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    Since May 4, 2023, we have started the 10th phase, of registering new users.

    Some rules have changed, above all to make the various stages of registration and creation of a personal profile simpler and faster.

    We have suspended the creation of personalized emails, at the request of future users, because from the 10th stage, only and...

    Since May 4, 2023, we have started the 10th phase, of registering new users.

    Some rules have changed, above all to make the various stages of registration and creation of a personal profile simpler and faster.

    We have suspended the creation of personalized emails, at the request of future users, because from the 10th stage, only and exclusively our official representatives, and our political representatives, will be able to have emails, ending This functionality, much appreciated, and requested, was one of the temporary and limited benefits and facilitations of the previous phases. The custom email management group has been given the ability to create similar email addresses, based on our rules.

    What happens to those who have a personalized email address? Nothing changes, you will be able to use the service, with all its potential, for as long as you want, as long as you are in good standing, with the payment for this service, which is highly appreciated by our users. Obviously, your email address will not be able to sell it, or even make it used, to other people in your name.

    We have limited the creation, by our administrators, of the personal profile of future users who request it, to invited users only, and to a few other cases. Even this functionality, much appreciated and requested, was one of the temporary and limited advantages and facilitations of the previous phases. The new user creation group will have the ability to manage and create new personal profiles, based on our rules.

    What happens to those who have a personal profile created by our administrators? Nothing changes, you will be able to use the service, with all its potential, for as long as you want, as long as you are in good standing, with the payment for this service, which is highly appreciated by our users. Your personal profile has the same obligations as any of our profiles, i.e. be in compliance with the payment of the annual fee, have your identity verified, and work with us, at least 20 minutes a day, or, alternatively, 120 minutes per week. Obviously, your personal profile, like all of our profiles, will not be able to sell it, or even have it used, to other people in your name.

    You will also have noticed that we have made it compulsory to pay a fee, which at the end of the registration phases will give the right to work with us for one year to anyone who respects our rules. The free creation of a personal profile was provisional, and it was an advantage and a facilitation for the first users who joined us. The annual fee is a small sum, and is paid every year by each of our users. These sums will guarantee us financial security and autonomy, without economic problems, will allow us to always be free, independent, and with all the potential necessary to do an excellent job, without having to make any compromises, and without ever favoring anyone, exception of the good of the whole population. Each amount received will be used, 1/3 to enhance our internet activities, such as web servers, with space and power necessary to perform all our activities in an optimal way, 1/3 will be used to reward our best users, also hiring, with employment contracts, all the necessary personnel, and 1/3 will be used for political activities, our territorial structures, for the various geographical phases, in addition to the international one. For every 3 euros that enter, you will pay 1 euro as a guarantee, which are sums that we will set aside for emergency and unforeseen situations, to avoid financial problems and future layoffs. The sums of the financial guarantees will be managed by the management group of the economic guarantees, composed, like each of our international groups, by at least one representative of each population of the earth, and by at least one representative of each country of the world, which will use them, only in case of real need, concrete emergencies, and unforeseen events.

    In this regard, since 4 May 2023, almost each of our users has paid an annual fee, based on the type of user, and certainly by 21 June 2023, each of our "old" users, of the first 9 phases, will be in compliance with the payment of the annual fee.

    Users made persona non grata.

    Users made persona non grata, until June 21, 2023, will be able to request the Appeal Group persona non grata to be readmitted to our political organization. After this date, it will no longer be possible to be readmitted within our activities. Even if it's a few dozen people, for us, every single person is important, and every person we exclude represents our defeat, as well as the faults of each user.

    Unverified registered users.

    Registered users, whose identity has not been verified within 15 days, or according to the cases within 30 days, will lose all the sums paid, and will be able to register again, paying the various fees again, according to our rules.

    Registered users blocked.

