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    We had explained, in some of our previous articles, that we wanted to offer, to our verified registered users, the possibility of creating, signing directly, and having others sign, various documents, contracts, which will be recognized, for any use, even externally to our activities.

    For a recognized digital signature, currently, you need at...

    We had explained, in some of our previous articles, that we wanted to offer, to our verified registered users, the possibility of creating, signing directly, and having others sign, various documents, contracts, which will be recognized, for any use, even externally to our activities.

    For a recognized digital signature, currently, you need at least 30, or 40 euros a year, but in some cases, even more than 100 euros a year.

    Often, those who need it, even for a few documents a year, pay a lot of money, and then use their digital signature in very few cases. It's often a lot of money thrown away, but we offer you a fair and equitable alternative.

    DirectDemocracyS, gives all its registered users verified, a digital signature, recognized throughout the world, even in the State of California, and in the European Union. We like to follow the rules, as we expect that everyone who joins us, respects, and puts into practice our rules, our instructions, and our methodology.

    As far as the digital signature is concerned, our rules are very clear: each of our verified registered users, in good standing with the annual fee, receives free of charge 12 documents, chosen by him, which will be signed by him, but if necessary, also by other people, according to their needs. If you need more documents to sign, you can pay a single, fixed fee of 6 euros per year, or, alternatively, you can become our official member (according to our rules), and you will have an unlimited number, of documents that you can create, sign, and have others sign, as well as many advantages and facilities.

    All our official members will have the possibility to create, sign, and have others sign, an unlimited number of documents, simply by being our affiliate, up to date with the payment of the annual fee.

    If necessary, you can also request the legalization of documents and contracts from our Document Legalization Group, to have a further guarantee of security. Furthermore, if necessary, our user support groups can help those who need it to prepare documents of various kinds, offering all the necessary help, for the good finalization, and for the respect, of the various contracts, or various documents.

    We present, in short, the very simple rules.

    First, you register, and create a personal profile, on our official website, based on our rules, and the various articles at this link:

    the instructions, for registration, are presented in this article:

    and to register you must go to this link:

    There are all the instructions and necessary explanations.

    After registering, the rules of these articles are carefully followed:

    You become a verified registered user, according to our rules, always on our official website.

    Our website, dedicated to electronic signatures, is at this link:

    For information on how to fill in contact forms, follow the instructions in this short but detailed article:

    Attention, the following links are accessible and can be used only and exclusively by our registered users, whose identity has been verified.

    Based on a simple request (a very simple contact form), you receive an invitation, with a personal code, to register on our website, entirely dedicated to digital electronic signatures, by entering a few personal data. To request the personal code, in order to register, fill in the contact form at this link:

    The personal code, which you will receive in response to the previous contact form, is the only way to register on our website, dedicated to digital signatures.

    To register on our website, dedicated to digital signatures, you must go to this link:

    To send the documents to be signed, writing all the details, and your instructions, on the type of document, and on who will be able to sign it, you must fill in this contact form:

    For the countersignature, or for our legalization, of the document, or of the contract, you must fill out this contact form:

    Obviously, in order to sign a contract, or a document, which is recognized and legally binding, all those who sign it must be our verified registered users, up to date with the payment of the annual dues. They must also be registered, on our website, dedicated to the digital signature. The 12 free signatures, according to our rules, will always be recognized, and upon request, if the signatories so wish, our legalization group can countersign each document issued.

    These instructions are valid for all our verified users, and for all our official, present, and future members.

    Want to see how it works?

    For those wishing to test our digital signature services (even if they are not one of our users), to see how they work, they can visit our website at this link:

    inserting, at the bottom of the proof document (which briefly presents our political project), one's name and surname, complete and real, and one's valid email address, and one's signature, written directly, or , use a font that matches your writing style.

    Automatically, you will be able to have a self-signed copy of the presentation, in brief, of our political project, in English, and soon, you will be able to sign our project, in many other languages. If you wish, you can send the signed document (downloaded physically, as a .pdf file after signing it), to other people (although we do not recommend sharing the unique link, which each signatory will receive, by email, with a legalized copy, of his signed document). Obviously, all absolutely free, and without any commitment. Being a test, just to show you how it works, we will not legalize, by countersigning it, the public test document, which will certainly be signed, also out of curiosity, and to see how it works, by many of our visitors.

    Attention: your signature on our document does not commit you in any way, not even to register on our website, or even to join us, you will simply be able to see directly how it works.

    General rules, for the use of the digital signature, on our website.

    In practice, on goes to our website, at the link of the document to be signed, inserts, at the end of the document, one's name and surname, complete and real, one's email address, and inserts one's signature , written directly, or, you can use a font with a stylized signature, based on your type of writing.

