles, to try to get advantages, or to sabotage various activities. If we notice suspicious activity, we will not hesitate to block the recordings again, to prevent any attempt to sabotage us, slow us down, or block us.

    To maintain some order, we allow registration, and the creation of a personal profile, only with a username (based on specific rules), a secure password, and a personal email address. Obviously, for everyone's safety, for a long time, we have implemented 2-factor authentication, which makes personal data very secure, and prevents others from using their personal profile, if they follow all our instructions, for the security. We advise each of our users to activate this powerful security measure in just a few minutes.

    To prevent any problem, from phase 10, we have applied some changes, which will surely allow us, over time, to make any attempt to slow us down, or to destroy us, practically impossible.

    First of all, through the payment of a small fee, it is a matter of very few euros, which will allow us to continue growing. Because, if before the web servers to be connected, to guarantee space and power, for a few tens, or, for a few hundreds of people, had accessible costs, for thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and hopefully in the future, before millions, and then billions of people, costs have increased, and will increase, commensurately, as we predicted.

    We were amazed by the enormous generosity of almost all of our new users, but also of some visitors. The fact that we have managed to survive, and grow, is only thanks to the continuous donations of our beloved users, and of those who support us, often anonymously. We are happy that you like what we are creating, and that you have understood our enormous potential.

    We know that since each of our official members owns everything, it is "natural" for each person to commit himself, even with some donations, to guaranteeing our financial independence.

    One of the serious problems of the old politics is the lack of money, and we understand them perfectly, even if we don't agree with their methods.

    We, who from the very first minute tell you things directly and sincerely, tell you clearly that without money, politics cannot be pursued in a serious, free and independent manner.

    We often pronounce the word “independent”. Because, without having the right economic income, one is forced to ask for "favors", and then in the future, they should be reciprocated, making politics make wrong, preferential choices, and not in the interest, of the entire population.

    DirectDemocracyS is innovative in this too. But we don't just use money to increase power and space on our web servers. As you will have read, in our other articles, we spend an important part of our income to reward our best members, with money, goods, and services, but also by hiring various people, on a fixed-term and permanent basis. Nearly a third of every penny that comes in we use to motivate our members to do good work. Investing in people, to create growth, is a winning methodology.

    This 10th phase begins a few days after May 1, all over the world, Labor Day, and workers' day. In each of our articles, we clearly state that people who join us and work with us are our greatest wealth. Even those who are employed on a temporary or permanent basis work with us. We will never pronounce, and we will never write, for any reason, the words "work for us". You work together with someone, and not for someone. We have always had clear concepts that define our way of being in a transparent way. Some people, in a superficial way, consider us too "popular", and others consider us "communists", for the fact of dividing equally, our "stock shares", not cumulative, and not transferable. DirectDemocracyS, is not "popular", and it is not "communist". We are simply fair, fair, and we always, at all times, practice equality, always combined with meritocracy. The populars and the communists have nothing in common with our methodology, and we have explained it to you in various articles.

    DirectDemocracyS, is too important, and we can't afford to make mistakes. We cannot "play" with politics, with democracy, with people's freedom.

    Since May 4, 2023, we have become a professional political force, in which anyone who wants to join us first pays a fee, and then, within 15 days (extendable for another 15 days, only if necessary), shows us his identity (with the payment of a second fee). They are 2 simple, logical, and common sense measures. Charging, and verifying the identity of, anyone who joins us lets us know who we work with. But we allow anyone to work anonymously, and to freely and continuously manage their privacy settings. We do not, and will never, offer information about our users, or the work they do with us, to anyone, for any reason. We have created facilities, for young users, up to 31 years of age, until they turn 31, they pay every fee, and every service we offer, exactly half as much as those who have turned 31.

    We do it, to rejuvenate our political organization, and also to make young people understand that they can be decisive in all our choices. We have policies to protect and help young people, the elderly, women, minorities of all kinds, and for any person or company in difficulty. We always start by helping those who are most in need, and then help and favor all the others.

    For some days, we have implemented a membership component, which makes each registration and each creation of a personal profile easy, fast, and secure.

    To those who accuse us of making people pay, let's say right away that such a political organization, without the right financial support, would find it very difficult to survive. But if a few euros a year, to be part of our innovation, are too much and unsustainable, you can always get busy, obtaining prizes, or you can work on a fixed-term basis, or, on a permanent basis, with us. Furthermore, thanks to your donations, we have a support fund, for users in difficulty, to help those who are really in difficult economic conditions, and after a certain period of continuous work with us, it will be possible, over time, and making a good job, recover the initial expense, even earning.

    Who really does not like the idea of paying, we ask to try to become a member of another political force, you pay everywhere, and you will see that the prices, in other political forces, are almost always much higher, than what we ask. Not to mention our potential, and the services that we offer, and those that others offer. Not to mention, the methodologies, which are completely different. In other traditional political parties, to get any chance of realizing it, one has to work enormously, having to make many compromises. For others, it is called, and means, struggle for power, by any means, for us it means meritocracy, and equality, continuous over time. We guarantee you that the stress, and the effort to get something, in other political forces, are enormous, compared to DirectDemocracyS, where everything is simpler, safer, and faster. Obviously, you will find on social networks various groups of political forces who, in order to have people who believe in their projects, will attract you with various stratagems (even creating anger and social struggle), and with the promise of obtaining everything, for free, and without any commitment. In a short time, they will ask you for much more money than us, or, they will ask for a little less money, and they will go bankrupt, due to lack of funds, or worse, they will compromise with anyone, just to stay “alive”. Just do a little experiment, evaluate with an open mind, what we do, and what others promise you. Surely, after a few tries, you will always come to us. But in the meantime, waste a lot of time, a lot of opportunities, and you will also have roles with us, of lesser responsibility, because the best positions will be filled.