    Blocked registered users will be able to request the unblocking of their personal profile, based on our rules, by paying the necessary fees, and remedying the reasons for the block. If they have been blocked because they have not verified their identity, they will have to pay the fee for the unblocking, and then within 15 days, or according to the case within 30 days, they will have to request to become verified users. If they have been blocked, for some minor infractions, they will have to pay the fee for the unblocking, and they will have to promise not to repeat any behavior that causes the profile to be blocked.

    To request information on unlocking the various profiles, carefully follow the instructions in this informative article:

    for registered users, rendered persona non grata, a detailed article will be published, and instructions will be sent to all our users rendered persona non grata.

    There are cases, very serious, in which it will not be possible, in any way, to accept certain people again in our political organization.

    1.   19 May 2023
    2.   Internal communications

    In the life of every human being, there have always been 2 forces, a positive one, which we call good, and a negative one, which we call evil. The only discrimination of DirectDemocracyS is to select, and want within itself, only people who always choose the good, and always repudiate the evil. We are not referring only to the religious or...

    In the life of every human being, there have always been 2 forces, a positive one, which we call good, and a negative one, which we call evil. The only discrimination of DirectDemocracyS is to select, and want within itself, only people who always choose the good, and always repudiate the evil. We are not referring only to the religious or spiritual part, but above all to the right or wrong mentality.

    At this point, many will ask us, who decides what is right or wrong? Indeed, what is right for some may not be right for others.

    We have solved this situation, of having to always and continuously choose for the good of all people, for a change, with some ingenious rules.

    To tell us what is right, and what is not, are logic, common sense, mutual respect, of all people.

    But we tell you more, study, science, research, education, truth, information, must always be a priority, in every one of our choices.

    You will say that we are presumptuous, and that we believe we have all the answers, to all the questions. Obviously, this is not the case, but we are content to always be more just, fairer, more empathetic, and in any case better, than all the other political forces, and to always put into practice equality and meritocracy, continuous over time. Plus, thanks to our users, we get way more answers than anyone else.

    To do a good job, our political organization puts the well-being and happiness of all people at the center of every decision, instead of the interests of a few people. In the previous sentence, there is a fundamental part of our work, because the old political forces do not have this ability, this freedom, and this independence, because they are linked to the interests of a few, and not all.

    One of our characteristics, you will have noticed by reading our articles, and that we do not try to please anyone. We are not interested in attracting people by writing, saying and showing only positive things. We don't show you a mirage, and we don't make false promises. Everything we write, and everything we promise, for all those who have joined us, and for those who will join us in the future, represents a commitment, and a promise to be kept, by putting it into practice in the best possible way.

    Will we be able to make mistakes? Certainly, it is part of human nature to be imperfect, but thanks to our unity, diversity, and our working methodology, we will undoubtedly make very few, and irrelevant, mistakes. Furthermore, thanks to a leadership, in which each of our members is the owner, and has the right to control, our every activity, we will discover any possible error, before anyone else, with a profit, and an enormous advantage, compared to anyone else. In fact, if the other political forces, for whatever reason, were to change their mind, or change something, in some activity, they would find themselves in internal power struggles, and external accusations and struggles. In DirectDemocracyS, we all decide together, so if we decide to "change our minds", even on important things, no one can condemn us, because every choice we make is collective and shared.

    Obviously, we don't change, and we don't modify, our rules, our method, our ideals, our principles, and our values. The important things, which make us unique, do not change, so as not to lose our strengths. We never will. How we will never forget, where, and how we started. We must always look to the present, and to the future, without forgetting the past, learning from difficulties and mistakes.

    For each line of this short article, we should write many articles, to explain to everyone, exactly, what we are referring to, and to give all the necessary information. Summing it all up, in a nutshell, only people with above average intelligence, partially understand our potential.