    You accept the conditions of use, by clicking on the blue button at the bottom right, and then there are 2 possibilities, click on "print the document" and you can print it, or on "save as pdf", to get a copy of the signed document.

    Furthermore, you will receive an email, with a secret link, in which you will find a copy of your signed document, which will remain at your disposal.

    Cancellation of signed documents.

    You can request to cancel your signed document, by sending a contact form, with the cancellation request, via a contact form, at this link:

    or, you can wait for the automatic deletion, for the proof documents, the deletion is periodic.

    For our verified registered users, registered on the digital signature website, the procedure is identical, but of course there are a lot of advantages, and facilities, such as the possibility, to create their own documents, contracts, etc. etc., to share them, to have them signed by others, and also upon request, to have them legalized by us. Obviously, signed documents can always be printed, or downloaded as a .pdf file, each signatory will receive an email with the security link of the signed document, which can be kept until you decide to cancel it.

    In some cases, for greater security, certain documents will be protected by a password, known only by whoever had it created and published, and which can be used to allow signatures only to certain people, chosen by whoever had it created and publish the document.

    For all information, on our digital signature service, and for further instructions, do not hesitate to contact us, again via a contact form, at this link, visible and usable by anyone who needs it:

    In the hope of having offered you a useful service, absolutely free, within the limit of 12 documents per year, or, at a very convenient price, for an unlimited number of documents, we thank you for your attention, and we assure you, levels of security , and protection of privacy, in compliance with all existing laws, and even exceeding, those required by all international, national, state, and local laws.

    The pleasant surprises, and the services we offer you, will continue to increase, because we want to deserve, and reciprocate, your trust and your participation.

    With great esteem and infinite respect, best regards.

    DirectDemocracyS, your innovative, alternative politics, truly in every sense!

    1.   13 June 2023
    2.   Digital signature

    An online meeting was held on Friday 26, Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 May 2023, at international, continental, and national level, involving thousands of our official members, from all countries of the world.

    The details of each meeting are published in the various groups, on our main website, in the reserved Community area.

    Some important...

    An online meeting was held on Friday 26, Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 May 2023, at international, continental, and national level, involving thousands of our official members, from all countries of the world.

    The details of each meeting are published in the various groups, on our main website, in the reserved Community area.

    Some important innovations were proposed, decided, discussed and finally voted on, and we present some of them to you.

    It was decided to hold weekly meetings, or whenever necessary, in one day, or several days, according to need, usually from Thursday to Sunday. The other days, ordinary activities take place, which anyone who is our user knows perfectly.

    To allow better collaboration and communication, sub-categories of contacts and public contact forms have been created for all the countries of the world, of various autonomous territories, and of all the populations of the earth. You can find all the sub-categories at this link:

    While waiting to publish some new rules regarding contacts, we give you some simple instructions to avoid mistakes when you contact us, which integrate those specified in this article:

    The old contact forms are all valid, and are divided according to various topics and various needs.

    The old contact forms can be used in all the languages of the world, with the exception of the specific ones in the various languages, which are used only and exclusively for translation problems and nothing else, which you can find at this link:

    our specific contact management groups are made up of our official representatives, who represent all the languages of the world, therefore, we repeat, you just need to choose the exact topic, and then fill out the form, according to these simple rules:

    Each sub-category, of each country of the world, of each autonomous territory, and of each people, may have other sub-categories, according to needs, and will have a generic, public contact form.

    The generic contact form, with the name of the country, of the territory, or of the population, will allow those who wish to communicate directly with our geographical and territorial structures.

    For example, if you fill out, and submit, the contact form, called United States, you will contact DirectDemocracyS United States, soon contact forms will be available, with all US states, and later for territorial subdivisions, from the largest to the smallest ones, up to the street block.

    Using the contact forms, of the various countries, or geographical areas, the contact management groups of our territorial structures are directly contacted, and you will receive, only and exclusively, information, instructions, and answers, regarding our centralized structures .

    Do not ask questions, or generic requests, or regarding other territories, because you will not receive any response, or you will be shown the link to the contact form, which responds to your needs.

    For example, do not contact the territorial structures, for information on the registration of new users, because there are contact forms, which answer questions on these topics.

    The registration of new users is an activity that is managed internationally, and you register only on DirectDemocracyS, and automatically, you are part of all our territorial structures, based on your residence, or, depending on the case, more residences , where you are allowed to vote, and possibly be candidates, and voted for. But also on the basis of citizenship, or, according to citizenship cases, always from our largest structure to the smallest.

    Please respect all our instructions carefully, to have a collaboration that works perfectly.

    Also at the meeting, it was proposed, discussed, decided and voted that all the rules and decisions taken by the international territorial structure should be valid for all our territorial, continental, national, state, regional, provincial, district, county or local. Only some specific activities are proposed, decided, discussed and voted on at the level of territorial structures.

