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    • 194 Articles

    End of year message.

    Some of the best rules we gave ourselves when we created DirectDemocracyS were to base all our activities: on logic, on common sense, on intelligence, on truth, on justice, on equity, and on mutual respect, of all people. We have chosen to always be innovative and alternative to all other political forces. Equality and...

    End of year message.

    Some of the best rules we gave ourselves when we created DirectDemocracyS were to base all our activities: on logic, on common sense, on intelligence, on truth, on justice, on equity, and on mutual respect, of all people. We have chosen to always be innovative and alternative to all other political forces. Equality and meritocracy guaranteed to everyone, forever, and at the same time, to give everyone the same opportunities, always rewarding the best. Putting the good first, and always acting, in every decision we make, in the interests of the entire world population, always starting to help, first, the people and companies who find themselves most in difficulty, and not make no agreement, with other traditional political forces. Creating unity of purpose, despite diversity, of opinions, respecting them all in exactly the same way. Taking all the positive parts of all the political ideologies of the past, eliminating all the negative parts, has made us politically perfect. Give our voters / users, ownership of all our activities, and have shared leadership, where every decision is made by everyone, based on the proposals of anyone who joins us. Put into practice, authentic democracy, and complete freedom, allowing complete, and absolute, control of our voters / users, over their political representatives, before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after elections. Create free, independent expert groups, composed of authentic, documented specialists, to help our voters / users decide in a fully informed manner on the various possibilities, knowing every consequence of each choice before voting. Force all those who join us to respect our every rule, every mechanism, every methodology, and every instruction. Being born, to change, and to improve the world, starting with politics. Create together, economic and financial activities, based on the same method, with the same rules, as our political activities. We are designed, and created, to prevent and prevent power struggles, both internal and external. We present to the elections new people, younger, more competent, incorruptible, and certainly better than all other political forces. We have created, a new and better methodology, a new and better mentality, we do not compromise, regarding the common good.

    With these first, simple rules, we have become the best, ethically correct, and practically perfect.

    They all seem like utopias to those who see us from the outside. Many tell us: "you are too beautiful to be true". Others judge us superficially, telling us: "you will become exactly like the others, when you win all the elections, and are in power, in the institutions".

    We have already responded briefly to these first statements, and we will do so in detail.

    Inside, we are exactly as we describe ourselves, for us, every single sentence, and every word, are fundamental, and must be put into practice. We are not just beautiful. Above all, we are just, equitable, free, independent, and we finance ourselves. For those who have read all of our public information, knowing how all of our activities work, we will certainly never, for any reason, become like traditional political forces, because our method does not allow it. Thanks to our rules, it is impossible for us to be, or become in the future, like the others, precisely because we are innovative, alternative, and incompatible with the old political forces.

    For all the first sentences, about how we are, we have written, and will write, very long and detailed articles, to explain, not only how we all work together, but also how we are exactly, and above all our motivations, all based on logic.

    DirectDemocracyS, is the dream of any voter, because we choose the candidates, we make the electoral programs, and we decide everything, always and only, together with our voters / users, on our official website. By working on our electronic platform, we are free, independent, protected, and above all orderly. We are the only political organization, which by winning elections, shares all the power, with every single voter, who manages it, together with everyone else, always on our website.

    Many of those who read this article of ours will wonder: what do all these phrases have to do with an end-of-year greeting message. Others, as always, will tell us that we are vain, presumptuous, and that we like to brag about our results. We are just realists, and we are proud of our long, hard work, and all our concrete results.

    Another of our strong points, from the first minute, was to eliminate all religion from all our activities.

    It seems like a banal phrase, blasphemous for some, logical for others. Those who know us know very well that we do not hate the Deities, on the contrary we respect them and protect them all. How we protect, and respect, in exactly the same way, all the traditions, habits, cultures of every population on earth. We don't hate anyone, we simply believe that certain things are private, and since we believe in democracy and freedom, we respect each person's choice to believe, or not believe, in metaphysical entities.

    Keeping all religion out of all our political, economic and financial activities seemed to us to be the simplest and most immediate method to create unity. Because, dear friends, we are also the only political force in the world, which unites people, respecting all diversity.

    We have already given many explanations about our motivations. Science cannot give us all the answers, in a complete way, to all our questions, and therefore, for those who want it, the various religions offer some hope. However, these beliefs, traditions and cultures must not influence, in any way, our political choices, our economic and financial activities. We will also provide all the necessary information on these topics.

    We do not hate other political forces, on the contrary, we respect them all equally. If they decide sensible things, we, and our voters, will approve them together with them, but if they don't make the right choices, we will vote against. For us, the collective interest is more important than the interest of a few.

    Of all the other political forces, we condemn only a few behaviors, which we believe are unjust, and against freedom and democracy.

    The main one is to "steal" the power to decide from their voters, after having obtained the votes in the elections. The oligarchy party-cracy has nothing in common with DirectDemocracyS, which is, instead, authentic democracy.

    The second problem is that traditional politics is managed and often decides on the basis of impositions received from rich and powerful people and lobbies, and not always only in the general interest of all people. DirectDemocracyS, is free, independent, and owned exclusively and completely by its voters / members.

    The third problem of traditional political parties is the internal and external struggle for power, which allows a few people, or, in certain extreme cases, a single person, to decide in the name of all. The simple fact of obtaining votes must never transfer to political parties and their political representatives the power to propose, discuss and decide, which must always continuously belong to the voters.

    These 3 very serious problems make us incompatible with all other political forces.

    Politics, whose etymology everyone knows, for the old traditional parties, means managing all the institutions, all the wealth, and deciding in the name of their voters.