    At first glance, anyone who reads our proposals, or starts studying us, thinks of beautiful utopias. He thinks we are too good to be true. The more suspicious, they try to find deceptions, absurd theories, and conspiracies. Then there is a very powerful minority, which instead fears us, and knows that in a short time, we will give all power to the population, and not to the usual political forces, which act in the interests of a few people, and commercial and financial companies. DirectDemocracyS, acts to change, and improve the world forever. And we are not satisfied with this, but all together, we will guarantee, forever, that no one will ever be able to choose, in the name of the population.

    How are we going to do it? Simple, with our direct, collectively owned, and above all informed democracy.

    We have already talked about it often, and we will talk about it again, about what we will give back to all people, that is authentic democracy, and total freedom, which must be for everyone, always, and continuous, and must become normality, and not an exceptionality, limited, during the elections.

    To do all this, we have created a special group, the 05, Special Group Logic Common Sense Mutual Respect, which is made up of our members and users, and which guarantees us that every choice we make, every decision we make, is based on logic, common sense, and on mutual respect, of all people.

    Briefly, the special groups are: 01 Special Administration Group, with various subgroups, which deals with management, communication, and various administrative activities.

    Group 02 is a Special Security Group, which monitors all our activities, each person, and guarantees the safety and protection of all of us.

    Group 03 is our Special Law Group, which decides every rule, and checks that every one of our decisions, and every one of our activities, is taken and carried out on the basis of our rules. It is also the group that decides on various legal activities, and on punishments for various infractions.

    Group 04 is the Equality and Meritocracy Special Group. To make everyone understand how important the same opportunities are to us, and the continuous recognition of individual and group merits over time. The two words must be active at the same time, to allow us to always guarantee them to each of our users.

    And as we said, group 05, Special Group Logic Common Sense Mutual Respect.

    Then follow the 06 groups, who are our experts, specialists in every sector, and on every topic.

    Then there are the groups, 07 Geographical Groups. With the various territorial subdivisions of our political organization, 071 International Groups. 072 Continental Groups. 073 National Groups. 074 State Groups. 076 Regional Groups. 077 Provincial Groups. 078 District Groups. 079 Local Groups. 0791 City Groups. 07911 Neighborhood groups. 079111 Road Block Groups. To make you understand how essential a presence in every small geographical area is for us. With equal rules for everyone, but protecting the specificities of each area, and guaranteeing a just, legal, essential, and respectful local autonomy.

    Groups 08 are our Numerical Groups. One of our specificities, which we will discuss in the dedicated article.

    The 09 Project groups are all our projects, of all kinds.

    Each group has dozens, often hundreds, but even thousands, of subgroups. And they are all, created and managed, by representatives of every population on earth, and of every country in the world, also on the basis of geographical phases. Then the same groups, and codes that we use for the international stages, will be used for the continental, national, state, regional, provincial, district, and local stages.

    Each of our users is obliged by our regulation to be part of at least one special group, and to carry out various control activities, but also of proposals, discussions and votes. Our official members can be part of all 5 special groups, and of the various sub-groups.

    The same is true for groups of specialists, with the difference that to access them, users must have the necessary qualifications and skills. They must be experts, and not passionate about certain topics, to ensure maximum professionalism.

    For geographical groups, you can access, based on your residence, citizenship, or the right to vote, and be voted.

    The numerical groups are random, based on the unique identification number of each of our users, automatically assigned by our system at the time of registration.

    On the other hand, connected projects of all kinds are accessed only on the basis of one's own will, and willingness to work also in certain sectors, in addition to our political organization.

    Sounds too complicated? We assure you that it is very simple, as often happens, it is easier to do than to explain.

    Of course, to join us, you need to have the right mental openness towards our innovation, which is, and will remain forever, an alternative to the old policy.

    Of course, there are many other activities as well, which allow us to choose good, not evil, and to make right choices, not wrong ones.

    Each of us, and even those who read this article, know the difference between good and evil, between what is right and wrong, but life often forces us to make compromises, or to do our own interests.

    Well, this doesn't exist for us. You can join us only if you put the good of all before your own. In every choice, in every decision, in every activity, we take into account the common good.

