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    • 194 Articles
    All our rules.
    The rules don't change.
    We have posted a Main Menu item on our website, which is called Law.
    Like everything we publish, even all the present content, and that will be added in the future, in this Main Menu item, not only represents our commitment in front of our visitors, but it is also the Law, which we all respect, and...
    All our rules.
    The rules don't change.
    We have posted a Main Menu item on our website, which is called Law.
    Like everything we publish, even all the present content, and that will be added in the future, in this Main Menu item, not only represents our commitment in front of our visitors, but it is also the Law, which we all respect, and whoever joins us will have to respect every single sentence, and every single word, of the various articles present. This Law is mainly composed of: information, regulations, instructions, programs, news, communications, and other sub-menu items, all with other sub-menu items, to form a Main Menu, in the shape of a "tree" , in which from each "branch" there are other connected branches.
    In DirectDemocracyS, and all our related projects, all the rules are and will always be respected by everyone. They are all based on the one authentic democracy, direct democracy, on total and complete freedom, in compliance with our laws, all based on logic, common sense, and mutual respect, of all people.
    We often repeat some concepts, because it must be clear to everyone, we have worked on it, for many years, to make just laws, equal for all, which always put into practice equality of possibility, no discrimination (except for one's own intelligence, competence, education, meritocracy, reliability, opportunity, necessity, and one's own behavior), and no preference, but with the distinction, between good or bad people. Obviously we will keep forever, out of all our activities, every bad person, or not suitable to be together with all of us. If by chance some untrustworthy people, or likely saboteurs, manage to sign up, we have security checks, to block them, and make them persona non grata.
    Our rules, and our working method, visible on the basis of collective and individual authorizations, are so detailed that we have decided to create a very innovative rule.
    All our rules can be integrated, but they can be improved, only without upsetting them, and never canceling the previous part. So you can only add new laws, and rules, to enhance, integrate, explain, and improve existing ones. No rule can be eliminated, overturned, changed, or made more flexible or manipulable.
    This rule called: it can be added, integrated, and never deleted, will guarantee us unity, stability, continuity, effectiveness, and perfect results.
    Hardly anyone, with logic and intelligence, will ever be able to contest, or find a fault with, our rules, but anyone, based on our rules, can propose new rules, to be added to the existing ones.
    We witness, from time to time, registered users, who as soon as they enter would like to change the rules, because anyone reading everything can think: I, I would have done better. Here, we sincerely pray, anyone who has similar ideas, not to join us, can make his own private political organization, in which to use his ideas, and his rules, whoever joins us, accepts, and swears to respect the our rules.
    Some will consider us presumptuous, vain, dictatorial, or unpleasant, but the work done all these years, to find, prevent, and eliminate every possible problem, has been done by specialists, from all sectors of activity, from all countries. of the world, and of all cultures, traditions, religions, or political, sexual preferences, of all colors. With such different people, a political project came out of it, and other projects of all kinds, practically perfect.

    So let's start working together to change and improve the world right away.

    1.   02 November 2022
    2.   Justifications

    Verifying the identity of each person who joins us is a fundamental step, in order to carry out important activities, and to be able to see parts of the website, not visible to our registered unverified users, or to our visitors.

    The rules, for the creation of a personal profile, and those of the request for activation of your personal...

    Verifying the identity of each person who joins us is a fundamental step, in order to carry out important activities, and to be able to see parts of the website, not visible to our registered unverified users, or to our visitors.

    The rules, for the creation of a personal profile, and those of the request for activation of your personal profile, by our user activation groups, have been explained in detail in the public articles, visible to all.

    In this article, we will explain, how we verify our users, but first of all, let's see why we verify the identity of every person who joins us.

    The reasons are various.

    First, because even in real elections, before voting, people are identified.

    Secondly, because if a user misbehaves, we know exactly his personal data, and we can take the necessary security measures.

    The third reason is to be able to create a list of non-grateful people, that is, once expelled, from our political organization, and from all our related projects, they will never be readmitted again.

    The reason why is to keep every aspect and all our activities safe and tidy.

    Who checks the identity.

    The special administration groups, and the special security groups, through their internal appointed groups, control, through very detailed rules, the identities of all our users.

    The blue check.