    Here too, for the first users, there were many advantages and facilities, and it was all free. Certainly not to attract people, but to reward, in a concrete way, the first brave ones who trusted us. At first glance, DirectDemocracyS might seem strange, complicated, and too severe, but those who have joined us, over time, are 99.99% happy with their choice. The 0.01% is represented by a few dozen people who were incompatible with our rules, and we expelled some, making some of them persona non grata. A few hundred users, perhaps they have registered, just to see how it works, perhaps to try to copy us, not knowing that our methodologies, our intricate mechanisms, and our "secrets", we do not let anyone understand them, and also the important roles, and positions of responsibility, in our inevitable hierarchy, are available to all, but only the best get them. It takes a lot of time, and a lot of hard work together with us, to make each individual dream come true. Other old users of ours did not respect all the instructions received, even if, thanks to these instructions, DirectDemocracyS is a safe, calm, and orderly place. Many struggle to understand that anyone who doesn't work with us, and is only a spectator, is not worthy of being with us, in our immense family. We do not ask anyone to "break stones" or to do physical work, with the exception of some specific and normal activities. A little "intellectual" work, and a little participation, on everyone's part, seems logical to us, and common sense, and it's normal, that we expect it from each of our users, on an ongoing basis. After some warnings, usually a couple (we don't like to be too pushy, it's not our style), the simple spectators, we excluded them, and made them persona non grata. If they didn't work with us in the beginning, they certainly won't, in the future either. Are we too demanding? It's not like that, but there's a lot of work to do, and the world doesn't change, and it doesn't improve by itself, so each of our users must do their part. We have never excluded anyone, and we never will, for what they think, for what they say, for what they write, or for what they show, if they do it in the right ways and places, within the limits of decency, and common sense. However, we have excluded some, because they were too used to the internal struggles and the logic of power of other political forces. These "smart" ones, were trying to get undeserved advantages, or they were terrified that someone "had it in for them". In DirectDemocracyS, every activity, by anyone, is carefully evaluated, by our system, by our innovative artificial intelligence, and finally, decisively, and definitively, by evaluation groups of our users. For these reasons, we work only and exclusively on our official website, to have all the details of each activity, of each of our users, in order to be able to reward the best and punish the worst. For these same reasons, we verify the identity of each of our users.

    All our groups, of all kinds, in the international stage, are composed of at least one representative of every population on earth, and of at least one representative of every country in the world. Therefore, there are no preferences, or favored people, or other people who are hindered, in the logical, and useful, personal ambitions. Healthy and loyal competition for the most "important" roles is useful, if it doesn't turn into a struggle for power, and it is only done in an ethically impeccable way. When choices have to be made, not everyone is always serene, and often some are disappointed, but there will be opportunities and roles to fill, which in DirectDemocracyS are many, practically infinite. Furthermore, we'll let you in on a secret, if there are 2, or more people, for a single role, we give it to everyone, and the best ones will be seen over time, based on the results of each one. We create all kinds of roles, and make appointments, all the time. More people, together, in a coordinated way, always achieve better results, than just one person. But it takes time, patience, understanding, and hard work, which has concrete results, useful for everyone. It is worth waiting your turn with patience, the important thing is to do your best, not to disappoint, all our expectations.

    Anyone who knows about us hasn't registered, we understand, it's never easy to trust, and we have to admit it, we are certainly new, and let's face it, at first glance, everything may seem a bit strange. But, in addition to repeating several times, for the first few years, not to waste too much time, and not to wait too long, to register, we certainly couldn't insist too much. First, because it's not our style to insist, or to negotiate with anyone. Secondly, because whoever doesn't feel “attracted” and doesn't “fall in love with us” at first sight will certainly not do so in the future. Anyone who, after reading all our information, even summarized, trusted and registered, did so for free, and has already obtained very important roles and activities of greater responsibility. Those who have waited too long to register will have to pay a small fee, which is also a guarantee for us, that those who join us are really interested, and want to change and improve the world with us. As for the important roles, and of greater responsibility, there is plenty of time to obtain them, if one really deserves them. It's never too late, even if times get longer.

    By investing a few euros, each of us, to join DirectDemocracyS, and with the annual fees, we will all have the guarantee, together, of being able to work serenely, freely, and independently, forever.

    In this period, many interesting projects, on the Internet, but also in real life, even important ones, are having big problems, some have closed, others will close soon, still others will be forced, sooner or later, to ask for money, for be able to survive.

    For those who base their activities on the Internet and on various platforms, it will be very difficult to survive.