    Attention, we have a very detailed selection and voting methodology. For example, the first 3 votes, for any of our decisions, are by the majority of those who have the right to do so. If there were 100 people in a group, the first 3 votes (but also the first if you get the majority of those with the right to vote), then you only win, if you get at least 51 valid votes. From the fourth vote, it is sufficient to get one more vote, to half of those who actually vote. These rules are made to allow choices, with an effective majority, and not a virtual one.

    For internal, online, closed primary elections, a candidate who gets 50%, + one vote, of whoever has the right to vote, wins the election, even in these cases with specific rules, which for example oblige the winner, to have as main collaborator, who comes second, third, fourth, and even fifth. This choice also allows the "internal opposition" to be represented. All takes place with very strict rules, to guarantee the unity of DirectDemocracyS, and the pluralism of ideas, based on a direct, fair, and ethically correct confrontation.

    Collective decisions, which guarantee us the best results.

    But we will talk about it again. Choose according to your intelligence, to join us, to be part of this strange, unique, inimitable, and above all just political organization. We are waiting for you!

    1.   18 May 2023
    2.   Let's talk about politics

    DirectDemocracyS, Special Administration Group, External Communication Group, Social Network Representation Group and other websites.

    Dear friends, usually, we do not publish messages or articles on our website, which we publish on social networks and other websites.

    But among the many new features, there is also a menu item, on our main...

    DirectDemocracyS, Special Administration Group, External Communication Group, Social Network Representation Group and other websites.

    Dear friends, usually, we do not publish messages or articles on our website, which we publish on social networks and other websites.

    But among the many new features, there is also a menu item, on our main website, dedicated to our messages, on the social networks where we are present.

    Our presence on social networks is limited, on a voluntary basis.

    Likewise, our collaboration with other websites is limited.

    In a specific article, we explained to you that we and the "Internet Giants" do not have an idyllic relationship.

    Instead, we do the opposite, that is, after a certain period, we publish our information, published in preview, on our website on social networks and other websites.

    The reasons are clear, logical, and common sense. We engage in politics, and carry out our activities, only and exclusively on our website, which is our home, welcoming, tidy, safe, free, and independent.

    Much of our information is public, and also visible to our visitors, free of charge, and without any obligation to register, or without any commitment on the part of those who visit us.

    But let's make a premise.

    Our website is in English, but with a translation module, present at the top near our logo, you can translate any of our parts written in English into one of over 100 languages available. Virtually all existing languages are usable.

    Unfortunately, not all of our friends, who follow us on social networks and other websites, trust and are afraid to visit our website, despite our reassurances, and the photographs that prove, that we are a site safe, and reliable web.

    Others believe that by visiting our website, we earn with clicks, and based on visits, which always increase. We don't have any kind of income, so if you visit us, or don't visit us, for us, economically, nothing changes. We have preferred not to advertise our website in the early stages, although in the future, we will place some advertisements, internationally, continentally, nationally, and locally.

    With everything you hear around, you do well not to trust them, but if you want, do a search, and you will see that our links, and our website, are safe, and reliable. The methods for verifying the reliability and safety of websites can be found online. You can take each of our links, and check it before visiting.

    But we often ask ourselves, if you are afraid of us, who are the best in security, and data protection, why do you trust everyone else? They are mysteries, which we will never understand, you literally share your data with anyone, and do not trust those who fight only to change and improve the world.

    You will not find even in traditional search engines, many results, on DirectDemocracyS. And it's a well-defined and motivated choice, we don't care about advertising too much, so as not to be invaded by too many people all at once. We are pleased with the visits, taking into account the fact that those who visit us usually join us. Although we are very selective, we have reopened the registrations, for our new users.

    We are intentionally little known, not to save money in advertising, but because we have innovative methods to finance ourselves, which do not involve investment in advertising.

    After all, anyone who reads even just our introductory article, in a few basic concepts, understands our innovation, which is an alternative to all the old politics.