    Many social networks use the blue or light blue check to guarantee other users the identity of their users. We too at DirectDemocracyS, and all our related projects, put this blue "guarantee stamp", which represents for everyone, a guarantee, that the identity of each user, with a blue check, has been verified, and is authentic, and every activity carried out by him, is verifiable. Some social networks, or websites, require a payment to obtain, and keep, the blue check. We, we have a fee to pay, only for our official members, who have a more important role in our organization. In the future, we will be able to differentiate the colors, to diversify, the various categories of users. So, our advice is: beware, and do not collaborate with users, who have not been verified.

    How do you become a verified registered user?

    The ways to become a verified registered user are mainly 2.

    One, which we will call preventive, and the other which we call subsequent, based on whether, before, or after the activation, of your personal profile, by our administrators, registered user activation groups, which carry out these activations.

    The simplest is reserved for those who have an electronic signature, and consists of downloading the user activation request form, in their own language, filling it in with the real personal data requested, and converting it into a .pdf file, and signing it with their own electronic signature. Take a photograph, or as appropriate 2 photographs, in the parts with all personal data (front and back according to the cases), convert the image, or images, into .pdf files, and sign them with an electronic signature. Take the converted and signed documents, and if they are too large, they can be compressed and archived, in .zip or .zip formats. rar , and send them, only and exclusively, by sending a reply by e-mail, only and exclusively to the first message you received, automatically, from our system, after registering and creating your personal profile.

    Advantages of the preventive mode.

    Almost immediate activation of your personal profile by our administrators is not as a simple registered user, but as a verified registered user. Therefore, with a more important role, in our hierarchy, with the possibility of seeing parts reserved for this type of users, and accessing the area allowed to this type of users. Furthermore, users who use this method will have a blue check in their profile (which guarantees identity and reliability), from the first access to our website, using their username and password, chosen at the time of their registration.

    The next, more complicated method, reserved for those who do not have an electronic signature.

    It takes place immediately after registration, and the creation of your personal profile.

    Registered users, not yet activated by our administrators.

    For now, many people, who have carefully read all our information, who have registered, and created their personal profile, joining us, over time, and waiting to be activated by our administrators. With various e-mails, and with various collaborations, with our groups of administrators, which make up, the evaluation groups of activation requests, which must evaluate the opportunity to receive the various requests, and activate the personal profiles of our registered users, from our administration groups, which have as their activity, the activation of our users, through the activation procedure, according to our rules. These communications, between our administrators, and our registered users, are necessary, in order to be able to make a selection, of our first users, based on their real, honest, and clear intention, to join us, but also based on our necessity, and our rules.

    The activation time can vary from a few minutes to about 15 days, but in the event that all the necessary tests of reliability are not demonstrated and delivered, and according to our needs, and the number of administrators available, the waiting time, activation, of each profile, can increase, even exponentially, and there are also cases, in which the activation may be refused, or postponed.

    It is strictly forbidden, and it is a waste of time, useless, to create more profiles, trying to be activated, in less time, by changing your data, and the answers, to our legitimate questions. Since, the first phase, after your registration, is a mandatory request, which consists in filling out an application form (which you download on our website), with real data, and a clear photocopy or photograph of your own identity document, it is useless to try with various registrations (which among other things are also analyzed in chronological order). Both the activation request form is usually a .docx file, and the copy or photograph of your identity document, can be converted into a .pdf file, and signed with your electronic signature. It is better if the entire documentation (form and photo of the identity document converted into .pdf files) are signed, with their own electronic signature, because in this case, activation is much faster, often immediate, and users registered, they will become directly, verified registered users. If the form and the photo files of the ID document are too large, they can be compressed and archived, in .zip or .rar formats. Therefore, they will no longer have to request verification of their identity within 15 days, through a video call, with one of our administrators of the special security group. Both verifications, by electronic signature, or through our verification procedure, have the same value. If we notice more people, with the same personal data, we will check carefully, and in the meantime, we will block both profiles. If we discover that it is the same person, he will be made persona non grata, and he will never be able to join us again, or any of our projects. So, our advice is to always be honest, and available, from the first minute.

    Phases of verification.

    After the activation of your personal profile, by our administrators, you access our website, and download the video call request form, in your language, at this link: 

    and is sent filled in, with all the requested data, via the contact form, only and exclusively from this link:

    after our checks, you will receive a programming, for the video control call, in which you will have to have a printed copy of the page with the signature usually the last, of our activation request form, and your identity document (must be exactly the same as sent previously in the photos). You will sign the page in front of the camera, the page with the signature of the activation request form, and your identity document will be highlighted in front of your face, slowly approaching the camera.