    It was explained to everyone, that every verified user, has the right to vote, for every decision to be made, and for every closed online primary election, in which he has access on our official website, and in which he has the right to vote, and to stand for, and thus be voted for, in real elections.

    It was also explained that the activities carried out, and the obligatory working times with us, by each of our users, must be divided as follows: 50% for themselves, and 50% for our political organization, collectively. As has been explained to you, if a person carries out only individual activities, it will not be counted as the mandatory time, in which each of our users carries out work activities with us, but only 50% of the time will be recognized and accumulated. We must also work, at least 50% of the time, collectively, in groups, because it is part of our methodology, to be available for the community.

    We thank all the participants, for the presence, for the proposals, the decisions, the discussions, and the votes.

    Thanks to our unique and innovative participation methodology, which provides for the possibility for each participant to publish their contributions, audio, video, or articles in the various groups, each participant was able to say their opinion, before , during, and even after each meeting.

    The majorities that have reinforced all our decisions, and the very large participation, demonstrate that our methodology, and our rules, are fair, equitable, and allow authentic direct democracy, and total freedom.

    1.   31 May 2023
    2.   Meetings

    Technology is part of the evolution of the human being, and should be treated and managed by competent people. It should also be explained, honestly, even to non-experts. We, with our direct style, and without any fear, try to keep you informed, in detail.

    From the first moment, we have chosen to organize DirectDemocracyS, in an impeccable...

    Technology is part of the evolution of the human being, and should be treated and managed by competent people. It should also be explained, honestly, even to non-experts. We, with our direct style, and without any fear, try to keep you informed, in detail.

    From the first moment, we have chosen to organize DirectDemocracyS, in an impeccable way, from an ethical point of view, and to equip ourselves with the best technologies. Almost 1/3 of our income is invested in technology, 1/3 to reward the best users, and 1/3 for our activities, including those concerning our territorial subdivisions.

    We have chosen a latest generation computer system, with cutting-edge technological tools.

    When very few people talked about super computers and artificial intelligence, we, and our technicians (selected with great care), decided to invest a lot of time, and a lot of money, to create all the necessary potential, and also our own artificial intelligence, parallel, innovative, and alternative to those that were born in other parts.

    As with almost all of our activities, we have chosen to create "exclusive products", and to depend as little as possible, on the giants of the web.

    If we had made compromises, or agreements, with traditional finance and economics, and with the giants of the Internet, now, we would certainly be the most famous and "powerful" international political organization, known by every inhabitant of the earth, and chosen, from every person with at least 2 functioning neurons. It would have been the shortest and simplest way, and we would not have wasted much time, we would all be much richer, and we would only have a few "debts of honor", with whom we would undoubtedly have helped, knowing that our fame, and our success, are inevitable.

    Instead, we have chosen to grow slowly, in a controlled, free, and above all independent way.

    Try asking any political force, or any group of "political innovators", if they are free, and above all independent. They will answer yes. Investigate better, and you will see, that everyone has well-defined leadership, not always based on merits, and everyone has "debts or accounts to settle" with someone. Everyone, or nearly everyone, has compromised, to get help, fame, and power to share.

    DirectDemocracyS always chooses the most difficult paths, but which guarantee our autonomy, and a leadership, in which each of our members is the owner, controller, and master of everything.

    In this way, we are less "attractive", for those who want to become rich and famous thanks to politics, even with compromises, and renunciation of independence, but we are much loved, by the deserving, who are not afraid of having to work hard, for themselves, and for others, in order to obtain excellent results.

    Let's talk about technology.

    We only mentioned, in a previous article, the presence of our Artificial Intelligence, which helps us to work better, and immediately, fierce criticism, hatred towards innovation, and completely unfounded fears appeared. We have been told that we have a very "cold" method of doing politics. Anyone who thinks so can always stick to the "hot" old politics.

    We know very well that all the news create fear, and some incomprehension, especially in ignorant people, but we want to reassure everyone, for us, at the center, there is the human being, then nature, and lastly, technology.

    Calling an article "Artificial intelligence, against natural stupidity", will guarantee us that stupid people will never read it, while intelligent people will understand, as always, our motivations.

    In this article, as in almost all of our articles, we will not go too far into the technical specifics, we will do so in the future, with all the necessary details (for those wishing to go deeper into each topic, our groups of specialists are always available, for enter, just demonstrate that you are competent), for now we will limit ourselves to some "philosophical" considerations, and a few other details.

    Should we fear Artificial Intelligence? Absolutely not, we only have to fear the possible incompetence, or lack of good intentions, of those who create and use them.