    Our potential is enormous, which is why it is useless to invest in advertising, which would make us grow uncontrollably, and in some cases too rapid growth could be counterproductive. When the time is right, we'll let everyone know we exist. In this regard, we remind you of some innovations in our methodology.

    From time to time, we will inform you, with a rather long article, our latest news, and with a brief summary, of the various articles, so, whoever is interested in a certain topic, clicks on the link, and reads the article, directly on our website.

    We have started phase 10, of registering our users. They change and improve both the speed and simplicity of registration, while maintaining security and order. We have included quotas to pay, to guarantee us financial independence and economic tranquility. Furthermore, thanks to these quotas, we will always be sure that those who join us do not do it to see what it is like, to waste precious time, or to try to sabotage us, slow us down, or stop us.

    We have also published, our first short article, on our positions, on the protection of our planet.

    our environmental policies, are very detailed, and are managed by groups of experts, who will soon provide more details.

    In an article, however, we talked about the right to criticize, which we all have, on the basis of freedom, which is fundamental for us, and must always be defended. We also explain how we grow and improve ourselves, also by exploiting the often superficial but sometimes constructive criticisms we receive.

    many accuse us that we are not humble, but it doesn't seem appropriate, with a project like ours, being humble would be hypocritical on our part.

    We have published an important article on the rules of our profiles, and on the reasons that may force us to block some of our users.

    fortunately, thanks to our selections, the blocked profiles are a few hundred, therefore less than 0.1%.

    Those canceled are a few dozen.

    An article that has caused much discussion, for which we have received many messages, pearl in a fairly detailed way, of our system, and of our methodology. We also speak superficially, of our computer system, and of our Artificial Intelligence, which scares some so much.

    we will soon be doing various articles, detailed, on almost every sentence, of this article, because conspiracy theories, have increased, thanks to our article, which simply explains how our "system" works, in short. You have a lot of imagination, but we advise you to use it constructively, and not to issue sentences, without proof, based on what you think.

    An important and political article to analyze a fundamental question: do you feel represented by the old traditional political forces? We advise you to read it, even several times.

    A short article, which explains that due to our "continuous evolution", some links could change, and over time could give you some error pages, above all, if they are old and not renewed articles and links.

    Another political article, in which we explain in detail why our political representatives are not disadvantaged compared to those of other political forces. Not to be missed.

    To know where to find us, we tell you about our various international offices.

    To find out in a nutshell, our relationship with the Internet, we advise you to read this article:

    and to find out why we are not on Wikipedia, read this very short article:

    To find out how our 9th phase ended, of the registration of new users, and some results, provisional, no longer current, because they have increased.

    To find out why, and how much you pay for some services, and the various guarantees, read this article:

    To find out why we don't join for free, and why we expect financial support from anyone who joins us, read this article carefully:

    To find out how to fill out a contact form, which is the only way to communicate with us, read this article:

    To find out who copies us, and to learn why anyone who tries will have to suffer the consequences, read this article:

    To find out how we finance ourselves, and how we use the money, we advise you to read this article:

    For our new homepage, with our official aphorism, read this article:

    To listen to our brief presentation in the main languages, visit this link:

    choose your language, and enjoy listening.

    To see our brief presentation in the main languages, visit this link:

    choose your language, and good vision.

    Please read, very carefully, our rules, for registering, and creating your personal profile, to be able to join us, and to start working with us. It's a bit long, but detailed, and we guarantee you that the various phases are easier to do than to explain.

    there are many new features, and some important changes.

    To know how you should behave after joining us, please read this article carefully:

    We will present the other innovations, and they are many, later.

    You may have noticed that we are very active, and we explain in detail what we are doing, and how we are doing it.

    Our public articles are visible for free, and do not require registration. You just get off. Under our logo, and next to it, you will find lots of information, and lots of ways to interact with us. If you like, you can share our links with your relatives, friends and contacts.

    Happy reading, good vision, and good listening.