    For DirectDemocracyS, Politics is the art of governing, not in the name of the people, but together with the people.

    Our policy is to solve all people's problems, together with people, and not by favoring the interests and expectations of a few, but always of everyone.

    Whoever joins us has been responsible for all the unpleasant things that happen, and have happened in the world, due to their ideologies, and their political choices. But, unlike those who always complain, those who only know how to criticize, those who join DirectDemocracyS work in a concrete and organized way to change and improve the world. Each of our voters / users does not remain passive, to suffer the events decided and caused by others, but becomes an active and concrete protagonist to solve all the problems.

    We all know that it is not easy, and that it will not be immediate, but we have a duty to do it.

    To those who criticize us for our "rigidity" and for the fact that we force everyone to respect all our rules, we say clearly that the best results can be obtained only if the first rule is: everyone must respect all the rules. What many consider, enormously mistakenly, to be an "unfree" project in which people are "forced to make the right choice", is instead the only political project which allows anyone to propose and implement practice, ideas, projects, and activities of all kinds. In a world where there are people who delude themselves into thinking that they are free, democratic, and think "with their own heads", while they are only manipulated and brainwashed by those who know how to lie to them better, DirectDemocracyS is the only political organization that truly allows anyone to make the best use of their qualities and intuitions.

    For many countries, 2023 ends, for other peoples, we are in different years. We have not made any rankings or balance sheets, although every now and then we update some data, not necessarily at the end of the year. Our various phases continue, one user at a time, continuously, we grow, both in terms of number of people and number of activities, and we make ourselves known. We will be able to say that we were born, officially, only when every person in the world knows about our political innovation, and can choose whether to join us, or continue to count for nothing, with the other traditional political forces.

    Our wish for everyone is to try to study carefully, in a complete way, all the public information about DirectDemocracyS, and if you like how we are, to join us, and help us, to let as many people as possible know, our, and your, political organization.

    We wish you to have a happy and peaceful life, together with the people you love, and who love you.

    In 2024, or whatever year you are in, and in all the years to come, we hope you achieve personal and professional results that fill your heart with joy.

    With great esteem and infinite respect.


    1.   24 December 2023
    2.   All international info

    We created, the first social network of politics.

    We called it: “Access DirectDemocracyS”.

    Active since July 15, 2023, absolutely free, and without any commitment.

    Our login website is at this link:

    With a simple, fast and secure registration, it will allow our new users to discuss politics among...

    We created, the first social network of politics.

    We called it: “Access DirectDemocracyS”.

    Active since July 15, 2023, absolutely free, and without any commitment.

    Our login website is at this link:

    With a simple, fast and secure registration, it will allow our new users to discuss politics among themselves and with us. The only official link to join us by registering and creating a personal profile is this:

    To make it useful, functional, and above all intelligent, we have created two new types of user, called: logged in, and blue tick.

    The access user will have a special regulation, which will allow those who wish to join us, and discuss various political issues, to make proposals, and also constructive criticism of our political project. In this way, you will help us to improve further, and to always remain innovative and alternative to all the rest of the policy.

    Users with the login role, will pay nothing, and will have no obligation, but if they want to get the "blue check" , partially verified login user, they will have to login on our website, pay 1.5 euros per year, and upload at the time of payment, a self-portrait, with your face, with a close and recognizable identity document with photograph. After some checks by our administrators, they will be able to request, and will obtain the "blue check, of partially verified access user", in our social community area. In this way, they will have access to restricted areas of our website, and will be able to make proposals, create debates, discussions, and propose projects of all kinds, to be implemented all together, and will be able to request access to our official website .

    Users without a blue check will only be able to access some of our discussion groups, participating, with their own comments, and in the various activities, they will be able to express themselves freely, saying their own opinion, or commenting on those of other users, without censorship, with only limit, common sense, logic, and mutual respect.

    Users with a blue tick will be able to vote and make political proposals, they will be able to access groups of greater importance, and with personal and collective roles of greater responsibility in the management of our social network. They will also be able to collaborate directly, with our "official" users, and in the future, register, and then log in, on our official website. Users with a blue check will be able to decide, if, and when, to participate in our official website, where they will be able to access only, after having been nominated: registered users, first on the access website, and then, will be activated, on our site official website. In this way, they will also be able to decide to become our official members, and therefore to stand as candidates as political representatives, and will have more important and more responsible roles in our political organization.

    In almost all of our websites, to register, you only need 3 things: a unique username, chosen according to our rules, a personal email address (possibly adequately protected), and a password of at least 12 characters (containing numbers, letters, upper and lower case, and even symbols).

    Users of our official DirectDemocracyS website will rarely work on the access website, where, however, they will be able to intervene, if necessary, based on specific authorizations.

    As always, our information, instructions, rules, many contact forms, and many of our utilities, will be visible and usable, free of charge, and without any commitment, even by all our visitors, and by our welcome guests, but response times, and the various capabilities, will be faster and better for our users.

    With the hope that you will join us, and that you will share the birth of our social network with as many people as possible, we assure you of all our esteem, our infinite respect, and we send you our best regards.

    DirectDemocracyS, your innovative and alternative policy, truly in every sense!

    Our news continues…


    We remind you, that with very few exceptions (concerning only some of our specific websites), our users can access all our websites, with the same username and the same password, used on the website for access, registration , and can use the same email address, to recover the lost password, or, if they forget their username. For security reasons, if you change your password, username, and personal email address on one of our websites, you yourself must make the changes on all other websites of our projects by logging into each site. web, first with the old data, and then, after having modified them, you can enter with the new ones.