    At the end of the video call, after a few checks, if everything has been done according to our rules, the registered user will become a verified registered user, and will have a blue check on his personal profile, which guarantees all our users a real identity, and the reliability of each of our users.

    Verify your personal phone.

    In order to collaborate with us, and have a privileged contact, reserved for our verified registered users, simply log in to our website, and click on Chat with us on WhatsApp, and then on the photo of our contact operator. A WhatsApp window will open, where you just need to enter a greeting, and your username, and the personal identity number of your personal profile. In this way you will have your personal telephone number connected directly to our contact reserved for this type of user.

    To find your personal identity number on our websites, just look at the number that precedes your username, in the link string of your personal profile. Or you can use the contact form at this link:

    and enter your username and your email address, and you will receive by email your identification number, which is unique for each of our registered users.

    To simplify, we briefly summarize the various steps, and the links with the explanations.

    Phase 1. You must inform yourself by reading, even several times, all our information, and our instructions.

    Step 2. To join us, you must, read a couple of times, understand, and then follow, and respect all the instructions, for registration, at this link:

    Step 3. You will have to register, and create your personal profile, in a simple, fast, safe, and free way, only and exclusively, at this link:

    Step 4. Click, or copy, and insert in a browser, the activation link, which will send you in our system, by e-mail, to your e-mail address (also check the SPAM folder and not only in Mail in Arrival), after completing the registration, of your personal profile.

    Explanation: after clicking the activation link, our system will link your email address, your username, and the password you provided during registration, and will automatically assign you the unique, progressive identity number., and personal, which will also be associated with your email address, and your username, and your password.

    Step 5. You will have to read carefully, our information, and instructions, to be activated by our administrators, at this link:

    Step 6. Download, in your language, and fill in the activation request form with all the real data requested, at this link:

    take a photograph or two (depending on how your personal data is written) of your valid identity document.

    Step 6 a. Simple, preventive variant. If you have a recognized electronic signature, fill in and electronically sign both the activation request form and the photographs of your identity document, all first converted into .pdf files, and send them by e-mail, only, and exclusively, as a reply message, to our first message (the one that contains the activation link you have already clicked or copied, inserted and activated in a browser of your choice). If the files converted to .pdf are too large, they can be compressed, archived, and sent in .zip or .rar. Always check the validity of your signatures, before compressing them, and archiving them in a .zip or .rar.

    Step 6 b. Later variant. Download, fill in the activation request form, and the photographs of your identity document, all first converted, into .pdf files, and send them, by e-mail, only and exclusively, as a reply message, to our first message (the one that contains the activation link you have already clicked or copied, inserted and activated in a browser of your choice). If the files converted to .pdf are too large, they can be compressed, archived, and sent in .zip or. rar.

    Step 7. Activation. If you have followed all our instructions, and you are considered reliable people, our administrators will activate your personal profile, and you will be able to log in, by entering in the login form, at the top of each of our websites, your username, and your password, chosen by you during registration, and click on enter or on access. Warning: only our login forms require the password, and must be entered only to log in. You can check the word: remember me, in order to stay on the site for a long time. You can also use the storage of your data, through the potential of the various browsers, or of our applications, which can store the data, so as not to enter them every time. But be careful, not to let other people use your PCs, or phones, or tablets, unless you have additional passwords to protect your accounts. Always follow carefully, all our safety measures, and our suggestions. None of our actions, and no person, will ask you for your password, which must be entered, solely and exclusively, in the access form, and never communicated to anyone, in any way.

    Explanation: After activation, you will be able to access our website by entering your username and password, both chosen by you, during registration.

    Step 8. If you have already signed the activation request form with your electronic signature, you are automatically our verified registered users. Otherwise, follow the instructions in step 9.

    Step 9, Only if you are not yet a verified registered user.

    Phases of verification.

    After the activation of your personal profile, by our administrators, you access our website, and download the video call request form, in your language, at this link: / documents-and-files / modules / video-call-request-form 

    and is sent filled in, with all the requested data, via the contact form, only and exclusively from this link:  

    after our checks, you will receive a programming, for the video control call, in which you will have to have a printed copy of the page with the signature usually the last, of our activation request form, and your identity document (must be exactly the same as sent previously in the photos). You will sign the page in front of the camera, the page with the signature of the activation request form, and your identity document will be highlighted in front of your face, slowly approaching the camera.

    At the end of the video call, after a few checks, if everything has been done according to our rules, the registered user will become a verified registered user, and will have a blue check on his personal profile, which guarantees all our users a real identity, and the reliability of each of our users.

