Romy reacted to this post about 1 year agoWe want to send a message of solidarity and closeness to all the people who have lost someone, who have been injured, or who have lost their homes, and have suffered, or are still suffering now, due to the terrible earthquake in Morocco. DirectDemocracyS
نريد أن نبعث برسالة تضامن وقرب لجميع الأشخاص الذين فقدوا أحداً، أو أصيبوا، أو فقدوا منازلهم، وعانوا، أو ما زالوا يعانون حتى الآن، بسبب الزلزال المروع الذي ضرب المغرب. DirectDemocracySPost is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.