    For security reasons, DirectDemocracyS advises you to use 2-factor authentication on all our websites, and in all internal and external activities, which makes all your activities safer, and all your data more protected, we make various types available to you, absolutely free of charge.

    DirectDemocracyS, DirectDemocracyS Access, each of our websites, and all of our related projects, of all kinds, are registered trademarks, owned by all of our official members. Any use is strictly prohibited.

    © 2023 DirectDemocracyS. All rights reserved.

    1.   11 July 2023
    2.   Service communications


    Event group.

    Competition group.

    Our international political organization organizes a prize competition, reserved for those who follow us on social networks, and on other websites, and for those who have already joined us, by registering, on our official website.

    Contest number 1.


    There will be 100 prizes, of 120...


    Event group.

    Competition group.

    Our international political organization organizes a prize competition, reserved for those who follow us on social networks, and on other websites, and for those who have already joined us, by registering, on our official website.

    Contest number 1.


    There will be 100 prizes, of 120 euros each, in vouchers for DirectDemocracyS paid services, which can be used for oneself, or, let others use them, giving them away, or selling them.

    We have decided to divide our 100 prizes into 50 prizes for our friends, who are not yet registered on our official website, and 50 prizes for those who are already our users.

    5 categories will be awarded, with 20 prizes each (10 for strangers and 10 for our users).

    Best Video.

    A video file must be created, presenting the political, economic, and social situation of one's country, or of one's people.

    Best audio.

    An audio file must be created, presenting the political, economic, and social situation of one's country, or of one's people.

    Best article.

    A .docx or .pdf file must be created, presenting the political, economic, and social situation of one's country, or of one's people.

    Find parts you don't like and fix them.

    A .docx or .pdf file must be created, in which defects are found, and solutions are proposed, to our political project.

    Proposals to become better and better.

    A .docx or .pdf file must be created, in which political activities, not yet foreseen, are proposed in detail in our political project, to make it better and complete.

    Basic rules.

    Each participant can present their materials, which must all have different contents, to all 5 categories, being able to win even more prizes (up to one in each category), based on the decisions of the jury, which will make a pre-selection, and subsequently, based on the vote of our registered users, whose identity was verified on the day of the vote.

    Our verified registered users will publish their materials, directly in the groups reserved for the competition, on our website, always after having them checked, in a preventive way, in our file verification groups, our security groups, obtaining the authorization with relative guarantee of safety.

    For those who do not have a personal profile on our website, they must first request to be able to participate in our competition by filling out the contact form, and subsequently, they will receive an external link to one of our websites on a different server from ours . which hosts our official website, where you can upload your materials.

    Contest dates.

    All materials must be published, starting from 21 June 2023 inclusive, and by 21 December 2023 inclusive (in all time zones), and must be original materials, self-financed, never broadcast, and never made public.

    By submitting the materials, you grant DirectDemocracyS the right to use them in all possible ways, without any obligation, except in the case, in which they will be published, and used, to generate profits.

    In the event that the materials go viral, obtaining economic benefits of all kinds, these will be divided exactly in half, between DirectDemocracyS, and whoever created the material, or the materials as the case may be.

    Our users, but also those who are not registered, can decide to put the various proposals into practice, together with all of us, and also to collaborate with us, in various ways.

    The materials can be made in any language of the world, but must also be submitted, in an exact copy, in the English language.

    The duration of the video and audio files must not exceed 15 minutes.

    The maximum dimensions of the various files: for the written .docx or .pdf file with any photos, a maximum of 21 MB, video files must not exceed 210 MB (unlimited if you upload them on social networks, or on verified external links by our security group), and audio files, no more than 30 MB (unlimited if you upload them to social networks, or to external links verified by our security group). If you upload the videos, or audios, on the various social networks, or on external links, you must always insert the link in the comments: at the beginning of the comment, and then add the description, of the your audio and video files, and always request verification of your external links via the competition contact form. All text files, too, must all start with our link: on the first line, followed by your contest content on the second line.

    For all the information, for all the details, for all the instructions, you can contact our Competition Management Group number 1, at this link:

    We remind you that you will have to fill out the contact form, respecting these simple rules:

    For all of the possibilities, and how to contact us, read this detailed article:

    Good luck everyone!

    1.   16 June 2023
    2.   For contest 1


    Special Group of Laws.

    Regulation group.

    Advertising Group.

    Advertiser Selection Group.

    Official Rules of Advertisements.


    Advertising is one of the sources of income for DirectDemocracyS and all related projects.

    In all of our activities, and on our website, all advertising not authorized by the Advertising...


    Special Group of Laws.

    Regulation group.

    Advertising Group.

    Advertiser Selection Group.

    Official Rules of Advertisements.


    Advertising is one of the sources of income for DirectDemocracyS and all related projects.

    In all of our activities, and on our website, all advertising not authorized by the Advertising Group and the Advertiser Selection Group is prohibited.

    Usernames, first and last names of our users, personal data, photos, posts, and any activity, may not contain advertising of any kind.

    In our groups, on our pages, in our articles, in our menu items, in our components, in our modules, in our web servers, in our websites, in our information materials, and in all our related projects, they are Only advertising activities authorized by the Advertising Group and the Advertiser Selection Group are allowed.

    The authorized advertisements, in all possible forms, will be managed on the basis of contracts, of variable duration, and with prices calculated on the basis of specific implementation rules.

    Without intermediaries.

    DirectDemocracyS, and all our related projects, collaborate directly with those who want to advertise, without any kind of intermediary.

    Economic activities, without any political, economic, or financial favor.