    Verify your personal phone.

    In order to collaborate with us, and have a privileged contact, reserved for our verified registered users, simply log in to our website, and click on Chat with us on WhatsApp, and then on the photo of our contact operator. A WhatsApp window will open, where you just need to enter a greeting, and your username, and the personal identity number of your personal profile. In this way you will have your personal telephone number connected directly to our contact reserved for this type of user.

    To find your personal identity number on our websites, just look at the number that precedes your username, in the link string of your personal profile. Or you can use the contact form at this link: 

    and enter your username and your email address, and you will receive by email your identification number, which is unique for each of our registered users.

    Conclusions, all these checks, and all the various steps, are mandatory for anyone who joins us.

    If they seem complicated, and it seems like it takes too long, it's because we give you clear, detailed instructions, and if you follow them in order, and very carefully, you can't go wrong.

    After all, these steps are performed only once, and when they are finished, you can be our verified users, and if you deserve it, and you want to, you can become our official members. But, of this further climb, of our hierarchy, obtaining a more important role, and with greater powers, and responsibilities, we will talk about later. 

    1.   02 November 2022
    2.   Justifications

    First official meetings, via video call.

    Dates and rules.

    Wednesday 09 November 2022, at 20.00 (GMT), the first international meeting will be organized, of the official representatives, of all the countries of the world, for communications, and to organize the activities at the international level, of DirectDemocracyS, and of all the...

    First official meetings, via video call.

    Dates and rules.

    Wednesday 09 November 2022, at 20.00 (GMT), the first international meeting will be organized, of the official representatives, of all the countries of the world, for communications, and to organize the activities at the international level, of DirectDemocracyS, and of all the projects connected. Each country can have a maximum of 6 representatives, one of which must know the English language.

    Agenda: official communications, responses to official communications, official proposals, responses to official proposals, proposals from participants, selection of the most urgent proposals, 15-minute break, general discussion, various and any.

    Thursday 10 November 2022, at 20.00 (GMT), the first international meeting will be organized, of the official representatives, of all the countries of the world, for communications, and to organize the activities at continental level, of DirectDemocracyS, and of all the projects connected. Each country can have a maximum of 6 representatives, one of which must know the English language.

    Agenda: official communications, responses to official communications, official proposals, responses to official proposals, proposals from participants, selection of the most urgent proposals, 15-minute break, general discussion, various and any.

    On Friday 11 November 2022, at 20.00 in each time zone, in each language of the world, the first meeting of the various countries will take place in the various languages. Each country can present a maximum of 25 representatives, of which one must know the English language, to translate the entire meeting to the official representative of DirectDemocracyS.

    Agenda: official communications, responses to official communications, official proposals, responses to official proposals, proposals from participants, selection of the most urgent proposals, 15-minute break, general discussion, various and any.

    Meeting rules.

    The management of the meetings is entrusted to the event organization group, and by the meeting organization groups, at various levels, international, continental and national.

    Each meeting will be recorded, and published on our web farm number 2, and accessible only to authorized official representatives.

    Meetings at the state, regional, provincial, district, local, neighborhood, and road block levels will be organized in the same way from November 16-20, 2022, in our groups.

    The recordings of the various meetings will be published in web farms numbers 3, 4, and 5.

    A copy of all meetings, both video, audio, and transcribed, will be kept, even in the backup web farms, on the respective servers, based on the exact numbers.

    Each person who wants to speak must communicate it 48 before the meeting, the exact program of each meeting must be prepared in every detail, within 24 before the meeting.

    The total duration, including breaks, of each meeting cannot exceed 2 hours.

    The issues are proposed, selected, discussed, and voted on, in order of priority and importance. For discussions, not finalized, we will work directly in the geographical groups, meeting area, according to the internal rules.

    Any decision made must subsequently be presented within 24 hours, discussed within 48 hours, and voted within 72 hours, by the official members of the respective geographic groups.

    For all information, the official representatives will be able to use the dedicated contact forms.

    Good job everyone.

    1.   02 November 2022
    2.   Official meetings


    The decision to join us must be taken only after having read all our information very carefully, even several times, to be sure of being compatible, with all our values, and ideals, and to be able to respect forever. , all our rules. You must desire, to join us, and to help us change and improve the world. You must be willing to...


    The decision to join us must be taken only after having read all our information very carefully, even several times, to be sure of being compatible, with all our values, and ideals, and to be able to respect forever. , all our rules. You must desire, to join us, and to help us change and improve the world. You must be willing to follow all of our instructions. The decision to join us is a difficult choice, and please make it, in the time it takes.