    Let us give you a brief example, to make you understand better. If we use a knife to cut bread, it's not dangerous (if you're careful not to cut yourself), it's useful, legal, and ethically correct. If we use it to kill a person, it's dangerous, it's not legal, it's not ethical, and it's execrable. The same example applies to everything.

    We believe in culture, education, and science, as well as belief in logic, common sense, and mutual respect for all people.

    Can we stop Artificial Intelligence? Absolutely not, it's part of progress, and therefore of human evolution, that you can't stop, you just have to try to make them useful, for everyone.

    For desperate people, who have seen too many science fiction films, remaining particularly stressed, we tell you right away, that every man's discovery has had negative parts, but generally, if we are still here, and we live, on average, 4 times as more, than our ancestors of about 2000 years ago (2000 years in the evolution of a species, that's a few days in the life of a person), means that we are not "stupid animals". But just think, what we've created over the past 200 years. And then look at the progress, over the last 100 years. Now, think about the progress of the last 30 years. Now, for the past 3 years. Many people, incompetent from many points of view, on social networks, failing to keep up with new discoveries, and seeing themselves helpless, wish themselves the end of humanity. Instead of looking to the future with hope, and with the awareness that the advantages of evolution generally outweigh the disadvantages, they hope that everything will end. Like those people who love animals more than people. Well, these are 2 different loves, from an emotional point of view. Each species has a natural task, to live, to defend its family, and in the case of animals that live in groups, to defend its family, community and species, to evolve and procreate. We at DirectDemocracyS have a project for the defense of our planet, very attentive to every animal and plant species, but in the first place, for us there are human beings. This, even if we consider our animals as an integral part of our family. We have had the good fortune, and the responsibility, to evolve and progress, often knowing how to change our mentality. We have also made serious mistakes. In certain things, we still have to change and improve, but if we are united for once in our history, we will be able to change and improve the world.

    Computer system, Artificial Intelligence, and the final decision, to people.

    In our previous article, we said, that we have a computer system, in which we work, and which guarantees us order, security, freedom, and independence. For those who understand something of technology, our system offers us all the necessary potential to carry out an excellent job, allowing us many automatic activities, and therefore to limit and transfer human activities to the really important things. But our reliable and very powerful system is limited to LOG files. Also in this case, those who are not experts will struggle to understand that the LOG files represent, in various subgroups, every single interaction between the user registered on our website, with our IT "system", and with all of our activities. They're a detailed report, of everything we do.

    What is Artificial Intelligence for? We exploit it for everything, but above all, connecting to the previous sentence, to interpret our LOG files. Our Artificial Intelligence has the task, among other things, of reading, interpreting and evaluating each activity of each of our users, of each of our groups, and of providing us with data, in real time, with suggestions, which the groups management, and our members, and users, will be able to check, and if deemed reliable, approve.

    As we have often said, when we were just a few users, and we all knew each other, we trusted each other, even though they monitored our every activity in groups.

    Unlike a human being, Artificial Intelligence has no preferences, it has no interests connected to our activities, therefore it can provide us with real, reliable data and suggestions, which can certainly be impartial. Furthermore, Artificial Intelligence manages very quickly a huge database, which would be impossible for many human beings. Artificial Intelligence does not make mistakes if it is well programmed and updated.

    Many, at this moment, will ask themselves: who can guarantee me that Artificial Intelligence has not been "corrupted", or set up, in ethically incorrect ways? We can't speak for other technologies, but ours is made by our official members, who have been with us since the beginning, and whose integrity we can vouch for. However, to verify any of our technological capabilities, you just need to be an expert, and join our technology groups. This thing, of being experts, is not our fixation, but our prerogative. We are not a social network in which anyone, even without a minimum of expertise, can claim to be an expert on anything. We first verify the credentials, then the competence, which must be combined with reliability and the right credibility. Putting the right people, in the right place, makes us practically perfect, in all our activities, and in every decision we make. Obviously, there are control groups, and very active collaborations, among our users, to always guarantee the right reliability of each of our choices.

    Managing information, and choosing the right thing, without preferences, based only on results, is the only way to be and remain the best.

    To those who ask, if we were created, and if we are managed, by our Artificial Intelligence, we answer by telling you, that with us, the definitive decisions are made by men, individually, and in groups, and respond personally, or in groups for each choice made. If in the future there will be a world in which everything is managed, decided and controlled by Artificial Intelligence, we will surely be the only ones in which the last word will always be up to human beings. You will see it over time, and you will agree with us, as always.

    However, our Artificial Intelligence gives us all the suggestions, and every human being, alone or in a group, can decide to act differently from what is suggested, obviously taking full responsibility for it.