    Each contract, with each advertiser, and with each brand, generates only one payment, by the advertiser, and one advertisement, by DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects. No favors of any kind are included in the negotiations, and all of our watchdog groups, including Ethics Teams, will monitor every contract, every performance of the contract, and every post-contract activity.

    Advertising of all types.

    Geographic advertisements are international, continental, national, state, regional, district, provincial, county, local, city, neighborhood, street block advertisements.

    How do you request to be present with your advertisements in our activities?

    First, you fill out a contact form, from the Advertising Group, for advertising activities, in which you officially present your company, your brand, and your detailed history.

    You must specify the way, and the time in which you want to be present.

    The Advertiser Selection Group may approve, and after payment of the fee, may order the Advertising User Creation Group to create a personal profile, with the name and brand of the person contacting us.

    The advertising profile must be authorized and managed by the advertiser, according to specific rules and instructions, based on the various agreements with the Advertising Group.

    Each advertiser will also have a presentation page, and an official working group, on our website, or those of related projects. The page, and the group, may have: linked pages and groups, both public and private, based on the various agreements. The management of the pages and groups belongs to the advertiser, with the collaboration and control of our official representatives.

    The spaces, types, duration and methods of the various advertisements will be negotiated and decided together by the Advertising Group with each advertiser.

    After the first activities, each advertiser, in collaboration with the Advertising Group, and with its approval, will be able to expand, or reduce the number of collaborators he wishes to add, on our websites, and in our activities.

    Advertiser and sponsor.

    Each advertiser can decide to become a sponsor, at various levels, of DirectDemocracyS, and all related projects.

    Exclusive sponsor.

    The exclusive sponsor, according to the contract stipulated with us, will be present exclusively, in our activities, at various levels. Based on the exclusive contract, no competing brand of our sponsor will be present in our activities.

    Official sponsor.

    The official sponsor, while not having the exclusive rights, has greater space and visibility, also on the basis of the area, or geographical areas, in which it pays, to be present, has the characteristic of being able to be present, paying, even internationally.

    Geographic sponsor.

    The geographical sponsor is present in a limited way, in the geographical area in which it carries out its activity.

    Spaces and areas where there are advertisements.

    In general, every space, and every activity, could contain advertising, even if this must be limited and not too invasive.

    There are restricted areas, in which no advertising is permitted, as is not permitted, personalized advertising, or of restricted groups, which is parallel to the official one.


    The advertising contracts groups, together with all our advertising groups, when contacted, directly by the various advertisers, will propose, select, discuss, and sign, the advertising contracts. These contracts will have clear, detailed and time-limited clauses. The price will be inclusive of taxes, and fair, based on general and specific factors. The duration, and the price, may be modified by mutual agreement, or, in the event that they increase exponentially, the number of views of the advertising spot, or of the banners and advertising posters.


    The advertising contract groups, together with all our groups directly involved in advertising, decide, with the various advertisers, the duration of each contract, which may vary, based on various factors, and our rules.


    The advertising contracting groups, together with all our groups directly dealing with advertising, together with our business, and financial management groups, will decide the prices, which may vary, according to our rules. Negotiation, in a transparent way, analyzing and putting mutual benefits into practice, is the basis of all our economic activities.


    The payments of each advertising contract can be made, on the basis of the various contracts, both in kind, therefore goods and services, and in cash. All goods and services, and money, enter our international organization, which on the basis of needs, and on the basis of projects, can be transferred to our territorial structures. The payment, for each good or service, will be anticipated, and never after the effective advertising activity.

    Centralized methodology.

    For greater control, by all our groups, but also by individual members, all economic and financial activities are carried out, proposed, chosen, discussed, and voted, all at a central level, to then use every economic income , and financial, in the ways, times, and quantities decided by our international economic and financial management groups, made up of official representatives, administrators, and super administrators, who represent, in each group, with at least one person, each population of the earth, every country in the world, according to our rules, instructions, and methodology.

    Use of advertising revenue.

    The Financial and Economic Revenue Management Group, together with other management groups, all composed of representatives of all peoples, from all countries of the world, will manage all advertising revenues, in our activities, controlled, on an ongoing basis, by our security groups and other groups monitoring our activities.

    To contact the Advertising Group, to obtain all the information, and for any need, the contact form is at this link:

    For instructions, to correctly fill out a contact form:

    For detailed information on all methodologies to contact us:

    Advertising is the soul of commerce, and benefits everyone, so we encourage you to use it the right way.

    1.   16 June 2023
    2.   Advertisings rules

    This article of ours explains clearly a small part of our great political innovation, an alternative to all other political forces.

    We don't want to celebrate ourselves, but we want to clarify some fundamental concepts to understand what we are doing.

    First, let's start with our motivations, and with the first ideas that laid the foundations...

    This article of ours explains clearly a small part of our great political innovation, an alternative to all other political forces.

    We don't want to celebrate ourselves, but we want to clarify some fundamental concepts to understand what we are doing.

    First, let's start with our motivations, and with the first ideas that laid the foundations of our political organization.

    We'll do that, briefly, with some questions and answers.

    We avoid those on our date of birth, and on the identities of those who first had the idea, for the simple reason, that for us, DirectDemocracyS, it was born, lives, and will live in the future, from the idea, and from the contribution , intellectual, and financial, of anyone who joins us. It is a collective project, there are no masters (except for all our members), and there are only leaders. All have the same starting value, obviously always rewarding merit.

    Why was DirectDemocracyS born?

    To change and improve the world, starting with politics.

    Why did we start from politics?

    Because politics, through legislative activities, writes the rules and creates the Laws, which everyone must respect. For the entire population, it is very important to have clear, useful, just, and truth-based Laws.