    The registration, and the creation of a personal profile, and all our activities, are all simple, fast, safe, and take place in various stages. At first glance, a person might find them complicated rules, too elaborate, and varying times, anger and discourage many people.

    We reveal a secret: we did it on purpose, to prevent people, who do not want to follow all the instructions, and respect all our rules, from joining us. Because it is not mandatory to join us among the first. The first users must necessarily be intelligent people with enormous potential.

    A second secret is that our political organization, and each of our related projects, take into account the order in which the various users join us. We offer, and guarantee, many advantages and facilities, to the first, patient and courageous, who will join us. Such as, for example, the ability to increase one's importance and gain an important role in our hierarchy. In fact, with equal merits, skills, reliability and honesty, we always choose the user who registered first.

    The third secret is that the various stages, and the various qualifications, even for the best users, often take a long time, and whoever starts earlier, arrives earlier and better, in the most important roles in our hierarchy.

    The fourth and final secret on this subject is the fact that early adopters will automatically get placed higher than our "pyramid of power" in our "chain of linked links". Although it seems like a pyramidal political system, we guarantee you, for the roles, in the various hierarchies, there is an obligation to confirm every day, to deserve the place it occupies in our hierarchy. But we will talk about it in a dedicated article.

    Types of people.

    We have various types of people, who are getting to know DirectDemocracyS, and all our related projects, and who visit our official website. A lot of people have already joined us. We thank everyone, and we inform you that with all the hard work we are doing, we are ahead of the schedule of about 5 months, and we are already concretizing, finalizing, the phases, planned to be done, towards the spring of 2023. If we continue like this, soon we will finally be able to make public, and make known to all people, both DirectDemocracyS, and all our projects of all kinds, connected, to our political organization.

    The first, who begin to know us.

    They are people who, through relatives, friends, acquaintances, and contacts, or on social networks, or on other websites, through the press, or through other means and methods, discover the existence of DirectDemocracyS, and our related projects. If they wish, but it is not mandatory, and we do not recommend it, they can follow us, on social networks, or on other websites, where in any case we will not do activities and direct work, but only from time to time we will send some news, with much delay compared to the news, published on the website, and obviously with respect to the various qualifications, of those who join us.

    Visitors, who visit our websites.

    They are people who, through relatives, friends, acquaintances, and contacts, or on social networks, or on other websites, for articles in the press, or through other means, and ways, have already discovered the existence of DirectDemocracyS, and our projects connected. If they wish, but it is not mandatory, and we do not recommend it, they can follow us, on social networks, or on other websites, where, however, we will not do activities, and no direct political work, but only every now and then, we will send some news , very late compared to the news, published on the website, and obviously, compared to our working groups, and according to the various qualifications, of those who join us. They visit, they inform themselves carefully, and eventually, if necessary, they contact us, through our contact forms, which are the only way, to receive real information, and instructions from us, with the exception, of course, of the very few authorized persons. , to give answers, and to officially represent us, outside our website. In this regard, we advise you to always check whether the person speaking on our behalf is authorized, via the contact form, on our website, by communicating to our Special Security Group, all the details of those who contact you on our behalf, and always waiting for an answer, usually fast. We guarantee you, that we are not, and never will be, we quote: "a dangerous sect", as we have already been defined, some superficial people. But, our work, and all our activities, proposals, selections, discussions, or votes take place, only and exclusively, on our website, both for reasons of privacy, security, and obviously for be free, and without any censorship. Our visitors are all those who, after reading all our information, and instructions, can decide to join us, registering, and creating a personal profile.

    Our supporters.

    They are all those who, knowing DirectDemocracyS, support it, also through donations, private, voluntary and free. They can also be our constituents, and later, they can also join us.

    The guests.

    They are all companies, small, medium and large enterprises, financial and commercial companies, with legal personality. They can decide, through advertising contracts, to make themselves known, and advertise their products and services, through our group that deals with advertising contracts. Each guest can become our business partner, according to our rules. For further explanation, there are detailed articles.

    The press.

    Any international, national, state, and local news agency can join us, and based on contracts signed with our press relations group, can become our media partner, based on our rules. For further explanation, there are detailed articles.

    Registered users, not yet activated.