    We decided some time ago to reduce costs to essential needs, while innovating and always choosing the best, modern and safe technology. Having excellent quality, power, and sufficient space is essential for us. All this can be achieved even with little money, if it is well spent. Our management teams, all made up of people from all over the world, are very experienced, and above all attentive, and thrifty. With similar precautions, we have the certainty, not only of lasting over time, but also, the guarantee, of being able to obtain the best results. We do not ask for large sums, because everyone's economic situation is very fragile, and often uncertain. We have limited ourselves to asking for fair sums, based on common sense. To those who ask us, why is there a quota (tax) of 1 euro for every 3 euro spent, which increases each payment by 33.33%, and is to create a guarantee fund. You may have noticed that we live in uncertain times, and many companies, even "web giants", are forced to fire many people. Perhaps, they exaggerated in hiring, in certain periods, and now they are forced to fire, in order not to close. Our economic management groups have decided to set aside an important sum of money, so as never to find us in difficulty. They are a few euros, set aside, for unexpected events. Many companies, if they had done the same from the beginning, certainly would not have closed, and they would not have had to lay off so many people, putting so many families, and entire countries in difficulty. Prevent these social disasters, you can, if you are careful. You may have noticed that we have implemented a tax payment system, mainly Value Added Taxes, which in many countries are paid for services on the Internet. DirectDemocracyS will pay the due quotas to each country on the basis of agreements with each country in part. We collect these taxes, and set them aside, for the countries where our users are located. Payments will be made if requested, on the basis of the various agreements, otherwise, after a year, they will end up in the DirectDemocracyS guarantee and economic security fund, and will be used for the needs of our political organization.

    Let's just make a brief introduction. Let it be clear to everyone, we are just, and fair. Every cent that enters DirectDemocracyS enters the name of our entire international political organization. Amounts received, from our geographic, territorial, continental, national, state, state, regional, provincial, district, county, local, neighborhood, or street block organizations, such as campaign refunds, and tax funding, on a geographic basis, will go entirely to our territorial structures, and will be managed by local economic and financial management groups. The annual quotas, the percentages received from all our political representatives, the advertisements, and all the donations, will be received by DirectDemocracyS, in the international economic and financial management groups, which on the basis of projects, with very strict rules, and detailed, will finance our geographical and territorial activities, usually, with about 1/3 of the total revenues. In a nutshell, the money that comes in from citizens' taxes, and from the various countries, or at the local level, as a financing of our political organization, will be entirely spent, on the basis of projects, evaluated by the competent geographical groups, with an international verification. The rest of the money is handled internationally, and then distributed locally.

    We tell you clearly, none of us run away with the money, and none of us can steal, or transfer, not even a cent, without all the authorizations. Fortunately, we have structures and watchdogs, at an international level, made up of at least one member from every population on earth, and at least one member, from every country in the world. In addition to the administration groups, there are controls from the security groups, the legality groups, the meritocracy and equality groups, and the logic, common sense and mutual respect of people groups. Each entry, and each exit, is based on detailed documentation, evaluations, controls, and subsequent authorizations. And it tests every destination, and every use.

    Many of you will think, it's too cumbersome, but we can assure you that everything takes place very quickly, but safely, transparently, and ethically correct. Don't you trust? Each of our verified users can request to become our official member, over time, based on their work, their behavior, and by paying a higher annual fee. Each of our official members, being the owner, together with all the other official members, of our entire political organization, can request to be part of the economic and financial management groups, but also of all the other control groups. By being part of these groups, he will be able to personally verify, during his activities, various items of expenditure, various income, and will directly control how all our money is managed. All over the world, there is no safer and more transparent management of money.

    We tell you another secret, not being a single leader, or a single steward, but being all one huge leader, and being all stewards, there is no chance for anyone to get even a dime. There is not a single person who makes a bank transfer, or a single person who manages the money, but various groups, very large, with hundreds of members, all experts, and very attentive.

    Phase 10, of new user registrations, and beyond, based on sustainable growth.

    Sustainable growth of our new registered users is very important, therefore, even if we charge an initial fee, we are sure that the number of requests will be very high. To prevent blockages, and to guarantee activation times, and identity verification, of our users, possibly on the same day, and no later than 48 hours, we have decided to initially allow, in phase 10, a maximum number of 2000 new requests per day, which are easily managed, by our 200 administrators, who welcome new users.

