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This is the User Support Group, for our Verified Users, and it's public.
Only our verified users can join this group and stay there for as long as necessary and until they are included in the various working groups.
As soon as they become...This is the User Support Group, for our Verified Users, and it's public.More
Only our verified users can join this group and stay there for as long as necessary and until they are included in the various working groups.
As soon as they become Official Members, they will have to leave this group, and will have to use the support group, for their new type of user.
This group offers support only to the various verified users, in all languages, for the various access phases, in the various working groups, and in the respective pages, and for the same activities, of our users under the age of 18.
Only verified users can enter, write, and comment on posts, like, or smilies.
You can read, the various ports, the various announcements, the various discussions, but you must always check, if you are authorized to enter, and to do various activities.
Always read carefully all the instructions, and you can't go wrong.
There will be various information, and instructions, that you must read, and always respect.
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