    For now, many people, who have carefully read all our information, who have registered, and created their personal profile, joining us, over time, and waiting to be activated by our administrators. With various e-mails, and with various collaborations, with our groups of administrators, which make up, the evaluation groups of activation requests, which must evaluate the opportunity to receive the various requests, and activate the personal profiles of our registered users, from our administration groups, which have as their activity, the activation of our users, through the activation procedure, according to our rules. These communications, between our administrators, and our registered users, are necessary, in order to be able to make a selection, of our first users, based on their real, honest, and clear intention, to join us, but also based on our necessity, and our rules.

    The activation time can vary from a few minutes to about 15 days, but in the event that all the necessary tests of reliability are not demonstrated and delivered, and according to our needs, and the number of administrators available , the waiting time, activation, of each profile, can increase, even exponentially, and there are also cases, in which the activation may be refused, or postponed.

    It is strictly forbidden, and it is a waste of time, useless, to create more profiles, trying to be activated, in less time, by changing your data, and the answers, to our legitimate questions. Since, the first phase, after your registration, is a mandatory request, which consists in filling out an application form (which you download on our website), with real data, and a clear photocopy or photograph of your own identity document, it is useless to try with various registrations (which among other things are also analyzed in chronological order). Both the activation request form is usually a .docx file, and the copy or photograph of your identity document, can be converted into a .pdf file, and signed with your electronic signature. It is better if the entire documentation (form and photo of the identity document converted into .pdf files) are signed, with their own electronic signature, because in this case, activation is much faster, often immediate, and users registered, they will become directly, verified registered users. Therefore they will no longer have to request verification of their identity within 15 days, through a video call, with one of our administrators of the special security group. Both verifications, by electronic signature, or through our verification procedure, have the same value. If we notice more people, with the same personal data, we will check carefully, and in the meantime, we will block both profiles. If we discover that it is the same person, he will be made persona non grata, and he will never be able to join us again, or any of our projects. So, our advice is to always be honest, and available, from the first minute.

    The special guests.

    Many personalities, experts, specialists, from all sectors, can be officially invited, by our selection group of specialists, to join us. In these cases, the invited users will receive all the information if they accept the invitation to join us. If you consider yourself famous people, experts, and specialists, from all sectors, recognized, internationally, nationally, state, or local, and you have not received any of our invitations, you can directly request an invitation from us, by contacting, only , and exclusively, via the contact form, on our website, by the evaluation team of specialists, and requesting an evaluation of your specialization. Our selection group of specialists and our evaluation group of specialists may decide to invite you, or they will not invite you, but in that case you can join us, through the normal procedure, of all users, who join we. Through the special invitation, direct, or after your request, the steps are simplified. We know that this way of selecting people may offend someone, who may be considered an expert, and will not receive the invitation, or who will feel unappreciated because he will have to request an evaluation, to receive the invitation, but our political organization, it chooses very carefully, the order in which people join us, favoring our interests, and that of all those who join us. Above all, those who consider themselves specialists will get angry, and they will have to do the registration procedure, "simple and normal" people. Since the first users, who will register, and join us, will have great advantages, and many facilitations, getting from the first moment, more important roles, and more responsibilities, all people will want to have a low personal registration number, which it means they have been registered for longer. But we assure you, that every role in the hierarchy must always be confirmed, every day based on the results obtained, and on one's behavior.

    Registered users, activated.

    For now, many people, who have carefully read our information, who have registered, and have created their personal profile, joining us, over time, and have been activated by our administrators. They carry out simple activities, and with few responsibilities. They will be able to see parts of our website that are visible to users of this type. They will be able to carry out some preliminary activities, and will receive minimal responsibilities, and must request within 15 days from the moment of activation of their profile, by our activation groups of our registered users, to become a verified registered user, through a form visible only after logging in. The request within 15 days from activation, according to our rules, does not guarantee that the registered user will automatically become, in a short time, a verified registered user. Variable times may be required, often very long, or various activities and various tasks to be performed may be required to prove that you deserve to become a verified registered user. Those who do not request, within 15 days from the moment of activation, to become a registered verified user, will have their personal profile blocked, and if they do not ask, in at least another 15 days from the block, to unblock their personal profile, they will be blocked forever. After 15 from the block, only one request, to the special legality group, and the payment of a fine, it will be possible to reactivate the personal profile. In both cases, at the first access, the first activity must be the request for identity verification, according to our rules.

    Verified registered users.