    Over time, we will increase the number of administrators, and proportionally, also the number of new manageable users in a single day. We want to respond briefly to those who accuse us of not knowing how to manage new registered users in an optimal way. Some have complained of the lengthy lead times for activations and identity verification. They tell us to hire more staff, and quickly appoint new directors. DirectDemocracyS is not a factory or a supermarket. If you have new "clients", it is not enough to simply hire, and appoint new administrators. Even a factory, or a supermarket, takes a long time to specialize new hires. For us, it is important to welcome everyone, in exactly the same way, with the same hospitality, with the same care for each person, because each new user is exactly the same as another. For now, every person who has joined us has received all the attention, and all the necessary instructions, so as not to feel abandoned, or worse, ignored. For us, the relationship of mutual respect is fundamental. We have not yet received any complaints, or protests, against our administrators, or against our users. And we will never receive any, because whoever joins us understands our constant worries, and also the difficulties we can have, if there are too many requests at the same time. In any job, if you go from 2,000 requests a day to 6,000 requests the next day, delays can occur. Over time, we promise that we will also resolve the issue of activation times and identity verification for our new users. The registrations will be periodically blocked, if they should be too many, in a short period. In order not to accumulate delays, beyond 48 hours, and make everything faster, while maintaining safety, order, and kindness towards those who join us. In this regard, we remind everyone that there are no fast tracks, with the exception of specialist groups, in which it is essential, for a short time yet, to carefully select new members. But everyone has the same obligations, both in terms of the fee to pay and in terms of detailed and complete verification of one's identity. There are no VIPs, or influencers, who are welcomed with flowers and favours. They are VIPs, and influencers, in the various social networks, in their spaces, and in the various websites, where they are present, from us, they all start, with the same rules, the same instructions, and the same obligations. As for the administrators, we cannot use all of them to manage new users who register on our website. We have many activities, of all types, and they all take place in an organized and coordinated manner, and in all of them, we need the right people. Activations are relatively simple (you verify your data and click on the activation link), but as far as verifying your identity is concerned, you must take into account the fact that we are worldwide, and from every country, there are always different documents, to be verified, and not all of them are specialized in the same way. Everything would be simpler and more immediate if everyone had an electronic signature. In the future, DirectDemocracyS, through identity verification, will allow all its verified users to have a valid, secure and globally recognized electronic signature. In these days we are starting the formalities to obtain this important service, which we hope to be able to give to each of our current and future users, or to be able to offer it, at a much lower price than all the others. Our identity verification rules are perfectly compatible with the controls of the companies that offer the digital signature service.

    They are all very important innovations, which always make us innovative, and we hope that this work of ours, difficult, complicated, but full of satisfactions, will continue to be appreciated by anyone who joins us.

    Obviously, the merits of our ideas, our rules, our instructions, and our methodologies, go first and foremost to our "originators". Thanks to those who made all this possible for 14 years, our first 282 members. But the merits go to all those who have joined us, from user 283, to today, and to those who will join us in the future. Each new user brings with him his own projects, his own ideas, and we are happy to analyze them, choose them, discuss them, test them, and finally, if they are deemed valid, to vote on them, and implement them, all together. The merits belong to everyone, like all our members, they are owners of all our activities. Turning all dreams into reality, except nightmares, is our characteristic.

    Our political organization, DirectDemocracyS, will continue to update itself, in continuous innovation over time, with the aim of improving itself, without changing any idea or previous rule. Improving, always, without ever forgetting where we started from, and why we did it. We will never, for any reason, lose our identity.

    You will understand over time, that unlike those who only make promises, we all realize all our good ideas together. If the old policy has accustomed you to twists and turns, lies, disappointments, thefts and betrayals, we guarantee you continuity, loyalty, consistency, correctness, and only concrete improvements.

    Our "old" users have already known for a few months that in phase 10, everyone will start contributing with an annual fee, and almost everyone has already paid theirs. Within a few days, everyone will be in order, because deep down, we all know that it's not money thrown away, or lost. Being, each of our activities, of all of us, practically, the money, with one hand, we put it in another hand. DirectDemocracyS, from 4 May 2023, passes from the "conception", to a few days, before the "birth", which will be the moment in which all the people of the earth will know DirectDemocracyS in a surprising and complete way. We had a difficult pregnancy, but our "creature" is beautiful, healthy, strong, and can't wait to be born and have a wonderful future, together with all the good people on earth.

    To start working with us right away, after reading our instructions, register and create a personal profile. Please share our website, and this informative, somewhat long, but quite detailed article with as many people as possible. We have provided important information, but for each sentence or concept expressed, we will make detailed articles. Better to know things than to have unpleasant surprises.

    We believe we are right, because we make choices that can be shared, based on logic, common sense and mutual respect of all people. We say it often, but it's crucial to understand it. If you don't like something, or it doesn't suit you, contact us, and let us know.

    1.   04 May 2023
    2.   Service communications

    DirectDemocracyS is an international, continental, national, state, regional, provincial, district, and local political organization born to change, and improve the world.

    It is innovative, and an alternative to all politics, based on logic, common sense, and the mutual respect of all people.

    It puts into practice authentic democracy,...

    DirectDemocracyS is an international, continental, national, state, regional, provincial, district, and local political organization born to change, and improve the world.

    It is innovative, and an alternative to all politics, based on logic, common sense, and the mutual respect of all people.

    It puts into practice authentic democracy, complete freedom, the dissemination of the truth, research, science, culture, study, and independent information.

    It bases all its activities on equality and meritocracy, continuous over time, in which at the center of everything is the power of the population, and of its electors, who by becoming official members become the owners of the whole political organization, our website where we all work together, and everything we do.

    One of the strengths of DirectDemocracyS is unity in diversity.

    A feature that makes it unique is that its voters control and manage both DirectDemocracyS and their political representatives before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after the elections. Total and continuous control thanks to rules and a very detailed method which prevents any type of problem. Thanks to groups of specialists, its users will always choose, in an informed way, with all the possibilities, and all the possible consequences, for each decision taken. With this method, the best Laws will be promulgated for the good of the whole population.

    There are no leaders, but only people who work individually and in groups, in a coordinated way, in which the motto is put into practice: one for all, all for one.