    Start studying what we do, because the choice is only one, either with DirectDemocracyS, or with any of the old political forces. To you the choice. We will respect it, whatever it is.

    1.   16 May 2023
    2.   Social Network News


    Law Special Group.

    Regulation Group.

    Personal Profiles group.

    The personal profile, created through registration, is the exclusive, unique and non-transferable property of each of our users.

    The profile of official representative, and management of our political organization, is the collective property of...


    Law Special Group.

    Regulation Group.

    Personal Profiles group.

    The personal profile, created through registration, is the exclusive, unique and non-transferable property of each of our users.

    The profile of official representative, and management of our political organization, is the collective property of DirectDemocracyS. It is given in use, according to specific rules, to our users.

    The profile of a political representative, with the real data of each user, who dedicates himself to political activity, is the property of each of our official members, who decides to carry out political activity, of political representation.

    Using your profile, on our website, and in our political organization.

    The use of your profile is governed by our Official Regulations, and by the specific implementing rules.

    Disciplinary measures.

    In some cases, certain profiles will be blocked, in other cases, profiles can be deleted.

    Personal profile lock.

    The Special Security Group, and each group that deals with the management of our profiles, can block any profile, at any time, even without any notice, on the basis of observations, or on the basis of reports. The Profile Blocking Group, the Profile Unblocking Group, the Communication Group, the Profile Reporting Group, and many other groups, are involved in profile management activities.

    Reasons for blocking.

    The main reasons for blocking a profile are many, even different from each other: inactivity, non-payment of the annual fee, infringements of our rules, infringements of our instructions, infringements of our methodology , but also at the request of the user himself.


    If a user does not show up on the website, in the manner and time required, or does not carry out activities with us, his profile is blocked, and over time it can be deleted, also making, according to the case, the user ungrateful person.

    Failure to pay the annual fee.

    Contributing economically, to the independence, and to the financial and economic security of DirectDemocracyS, is an obligation of each of our users. If you are not up-to-date with payments, your profile is blocked, and over time it can be cancelled, also making the user persona non grata, depending on the case.

    Breaking our rules, breaking our instructions, breaking our methodology.

    These are the least serious infractions, which can cause temporary or permanent blocks of your profile.

    At your request.

    In certain cases, the user can request the blocking of his personal profile, based on specific rules. For example, a temporary block can be requested, to take a break from political activities, for certain periods. Or, you can request that your profile be blocked if you notice suspicious activity and believe that your profile has been used by others. After these periods, and after the necessary checks, the profiles can be unlocked, based on the specific request of each user.

    Blocking a personal profile means that the user will not be able to access the website, and his profile, and the activities carried out, will no longer be visible to others, and not even to himself.

    In certain cases, it may be decided to block a user's profile, while making the profile, and also its activities, carried out on our website visible. To unlock your profile, you need an unlock password, with the subsequent obligation to change your password again by entering your own.

    The contact forms, to unlock your personal profile, are available, based on your needs, and the type of block, at this link:

    you must fill out according to our rules, the appropriate form for your situation.

    Final provisions.

    The use of the profile is individual, personal, and non-transferable.


    At any time, our special security groups can verify, live, the identity of any user. Anyone who does not have their identity verified, at the very moment in which verification is requested, will have their profile blocked, and in case of recidivism, it will be deleted, and the person in charge will be rendered persona non grata.

    1.   16 May 2023
    2.   Profile Rules

    We have to respond to the many people who are desperate. The reason for their desperation is unfortunately us, and our DirectDemocracyS. Since we were conceived, and throughout our existence, we will involuntarily deprive all people of the right to criticize politics.

    Anyone who joins us knows that if any of our activities do not work in the...

    We have to respond to the many people who are desperate. The reason for their desperation is unfortunately us, and our DirectDemocracyS. Since we were conceived, and throughout our existence, we will involuntarily deprive all people of the right to criticize politics.