    In the first phase, about 390 626 people will be, and others will be verified over time. After verification of their identity by our administrators, who are part of the user verification groups, together with the special security groups, they become verified registered users, and can see parts visible only to this type of users. They will be able to access groups reserved for this type of user. They will also receive the authorization to carry out very important activities, with greater responsibilities, more important roles in our hierarchies, and many advantages, and facilities. Based on the work done, and their behavior, after a certain period, they can request, to become official members, and if their overall activity is deemed worthy, and qualitatively, and quantitatively good, they can become official members, with the appointment , by our administrators, of the evaluation group of our verified registered users, which will be made official by paying the annual fee (valid for one year from payment), the symbolic sum of which may undergo small changes, according to our rules.

    Official members.

    For now, there are about 78125 people, and more will be appointed if necessary. It is only the best registered users who can decide to become official members.

    Official representatives.

    For now, there are around 15625 people, and more will be appointed if necessary.

    The administrators.

    For now, there are about 3,125 people, and more will be appointed if necessary .

    The super administrators.

    For now, there are around 625 people, and others will be appointed, if necessary, who administer, and manage, all of our activities. They come from all the countries of the world, and they all speak together, all the languages of the world.

    The creators and creators.

    The creators are 282 people, including the 5 creators, all from various countries, and from various political ideologies, and different fields of study, and work, but who together, in over 14 years of joint collaboration, and hard work, they funded, created, and implemented almost all of our rules, our innovative methods, and founded the various companies and foundations, to enable the creation of our website.

    The creators, are 5 people, and they are those who had the idea, they are the first to have started, to realize those few findings on the general situation of the world, and sought solutions.

    In addition, other types will be created, based on our rules, and our needs.

    For each type of person, and type of user, detailed rules will be published.

    Suffice it to say, they all go in order of value, for us, and for our rules.

    Depending on the type, you will be able to see more information, you will receive more detailed instructions and explanations, you will be able to access the most important areas, and not accessible to those who are not part of the most important types.

    Always based on the type, you will have leadership roles, and greater responsibilities, in all our activities.

    But we will talk about it, in other detailed articles, dedicated to these important topics.

    We conclude by saying that as always, each of our rules is based on logic, common sense, and mutual respect, of all people, but also on the interest in our political organization, and for all related projects.

    Only by following all our rules, will we have unity, order, discipline, security, and excellent results, which will allow us to change and improve the world, all together.

    We remind you that the numbers of users, and information, are updated as of 01 November 2022, and that obviously, they will increase, based on the registrations, which are, and will always be greater, than the very few people, who are blocked, deleted, and made persona non grata.

    Finally, we guarantee that at the right moment, with the passage of time, every good person on earth will join us, and will have all the possibilities to climb the pyramid of power, obtaining important roles, based on their own merit. 

    1.   01 November 2022
    2.   Justifications

    The state must only be an arbiter and not, at the same time, a player.

    A logical and common-sense phrase that does not appeal to those who consider the state, or their country, as a guarantee that there will be no social injustices.

    Partly, it is true, but as we have always said, the best form, and the truth "lies in the middle".


    The state must only be an arbiter and not, at the same time, a player.

    A logical and common-sense phrase that does not appeal to those who consider the state, or their country, as a guarantee that there will be no social injustices.

    Partly, it is true, but as we have always said, the best form, and the truth "lies in the middle".

    According to our ideology, it takes a capitalism "with a human face", and a statism, meritocratic.

    In an article, we talked about how we chose our perfect ideology, choosing the positive parts, of all the various existing possibilities. A mixture of ideas, connected, and made achievable, and functional, with years of hard work.

    Let us briefly analyze some advantages of private property, and of our capitalism "with a human face".

    First, economic growth, which with statism can only be, artificial, and short-lived, with the exception of totalitarian regimes, which deny freedom (in this case to build economic enterprises).

    Secondly, meritocracy, which in a statist system, cannot be put into practice, for reasons that we will analyze together.

    Thirdly, innovation, and the development of ideas, which is not possible, if not in a small part, in a "flat and gray" statism.

    The fourth motivation is particularly important to us, because it concerns the individual and collective freedom of a person, or groups of people, to unite, and work, to build their own activities.

    And many other small advantages, for everyone.

    Let's briefly analyze some advantages of public ownership, and of our meritocratic statism.

    Divide, and share wealth, among the entire population, not allowing, as in capitalism, to a few people to accumulate large capital, and to many people to live in pitiful conditions.

    The state, public property, guarantees an apparent "social justice", but in detail, and in practice, over time it becomes bankrupt.

    To give all people the same starting conditions, in public schools, and with the same opportunities for education, research, and work.