    There are no internal struggles for power, and DirectDemocracyS always separates the management of the political organization, from the political representation, in the institutions.

    It has a unique, politically perfect ideology that takes the few positive parts of the old politics, completely eliminating any negative part.

    It represents the only credible and functioning alternative for those who do not recognize themselves in any political force, or in any political representative, of the other political forces, but also for those who are disappointed by political parties and political representatives, of which they trusted in the past.

    Every person can join DirectDemocracyS, only and exclusively, on our website, which is our only home, where we all work together.

    To join us, there are only 3 conditions, in this order: 1 to contribute a minimum amount, a few euros a year, to guarantee independence, financial and economic tranquility, to reward the best members, and to have the necessary technological means, but also to prevent attempts to boycott, slow down, and stop our activities. 2 be a user with verified identity, to allow us to be authentic, and to prevent multiple registrations. 3 work with us, for at least 20 minutes a day, even in various accesses, of variable duration, or, at least 120 minutes a week, even in various days, and various accesses, with a variable duration. The world doesn't change, and it doesn't improve by itself, but everyone's commitment and work are needed.

    Our website, equipped with the best and most innovative security measures, has a public area, which can be viewed for free, and without any commitment, in English, but thanks to our translation module, you can set your own favorite language. We have a Blog, in various languages, with some of our articles, translated into the main languages of the world. In the areas reserved for our users, and for our members, there are all our activities, even in all languages.

    To join us, you must carefully study all of our information, and carefully follow, all of our instructions. You just have to choose a username, a secure password, and have a personal email address.

    DirectDemocracyS, your political innovation, alternative, truly in every sense!

    1.   02 May 2023
    2.   Principles

    In DirectDemocracyS, there are 3 main components.

    People, who are our constituents and users at the same time.

    At the center of all our activities, people are more important to us than all the other components, put together. We have decided, from the beginning, to give all power to whoever joins us. Anyone who contributes their work, and by...

    In DirectDemocracyS, there are 3 main components.

    People, who are our constituents and users at the same time.

    At the center of all our activities, people are more important to us than all the other components, put together. We have decided, from the beginning, to give all power to whoever joins us. Anyone who contributes their work, and by paying an annual fee, becomes our official member, together with all our members, ownership of our entire political organization, our website, and everything we do. THE

    Our computer system.

    It's our website, which is the only place we work, and where all of our business takes place. Thanks to various potentialities, every action carried out by each of our users is transcribed, and allows us to evaluate each individual and group activity, to prevent any problem, to punish those who do not respect each of our rules, and to reward the best users.

    Artificial intelligence.

    Born from a group of users, with the intention of making all our work perfect. The various activities of each of our users, and of each of our groups, are published and calculated by our computer system, and are all controlled and evaluated by our artificial intelligence. After the control and evaluation, without the possibility of modifying the various activities, our artificial intelligence proposes to groups of people every type of action, such as: finding irregularities, punishing offenders, rewarding the best, and each other possible evaluation, and proposal. The final decision is always and only up to the group of people who manage and evaluate the artificial intelligence proposals.

    Our motivations.

    When we were a few hundred people, it was very easy for some of them to evaluate the behavior and activities of all the others. When we have become, over time, several tens of thousands of people, while leaving total control to people, we have decided to combine human work with artificial intelligence. The reasons are various, such as: speed, accuracy, incorruptibility, and lack of preferences, if not based on the results obtained. We human beings can easily be corrupted. We can choose, reward, punish, or prefer, based on personal beliefs, or family or school teachings, based on tradition, culture, or religion. All legitimate behaviors, but which are not suitable for our way of working. To be sure that we are evaluating only the facts, we rely on the advice and suggestions of our artificial intelligence. According to our rules, the final choice is made by groups of people, but each different choice, from the one suggested by the artificial intelligence, must be discussed, motivated, and voted on by a group of hundreds of people, representing all the peoples of the earth, and of every country. Without the motivations, and a vote, of these groups of people, the decision of artificial intelligence remains valid. This way, the best choices will always be made.

    To some people, traditionalists, and not competent, it may seem strange, unusual, and complicated, however with time, and by reading our articles, you will understand, that it is the only way, to prevent any possible problem, to punish, and to reward, only those who truly deserve it.

    We immediately want to explain that DirectDemocracyS is not guided, or managed, by "electronic components". Always and in any case, it is our users who decide, analyzing, discussing, and finally voting, the evaluations of all our components: people, the system, and artificial intelligence. The last word always belongs to human beings.

    We decide everything internally, and only and exclusively, on our website.

    Many people contact us to tell us that they have spoken to their friends, and many are hesitant, because they do not know our website. The Internet is full of scams, pitfalls, and dangers, and especially for the most technologically ignorant, the idea of trusting a website, and a political organization, practically unknown, scares them, especially at the beginning. We understand fears, never trust strangers.

    However, at least a little time to read carefully, even several times, each of our articles, published in a public way, visible to all, completely free, safe, and without any commitment, they could find it. They would surely be surprised, and surely they would understand our huge potential. We have noticed that almost every person (the latest data says about 90%) who visits our website joins us.

    Is our website secure?