    To better understand, we give you a brief and interesting example of a political nature, this time. We all know that DirectDemocracyS allows all its members to run freely in our online internal primary elections. The candidate selection process is managed by specially created groups which, at the end of the very detailed, long and complex activities, publish in the groups in which you vote, the exact ranking, in order of scores, of the various candidates. The ranking will allow anyone to choose in an informed manner, knowing before the vote, who are the best candidates, but it will rightly leave the last word to the voter. In fact, we offer every candidate every opportunity to express themselves, and overturn the ranking, being able to obtain more preferences, even at the last moment.

    Equality, informed choices, and meritocracy are the "recipe" of our success.

    Our working methodology is unique, inimitable, and guarantees the best results, because it exploits the best and most innovative technologies, leaving all the power to people.

    Democracy, and freedom, are, and will forever be, practiced, supported, and defended, by all of us.

    1.   27 May 2023
    2.   Technology


    Official Rules Group.

    Disciplinary regulation.

    Persona non grata.

    Based on our rules, any user who does not respect all of our rules, all of our instructions, and all of our methodology, can be punished, according to this regulation.


    For certain infractions, or wrong behaviours, one can be warned by the Warning...


    Official Rules Group.

    Disciplinary regulation.

    Persona non grata.

    Based on our rules, any user who does not respect all of our rules, all of our instructions, and all of our methodology, can be punished, according to this regulation.


    For certain infractions, or wrong behaviours, one can be warned by the Warning Group, both independently and on the basis of reports, from users with a higher role, and users with the same role.


    Each user has the obligation to report any wrong behavior of any user.

    To do so, just fill out the reporting form. The Whistleblowing Group has the obligation, together with other groups, to verify every report, and propose disciplinary measures. Anyone who reports wrong activities or behaviors will receive a reward for this attitude, which does not mean "snitching", but means preventing any possible wrong activity or behavior. Those who instead report wrong, invented or non-existent activities or behaviours, will be punished.

    Personal profile lock.

    The Profile Blocking Group, in the event of activities deemed dangerous, or serious conduct, can block the profile of any user who does not comply with all our rules, even in a preventive manner.

    If it proves to be founded, the blockade can become permanent or temporary.

    Permanent blocking can result in the inclusion of a specific user's personal data in the list of non-grateful people.

    Persona non grata.

    Depending on the type of infraction, there may be cases in which one becomes persona non grata, without the right to appeal, and in these cases, the person can never again be part of our political organization, and any of our activities. The behaviors, and infractions, which render a persona non grata, without the right of appeal, are: attempting to stop DirectDemocracyS, attempting to slow down DirectDemocracyS, attempting to boycott DirectDemocracyS, attempting to divide DirectDemocracyS, attempting to find out who created DirectDemocracyS, attempting to discover the identity of anonymous users, attempting to discover the activities of groups without joining them, carrying out political activity outside our official website, as a political representative, failing to carry out any order received from your constituents, as an official representative, not correctly presenting the positions of DirectDemocracyS, as a user of DirectDemocracyS, serving one's own interests, disregarding the interest of the entire population, providing false information to DirectDemocracyS and related projects, stealing in DirectDemocracyS or in political, economic activities , financial related, lie in DirectDemocracyS.

    The persona non grata, simple, on the other hand, can request to be readmitted, in our political organization, only once, if he has committed the following infractions: enter DirectDemocracyS and then leave it, and request, to re-enter, carry out various minor infractions, repetitively, not having had their identity verified , within the times established by our regulation, not having carried out work and management activities, together with us, not having entered the website, for over 90 days, and very few other cases .

    Removal from the list of non-grateful persons can be requested only once, and the request may not be accepted, by the Group for the management of non-grateful persons, together with the Appeal group.

    The groups involved may decide to request a one-off sum for removal from the list of persona non grata. The user who does not pay in the right way and on time will again be included in the list of non-grateful persons.

    Unsubscribing from the list of non-grateful people allows the user to request to return to DirectDemocracyS, and if the personal profile was deleted, he can request to register again, according to our rules.

    Steps to request deletion, from the list of non-grateful persons.

    You must fill out, in detail, a form requesting removal from the list of non-grateful people, explaining the infraction committed, and swear never to commit similar infractions again.

    The single link, with the contact form, to be filled in according to our rules is:

    The instructions to correctly fill in our contact forms are at this link:

    Our contact information:

    Information on the various ways to contact us:

    The times from the moment of the request to the response can take up to 30 days.

    The request can be accepted, with, or without limitations, on your personal profile.

    Any limitations will be definitive, or temporary, and will be specified in the response to the user's request.

    Each user has only one opportunity to request to re-enter DirectDemocracyS, and if the request is rejected, he will never be able to re-enter.

    1.   22 May 2023
    2.   Disciplinary regulation

    Democracy means power to the people. A beautiful word, made up of important words. Power, to the people, has a clear meaning, and removes all doubts from anyone. Power must only belong to the entire population, which decides freely.