    A second reason, starting from politics, is because people's problems must be solved through honest politics.

    What are the reasons for creating a new political force?

    To create an innovative, alternative, which puts into practice the only and authentic democracy, the direct one.

    But thanks to ingenious rules and methods, DirectDemocracyS also makes representative democracy authentic, allowing, for the first time in the world, complete control by our voters, over their political representatives, before, during, and for the first once in history, even after the elections.

    Did the ancient Greeks "invent" direct democracy?

    DirectDemocracyS is an original political force, it doesn't steal anyone's ideas, the ancient Greeks obviously weren't at our technological level.

    Furthermore, in ancient Greece, all people of all ages could not participate in political life. Women or the poorest sections of society could not participate in the proposals, discussions, decisions and votes.

    Who can join DirectDemocracyS?

    We, in DirectDemocracyS, accept, with equal rights, rewarding merit, people of all ages, obviously of all genders, or, of all sexual preferences, of all social categories, rich and poor, of all "races", colors and cultures , tradition, religion, language, of every political preference, of every population, of every country in the world.

    We accept people who do not feel represented, or do not recognize themselves, in the traditional political forces and their political representatives, but also people who are disillusioned with the old politics, based on an oligarchic party system.

    The political ideology.

    Our political ideology is based on logic, common sense, and mutual respect of all people.

    DirectDemocracyS combines every little positive part of all the old politics and eliminates every negative part, creating a new ideology that is politically perfect, ethically correct, just, and based on truth.

    Why do we consider ourselves infallible?

    Because for over 14 years, 282 people, in secret, have worked a couple of hours a day, in a coordinated way, to create a political project, unassailable, from all points of view, preventing and evaluating every possible problem, finding , in advance, any necessary solution.

    Because we have just been made public, to very few people, carefully selected, to create the starting points, to be able to accept other users. A unique selection in the world, in which people don't choose us, but we choose, the exact moment in which a person can join us.

    We put, from the first second of existence, all the right people, in the right place, in an agreed and shared way.

    Because we have studied every detail, and every necessary feature, to prevent any possible problem.

    Now let's see, because we are sure of our enormous potential.

    When a single person, or a small group of people, creates, or a few people create, a political project, it is inevitable to make mistakes, or worse, create personal or group interests.

    When instead, every person who joins a political force immediately has, not only the right, but the duty, to give his own contribution of ideas, projects, and above all, the task of finding problems, and giving his own solutions, a perfect mechanism is created, and a strict regulation, respected by all, in which, not only does one become perfect, but one becomes just.

    We call it: continuous innovation over time, which makes us always current, but also forerunners of the times, managing to anticipate and overcome every present and future challenge.

    Everyone's interests, for everyone's good.

    Personal and group interests in general make almost all politics ineffective and impotent, which becomes a "servant" not of the sole master, which in a democracy is the people, but of the economic and financial powers. DirectDemocracyS is not a conspiracy theorist, and does not write theories, but we rely on concrete facts, which are visible to everyone, and which can be verified. Some of those who are reading this article can say that the political force, or the political figure of reference, serve the interests of the entire population in an identical way, without preferences, and that these political forces, and these people, are they completely independent, free, and that they are infallible? We do, and we are proud of it.

    Shared leadership.

    By creating a leadership shared by all, in which truly every new member, if he respects all our rules, has the same rights, the same duties, and the same powers as those who joined us before him, also thanks to our innovations, and to the right of ownership, of each of our members, on each of our activities, we are the only ones who can be defined as just. The only ones who give everyone, over time, the same chances, therefore equality, based on their own merits, therefore meritocracy. Words, which for us, must always be put into practice, together.

    When you are on the right side, you always tell the truth, and you also become infallible.

    Many ask us: how can I be sure that we will always be on the right side? Simply because we are owned by our constituents, we are managed by our constituents, we are controlled by our constituents, we are completely, and continuously over time, servants of the only master that exists in a democracy, the people. Anyone who has similar rules, and only we have them, and can have them, is always on the right side. Not only that, but we help, and we will always help first, the people who are most in difficulty, not only because it is written in our regulation, but because it is a logical choice, based on common sense and mutual respect, of all people. It is not a slogan, to obtain consensus, lots of votes, and lots of power. They are not promises that will not be kept. And we give you the proof: being completely managed by our voters, therefore by the people, we will never be able to make choices, against everyone's interests. It would be self-defeating for those who join us to choose selectively, or to protect the interests of a few. Which political force can work in this way? None, except DirectDemocracyS. Because we have authentic democracy and absolute freedom in our DNA.

    They told us that we are a dangerous sect, and that when we win all the elections, in every country in the world, it will be the end of politics.

    Absolutely not. It will not be the end of political activities, and it will not be a limited politic, in terms of quantity. It will be a different politic, which will really solve everyone's problems. And over time, we will demonstrate that there will be much more politics, made by a greater number of people, with quality, and concrete, very efficient, and direct action.

    Our politics is made by the people, by the people informed, and helped by groups of specialists, for the good of the entire population.

    Some of our measures, in a superficial way, may seem too severe.

    Identity verification.