    We have said it, and demonstrated (through tests, with dozens of programs, dedicated to security), our website, is safe, both for our visitors and for our guests.

    Do we give you too much information?

    Be wary of projects, which in a nutshell explain things to you. Anyone who doesn't provide you with the details and explanations necessary to understand not only what they want to do, but also how they will get the promised results, is certainly not reliable.

    Why don't we actively work on social networks with such a beautiful project?

    Our presence on social networks is very limited, a few groups, and pages, and accounts, just to let people know that we exist. We have often talked about it, we have our website, which is our huge home, where we work in a free, independent, orderly and secure way. Of course, social networks would cost much less, and would allow us an unlimited number of users. But we would also risk being blocked, or canceled, if we don't say things the way others say them. We have never been, and never will be, submissive to anyone except those who join us. We decided, all together, to work only on our website, also to have a certain order, being able to concentrate on our work together, both individually and in groups. We were interested in having users, with their identity verified, while allowing everyone to work anonymously if they wish, and to set up their privacy as they wish. We are very attentive to security, and to the data that everyone shares, leaving it to the common sense and will of each of our users on the personal data that they share, both with those who share them and when they share them. We have also set rules, which eliminate all kinds of distractions, personal, useless, or superfluous posts are never accepted. None of us care if a user feels the need to say hello to everyone, or to tell us that it's snowing, or to post photos, with their pet. We are not interested in wishing each other religious holidays, or for the various traditions. We respect every religion, and every tradition, and each of our users can participate in all the religious and traditional activities they want, but externally, and without influencing, in any way, all our activities, without any exceptions. To express one's preferences, to greet, and to interact with anyone, there are traditional social networks, from which we certainly do not want to steal the work. In DirectDemocracyS, and in all our projects and related websites, each one carries out its own specific activities, without any need to be noticed. Obviously, in specific working groups, and in coordinated interactions, we greet each other, exchange comments, and even comic jokes, but we are polite and respectful. By working only on our website, we can also have real financial independence. For these reasons, we encourage verified registered users to become our official members, in good standing with an annual fee of 12 euros. It is not a large sum, even for the least developed countries, and for the poorest. But we have created a fund, in which whoever is richer can pay an annual fee to another user, even an unknown one. For safety reasons, in addition to one's next of kin, or a few friends, or cohabitants, a single person cannot pay too many dues. Beyond a certain number , anonymous donations can be made , in the fund to offer free annual installments, and services, to those in difficulty, which will remain forever anonymous, and untraceable, or connectable. We are happy to see so much solidarity, within us, to help those in difficulty. This shows that almost everyone has understood the noble spirit of solidarity, which is a positive sign for all of us.

    Why are we practically unobtainable on search engines and on the net?

    We are not unobtainable, those who look for us find us, but we are not among the first results in search engines, because it is not our habit to pay (you pay for everything) to be famous, and to be in the first results, in research case. We have preferred to invest our money, in our technologies, and in our systems, to be free, independent, and self-sufficient.

    Why don't newspapers, radios, TVs and traditional media talk about us?

    At the beginning of our activity, when we were a few thousand people, our members of DirectDemocracyS Italia sent a press release, number 1, to some Italian media, to make known our existence, and some characteristics that make us unique and inimitable. Guess how many have released, and made public, our press release? You guessed it, nobody. They didn't trust us, they didn't know us, and they already feared us. In a sense, we have them to thank, because they have shown us that we are on the right track. Furthermore, if they had made DirectDemocracyS known to the Italian population, we would already be the main Italian political force, but we would have 99% of Italian users, and less than 1% of the rest of the world. Furthermore, too rapid growth would put us in difficulty, from many points of view. The "test of press release n.1", has shown us that information will try to ignore us, because we are capable of changing and improving the world, and many means of communication, often not free, and subjected to the old politics, to the old economy, and the old finance, will find themselves out of work, and with no one to follow them, with our arrival. Press release no. 2 will be sent, at the right time, to the entire world press, and whoever disseminates it will be our media partner, whoever does not will receive the same treatment from us. It will be completely and definitively ignored by us.

    Our presence, and that of our political representatives, on the traditional means of communication will be practically non-existent. Our official representatives, who together with our users, and our members, manage all our activities, are too busy, with their work. Our political representatives will be present on the media, the bare essentials to respect the various traditions, such as for example the "television challenges", without ever being too present. The motivations? Certain political experts have also asked us, telling us that a presence in the media brings electoral support, money, and votes. Our answer left them speechless: with such a political project, with such political programmes, and with the political representatives who will be candidates, there is no need to advertise ourselves, and to appear. Our political representatives will always be speaking to their constituents almost around the clock on our website. They will do exactly everything, and will always implement, every decision, of their constituents, before, during, and for the first time in the world even after the elections. We have planned to allow almost every voter (within the time limit possible) to communicate with their political representative. In fact, one of the main evaluations, to be paid, and according to the cases rewarded, is the number of voters with whom he has spoken directly. Also with regard to any re-nominations, the data on the number of voters with whom each of our political representatives spoke during his activity will be presented and evaluated. Does it seem strange to you? How many times would each of us have wanted to say something to our own political representative? We make it possible, in fact, we have a mandatory programme, with timetables and specific rules, in which each political representative speaks, both individually and in groups, with his or her supporters. Do you like our innovation? Obviously, without interfering with political activities, institutional activities, each of our political representatives will dialogue with their supporters. At this point you will tell us: yes, a nice direct method of dialogue, but without always being on the public means of communication, you will not get new consensus, new votes, and new supporters. To those who ask us , we repeat the usual phrase: with such a political project, with similar political programmes, and with the political representatives who will be candidates, there is no need to advertise too much, and to appear. The voters are almost all good, intelligent people, and they will be able to choose between us and all the others, even without always having to convince and attract them, often with false promises or useless polemics. We will also create dedicated spaces, in which our political representatives will be available to speak directly, with groups, or directly with those who are not with us, therefore also with the few opponents, which we will certainly have. We are sure that many of them will immediately join us, seeing how available we are. So, dear experts, don't worry about us, our rules, and our innovative methods. We communicate differently, better, and certainly more directly than any other political force.

