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    Only invitations and useful links

    There are 2 types of possibilities to join us: free, in which anyone can join us, based on detailed rules, or, on the basis of personal invitations, individual.


    During the block of free registrations, i.e., when you try to register, and create a personal profile, to join us, and the registration form does not work, or the message appears: registrations are suspended, you will be redirected to this article. We advise you to read it carefully.

    Currently, registration, and the creation of a personal profile, is only permitted on the basis of invitations.

    For details on registrations, we advise you to read the following links carefully, even several times, completely and in order, for all general information:

    to choose the best username:

    for registration rules:

    for information on how to be activated:

    For general information on invitation-based registration:

    and finally read carefully, the continuation of this article.

    During the registration phase, based on invitations, there are only 3 ways to join us.

    The first is for everyone, and it's simple, fast, secure, and absolutely free.

    It must be used, only once (don't be insistent, we reply to everyone, in the right time), only through the contact form, which you find at this link (other forms, or direct contacts, will not receive any response).

    You must write your full name and surname (with real data), your email address, as "subject" simply write: invitation request. In the message, write briefly a presentation, with real data, and at least one reason, both for your invitation request, and at least one reason, for DirectDemocracyS, to invite you. We advise you to tick the box: Send a copy to yourself (to have proof, and a copy of the submission, and confirmation, that you have sent the form correctly). Below the writing: Enter the captcha security code (write the characters you see, to prove you're not a robot). Always tick the box: Privacy policy (without which, you will not receive an answer, because we will not be able to manage your personal data, authorized by you). Finally, click on: Send email (quickly check everything first). You will receive our reply, with all the instructions, and with all possible requests, fairly quickly. Do not send several requests, because in that case, you will never be invited. Writing the wrong or false personal data does not help you, because we verify everyone's identities.

    The second method is that of direct invitation, on our part.

    The official invitation is decided by the Invitation Group. Each selected person will receive directly from us, based on our rules, and with all the necessary security measures, a message, with all the instructions, in each phase.

    In all cases, after having received a personal code and instructions, each person has 48 hours to accept the invitation, following each instruction received.

    After 48 hours, the invitation is automatically cancelled, and the invited person will not be able to request to be invited, and will never be invited again, to join DirectDemocracyS.

    Obviously, the invitations refused by the person invited by us directly, or those who will not be invited (based on your request), will be able to join DirectDemocracyS, by registering, and creating a personal profile, with the traditional method, as soon as, and if, it will be allowed again. We advise you to always accept our invitations within the required time frame, because traditional methods of registration often require very long times, in some cases, even many months, while with invitations, in a few hours, or a few days, you will be ours registered and activated users. The invitations are only personal, individual, and cannot be transferred to others. In some cases, some of our deserving users, based on the roles and groups they belong to, may be granted permission to invite other people, always, and only in an official way, through the Invitation Group.

    Identity verification is mandatory, even for all invited people.

    All invited people must prove their identity, there are no exceptions, in any case.

    Payment of the annual fee.

    The membership fee, for those who want, or are selected, to become an official member, for invited people, is paid exactly, like for any other of our verified users. Obviously, for people with financial problems, funds are provided, reserved only to help deserving people, but who cannot afford, due to lack of money, to pay the annual fee. The funds raised are used for the development of our activities, and allow us to be able to work freely and independently without financial problems.

    Attention: the invitation phase is always valid, even during the normal registration phase, and the creation of one's personal profile.

    In certain cases, when the link to access the invitation request form, to request an invitation, is not accessible, it means that we have an excessive number of requests. In that case, you will have to wait for the form to be available again, and accessible online. In those cases, sending is possible only and exclusively if you are selected and invited directly by the Invitation Group.

    The third and last method involves joining (for a fee, currently 12 Euros, per year), through the creation, by our Email Address Creation Group, of a personalized email address, with the ending @directdemocracys .org that allows owners to become an official member, faster and easier. It is also possible to join (for a fee, currently 24 Euros, and subsequently, after a year, 12 Euros per year), through the creation, by our Email Address Creation Group, of an email address personalized, ending and the registration, and creation, of your personal profile, by our Personal Profile Creation Group which allows the holders of the personalized email address, and of the personal profile created by us, to become an official member, faster, and easier. Usually, waiting times do not exist, or are just a few hours. Attention: also, this modality, to join us, can be interrupted, for certain periods, according to our needs. Do not condemn us, if for certain activities, we ask for a small and justified payment. The services received, the advantages, and the facilities reserved for those who decide to take advantage of our paid offers, far exceed the small sums required, but they help us to remain free, independent, and to self-finance ourselves. We never ask for anything, without reciprocating, what we receive, with interest. We will talk about it in dedicated articles. But to find out about all our paid services, you can read the various offers, selecting the one you prefer, at this link:

    There are no group methods of registration and creation of collective personal profiles, and no group invitations. You register, and create a personal profile, in a personal, individual way.

    In all cases, users will be informed, always in detail, of all the various possibilities, and of the necessary times foreseen.

    All of our rules, all of our methodologies, serve to guarantee DirectDemocracyS, and anyone who joins us, all the tranquility, security, and all the necessary potential.

    Do they look complicated?

    They are very simple, safe, and clear, and anyone who has tried them can guarantee you that they are exactly functional, and useful, for everyone.

    However, you decide to join us, we thank you for your trust, which is reciprocated.

    After joining us, and after joining our family, everything will be very simple, and you will see that it is worth it.

    The political forces that accept everyone, without limits, and without the right selections, are only apparently simpler, and are only falsely free. With us, no one is excluded for what they say, think, write, or show (via video). If he does it, in the right ways, times and places, respecting all our rules.

    The old politics is false, illusory democracy and partial freedom.

    DirectDemocracyS, for those who know it, is authentic democracy and total freedom.

    Warning: to avoid wasting time, and to prevent any type of scam, always check that each invitation you receive must have a unique code. To do so, use only and exclusively the contact form of our Special Security Group, at this link:

    You must write your full name and surname (with real data), your email address, as "subject" simply write: verify invitation. In the message, write briefly a presentation, with real data, and a reason, both for your invitation request and for DirectDemocracyS to invite you. Give every detail about the invitation you received, to allow our administrators a quick and complete check. We advise you to tick the box: Send a copy to yourself (to have proof, and a copy of the submission, and confirmation, that you have sent the form correctly). Below the writing: Enter the captcha security code (write the characters you see, to prove you're not a robot). Always tick the box: Privacy policy (without which, you will not receive an answer, because we will not be able to manage your personal data). Finally, click on: Send email (quickly check everything before sending). You will receive our reply, with all the instructions, and with all possible requests, fairly quickly. Do not send several requests of the same type, because in that case, you will never be invited, and you will not receive any response. Writing the wrong or false personal data does not help you, because we verify everyone's identities.

    Also verify the identity of whoever speaks to you, or contacts you, on our behalf, both inside and outside our political organization, and both inside and outside our website, according to these simple safety rules:

    We must be united, to protect anyone from possible scams, and from people who speak on our behalf, having no right. We advise you to always wait for the response of our Special Security Group before continuing to speak with these people.

    To find out the reasons for these choices, as regards the various registration possibilities, read this article carefully, completely, even several times:

    in the initial part, we explain the reasons, and the beneficial consequences, of all these choices.

    For more information, after registration, read carefully the following link:

    contains some useful links, for each new user.

    Stay Informed

    When you subscribe to the blog, we will send you an e-mail when there are new updates on the site so you wouldn't miss them.

    Solo inviti e links utili


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