    Identifying each person who joins a political organization in order to reward the best and punish the worst is a security measure. Also, to prevent possible inconveniences. We need to know who we work with, and whoever works with us, must be sure that if someone doesn't respect all of our rules, we know who they are, and we can take any decision to make them harmless. Therefore, knowing the identity, we need to punish those who are guilty of incorrect actions, but also to be able to reward those who behave well. All this, allowing anyone to remain completely anonymous, and to manage all their privacy settings independently, and without any imposition on our part. Always choosing, if, to whom, and when, to show certain personal information, or certain activities, makes us innovative also from this point of view. We go beyond any legal request to respect people's rights. Working together, in a coordinated way, individually, or in various groups, knowing that every identity, of every person, is always guaranteed, by our special security groups, gives each user the peace of mind of being able to trust whoever is in certain groups. A certainty, an order, which do not make all our activities less free and less effective, on the contrary they contribute to the pluralism of ideas, and to free expression, in every way.

    Paid politic.

    Every self-respecting political force, and that respects its electors, should be free, independent, and without being conditioned in its choices, by very powerful people, companies, or entities, which influence, often in a negative way, and on the basis to individual interests, in collective choices.

    Demanding a minimum contribution of a few euros a year from each person, in order to remain free and completely independent, in the early stages, will slow us down a bit, certainly not for the beauty, or effectiveness, of our action politics, but because each of the potential users, and visitors, always asks themselves before paying: what if they run away with my money? Even if we ran away with your money, we are convinced that you would not die of hunger, and besides, we are not a pyramid system, in which, to make the first members earn, there is the possibility of losing large capitals, for the subsequent users. Not only do we not run away with the money we collect, but we invest it, all with great care, and in the best possible way, to ensure a different and certainly better future for everyone.

    The old politics not only asks for and obtains financial support, but does not allow all its members to decide together, but allows the formation of small groups of power, which waste precious time fighting among themselves, for consensus, and for have personal benefits. We ask for money, with annual quotas, with minimal sums, but thanks to our innovative method of working, we can always remain free and independent, without the need to ask for help from powerful and famous people and companies, which in exchange , demand obedience, and that their interested help is reciprocated, through a political action, which tends to favor the interests of a few.

    Working together to change and improve the world.

    To expect from each of our voters a direct, individual and group commitment to put into practice and make all of our activities functional, seems to us to be the only way to give power to the people, and not to political forces, or to political representatives. We oblige you to be masters of your present, and of your future, and that of the next generations. A participation of at least 20 minutes a day, or, alternatively, at least 120 minutes a week, does not seem to us an obligation, impossible to achieve. After all, we don't send you to break stones, but we ask you to decide, together with all of us, on everything, to do it in the best way for everyone. We have to do it to take, all together, the responsibility of managing, controlling and helping our political force, which is the only one that can declare itself authentically democratic.

    If we win the election, what will happen?

    Returning to the understandable fears that many have about us, we ask you: when we win the elections, in every country of the world, what kind of world do you think we will create? If you think that we will win by destroying the other political, economic and financial forces, you are wrong, we are innovative and alternative, therefore we will create new paths for everyone to travel together, we are not interested in destroying what already exists, we are not a revolutionary force, dangerous to others. We were not born against someone, or against something, but in favor of everyone. If you think that by obtaining us, all the power, we will establish a dictatorship, worldwide, we advise you to read each of our articles very carefully, even several times. Do not confuse our authentic democracy, and our total freedom, with the authoritarian form of government, of dictatorship, because you would demonstrate that you have not "studied", and understood, all of our methodology, and our rules. We, when we win, will give all the power to the people, to whoever has voted for us, therefore, to the large masses of people who will be our voters, and our users on our website, and we don't take the power, to give it to a few , but we will share it with everyone. We repeat, we will not govern for the interests of a few, but for the good of all, always starting with people, and companies, who are in difficulty.

    Even considering the old politics, party power oligarchy, which steals power from the people, to give it to political parties, and their political representatives, for many years, we are not "enemies" of anyone. We consider, anyone who votes for the other political forces, an accomplice to the theft, called representative democracy, that only we can make democracy authentic, thanks to our rules, and our working method.

    Do we just criticize?

    We limit ourselves to analyzing the work of others, proposing our ideas, in a direct way. When we have to decide, our decisions will be for the good of all, and not of a few, they will all be shared choices.

    Every decision is a shared choice.

    Unlike the old politics, thanks to our strict but fair rules, every person who joins us will determine all our choices in a concrete way. This aspect of direct involvement of each of our voters will create an "snowball" effect. From a small snowball, we are destined, in a very short time, to become an immense but harmless avalanche, which will cleanse the world of old bankruptcy ideologies, of falsehoods, of crimes, of thefts, of the interests of a few, to the detriment of many, from the subjection of politics, towards the economy and finance, from all kinds of violence, abuse, discrimination.

    We have spoken several times about the old ideologies, all bankruptcy and unjust of the past.

    Some old ideologues of the past accuse us of being too bad with the old ideologies.

    Some accuse us of being anti-communists. We are fiercely anti-communist, anti-Nazi, anti-fascist. As we are, proudly innovative and alternative, to all other political forces, because they are all accomplices in the "theft" of democracy.


    Our political organization considers communism a utopia, which only creates corruption, exaggerated statism, which creates political subjection, and favoritism, not based on merit, but on submission, towards the party. The only party, because communists, by nature, do not accept other ideas, but want a "single thought". They are ideologically incapable of creating growth and progress, and are based on the ignorance of the working classes, of the historical period of their birth, and even later. The workers were almost all illiterate and easily manipulated. Then, over time, they created schools and universities, creating fake intellectuals, who through real brainwashing and an incitement to social struggle, based on hatred, against the richest and most famous, did a lot of harm to the whole world. Although communism was born, with a just ideal of equality, they have not implemented meritocracy at all. And equality, without rewarding merit, creates economic stagnation. If we're all the same, what's the point of innovating, working hard, if you get the same merits as those who do no good? Even the sacrosanct rights of workers could have been conquered in an intelligent way, and not with incitement to hatred, implementing an envy, and even acts of violence. Communism has generated millions of deaths, deportees, terrorism, violence, and wars, deluding people that they would all have been equal, while in communist countries, party members, even without any merit, were revered as Gods, while the population struggled to survive. To realize the differences between communism and capitalism, just look at the backwardness of the former communist countries, compared to Western countries, there are at least 50 differences. Not to mention the difference between statism and capitalism, in which communist countries exploited all wealth, certainly not to share it, with people in difficulty.