    Anyone who joins us knows that if any of our activities do not work in the best way, we know very well who to blame. Obviously, the fault lies with those who had to make our business work perfectly. We can say the same of all the other political forces, which spend a part of their existence blaming someone. Whoever wins the election has to let everyone know that things are not going well because of who was there before. We are not interested in the work done by those who were there before us, and if we criticize, we do it constructively, always explaining clearly and directly what our innovations are, and our alternatives.

    Therefore, we have the right, and the duty, to say what is wrong, as we always propose our own solutions to all problems. We complain about what is not good, and we are directly committed to change and improve the world.

    Ordinary people often criticize politics, but also other people, the state, or other organizations, because it is very comfortable to blame someone for their problems and failures. Instead, if things go well, the merits are never the politics, according to their point of view.

    We remind everyone that politics is the exact mirror in which the population that votes is reflected.

    So, with few exceptions, such as dictatorships in some countries, or single parties in some other countries, the fault lies always and only with us voters. It is we who must choose the best political forces and the best political representatives to obtain the best results.

    Even in countries that declare themselves democratic, we live in a false and only partial democracy, and the power of the people, counts for something, and is active, only on election day, and in a few referendums.

    DirectDemocracyS has found all the solutions to give the population continuous power over time, which all those who are with us know very well.

    We do not repeat all of our methodologies, but you can find them in brief, at this link:

    With our political innovation, an alternative to all the other political forces, we take away from our constituents, who are also our users, on our website, the right to complain about politics, being each of our voters, the true protagonist of each of our activity. With our ingenious rule, which provides for a continuous control and management of our political representatives, both before, during, and for the first time in the world even after the elections, the only ones responsible for our eventual errors are our voters, who may have chosen, the wrong way.

    Direct democracy, which is our essence, cannot by itself avoid certain wrong choices. It is one of the few limits, which has the most authentic form of democracy.

    DirectDemocracyS has also solved this problem, thanks to our groups of experts, created together with our political organization, who will inform the population, in a free, independent, complete, and competent way, about every possible choice, and about the consequences of each possible decision . These groups of specialists are essential to prevent any possible error. Hundreds, and often thousands of people, our users, and voters, who teach, work, or have studied, with excellent results, every possible subject, and in every sector of activity, are part of these groups.

    Basically, with these rules, which we all respect, it's impossible for us to go wrong.

    Every person has the right to criticize, and even to blame others, if things don't go their way in their life.

    We have changed, and improved, also thanks to the many messages, in which we were asked to explain certain choices we had made. Each of our new users brings with them proposals and projects, which we evaluate and decide together, whether to put them into practice, without ever distorting the previous rules. We will never deny the noble ideals and the methodology that make us unique and inimitable, and that gave birth to us. But we have grown, changed, and improved, also thanks to the constructive criticisms of many of our visitors, who then almost all of them, after having "studied us well", joined us, realizing our enormous potential. Often the people who criticize us do it superficially, not knowing us, and occasionally, they do it to try to find faults, not believing that we are practically perfect.

    They tell us that perfection doesn't exist, and they try to offend us in every way.

    We understand their frustration, anyone would like to have thought of, and created, a politically perfect project, like DirectDemocracyS.

    Often, when we explain our motivations, they apologize to us, because they find all our answers, logical, common sense, and based on the work of excellent specialists. Lots of specialists.

    These choices, these rules, and these methodologies will annoy those who are part of the old politics, the old finance, and the old economy.

    We were not born to destroy, but to create just alternatives, which put into practice continuous equality over time, combined with a meritocracy, which do not exist in other political forces.

    We grow, and we will grow, by our choice, in a continuous and controlled way.

    We conclude this article by talking about mentality and morality.

    We ask anyone who joins us for a change, an improvement, in their mentality. It is mandatory, to understand our project. Those who "study" us, thinking of the old politics, cannot understand us, you have to think in an innovative way. You have to forget about power struggles, morally wrong activities, antisocial behavior, and broken civic rules.