    Authentic democracy, and continues over time, and infinite freedom, which ends only, where another person's...

    Democracy means power to the people. A beautiful word, made up of important words. Power, to the people, has a clear meaning, and removes all doubts from anyone. Power must only belong to the entire population, which decides freely.

    Authentic democracy, and continues over time, and infinite freedom, which ends only, where another person's freedom begins, are the 2 most important words for our political organization. The first ones, which gave birth to us.

    We have analyzed in various articles, how important democracy and freedom are for the life of citizens, and to understand it better, it is enough for you to read, study, or participate in congresses, conferences, meetings, and debates, which speak of these 2 words, and how and how important it is, that they are put into practice.

    In this short article, we will focus on how we at DirectDemocracyS use them, and how we put them into practice, compared to everyone else. Words are important, their symbolism is strong, and so are subsequent manipulations by those who say they love them and must defend them.

    We know that there are dictatorships, oligarchies, and single parties, which have nothing in common with democracy, and in which freedom, equality, meritocracy, logic, common sense, and mutual respect are severely limited, of all people.

    Then, there are the countries which define themselves as democratic and free, but which are only oligarchic partyocracies, and we will see later, all the details of this "very strong", but sadly real, and undeniable affirmation.

    But first a brief introduction.

    An intelligent person, if he has to choose between false and partial democracy, however, with a limited and incomplete freedom, and the other two variants, currently present, in various countries of the world, i.e. the dictatorship, and the single party, should choose the first, and not the other 2. For the simple reason, that whoever is a loser, a failure, and an incompetent, in Western, capitalist democracies, does not transform by magic, into a lucky, rich and powerful type, and a true genius, in dictatorships, and where there are single parties, and in statist ones. He will still be exploited, but he won't even have the right to complain, and he won't even be able to contest power.

    We know that many citizens in Western countries believe that by "shuffling the cards" and changing the "regime" their problems will disappear. We are sorry to disappoint you, but this is absolutely not the case. Only "who deals the cards" changes, but the deck, and this time, is also stacked, and you can't even check the cards, to realize it.

    But we will talk later, and in other articles, about how certain revolutions and changes have not always had the expected results. Often, the situation has only changed, but not always, it has improved, and not always for a long time. And here we explain in a nutshell why we were born: to change and improve the world.

    We are not going to explain to you, not even the difference between capitalism and statism, to understand it better, you will have to look at the tragedies caused by communism, an ideology, born to give sacrosanct rights to workers, which is a real utopia, because it has generated, only very serious problems, without obtaining almost any concrete result. It has created social hatred, and has deluded millions of people, then making these fragile minds a real brainwashing, in schools, and by "unscrupulous" professors, often corrupt, and without an iota of culture. Who could communism and statism be appreciated by, if not by the least educated of the social classes? The working class of the late 1800s and early 1900s was made up of people without education. But then, they deluded the workers, and people in difficulty, that they were on the right side, through brainwashing, which did not create progress, but left the "communist" countries (they called themselves socialists), at least by 50 years old, compared to Western countries. Communism and statism created a falsely intellectual political class based on corruption and political favoritism. We could give you examples, for hundreds of pages, and we will do it on another occasion.

    The fascist and Nazi dictatorships have created racial hatred and the same degree of corruption as communism, with the addition of the aggravating circumstance and incitement to hatred, not social, but national and international. Nationalism, and loving one's people, disparagingly called populism, are not wrong, on the contrary, one must defend one's language, culture, and one's way of life, without ever discriminating against, hating, or hurting people "different".

    So, you will say, Western democracies are better, and freedoms? Compared to the other possibilities, they are undoubtedly better, albeit with problems, even serious ones, caused by savage capitalism, and by globalization, which also creates difficult social situations.

    Then, in addition to all these antiquated and often opposing possibilities, there is us at DirectDemocracyS. We are innovative, and alternative, to all the rest of politics.

    In the opposition between statism and capitalism, we believe in a "capitalism with a human face", and in a "meritocratic statism". Does it look like a utopian economic and financial program? Absolutely not, it's the only fair and just one. The motivation is simple, private property creates progress, innovation, and economic growth, but it also creates serious social inequalities. Excessive statism creates economic stagnation, corruption, and social inequalities themselves. A balance between the 2 methods, it is an equality always combined with meritocracy. Guaranteeing everyone the same opportunities, maintained over time, by combining meritocracy, which creates ideas, innovation, competition, in an honest and fair challenge to be the best.

    For Don Sturzo the State must act as the referee and not also as the player; if he takes the field to fill both roles, he ends up hurting both the referee and the player.

    But even savage capitalism and globalization must have limits to protect people in difficulty.