    Nazism, and fascism.

    They are the cruellest and most ruthless ideologies that can exist, because they discriminate against people, and create hatred towards the different, with discriminations, which have nothing human. Loving one's people, one's country, is a moral and civic obligation, one can be a nationalist, while respecting, in a reciprocal way, all the other populations of the earth. We find the right balance between mutual respect and national interests, also thanks to the right local autonomy, on the basis of shared rules.

    DirectDemocracyS, implements a "capitalism with a human and supportive face", and "a meritocratic and intelligent statism", the opposite of the famous phrase "communism with a human face". We, we are the only ones, who by sharing the leadership, with all our members, with equality, together with meritocracy, continue over time, we are "just communists and statists", and "capitalists with a human face against savage globalization" starting to help always, in a concrete way, and first, all people and companies in difficulty. Again, anyone trying to find a small inconsistency, our fault, or something negative, will be disappointed. Trust me, we know very well what we are talking about. Our ideal, politically perfect, cannot be compared to anything that has existed before us, nor to what will be born later. We are for a State, which is arbiter, and not a player, except in exceptional cases, for the interest of the whole population, and provisionally. Private individuals create growth in solidarity, respecting all laws, which must be fair and not oppressive.

    We do not fear comparisons with other political forces, present or past, and not even with groups of "improvised politicians" who seek consensus online. We have been working on it for a long time, and we are very many people. We have already found the solutions, to every possible question, and to every possible problem. We don't say this to be presumptuous, but because we know that we have done an excellent job. To understand that we are right, take the time to read each of our articles even a couple of times, or as many times as necessary. You will understand that we do not exaggerate, in any of our "self-promotion", no one will find a better, more complete, just and ethically correct political project than ours.

    Many can't stand us, because we believe in it, and we define ourselves as perfect. Read everything, on our website, and you will see, that thanks to every person who joins us, we really are.

    We are, all together, the only, and strongest, superheroes of politics. The final S of our name, little known, but full of meanings, as well as security, sympathy, meaningful, social, simple, is "SuperPolitic", which is a registered trademark © 2023 DirectDemocracyS. All rights reserved.

    How much dislike, hatred, fear, and how much envy does our political project create in people who have exploited the old politics in ethically incorrect ways to decide, based on a few interests, of a few people? The same feelings, combined with frustration, are experienced by the various groups of people, more or less numerous, who hoped to find our ingenious solutions before us. How many large meetings, of all types, to talk about democracy, even though they don't know it, and even though they are "accomplices" and slaves of the old party-cratic and oligarchic politics? How many meetings, to find solutions, that we have had ready, and above all effective, for many years? And above all, how many attempts will there be to copy us? We answer you, they are and will be many. A lot of lost time, on their part, who out of pride, and for the hope of maintaining, what little power they have, in their small groups of people, do not join us, together with their contacts, to change and improve the world, definitively. Our rules, and our methodology, only work together, whoever copies us, only partially, will have no useful effect for themselves, or for the population. Those who instead copy us in full, prepare for the judgment of justice, because all our ideas, components, and methodology are registered trademarks, in the name of all our members, and no one can use, and exploit, our hard work. Furthermore, the voters, and even the people of the Internet, always prefer the original, rather than a bad copy. Anyone who copies us has already failed, and will lose not only in the elections, but morally, because the theft of ideas is an ethically incorrect thing.

    But why do they copy us, instead of joining us, legally and ethically exploiting our ideas? You should ask them, but we have discovered some reasons, based on the messages we receive, and on logic. DirectDemocracyS, has no leader, and whoever has winning ideas, in this case, our "creators", will have some just economic recognition, and a power of "control", of Guarantors, but they do not deal, and will not deal, with direct management of our political organization, and not even of political representation, in the various elections. No one, of course, can prevent them, or any of our other members, from running our organization, but also from running directly in our online, closed primary elections and in case of victory in the real elections. However, in DirectDemocracyS, roles are not combined, nor are the various activities. Who created all this, with over 15 years of hard work, in secret, are the first 282 registered users, and they have the only role of guarantors, as well as being able to control, that all our activities are carried out in the right way, always applying all our rules, and our unique and inimitable methodology. Then, there are the roles of management, control, and current activities, managed by all our users, from number 283 onwards. Among these, the best political representatives will be chosen and nominated (both individually and in groups), to represent all our constituents (who are all our users, on our website) in the institutions.

    By dividing the roles and tasks in this way, each person takes care of the permitted activities, in the best way, effectively and definitively preventing any possible struggle for power, and being able, each of our users, to feel calm and serene , getting all the help, and cooperation, of all the others.

    We also prevent any possible formation of leaders, and possible usurpers, of the enormous amount of power that we will be able, and will have to manage, all together.

    When we win all the elections, could we turn, and change, into a "dictator" who runs our entire planet? Absolutely not, because we are structured in such a way as to make impossible any form of dictatorship, any type of violent action (with the exception of those of defense). In DirectDemocracyS, no user, or group, can centralize on themselves major powers, or even various types of powers, because everything is divided, in a perfect way, preventing any possible leadership formation. We achieved this by giving our members collective ownership of everything we do.

