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Attention, there is a new, simple, fast and safe procedure to join us. All new users, after registering and creating their personal profile, and after activating their profile by clicking on the activation link, which our system automatically...Attention, there is a new, simple, fast and safe procedure to join us. All new users, after registering and creating their personal profile, and after activating their profile by clicking on the activation link, which our system automatically sends to the email address of each new user, will receive a new message email, from our group for new users, in which they will ask you for a reason why you want to join us, a reason why you deserve to have your personal profile activated by our administrators, your constructive criticism, and your proposal. You must respond directly to our message, which you will receive via email. After your response, you will have to wait, and if everything is considered regulatory, one of our administrators, from the new user activation group, will activate your personal profile, and you will be able to access our website by entering your username, and your password, which you chose during your registration.MorePost is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.
All our users / voters, and visitors, are invited to vote, if you want the new logos, for the national phases, with the same color of the writing, only in the official language, and with only the flag of each country. Vote yes or no for this...All our users / voters, and visitors, are invited to vote, if you want the new logos, for the national phases, with the same color of the writing, only in the official language, and with only the flag of each country. Vote yes or no for this rule. Valid only for the day, 18 October 2023, from 00.00 to 23.59 GMT. Then we will make the vote public, but the result will not be valid, with external voting, only the votes of our registered users will be counted.More
Do you agree with the new rule for our new national logos? Vote yes or no. Thank you. is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream. -
I recommend everyone to take part in our survey and share it with as many people as possible. Thank you. recommend everyone to take part in our survey and share it with as many people as possible. Thank you.More is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream. -
Oceania reacted to this post about 1 year agoAttention important announcement
Public language groups are not a restricted workspace, so it is strictly forbidden to: join this type of group, post in these groups, perform any activity in these groups.
Only authorized people will be able to...Attention important announcementMore
Public language groups are not a restricted workspace, so it is strictly forbidden to: join this type of group, post in these groups, perform any activity in these groups.
Only authorized people will be able to publish various things, at the right time.
To find the working groups, in which to carry out various activities, you must contact, via the contact form at this link:
our Groups for managing groups, who will invite you, by email, or by request in the Social area, in the reserved group, according to the type of user and needs, based on our rules.
Remember to specify your preferred language, and the country, or all countries in which you have the right to vote.
Thank you.Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.
Recent Activities
United States commented on this post about 1 year agoAll our users / voters are invited to vote, if you want the new logos, for the national phases, with the same color of the writing, only in the official language, and with only the flag of each country. Vote yes or no for this rule. Valid only...All our users / voters are invited to vote, if you want the new logos, for the national phases, with the same color of the writing, only in the official language, and with only the flag of each country. Vote yes or no for this rule. Valid only for the day, 18 October 2023, from 00.00 to 23.59 GMT. Then we will make the vote public, but the result will not be valid, with external voting, only the votes of our registered users will be counted.More
Do you agree with the new rule for our new national logos? Vote yes or no. Thank you.Comments (1)-
Explanation of territorial phases
Above the flag, we put in the free space, the name of the State, and for the County, the name of the County, and More ...
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Ukraine is currently a candidate to join the EU, together with other states such as Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey. DirectDemocracyS Europe is convinced that every country, which is...Ukraine is currently a candidate to join the EU, together with other states such as Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey. DirectDemocracyS Europe is convinced that every country, which is geographically located in Europe, must be able to join the European Union, without having to suffer blackmail, parameters, or reforms dictated by financial and economic interests, or requests that distort its institutions, habits , and culture. The European Union, and especially the European Commission, have no right to demonstrate superiority, and cannot give morality lessons to anyone.MorePost is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.
Romy reacted to this post about 1 year agoWe want to send a message of solidarity and closeness to all the people who have lost someone, who have been injured, or who have lost their homes, and have suffered, or are still suffering now, due to the terrible earthquake in Morocco....We want to send a message of solidarity and closeness to all the people who have lost someone, who have been injured, or who have lost their homes, and have suffered, or are still suffering now, due to the terrible earthquake in Morocco. DirectDemocracySMore
نريد أن نبعث برسالة تضامن وقرب لجميع الأشخاص الذين فقدوا أحداً، أو أصيبوا، أو فقدوا منازلهم، وعانوا، أو ما زالوا يعانون حتى الآن، بسبب الزلزال المروع الذي ضرب المغرب. DirectDemocracySPost is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream. -
È morto Toto Cutugno. A 80 anni appena compiuti a luglio il cantautore si è spento oggi intorno alle 16 all'ospedale San Raffaele di Milano dove era ricoverato.
A dare la notizia all'Ansa è il suo manager Danilo Mancuso che spiega che, «dopo una...È morto Toto Cutugno. A 80 anni appena compiuti a luglio il cantautore si è spento oggi intorno alle 16 all'ospedale San Raffaele di Milano dove era ricoverato.More
A dare la notizia all'Ansa è il suo manager Danilo Mancuso che spiega che, «dopo una lunga malattia, il cantante si era aggravato negli ultimi mesi».
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