    DirectDemocracyS, makes politics, for the entire population, putting the interests of all people at the center of every decision, without any preference, but also without hatred, without any envy, and without creating social struggles, of the rich against poor type, which they do not create anything good.

    Unlike other political forces, we have written in our regulation that in all our activities, we will always help first and foremost the people and companies most in difficulty. It is not a catchphrase, or to gain consensus, but it is the most correct and human way of behaving.

    The State, i.e. people, must intervene in situations of real emergency, or unforeseen ones, to protect the entire population. But the interventions must be temporary, and limited to the defense of collective interests, without ever competing with private individuals. It can be done, in a simple way, by really making the population decide.

    Speaking of the state, of institutions, we ask anyone reading this article if they really feel represented by the old political forces, in the old state institutions, or do we need a change and an improvement?

    The only change, and improvement, that can work, and that can create a just and equitable world is us at DirectDemocracyS.

    The reason is simple, because we have rules, instructions, and methods that we all respect, and that for the first time in the world, a political organization was born to unite, and not to divide, the entire population.

    With all love, and all due respect, to all other political organizations, and even groups on social networks, that engage in politics, and promise change, you are doomed to failure. Even if you often have partially shared ideas, almost all of these groups play politics against something.

    We believe that politics should be done in favor and not against something or against someone. We don't want to eliminate the other political forces, but we create an alternative that every person will be able to appreciate. We give all people the possibility to choose, us or others.

    The old politics has accustomed you to helplessly witness their decisions. We, on the other hand, expect from each of our voters the commitment and work to decide all together. By becoming our user, each of our voters makes a democratic, direct politic, which is the best compared to representative "democracy".

    Does democracy mean power to the people, or power to political parties and their political representatives?

    There are countries that declare themselves democratic, lying, and knowing they are lying.

    There are no exceptions, there are no completely democratic countries, where the people decide continuously, on every choice to make. Not even Switzerland is not completely democratic, even if, in certain cases, it allows citizens to decide directly, with many limitations and obligations. In the "ranking" of partial democracy, Switzerland is slightly better than other Western countries, or countries that implement representative "democracy". We have talked about it several times, even in detail. The only real, authentic democracy is direct democracy, which continues over time.

    In Switzerland, and in partially democratic countries, the people hold power only when there are elections, and some referendums, often on irrelevant issues. For the rest of the time, power is held by political parties, and by political representatives, who manage it, on the basis of interests, which I am not sure of the entire population. So, dear friends, we live in an oligarchic party system, which has nothing in common with democracy. But that's okay too, for some lazy people, who prefer that others decide for them, so that they can then blame politics for their own failures, and for their own problems.

    The old politics has divided us, based on the type of ideology, and has deluded us that we are all on the right side. It made us live in mutual hatred, in defense of incomplete, bankruptcy, unjust and wrong values.

    DirectDemocracyS unites people who want to be personally involved in all decisions, creating an ideal that is politically perfect and infallible, thanks to innovative, fair, just and successful rules and methods. We are the only ones in the world who can pronounce the word democracy, because we are the only ones to implement it.

    Always making people decide, on everything, is our goal, because it is the very essence of democracy. But a limitation that everyone rightly attributes to direct democracy is that the population does not have the necessary knowledge to be able to decide on the various topics. The population is considered incompetent by the detractors of direct democracy. They are right, not everyone is an expert in everything, so it is better to let the political parties and their political representatives decide, who are often more incompetent than the "normal" citizens themselves. How much stupidity, and how many interests there are, in making politics choose what is right or wrong, and what should be done and what shouldn't be done.

    With the old politics, this decides, and the population puts into practice all the decisions, respecting and legitimizing their laws.

    With DirectDemocracyS, the population decides, and our political representatives put into practice every decision taken by the population, by our voters.

    Have you understood the big difference between us, who are those of direct democracy, DirectDemocracyS, and all the others?

    Let's go back to skills, we choose intelligent and educated people for the roles of political representatives, and they, the old politics, choose people who bring votes, and therefore electoral consensus. It doesn't matter if they are reliable people, and if they have merits, the important thing is to win the elections.

    For DirectDemocracyS, the important thing is to implement the decisions of those who join us, before, during, and for the first time in the world even after the elections.

    The choices of our voters will be infallible, thanks to the groups of specialists, experts on every possible subject, who will present all the possibilities, and all the expected consequences, for each choice. They will always advise, comprehensively, presenting the various options, and the exact forecasts. They are groups of experts, made up of our users, therefore of our constituents, who work independently, freely, on the basis of competence and equality. Each of our users is obliged to be part of one or more groups of specialists, based on their specializations, education, or the work activity they carry out, or have carried out. But they are an active part of these groups, also students of each topic, with brilliant and innovative minds. Equality and meritocracy, two words that we always put into practice, combined with the logic, common sense, and mutual respect of all people.