    The DirectDemocracyS system is truly innovative, an alternative to all other political forces, it is based on logic, common sense, science, and mutual respect for all people.

    We advise everyone to get fully informed, with an open mind, and to join us, helping us to make our activities known to as many people as possible.

    Let's change, and improve the world, all together.

    1.   17 April 2023
    2.   Principles

    If you do not feel represented by any political force, and by any political representative, you are the right person to join us.

    If you have been let down, betrayed, lied to, and robbed, by other political forces and their political representatives, you are the right person to join us.

    If you believe that politics should solve all people's...

    If you do not feel represented by any political force, and by any political representative, you are the right person to join us.

    If you have been let down, betrayed, lied to, and robbed, by other political forces and their political representatives, you are the right person to join us.

    If you believe that politics should solve all people's problems, and have a duty to change and improve the world, and you contribute to this change and improvement by working with us, you are the right person to join to us.

    All the old politics, including some small groups of people, who try to copy us, with little success, are all completely wrong mentality.

    DirectDemocracyS has never wanted to resemble other political forces, for the simple reason that having certain characteristics in common with others would not make us different and better.

    Then, from the first second of life, we decided to innovate, becoming alternative to all the others.

    We have always sought perfection, in each of our rules, in our method, in our instructions, in our style, and in our way of communicating.

    We are so different that some consider us as a "religion", as a different and better way of life, as a different and better mentality.

    We have often talked about the defects of others, and highlighted, in detail, our many qualities.

    We have made you several times, a comparison, between us and them. Surely, every intelligent person understands that we are different, and better. It's not pride or vanity, it's a simple observation of the facts.

    For us, politics has all the possibilities to change and improve the world, for us, now, immediately, and for future generations, afterwards.

    In the first 3 sentences of this article, we told you a part of our essence. We have given you 3 good reasons to join us.

    The first sentence, about being represented, is very important, because after the elections, the people who sit and "work" in the institutions should serve the interests of the entire population. We vote for them, and pay them, with our tax dollars, to solve all our problems. We vote for them, and we pay them, to decide for us. We vote them, and we pay them, to represent us in the institutions, making them work perfectly. We vote for them, and we pay them, to keep all the promises, and all the electoral programs, that they promise us to carry out. We, poor deluded voters, trust them, vote for them in elections, and then what?

    They often struggle internally and externally for power, for control, for their own wealth and that of their "masters", who are not the voters (who would have every right to do so), but are finance, the economy, and the rich, powerful people, who influence, and direct, in one way or another, most of the old politics. Therefore, they sit in the institutions, but they don't always "work" for the population, they often have their own favorites, and we are certainly not referring to their electors (who only count for them on election day), but to social classes, well established, leaving other social classes in difficulty.

    Our problems, very often, increase instead of being solved.

    They rob us, all together, of the power to decide, giving us the illusion of counting for something, with our vote. After the elections, for many years, they take all our power, and keep it, and manage it, almost never even asking us for an opinion.

    In many cases, they make institutions work, making them servants of the rich, and powerful, and not useful, to all people.

    They make promises to us, and then they don't deliver on every agenda, that we trusted them with by voting for them. How many times have we felt betrayed by the old politics.

    We always say it, democracy, has never been put into practice, because if the old politics did it, it could not behave, as it has always behaved.

    And we voters, what do we do? We continue to defend ideals, antiquated, and all bankruptcy, just to not tell everyone a sentence, which we don't know how to pronounce: I was wrong, I believed in execrable ideals.

    In these bankruptcy ideals, let's say everyone, there are no better or worse ideals, all have the sole purpose of dividing people, making everyone believe they are on the right side, even culturally better. Any divisive ideal is rotten and must be eradicated. We will write a detailed article on these somewhat “strong” statements, because there will be people, surprised and angry, by this realistic and direct method of communicating.

    Let's move on to the political representatives and the corrupt political parties. We all know that what we see is "just the tip of the iceberg" of an old political system in which it is unlikely that a political force does not have people who, in one way or another, have not take advantage of your roles, to steal, or obtain favors of various kinds.

    It is always wrong to generalize, some people may feel offended, but we do not accuse everyone, but unfortunately, there are very few who can be used as a positive example in other political forces.

