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    • NewOpo ( NewOportunities ) new opportunities, or, NeWoPo ( NeWorldPolitics ) new world politics, is a galaxy of our immense universe.
      Call us NewOpo, and together with DirectDemocracyS, and all our related projects, we will change and improve the world, all together, one user at a time, without haste, but with determination and conviction.
      This is the economic project, reserved for our verified registered users, who have joined our political project called DirectDemocracyS.
      All the details of our innovative economic project will only be presented to those who have already joined us, on our welcome website, and on our political website.
      We certainly do not do it to hide something, we work transparently, but since to join our economic project, you must already have carried out activities on our official political website, and since our activities, and our facilities are exclusive to those who is already with us, it makes no sense to give too many details to everyone.
      Each economic activity will be organized having as owner, each of our registered verified users, who decide to join us in these economic activities, which will surprise you, in a pleasant way.
      As for our splendid political project, also in this economic project of ours, there will be activities, which will take place in a legal, safe, simple, fast way, and with unlimited earning possibilities.
      Let's not waste time, let's start working together right away, and you will see that the possibilities are endless.
      Thanking you for your trust, please enter our website.
      Anyone wishing to join us must follow all the rules, for the creation and verification of their profile, which you can find on our website dedicated to politics.
      Only after having carried out some activities, and having demonstrated that you are honest, competent, reliable and innovative, will you receive permission to enter this galaxy of business of ours as well.
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