    In some cases, very rare, to allow a political turnover, allowing even the poor, for example, to reach political and state positions and hierarchies.

    And many other small advantages, for everyone.

    Our innovative ideology takes the "good" parts, and eliminates the negative parts.

    Private property must be guaranteed, protected, financed, and always helped, to stimulate ideas, innovation, and economic growth, putting true meritocracy into practice. But also, allowing everyone, the equality of possibilities, first of all the possibility of educating oneself. So, give everyone the same chance to go to the best schools (public or private), putting equality into practice. We consider school, and education, fundamental to creating wealth, and social justice. And the fact that, until a few years ago, and in some countries, even "democratic" also happens today, only rich people, or from "important" and powerful families, could go to certain schools, is one of the so many shameful things that we "human" beings have created. And a few scholarships are not enough for the deserving ones, because not only with school results, we see the potential of each person. We need to strengthen an innovative system, a real "researcher" of potential, with programs and specialized personnel, in every type of activity, which together with our specialists, we have already created, and made it work, internally, putting it into practice. Searching for potential brilliant people, and helping them, in every way, to realize their ideas, is a moral obligation, and can represent a good economic gain, beneficial for everyone.

    Choosing people, based on income, is a truly horrible thing. Attending powerless is not possible, you have to invest to make everyone equally favorites. Without economic discrimination, and with selections based on potential, which then, over time, will always be confirmed. Making people feel poor, "guilty", for their own economic situation, is execrable, and for this reason, we have decided to make the various countries invest, in a public but also private way, in young people, important resources, to give all the same chances, and even the same chances of building a better future.

    Let's make a parenthesis, what we write, are not just articles, but everything we say or write, makes up our rules, and is a public commitment made, towards all the voters, without ever favoring only our voters. Each of our territorial organizations has the obligation to share, and put into practice, implement, and possibly strengthen, all our rules, and all our declarations, and all our articles.

    But also, to consider students, or researchers, or workers, but also managers, all equal, not only does not put meritocracy into practice, but paradoxically creates a real social injustice. Injustice towards the best, whether they are rich or poor, must be eliminated, because seeing incompetent people, and without honesty, entering institutions, representing the population, and deciding for everyone, determines who undertakes to study, to say: I went through all this effort, all these sacrifices, and someone unprepared, or dishonest, takes my place.

    Therefore, the same possibilities for everyone, but afterwards, merit-based support, only for the best, always trying to protect and help, without ever leaving alone, and abandoned, those with less capacity. We have a lot of programs, methods, and rules on these core activities, which we will present in other articles.

    We will never prevent those who have winning ideas, those who are innovative, from becoming very rich, if these riches are done in an ethical way, without stealing, lying, or cheating, without exploiting, those who work with them, without ever discriminating, and without creating damage to the environment. It seems impossible? We guarantee that it can be done. Because we are convinced that whoever creates wealth, for himself, for his family, for his friends, also creates wealth for everyone, even for those who have no direct contact with the entrepreneur.

    We consider envy, and social hatred, stupid, and not just dangerous, and deeply unjust.

    But also, for "doing business" and financial and economic activities, the State, the public, which helps the private sector, are needed. How? With capital, and for those who say: public and private, they can hardly coexist, you are wrong. The State, the public sector, public banks (where they do not exist, they will be made), and not only private banks, must act as a "springboard", creating, as private individuals do, not only the capital to invest, but also the Laws, which help individuals to create wealth. It is a very complex speech, which we summarize, but which we will explain in detail in other financial and economic articles. Just think that the state, if it helps to create successful companies, will collect a lot of taxes, and therefore better services for everyone, but we will talk about it in the detailed articles, on administration, of public institutions.

    Create a collaboration between the state and private individuals for joint investments, but also direct interventions in the public sector to create, manage and then resell economic activities to private individuals. In addition, of course, to strategic bailouts, based on clear rules, of important companies, to then give them back to private individuals. Without ever witnessing, as often happens, real "endless wells", in which public money is thrown, there are convenient activities, and others unfortunately destined for closure. And the state must not throw money away, it must invest and earn like private individuals.

    They are not ideas, just to write an article, we have already ready, many ideas, and some projects that we are starting, and others that will start soon.

    Public and private together, in strategic assets, always making people gain money, of the various territories, never forgetting solidarity, at all levels, because wealth must be for everyone, rewarding the best, and even the most fortunate, without never forget those, less fortunate.

    1.   31 October 2022
    2.   Justifications
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