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    •   Europe reacted to this post about 3 months ago
      Webportal uploaded a photo in the album Ramadan blessed
      Comments (1)
      • To all our users / collaborators / supporters and friends of the Muslim faith, we wish a happy and peaceful Ramadan. May God bless you, protect youTo all our users / collaborators / supporters and friends of the Muslim faith, we wish a happy and peaceful Ramadan. May God bless you, protect you and guide you always, for good!
        لجميع مستخدمينا / المتعاونين / الداعمين وأصدقاء العقيدة الإسلامية، نتمنى رمضان سعيد وسلمي. بارك الله فيك، وحفظك، ووفقك دائمًا، إلى الخير!
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