    In DirectDemocracyS, there are no decisions, made by one person, but not even by one group of people. Every business we make, big or small, is run, and controlled, by various groups, hundreds, but often thousands, and in the future millions, and hopefully billions of people. Every decision we make is widely shared, and the centralization of various powers, various roles, or various tasks to be performed is not possible. Each person does the specific activities individually or in various groups, in a coordinated way, and with specific, very detailed rules. Everything has been done to prevent any possible problem, including that of having people who can take advantage of the immense consensus that we are destined and "condemned" to obtain.

    Many, do not understand our security, to obtain consensus, and exchange our certainties, in presumption. Again, we invite them to read and study very carefully, even several times, everything we are doing, and how we are doing it. Well, you will have realized that it is only a matter of time before winning any political competition. Simply, we will not win just because we are perfect, nor because we are the best, the most just, but precisely because by winning we, of DirectDemocracyS, win, and hold power, for the first and only time in the world, all our voters , and our users on our website. At that point, every citizen with a little intelligence will join us, to manage this immense power with us. So, before long, everyone will join us, to manage this immense power, we repeat, shared by all. It's called democracy, giving power to the people, freely, and in an informed way. For us at DirectDemocracyS, democracy is only achieved, with shared power, with collective leadership.

    Some people will be wondering at this point: is this the end of politics? It will be the end of the old politics, which steals power from the people, from the people, to give it to political parties and political representatives. It will be the definitive end of oligarchic party politics, for a new politics, in which every citizen is the real protagonist. Surely, it will be an infinitely better politic, because it will allow each person to be responsible for their own present, and for their own future. We will pass from the politics of the few to the politics of all, made by all, managed by all, and controlled by all. So, dear friends, there won't be less politics, indeed, there will be a huge increase, in political activities (also thanks to the obligation to work together with us, which applies to each of our users).

    Will it be a better politic, or worse? Thanks to our groups of specialists, it will be a professional politic, with little chance of making mistakes, thanks to a methodology, in which each person carries out the activities for which he is competent, in which he is specialized. It will also be a politic in which truth and information are and will always be present, in which people will be helped to choose the best way, while having the absolute freedom to decide.

    At this point we answer a previous question of ours, in which we asked ourselves: why do groups of politicians prefer to try, in vain, to copy us, instead of immediately joining us, to work all together? Because they fear losing their ephemeral and tiny powers, being afraid of competition, on the basis of equality, and meritocracy, which is guaranteed by us. None of them wants to give up some likes on social networks, and their "mini leadership", because they fear being "anyone" in DirectDemocracyS.

    The first press release.

    During some of our activities, we have made various experiments, we have already told you about them, in our other articles, and we will talk about them in detail, in dedicated articles, and you will be surprised by our results. We did the press release experiment, in just one country, to some information managers, in which they complimented us, but didn't publish anything, in the illusion of slowing us down. Many fear us for the fear of losing their undeserved privileges.

    The best political experts, worldwide.

    We have invited, to join us, some political minds, among the best in the world, in which we have received many compliments, but not all, have joined us, because they would have been simple users, with the identity to be verified, and with the annual fee to pay, like each of us. Everyone would like to be privileged, helped, and favored, for the name they have, for the possible number of people they could bring with them. DirectDemocracyS recognizes and respects the work of each person, but does not favor anyone, because for us, each person has the same value, the same rights, the same duties. The greatest political experts were all clearly told that we had contacted directly some of the best in the world, including themselves, and that, of course, we would give each of them an important role within of our groups of politic specialists, according to the various specialties. But within those groups, they would have been: one of many, and only through hard and important work, and impeccable behavior, would they have had some advantages and facilitations. In DirectDemocracyS, one's work and behavior must be optimal and continuous over time. And every role, even an important one, in our inevitable hierarchy, must first of all be obtained, thanks to concrete results, secondly, shared with others, in our groups, and above all maintained over time.

    We don't try to convince anyone, consensus will come over time, by itself, inevitably.

    Through these articles, often long and detailed, we don't try to convince anyone, we don't need to. We know our worth, we know our enormous potential, we are aware of the fact that between us and the old politics, every person with at least 2 functioning neurons will choose us.

    For that, we don't have a false modesty, but we say directly, that we will win everywhere, because thanks to our project, we are "condemned" to win. No one can deny it, and time will prove us right.

    Some of our users have asked, what is the final purpose of DirectDemocracyS.

    We want to change and improve the world, allowing the entire population to live in authentic democracy and in complete freedom. We want every person to play politics continuously, reversing the roles that currently allow a few (political parties and their political representatives) to decide for everyone. From home from your PC, or from anywhere, through laptops, tablets, and smartphones, every person must be able to express themselves, on every choice to be made, which will always be put into practice, and made concrete, by our political representatives.

    Direct democracy, with continuous referendums, even several times a day, even several times an hour, to really give all the power to the people, continuously over time.

    Some tell us: and then, once power is handed over to the people, will DirectDemocracyS disappear? Power to the people must be maintained, and no one must be able to steal it again, so our role will not end, we will all have to protect direct democracy together. Furthermore, always all together, we will have to guarantee information, and the diffusion of the truth, in order to make informed and right choices. Therefore, DirectDemocracyS does not have an expiration date, or a final goal, which, once achieved, makes it useless.

    All together, we will be present, forever, for the good of the entire population.

    DirectDemocracyS, your political innovation, alternative, truly in every sense!

    © 2023 DirectDemocracyS. All rights reserved.

    1.   13 June 2023
    2.   Let's talk about politics
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