    We speak, in a general way, without mentioning names and surnames of political representatives, or political parties. We all know the names, and even in this case, there will be someone who says: those for whom I vote are perfect, they have never been wrong. Here, dear friends, deluded, that you are certain, that you know how to choose, and that yours are perfect, you can safely continue to vote, and give your power to your favourites.

    DirectDemocracyS, has just been conceived, and is completely different, innovative, and alternative, to all the rest of politics. But what do we have that is so special about us?

    We, in DirectDemocracyS, have an ideology, politically, ethically, and from a civic point of view, perfect. You just have to read all our articles, to realize, that we speak the truth.

    We have worked, for many years, with many brilliant minds, from all over the old politics, telling them to create, the perfect political ideal, taking, and putting together, all the very few positive parts, of all the old politics, eliminating some everything, every negative part. So, from this point of view, we are not afraid of any comparison, and we are not afraid to compare ourselves with anyone, to demonstrate that we are politically perfect. Bringing people together, never to divide them again. Does it seem strange to you? Does it seem dangerous to you? Does this seem like a dictatorship, or "single thought"? DirectDemocracyS bases each of its activities, and each of its choices, on logic, common sense, science, and mutual respect of all people. The good of all, for us, is more important than the good of a few. Throughout our short history, but also in the future, there will never be a person excluded from DirectDemocracyS, for what he thinks, says, writes, or shows (within the limits of decency), if he does it in the ways , in the right times, and in the right places, respecting each of our rules, each of our instructions, and each of our methodology. We respect everyone, and we are united, in diversity. This too is our strong point.

    DirectDemocracyS, the only political force that unites, and does not divide.

    The old politic had this bad habit of favoring only certain segments of society, preferring to create divisions. The voters are divided, also to be distinguishable, because otherwise all the old political parties, and all their political representatives, would be almost identical. We prefer to address everyone, and in each of our choices, we use the logic, common sense, science, and mutual respect of all people. For us, every decision must be made, involving all our constituents, who are also our users, on our website.

    DirectDemocracyS, the only political force, which reverses the roles.

    Currently, even in "democratic" countries, the population counts for something, only on election day, and in a few referendums, often on trivial things. With us, in DirectDemocracyS, the voters, and therefore the population, hold power, before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after the elections.

    We are an authentic democracy, the only real one, and continuous over time.

    In our political organization, each person finds many reasons to love us, and just as many to hate us. But you hate us, only until we explain our reasons, and then, after understanding our reasoning, anyone who agrees with us. We have chosen, always based on common sense, and logic.

    At DirectDemocracyS, all our members own everything.

    It seems a strange idea, but it is not the first, nor even the only rule, which at first glance, superficially, seems strange. It's not weird, it's just different, innovative, alternative, and better. There was no better way of creating and inducing all to unity than to give each of our official members, up to date with the payment of a small annual fee, a single share of ownership, individual, non-cumulative, and not transmissible. Making people owners, equally, and without any favoritism, also creates a single immense leader, eliminating altogether, any kind of internal struggle. Which voter can recognize himself, being the owner, with a lot of ownership share, in every sense, of his own political force?

    Unified leadership.

    DirectDemocracyS is the only political organization that eliminates internal "battles" to obtain important roles, or to have advantages and facilities. Each of our members has the same rights, the same duties, the same possibilities, without any preferences, and with no one playing smart. Everything is decided together, in groups, very numerous in number, and also in users, who are part of it. It seems like a dream? No, it's the reality, from the first minute, in which we have created all this.

    DirectDemocracyS, is innovative, and is a valid alternative to the whole political world.

    We are therefore very useful, for those who want to do politics, having control, of every aspect, being able to do any political activity, and having ownership, together with all our members, of both our political organization and our website.

    Each of our voters, who are also our users, is the real protagonist.

    Each person who joins us carries out individual activities, and in groups, in a coordinated manner, based on their preferences, their skills, their merits, and their reliability. Over time, each of our members can decide to carry out political management activity, as our official representative, or political activity, of political representation, participating in the selection of candidates, and in our closed online primary elections. We decided, from the first minute of our creation, to keep the two possible political activities completely separate. Whoever manages the political organization can apply, or be a candidate, for the selection of our political representatives, only after having first abandoned any management role, to take care of the political representation of our voters.

    At the end of their political representation activity, each of our members will be able to continue with political roles, of management of our political organization.

    We are perhaps the only political force in the world which, by keeping the two "careers" distinct and therefore completely separate, prevents any type of internal struggle.

    The political organization offers all the support, protection, and loyal collaboration to each of our political representatives, for the entire duration of his activity.

    The political representative, throughout his activity, will have to play only, and exclusively, his fundamental role, of representing our users, in the institutions, and will be able to count on all the support, and loyal help, of our political organization, without worrying about “internal struggles”.

    Not only that, those who do not feel represented by any political force, and by any political party, can join us.

    Also, any person disappointed by the rest of politics, or by their political party, or by the political representative they support, or have supported, can choose to join our political innovation, an alternative to everything else.

    Finally, anyone who wants to change and improve the world can join us, together with DirectDemocracyS.

    Therefore, everyone can, in the right times and in the right ways, join us, if they concretely want to work, individually or in various groups, together with all of us.

    1.   16 April 2023
    2.   Let's talk about politics
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