    So we have made our direct democracy infallible, and with absolute and complete control by our electors over our political representatives, we have also made representative democracy authentically democratic. We have taken every little positive part of the old ideologies to create, in the interest of the community, our politically perfect ideal. But we are not satisfied with having found all the best solutions, we must also prevent one of the worst things, which exist in all the old politics. The constant external, and often internal, struggles for power, for control, and for decisions. We did it, as we always do, in an ingenious way, completely dividing the management of our political organization from the political activity of representation. In this way, our political organization will continuously help our political representatives, who will not have to worry about internal opposition and struggles for power. It seems like a simple thing, but it is essential to get the best results.

    To make sure we don't have internal struggles, and waste of time, we have created, for the first time in the world, a leadership, in which everyone has equal power, and in which all our members are the owners of all our political organization, and of all our activities. Each member receives an individual, personal, non-transferable, and non-cumulative fee, which certifies that DirectDemocracyS is owned by him and all other members. This also ensures that each of our members has every interest in making our entire political organization work perfectly and always remain united.

    We are all one big, immense leader, in which each of us has the right to propose, choose, discuss and decide on all of our activities. But we all have the right, and the duty, to check everything, and to report every possible problem, to prevent any activity that is not ethically and legally correct.

    Our rules, our instructions, and our methodology make us unique and inimitable. They will try in every way, to stop us, or to slow us down, those who feel in danger, with our presence.

    We don't care, we do our job, and we think about putting each of our goals into practice. Let's not make "war" with the old politics, the old finance, and the old economy, which are bankrupt, and will destroy themselves, certainly not because of us, but because of their inability to innovate, and because of unjust rules, by which they are run, based on greed, selfishness, and lies.

    Speaking of lies, history is full of clear demonstrations that the old politics is managed by financial and economic interests. Rich and powerful people and companies influence political decisions. They use every means, to lie, and to control, almost all information, almost all websites, almost all social networks.

    The Internet is a very powerful means of communication, we ourselves carry out almost all of our activities, taking advantage of all the new and modern technologies. But unlike the old politics, we have only one master, all of our members, who act for the collective good.

    DirectDemocracyS, has a single website, where we carry out all our activities, in a safe, secure, and orderly manner. We do not do any activity, except for a little information, on other websites, or on social networks. We prefer to be free, independent, and neutral. Certainly not for lack of transparency, but we do not feel obliged to be continuously present in other means of communication. We have ours.

    We conclude by telling everyone that you can choose whether to engage in politics directly with us, in a useful way for everyone, only and exclusively on our website, or continue to complain, and vent your frustrations, on social networks, which in our opinion, they were also created, to make you feel satisfied. With us, you will have to work personally, assuming all responsibility, or you will be able to remain faithful to the old politic, continuing to believe that you are free, and deluding yourself that you count for something.

    For us you are always important, before, during, and for the first time in the world, even after the elections.

    For all the other political forces, you are important, only on election days, and a few referendums.

    You can live in the great deception, and be accomplices in the "theft" of democracy, oligarchic party politics, or live in our unique, authentic, and complete DirectDemocracyS.

    Before joining us, please read carefully all our public information, in English, or using our translation form, in all languages of the world.

    We also have a Blog, with thousands of articles, in 56 languages.

    We like to inform you, in a complete way, and above all, always telling you the whole truth. Even if it may seem like a complicated, demanding and very selective political organization, everything is easier to do than to explain, our few pretensions are logical and common sense, and the selection of the first users is essential to put the right people, in the right place.

    The work to be done all together is a lot, but in a short time, one user at a time, every good person on earth, will join us, and give his contribution, to change and improve the world, for the current, and future generations.

    With this article, we briefly explain who we are, why we were born, and what we are actually doing. If you are willing to change, and improve your mindset, if you have the intelligence, to understand the enormous potential, that we all have together, join us immediately, and share, with as many people as possible, our informative articles.

    We are DirectDemocracyS, an international political organization, based on direct democracy, with all continental, national, state, regional, district, and local subdivisions, with shared ideals, values, and principles. We are people who work together, in a coordinated way, individually or in groups, with clear rules and methodologies, which allow us to be innovative and alternative to all other political forces. Logic, common sense, and mutual respect for all people, education, science, culture, information, in democracy, and freedom, with continuous equality and meritocracy over time. Research and dissemination of the truth, independent, and absolute control of citizens, on political representatives, before, during, and for the first time in the world even after the elections. The only ones in the world who put authentic democracy into practice. Because we are the only ones who really and continuously give power to the people.

    1.   22 May 2023
    2.   Let's talk about politics
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