    Our morality, and our hierarchy, are collective. Anyone who offends one of us offends all of us, anyone who criticizes one of us criticizes all of us. There is not a single leader, and not even a leadership. This aspect is incompressible for those who reason with the old mentalities. Many ask us: is it really like this? How do you not argue, not fight for important roles, and not use any means to subjugate others? Simple. With ownership, each of our official members owns a share of DirectDemocracyS, along with everyone else. Being ours, we don't need any stimulus, to want everything to work perfectly.

    We are all one, great, immense leader, without bosses, and without single people in charge.

    The exact definition, of DirectDemocracyS, is to be an international political organization, born to change, and improve the world, and based on logic, common sense, and mutual respect of all people, in which they work, individually, and in groups, people in a coordinated way. Each person, and each group, does their job solely and exclusively, trusting their collaborators.

    Each of our members can be part of management and control groups and expert groups, based on their own merits and concrete results. But we will talk about these organizational aspects at the right time, and those who are already with us know very well how our enormous mechanism works.

    At this point some will wonder: what about the political representatives? How they are chosen, we have already explained. We like to remind you that our primary elections, closed online, are a unique electoral process in the world, with visible results, based on merits. We like to choose, knowing and distinguishing the various candidates. One thing that many do not understand is that there is no risk that an incompetent will run for the simple fact that whoever wins our primary elections will have the support and real collaboration of all of us and our groups . To win every election, you don't need important personalities, or great political experts, you need young women and men, who have studied politics, with the necessary culture and qualities for each role. We will always put the right people in the right place.

    Another brilliant feature of ours is that we keep the management of our political organization separate from political representation. Anyone who participates on our behalf in the various elections does not have tasks, or management roles, in our organization, but will receive from us, and from each of our groups, and each of our users, all the help and collaboration to carry out in the best way, the "task" of political representation. Therefore, no one will have to "look over their shoulder", or confront, with envious people. Everyone will play their role, in the best possible way, with concrete and shared results.

    Again, no names needed, just good people. In DirectDemocracyS, you don't win with followers and likes, but with your own proven and verifiable qualities.

    Does it sound like a dream, a utopia? No, it is the reality that anyone who has joined us knows well, and appreciates.

    We answer those who ask us, why, do we give morality lessons, and allow ourselves to judge others?

    First, we don't come from ideologies, which have often caused immense pain to many people. Our ideology is composed of the excellent work of our experts to create our unique, politically perfect ideology.

    We do not accept people who exalt characters from the past, because no person cannot compete with our unity in diversity. Let us create, from nothing, a new political class, without the need for old idols, which have often had negative aspects.

    Furthermore, we eliminate any discrimination, any hatred, any revenge, and any spiral of violence, even excluding any religion, from our activities. We take no lessons in morality, from those who have also caused death, destruction, hatred, and division.

    DirectDemocracyS has never had responsibility or collaboration in any type of illegal activity, and will never nominate people of dubious morality or with a criminal record, but also people convicted of tax crimes. We will do our job, with the right rules, to prevent any problems.

    Being newborns, we cannot be held responsible for the mistakes of others, in the past, or in the present, and we assume all responsibility for our own mistakes. Our main, and first controllers, are ourselves.

    And the reasons could be many. Therefore, we have every right to criticize, judge the work of others, and offer our own solutions. We will never be annoyed by any criticism, if it is constructive and not based on falsehoods, and indeed, we accept, and ask everyone, the utmost rigor in criticizing us.

    We were born to implement true democracy and absolute freedom forever, which must be guaranteed and protected by those who have taken them away from people for so many years.

    After our new registration rules, we expected a slight drop in new users, but people continue to register and join us, even at higher levels than before. Once again, you have pleasantly surprised us. We hope you like our new rules, which make everything easier, faster, while maintaining order and safety. We are growing, and soon there will be other important news. Thank you all.

    1.   15 May 2023
    2.   Let's talk about politics
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